/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import { Emitter, Event } from 'vs/base/common/event'; import { Disposable, DisposableStore, IDisposable } from 'vs/base/common/lifecycle'; import { URI, UriComponents } from 'vs/base/common/uri'; import { generateUuid } from 'vs/base/common/uuid'; import * as modes from 'vs/editor/common/modes'; import { IExtensionDescription } from 'vs/platform/extensions/common/extensions'; import * as typeConverters from 'vs/workbench/api/common/extHostTypeConverters'; import { IExtHostWorkspace } from 'vs/workbench/api/common/extHostWorkspace'; import { EditorViewColumn } from 'vs/workbench/api/common/shared/editor'; import { asWebviewUri, WebviewInitData } from 'vs/workbench/api/common/shared/webview'; import * as vscode from 'vscode'; import { ExtHostWebviewsShape, IMainContext, MainContext, MainThreadWebviewsShape, WebviewPanelHandle, WebviewPanelViewStateData } from './extHost.protocol'; import { Disposable as VSCodeDisposable } from './extHostTypes'; type IconPath = URI | { light: URI, dark: URI }; export class ExtHostWebview implements vscode.Webview { private _html: string = ''; private _isDisposed: boolean = false; private _hasCalledAsWebviewUri = false; public readonly _onMessageEmitter = new Emitter(); public readonly onDidReceiveMessage: Event = this._onMessageEmitter.event; constructor( private readonly _handle: WebviewPanelHandle, private readonly _proxy: MainThreadWebviewsShape, private _options: vscode.WebviewOptions, private readonly _initData: WebviewInitData, private readonly _workspace: IExtHostWorkspace | undefined, private readonly _extension: IExtensionDescription, ) { } public dispose() { this._onMessageEmitter.dispose(); } public asWebviewUri(resource: vscode.Uri): vscode.Uri { this._hasCalledAsWebviewUri = true; return asWebviewUri(this._initData, this._handle, resource); } public get cspSource(): string { return this._initData.webviewCspSource .replace('{{uuid}}', this._handle); } public get html(): string { this.assertNotDisposed(); return this._html; } public set html(value: string) { this.assertNotDisposed(); if (this._html !== value) { this._html = value; if (this._initData.isExtensionDevelopmentDebug && !this._hasCalledAsWebviewUri) { if (/(["'])vscode-resource:([^\s'"]+?)(["'])/i.test(value)) { this._hasCalledAsWebviewUri = true; console.warn(`${this._extension.identifier.value} created a webview that appears to use the vscode-resource scheme directly. Please migrate to use the 'webview.asWebviewUri' api instead: https://aka.ms/vscode-webview-use-aswebviewuri`); } } this._proxy.$setHtml(this._handle, value); } } public get options(): vscode.WebviewOptions { this.assertNotDisposed(); return this._options; } public set options(newOptions: vscode.WebviewOptions) { this.assertNotDisposed(); this._proxy.$setOptions(this._handle, convertWebviewOptions(this._extension, this._workspace, newOptions)); this._options = newOptions; } public postMessage(message: any): Promise { this.assertNotDisposed(); return this._proxy.$postMessage(this._handle, message); } private assertNotDisposed() { if (this._isDisposed) { throw new Error('Webview is disposed'); } } } export class ExtHostWebviewEditor extends Disposable implements vscode.WebviewPanel { private readonly _handle: WebviewPanelHandle; private readonly _proxy: MainThreadWebviewsShape; private readonly _viewType: string; private _title: string; private _iconPath?: IconPath; private readonly _options: vscode.WebviewPanelOptions; private readonly _webview: ExtHostWebview; private _viewColumn: vscode.ViewColumn | undefined; private _visible: boolean = true; private _active: boolean = true; _isDisposed: boolean = false; readonly _onDisposeEmitter = this._register(new Emitter()); public readonly onDidDispose: Event = this._onDisposeEmitter.event; readonly _onDidChangeViewStateEmitter = this._register(new Emitter()); public readonly onDidChangeViewState: Event = this._onDidChangeViewStateEmitter.event; constructor( handle: WebviewPanelHandle, proxy: MainThreadWebviewsShape, viewType: string, title: string, viewColumn: vscode.ViewColumn | undefined, editorOptions: vscode.WebviewPanelOptions, webview: ExtHostWebview ) { super(); this._handle = handle; this._proxy = proxy; this._viewType = viewType; this._options = editorOptions; this._viewColumn = viewColumn; this._title = title; this._webview = webview; } public dispose() { if (this._isDisposed) { return; } this._isDisposed = true; this._onDisposeEmitter.fire(); this._proxy.$disposeWebview(this._handle); this._webview.dispose(); super.dispose(); } get webview() { this.assertNotDisposed(); return this._webview; } get viewType(): string { this.assertNotDisposed(); return this._viewType; } get title(): string { this.assertNotDisposed(); return this._title; } set title(value: string) { this.assertNotDisposed(); if (this._title !== value) { this._title = value; this._proxy.$setTitle(this._handle, value); } } get iconPath(): IconPath | undefined { this.assertNotDisposed(); return this._iconPath; } set iconPath(value: IconPath | undefined) { this.assertNotDisposed(); if (this._iconPath !== value) { this._iconPath = value; this._proxy.$setIconPath(this._handle, URI.isUri(value) ? { light: value, dark: value } : value); } } get options() { return this._options; } get viewColumn(): vscode.ViewColumn | undefined { this.assertNotDisposed(); if (typeof this._viewColumn === 'number' && this._viewColumn < 0) { // We are using a symbolic view column // Return undefined instead to indicate that the real view column is currently unknown but will be resolved. return undefined; } return this._viewColumn; } _setViewColumn(value: vscode.ViewColumn) { this.assertNotDisposed(); this._viewColumn = value; } public get active(): boolean { this.assertNotDisposed(); return this._active; } _setActive(value: boolean) { this.assertNotDisposed(); this._active = value; } public get visible(): boolean { this.assertNotDisposed(); return this._visible; } _setVisible(value: boolean) { this.assertNotDisposed(); this._visible = value; } public postMessage(message: any): Promise { this.assertNotDisposed(); return this._proxy.$postMessage(this._handle, message); } public reveal(viewColumn?: vscode.ViewColumn, preserveFocus?: boolean): void { this.assertNotDisposed(); this._proxy.$reveal(this._handle, { viewColumn: viewColumn ? typeConverters.ViewColumn.from(viewColumn) : undefined, preserveFocus: !!preserveFocus }); } _addDisposable(disposable: IDisposable) { this._register(disposable); } private assertNotDisposed() { if (this._isDisposed) { throw new Error('Webview is disposed'); } } } export class ExtHostWebviews implements ExtHostWebviewsShape { private static newHandle(): WebviewPanelHandle { return generateUuid(); } private readonly _proxy: MainThreadWebviewsShape; private readonly _webviewPanels = new Map(); private readonly _serializers = new Map(); private readonly _editorProviders = new Map(); constructor( mainContext: IMainContext, private readonly initData: WebviewInitData, private readonly workspace: IExtHostWorkspace | undefined, ) { this._proxy = mainContext.getProxy(MainContext.MainThreadWebviews); } public createWebviewPanel( extension: IExtensionDescription, viewType: string, title: string, showOptions: vscode.ViewColumn | { viewColumn: vscode.ViewColumn, preserveFocus?: boolean }, options: (vscode.WebviewPanelOptions & vscode.WebviewOptions) = {}, ): vscode.WebviewPanel { const viewColumn = typeof showOptions === 'object' ? showOptions.viewColumn : showOptions; const webviewShowOptions = { viewColumn: typeConverters.ViewColumn.from(viewColumn), preserveFocus: typeof showOptions === 'object' && !!showOptions.preserveFocus }; const handle = ExtHostWebviews.newHandle(); this._proxy.$createWebviewPanel({ id: extension.identifier, location: extension.extensionLocation }, handle, viewType, title, webviewShowOptions, convertWebviewOptions(extension, this.workspace, options)); const webview = new ExtHostWebview(handle, this._proxy, options, this.initData, this.workspace, extension); const panel = new ExtHostWebviewEditor(handle, this._proxy, viewType, title, viewColumn, options, webview); this._webviewPanels.set(handle, panel); return panel; } public registerWebviewPanelSerializer( extension: IExtensionDescription, viewType: string, serializer: vscode.WebviewPanelSerializer ): vscode.Disposable { if (this._serializers.has(viewType)) { throw new Error(`Serializer for '${viewType}' already registered`); } this._serializers.set(viewType, { serializer, extension }); this._proxy.$registerSerializer(viewType); return new VSCodeDisposable(() => { this._serializers.delete(viewType); this._proxy.$unregisterSerializer(viewType); }); } public registerWebviewEditorProvider( extension: IExtensionDescription, viewType: string, provider: vscode.WebviewEditorProvider, options?: vscode.WebviewPanelOptions, ): vscode.Disposable { if (this._editorProviders.has(viewType)) { throw new Error(`Editor provider for '${viewType}' already registered`); } this._editorProviders.set(viewType, { extension, provider, }); this._proxy.$registerEditorProvider({ id: extension.identifier, location: extension.extensionLocation }, viewType, options || {}); return new VSCodeDisposable(() => { this._editorProviders.delete(viewType); this._proxy.$unregisterEditorProvider(viewType); }); } public $onMessage( handle: WebviewPanelHandle, message: any ): void { const panel = this.getWebviewPanel(handle); if (panel) { panel.webview._onMessageEmitter.fire(message); } } public $onMissingCsp( _handle: WebviewPanelHandle, extensionId: string ): void { console.warn(`${extensionId} created a webview without a content security policy: https://aka.ms/vscode-webview-missing-csp`); } public $onDidChangeWebviewPanelViewStates(newStates: WebviewPanelViewStateData): void { const handles = Object.keys(newStates); // Notify webviews of state changes in the following order: // - Non-visible // - Visible // - Active handles.sort((a, b) => { const stateA = newStates[a]; const stateB = newStates[b]; if (stateA.active) { return 1; } if (stateB.active) { return -1; } return (+stateA.visible) - (+stateB.visible); }); for (const handle of handles) { const panel = this.getWebviewPanel(handle); if (!panel || panel._isDisposed) { continue; } const newState = newStates[handle]; const viewColumn = typeConverters.ViewColumn.to(newState.position); if (panel.active !== newState.active || panel.visible !== newState.visible || panel.viewColumn !== viewColumn) { panel._setActive(newState.active); panel._setVisible(newState.visible); panel._setViewColumn(viewColumn); panel._onDidChangeViewStateEmitter.fire({ webviewPanel: panel }); } } } $onDidDisposeWebviewPanel(handle: WebviewPanelHandle): Promise { const panel = this.getWebviewPanel(handle); if (panel) { panel.dispose(); this._webviewPanels.delete(handle); } return Promise.resolve(undefined); } $deserializeWebviewPanel( webviewHandle: WebviewPanelHandle, viewType: string, title: string, state: any, position: EditorViewColumn, options: modes.IWebviewOptions & modes.IWebviewPanelOptions ): Promise { const entry = this._serializers.get(viewType); if (!entry) { return Promise.reject(new Error(`No serializer found for '${viewType}'`)); } const { serializer, extension } = entry; const webview = new ExtHostWebview(webviewHandle, this._proxy, options, this.initData, this.workspace, extension); const revivedPanel = new ExtHostWebviewEditor(webviewHandle, this._proxy, viewType, title, typeof position === 'number' && position >= 0 ? typeConverters.ViewColumn.to(position) : undefined, options, webview); this._webviewPanels.set(webviewHandle, revivedPanel); return Promise.resolve(serializer.deserializeWebviewPanel(revivedPanel, state)); } private getWebviewPanel(handle: WebviewPanelHandle): ExtHostWebviewEditor | undefined { return this._webviewPanels.get(handle); } async $resolveWebviewEditor( resource: UriComponents, handle: WebviewPanelHandle, viewType: string, title: string, position: EditorViewColumn, options: modes.IWebviewOptions & modes.IWebviewPanelOptions ): Promise { const entry = this._editorProviders.get(viewType); if (!entry) { return Promise.reject(new Error(`No provider found for '${viewType}'`)); } const { provider, extension } = entry; const webview = new ExtHostWebview(handle, this._proxy, options, this.initData, this.workspace, extension); const revivedPanel = new ExtHostWebviewEditor(handle, this._proxy, viewType, title, typeof position === 'number' && position >= 0 ? typeConverters.ViewColumn.to(position) : undefined, options, webview); this._webviewPanels.set(handle, revivedPanel); const capabilities = await provider.resolveWebviewEditor({ resource: URI.revive(resource) }, revivedPanel); revivedPanel._addDisposable(this.hookupCapabilities(handle, capabilities)); } private hookupCapabilities(handle: WebviewPanelHandle, capabilities: vscode.WebviewEditorCapabilities): IDisposable { const disposables = new DisposableStore(); if (capabilities.editingCapability) { disposables.add(capabilities.editingCapability.onEdit(edit => { this._proxy.$onEdit(handle, JSON.stringify(edit)); })); } return disposables; } } function convertWebviewOptions( extension: IExtensionDescription, workspace: IExtHostWorkspace | undefined, options: vscode.WebviewPanelOptions & vscode.WebviewOptions, ): modes.IWebviewOptions { return { ...options, localResourceRoots: options.localResourceRoots || getDefaultLocalResourceRoots(extension, workspace) }; } function getDefaultLocalResourceRoots( extension: IExtensionDescription, workspace: IExtHostWorkspace | undefined, ): URI[] { return [ ...(workspace && workspace.getWorkspaceFolders() || []).map(x => x.uri), extension.extensionLocation, ]; }