/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import { localize } from 'vs/nls'; import { ISetting } from 'vs/workbench/services/preferences/common/preferences'; export interface ITOCEntry { id: string; label: string; children?: ITOCEntry[]; settings?: Array; } export const commonlyUsedData: ITOCEntry = { id: 'commonlyUsed', label: localize('commonlyUsed', "Commonly Used"), settings: ['files.autoSave', 'editor.fontSize', 'editor.fontFamily', 'editor.tabSize', 'editor.renderWhitespace', 'editor.cursorStyle', 'editor.multiCursorModifier', 'editor.insertSpaces', 'editor.wordWrap', 'files.exclude', 'files.associations'] }; export const tocData: ITOCEntry = { id: 'root', label: 'root', children: [ { id: 'editor', label: localize('textEditor', "Text Editor"), settings: ['editor.*'], children: [ { id: 'editor/cursor', label: localize('cursor', "Cursor"), settings: ['editor.cursor*'] }, { id: 'editor/find', label: localize('find', "Find"), settings: ['editor.find.*'] }, { id: 'editor/font', label: localize('font', "Font"), settings: ['editor.font*'] }, { id: 'editor/format', label: localize('formatting', "Formatting"), settings: ['editor.format*'] }, { id: 'editor/diffEditor', label: localize('diffEditor', "Diff Editor"), settings: ['diffEditor.*'] }, { id: 'editor/minimap', label: localize('minimap', "Minimap"), settings: ['editor.minimap.*'] }, { id: 'editor/suggestions', label: localize('suggestions', "Suggestions"), settings: ['editor.*suggest*'] }, { id: 'editor/files', label: localize('files', "Files"), settings: ['files.*'] } ] }, { id: 'workbench', label: localize('workbench', "Workbench"), settings: ['workbench.*'], children: [ { id: 'workbench/appearance', label: localize('appearance', "Appearance"), settings: ['workbench.activityBar.*', 'workbench.*color*', 'workbench.fontAliasing', 'workbench.iconTheme', 'workbench.sidebar.location', 'workbench.*.visible', 'workbench.tips.enabled', 'workbench.tree.*', 'workbench.view.*'] }, { id: 'workbench/breadcrumbs', label: localize('breadcrumbs', "Breadcrumbs"), settings: ['breadcrumbs.*'] }, { id: 'workbench/editor', label: localize('editorManagement', "Editor Management"), settings: ['workbench.editor.*'] }, { id: 'workbench/settings', label: localize('settings', "Settings Editor"), settings: ['workbench.settings.*'] }, { id: 'workbench/zenmode', label: localize('zenMode', "Zen Mode"), settings: ['zenmode.*'] } ] }, { id: 'window', label: localize('window', "Window"), settings: ['window.*'], children: [ { id: 'window/newWindow', label: localize('newWindow', "New Window"), settings: ['window.*newwindow*'] } ] }, { id: 'features', label: localize('features', "Features"), children: [ { id: 'features/explorer', label: localize('fileExplorer', "Explorer"), settings: ['explorer.*', 'outline.*'] }, { id: 'features/search', label: localize('search', "Search"), settings: ['search.*', 'searchRipgrep.*'] } , { id: 'features/debug', label: localize('debug', "Debug"), settings: ['debug.*', 'launch'] }, { id: 'features/scm', label: localize('scm', "SCM"), settings: ['scm.*'] }, { id: 'features/extensions', label: localize('extensionViewlet', "Extension Viewlet"), settings: ['extensions.*'] }, { id: 'features/terminal', label: localize('terminal', "Terminal"), settings: ['terminal.*'] }, { id: 'features/problems', label: localize('problems', "Problems"), settings: ['problems.*'] }, { id: 'features/comments', label: localize('comments', "Comments"), settings: ['comments.*'] }, { id: 'features/remote', label: localize('remote', "Remote"), settings: ['remote.*'] } ] }, { id: 'application', label: localize('application', "Application"), children: [ { id: 'application/http', label: localize('proxy', "Proxy"), settings: ['http.*'] }, { id: 'application/keyboard', label: localize('keyboard', "Keyboard"), settings: ['keyboard.*'] }, { id: 'application/update', label: localize('update', "Update"), settings: ['update.*'] }, { id: 'application/telemetry', label: localize('telemetry', "Telemetry"), settings: ['telemetry.*'] } ] } ] }; export const knownAcronyms = new Set(); [ 'css', 'html', 'scss', 'less', 'json', 'js', 'ts', 'ie', 'id', 'php', ].forEach(str => knownAcronyms.add(str)); export const knownTermMappings = new Map(); knownTermMappings.set('power shell', 'PowerShell'); knownTermMappings.set('powershell', 'PowerShell');