/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 'use strict'; import DOM = require('vs/base/browser/dom'); import { defaultGenerator } from 'vs/base/common/idGenerator'; import { escape } from 'vs/base/common/strings'; import { TPromise } from 'vs/base/common/winjs.base'; import { IHTMLContentElement, MarkedString, removeMarkdownEscapes } from 'vs/base/common/htmlContent'; import { marked } from 'vs/base/common/marked/marked'; import { IMouseEvent } from 'vs/base/browser/mouseEvent'; export type RenderableContent = string | IHTMLContentElement | IHTMLContentElement[]; export interface RenderOptions { actionCallback?: (content: string, event?: IMouseEvent) => void; codeBlockRenderer?: (modeId: string, value: string) => string | TPromise; } export function renderMarkedString(markedString: MarkedString, options: RenderOptions = {}): Node { const htmlContentElement = typeof markedString === 'string' ? { markdown: markedString } : { code: markedString }; return renderHtml(htmlContentElement, options); } /** * Create html nodes for the given content element. * * @param content a html element description * @param actionCallback a callback function for any action links in the string. Argument is the zero-based index of the clicked action. */ export function renderHtml(content: RenderableContent, options: RenderOptions = {}): Node { if (typeof content === 'string') { return _renderHtml({ isText: true, text: content }, options); } else if (Array.isArray(content)) { return _renderHtml({ children: content }, options); } else if (content) { return _renderHtml(content, options); } } function _renderHtml(content: IHTMLContentElement, options: RenderOptions = {}): Node { let {codeBlockRenderer, actionCallback} = options; if (content.isText) { return document.createTextNode(content.text); } var tagName = getSafeTagName(content.tagName) || 'div'; var element = document.createElement(tagName); if (content.className) { element.className = content.className; } if (content.text) { element.textContent = content.text; } if (content.style) { element.setAttribute('style', content.style); } if (content.customStyle) { Object.keys(content.customStyle).forEach((key) => { element.style[key] = content.customStyle[key]; }); } if (content.children) { content.children.forEach((child) => { element.appendChild(renderHtml(child, options)); }); } if (content.formattedText) { renderFormattedText(element, parseFormattedText(content.formattedText), actionCallback); } if (content.code && codeBlockRenderer) { // this is sort of legacy given that we have full // support for markdown. Turn this into markdown // and continue let {language, value} = content.code; content.markdown = '```' + language + '\n' + value + '\n```'; } if (content.markdown) { // signal to code-block render that the // element has been created let signalInnerHTML: Function; const withInnerHTML = new TPromise(c => signalInnerHTML = c); const renderer = new marked.Renderer(); renderer.image = (href: string, title: string, text: string) => { let dimensions = []; if (href) { const splitted = href.split('|').map(s => s.trim()); href = splitted[0]; const parameters = splitted[1]; if (parameters) { const heightFromParams = /height=(\d+)/.exec(parameters); const widthFromParams = /width=(\d+)/.exec(parameters); const height = (heightFromParams && heightFromParams[1]); const width = (widthFromParams && widthFromParams[1]); const widthIsFinite = isFinite(parseInt(width)); const heightIsFinite = isFinite(parseInt(height)); if (widthIsFinite) { dimensions.push(`width="${width}"`); } if (heightIsFinite) { dimensions.push(`height="${height}"`); } } } let attributes: string[] = []; if (href) { attributes.push(`src="${href}"`); } if (text) { attributes.push(`alt="${text}"`); } if (title) { attributes.push(`title="${title}"`); } if (dimensions.length) { attributes = attributes.concat(dimensions); } return ''; }; renderer.link = (href, title, text): string => { // Remove markdown escapes in href and title. Workaround for https://github.com/chjj/marked/issues/829 if (href === text) { // raw link case text = removeMarkdownEscapes(text); } title = removeMarkdownEscapes(title); href = removeMarkdownEscapes(href); return `${text}`; }; renderer.paragraph = (text): string => { return `


`; }; if (options.codeBlockRenderer) { renderer.code = (code, lang) => { let value = options.codeBlockRenderer(lang, code); if (typeof value === 'string') { return value; } if (TPromise.is(value)) { // when code-block rendering is async we return sync // but update the node with the real result later. const id = defaultGenerator.nextId(); TPromise.join([value, withInnerHTML]).done(values => { let strValue = values[0] as string; let span = element.querySelector(`span[data-code="${id}"]`); if (span) { span.innerHTML = strValue; } }, err => { // ignore }); return `${escape(code)}`; } return code; }; } if (options.actionCallback) { DOM.addStandardDisposableListener(element, 'click', event => { if (event.target.tagName === 'A') { const href = event.target.dataset['href']; if (href) { options.actionCallback(href, event); } } }); } element.innerHTML = marked(content.markdown, { sanitize: true, renderer }); signalInnerHTML(); } return element; } var SAFE_TAG_NAMES = { a: true, b: true, blockquote: true, code: true, del: true, dd: true, div: true, dl: true, dt: true, em: true, h1h2h3i: true, img: true, kbd: true, li: true, ol: true, p: true, pre: true, s: true, span: true, sup: true, sub: true, strong: true, strike: true, ul: true, br: true, hr: true, }; function getSafeTagName(tagName: string): string { if (!tagName) { return null; } if (SAFE_TAG_NAMES.hasOwnProperty(tagName)) { return tagName; } return null; } // --- formatted string parsing class StringStream { private source: string; private index: number; constructor(source: string) { this.source = source; this.index = 0; } public eos(): boolean { return this.index >= this.source.length; } public next(): string { var next = this.peek(); this.advance(); return next; } public peek(): string { return this.source[this.index]; } public advance(): void { this.index++; } } const enum FormatType { Invalid, Root, Text, Bold, Italics, Action, ActionClose, NewLine } interface IFormatParseTree { type: FormatType; content?: string; index?: number; children?: IFormatParseTree[]; } function renderFormattedText(element: Node, treeNode: IFormatParseTree, actionCallback?: (content: string, event?: IMouseEvent) => void) { var child: Node; if (treeNode.type === FormatType.Text) { child = document.createTextNode(treeNode.content); } else if (treeNode.type === FormatType.Bold) { child = document.createElement('b'); } else if (treeNode.type === FormatType.Italics) { child = document.createElement('i'); } else if (treeNode.type === FormatType.Action) { var a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = '#'; DOM.addStandardDisposableListener(a, 'click', (event) => { actionCallback(String(treeNode.index), event); }); child = a; } else if (treeNode.type === FormatType.NewLine) { child = document.createElement('br'); } else if (treeNode.type === FormatType.Root) { child = element; } if (element !== child) { element.appendChild(child); } if (Array.isArray(treeNode.children)) { treeNode.children.forEach((nodeChild) => { renderFormattedText(child, nodeChild, actionCallback); }); } } function parseFormattedText(content: string): IFormatParseTree { var root: IFormatParseTree = { type: FormatType.Root, children: [] }; var actionItemIndex = 0; var current = root; var stack: IFormatParseTree[] = []; var stream = new StringStream(content); while (!stream.eos()) { var next = stream.next(); var isEscapedFormatType = (next === '\\' && formatTagType(stream.peek()) !== FormatType.Invalid); if (isEscapedFormatType) { next = stream.next(); // unread the backslash if it escapes a format tag type } if (!isEscapedFormatType && isFormatTag(next) && next === stream.peek()) { stream.advance(); if (current.type === FormatType.Text) { current = stack.pop(); } var type = formatTagType(next); if (current.type === type || (current.type === FormatType.Action && type === FormatType.ActionClose)) { current = stack.pop(); } else { var newCurrent: IFormatParseTree = { type: type, children: [] }; if (type === FormatType.Action) { newCurrent.index = actionItemIndex; actionItemIndex++; } current.children.push(newCurrent); stack.push(current); current = newCurrent; } } else if (next === '\n') { if (current.type === FormatType.Text) { current = stack.pop(); } current.children.push({ type: FormatType.NewLine }); } else { if (current.type !== FormatType.Text) { var textCurrent: IFormatParseTree = { type: FormatType.Text, content: next }; current.children.push(textCurrent); stack.push(current); current = textCurrent; } else { current.content += next; } } } if (current.type === FormatType.Text) { current = stack.pop(); } if (stack.length) { // incorrectly formatted string literal } return root; } function isFormatTag(char: string): boolean { return formatTagType(char) !== FormatType.Invalid; } function formatTagType(char: string): FormatType { switch (char) { case '*': return FormatType.Bold; case '_': return FormatType.Italics; case '[': return FormatType.Action; case ']': return FormatType.ActionClose; default: return FormatType.Invalid; } }