/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 'use strict'; import { validateConstraint } from 'vs/base/common/types'; import { ICommandHandlerDescription } from 'vs/platform/commands/common/commands'; import { TPromise } from 'vs/base/common/winjs.base'; import * as extHostTypes from 'vs/workbench/api/node/extHostTypes'; import * as extHostTypeConverter from 'vs/workbench/api/node/extHostTypeConverters'; import { cloneAndChange } from 'vs/base/common/objects'; import { MainContext, MainThreadCommandsShape, ExtHostCommandsShape, ObjectIdentifier, IMainContext } from './extHost.protocol'; import { ExtHostHeapService } from 'vs/workbench/api/node/extHostHeapService'; import { isFalsyOrEmpty } from 'vs/base/common/arrays'; import * as modes from 'vs/editor/common/modes'; import * as vscode from 'vscode'; interface CommandHandler { callback: Function; thisArg: any; description: ICommandHandlerDescription; } export interface ArgumentProcessor { processArgument(arg: any): any; } export class ExtHostCommands implements ExtHostCommandsShape { private _commands = new Map(); private _proxy: MainThreadCommandsShape; private _converter: CommandsConverter; private _argumentProcessors: ArgumentProcessor[] = []; constructor( mainContext: IMainContext, heapService: ExtHostHeapService ) { this._proxy = mainContext.get(MainContext.MainThreadCommands); this._converter = new CommandsConverter(this, heapService); } get converter(): CommandsConverter { return this._converter; } registerArgumentProcessor(processor: ArgumentProcessor): void { this._argumentProcessors.push(processor); } registerCommand(id: string, callback: (...args: any[]) => T | Thenable, thisArg?: any, description?: ICommandHandlerDescription): extHostTypes.Disposable { if (!id.trim().length) { throw new Error('invalid id'); } if (this._commands.has(id)) { throw new Error(`command '${id}' already exists`); } this._commands.set(id, { callback, thisArg, description }); this._proxy.$registerCommand(id); return new extHostTypes.Disposable(() => { if (this._commands.delete(id)) { this._proxy.$unregisterCommand(id); } }); } executeCommand(id: string, ...args: any[]): Thenable { if (this._commands.has(id)) { // we stay inside the extension host and support // to pass any kind of parameters around return this._executeContributedCommand(id, ...args); } else { // automagically convert some argument types args = cloneAndChange(args, function (value) { if (value instanceof extHostTypes.Position) { return extHostTypeConverter.fromPosition(value); } if (value instanceof extHostTypes.Range) { return extHostTypeConverter.fromRange(value); } if (value instanceof extHostTypes.Location) { return extHostTypeConverter.location.from(value); } if (!Array.isArray(value)) { return value; } }); return this._proxy.$executeCommand(id, args); } } private _executeContributedCommand(id: string, ...args: any[]): Thenable { let command = this._commands.get(id); if (!command) { return TPromise.wrapError(new Error(`Contributed command '${id}' does not exist.`)); } let { callback, thisArg, description } = command; if (description) { for (let i = 0; i < description.args.length; i++) { try { validateConstraint(args[i], description.args[i].constraint); } catch (err) { return TPromise.wrapError(new Error(`Running the contributed command:'${id}' failed. Illegal argument '${description.args[i].name}' - ${description.args[i].description}`)); } } } args = args.map(arg => this._argumentProcessors.reduce((r, p) => p.processArgument(r), arg)); try { let result = callback.apply(thisArg, args); return TPromise.as(result); } catch (err) { // console.log(err); // try { // console.log(toErrorMessage(err)); // } catch (err) { // // // } return TPromise.wrapError(new Error(`Running the contributed command:'${id}' failed.`)); } } $executeContributedCommand(id: string, ...args: any[]): Thenable { return this._executeContributedCommand(id, ...args).then(result => void 0); } getCommands(filterUnderscoreCommands: boolean = false): Thenable { return this._proxy.$getCommands().then(result => { if (filterUnderscoreCommands) { result = result.filter(command => command[0] !== '_'); } return result; }); } $getContributedCommandHandlerDescriptions(): TPromise<{ [id: string]: string | ICommandHandlerDescription }> { const result: { [id: string]: string | ICommandHandlerDescription } = Object.create(null); this._commands.forEach((command, id) => { let { description } = command; if (description) { result[id] = description; } }); return TPromise.as(result); } } export class CommandsConverter { private _commands: ExtHostCommands; private _heap: ExtHostHeapService; // --- conversion between internal and api commands constructor(commands: ExtHostCommands, heap: ExtHostHeapService) { this._commands = commands; this._heap = heap; this._commands.registerCommand('_internal_command_delegation', this._executeConvertedCommand, this); } toInternal(command: vscode.Command): modes.Command { if (!command) { return undefined; } const result: modes.Command = { id: command.command, title: command.title }; if (command.command && !isFalsyOrEmpty(command.arguments)) { // we have a contributed command with arguments. that // means we don't want to send the arguments around const id = this._heap.keep(command); ObjectIdentifier.mixin(result, id); result.id = '_internal_command_delegation'; result.arguments = [id]; } if (command.tooltip) { result.tooltip = command.tooltip; } return result; } fromInternal(command: modes.Command): vscode.Command { if (!command) { return undefined; } const id = ObjectIdentifier.of(command); if (typeof id === 'number') { return this._heap.get(id); } else { return { command: command.id, title: command.title, arguments: command.arguments }; } } private _executeConvertedCommand(...args: any[]): Thenable { const actualCmd = this._heap.get(args[0]); return this._commands.executeCommand(actualCmd.command, ...actualCmd.arguments); } }