/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import * as assert from 'assert'; import { URI } from 'vs/base/common/uri'; import { ILifecycleService } from 'vs/platform/lifecycle/common/lifecycle'; import { workbenchInstantiationService, TestLifecycleService, TestTextFileService, TestWindowsService, TestContextService, TestFileService } from 'vs/workbench/test/workbenchTestServices'; import { IWindowsService } from 'vs/platform/windows/common/windows'; import { ITextFileService, snapshotToString, TextFileOperationResult, TextFileOperationError } from 'vs/workbench/services/textfile/common/textfiles'; import { IUntitledEditorService } from 'vs/workbench/services/untitled/common/untitledEditorService'; import { IFileService } from 'vs/platform/files/common/files'; import { TextFileEditorModelManager } from 'vs/workbench/services/textfile/common/textFileEditorModelManager'; import { IWorkspaceContextService } from 'vs/platform/workspace/common/workspace'; import { IModelService } from 'vs/editor/common/services/modelService'; import { ModelServiceImpl } from 'vs/editor/common/services/modelServiceImpl'; import { Schemas } from 'vs/base/common/network'; import { ServiceCollection } from 'vs/platform/instantiation/common/serviceCollection'; import { rimraf, RimRafMode, copy, readFile, exists } from 'vs/base/node/pfs'; import { dispose, IDisposable } from 'vs/base/common/lifecycle'; import { FileService2 } from 'vs/workbench/services/files/common/fileService2'; import { NullLogService } from 'vs/platform/log/common/log'; import { getRandomTestPath } from 'vs/base/test/node/testUtils'; import { tmpdir } from 'os'; import { DiskFileSystemProvider } from 'vs/workbench/services/files/node/diskFileSystemProvider'; import { generateUuid } from 'vs/base/common/uuid'; import { join, basename } from 'vs/base/common/path'; import { getPathFromAmdModule } from 'vs/base/common/amd'; import { detectEncodingByBOM, UTF16be, UTF16le, UTF8_with_bom, UTF8 } from 'vs/base/node/encoding'; import { NodeTextFileService, EncodingOracle, IEncodingOverride } from 'vs/workbench/services/textfile/node/textFileService'; import { DefaultEndOfLine, ITextSnapshot } from 'vs/editor/common/model'; import { TextModel } from 'vs/editor/common/model/textModel'; import { isWindows } from 'vs/base/common/platform'; import { readFileSync, statSync } from 'fs'; class ServiceAccessor { constructor( @ILifecycleService public lifecycleService: TestLifecycleService, @ITextFileService public textFileService: TestTextFileService, @IUntitledEditorService public untitledEditorService: IUntitledEditorService, @IWindowsService public windowsService: TestWindowsService, @IWorkspaceContextService public contextService: TestContextService, @IModelService public modelService: ModelServiceImpl, @IFileService public fileService: TestFileService ) { } } class TestNodeTextFileService extends NodeTextFileService { private _testEncoding: TestEncodingOracle; get encoding(): TestEncodingOracle { if (!this._testEncoding) { this._testEncoding = this._register(this.instantiationService.createInstance(TestEncodingOracle)); } return this._testEncoding; } } class TestEncodingOracle extends EncodingOracle { protected get encodingOverrides(): IEncodingOverride[] { return [ { extension: 'utf16le', encoding: UTF16le }, { extension: 'utf16be', encoding: UTF16be }, { extension: 'utf8bom', encoding: UTF8_with_bom } ]; } protected set encodingOverrides(overrides: IEncodingOverride[]) { } } suite('Files - TextFileService i/o', () => { const parentDir = getRandomTestPath(tmpdir(), 'vsctests', 'textfileservice'); let accessor: ServiceAccessor; let disposables: IDisposable[] = []; let service: ITextFileService; let testDir: string; setup(async () => { const instantiationService = workbenchInstantiationService(); accessor = instantiationService.createInstance(ServiceAccessor); const logService = new NullLogService(); const fileService = new FileService2(logService); const fileProvider = new DiskFileSystemProvider(logService); disposables.push(fileService.registerProvider(Schemas.file, fileProvider)); disposables.push(fileProvider); const collection = new ServiceCollection(); collection.set(IFileService, fileService); service = instantiationService.createChild(collection).createInstance(TestNodeTextFileService); const id = generateUuid(); testDir = join(parentDir, id); const sourceDir = getPathFromAmdModule(require, './fixtures'); await copy(sourceDir, testDir); }); teardown(async () => { (accessor.textFileService.models).clear(); (accessor.textFileService.models).dispose(); accessor.untitledEditorService.revertAll(); disposables = dispose(disposables); await rimraf(parentDir, RimRafMode.MOVE); }); test('create - no encoding - content empty', async () => { const resource = URI.file(join(testDir, 'small_new.txt')); await service.create(resource); assert.equal(await exists(resource.fsPath), true); }); test('create - no encoding - content provided', async () => { const resource = URI.file(join(testDir, 'small_new.txt')); await service.create(resource, 'Hello World'); assert.equal(await exists(resource.fsPath), true); assert.equal((await readFile(resource.fsPath)).toString(), 'Hello World'); }); test('create - UTF 16 LE - no content', async () => { const resource = URI.file(join(testDir, 'small_new.utf16le')); await service.create(resource); assert.equal(await exists(resource.fsPath), true); const detectedEncoding = await detectEncodingByBOM(resource.fsPath); assert.equal(detectedEncoding, UTF16le); }); test('create - UTF 16 LE - content provided', async () => { const resource = URI.file(join(testDir, 'small_new.utf16le')); await service.create(resource, 'Hello World'); assert.equal(await exists(resource.fsPath), true); const detectedEncoding = await detectEncodingByBOM(resource.fsPath); assert.equal(detectedEncoding, UTF16le); }); test('create - UTF 16 BE - no content', async () => { const resource = URI.file(join(testDir, 'small_new.utf16be')); await service.create(resource); assert.equal(await exists(resource.fsPath), true); const detectedEncoding = await detectEncodingByBOM(resource.fsPath); assert.equal(detectedEncoding, UTF16be); }); test('create - UTF 16 BE - content provided', async () => { const resource = URI.file(join(testDir, 'small_new.utf16be')); await service.create(resource, 'Hello World'); assert.equal(await exists(resource.fsPath), true); const detectedEncoding = await detectEncodingByBOM(resource.fsPath); assert.equal(detectedEncoding, UTF16be); }); test('create - UTF 8 BOM - no content', async () => { const resource = URI.file(join(testDir, 'small_new.utf8bom')); await service.create(resource); assert.equal(await exists(resource.fsPath), true); const detectedEncoding = await detectEncodingByBOM(resource.fsPath); assert.equal(detectedEncoding, UTF8); }); test('create - UTF 8 BOM - content provided', async () => { const resource = URI.file(join(testDir, 'small_new.utf8bom')); await service.create(resource, 'Hello World'); assert.equal(await exists(resource.fsPath), true); const detectedEncoding = await detectEncodingByBOM(resource.fsPath); assert.equal(detectedEncoding, UTF8); }); test('create - UTF 8 BOM - empty content - snapshot', async () => { const resource = URI.file(join(testDir, 'small_new.utf8bom')); await service.create(resource, TextModel.createFromString('').createSnapshot()); assert.equal(await exists(resource.fsPath), true); const detectedEncoding = await detectEncodingByBOM(resource.fsPath); assert.equal(detectedEncoding, UTF8); }); test('create - UTF 8 BOM - content provided - snapshot', async () => { const resource = URI.file(join(testDir, 'small_new.utf8bom')); await service.create(resource, TextModel.createFromString('Hello World').createSnapshot()); assert.equal(await exists(resource.fsPath), true); const detectedEncoding = await detectEncodingByBOM(resource.fsPath); assert.equal(detectedEncoding, UTF8); }); test('write - use encoding (UTF 16 BE) - small content as string', async () => { await testEncoding(URI.file(join(testDir, 'small.txt')), UTF16be, 'Hello\nWorld', 'Hello\nWorld'); }); test('write - use encoding (UTF 16 BE) - small content as snapshot', async () => { await testEncoding(URI.file(join(testDir, 'small.txt')), UTF16be, TextModel.createFromString('Hello\nWorld').createSnapshot(), 'Hello\nWorld'); }); test('write - use encoding (UTF 16 BE) - large content as string', async () => { await testEncoding(URI.file(join(testDir, 'lorem.txt')), UTF16be, 'Hello\nWorld', 'Hello\nWorld'); }); test('write - use encoding (UTF 16 BE) - large content as snapshot', async () => { await testEncoding(URI.file(join(testDir, 'lorem.txt')), UTF16be, TextModel.createFromString('Hello\nWorld').createSnapshot(), 'Hello\nWorld'); }); async function testEncoding(resource: URI, encoding: string, content: string | ITextSnapshot, expectedContent: string) { await service.write(resource, content, { encoding }); const detectedEncoding = await detectEncodingByBOM(resource.fsPath); assert.equal(detectedEncoding, encoding); const resolved = await service.readStream(resource); assert.equal(resolved.encoding, encoding); assert.equal(snapshotToString(resolved.value.create(isWindows ? DefaultEndOfLine.CRLF : DefaultEndOfLine.LF).createSnapshot(false)), expectedContent); } test('write - use encoding (cp1252)', async () => { await testEncodingKeepsData(URI.file(join(testDir, 'some_cp1252.txt')), 'cp1252', ['ObjectCount = LoadObjects("Öffentlicher Ordner");', '', 'Private = "Persönliche Information"', ''].join(isWindows ? '\r\n' : '\n')); }); test('write - use encoding (shiftjis)', async () => { await testEncodingKeepsData(URI.file(join(testDir, 'some_shiftjs.txt')), 'shiftjis', '中文abc'); }); test('write - use encoding (gbk)', async () => { await testEncodingKeepsData(URI.file(join(testDir, 'some_gbk.txt')), 'gbk', '中国abc'); }); test('write - use encoding (cyrillic)', async () => { await testEncodingKeepsData(URI.file(join(testDir, 'some_cyrillic.txt')), 'cp866', 'АБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯабвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя'); }); test('write - use encoding (big5)', async () => { await testEncodingKeepsData(URI.file(join(testDir, 'some_big5.txt')), 'cp950', '中文abc'); }); async function testEncodingKeepsData(resource: URI, encoding: string, expected: string) { let resolved = await service.readStream(resource, { encoding }); const content = snapshotToString(resolved.value.create(isWindows ? DefaultEndOfLine.CRLF : DefaultEndOfLine.LF).createSnapshot(false)); assert.equal(content, expected); await service.write(resource, content, { encoding }); resolved = await service.readStream(resource, { encoding }); assert.equal(snapshotToString(resolved.value.create(DefaultEndOfLine.CRLF).createSnapshot(false)), content); await service.write(resource, TextModel.createFromString(content).createSnapshot(), { encoding }); resolved = await service.readStream(resource, { encoding }); assert.equal(snapshotToString(resolved.value.create(DefaultEndOfLine.CRLF).createSnapshot(false)), content); } test('write - no encoding - content as string', async () => { const resource = URI.file(join(testDir, 'small.txt')); const content = (await readFile(resource.fsPath)).toString(); await service.write(resource, content); const resolved = await service.readStream(resource); assert.equal(resolved.value.getFirstLineText(999999), content); }); test('write - no encoding - content as snapshot', async () => { const resource = URI.file(join(testDir, 'small.txt')); const content = (await readFile(resource.fsPath)).toString(); await service.write(resource, TextModel.createFromString(content).createSnapshot()); const resolved = await service.readStream(resource); assert.equal(resolved.value.getFirstLineText(999999), content); }); test('write - encoding preserved (UTF 16 LE) - content as string', async () => { const resource = URI.file(join(testDir, 'some_utf16le.css')); const resolved = await service.readStream(resource); assert.equal(resolved.encoding, UTF16le); await testEncoding(URI.file(join(testDir, 'some_utf16le.css')), UTF16le, 'Hello\nWorld', 'Hello\nWorld'); }); test('write - encoding preserved (UTF 16 LE) - content as snapshot', async () => { const resource = URI.file(join(testDir, 'some_utf16le.css')); const resolved = await service.readStream(resource); assert.equal(resolved.encoding, UTF16le); await testEncoding(URI.file(join(testDir, 'some_utf16le.css')), UTF16le, TextModel.createFromString('Hello\nWorld').createSnapshot(), 'Hello\nWorld'); }); test('write - UTF8 variations - content as string', async () => { const resource = URI.file(join(testDir, 'index.html')); let detectedEncoding = await detectEncodingByBOM(resource.fsPath); assert.equal(detectedEncoding, null); const content = (await readFile(resource.fsPath)).toString() + 'updates'; await service.write(resource, content, { encoding: UTF8_with_bom }); detectedEncoding = await detectEncodingByBOM(resource.fsPath); assert.equal(detectedEncoding, UTF8); // ensure BOM preserved await service.write(resource, content, { encoding: UTF8 }); detectedEncoding = await detectEncodingByBOM(resource.fsPath); assert.equal(detectedEncoding, UTF8); // allow to remove BOM await service.write(resource, content, { encoding: UTF8, overwriteEncoding: true }); detectedEncoding = await detectEncodingByBOM(resource.fsPath); assert.equal(detectedEncoding, null); // BOM does not come back await service.write(resource, content, { encoding: UTF8 }); detectedEncoding = await detectEncodingByBOM(resource.fsPath); assert.equal(detectedEncoding, null); }); test('write - UTF8 variations - content as snapshot', async () => { const resource = URI.file(join(testDir, 'index.html')); let detectedEncoding = await detectEncodingByBOM(resource.fsPath); assert.equal(detectedEncoding, null); const model = TextModel.createFromString((await readFile(resource.fsPath)).toString() + 'updates'); await service.write(resource, model.createSnapshot(), { encoding: UTF8_with_bom }); detectedEncoding = await detectEncodingByBOM(resource.fsPath); assert.equal(detectedEncoding, UTF8); // ensure BOM preserved await service.write(resource, model.createSnapshot(), { encoding: UTF8 }); detectedEncoding = await detectEncodingByBOM(resource.fsPath); assert.equal(detectedEncoding, UTF8); // allow to remove BOM await service.write(resource, model.createSnapshot(), { encoding: UTF8, overwriteEncoding: true }); detectedEncoding = await detectEncodingByBOM(resource.fsPath); assert.equal(detectedEncoding, null); // BOM does not come back await service.write(resource, model.createSnapshot(), { encoding: UTF8 }); detectedEncoding = await detectEncodingByBOM(resource.fsPath); assert.equal(detectedEncoding, null); }); test('write - preserve UTF8 BOM - content as string', async () => { const resource = URI.file(join(testDir, 'some_utf8_bom.txt')); let detectedEncoding = await detectEncodingByBOM(resource.fsPath); assert.equal(detectedEncoding, UTF8); await service.write(resource, 'Hello World'); detectedEncoding = await detectEncodingByBOM(resource.fsPath); assert.equal(detectedEncoding, UTF8); }); test('write - ensure BOM in empty file - content as string', async () => { const resource = URI.file(join(testDir, 'small.txt')); await service.write(resource, '', { encoding: UTF8_with_bom }); let detectedEncoding = await detectEncodingByBOM(resource.fsPath); assert.equal(detectedEncoding, UTF8); }); test('write - ensure BOM in empty file - content as snapshot', async () => { const resource = URI.file(join(testDir, 'small.txt')); await service.write(resource, TextModel.createFromString('').createSnapshot(), { encoding: UTF8_with_bom }); let detectedEncoding = await detectEncodingByBOM(resource.fsPath); assert.equal(detectedEncoding, UTF8); }); test('readStream - small text', async () => { const resource = URI.file(join(testDir, 'small.txt')); await testReadStream(resource); }); test('readStream - large text', async () => { const resource = URI.file(join(testDir, 'lorem.txt')); await testReadStream(resource); }); async function testReadStream(resource: URI): Promise { const result = await service.readStream(resource); assert.equal(result.name, basename(resource.fsPath)); assert.equal(result.size, statSync(resource.fsPath).size); assert.equal(snapshotToString(result.value.create(DefaultEndOfLine.LF).createSnapshot(false)), snapshotToString(TextModel.createFromString(readFileSync(resource.fsPath).toString()).createSnapshot(false))); } test('read - small text', async () => { const resource = URI.file(join(testDir, 'small.txt')); await testRead(resource); }); test('read - large text', async () => { const resource = URI.file(join(testDir, 'lorem.txt')); await testRead(resource); }); async function testRead(resource: URI): Promise { const result = await service.read(resource); assert.equal(result.name, basename(resource.fsPath)); assert.equal(result.size, statSync(resource.fsPath).size); assert.equal(result.value, readFileSync(resource.fsPath).toString()); } test('readStream - encoding picked up (CP1252)', async () => { const resource = URI.file(join(testDir, 'some_small_cp1252.txt')); const encoding = 'windows1252'; const result = await service.readStream(resource, { encoding }); assert.equal(result.encoding, encoding); assert.equal(result.value.getFirstLineText(999999), 'Private = "Persönlicheß Information"'); }); test('read - encoding picked up (CP1252)', async () => { const resource = URI.file(join(testDir, 'some_small_cp1252.txt')); const encoding = 'windows1252'; const result = await service.read(resource, { encoding }); assert.equal(result.encoding, encoding); assert.equal(result.value, 'Private = "Persönlicheß Information"'); }); test('read - encoding picked up (binary)', async () => { const resource = URI.file(join(testDir, 'some_small_cp1252.txt')); const encoding = 'binary'; const result = await service.read(resource, { encoding }); assert.equal(result.encoding, encoding); assert.equal(result.value, 'Private = "Persönlicheß Information"'); }); test('read - encoding picked up (base64)', async () => { const resource = URI.file(join(testDir, 'some_small_cp1252.txt')); const encoding = 'base64'; const result = await service.read(resource, { encoding }); assert.equal(result.encoding, encoding); assert.equal(result.value, btoa('Private = "Persönlicheß Information"')); }); test('readStream - user overrides BOM', async () => { const resource = URI.file(join(testDir, 'some_utf16le.css')); const result = await service.readStream(resource, { encoding: 'windows1252' }); assert.equal(result.encoding, 'windows1252'); }); test('readStream - BOM removed', async () => { const resource = URI.file(join(testDir, 'some_utf8_bom.txt')); const result = await service.readStream(resource); assert.equal(result.value.getFirstLineText(999999), 'This is some UTF 8 with BOM file.'); }); test('readStream - invalid encoding', async () => { const resource = URI.file(join(testDir, 'index.html')); const result = await service.readStream(resource, { encoding: 'superduper' }); assert.equal(result.encoding, 'utf8'); }); test('readStream - encoding override', async () => { const resource = URI.file(join(testDir, 'some.utf16le')); const result = await service.readStream(resource, { encoding: 'windows1252' }); assert.equal(result.encoding, 'utf16le'); assert.equal(result.value.getFirstLineText(999999), 'This is some UTF 16 with BOM file.'); }); test('readStream - large Big5', async () => { await testLargeEncoding('big5', '中文abc'); }); test('readStream - large CP1252', async () => { await testLargeEncoding('cp1252', 'öäüß'); }); test('readStream - large Cyrillic', async () => { await testLargeEncoding('cp866', 'АБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯабвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя'); }); test('readStream - large GBK', async () => { await testLargeEncoding('gbk', '中国abc'); }); test('readStream - large ShiftJS', async () => { await testLargeEncoding('shiftjis', '中文abc'); }); test('readStream - large UTF8 BOM', async () => { await testLargeEncoding('utf8bom', 'öäüß'); }); test('readStream - large UTF16 LE', async () => { await testLargeEncoding('utf16le', 'öäüß'); }); test('readStream - large UTF16 BE', async () => { await testLargeEncoding('utf16be', 'öäüß'); }); async function testLargeEncoding(encoding: string, needle: string): Promise { const resource = URI.file(join(testDir, `lorem_${encoding}.txt`)); const result = await service.readStream(resource, { encoding }); assert.equal(result.encoding, encoding); const contents = snapshotToString(result.value.create(DefaultEndOfLine.LF).createSnapshot(false)); assert.equal(contents.indexOf(needle), 0); assert.ok(contents.indexOf(needle, 10) > 0); } test('readStream - FILE_IS_BINARY', async () => { const resource = URI.file(join(testDir, 'binary.txt')); let error: TextFileOperationError | undefined = undefined; try { await service.readStream(resource, { acceptTextOnly: true }); } catch (err) { error = err; } assert.ok(error); assert.equal(error!.textFileOperationResult, TextFileOperationResult.FILE_IS_BINARY); const result = await service.readStream(URI.file(join(testDir, 'small.txt')), { acceptTextOnly: true }); assert.equal(result.name, 'small.txt'); }); });