/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import { Dimension } from 'vs/base/browser/dom'; import { Event } from 'vs/base/common/event'; import { IDisposable } from 'vs/base/common/lifecycle'; import { URI } from 'vs/base/common/uri'; import * as modes from 'vs/editor/common/modes'; import * as nls from 'vs/nls'; import { RawContextKey } from 'vs/platform/contextkey/common/contextkey'; import { ExtensionIdentifier } from 'vs/platform/extensions/common/extensions'; import { createDecorator } from 'vs/platform/instantiation/common/instantiation'; import { IMouseWheelEvent } from 'vs/base/browser/mouseEvent'; /** * Set when the find widget in a webview is visible. */ export const KEYBINDING_CONTEXT_WEBVIEW_FIND_WIDGET_VISIBLE = new RawContextKey('webviewFindWidgetVisible', false); export const KEYBINDING_CONTEXT_WEBVIEW_FIND_WIDGET_FOCUSED = new RawContextKey('webviewFindWidgetFocused', false); export const webviewHasOwnEditFunctionsContextKey = 'webviewHasOwnEditFunctions'; export const webviewHasOwnEditFunctionsContext = new RawContextKey(webviewHasOwnEditFunctionsContextKey, false); export const IWebviewService = createDecorator('webviewService'); export interface WebviewIcons { readonly light: URI; readonly dark: URI; } /** * Handles the creation of webview elements. */ export interface IWebviewService { readonly _serviceBrand: undefined; createWebviewElement( id: string, options: WebviewOptions, contentOptions: WebviewContentOptions, extension: WebviewExtensionDescription | undefined, ): WebviewElement; createWebviewOverlay( id: string, options: WebviewOptions, contentOptions: WebviewContentOptions, extension: WebviewExtensionDescription | undefined, ): WebviewOverlay; setIcons(id: string, value: WebviewIcons | undefined): void; } export const enum WebviewContentPurpose { NotebookRenderer = 'notebookRenderer', CustomEditor = 'customEditor', } export interface WebviewOptions { // The purpose of the webview; this is (currently) only used for filtering in js-debug readonly purpose?: WebviewContentPurpose; readonly customClasses?: string; readonly enableFindWidget?: boolean; readonly tryRestoreScrollPosition?: boolean; readonly retainContextWhenHidden?: boolean; } export interface WebviewContentOptions { readonly allowMultipleAPIAcquire?: boolean; readonly allowScripts?: boolean; readonly localResourceRoots?: ReadonlyArray; readonly portMapping?: ReadonlyArray; readonly enableCommandUris?: boolean; } export interface WebviewExtensionDescription { readonly location: URI; readonly id: ExtensionIdentifier; } export interface IDataLinkClickEvent { dataURL: string; downloadName?: string; } export interface Webview extends IDisposable { readonly id: string; html: string; contentOptions: WebviewContentOptions; localResourcesRoot: URI[]; extension: WebviewExtensionDescription | undefined; initialScrollProgress: number; state: string | undefined; readonly isFocused: boolean; readonly onDidFocus: Event; readonly onDidBlur: Event; readonly onDidClickLink: Event; readonly onDidScroll: Event<{ scrollYPercentage: number }>; readonly onDidWheel: Event; readonly onDidUpdateState: Event; readonly onDidReload: Event; readonly onMessage: Event; readonly onMissingCsp: Event; postMessage(data: any): void; focus(): void; reload(): void; showFind(): void; hideFind(): void; runFindAction(previous: boolean): void; selectAll(): void; copy(): void; paste(): void; cut(): void; undo(): void; redo(): void; windowDidDragStart(): void; windowDidDragEnd(): void; } /** * Basic webview rendered in the dom */ export interface WebviewElement extends Webview { mountTo(parent: HTMLElement): void; } /** * Dynamically created webview drawn over another element. */ export interface WebviewOverlay extends Webview { readonly container: HTMLElement; options: WebviewOptions; readonly onDispose: Event; claim(owner: any): void; release(owner: any): void; getInnerWebview(): Webview | undefined; layoutWebviewOverElement(element: HTMLElement, dimension?: Dimension): void; } export const webviewDeveloperCategory = { value: nls.localize({ key: 'developer', comment: ['A developer on Code itself or someone diagnosing issues in Code'] }, "Developer"), original: 'Developer' };