/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import * as browser from 'vs/base/browser/browser'; import * as DOM from 'vs/base/browser/dom'; import * as strings from 'vs/base/common/strings'; import * as nls from 'vs/nls'; import { domEvent } from 'vs/base/browser/event'; import { StandardKeyboardEvent } from 'vs/base/browser/keyboardEvent'; import { EventType, Gesture, GestureEvent } from 'vs/base/browser/touch'; import { cleanMnemonic, IMenuOptions, Menu, MENU_ESCAPED_MNEMONIC_REGEX, MENU_MNEMONIC_REGEX, SubmenuAction, IMenuStyles, Direction } from 'vs/base/browser/ui/menu/menu'; import { ActionRunner, IAction, IActionRunner } from 'vs/base/common/actions'; import { RunOnceScheduler } from 'vs/base/common/async'; import { Event, Emitter } from 'vs/base/common/event'; import { KeyCode, ResolvedKeybinding, KeyMod } from 'vs/base/common/keyCodes'; import { Disposable, dispose, IDisposable, DisposableStore } from 'vs/base/common/lifecycle'; import { withNullAsUndefined } from 'vs/base/common/types'; import { asArray } from 'vs/base/common/arrays'; import { ScanCodeUtils, ScanCode } from 'vs/base/common/scanCode'; import { isMacintosh } from 'vs/base/common/platform'; import { StandardMouseEvent } from 'vs/base/browser/mouseEvent'; const $ = DOM.$; export interface IMenuBarOptions { enableMnemonics?: boolean; disableAltFocus?: boolean; visibility?: string; getKeybinding?: (action: IAction) => ResolvedKeybinding | undefined; alwaysOnMnemonics?: boolean; compactMode?: Direction; } export interface MenuBarMenu { actions: ReadonlyArray; label: string; } enum MenubarState { HIDDEN, VISIBLE, FOCUSED, OPEN } export class MenuBar extends Disposable { static readonly OVERFLOW_INDEX: number = -1; private menuCache: { buttonElement: HTMLElement; titleElement: HTMLElement; label: string; actions?: ReadonlyArray; }[]; private overflowMenu!: { buttonElement: HTMLElement; titleElement: HTMLElement; label: string; actions?: IAction[]; }; private focusedMenu: { index: number; holder?: HTMLElement; widget?: Menu; } | undefined; private focusToReturn: HTMLElement | undefined; private menuUpdater: RunOnceScheduler; // Input-related private _mnemonicsInUse: boolean = false; private openedViaKeyboard: boolean = false; private awaitingAltRelease: boolean = false; private ignoreNextMouseUp: boolean = false; private mnemonics: Map; private updatePending: boolean = false; private _focusState: MenubarState; private actionRunner: IActionRunner; private readonly _onVisibilityChange: Emitter; private readonly _onFocusStateChange: Emitter; private numMenusShown: number = 0; private menuStyle: IMenuStyles | undefined; private overflowLayoutScheduled: IDisposable | null = null; constructor(private container: HTMLElement, private options: IMenuBarOptions = {}) { super(); this.container.setAttribute('role', 'menubar'); if (this.options.compactMode !== undefined) { DOM.addClass(this.container, 'compact'); } this.menuCache = []; this.mnemonics = new Map(); this._focusState = MenubarState.VISIBLE; this._onVisibilityChange = this._register(new Emitter()); this._onFocusStateChange = this._register(new Emitter()); this.createOverflowMenu(); this.menuUpdater = this._register(new RunOnceScheduler(() => this.update(), 200)); this.actionRunner = this._register(new ActionRunner()); this._register(this.actionRunner.onDidBeforeRun(() => { this.setUnfocusedState(); })); this._register(ModifierKeyEmitter.getInstance().event(this.onModifierKeyToggled, this)); this._register(DOM.addDisposableListener(this.container, DOM.EventType.KEY_DOWN, (e) => { let event = new StandardKeyboardEvent(e as KeyboardEvent); let eventHandled = true; const key = !!e.key ? e.key.toLocaleLowerCase() : ''; if (event.equals(KeyCode.LeftArrow) || (isMacintosh && event.equals(KeyCode.Tab | KeyMod.Shift))) { this.focusPrevious(); } else if (event.equals(KeyCode.RightArrow) || (isMacintosh && event.equals(KeyCode.Tab))) { this.focusNext(); } else if (event.equals(KeyCode.Escape) && this.isFocused && !this.isOpen) { this.setUnfocusedState(); } else if (!this.isOpen && !event.ctrlKey && this.options.enableMnemonics && this.mnemonicsInUse && this.mnemonics.has(key)) { const menuIndex = this.mnemonics.get(key)!; this.onMenuTriggered(menuIndex, false); } else { eventHandled = false; } // Never allow default tab behavior if (event.equals(KeyCode.Tab | KeyMod.Shift) || event.equals(KeyCode.Tab)) { event.preventDefault(); } if (eventHandled) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } })); this._register(DOM.addDisposableListener(window, DOM.EventType.MOUSE_DOWN, () => { // This mouse event is outside the menubar so it counts as a focus out if (this.isFocused) { this.setUnfocusedState(); } })); this._register(DOM.addDisposableListener(this.container, DOM.EventType.FOCUS_IN, (e) => { let event = e as FocusEvent; if (event.relatedTarget) { if (!this.container.contains(event.relatedTarget as HTMLElement)) { this.focusToReturn = event.relatedTarget as HTMLElement; } } })); this._register(DOM.addDisposableListener(this.container, DOM.EventType.FOCUS_OUT, (e) => { let event = e as FocusEvent; // We are losing focus and there is no related target, e.g. webview case if (!event.relatedTarget) { this.setUnfocusedState(); } // We are losing focus and there is a target, reset focusToReturn value as not to redirect else if (event.relatedTarget && !this.container.contains(event.relatedTarget as HTMLElement)) { this.focusToReturn = undefined; this.setUnfocusedState(); } })); this._register(DOM.addDisposableListener(window, DOM.EventType.KEY_DOWN, (e: KeyboardEvent) => { if (!this.options.enableMnemonics || !e.altKey || e.ctrlKey || e.defaultPrevented) { return; } const key = e.key.toLocaleLowerCase(); if (!this.mnemonics.has(key)) { return; } this.mnemonicsInUse = true; this.updateMnemonicVisibility(true); const menuIndex = this.mnemonics.get(key)!; this.onMenuTriggered(menuIndex, false); })); this.setUnfocusedState(); } push(arg: MenuBarMenu | MenuBarMenu[]): void { const menus: MenuBarMenu[] = asArray(arg); menus.forEach((menuBarMenu) => { const menuIndex = this.menuCache.length; const cleanMenuLabel = cleanMnemonic(menuBarMenu.label); const buttonElement = $('div.menubar-menu-button', { 'role': 'menuitem', 'tabindex': -1, 'aria-label': cleanMenuLabel, 'aria-haspopup': true }); const titleElement = $('div.menubar-menu-title', { 'role': 'none', 'aria-hidden': true }); buttonElement.appendChild(titleElement); this.container.insertBefore(buttonElement, this.overflowMenu.buttonElement); let mnemonicMatches = MENU_MNEMONIC_REGEX.exec(menuBarMenu.label); // Register mnemonics if (mnemonicMatches) { let mnemonic = !!mnemonicMatches[1] ? mnemonicMatches[1] : mnemonicMatches[3]; this.registerMnemonic(this.menuCache.length, mnemonic); } this.updateLabels(titleElement, buttonElement, menuBarMenu.label); this._register(DOM.addDisposableListener(buttonElement, DOM.EventType.KEY_UP, (e) => { let event = new StandardKeyboardEvent(e as KeyboardEvent); let eventHandled = true; if ((event.equals(KeyCode.DownArrow) || event.equals(KeyCode.Enter)) && !this.isOpen) { this.focusedMenu = { index: menuIndex }; this.openedViaKeyboard = true; this.focusState = MenubarState.OPEN; } else { eventHandled = false; } if (eventHandled) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } })); this._register(Gesture.addTarget(buttonElement)); this._register(DOM.addDisposableListener(buttonElement, EventType.Tap, (e: GestureEvent) => { // Ignore this touch if the menu is touched if (this.isOpen && this.focusedMenu && this.focusedMenu.holder && DOM.isAncestor(e.initialTarget as HTMLElement, this.focusedMenu.holder)) { return; } this.ignoreNextMouseUp = false; this.onMenuTriggered(menuIndex, true); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); })); this._register(DOM.addDisposableListener(buttonElement, DOM.EventType.MOUSE_DOWN, (e: MouseEvent) => { // Ignore non-left-click const mouseEvent = new StandardMouseEvent(e); if (!mouseEvent.leftButton) { e.preventDefault(); return; } if (!this.isOpen) { // Open the menu with mouse down and ignore the following mouse up event this.ignoreNextMouseUp = true; this.onMenuTriggered(menuIndex, true); } else { this.ignoreNextMouseUp = false; } e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); })); this._register(DOM.addDisposableListener(buttonElement, DOM.EventType.MOUSE_UP, (e) => { if (!this.ignoreNextMouseUp) { if (this.isFocused) { this.onMenuTriggered(menuIndex, true); } } else { this.ignoreNextMouseUp = false; } })); this._register(DOM.addDisposableListener(buttonElement, DOM.EventType.MOUSE_ENTER, () => { if (this.isOpen && !this.isCurrentMenu(menuIndex)) { this.menuCache[menuIndex].buttonElement.focus(); this.cleanupCustomMenu(); this.showCustomMenu(menuIndex, false); } else if (this.isFocused && !this.isOpen) { this.focusedMenu = { index: menuIndex }; buttonElement.focus(); } })); this.menuCache.push({ label: menuBarMenu.label, actions: menuBarMenu.actions, buttonElement: buttonElement, titleElement: titleElement }); }); } createOverflowMenu(): void { const label = this.options.compactMode !== undefined ? nls.localize('mAppMenu', 'Application Menu') : nls.localize('mMore', "..."); const buttonElement = $('div.menubar-menu-button', { 'role': 'menuitem', 'tabindex': -1, 'aria-label': label, 'aria-haspopup': true }); const titleElement = $('div.menubar-menu-title.toolbar-toggle-more', { 'role': 'none', 'aria-hidden': true }); buttonElement.appendChild(titleElement); this.container.appendChild(buttonElement); buttonElement.style.visibility = 'hidden'; this._register(DOM.addDisposableListener(buttonElement, DOM.EventType.KEY_UP, (e) => { let event = new StandardKeyboardEvent(e as KeyboardEvent); let eventHandled = true; if ((event.equals(KeyCode.DownArrow) || event.equals(KeyCode.Enter)) && !this.isOpen) { this.focusedMenu = { index: MenuBar.OVERFLOW_INDEX }; this.openedViaKeyboard = true; this.focusState = MenubarState.OPEN; } else { eventHandled = false; } if (eventHandled) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } })); this._register(Gesture.addTarget(buttonElement)); this._register(DOM.addDisposableListener(buttonElement, EventType.Tap, (e: GestureEvent) => { // Ignore this touch if the menu is touched if (this.isOpen && this.focusedMenu && this.focusedMenu.holder && DOM.isAncestor(e.initialTarget as HTMLElement, this.focusedMenu.holder)) { return; } this.ignoreNextMouseUp = false; this.onMenuTriggered(MenuBar.OVERFLOW_INDEX, true); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); })); this._register(DOM.addDisposableListener(buttonElement, DOM.EventType.MOUSE_DOWN, (e) => { // Ignore non-left-click const mouseEvent = new StandardMouseEvent(e); if (!mouseEvent.leftButton) { e.preventDefault(); return; } if (!this.isOpen) { // Open the menu with mouse down and ignore the following mouse up event this.ignoreNextMouseUp = true; this.onMenuTriggered(MenuBar.OVERFLOW_INDEX, true); } else { this.ignoreNextMouseUp = false; } e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); })); this._register(DOM.addDisposableListener(buttonElement, DOM.EventType.MOUSE_UP, (e) => { if (!this.ignoreNextMouseUp) { if (this.isFocused) { this.onMenuTriggered(MenuBar.OVERFLOW_INDEX, true); } } else { this.ignoreNextMouseUp = false; } })); this._register(DOM.addDisposableListener(buttonElement, DOM.EventType.MOUSE_ENTER, () => { if (this.isOpen && !this.isCurrentMenu(MenuBar.OVERFLOW_INDEX)) { this.overflowMenu.buttonElement.focus(); this.cleanupCustomMenu(); this.showCustomMenu(MenuBar.OVERFLOW_INDEX, false); } else if (this.isFocused && !this.isOpen) { this.focusedMenu = { index: MenuBar.OVERFLOW_INDEX }; buttonElement.focus(); } })); this.overflowMenu = { buttonElement: buttonElement, titleElement: titleElement, label: 'More' }; } updateMenu(menu: MenuBarMenu): void { const menuToUpdate = this.menuCache.filter(menuBarMenu => menuBarMenu.label === menu.label); if (menuToUpdate && menuToUpdate.length) { menuToUpdate[0].actions = menu.actions; } } dispose(): void { super.dispose(); this.menuCache.forEach(menuBarMenu => { DOM.removeNode(menuBarMenu.titleElement); DOM.removeNode(menuBarMenu.buttonElement); }); DOM.removeNode(this.overflowMenu.titleElement); DOM.removeNode(this.overflowMenu.buttonElement); if (this.overflowLayoutScheduled) { this.overflowLayoutScheduled = dispose(this.overflowLayoutScheduled); } } blur(): void { this.setUnfocusedState(); } getWidth(): number { if (this.menuCache) { const left = this.menuCache[0].buttonElement.getBoundingClientRect().left; const right = this.hasOverflow ? this.overflowMenu.buttonElement.getBoundingClientRect().right : this.menuCache[this.menuCache.length - 1].buttonElement.getBoundingClientRect().right; return right - left; } return 0; } getHeight(): number { return this.container.clientHeight; } private updateOverflowAction(): void { if (!this.menuCache || !this.menuCache.length) { return; } const sizeAvailable = this.container.offsetWidth; let currentSize = 0; let full = this.options.compactMode !== undefined; const prevNumMenusShown = this.numMenusShown; this.numMenusShown = 0; for (let menuBarMenu of this.menuCache) { if (!full) { const size = menuBarMenu.buttonElement.offsetWidth; if (currentSize + size > sizeAvailable) { full = true; } else { currentSize += size; this.numMenusShown++; if (this.numMenusShown > prevNumMenusShown) { menuBarMenu.buttonElement.style.visibility = 'visible'; } } } if (full) { menuBarMenu.buttonElement.style.visibility = 'hidden'; } } // Overflow if (full) { // Can't fit the more button, need to remove more menus while (currentSize + this.overflowMenu.buttonElement.offsetWidth > sizeAvailable && this.numMenusShown > 0) { this.numMenusShown--; const size = this.menuCache[this.numMenusShown].buttonElement.offsetWidth; this.menuCache[this.numMenusShown].buttonElement.style.visibility = 'hidden'; currentSize -= size; } this.overflowMenu.actions = []; for (let idx = this.numMenusShown; idx < this.menuCache.length; idx++) { this.overflowMenu.actions.push(new SubmenuAction(this.menuCache[idx].label, this.menuCache[idx].actions || [])); } if (this.overflowMenu.buttonElement.nextElementSibling !== this.menuCache[this.numMenusShown].buttonElement) { DOM.removeNode(this.overflowMenu.buttonElement); this.container.insertBefore(this.overflowMenu.buttonElement, this.menuCache[this.numMenusShown].buttonElement); this.overflowMenu.buttonElement.style.visibility = 'visible'; } } else { DOM.removeNode(this.overflowMenu.buttonElement); this.container.appendChild(this.overflowMenu.buttonElement); this.overflowMenu.buttonElement.style.visibility = 'hidden'; } } private updateLabels(titleElement: HTMLElement, buttonElement: HTMLElement, label: string): void { const cleanMenuLabel = cleanMnemonic(label); // Update the button label to reflect mnemonics if (this.options.enableMnemonics) { let innerHtml = strings.escape(label); // This is global so reset it MENU_ESCAPED_MNEMONIC_REGEX.lastIndex = 0; let escMatch = MENU_ESCAPED_MNEMONIC_REGEX.exec(innerHtml); // We can't use negative lookbehind so we match our negative and skip while (escMatch && escMatch[1]) { escMatch = MENU_ESCAPED_MNEMONIC_REGEX.exec(innerHtml); } if (escMatch) { innerHtml = `${innerHtml.substr(0, escMatch.index)}${innerHtml.substr(escMatch.index + escMatch[0].length)}`; } innerHtml = innerHtml.replace(/&&/g, '&'); titleElement.innerHTML = innerHtml; } else { titleElement.innerHTML = cleanMenuLabel.replace(/&&/g, '&'); } let mnemonicMatches = MENU_MNEMONIC_REGEX.exec(label); // Register mnemonics if (mnemonicMatches) { let mnemonic = !!mnemonicMatches[1] ? mnemonicMatches[1] : mnemonicMatches[3]; if (this.options.enableMnemonics) { buttonElement.setAttribute('aria-keyshortcuts', 'Alt+' + mnemonic.toLocaleLowerCase()); } else { buttonElement.removeAttribute('aria-keyshortcuts'); } } } style(style: IMenuStyles): void { this.menuStyle = style; } update(options?: IMenuBarOptions): void { if (options) { this.options = options; } // Don't update while using the menu if (this.isFocused) { this.updatePending = true; return; } this.menuCache.forEach(menuBarMenu => { this.updateLabels(menuBarMenu.titleElement, menuBarMenu.buttonElement, menuBarMenu.label); }); if (!this.overflowLayoutScheduled) { this.overflowLayoutScheduled = DOM.scheduleAtNextAnimationFrame(() => { this.updateOverflowAction(); this.overflowLayoutScheduled = null; }); } this.setUnfocusedState(); } private registerMnemonic(menuIndex: number, mnemonic: string): void { this.mnemonics.set(mnemonic.toLocaleLowerCase(), menuIndex); } private hideMenubar(): void { if (this.container.style.display !== 'none') { this.container.style.display = 'none'; this._onVisibilityChange.fire(false); } } private showMenubar(): void { if (this.container.style.display !== 'flex') { this.container.style.display = 'flex'; this._onVisibilityChange.fire(true); this.updateOverflowAction(); } } private get focusState(): MenubarState { return this._focusState; } private set focusState(value: MenubarState) { if (this._focusState >= MenubarState.FOCUSED && value < MenubarState.FOCUSED) { // Losing focus, update the menu if needed if (this.updatePending) { this.menuUpdater.schedule(); this.updatePending = false; } } if (value === this._focusState) { return; } const isVisible = this.isVisible; const isOpen = this.isOpen; const isFocused = this.isFocused; this._focusState = value; switch (value) { case MenubarState.HIDDEN: if (isVisible) { this.hideMenubar(); } if (isOpen) { this.cleanupCustomMenu(); } if (isFocused) { this.focusedMenu = undefined; if (this.focusToReturn) { this.focusToReturn.focus(); this.focusToReturn = undefined; } } break; case MenubarState.VISIBLE: if (!isVisible) { this.showMenubar(); } if (isOpen) { this.cleanupCustomMenu(); } if (isFocused) { if (this.focusedMenu) { if (this.focusedMenu.index === MenuBar.OVERFLOW_INDEX) { this.overflowMenu.buttonElement.blur(); } else { this.menuCache[this.focusedMenu.index].buttonElement.blur(); } } this.focusedMenu = undefined; if (this.focusToReturn) { this.focusToReturn.focus(); this.focusToReturn = undefined; } } break; case MenubarState.FOCUSED: if (!isVisible) { this.showMenubar(); } if (isOpen) { this.cleanupCustomMenu(); } if (this.focusedMenu) { if (this.focusedMenu.index === MenuBar.OVERFLOW_INDEX) { this.overflowMenu.buttonElement.focus(); } else { this.menuCache[this.focusedMenu.index].buttonElement.focus(); } } break; case MenubarState.OPEN: if (!isVisible) { this.showMenubar(); } if (this.focusedMenu) { this.showCustomMenu(this.focusedMenu.index, this.openedViaKeyboard); } break; } this._focusState = value; this._onFocusStateChange.fire(this.focusState >= MenubarState.FOCUSED); } private get isVisible(): boolean { return this.focusState >= MenubarState.VISIBLE; } private get isFocused(): boolean { return this.focusState >= MenubarState.FOCUSED; } private get isOpen(): boolean { return this.focusState >= MenubarState.OPEN; } private get hasOverflow(): boolean { return this.numMenusShown < this.menuCache.length; } private setUnfocusedState(): void { if (this.options.visibility === 'toggle' || this.options.visibility === 'hidden') { this.focusState = MenubarState.HIDDEN; } else if (this.options.visibility === 'default' && browser.isFullscreen()) { this.focusState = MenubarState.HIDDEN; } else { this.focusState = MenubarState.VISIBLE; } this.ignoreNextMouseUp = false; this.mnemonicsInUse = false; this.updateMnemonicVisibility(false); } private focusPrevious(): void { if (!this.focusedMenu || this.numMenusShown === 0) { return; } let newFocusedIndex = (this.focusedMenu.index - 1 + this.numMenusShown) % this.numMenusShown; if (this.focusedMenu.index === MenuBar.OVERFLOW_INDEX) { newFocusedIndex = this.numMenusShown - 1; } else if (this.focusedMenu.index === 0 && this.hasOverflow) { newFocusedIndex = MenuBar.OVERFLOW_INDEX; } if (newFocusedIndex === this.focusedMenu.index) { return; } if (this.isOpen) { this.cleanupCustomMenu(); this.showCustomMenu(newFocusedIndex); } else if (this.isFocused) { this.focusedMenu.index = newFocusedIndex; if (newFocusedIndex === MenuBar.OVERFLOW_INDEX) { this.overflowMenu.buttonElement.focus(); } else { this.menuCache[newFocusedIndex].buttonElement.focus(); } } } private focusNext(): void { if (!this.focusedMenu || this.numMenusShown === 0) { return; } let newFocusedIndex = (this.focusedMenu.index + 1) % this.numMenusShown; if (this.focusedMenu.index === MenuBar.OVERFLOW_INDEX) { newFocusedIndex = 0; } else if (this.focusedMenu.index === this.numMenusShown - 1) { newFocusedIndex = MenuBar.OVERFLOW_INDEX; } if (newFocusedIndex === this.focusedMenu.index) { return; } if (this.isOpen) { this.cleanupCustomMenu(); this.showCustomMenu(newFocusedIndex); } else if (this.isFocused) { this.focusedMenu.index = newFocusedIndex; if (newFocusedIndex === MenuBar.OVERFLOW_INDEX) { this.overflowMenu.buttonElement.focus(); } else { this.menuCache[newFocusedIndex].buttonElement.focus(); } } } private updateMnemonicVisibility(visible: boolean): void { if (this.menuCache) { this.menuCache.forEach(menuBarMenu => { if (menuBarMenu.titleElement.children.length) { let child = menuBarMenu.titleElement.children.item(0) as HTMLElement; if (child) { child.style.textDecoration = (this.options.alwaysOnMnemonics || visible) ? 'underline' : ''; } } }); } } private get mnemonicsInUse(): boolean { return this._mnemonicsInUse; } private set mnemonicsInUse(value: boolean) { this._mnemonicsInUse = value; } public get onVisibilityChange(): Event { return this._onVisibilityChange.event; } public get onFocusStateChange(): Event { return this._onFocusStateChange.event; } private onMenuTriggered(menuIndex: number, clicked: boolean) { if (this.isOpen) { if (this.isCurrentMenu(menuIndex)) { this.setUnfocusedState(); } else { this.cleanupCustomMenu(); this.showCustomMenu(menuIndex, this.openedViaKeyboard); } } else { this.focusedMenu = { index: menuIndex }; this.openedViaKeyboard = !clicked; this.focusState = MenubarState.OPEN; } } private onModifierKeyToggled(modifierKeyStatus: IModifierKeyStatus): void { const allModifiersReleased = !modifierKeyStatus.altKey && !modifierKeyStatus.ctrlKey && !modifierKeyStatus.shiftKey; if (this.options.visibility === 'hidden') { return; } // Prevent alt-key default if the menu is not hidden and we use alt to focus if (modifierKeyStatus.event && !this.options.disableAltFocus) { if (ScanCodeUtils.toEnum(modifierKeyStatus.event.code) === ScanCode.AltLeft) { modifierKeyStatus.event.preventDefault(); } } // Alt key pressed while menu is focused. This should return focus away from the menubar if (this.isFocused && modifierKeyStatus.lastKeyPressed === 'alt' && modifierKeyStatus.altKey) { this.setUnfocusedState(); this.mnemonicsInUse = false; this.awaitingAltRelease = true; } // Clean alt key press and release if (allModifiersReleased && modifierKeyStatus.lastKeyPressed === 'alt' && modifierKeyStatus.lastKeyReleased === 'alt') { if (!this.awaitingAltRelease) { if (!this.isFocused && !(this.options.disableAltFocus && this.options.visibility !== 'toggle')) { this.mnemonicsInUse = true; this.focusedMenu = { index: this.numMenusShown > 0 ? 0 : MenuBar.OVERFLOW_INDEX }; this.focusState = MenubarState.FOCUSED; } else if (!this.isOpen) { this.setUnfocusedState(); } } } // Alt key released if (!modifierKeyStatus.altKey && modifierKeyStatus.lastKeyReleased === 'alt') { this.awaitingAltRelease = false; } if (this.options.enableMnemonics && this.menuCache && !this.isOpen) { this.updateMnemonicVisibility((!this.awaitingAltRelease && modifierKeyStatus.altKey) || this.mnemonicsInUse); } } private isCurrentMenu(menuIndex: number): boolean { if (!this.focusedMenu) { return false; } return this.focusedMenu.index === menuIndex; } private cleanupCustomMenu(): void { if (this.focusedMenu) { // Remove focus from the menus first if (this.focusedMenu.index === MenuBar.OVERFLOW_INDEX) { this.overflowMenu.buttonElement.focus(); } else { this.menuCache[this.focusedMenu.index].buttonElement.focus(); } if (this.focusedMenu.holder) { if (this.focusedMenu.holder.parentElement) { DOM.removeClass(this.focusedMenu.holder.parentElement, 'open'); } this.focusedMenu.holder.remove(); } if (this.focusedMenu.widget) { this.focusedMenu.widget.dispose(); } this.focusedMenu = { index: this.focusedMenu.index }; } } private showCustomMenu(menuIndex: number, selectFirst = true): void { const actualMenuIndex = menuIndex >= this.numMenusShown ? MenuBar.OVERFLOW_INDEX : menuIndex; const customMenu = actualMenuIndex === MenuBar.OVERFLOW_INDEX ? this.overflowMenu : this.menuCache[actualMenuIndex]; if (!customMenu.actions) { return; } const menuHolder = $('div.menubar-menu-items-holder'); DOM.addClass(customMenu.buttonElement, 'open'); if (this.options.compactMode === Direction.Right) { menuHolder.style.top = `0px`; menuHolder.style.left = `${customMenu.buttonElement.getBoundingClientRect().left + this.container.clientWidth}px`; } else if (this.options.compactMode === Direction.Left) { menuHolder.style.top = `0px`; menuHolder.style.right = `${this.container.clientWidth}px`; menuHolder.style.left = 'auto'; console.log(customMenu.buttonElement.getBoundingClientRect().right - this.container.clientWidth); } else { menuHolder.style.top = `${this.container.clientHeight}px`; menuHolder.style.left = `${customMenu.buttonElement.getBoundingClientRect().left}px`; } customMenu.buttonElement.appendChild(menuHolder); let menuOptions: IMenuOptions = { getKeyBinding: this.options.getKeybinding, actionRunner: this.actionRunner, enableMnemonics: this.options.alwaysOnMnemonics || (this.mnemonicsInUse && this.options.enableMnemonics), ariaLabel: withNullAsUndefined(customMenu.buttonElement.getAttribute('aria-label')), expandDirection: this.options.compactMode !== undefined ? this.options.compactMode : Direction.Right }; let menuWidget = this._register(new Menu(menuHolder, customMenu.actions, menuOptions)); if (this.menuStyle) { menuWidget.style(this.menuStyle); } this._register(menuWidget.onDidCancel(() => { this.focusState = MenubarState.FOCUSED; })); if (actualMenuIndex !== menuIndex) { menuWidget.trigger(menuIndex - this.numMenusShown); } else { menuWidget.focus(selectFirst); } this.focusedMenu = { index: actualMenuIndex, holder: menuHolder, widget: menuWidget }; } } type ModifierKey = 'alt' | 'ctrl' | 'shift'; interface IModifierKeyStatus { altKey: boolean; shiftKey: boolean; ctrlKey: boolean; lastKeyPressed?: ModifierKey; lastKeyReleased?: ModifierKey; event?: KeyboardEvent; } class ModifierKeyEmitter extends Emitter { private readonly _subscriptions = new DisposableStore(); private _keyStatus: IModifierKeyStatus; private static instance: ModifierKeyEmitter; private constructor() { super(); this._keyStatus = { altKey: false, shiftKey: false, ctrlKey: false }; this._subscriptions.add(domEvent(document.body, 'keydown', true)(e => { const event = new StandardKeyboardEvent(e); if (e.altKey && !this._keyStatus.altKey) { this._keyStatus.lastKeyPressed = 'alt'; } else if (e.ctrlKey && !this._keyStatus.ctrlKey) { this._keyStatus.lastKeyPressed = 'ctrl'; } else if (e.shiftKey && !this._keyStatus.shiftKey) { this._keyStatus.lastKeyPressed = 'shift'; } else if (event.keyCode !== KeyCode.Alt) { this._keyStatus.lastKeyPressed = undefined; } else { return; } this._keyStatus.altKey = e.altKey; this._keyStatus.ctrlKey = e.ctrlKey; this._keyStatus.shiftKey = e.shiftKey; if (this._keyStatus.lastKeyPressed) { this._keyStatus.event = e; this.fire(this._keyStatus); } })); this._subscriptions.add(domEvent(document.body, 'keyup', true)(e => { if (!e.altKey && this._keyStatus.altKey) { this._keyStatus.lastKeyReleased = 'alt'; } else if (!e.ctrlKey && this._keyStatus.ctrlKey) { this._keyStatus.lastKeyReleased = 'ctrl'; } else if (!e.shiftKey && this._keyStatus.shiftKey) { this._keyStatus.lastKeyReleased = 'shift'; } else { this._keyStatus.lastKeyReleased = undefined; } if (this._keyStatus.lastKeyPressed !== this._keyStatus.lastKeyReleased) { this._keyStatus.lastKeyPressed = undefined; } this._keyStatus.altKey = e.altKey; this._keyStatus.ctrlKey = e.ctrlKey; this._keyStatus.shiftKey = e.shiftKey; if (this._keyStatus.lastKeyReleased) { this._keyStatus.event = e; this.fire(this._keyStatus); } })); this._subscriptions.add(domEvent(document.body, 'mousedown', true)(e => { this._keyStatus.lastKeyPressed = undefined; })); this._subscriptions.add(domEvent(document.body, 'mouseup', true)(e => { this._keyStatus.lastKeyPressed = undefined; })); this._subscriptions.add(domEvent(document.body, 'mousemove', true)(e => { if (e.buttons) { this._keyStatus.lastKeyPressed = undefined; } })); this._subscriptions.add(domEvent(window, 'blur')(e => { this._keyStatus.lastKeyPressed = undefined; this._keyStatus.lastKeyReleased = undefined; this._keyStatus.altKey = false; this._keyStatus.shiftKey = false; this._keyStatus.shiftKey = false; this.fire(this._keyStatus); })); } static getInstance() { if (!ModifierKeyEmitter.instance) { ModifierKeyEmitter.instance = new ModifierKeyEmitter(); } return ModifierKeyEmitter.instance; } dispose() { super.dispose(); this._subscriptions.dispose(); } }