/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 'use strict'; import 'vs/css!./media/editorstatus'; import nls = require('vs/nls'); import { TPromise } from 'vs/base/common/winjs.base'; import { $, append, runAtThisOrScheduleAtNextAnimationFrame } from 'vs/base/browser/dom'; import strings = require('vs/base/common/strings'); import paths = require('vs/base/common/paths'); import types = require('vs/base/common/types'); import uri from 'vs/base/common/uri'; import errors = require('vs/base/common/errors'); import { IStatusbarItem } from 'vs/workbench/browser/parts/statusbar/statusbar'; import { Action } from 'vs/base/common/actions'; import { language, LANGUAGE_DEFAULT, AccessibilitySupport } from 'vs/base/common/platform'; import { IMode } from 'vs/editor/common/modes'; import { UntitledEditorInput } from 'vs/workbench/common/editor/untitledEditorInput'; import { IFileEditorInput, EncodingMode, IEncodingSupport, toResource, SideBySideEditorInput } from 'vs/workbench/common/editor'; import { IDisposable, combinedDisposable, dispose } from 'vs/base/common/lifecycle'; import { IUntitledEditorService } from 'vs/workbench/services/untitled/common/untitledEditorService'; import { IConfigurationEditingService, ConfigurationTarget } from 'vs/workbench/services/configuration/common/configurationEditing'; import { IEditorAction, ICommonCodeEditor, EndOfLineSequence, IModel } from 'vs/editor/common/editorCommon'; import { IModelLanguageChangedEvent, IModelOptionsChangedEvent } from 'vs/editor/common/model/textModelEvents'; import { TrimTrailingWhitespaceAction } from 'vs/editor/contrib/linesOperations/common/linesOperations'; import { IndentUsingSpaces, IndentUsingTabs, DetectIndentation, IndentationToSpacesAction, IndentationToTabsAction } from 'vs/editor/contrib/indentation/common/indentation'; import { BaseBinaryResourceEditor } from 'vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/binaryEditor'; import { BinaryResourceDiffEditor } from 'vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/binaryDiffEditor'; import { IEditor as IBaseEditor, IEditorInput } from 'vs/platform/editor/common/editor'; import { IWorkbenchEditorService } from 'vs/workbench/services/editor/common/editorService'; import { IQuickOpenService, IPickOpenEntry, IFilePickOpenEntry } from 'vs/platform/quickOpen/common/quickOpen'; import { IWorkspaceConfigurationService } from 'vs/workbench/services/configuration/common/configuration'; import { SUPPORTED_ENCODINGS, IFileService } from 'vs/platform/files/common/files'; import { IInstantiationService } from 'vs/platform/instantiation/common/instantiation'; import { IModeService } from 'vs/editor/common/services/modeService'; import { IModelService } from 'vs/editor/common/services/modelService'; import { Selection } from 'vs/editor/common/core/selection'; import { IEditorGroupService } from 'vs/workbench/services/group/common/groupService'; import { TabFocus } from 'vs/editor/common/config/commonEditorConfig'; import { ICommandService } from 'vs/platform/commands/common/commands'; import { IExtensionGalleryService } from 'vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagement'; import { ITextFileService } from 'vs/workbench/services/textfile/common/textfiles'; import { getCodeEditor as getEditorWidget } from 'vs/editor/common/services/codeEditorService'; import { ICursorPositionChangedEvent } from 'vs/editor/common/controller/cursorEvents'; import { IConfigurationChangedEvent } from 'vs/editor/common/config/editorOptions'; // TODO@Sandeep layer breaker // tslint:disable-next-line:import-patterns import { IPreferencesService } from 'vs/workbench/parts/preferences/common/preferences'; function toEditorWithEncodingSupport(input: IEditorInput): IEncodingSupport { if (input instanceof SideBySideEditorInput) { input = input.master; } if (input instanceof UntitledEditorInput) { return input; } let encodingSupport = input as IFileEditorInput; if (types.areFunctions(encodingSupport.setEncoding, encodingSupport.getEncoding)) { return encodingSupport; } return null; } interface IEditorSelectionStatus { selections?: Selection[]; charactersSelected?: number; } class StateChange { _stateChangeBrand: void; indentation: boolean; selectionStatus: boolean; mode: boolean; encoding: boolean; EOL: boolean; tabFocusMode: boolean; screenReaderMode: boolean; metadata: boolean; constructor() { this.indentation = false; this.selectionStatus = false; this.mode = false; this.encoding = false; this.EOL = false; this.tabFocusMode = false; this.screenReaderMode = false; this.metadata = false; } public combine(other: StateChange) { this.indentation = this.indentation || other.indentation; this.selectionStatus = this.selectionStatus || other.selectionStatus; this.mode = this.mode || other.mode; this.encoding = this.encoding || other.encoding; this.EOL = this.EOL || other.EOL; this.tabFocusMode = this.tabFocusMode || other.tabFocusMode; this.screenReaderMode = this.screenReaderMode || other.screenReaderMode; this.metadata = this.metadata || other.metadata; } } interface StateDelta { selectionStatus?: string; mode?: string; encoding?: string; EOL?: string; indentation?: string; tabFocusMode?: boolean; screenReaderMode?: boolean; metadata?: string; } class State { private _selectionStatus: string; public get selectionStatus(): string { return this._selectionStatus; } private _mode: string; public get mode(): string { return this._mode; } private _encoding: string; public get encoding(): string { return this._encoding; } private _EOL: string; public get EOL(): string { return this._EOL; } private _indentation: string; public get indentation(): string { return this._indentation; } private _tabFocusMode: boolean; public get tabFocusMode(): boolean { return this._tabFocusMode; } private _screenReaderMode: boolean; public get screenReaderMode(): boolean { return this._screenReaderMode; } private _metadata: string; public get metadata(): string { return this._metadata; } constructor() { this._selectionStatus = null; this._mode = null; this._encoding = null; this._EOL = null; this._tabFocusMode = false; this._screenReaderMode = false; this._metadata = null; } public update(update: StateDelta): StateChange { const e = new StateChange(); let somethingChanged = false; if (typeof update.selectionStatus !== 'undefined') { if (this._selectionStatus !== update.selectionStatus) { this._selectionStatus = update.selectionStatus; somethingChanged = true; e.selectionStatus = true; } } if (typeof update.indentation !== 'undefined') { if (this._indentation !== update.indentation) { this._indentation = update.indentation; somethingChanged = true; e.indentation = true; } } if (typeof update.mode !== 'undefined') { if (this._mode !== update.mode) { this._mode = update.mode; somethingChanged = true; e.mode = true; } } if (typeof update.encoding !== 'undefined') { if (this._encoding !== update.encoding) { this._encoding = update.encoding; somethingChanged = true; e.encoding = true; } } if (typeof update.EOL !== 'undefined') { if (this._EOL !== update.EOL) { this._EOL = update.EOL; somethingChanged = true; e.EOL = true; } } if (typeof update.tabFocusMode !== 'undefined') { if (this._tabFocusMode !== update.tabFocusMode) { this._tabFocusMode = update.tabFocusMode; somethingChanged = true; e.tabFocusMode = true; } } if (typeof update.screenReaderMode !== 'undefined') { if (this._screenReaderMode !== update.screenReaderMode) { this._screenReaderMode = update.screenReaderMode; somethingChanged = true; e.screenReaderMode = true; } } if (typeof update.metadata !== 'undefined') { if (this._metadata !== update.metadata) { this._metadata = update.metadata; somethingChanged = true; e.metadata = true; } } if (somethingChanged) { return e; } return null; } } const nlsSingleSelectionRange = nls.localize('singleSelectionRange', "Ln {0}, Col {1} ({2} selected)"); const nlsSingleSelection = nls.localize('singleSelection', "Ln {0}, Col {1}"); const nlsMultiSelectionRange = nls.localize('multiSelectionRange', "{0} selections ({1} characters selected)"); const nlsMultiSelection = nls.localize('multiSelection', "{0} selections"); const nlsEOLLF = nls.localize('endOfLineLineFeed', "LF"); const nlsEOLCRLF = nls.localize('endOfLineCarriageReturnLineFeed', "CRLF"); const nlsTabFocusMode = nls.localize('tabFocusModeEnabled', "Tab Moves Focus"); const nlsScreenReaderDetected = nls.localize('screenReaderDetected', "Screen Reader Detected"); const nlsScreenReaderDetectedTitle = nls.localize('screenReaderDetectedExtra', "If you are not using a Screen Reader, please change the setting `editor.accessibilitySupport` to \"off\"."); function _setDisplay(el: HTMLElement, desiredValue: string): void { if (el.style.display !== desiredValue) { el.style.display = desiredValue; } } function show(el: HTMLElement): void { _setDisplay(el, ''); } function hide(el: HTMLElement): void { _setDisplay(el, 'none'); } export class EditorStatus implements IStatusbarItem { private state: State; private element: HTMLElement; private tabFocusModeElement: HTMLElement; private screenRedearModeElement: HTMLElement; private indentationElement: HTMLElement; private selectionElement: HTMLElement; private encodingElement: HTMLElement; private eolElement: HTMLElement; private modeElement: HTMLElement; private metadataElement: HTMLElement; private toDispose: IDisposable[]; private activeEditorListeners: IDisposable[]; private delayedRender: IDisposable; private toRender: StateChange; constructor( @IWorkbenchEditorService private editorService: IWorkbenchEditorService, @IEditorGroupService private editorGroupService: IEditorGroupService, @IQuickOpenService private quickOpenService: IQuickOpenService, @IInstantiationService private instantiationService: IInstantiationService, @IUntitledEditorService private untitledEditorService: IUntitledEditorService, @IModeService private modeService: IModeService, @ITextFileService private textFileService: ITextFileService ) { this.toDispose = []; this.activeEditorListeners = []; this.state = new State(); } public render(container: HTMLElement): IDisposable { this.element = append(container, $('.editor-statusbar-item')); this.tabFocusModeElement = append(this.element, $('a.editor-status-tabfocusmode.status-bar-info')); this.tabFocusModeElement.title = nls.localize('disableTabMode', "Disable Accessibility Mode"); this.tabFocusModeElement.onclick = () => this.onTabFocusModeClick(); this.tabFocusModeElement.textContent = nlsTabFocusMode; hide(this.tabFocusModeElement); this.screenRedearModeElement = append(this.element, $('a.editor-status-screenreadermode.status-bar-info')); this.screenRedearModeElement.textContent = nlsScreenReaderDetected; this.screenRedearModeElement.title = nlsScreenReaderDetectedTitle; hide(this.screenRedearModeElement); this.selectionElement = append(this.element, $('a.editor-status-selection')); this.selectionElement.title = nls.localize('gotoLine', "Go to Line"); this.selectionElement.onclick = () => this.onSelectionClick(); hide(this.selectionElement); this.indentationElement = append(this.element, $('a.editor-status-indentation')); this.indentationElement.title = nls.localize('indentation', "Indentation"); this.indentationElement.onclick = () => this.onIndentationClick(); hide(this.indentationElement); this.encodingElement = append(this.element, $('a.editor-status-encoding')); this.encodingElement.title = nls.localize('selectEncoding', "Select Encoding"); this.encodingElement.onclick = () => this.onEncodingClick(); hide(this.encodingElement); this.eolElement = append(this.element, $('a.editor-status-eol')); this.eolElement.title = nls.localize('selectEOL', "Select End of Line Sequence"); this.eolElement.onclick = () => this.onEOLClick(); hide(this.eolElement); this.modeElement = append(this.element, $('a.editor-status-mode')); this.modeElement.title = nls.localize('selectLanguageMode', "Select Language Mode"); this.modeElement.onclick = () => this.onModeClick(); hide(this.modeElement); this.metadataElement = append(this.element, $('span.editor-status-metadata')); this.metadataElement.title = nls.localize('fileInfo', "File Information"); hide(this.metadataElement); this.delayedRender = null; this.toRender = null; this.toDispose.push( { dispose: () => { if (this.delayedRender) { this.delayedRender.dispose(); this.delayedRender = null; } } }, this.editorGroupService.onEditorsChanged(() => this.onEditorsChanged()), this.untitledEditorService.onDidChangeEncoding(r => this.onResourceEncodingChange(r)), this.textFileService.models.onModelEncodingChanged(e => this.onResourceEncodingChange(e.resource)), TabFocus.onDidChangeTabFocus(e => this.onTabFocusModeChange()), ); return combinedDisposable(this.toDispose); } private updateState(update: StateDelta): void { const changed = this.state.update(update); if (!changed) { // Nothing really changed return; } if (!this.toRender) { this.toRender = changed; this.delayedRender = runAtThisOrScheduleAtNextAnimationFrame(() => { this.delayedRender = null; const toRender = this.toRender; this.toRender = null; this._renderNow(toRender); }); } else { this.toRender.combine(changed); } } private _renderNow(changed: StateChange): void { if (changed.tabFocusMode) { if (this.state.tabFocusMode && this.state.tabFocusMode === true) { show(this.tabFocusModeElement); } else { hide(this.tabFocusModeElement); } } if (changed.screenReaderMode) { if (this.state.screenReaderMode && this.state.screenReaderMode === true) { show(this.screenRedearModeElement); } else { hide(this.screenRedearModeElement); } } if (changed.indentation) { if (this.state.indentation) { this.indentationElement.textContent = this.state.indentation; show(this.indentationElement); } else { hide(this.indentationElement); } } if (changed.selectionStatus) { if (this.state.selectionStatus && !this.state.screenReaderMode) { this.selectionElement.textContent = this.state.selectionStatus; show(this.selectionElement); } else { hide(this.selectionElement); } } if (changed.encoding) { if (this.state.encoding) { this.encodingElement.textContent = this.state.encoding; show(this.encodingElement); } else { hide(this.encodingElement); } } if (changed.EOL) { if (this.state.EOL) { this.eolElement.textContent = this.state.EOL === '\r\n' ? nlsEOLCRLF : nlsEOLLF; show(this.eolElement); } else { hide(this.eolElement); } } if (changed.mode) { if (this.state.mode) { this.modeElement.textContent = this.state.mode; show(this.modeElement); } else { hide(this.modeElement); } } if (changed.metadata) { if (this.state.metadata) { this.metadataElement.textContent = this.state.metadata; show(this.metadataElement); } else { hide(this.metadataElement); } } } private getSelectionLabel(info: IEditorSelectionStatus): string { if (!info || !info.selections) { return null; } if (info.selections.length === 1) { if (info.charactersSelected) { return strings.format(nlsSingleSelectionRange, info.selections[0].positionLineNumber, info.selections[0].positionColumn, info.charactersSelected); } return strings.format(nlsSingleSelection, info.selections[0].positionLineNumber, info.selections[0].positionColumn); } if (info.charactersSelected) { return strings.format(nlsMultiSelectionRange, info.selections.length, info.charactersSelected); } if (info.selections.length > 0) { return strings.format(nlsMultiSelection, info.selections.length); } return null; } private onModeClick(): void { const action = this.instantiationService.createInstance(ChangeModeAction, ChangeModeAction.ID, ChangeModeAction.LABEL); action.run().done(null, errors.onUnexpectedError); action.dispose(); } private onIndentationClick(): void { const action = this.instantiationService.createInstance(ChangeIndentationAction, ChangeIndentationAction.ID, ChangeIndentationAction.LABEL); action.run().done(null, errors.onUnexpectedError); action.dispose(); } private onSelectionClick(): void { this.quickOpenService.show(':'); // "Go to line" } private onEOLClick(): void { const action = this.instantiationService.createInstance(ChangeEOLAction, ChangeEOLAction.ID, ChangeEOLAction.LABEL); action.run().done(null, errors.onUnexpectedError); action.dispose(); } private onEncodingClick(): void { const action = this.instantiationService.createInstance(ChangeEncodingAction, ChangeEncodingAction.ID, ChangeEncodingAction.LABEL); action.run().done(null, errors.onUnexpectedError); action.dispose(); } private onTabFocusModeClick(): void { TabFocus.setTabFocusMode(false); } private onEditorsChanged(): void { const activeEditor = this.editorService.getActiveEditor(); const control = getEditorWidget(activeEditor); // Update all states this.onScreenReaderModeChange(control); this.onSelectionChange(control); this.onModeChange(control); this.onEOLChange(control); this.onEncodingChange(activeEditor); this.onIndentationChange(control); this.onMetadataChange(activeEditor); // Dispose old active editor listeners dispose(this.activeEditorListeners); // Attach new listeners to active editor if (control) { // Hook Listener for Configuration changes this.activeEditorListeners.push(control.onDidChangeConfiguration((event: IConfigurationChangedEvent) => { if (event.accessibilitySupport) { this.onScreenReaderModeChange(control); } })); // Hook Listener for Selection changes this.activeEditorListeners.push(control.onDidChangeCursorPosition((event: ICursorPositionChangedEvent) => { this.onSelectionChange(control); })); // Hook Listener for mode changes this.activeEditorListeners.push(control.onDidChangeModelLanguage((event: IModelLanguageChangedEvent) => { this.onModeChange(control); })); // Hook Listener for content changes this.activeEditorListeners.push(control.onDidChangeModelContent((e) => { this.onEOLChange(control); })); // Hook Listener for content options changes this.activeEditorListeners.push(control.onDidChangeModelOptions((event: IModelOptionsChangedEvent) => { this.onIndentationChange(control); })); } // Handle binary editors else if (activeEditor instanceof BaseBinaryResourceEditor || activeEditor instanceof BinaryResourceDiffEditor) { const binaryEditors: BaseBinaryResourceEditor[] = []; if (activeEditor instanceof BinaryResourceDiffEditor) { const details = activeEditor.getDetailsEditor(); if (details instanceof BaseBinaryResourceEditor) { binaryEditors.push(details); } const master = activeEditor.getMasterEditor(); if (master instanceof BaseBinaryResourceEditor) { binaryEditors.push(master); } } else { binaryEditors.push(activeEditor); } binaryEditors.forEach(editor => { this.activeEditorListeners.push(editor.onMetadataChanged(metadata => { this.onMetadataChange(activeEditor); })); }); } } private onModeChange(editorWidget: ICommonCodeEditor): void { let info: StateDelta = { mode: null }; // We only support text based editors if (editorWidget) { const textModel = editorWidget.getModel(); if (textModel) { // Compute mode const modeId = textModel.getLanguageIdentifier().language; info = { mode: this.modeService.getLanguageName(modeId) }; } } this.updateState(info); } private onIndentationChange(editorWidget: ICommonCodeEditor): void { const update: StateDelta = { indentation: null }; if (editorWidget) { const model = editorWidget.getModel(); if (model) { const modelOpts = model.getOptions(); update.indentation = ( modelOpts.insertSpaces ? nls.localize('spacesSize', "Spaces: {0}", modelOpts.tabSize) : nls.localize({ key: 'tabSize', comment: ['Tab corresponds to the tab key'] }, "Tab Size: {0}", modelOpts.tabSize) ); } } this.updateState(update); } private onMetadataChange(editor: IBaseEditor): void { const update: StateDelta = { metadata: null }; if (editor instanceof BaseBinaryResourceEditor || editor instanceof BinaryResourceDiffEditor) { update.metadata = editor.getMetadata(); } this.updateState(update); } private onScreenReaderModeChange(editorWidget: ICommonCodeEditor): void { let screenReaderMode = false; // We only support text based editors if (editorWidget) { screenReaderMode = (editorWidget.getConfiguration().accessibilitySupport === AccessibilitySupport.Enabled); } this.updateState({ screenReaderMode: screenReaderMode }); } private onSelectionChange(editorWidget: ICommonCodeEditor): void { const info: IEditorSelectionStatus = {}; // We only support text based editors if (editorWidget) { // Compute selection(s) info.selections = editorWidget.getSelections() || []; // Compute selection length info.charactersSelected = 0; const textModel = editorWidget.getModel(); if (textModel) { info.selections.forEach(selection => { info.charactersSelected += textModel.getValueLengthInRange(selection); }); } // Compute the visible column for one selection. This will properly handle tabs and their configured widths if (info.selections.length === 1) { const visibleColumn = editorWidget.getVisibleColumnFromPosition(editorWidget.getPosition()); let selectionClone = info.selections[0].clone(); // do not modify the original position we got from the editor selectionClone = new Selection( selectionClone.selectionStartLineNumber, selectionClone.selectionStartColumn, selectionClone.positionLineNumber, visibleColumn ); info.selections[0] = selectionClone; } } this.updateState({ selectionStatus: this.getSelectionLabel(info) }); } private onEOLChange(editorWidget: ICommonCodeEditor): void { const info: StateDelta = { EOL: null }; if (editorWidget && !editorWidget.getConfiguration().readOnly) { const codeEditorModel = editorWidget.getModel(); if (codeEditorModel) { info.EOL = codeEditorModel.getEOL(); } } this.updateState(info); } private onEncodingChange(e: IBaseEditor): void { if (e && !this.isActiveEditor(e)) { return; } const info: StateDelta = { encoding: null }; // We only support text based editors if (getEditorWidget(e)) { const encodingSupport: IEncodingSupport = toEditorWithEncodingSupport(e.input); if (encodingSupport) { const rawEncoding = encodingSupport.getEncoding(); const encodingInfo = SUPPORTED_ENCODINGS[rawEncoding]; if (encodingInfo) { info.encoding = encodingInfo.labelShort; // if we have a label, take it from there } else { info.encoding = rawEncoding; // otherwise use it raw } } } this.updateState(info); } private onResourceEncodingChange(resource: uri): void { const activeEditor = this.editorService.getActiveEditor(); if (activeEditor) { const activeResource = toResource(activeEditor.input, { supportSideBySide: true, filter: ['file', 'untitled'] }); if (activeResource && activeResource.toString() === resource.toString()) { return this.onEncodingChange(activeEditor); // only update if the encoding changed for the active resource } } } private onTabFocusModeChange(): void { const info: StateDelta = { tabFocusMode: TabFocus.getTabFocusMode() }; this.updateState(info); } private isActiveEditor(e: IBaseEditor): boolean { const activeEditor = this.editorService.getActiveEditor(); return activeEditor && e && activeEditor === e; } } function isWritableCodeEditor(codeEditor: ICommonCodeEditor): boolean { if (!codeEditor) { return false; } const config = codeEditor.getConfiguration(); return (!config.readOnly); } function isWritableBaseEditor(e: IBaseEditor): boolean { return isWritableCodeEditor(getEditorWidget(e)); } export class ShowLanguageExtensionsAction extends Action { static ID = 'workbench.action.showLanguageExtensions'; constructor( private fileExtension: string, @ICommandService private commandService: ICommandService, @IExtensionGalleryService galleryService: IExtensionGalleryService ) { super(ShowLanguageExtensionsAction.ID, nls.localize('showLanguageExtensions', "Search Marketplace Extensions for '{0}'...", fileExtension)); this.enabled = galleryService.isEnabled(); } run(): TPromise { return this.commandService.executeCommand('workbench.extensions.action.showExtensionsForLanguage', this.fileExtension).then(() => void 0); } } export class ChangeModeAction extends Action { public static ID = 'workbench.action.editor.changeLanguageMode'; public static LABEL = nls.localize('changeMode', "Change Language Mode"); private static FILE_ASSOCIATION_KEY = 'files.associations'; constructor( actionId: string, actionLabel: string, @IModeService private modeService: IModeService, @IModelService private modelService: IModelService, @IWorkbenchEditorService private editorService: IWorkbenchEditorService, @IConfigurationEditingService private configurationEditingService: IConfigurationEditingService, @IWorkspaceConfigurationService private configurationService: IWorkspaceConfigurationService, @IQuickOpenService private quickOpenService: IQuickOpenService, @IPreferencesService private preferencesService: IPreferencesService, @IInstantiationService private instantiationService: IInstantiationService, @ICommandService private commandService: ICommandService, @IConfigurationEditingService private configurationEditService: IConfigurationEditingService ) { super(actionId, actionLabel); } public run(): TPromise { let activeEditor = this.editorService.getActiveEditor(); const editorWidget = getEditorWidget(activeEditor); if (!editorWidget) { return this.quickOpenService.pick([{ label: nls.localize('noEditor', "No text editor active at this time") }]); } const textModel = editorWidget.getModel(); const fileResource = toResource(activeEditor.input, { supportSideBySide: true, filter: 'file' }); // Compute mode let currentModeId: string; let modeId: string; if (textModel) { modeId = textModel.getLanguageIdentifier().language; currentModeId = this.modeService.getLanguageName(modeId); } // All languages are valid picks const languages = this.modeService.getRegisteredLanguageNames(); const picks: IPickOpenEntry[] = languages.sort().map((lang, index) => { let description: string; if (currentModeId === lang) { description = nls.localize('languageDescription', "({0}) - Configured Language", this.modeService.getModeIdForLanguageName(lang.toLowerCase())); } else { description = nls.localize('languageDescriptionConfigured', "({0})", this.modeService.getModeIdForLanguageName(lang.toLowerCase())); } // construct a fake resource to be able to show nice icons if any let fakeResource: uri; const extensions = this.modeService.getExtensions(lang); if (extensions && extensions.length) { fakeResource = uri.file(extensions[0]); } else { const filenames = this.modeService.getFilenames(lang); if (filenames && filenames.length) { fakeResource = uri.file(filenames[0]); } } return { label: lang, resource: fakeResource, description }; }); if (fileResource) { picks[0].separator = { border: true, label: nls.localize('languagesPicks', "languages (identifier)") }; } // Offer action to configure via settings let configureModeAssociations: IPickOpenEntry; let configureModeSettings: IPickOpenEntry; let galleryAction: Action; if (fileResource) { const ext = paths.extname(fileResource.fsPath) || paths.basename(fileResource.fsPath); galleryAction = this.instantiationService.createInstance(ShowLanguageExtensionsAction, ext); if (galleryAction.enabled) { picks.unshift(galleryAction); } configureModeSettings = { label: nls.localize('configureModeSettings', "Configure '{0}' language based settings...", currentModeId) }; picks.unshift(configureModeSettings); configureModeAssociations = { label: nls.localize('configureAssociationsExt', "Configure File Association for '{0}'...", ext) }; picks.unshift(configureModeAssociations); } // Offer to "Auto Detect" const autoDetectMode: IPickOpenEntry = { label: nls.localize('autoDetect', "Auto Detect") }; if (fileResource) { picks.unshift(autoDetectMode); } return this.quickOpenService.pick(picks, { placeHolder: nls.localize('pickLanguage', "Select Language Mode") }).then(pick => { if (!pick) { return; } if (pick === galleryAction) { galleryAction.run(); return; } // User decided to permanently configure associations, return right after if (pick === configureModeAssociations) { this.configureFileAssociation(fileResource); return; } // User decided to configure settings for current language if (pick === configureModeSettings) { this.preferencesService.configureSettingsForLanguage(modeId); return; } // Change mode for active editor activeEditor = this.editorService.getActiveEditor(); const editorWidget = getEditorWidget(activeEditor); if (editorWidget) { const models: IModel[] = []; const textModel = editorWidget.getModel(); if (textModel) { models.push(textModel); } // Find mode let mode: TPromise; if (pick === autoDetectMode) { mode = this.modeService.getOrCreateModeByFilenameOrFirstLine(toResource(activeEditor.input, { supportSideBySide: true, filter: ['file', 'untitled'] }).fsPath, textModel.getLineContent(1)); } else { mode = this.modeService.getOrCreateModeByLanguageName(pick.label); } // Change mode models.forEach(textModel => { this.modelService.setMode(textModel, mode); }); } }); } private configureFileAssociation(resource: uri): void { const extension = paths.extname(resource.fsPath); const basename = paths.basename(resource.fsPath); const currentAssociation = this.modeService.getModeIdByFilenameOrFirstLine(basename); const languages = this.modeService.getRegisteredLanguageNames(); const picks: IPickOpenEntry[] = languages.sort().map((lang, index) => { const id = this.modeService.getModeIdForLanguageName(lang.toLowerCase()); return { id, label: lang, description: (id === currentAssociation) ? nls.localize('currentAssociation', "Current Association") : void 0 }; }); TPromise.timeout(50 /* quick open is sensitive to being opened so soon after another */).done(() => { this.quickOpenService.pick(picks, { placeHolder: nls.localize('pickLanguageToConfigure', "Select Language Mode to Associate with '{0}'", extension || basename) }).done(language => { if (language) { const fileAssociationsConfig = this.configurationService.lookup(ChangeModeAction.FILE_ASSOCIATION_KEY); let associationKey: string; if (extension && basename[0] !== '.') { associationKey = `*${extension}`; // only use "*.ext" if the file path is in the form of . } else { associationKey = basename; // otherwise use the basename (e.g. .gitignore, Dockerfile) } // If the association is already being made in the workspace, make sure to target workspace settings let target = ConfigurationTarget.USER; if (fileAssociationsConfig.workspace && !!fileAssociationsConfig.workspace[associationKey]) { target = ConfigurationTarget.WORKSPACE; } // Make sure to write into the value of the target and not the merged value from USER and WORKSPACE config let currentAssociations = (target === ConfigurationTarget.WORKSPACE) ? fileAssociationsConfig.workspace : fileAssociationsConfig.user; if (!currentAssociations) { currentAssociations = Object.create(null); } currentAssociations[associationKey] = language.id; // Write config this.configurationEditingService.writeConfiguration(target, { key: ChangeModeAction.FILE_ASSOCIATION_KEY, value: currentAssociations }); } }); }); } } export interface IChangeEOLEntry extends IPickOpenEntry { eol: EndOfLineSequence; } class ChangeIndentationAction extends Action { public static ID = 'workbench.action.editor.changeIndentation'; public static LABEL = nls.localize('changeIndentation', "Change Indentation"); constructor( actionId: string, actionLabel: string, @IWorkbenchEditorService private editorService: IWorkbenchEditorService, @IQuickOpenService private quickOpenService: IQuickOpenService ) { super(actionId, actionLabel); } public run(): TPromise { const activeEditor = this.editorService.getActiveEditor(); const control = getEditorWidget(activeEditor); if (!control) { return this.quickOpenService.pick([{ label: nls.localize('noEditor', "No text editor active at this time") }]); } if (!isWritableCodeEditor(control)) { return this.quickOpenService.pick([{ label: nls.localize('noWritableCodeEditor', "The active code editor is read-only.") }]); } const picks = [ control.getAction(IndentUsingSpaces.ID), control.getAction(IndentUsingTabs.ID), control.getAction(DetectIndentation.ID), control.getAction(IndentationToSpacesAction.ID), control.getAction(IndentationToTabsAction.ID), control.getAction(TrimTrailingWhitespaceAction.ID) ].map((a: IEditorAction) => { return { id: a.id, label: a.label, detail: (language === LANGUAGE_DEFAULT) ? null : a.alias, run: () => { control.focus(); a.run(); } }; }); (picks[0]).separator = { label: nls.localize('indentView', "change view") }; (picks[3]).separator = { label: nls.localize('indentConvert', "convert file"), border: true }; return this.quickOpenService.pick(picks, { placeHolder: nls.localize('pickAction', "Select Action"), matchOnDetail: true }).then(action => action && action.run()); } } export class ChangeEOLAction extends Action { public static ID = 'workbench.action.editor.changeEOL'; public static LABEL = nls.localize('changeEndOfLine', "Change End of Line Sequence"); constructor( actionId: string, actionLabel: string, @IWorkbenchEditorService private editorService: IWorkbenchEditorService, @IQuickOpenService private quickOpenService: IQuickOpenService ) { super(actionId, actionLabel); } public run(): TPromise { let activeEditor = this.editorService.getActiveEditor(); const editorWidget = getEditorWidget(activeEditor); if (!editorWidget) { return this.quickOpenService.pick([{ label: nls.localize('noEditor', "No text editor active at this time") }]); } if (!isWritableCodeEditor(editorWidget)) { return this.quickOpenService.pick([{ label: nls.localize('noWritableCodeEditor', "The active code editor is read-only.") }]); } const textModel = editorWidget.getModel(); const EOLOptions: IChangeEOLEntry[] = [ { label: nlsEOLLF, eol: EndOfLineSequence.LF }, { label: nlsEOLCRLF, eol: EndOfLineSequence.CRLF }, ]; const selectedIndex = (textModel && textModel.getEOL() === '\n') ? 0 : 1; return this.quickOpenService.pick(EOLOptions, { placeHolder: nls.localize('pickEndOfLine', "Select End of Line Sequence"), autoFocus: { autoFocusIndex: selectedIndex } }).then(eol => { if (eol) { activeEditor = this.editorService.getActiveEditor(); const editorWidget = getEditorWidget(activeEditor); if (editorWidget && isWritableCodeEditor(editorWidget)) { const textModel = editorWidget.getModel(); textModel.setEOL(eol.eol); } } }); } } export class ChangeEncodingAction extends Action { public static ID = 'workbench.action.editor.changeEncoding'; public static LABEL = nls.localize('changeEncoding', "Change File Encoding"); constructor( actionId: string, actionLabel: string, @IWorkbenchEditorService private editorService: IWorkbenchEditorService, @IQuickOpenService private quickOpenService: IQuickOpenService, @IWorkspaceConfigurationService private configurationService: IWorkspaceConfigurationService, @IFileService private fileService: IFileService ) { super(actionId, actionLabel); } public run(): TPromise { let activeEditor = this.editorService.getActiveEditor(); if (!getEditorWidget(activeEditor) || !activeEditor.input) { return this.quickOpenService.pick([{ label: nls.localize('noEditor', "No text editor active at this time") }]); } let encodingSupport: IEncodingSupport = toEditorWithEncodingSupport(activeEditor.input); if (!encodingSupport) { return this.quickOpenService.pick([{ label: nls.localize('noFileEditor', "No file active at this time") }]); } let pickActionPromise: TPromise; let saveWithEncodingPick: IPickOpenEntry; let reopenWithEncodingPick: IPickOpenEntry; if (language === LANGUAGE_DEFAULT) { saveWithEncodingPick = { label: nls.localize('saveWithEncoding', "Save with Encoding") }; reopenWithEncodingPick = { label: nls.localize('reopenWithEncoding', "Reopen with Encoding") }; } else { saveWithEncodingPick = { label: nls.localize('saveWithEncoding', "Save with Encoding"), detail: 'Save with Encoding', }; reopenWithEncodingPick = { label: nls.localize('reopenWithEncoding', "Reopen with Encoding"), detail: 'Reopen with Encoding' }; } if (encodingSupport instanceof UntitledEditorInput) { pickActionPromise = TPromise.as(saveWithEncodingPick); } else if (!isWritableBaseEditor(activeEditor)) { pickActionPromise = TPromise.as(reopenWithEncodingPick); } else { pickActionPromise = this.quickOpenService.pick([reopenWithEncodingPick, saveWithEncodingPick], { placeHolder: nls.localize('pickAction', "Select Action"), matchOnDetail: true }); } return pickActionPromise.then(action => { if (!action) { return void 0; } const resource = toResource(activeEditor.input, { filter: ['file', 'untitled'], supportSideBySide: true }); return TPromise.timeout(50 /* quick open is sensitive to being opened so soon after another */) .then(() => { if (!resource || resource.scheme !== 'file') { return TPromise.as(null); // encoding detection only possible for file resources } return this.fileService.resolveContent(resource, { autoGuessEncoding: true, acceptTextOnly: true }).then(content => content.encoding, err => null); }) .then((guessedEncoding: string) => { const isReopenWithEncoding = (action === reopenWithEncodingPick); const configuredEncoding = this.configurationService.lookup('files.encoding', { resource }).value; let directMatchIndex: number; let aliasMatchIndex: number; // All encodings are valid picks const picks: IPickOpenEntry[] = Object.keys(SUPPORTED_ENCODINGS) .sort((k1, k2) => { if (k1 === configuredEncoding) { return -1; } else if (k2 === configuredEncoding) { return 1; } return SUPPORTED_ENCODINGS[k1].order - SUPPORTED_ENCODINGS[k2].order; }) .filter(k => { if (k === guessedEncoding && guessedEncoding !== configuredEncoding) { return false; // do not show encoding if it is the guessed encoding that does not match the configured } return !isReopenWithEncoding || !SUPPORTED_ENCODINGS[k].encodeOnly; // hide those that can only be used for encoding if we are about to decode }) .map((key, index) => { if (key === encodingSupport.getEncoding()) { directMatchIndex = index; } else if (SUPPORTED_ENCODINGS[key].alias === encodingSupport.getEncoding()) { aliasMatchIndex = index; } return { id: key, label: SUPPORTED_ENCODINGS[key].labelLong }; }); // If we have a guessed encoding, show it first unless it matches the configured encoding if (guessedEncoding && configuredEncoding !== guessedEncoding && SUPPORTED_ENCODINGS[guessedEncoding]) { picks[0].separator = { border: true }; picks.unshift({ id: guessedEncoding, label: SUPPORTED_ENCODINGS[guessedEncoding].labelLong, description: nls.localize('guessedEncoding', "Guessed from content") }); } return this.quickOpenService.pick(picks, { placeHolder: isReopenWithEncoding ? nls.localize('pickEncodingForReopen', "Select File Encoding to Reopen File") : nls.localize('pickEncodingForSave', "Select File Encoding to Save with"), autoFocus: { autoFocusIndex: typeof directMatchIndex === 'number' ? directMatchIndex : typeof aliasMatchIndex === 'number' ? aliasMatchIndex : void 0 } }).then(encoding => { if (encoding) { activeEditor = this.editorService.getActiveEditor(); encodingSupport = toEditorWithEncodingSupport(activeEditor.input); if (encodingSupport && encodingSupport.getEncoding() !== encoding.id) { encodingSupport.setEncoding(encoding.id, isReopenWithEncoding ? EncodingMode.Decode : EncodingMode.Encode); // Set new encoding } } }); }); }); } }