/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 'use strict'; import platform = require('vs/platform/platform'); import { IJSONSchema } from 'vs/base/common/jsonSchema'; import { Color } from 'vs/base/common/color'; import { ITheme } from 'vs/platform/theme/common/themeService'; import nls = require('vs/nls'); // ------ API types export type ColorIdentifier = string; export interface ColorContribution { readonly id: ColorIdentifier; readonly description: string; readonly defaults: ColorDefaults; } export interface ColorFunction { (theme: ITheme): Color; } export interface ColorDefaults { light: ColorValue; dark: ColorValue; hc: ColorValue; } /** * A Color Value is either a color literal, a refence to other color or a derived color */ export type ColorValue = Color | string | ColorIdentifier | ColorFunction; // color registry export const Extensions = { ColorContribution: 'base.contributions.colors' }; export interface IColorRegistry { /** * Register a color to the registry. * @param id The color id as used in theme descrition files * @param defaults The default values * @description the description */ registerColor(id: string, defaults: ColorDefaults, description: string): ColorIdentifier; /** * Get all color contributions */ getColors(): ColorContribution[]; /** * Gets the default color of the given id */ resolveDefaultColor(id: ColorIdentifier, theme: ITheme): Color; /** * JSON schema of all colors */ getColorSchema(): IJSONSchema; } const colorPattern = '^#([0-9A-Fa-f]{3,4}|([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}){3,4})$'; const colorPatternErrorMessage = nls.localize('invalid.color', 'Invalid color format. Use #RGB, #RGBA, #RRGGBB or #RRGGBBAA'); class ColorRegistry implements IColorRegistry { private colorsById: { [key: string]: ColorContribution }; private colorSchema: IJSONSchema = { type: 'object', description: nls.localize('schema.colors', "Colors used in the workbench."), properties: {}, additionalProperties: false }; constructor() { this.colorsById = {}; } public registerColor(id: string, defaults: ColorDefaults, description: string): ColorIdentifier { let colorContribution = { id, description, defaults }; this.colorsById[id] = colorContribution; this.colorSchema.properties[id] = { type: 'string', description, format: 'color', pattern: colorPattern, patternErrorMessage: colorPatternErrorMessage }; return id; } public getColors(): ColorContribution[] { return Object.keys(this.colorsById).map(id => this.colorsById[id]); } public resolveDefaultColor(id: ColorIdentifier, theme: ITheme): Color { let colorDesc = this.colorsById[id]; if (colorDesc && colorDesc.defaults) { let colorValue = colorDesc.defaults[theme.type]; return resolveColorValue(colorValue, theme); } return null; } public getColorSchema(): IJSONSchema { return this.colorSchema; } public toString() { let sorter = (a: string, b: string) => { let cat1 = a.indexOf('.') === -1 ? 0 : 1; let cat2 = b.indexOf('.') === -1 ? 0 : 1; if (cat1 !== cat2) { return cat1 - cat2; } return a.localeCompare(b); }; return Object.keys(this.colorsById).sort(sorter).map(k => `- \`${k}\`: ${this.colorsById[k].description}`).join('\n'); } } const colorRegistry = new ColorRegistry(); platform.Registry.add(Extensions.ColorContribution, colorRegistry); export function registerColor(id: string, defaults: ColorDefaults, description: string): ColorIdentifier { return colorRegistry.registerColor(id, defaults, description); } // ----- base colors export const foreground = registerColor('foreground', { dark: '#CCCCCC', light: '#6C6C6C', hc: '#FFFFFF' }, nls.localize('foreground', "Overall foreground color. This color is only used if not overridden by a component.")); export const errorForeground = registerColor('errorForeground', { dark: '#F48771', light: '#A1260D', hc: '#F48771' }, nls.localize('errorForeground', "Overall foreground color for error messages. This color is only used if not overridden by a component.")); export const descriptionForeground = registerColor('descriptionForeground', { light: transparent(foreground, 0.7), dark: transparent(foreground, 0.7), hc: transparent(foreground, 0.7) }, nls.localize('descriptionForeground', "Foreground color for description text providing additional information, for example for a label.")); export const focusBorder = registerColor('focusBorder', { dark: Color.fromHex('#0E639C').transparent(0.6), light: Color.fromHex('#007ACC').transparent(0.4), hc: '#F38518' }, nls.localize('focusBorder', "Overall border color for focused elements. This color is only used if not overridden by a component.")); export const contrastBorder = registerColor('contrastBorder', { light: null, dark: null, hc: '#6FC3DF' }, nls.localize('contrastBorder', "An extra border around elements to separate them from others for greater contrast.")); export const activeContrastBorder = registerColor('contrastActiveBorder', { light: null, dark: null, hc: focusBorder }, nls.localize('activeContrastBorder', "An extra border around active elements to separate them from others for greater contrast.")); export const selectionBackground = registerColor('selection.background', { light: null, dark: null, hc: null }, nls.localize('selectionBackground', "The background color of text selections in the workbench (e.g. for input fields or text areas). Note that this does not apply to selections within the editor and the terminal.")); // ------ text colors export const textSeparatorForeground = registerColor('textSeparator.foreground', { light: '#0000002e', dark: '#ffffff2e', hc: Color.black }, nls.localize('textSeparatorForeground', "Color for text separators.")); export const textLinkForeground = registerColor('textLink.foreground', { light: '#4080D0', dark: '#4080D0', hc: '#4080D0' }, nls.localize('textLinkForeground', "Foreground color for links in text.")); export const textLinkActiveForeground = registerColor('textLink.activeForeground', { light: '#4080D0', dark: '#4080D0', hc: '#4080D0' }, nls.localize('textLinkActiveForeground', "Foreground color for active links in text.")); export const textPreformatForeground = registerColor('textPreformat.foreground', { light: '#A31515', dark: '#D7BA7D', hc: '#D7BA7D' }, nls.localize('textPreformatForeground', "Foreground color for preformatted text segments.")); export const textBlockQuoteBackground = registerColor('textBlockQuote.background', { light: '#7f7f7f1a', dark: '#7f7f7f1a', hc: null }, nls.localize('textBlockQuoteBackground', "Background color for block quotes in text.")); export const textBlockQuoteBorder = registerColor('textBlockQuote.border', { light: '#007acc80', dark: '#007acc80', hc: Color.white }, nls.localize('textBlockQuoteBorder', "Border color for block quotes in text.")); export const textCodeBlockBackground = registerColor('textCodeBlock.background', { light: '#dcdcdc66', dark: '#0a0a0a66', hc: Color.black }, nls.localize('textCodeBlockBackground', "Background color for code blocks in text.")); // ----- widgets export const widgetShadow = registerColor('widget.shadow', { dark: '#000000', light: '#A8A8A8', hc: null }, nls.localize('widgetShadow', 'Shadow color of widgets such as find/replace inside the editor.')); export const inputBackground = registerColor('input.background', { dark: '#3C3C3C', light: Color.white, hc: Color.black }, nls.localize('inputBoxBackground', "Input box background.")); export const inputForeground = registerColor('input.foreground', { dark: foreground, light: foreground, hc: foreground }, nls.localize('inputBoxForeground', "Input box foreground.")); export const inputBorder = registerColor('input.border', { dark: null, light: null, hc: contrastBorder }, nls.localize('inputBoxBorder', "Input box border.")); export const inputActiveOptionBorder = registerColor('inputOption.activeBorder', { dark: '#007ACC', light: '#007ACC', hc: activeContrastBorder }, nls.localize('inputBoxActiveOptionBorder', "Border color of activated options in input fields.")); export const inputPlaceholderForeground = registerColor('input.placeholderForeground', { dark: null, light: null, hc: null }, nls.localize('inputPlaceholderForeground', "Input box foreground color for placeholder text.")); export const inputValidationInfoBackground = registerColor('inputValidation.infoBackground', { dark: '#063B49', light: '#D6ECF2', hc: Color.black }, nls.localize('inputValidationInfoBackground', "Input validation background color for information severity.")); export const inputValidationInfoBorder = registerColor('inputValidation.infoBorder', { dark: '#55AAFF', light: '#55AAFF', hc: contrastBorder }, nls.localize('inputValidationInfoBorder', "Input validation border color for information severity.")); export const inputValidationWarningBackground = registerColor('inputValidation.warningBackground', { dark: '#352A05', light: '#F6F5D2', hc: Color.black }, nls.localize('inputValidationWarningBackground', "Input validation background color for information warning.")); export const inputValidationWarningBorder = registerColor('inputValidation.warningBorder', { dark: '#B89500', light: '#B89500', hc: contrastBorder }, nls.localize('inputValidationWarningBorder', "Input validation border color for warning severity.")); export const inputValidationErrorBackground = registerColor('inputValidation.errorBackground', { dark: '#5A1D1D', light: '#F2DEDE', hc: Color.black }, nls.localize('inputValidationErrorBackground', "Input validation background color for error severity.")); export const inputValidationErrorBorder = registerColor('inputValidation.errorBorder', { dark: '#BE1100', light: '#BE1100', hc: contrastBorder }, nls.localize('inputValidationErrorBorder', "Input validation border color for error severity.")); export const selectBackground = registerColor('dropdown.background', { dark: '#3C3C3C', light: Color.white, hc: Color.black }, nls.localize('dropdownBackground', "Dropdown background.")); export const selectForeground = registerColor('dropdown.foreground', { dark: '#F0F0F0', light: null, hc: Color.white }, nls.localize('dropdownForeground', "Dropdown foreground.")); export const selectBorder = registerColor('dropdown.border', { dark: selectBackground, light: '#CECECE', hc: contrastBorder }, nls.localize('dropdownBorder', "Dropdown border.")); export const listFocusBackground = registerColor('list.focusBackground', { dark: '#073655', light: '#DCEBFC', hc: null }, nls.localize('listFocusBackground', "List/Tree background color for the focused item when the list/tree is active. An active list/tree has keyboard focus, an inactive does not.")); export const listFocusForeground = registerColor('list.focusForeground', { dark: null, light: null, hc: null }, nls.localize('listFocusForeground', "List/Tree foreground color for the focused item when the list/tree is active. An active list/tree has keyboard focus, an inactive does not.")); export const listActiveSelectionBackground = registerColor('list.activeSelectionBackground', { dark: '#094771', light: '#3399FF', hc: null }, nls.localize('listActiveSelectionBackground', "List/Tree background color for the selected item when the list/tree is active. An active list/tree has keyboard focus, an inactive does not.")); export const listActiveSelectionForeground = registerColor('list.activeSelectionForeground', { dark: Color.white, light: Color.white, hc: null }, nls.localize('listActiveSelectionForeground', "List/Tree foreground color for the selected item when the list/tree is active. An active list/tree has keyboard focus, an inactive does not.")); export const listInactiveSelectionBackground = registerColor('list.inactiveSelectionBackground', { dark: '#3F3F46', light: '#CCCEDB', hc: null }, nls.localize('listInactiveSelectionBackground', "List/Tree background color for the selected item when the list/tree is inactive. An active list/tree has keyboard focus, an inactive does not.")); export const listInactiveSelectionForeground = registerColor('list.inactiveSelectionForeground', { dark: null, light: null, hc: null }, nls.localize('listInactiveSelectionForeground', "List/Tree foreground color for the selected item when the list/tree is inactive. An active list/tree has keyboard focus, an inactive does not.")); export const listHoverBackground = registerColor('list.hoverBackground', { dark: '#2A2D2E', light: '#F0F0F0', hc: null }, nls.localize('listHoverBackground', "List/Tree background when hovering over items using the mouse.")); export const listHoverForeground = registerColor('list.hoverForeground', { dark: null, light: null, hc: null }, nls.localize('listHoverForeground', "List/Tree foreground when hovering over items using the mouse.")); export const listDropBackground = registerColor('list.dropBackground', { dark: listFocusBackground, light: listFocusBackground, hc: null }, nls.localize('listDropBackground', "List/Tree drag and drop background when moving items around using the mouse.")); export const listHighlightForeground = registerColor('list.highlightForeground', { dark: '#0097fb', light: '#007acc', hc: focusBorder }, nls.localize('highlight', 'List/Tree foreground color of the match highlights when searching inside the list/tree.')); export const pickerGroupForeground = registerColor('pickerGroup.foreground', { dark: Color.fromHex('#0097FB').transparent(0.6), light: Color.fromHex('#007ACC').transparent(0.6), hc: Color.white }, nls.localize('pickerGroupForeground', "Quick picker color for grouping labels.")); export const pickerGroupBorder = registerColor('pickerGroup.border', { dark: '#3F3F46', light: '#CCCEDB', hc: Color.white }, nls.localize('pickerGroupBorder', "Quick picker color for grouping borders.")); export const buttonForeground = registerColor('button.foreground', { dark: Color.white, light: Color.white, hc: Color.white }, nls.localize('buttonForeground', "Button foreground color.")); export const buttonBackground = registerColor('button.background', { dark: '#0E639C', light: '#007ACC', hc: null }, nls.localize('buttonBackground', "Button background color.")); export const buttonHoverBackground = registerColor('button.hoverBackground', { dark: lighten(buttonBackground, 0.2), light: darken(buttonBackground, 0.2), hc: null }, nls.localize('buttonHoverBackground', "Button background color when hovering.")); export const badgeBackground = registerColor('badge.background', { dark: '#4D4D4D', light: '#BEBEBE', hc: Color.black }, nls.localize('badgeBackground', "Badge background color. Badges are small information labels, e.g. for search results count.")); export const badgeForeground = registerColor('badge.foreground', { dark: Color.white, light: Color.white, hc: Color.white }, nls.localize('badgeForeground', "Badge foreground color. Badges are small information labels, e.g. for search results count.")); export const scrollbarShadow = registerColor('scrollbar.shadow', { dark: '#000000', light: '#DDDDDD', hc: null }, nls.localize('scrollbarShadow', "Scrollbar shadow to indicate that the view is scrolled.")); export const scrollbarSliderBackground = registerColor('scrollbarSlider.background', { dark: Color.fromHex('#797979').transparent(0.4), light: Color.fromHex('#646464').transparent(0.4), hc: transparent(contrastBorder, 0.6) }, nls.localize('scrollbarSliderBackground', "Slider background color.")); export const scrollbarSliderHoverBackground = registerColor('scrollbarSlider.hoverBackground', { dark: Color.fromHex('#646464').transparent(0.7), light: Color.fromHex('#646464').transparent(0.7), hc: transparent(contrastBorder, 0.8) }, nls.localize('scrollbarSliderHoverBackground', "Slider background color when hovering.")); export const scrollbarSliderActiveBackground = registerColor('scrollbarSlider.activeBackground', { dark: Color.fromHex('#BFBFBF').transparent(0.4), light: Color.fromHex('#000000').transparent(0.6), hc: contrastBorder }, nls.localize('scrollbarSliderActiveBackground', "Slider background color when active.")); export const progressBarBackground = registerColor('progressBar.background', { dark: Color.fromHex('#0E70C0'), light: Color.fromHex('#0E70C0'), hc: contrastBorder }, nls.localize('progressBarBackground', "Background color of the progress bar that can show for long running operations.")); /** * Editor background color. * Because of bug https://monacotools.visualstudio.com/DefaultCollection/Monaco/_workitems/edit/13254 * we are *not* using the color white (or #ffffff, rgba(255,255,255)) but something very close to white. */ export const editorBackground = registerColor('editor.background', { light: '#fffffe', dark: '#1E1E1E', hc: Color.black }, nls.localize('editorBackground', "Editor background color.")); /** * Editor foreground color. */ export const editorForeground = registerColor('editor.foreground', { light: '#333333', dark: '#BBBBBB', hc: Color.white }, nls.localize('editorForeground', "Editor default foreground color.")); /** * Editor widgets */ export const editorWidgetBackground = registerColor('editorWidget.background', { dark: '#2D2D30', light: '#EFEFF2', hc: '#0C141F' }, nls.localize('editorWidgetBackground', 'Background color of editor widgets, such as find/replace.')); export const editorWidgetBorder = registerColor('editorWidget.border', { dark: '#454545', light: '#C8C8C8', hc: contrastBorder }, nls.localize('editorWidgetBorder', 'Border color of the editor widget.')); /** * Editor selection colors. */ export const editorSelection = registerColor('editor.selectionBackground', { light: '#ADD6FF', dark: '#264F78', hc: '#f3f518' }, nls.localize('editorSelection', "Color of the editor selection.")); export const editorInactiveSelection = registerColor('editor.inactiveSelectionBackground', { light: transparent(editorSelection, 0.5), dark: transparent(editorSelection, 0.5), hc: null }, nls.localize('editorInactiveSelection', "Color of the selection in an inactive editor.")); export const editorSelectionHighlight = registerColor('editor.selectionHighlightBackground', { light: lessProminent(editorSelection, editorBackground, 0.3, 0.6), dark: lessProminent(editorSelection, editorBackground, 0.3, 0.6), hc: null }, nls.localize('editorSelectionHighlight', 'Color for regions with the same content as the selection.')); /** * Editor find match colors. */ export const editorFindMatch = registerColor('editor.findMatchBackground', { light: '#A8AC94', dark: '#515C6A', hc: null }, nls.localize('editorFindMatch', "Color of the current search match.")); export const editorFindMatchHighlight = registerColor('editor.findMatchHighlightBackground', { light: '#EA5C0055', dark: '#EA5C0055', hc: null }, nls.localize('findMatchHighlight', "Color of the other search matches.")); export const editorFindRangeHighlight = registerColor('editor.findRangeHighlightBackground', { dark: '#3a3d4166', light: '#b4b4b44d', hc: null }, nls.localize('findRangeHighlight', "Color the range limiting the search.")); /** * Editor hover */ export const editorHoverHighlight = registerColor('editor.hoverHighlightBackground', { light: '#ADD6FF26', dark: '#264f7840', hc: '#ADD6FF26' }, nls.localize('hoverHighlight', 'Highlight below the word for which a hover is shown.')); export const editorHoverBackground = registerColor('editorHoverWidget.background', { light: editorWidgetBackground, dark: editorWidgetBackground, hc: editorWidgetBackground }, nls.localize('hoverBackground', 'Background color of the editor hover.')); export const editorHoverBorder = registerColor('editorHoverWidget.border', { light: editorWidgetBorder, dark: editorWidgetBorder, hc: editorWidgetBorder }, nls.localize('hoverBorder', 'Border color of the editor hover.')); /** * Editor link colors */ export const editorActiveLinkForeground = registerColor('editorLink.activeForeground', { dark: '#4E94CE', light: Color.blue, hc: Color.cyan }, nls.localize('activeLinkForeground', 'Color of active links.')); // ----- color functions export function darken(colorValue: ColorValue, factor: number): ColorFunction { return (theme) => { let color = resolveColorValue(colorValue, theme); if (color) { return color.darken(factor); } return null; }; } export function lighten(colorValue: ColorValue, factor: number): ColorFunction { return (theme) => { let color = resolveColorValue(colorValue, theme); if (color) { return color.lighten(factor); } return null; }; } export function transparent(colorValue: ColorValue, factor: number): ColorFunction { return (theme) => { let color = resolveColorValue(colorValue, theme); if (color) { return color.transparent(factor); } return null; }; } function lessProminent(colorValue: ColorValue, backgroundColorValue: ColorValue, factor: number, transparency: number): ColorFunction { return (theme) => { let from = resolveColorValue(colorValue, theme); if (from) { let backgroundColor = resolveColorValue(backgroundColorValue, theme); if (backgroundColor) { if (from.isDarkerThan(backgroundColor)) { return Color.getLighterColor(from, backgroundColor, factor).transparent(transparency); } return Color.getDarkerColor(from, backgroundColor, factor).transparent(transparency); } return from.transparent(factor * transparency); } return null; }; } // ----- implementation /** * @param colorValue Resolve a color value in the context of a theme */ function resolveColorValue(colorValue: ColorValue, theme: ITheme): Color { if (colorValue === null) { return null; } else if (typeof colorValue === 'string') { if (colorValue[0] === '#') { return Color.fromHex(colorValue); } return theme.getColor(colorValue); } else if (colorValue instanceof Color) { return colorValue; } else if (typeof colorValue === 'function') { return colorValue(theme); } return null; } // setTimeout(_ => console.log(colorRegistry.toString()), 5000);