/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 'use strict'; import { Position } from 'vs/editor/common/core/position'; import { Selection } from 'vs/editor/common/core/selection'; /** * @internal */ export const CursorEventType = { CursorPositionChanged: 'positionChanged', CursorSelectionChanged: 'selectionChanged', }; /** * Describes the reason the cursor has changed its position. */ export enum CursorChangeReason { /** * Unknown or not set. */ NotSet = 0, /** * A `model.setValue()` was called. */ ContentFlush = 1, /** * The `model` has been changed outside of this cursor and the cursor recovers its position from associated markers. */ RecoverFromMarkers = 2, /** * There was an explicit user gesture. */ Explicit = 3, /** * There was a Paste. */ Paste = 4, /** * There was an Undo. */ Undo = 5, /** * There was a Redo. */ Redo = 6, } /** * An event describing that the cursor position has changed. */ export interface ICursorPositionChangedEvent { /** * Primary cursor's position. */ readonly position: Position; /** * Secondary cursors' position. */ readonly secondaryPositions: Position[]; /** * Reason. */ readonly reason: CursorChangeReason; /** * Source of the call that caused the event. */ readonly source: string; } /** * An event describing that the cursor selection has changed. */ export interface ICursorSelectionChangedEvent { /** * The primary selection. */ readonly selection: Selection; /** * The secondary selections. */ readonly secondarySelections: Selection[]; /** * Source of the call that caused the event. */ readonly source: string; /** * Reason. */ readonly reason: CursorChangeReason; }