/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import { URI } from 'vs/base/common/uri'; import { CharCode } from 'vs/base/common/charCode'; import { compareSubstringIgnoreCase, compare, compareSubstring } from 'vs/base/common/strings'; import { Schemas } from 'vs/base/common/network'; import { isLinux } from 'vs/base/common/platform'; export function getOrSet(map: Map, key: K, value: V): V { let result = map.get(key); if (result === undefined) { result = value; map.set(key, result); } return result; } export function mapToString(map: Map): string { const entries: string[] = []; map.forEach((value, key) => { entries.push(`${key} => ${value}`); }); return `Map(${map.size}) {${entries.join(', ')}}`; } export function setToString(set: Set): string { const entries: K[] = []; set.forEach(value => { entries.push(value); }); return `Set(${set.size}) {${entries.join(', ')}}`; } export interface IKeyIterator { reset(key: K): this; next(): this; hasNext(): boolean; cmp(a: string): number; value(): string; } export class StringIterator implements IKeyIterator { private _value: string = ''; private _pos: number = 0; reset(key: string): this { this._value = key; this._pos = 0; return this; } next(): this { this._pos += 1; return this; } hasNext(): boolean { return this._pos < this._value.length - 1; } cmp(a: string): number { const aCode = a.charCodeAt(0); const thisCode = this._value.charCodeAt(this._pos); return aCode - thisCode; } value(): string { return this._value[this._pos]; } } export class PathIterator implements IKeyIterator { private _value!: string; private _from!: number; private _to!: number; constructor( private readonly _splitOnBackslash: boolean = true, private readonly _caseSensitive: boolean = true ) { } reset(key: string): this { this._value = key.replace(/\\$|\/$/, ''); this._from = 0; this._to = 0; return this.next(); } hasNext(): boolean { return this._to < this._value.length; } next(): this { // this._data = key.split(/[\\/]/).filter(s => !!s); this._from = this._to; let justSeps = true; for (; this._to < this._value.length; this._to++) { const ch = this._value.charCodeAt(this._to); if (ch === CharCode.Slash || this._splitOnBackslash && ch === CharCode.Backslash) { if (justSeps) { this._from++; } else { break; } } else { justSeps = false; } } return this; } cmp(a: string): number { return this._caseSensitive ? compareSubstring(a, this._value, 0, a.length, this._from, this._to) : compareSubstringIgnoreCase(a, this._value, 0, a.length, this._from, this._to); } value(): string { return this._value.substring(this._from, this._to); } } const enum UriIteratorState { Scheme = 1, Authority = 2, Path = 3, Query = 4, Fragment = 5 } export class UriIterator implements IKeyIterator { private _pathIterator!: PathIterator; private _value!: URI; private _states: UriIteratorState[] = []; private _stateIdx: number = 0; reset(key: URI): this { this._value = key; this._states = []; if (this._value.scheme) { this._states.push(UriIteratorState.Scheme); } if (this._value.authority) { this._states.push(UriIteratorState.Authority); } if (this._value.path) { //todo@jrieken the case-sensitive logic is copied form `resources.ts#hasToIgnoreCase` // which cannot be used because it depends on this const caseSensitive = key.scheme === Schemas.file && isLinux; this._pathIterator = new PathIterator(false, caseSensitive); this._pathIterator.reset(key.path); if (this._pathIterator.value()) { this._states.push(UriIteratorState.Path); } } if (this._value.query) { this._states.push(UriIteratorState.Query); } if (this._value.fragment) { this._states.push(UriIteratorState.Fragment); } this._stateIdx = 0; return this; } next(): this { if (this._states[this._stateIdx] === UriIteratorState.Path && this._pathIterator.hasNext()) { this._pathIterator.next(); } else { this._stateIdx += 1; } return this; } hasNext(): boolean { return (this._states[this._stateIdx] === UriIteratorState.Path && this._pathIterator.hasNext()) || this._stateIdx < this._states.length - 1; } cmp(a: string): number { if (this._states[this._stateIdx] === UriIteratorState.Scheme) { return compare(a, this._value.scheme); } else if (this._states[this._stateIdx] === UriIteratorState.Authority) { return compareSubstringIgnoreCase(a, this._value.authority); } else if (this._states[this._stateIdx] === UriIteratorState.Path) { return this._pathIterator.cmp(a); } else if (this._states[this._stateIdx] === UriIteratorState.Query) { return compare(a, this._value.query); } else if (this._states[this._stateIdx] === UriIteratorState.Fragment) { return compare(a, this._value.fragment); } throw new Error(); } value(): string { if (this._states[this._stateIdx] === UriIteratorState.Scheme) { return this._value.scheme; } else if (this._states[this._stateIdx] === UriIteratorState.Authority) { return this._value.authority; } else if (this._states[this._stateIdx] === UriIteratorState.Path) { return this._pathIterator.value(); } else if (this._states[this._stateIdx] === UriIteratorState.Query) { return this._value.query; } else if (this._states[this._stateIdx] === UriIteratorState.Fragment) { return this._value.fragment; } throw new Error(); } } class TernarySearchTreeNode { segment!: string; value: V | undefined; key!: K; left: TernarySearchTreeNode | undefined; mid: TernarySearchTreeNode | undefined; right: TernarySearchTreeNode | undefined; isEmpty(): boolean { return !this.left && !this.mid && !this.right && !this.value; } } export class TernarySearchTree { static forUris(): TernarySearchTree { return new TernarySearchTree(new UriIterator()); } static forPaths(): TernarySearchTree { return new TernarySearchTree(new PathIterator()); } static forStrings(): TernarySearchTree { return new TernarySearchTree(new StringIterator()); } private _iter: IKeyIterator; private _root: TernarySearchTreeNode | undefined; constructor(segments: IKeyIterator) { this._iter = segments; } clear(): void { this._root = undefined; } set(key: K, element: V): V | undefined { const iter = this._iter.reset(key); let node: TernarySearchTreeNode; if (!this._root) { this._root = new TernarySearchTreeNode(); this._root.segment = iter.value(); } node = this._root; while (true) { const val = iter.cmp(node.segment); if (val > 0) { // left if (!node.left) { node.left = new TernarySearchTreeNode(); node.left.segment = iter.value(); } node = node.left; } else if (val < 0) { // right if (!node.right) { node.right = new TernarySearchTreeNode(); node.right.segment = iter.value(); } node = node.right; } else if (iter.hasNext()) { // mid iter.next(); if (!node.mid) { node.mid = new TernarySearchTreeNode(); node.mid.segment = iter.value(); } node = node.mid; } else { break; } } const oldElement = node.value; node.value = element; node.key = key; return oldElement; } get(key: K): V | undefined { const iter = this._iter.reset(key); let node = this._root; while (node) { const val = iter.cmp(node.segment); if (val > 0) { // left node = node.left; } else if (val < 0) { // right node = node.right; } else if (iter.hasNext()) { // mid iter.next(); node = node.mid; } else { break; } } return node ? node.value : undefined; } delete(key: K): void { const iter = this._iter.reset(key); const stack: [-1 | 0 | 1, TernarySearchTreeNode][] = []; let node = this._root; // find and unset node while (node) { const val = iter.cmp(node.segment); if (val > 0) { // left stack.push([1, node]); node = node.left; } else if (val < 0) { // right stack.push([-1, node]); node = node.right; } else if (iter.hasNext()) { // mid iter.next(); stack.push([0, node]); node = node.mid; } else { // remove element node.value = undefined; // clean up empty nodes while (stack.length > 0 && node.isEmpty()) { let [dir, parent] = stack.pop()!; switch (dir) { case 1: parent.left = undefined; break; case 0: parent.mid = undefined; break; case -1: parent.right = undefined; break; } node = parent; } break; } } } findSubstr(key: K): V | undefined { const iter = this._iter.reset(key); let node = this._root; let candidate: V | undefined = undefined; while (node) { const val = iter.cmp(node.segment); if (val > 0) { // left node = node.left; } else if (val < 0) { // right node = node.right; } else if (iter.hasNext()) { // mid iter.next(); candidate = node.value || candidate; node = node.mid; } else { break; } } return node && node.value || candidate; } findSuperstr(key: K): Iterator | undefined { const iter = this._iter.reset(key); let node = this._root; while (node) { const val = iter.cmp(node.segment); if (val > 0) { // left node = node.left; } else if (val < 0) { // right node = node.right; } else if (iter.hasNext()) { // mid iter.next(); node = node.mid; } else { // collect if (!node.mid) { return undefined; } else { return this._nodeIterator(node.mid); } } } return undefined; } private _nodeIterator(node: TernarySearchTreeNode): Iterator { let res: { done: false; value: V; }; let idx: number; let data: V[]; const next = (): IteratorResult => { if (!data) { // lazy till first invocation data = []; idx = 0; this._forEach(node, value => data.push(value)); } if (idx >= data.length) { return { done: true, value: undefined }; } if (!res) { res = { done: false, value: data[idx++] }; } else { res.value = data[idx++]; } return res; }; return { next }; } forEach(callback: (value: V, index: K) => any) { this._forEach(this._root, callback); } private _forEach(node: TernarySearchTreeNode | undefined, callback: (value: V, index: K) => any) { if (node) { // left this._forEach(node.left, callback); // node if (node.value) { // callback(node.value, this._iter.join(parts)); callback(node.value, node.key); } // mid this._forEach(node.mid, callback); // right this._forEach(node.right, callback); } } } interface ResourceMapKeyFn { (resource: URI): string; } export class ResourceMap implements Map { private static readonly defaultToKey = (resource: URI) => resource.toString(); readonly [Symbol.toStringTag] = 'ResourceMap'; private readonly map: Map; private readonly toKey: ResourceMapKeyFn; /** * * @param toKey Custom uri identity function, e.g use an existing `IExtUri#getComparison`-util */ constructor(toKey?: ResourceMapKeyFn); /** * * @param other Another resource which this maps is created from * @param toKey Custom uri identity function, e.g use an existing `IExtUri#getComparison`-util */ constructor(other?: ResourceMap, toKey?: ResourceMapKeyFn); constructor(mapOrKeyFn?: ResourceMap | ResourceMapKeyFn, toKey?: ResourceMapKeyFn) { if (mapOrKeyFn instanceof ResourceMap) { this.map = new Map(mapOrKeyFn.map); this.toKey = toKey ?? ResourceMap.defaultToKey; } else { this.map = new Map(); this.toKey = mapOrKeyFn ?? ResourceMap.defaultToKey; } } set(resource: URI, value: T): this { this.map.set(this.toKey(resource), value); return this; } get(resource: URI): T | undefined { return this.map.get(this.toKey(resource)); } has(resource: URI): boolean { return this.map.has(this.toKey(resource)); } get size(): number { return this.map.size; } clear(): void { this.map.clear(); } delete(resource: URI): boolean { return this.map.delete(this.toKey(resource)); } forEach(clb: (value: T, key: URI, map: Map) => void, thisArg?: any): void { if (typeof thisArg !== 'undefined') { clb = clb.bind(thisArg); } for (let [index, value] of this.map) { clb(value, URI.parse(index), this); } } values(): IterableIterator { return this.map.values(); } *keys(): IterableIterator { for (let key of this.map.keys()) { yield URI.parse(key); } } *entries(): IterableIterator<[URI, T]> { for (let tuple of this.map.entries()) { yield [URI.parse(tuple[0]), tuple[1]]; } } *[Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<[URI, T]> { for (let item of this.map) { yield [URI.parse(item[0]), item[1]]; } } } interface Item { previous: Item | undefined; next: Item | undefined; key: K; value: V; } export const enum Touch { None = 0, AsOld = 1, AsNew = 2 } export class LinkedMap implements Map { readonly [Symbol.toStringTag] = 'LinkedMap'; private _map: Map>; private _head: Item | undefined; private _tail: Item | undefined; private _size: number; private _state: number; constructor() { this._map = new Map>(); this._head = undefined; this._tail = undefined; this._size = 0; this._state = 0; } clear(): void { this._map.clear(); this._head = undefined; this._tail = undefined; this._size = 0; this._state++; } isEmpty(): boolean { return !this._head && !this._tail; } get size(): number { return this._size; } get first(): V | undefined { return this._head?.value; } get last(): V | undefined { return this._tail?.value; } has(key: K): boolean { return this._map.has(key); } get(key: K, touch: Touch = Touch.None): V | undefined { const item = this._map.get(key); if (!item) { return undefined; } if (touch !== Touch.None) { this.touch(item, touch); } return item.value; } set(key: K, value: V, touch: Touch = Touch.None): this { let item = this._map.get(key); if (item) { item.value = value; if (touch !== Touch.None) { this.touch(item, touch); } } else { item = { key, value, next: undefined, previous: undefined }; switch (touch) { case Touch.None: this.addItemLast(item); break; case Touch.AsOld: this.addItemFirst(item); break; case Touch.AsNew: this.addItemLast(item); break; default: this.addItemLast(item); break; } this._map.set(key, item); this._size++; } return this; } delete(key: K): boolean { return !!this.remove(key); } remove(key: K): V | undefined { const item = this._map.get(key); if (!item) { return undefined; } this._map.delete(key); this.removeItem(item); this._size--; return item.value; } shift(): V | undefined { if (!this._head && !this._tail) { return undefined; } if (!this._head || !this._tail) { throw new Error('Invalid list'); } const item = this._head; this._map.delete(item.key); this.removeItem(item); this._size--; return item.value; } forEach(callbackfn: (value: V, key: K, map: LinkedMap) => void, thisArg?: any): void { const state = this._state; let current = this._head; while (current) { if (thisArg) { callbackfn.bind(thisArg)(current.value, current.key, this); } else { callbackfn(current.value, current.key, this); } if (this._state !== state) { throw new Error(`LinkedMap got modified during iteration.`); } current = current.next; } } keys(): IterableIterator { const map = this; const state = this._state; let current = this._head; const iterator: IterableIterator = { [Symbol.iterator]() { return iterator; }, next(): IteratorResult { if (map._state !== state) { throw new Error(`LinkedMap got modified during iteration.`); } if (current) { const result = { value: current.key, done: false }; current = current.next; return result; } else { return { value: undefined, done: true }; } } }; return iterator; } values(): IterableIterator { const map = this; const state = this._state; let current = this._head; const iterator: IterableIterator = { [Symbol.iterator]() { return iterator; }, next(): IteratorResult { if (map._state !== state) { throw new Error(`LinkedMap got modified during iteration.`); } if (current) { const result = { value: current.value, done: false }; current = current.next; return result; } else { return { value: undefined, done: true }; } } }; return iterator; } entries(): IterableIterator<[K, V]> { const map = this; const state = this._state; let current = this._head; const iterator: IterableIterator<[K, V]> = { [Symbol.iterator]() { return iterator; }, next(): IteratorResult<[K, V]> { if (map._state !== state) { throw new Error(`LinkedMap got modified during iteration.`); } if (current) { const result: IteratorResult<[K, V]> = { value: [current.key, current.value], done: false }; current = current.next; return result; } else { return { value: undefined, done: true }; } } }; return iterator; } [Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<[K, V]> { return this.entries(); } protected trimOld(newSize: number) { if (newSize >= this.size) { return; } if (newSize === 0) { this.clear(); return; } let current = this._head; let currentSize = this.size; while (current && currentSize > newSize) { this._map.delete(current.key); current = current.next; currentSize--; } this._head = current; this._size = currentSize; if (current) { current.previous = undefined; } this._state++; } private addItemFirst(item: Item): void { // First time Insert if (!this._head && !this._tail) { this._tail = item; } else if (!this._head) { throw new Error('Invalid list'); } else { item.next = this._head; this._head.previous = item; } this._head = item; this._state++; } private addItemLast(item: Item): void { // First time Insert if (!this._head && !this._tail) { this._head = item; } else if (!this._tail) { throw new Error('Invalid list'); } else { item.previous = this._tail; this._tail.next = item; } this._tail = item; this._state++; } private removeItem(item: Item): void { if (item === this._head && item === this._tail) { this._head = undefined; this._tail = undefined; } else if (item === this._head) { // This can only happend if size === 1 which is handle // by the case above. if (!item.next) { throw new Error('Invalid list'); } item.next.previous = undefined; this._head = item.next; } else if (item === this._tail) { // This can only happend if size === 1 which is handle // by the case above. if (!item.previous) { throw new Error('Invalid list'); } item.previous.next = undefined; this._tail = item.previous; } else { const next = item.next; const previous = item.previous; if (!next || !previous) { throw new Error('Invalid list'); } next.previous = previous; previous.next = next; } item.next = undefined; item.previous = undefined; this._state++; } private touch(item: Item, touch: Touch): void { if (!this._head || !this._tail) { throw new Error('Invalid list'); } if ((touch !== Touch.AsOld && touch !== Touch.AsNew)) { return; } if (touch === Touch.AsOld) { if (item === this._head) { return; } const next = item.next; const previous = item.previous; // Unlink the item if (item === this._tail) { // previous must be defined since item was not head but is tail // So there are more than on item in the map previous!.next = undefined; this._tail = previous; } else { // Both next and previous are not undefined since item was neither head nor tail. next!.previous = previous; previous!.next = next; } // Insert the node at head item.previous = undefined; item.next = this._head; this._head.previous = item; this._head = item; this._state++; } else if (touch === Touch.AsNew) { if (item === this._tail) { return; } const next = item.next; const previous = item.previous; // Unlink the item. if (item === this._head) { // next must be defined since item was not tail but is head // So there are more than on item in the map next!.previous = undefined; this._head = next; } else { // Both next and previous are not undefined since item was neither head nor tail. next!.previous = previous; previous!.next = next; } item.next = undefined; item.previous = this._tail; this._tail.next = item; this._tail = item; this._state++; } } toJSON(): [K, V][] { const data: [K, V][] = []; this.forEach((value, key) => { data.push([key, value]); }); return data; } fromJSON(data: [K, V][]): void { this.clear(); for (const [key, value] of data) { this.set(key, value); } } } export class LRUCache extends LinkedMap { private _limit: number; private _ratio: number; constructor(limit: number, ratio: number = 1) { super(); this._limit = limit; this._ratio = Math.min(Math.max(0, ratio), 1); } get limit(): number { return this._limit; } set limit(limit: number) { this._limit = limit; this.checkTrim(); } get ratio(): number { return this._ratio; } set ratio(ratio: number) { this._ratio = Math.min(Math.max(0, ratio), 1); this.checkTrim(); } get(key: K, touch: Touch = Touch.AsNew): V | undefined { return super.get(key, touch); } peek(key: K): V | undefined { return super.get(key, Touch.None); } set(key: K, value: V): this { super.set(key, value, Touch.AsNew); this.checkTrim(); return this; } private checkTrim() { if (this.size > this._limit) { this.trimOld(Math.round(this._limit * this._ratio)); } } }