/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 'use strict'; import * as assert from 'assert'; import {workspace, window, ViewColumn, TextEditorViewColumnChangeEvent, Uri, Selection, Position} from 'vscode'; import {join} from 'path'; import {cleanUp, pathEquals} from './utils'; suite('window namespace tests', () => { teardown(cleanUp); test('editor, active text editor', () => { return workspace.openTextDocument(join(workspace.rootPath, './far.js')).then(doc => { return window.showTextDocument(doc).then((editor) => { const active = window.activeTextEditor; assert.ok(active); assert.ok(pathEquals(active.document.uri.fsPath, doc.uri.fsPath)); }); }); }); test('editor, UN-active text editor', () => { assert.equal(window.visibleTextEditors.length, 0); assert.ok(window.activeTextEditor === undefined); }); test('editor, assign and check view columns', () => { return workspace.openTextDocument(join(workspace.rootPath, './far.js')).then(doc => { let p1 = window.showTextDocument(doc, ViewColumn.One).then(editor => { assert.equal(editor.viewColumn, ViewColumn.One); }); let p2 = window.showTextDocument(doc, ViewColumn.Two).then(editor => { assert.equal(editor.viewColumn, ViewColumn.Two); }); let p3 = window.showTextDocument(doc, ViewColumn.Three).then(editor => { assert.equal(editor.viewColumn, ViewColumn.Three); }); return Promise.all([p1, p2, p3]); }); }); test('editor, onDidChangeTextEditorViewColumn', () => { let actualEvent: TextEditorViewColumnChangeEvent; let registration1 = workspace.registerTextDocumentContentProvider('bikes', { provideTextDocumentContent() { return 'mountainbiking,roadcycling'; } }); return Promise.all([ workspace.openTextDocument(Uri.parse('bikes://testing/one')).then(doc => window.showTextDocument(doc, ViewColumn.One)), workspace.openTextDocument(Uri.parse('bikes://testing/two')).then(doc => window.showTextDocument(doc, ViewColumn.Two)) ]).then(editors => { let [one, two] = editors; return new Promise(resolve => { let registration2 = window.onDidChangeTextEditorViewColumn(event => { actualEvent = event; registration2.dispose(); resolve(); }); // close editor 1, wait a little for the event to bubble one.hide(); }).then(() => { assert.ok(actualEvent); assert.ok(actualEvent.textEditor === two); assert.ok(actualEvent.viewColumn === two.viewColumn); registration1.dispose(); }); }); }); test('issue #5362 - Incorrect TextEditor passed by onDidChangeTextEditorSelection', (done) => { const file10Path = join(workspace.rootPath, './10linefile.ts'); const file30Path = join(workspace.rootPath, './30linefile.ts'); let finished = false; let failOncePlease = (err:Error) => { if (finished) { return; } finished = true; done(err); }; let passOncePlease = () => { if (finished) { return; } finished = true; done(null); }; let subscription = window.onDidChangeTextEditorSelection((e) => { let lineCount = e.textEditor.document.lineCount; let pos1 = e.textEditor.selections[0].active.line; let pos2 = e.selections[0].active.line; if (pos1 !== pos2) { failOncePlease(new Error('received invalid selection changed event!')); return; } if (pos1 >= lineCount) { failOncePlease(new Error(`Cursor position (${pos1}) is not valid in the document ${e.textEditor.document.fileName} that has ${lineCount} lines.`)); return; } }); // Open 10 line file, show it in slot 1, set cursor to line 10 // Open 30 line file, show it in slot 1, set cursor to line 30 // Open 10 line file, show it in slot 1 // Open 30 line file, show it in slot 1 workspace.openTextDocument(file10Path).then((doc) => { return window.showTextDocument(doc, ViewColumn.One); }).then((editor10line) => { editor10line.selection = new Selection(new Position(9,0), new Position(9, 0)); }).then(() => { return workspace.openTextDocument(file30Path); }).then((doc) => { return window.showTextDocument(doc, ViewColumn.One); }).then((editor30line) => { editor30line.selection = new Selection(new Position(29,0), new Position(29, 0)); }).then(() => { return workspace.openTextDocument(file10Path); }).then((doc) => { return window.showTextDocument(doc, ViewColumn.One); }).then(() => { return workspace.openTextDocument(file30Path); }).then((doc) => { return window.showTextDocument(doc, ViewColumn.One); }).then(() => { subscription.dispose(); }).then(passOncePlease, failOncePlease); }); });