/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 'use strict'; import URI from 'vs/base/common/uri'; import * as assert from 'assert'; import Severity from 'vs/base/common/severity'; import * as UUID from 'vs/base/common/uuid'; import * as Platform from 'vs/base/common/platform'; import { ValidationStatus } from 'vs/base/common/parsers'; import { ProblemMatcher, FileLocationKind, ProblemPattern, ApplyToKind } from 'vs/platform/markers/common/problemMatcher'; import * as Tasks from 'vs/workbench/parts/tasks/common/tasks'; import { parse, ParseResult, IProblemReporter, ExternalTaskRunnerConfiguration, CustomTask } from 'vs/workbench/parts/tasks/node/taskConfiguration'; class ProblemReporter implements IProblemReporter { private _validationStatus: ValidationStatus = new ValidationStatus(); public receivedMessage: boolean = false; public lastMessage: string = undefined; public info(message: string): void { this.log(message); } public warn(message: string): void { this.log(message); } public error(message: string): void { this.log(message); } public fatal(message: string): void { this.log(message); } public get status(): ValidationStatus { return this._validationStatus; } private log(message: string): void { this.receivedMessage = true; this.lastMessage = message; } public clearOutput(): void { this.receivedMessage = false; this.lastMessage = undefined; } } class ConfiguationBuilder { public result: Tasks.Task[]; private builders: CustomTaskBuilder[]; constructor() { this.result = []; this.builders = []; } public task(name: string, command: string): CustomTaskBuilder { let builder = new CustomTaskBuilder(this, name, command); this.builders.push(builder); this.result.push(builder.result); return builder; } public done(): void { for (let builder of this.builders) { builder.done(); } } } class PresentationBuilder { public result: Tasks.PresentationOptions; constructor(public parent: CommandConfigurationBuilder) { this.result = { echo: false, reveal: Tasks.RevealKind.Always, focus: false, panel: Tasks.PanelKind.Shared }; } public echo(value: boolean): PresentationBuilder { this.result.echo = value; return this; } public reveal(value: Tasks.RevealKind): PresentationBuilder { this.result.reveal = value; return this; } public focus(value: boolean): PresentationBuilder { this.result.focus = value; return this; } public instance(value: Tasks.PanelKind): PresentationBuilder { this.result.panel = value; return this; } public done(): void { } } class CommandConfigurationBuilder { public result: Tasks.CommandConfiguration; private presentationBuilder: PresentationBuilder; constructor(public parent: CustomTaskBuilder, command: string) { this.presentationBuilder = new PresentationBuilder(this); this.result = { name: command, runtime: Tasks.RuntimeType.Process, args: [], options: { cwd: '${workspaceRoot}' }, presentation: this.presentationBuilder.result, suppressTaskName: false }; } public name(value: string): CommandConfigurationBuilder { this.result.name = value; return this; } public runtime(value: Tasks.RuntimeType): CommandConfigurationBuilder { this.result.runtime = value; return this; } public args(value: string[]): CommandConfigurationBuilder { this.result.args = value; return this; } public options(value: Tasks.CommandOptions): CommandConfigurationBuilder { this.result.options = value; return this; } public taskSelector(value: string): CommandConfigurationBuilder { this.result.taskSelector = value; return this; } public suppressTaskName(value: boolean): CommandConfigurationBuilder { this.result.suppressTaskName = value; return this; } public presentation(): PresentationBuilder { return this.presentationBuilder; } public done(taskName: string): void { this.result.args = this.result.args.map(arg => arg === '$name' ? taskName : arg); this.presentationBuilder.done(); } } class CustomTaskBuilder { public result: Tasks.CustomTask; private commandBuilder: CommandConfigurationBuilder; constructor(public parent: ConfiguationBuilder, name: string, command: string) { this.commandBuilder = new CommandConfigurationBuilder(this, command); this.result = { _id: name, _source: { kind: Tasks.TaskSourceKind.Workspace, label: 'workspace', config: { workspaceFolder: { uri: undefined }, element: undefined, index: -1, file: '.vscode/tasks.json' } }, _label: name, type: 'custom', identifier: name, name: name, command: this.commandBuilder.result, isBackground: false, promptOnClose: true, problemMatchers: [] }; } public identifier(value: string): CustomTaskBuilder { this.result.identifier = value; return this; } public group(value: Tasks.TaskGroup): CustomTaskBuilder { this.result.group = value; this.result.isDefaultGroupEntry = false; return this; } public isPrimary(value: boolean): CustomTaskBuilder { this.result.isDefaultGroupEntry = value; return this; } public isBackground(value: boolean): CustomTaskBuilder { this.result.isBackground = value; return this; } public promptOnClose(value: boolean): CustomTaskBuilder { this.result.promptOnClose = value; return this; } public problemMatcher(): ProblemMatcherBuilder { let builder = new ProblemMatcherBuilder(this); this.result.problemMatchers.push(builder.result); return builder; } public command(): CommandConfigurationBuilder { return this.commandBuilder; } public done(): void { this.commandBuilder.done(this.result.name); } } class ProblemMatcherBuilder { public static DEFAULT_UUID = UUID.generateUuid(); public result: ProblemMatcher; constructor(public parent: CustomTaskBuilder) { this.result = { owner: ProblemMatcherBuilder.DEFAULT_UUID, applyTo: ApplyToKind.allDocuments, severity: undefined, fileLocation: FileLocationKind.Relative, filePrefix: '${cwd}', pattern: undefined }; } public owner(value: string): ProblemMatcherBuilder { this.result.owner = value; return this; } public applyTo(value: ApplyToKind): ProblemMatcherBuilder { this.result.applyTo = value; return this; } public severity(value: Severity): ProblemMatcherBuilder { this.result.severity = value; return this; } public fileLocation(value: FileLocationKind): ProblemMatcherBuilder { this.result.fileLocation = value; return this; } public filePrefix(value: string): ProblemMatcherBuilder { this.result.filePrefix = value; return this; } public pattern(regExp: RegExp): PatternBuilder { let builder = new PatternBuilder(this, regExp); if (!this.result.pattern) { this.result.pattern = builder.result; } return builder; } } class PatternBuilder { public result: ProblemPattern; constructor(public parent: ProblemMatcherBuilder, regExp: RegExp) { this.result = { regexp: regExp, file: 1, message: 0, line: 2, character: 3 }; } public file(value: number): PatternBuilder { this.result.file = value; return this; } public message(value: number): PatternBuilder { this.result.message = value; return this; } public location(value: number): PatternBuilder { this.result.location = value; return this; } public line(value: number): PatternBuilder { this.result.line = value; return this; } public character(value: number): PatternBuilder { this.result.character = value; return this; } public endLine(value: number): PatternBuilder { this.result.endLine = value; return this; } public endCharacter(value: number): PatternBuilder { this.result.endCharacter = value; return this; } public code(value: number): PatternBuilder { this.result.code = value; return this; } public severity(value: number): PatternBuilder { this.result.severity = value; return this; } public loop(value: boolean): PatternBuilder { this.result.loop = value; return this; } } function testDefaultProblemMatcher(external: ExternalTaskRunnerConfiguration, resolved: number) { let reporter = new ProblemReporter(); let result = parse({ uri: URI.file('/Workspace/folderOne') }, external, reporter); assert.ok(!reporter.receivedMessage); assert.strictEqual(result.custom.length, 1); let task = result.custom[0]; assert.ok(task); assert.strictEqual(task.problemMatchers.length, resolved); } function testConfiguration(external: ExternalTaskRunnerConfiguration, builder: ConfiguationBuilder): void { builder.done(); let reporter = new ProblemReporter(); let result = parse({ uri: URI.file('/Workspace/folderOne') }, external, reporter); if (reporter.receivedMessage) { assert.ok(false, reporter.lastMessage); } assertConfiguration(result, builder.result); } class TaskGroupMap { private _store: { [key: string]: Tasks.Task[] }; constructor() { this._store = Object.create(null); } public add(group: string, task: Tasks.Task): void { let tasks = this._store[group]; if (!tasks) { tasks = []; this._store[group] = tasks; } tasks.push(task); } public static assert(actual: TaskGroupMap, expected: TaskGroupMap): void { let actualKeys = Object.keys(actual._store); let expectedKeys = Object.keys(expected._store); if (actualKeys.length === 0 && expectedKeys.length === 0) { return; } assert.strictEqual(actualKeys.length, expectedKeys.length); actualKeys.forEach(key => assert.ok(expected._store[key])); expectedKeys.forEach(key => actual._store[key]); actualKeys.forEach((key) => { let actualTasks = actual._store[key]; let expectedTasks = expected._store[key]; assert.strictEqual(actualTasks.length, expectedTasks.length); if (actualTasks.length === 1) { assert.strictEqual(actualTasks[0].name, expectedTasks[0].name); return; } let expectedTaskMap: { [key: string]: boolean } = Object.create(null); expectedTasks.forEach(task => expectedTaskMap[task.name] = true); actualTasks.forEach(task => delete expectedTaskMap[task.name]); assert.strictEqual(Object.keys(expectedTaskMap).length, 0); }); } } function assertConfiguration(result: ParseResult, expected: Tasks.Task[]): void { assert.ok(result.validationStatus.isOK()); let actual = result.custom; assert.strictEqual(typeof actual, typeof expected); if (!actual) { return; } // We can't compare Ids since the parser uses UUID which are random // So create a new map using the name. let actualTasks: { [key: string]: Tasks.Task; } = Object.create(null); let actualId2Name: { [key: string]: string; } = Object.create(null); let actualTaskGroups = new TaskGroupMap(); actual.forEach(task => { assert.ok(!actualTasks[task.name]); actualTasks[task.name] = task; actualId2Name[task._id] = task.name; if (task.group) { actualTaskGroups.add(task.group, task); } }); let expectedTasks: { [key: string]: Tasks.Task; } = Object.create(null); let expectedTaskGroup = new TaskGroupMap(); expected.forEach(task => { assert.ok(!expectedTasks[task.name]); expectedTasks[task.name] = task; if (task.group) { expectedTaskGroup.add(task.group, task); } }); let actualKeys = Object.keys(actualTasks); assert.strictEqual(actualKeys.length, expected.length); actualKeys.forEach((key) => { let actualTask = actualTasks[key]; let expectedTask = expectedTasks[key]; assert.ok(expectedTask); assertTask(actualTask, expectedTask); }); TaskGroupMap.assert(actualTaskGroups, expectedTaskGroup); } function assertTask(actual: Tasks.Task, expected: Tasks.Task) { assert.ok(actual._id); assert.strictEqual(actual.name, expected.name, 'name'); if (!Tasks.CompositeTask.is(actual) && !Tasks.CompositeTask.is(expected)) { assertCommandConfiguration(actual.command, expected.command); } assert.strictEqual(actual.isBackground, expected.isBackground, 'isBackground'); assert.strictEqual(typeof actual.problemMatchers, typeof expected.problemMatchers); assert.strictEqual(actual.promptOnClose, expected.promptOnClose, 'promptOnClose'); assert.strictEqual(actual.group, expected.group, 'group'); assert.strictEqual(actual.isDefaultGroupEntry, expected.isDefaultGroupEntry, 'isPrimaryGroupEntry'); if (actual.problemMatchers && expected.problemMatchers) { assert.strictEqual(actual.problemMatchers.length, expected.problemMatchers.length); for (let i = 0; i < actual.problemMatchers.length; i++) { assertProblemMatcher(actual.problemMatchers[i], expected.problemMatchers[i]); } } } function assertCommandConfiguration(actual: Tasks.CommandConfiguration, expected: Tasks.CommandConfiguration) { assert.strictEqual(typeof actual, typeof expected); if (actual && expected) { assertPresentation(actual.presentation, expected.presentation); assert.strictEqual(actual.name, expected.name, 'name'); assert.strictEqual(actual.runtime, expected.runtime, 'runtime type'); assert.strictEqual(actual.suppressTaskName, expected.suppressTaskName, 'suppressTaskName'); assert.strictEqual(actual.taskSelector, expected.taskSelector, 'taskSelector'); assert.deepEqual(actual.args, expected.args, 'args'); assert.strictEqual(typeof actual.options, typeof expected.options); if (actual.options && expected.options) { assert.strictEqual(actual.options.cwd, expected.options.cwd, 'cwd'); assert.strictEqual(typeof actual.options.env, typeof expected.options.env, 'env'); if (actual.options.env && expected.options.env) { assert.deepEqual(actual.options.env, expected.options.env, 'env'); } } } } function assertPresentation(actual: Tasks.PresentationOptions, expected: Tasks.PresentationOptions) { assert.strictEqual(typeof actual, typeof expected); if (actual && expected) { assert.strictEqual(actual.echo, expected.echo); assert.strictEqual(actual.reveal, expected.reveal); } } function assertProblemMatcher(actual: string | ProblemMatcher, expected: string | ProblemMatcher) { assert.strictEqual(typeof actual, typeof expected); if (typeof actual === 'string' && typeof expected === 'string') { assert.strictEqual(actual, expected, 'Problem matcher references are different'); return; } if (typeof actual !== 'string' && typeof expected !== 'string') { if (expected.owner === ProblemMatcherBuilder.DEFAULT_UUID) { try { UUID.parse(actual.owner); } catch (err) { assert.fail(actual.owner, 'Owner must be a UUID'); } } else { assert.strictEqual(actual.owner, expected.owner); } assert.strictEqual(actual.applyTo, expected.applyTo); assert.strictEqual(actual.severity, expected.severity); assert.strictEqual(actual.fileLocation, expected.fileLocation); assert.strictEqual(actual.filePrefix, expected.filePrefix); if (actual.pattern && expected.pattern) { assertProblemPatterns(actual.pattern, expected.pattern); } } } function assertProblemPatterns(actual: ProblemPattern | ProblemPattern[], expected: ProblemPattern | ProblemPattern[]) { assert.strictEqual(typeof actual, typeof expected); if (Array.isArray(actual)) { let actuals = actual; let expecteds = expected; assert.strictEqual(actuals.length, expecteds.length); for (let i = 0; i < actuals.length; i++) { assertProblemPattern(actuals[i], expecteds[i]); } } else { assertProblemPattern(actual, expected); } } function assertProblemPattern(actual: ProblemPattern, expected: ProblemPattern) { assert.equal(actual.regexp.toString(), expected.regexp.toString()); assert.strictEqual(actual.file, expected.file); assert.strictEqual(actual.message, expected.message); if (typeof expected.location !== 'undefined') { assert.strictEqual(actual.location, expected.location); } else { assert.strictEqual(actual.line, expected.line); assert.strictEqual(actual.character, expected.character); assert.strictEqual(actual.endLine, expected.endLine); assert.strictEqual(actual.endCharacter, expected.endCharacter); } assert.strictEqual(actual.code, expected.code); assert.strictEqual(actual.severity, expected.severity); assert.strictEqual(actual.loop, expected.loop); } suite('Tasks version 0.1.0', () => { test('tasks: all default', () => { let builder = new ConfiguationBuilder(); builder.task('tsc', 'tsc'). group(Tasks.TaskGroup.Build). command().suppressTaskName(true); testConfiguration( { version: '0.1.0', command: 'tsc' }, builder); }); test('tasks: global isShellCommand', () => { let builder = new ConfiguationBuilder(); builder.task('tsc', 'tsc'). group(Tasks.TaskGroup.Build). command().suppressTaskName(true). runtime(Tasks.RuntimeType.Shell); testConfiguration( { version: '0.1.0', command: 'tsc', isShellCommand: true }, builder); }); test('tasks: global show output silent', () => { let builder = new ConfiguationBuilder(); builder. task('tsc', 'tsc'). group(Tasks.TaskGroup.Build). command().suppressTaskName(true). presentation().reveal(Tasks.RevealKind.Silent); testConfiguration( { version: '0.1.0', command: 'tsc', showOutput: 'silent' }, builder ); }); test('tasks: global promptOnClose default', () => { let builder = new ConfiguationBuilder(); builder.task('tsc', 'tsc'). group(Tasks.TaskGroup.Build). command().suppressTaskName(true); testConfiguration( { version: '0.1.0', command: 'tsc', promptOnClose: true }, builder ); }); test('tasks: global promptOnClose', () => { let builder = new ConfiguationBuilder(); builder.task('tsc', 'tsc'). group(Tasks.TaskGroup.Build). promptOnClose(false). command().suppressTaskName(true); testConfiguration( { version: '0.1.0', command: 'tsc', promptOnClose: false }, builder ); }); test('tasks: global promptOnClose default watching', () => { let builder = new ConfiguationBuilder(); builder.task('tsc', 'tsc'). group(Tasks.TaskGroup.Build). isBackground(true). promptOnClose(false). command().suppressTaskName(true); testConfiguration( { version: '0.1.0', command: 'tsc', isWatching: true }, builder ); }); test('tasks: global show output never', () => { let builder = new ConfiguationBuilder(); builder. task('tsc', 'tsc'). group(Tasks.TaskGroup.Build). command().suppressTaskName(true). presentation().reveal(Tasks.RevealKind.Never); testConfiguration( { version: '0.1.0', command: 'tsc', showOutput: 'never' }, builder ); }); test('tasks: global echo Command', () => { let builder = new ConfiguationBuilder(); builder. task('tsc', 'tsc'). group(Tasks.TaskGroup.Build). command().suppressTaskName(true). presentation(). echo(true); testConfiguration( { version: '0.1.0', command: 'tsc', echoCommand: true }, builder ); }); test('tasks: global args', () => { let builder = new ConfiguationBuilder(); builder. task('tsc', 'tsc'). group(Tasks.TaskGroup.Build). command().suppressTaskName(true). args(['--p']); testConfiguration( { version: '0.1.0', command: 'tsc', args: [ '--p' ] }, builder ); }); test('tasks: options - cwd', () => { let builder = new ConfiguationBuilder(); builder. task('tsc', 'tsc'). group(Tasks.TaskGroup.Build). command().suppressTaskName(true). options({ cwd: 'myPath' }); testConfiguration( { version: '0.1.0', command: 'tsc', options: { cwd: 'myPath' } }, builder ); }); test('tasks: options - env', () => { let builder = new ConfiguationBuilder(); builder. task('tsc', 'tsc'). group(Tasks.TaskGroup.Build). command().suppressTaskName(true). options({ cwd: '${workspaceRoot}', env: { key: 'value' } }); testConfiguration( { version: '0.1.0', command: 'tsc', options: { env: { key: 'value' } } }, builder ); }); test('tasks: os windows', () => { let name: string = Platform.isWindows ? 'tsc.win' : 'tsc'; let builder = new ConfiguationBuilder(); builder. task(name, name). group(Tasks.TaskGroup.Build). command().suppressTaskName(true); let external: ExternalTaskRunnerConfiguration = { version: '0.1.0', command: 'tsc', windows: { command: 'tsc.win' } }; testConfiguration(external, builder); }); test('tasks: os windows & global isShellCommand', () => { let name: string = Platform.isWindows ? 'tsc.win' : 'tsc'; let builder = new ConfiguationBuilder(); builder. task(name, name). group(Tasks.TaskGroup.Build). command().suppressTaskName(true). runtime(Tasks.RuntimeType.Shell); let external: ExternalTaskRunnerConfiguration = { version: '0.1.0', command: 'tsc', isShellCommand: true, windows: { command: 'tsc.win' } }; testConfiguration(external, builder); }); test('tasks: os mac', () => { let name: string = Platform.isMacintosh ? 'tsc.osx' : 'tsc'; let builder = new ConfiguationBuilder(); builder. task(name, name). group(Tasks.TaskGroup.Build). command().suppressTaskName(true); let external: ExternalTaskRunnerConfiguration = { version: '0.1.0', command: 'tsc', osx: { command: 'tsc.osx' } }; testConfiguration(external, builder); }); test('tasks: os linux', () => { let name: string = Platform.isLinux ? 'tsc.linux' : 'tsc'; let builder = new ConfiguationBuilder(); builder. task(name, name). group(Tasks.TaskGroup.Build). command().suppressTaskName(true); let external: ExternalTaskRunnerConfiguration = { version: '0.1.0', command: 'tsc', linux: { command: 'tsc.linux' } }; testConfiguration(external, builder); }); test('tasks: overwrite showOutput', () => { let builder = new ConfiguationBuilder(); builder. task('tsc', 'tsc'). group(Tasks.TaskGroup.Build). command().suppressTaskName(true). presentation().reveal(Platform.isWindows ? Tasks.RevealKind.Always : Tasks.RevealKind.Never); let external: ExternalTaskRunnerConfiguration = { version: '0.1.0', command: 'tsc', showOutput: 'never', windows: { showOutput: 'always' } }; testConfiguration(external, builder); }); test('tasks: overwrite echo Command', () => { let builder = new ConfiguationBuilder(); builder. task('tsc', 'tsc'). group(Tasks.TaskGroup.Build). command().suppressTaskName(true). presentation(). echo(Platform.isWindows ? false : true); let external: ExternalTaskRunnerConfiguration = { version: '0.1.0', command: 'tsc', echoCommand: true, windows: { echoCommand: false } }; testConfiguration(external, builder); }); test('tasks: global problemMatcher one', () => { let external: ExternalTaskRunnerConfiguration = { version: '0.1.0', command: 'tsc', problemMatcher: '$msCompile' }; testDefaultProblemMatcher(external, 1); }); test('tasks: global problemMatcher two', () => { let external: ExternalTaskRunnerConfiguration = { version: '0.1.0', command: 'tsc', problemMatcher: ['$eslint-compact', '$msCompile'] }; testDefaultProblemMatcher(external, 2); }); test('tasks: task definition', () => { let external: ExternalTaskRunnerConfiguration = { version: '0.1.0', command: 'tsc', tasks: [ { taskName: 'taskName' } ] }; let builder = new ConfiguationBuilder(); builder.task('taskName', 'tsc').command().args(['$name']); testConfiguration(external, builder); }); test('tasks: build task', () => { let external: ExternalTaskRunnerConfiguration = { version: '0.1.0', command: 'tsc', tasks: [ { taskName: 'taskName', isBuildCommand: true } as CustomTask ] }; let builder = new ConfiguationBuilder(); builder.task('taskName', 'tsc').group(Tasks.TaskGroup.Build).command().args(['$name']); testConfiguration(external, builder); }); test('tasks: default build task', () => { let external: ExternalTaskRunnerConfiguration = { version: '0.1.0', command: 'tsc', tasks: [ { taskName: 'build' } ] }; let builder = new ConfiguationBuilder(); builder.task('build', 'tsc').group(Tasks.TaskGroup.Build).command().args(['$name']); testConfiguration(external, builder); }); test('tasks: test task', () => { let external: ExternalTaskRunnerConfiguration = { version: '0.1.0', command: 'tsc', tasks: [ { taskName: 'taskName', isTestCommand: true } as CustomTask ] }; let builder = new ConfiguationBuilder(); builder.task('taskName', 'tsc').group(Tasks.TaskGroup.Test).command().args(['$name']); testConfiguration(external, builder); }); test('tasks: default test task', () => { let external: ExternalTaskRunnerConfiguration = { version: '0.1.0', command: 'tsc', tasks: [ { taskName: 'test' } ] }; let builder = new ConfiguationBuilder(); builder.task('test', 'tsc').group(Tasks.TaskGroup.Test).command().args(['$name']); testConfiguration(external, builder); }); test('tasks: task with values', () => { let external: ExternalTaskRunnerConfiguration = { version: '0.1.0', command: 'tsc', tasks: [ { taskName: 'test', showOutput: 'never', echoCommand: true, args: ['--p'], isWatching: true } as CustomTask ] }; let builder = new ConfiguationBuilder(); builder.task('test', 'tsc'). group(Tasks.TaskGroup.Test). isBackground(true). promptOnClose(false). command().args(['$name', '--p']). presentation(). echo(true).reveal(Tasks.RevealKind.Never); testConfiguration(external, builder); }); test('tasks: task inherits global values', () => { let external: ExternalTaskRunnerConfiguration = { version: '0.1.0', command: 'tsc', showOutput: 'never', echoCommand: true, tasks: [ { taskName: 'test' } ] }; let builder = new ConfiguationBuilder(); builder.task('test', 'tsc'). group(Tasks.TaskGroup.Test). command().args(['$name']).presentation(). echo(true).reveal(Tasks.RevealKind.Never); testConfiguration(external, builder); }); test('tasks: problem matcher default', () => { let external: ExternalTaskRunnerConfiguration = { version: '0.1.0', command: 'tsc', tasks: [ { taskName: 'taskName', problemMatcher: { pattern: { regexp: 'abc' } } } ] }; let builder = new ConfiguationBuilder(); builder.task('taskName', 'tsc'). command().args(['$name']).parent. problemMatcher().pattern(/abc/); testConfiguration(external, builder); }); test('tasks: problem matcher .* regular expression', () => { let external: ExternalTaskRunnerConfiguration = { version: '0.1.0', command: 'tsc', tasks: [ { taskName: 'taskName', problemMatcher: { pattern: { regexp: '.*' } } } ] }; let builder = new ConfiguationBuilder(); builder.task('taskName', 'tsc'). command().args(['$name']).parent. problemMatcher().pattern(/.*/); testConfiguration(external, builder); }); test('tasks: problem matcher owner, applyTo, severity and fileLocation', () => { let external: ExternalTaskRunnerConfiguration = { version: '0.1.0', command: 'tsc', tasks: [ { taskName: 'taskName', problemMatcher: { owner: 'myOwner', applyTo: 'closedDocuments', severity: 'warning', fileLocation: 'absolute', pattern: { regexp: 'abc' } } } ] }; let builder = new ConfiguationBuilder(); builder.task('taskName', 'tsc'). command().args(['$name']).parent. problemMatcher(). owner('myOwner'). applyTo(ApplyToKind.closedDocuments). severity(Severity.Warning). fileLocation(FileLocationKind.Absolute). filePrefix(undefined). pattern(/abc/); testConfiguration(external, builder); }); test('tasks: problem matcher fileLocation and filePrefix', () => { let external: ExternalTaskRunnerConfiguration = { version: '0.1.0', command: 'tsc', tasks: [ { taskName: 'taskName', problemMatcher: { fileLocation: ['relative', 'myPath'], pattern: { regexp: 'abc' } } } ] }; let builder = new ConfiguationBuilder(); builder.task('taskName', 'tsc'). command().args(['$name']).parent. problemMatcher(). fileLocation(FileLocationKind.Relative). filePrefix('myPath'). pattern(/abc/); testConfiguration(external, builder); }); test('tasks: problem pattern location', () => { let external: ExternalTaskRunnerConfiguration = { version: '0.1.0', command: 'tsc', tasks: [ { taskName: 'taskName', problemMatcher: { pattern: { regexp: 'abc', file: 10, message: 11, location: 12, severity: 13, code: 14 } } } ] }; let builder = new ConfiguationBuilder(); builder.task('taskName', 'tsc'). command().args(['$name']).parent. problemMatcher(). pattern(/abc/).file(10).message(11).location(12).severity(13).code(14); testConfiguration(external, builder); }); test('tasks: problem pattern line & column', () => { let external: ExternalTaskRunnerConfiguration = { version: '0.1.0', command: 'tsc', tasks: [ { taskName: 'taskName', problemMatcher: { pattern: { regexp: 'abc', file: 10, message: 11, line: 12, column: 13, endLine: 14, endColumn: 15, severity: 16, code: 17 } } } ] }; let builder = new ConfiguationBuilder(); builder.task('taskName', 'tsc'). command().args(['$name']).parent. problemMatcher(). pattern(/abc/).file(10).message(11). line(12).character(13).endLine(14).endCharacter(15). severity(16).code(17); testConfiguration(external, builder); }); test('tasks: prompt on close default', () => { let external: ExternalTaskRunnerConfiguration = { version: '0.1.0', command: 'tsc', tasks: [ { taskName: 'taskName' } ] }; let builder = new ConfiguationBuilder(); builder.task('taskName', 'tsc'). promptOnClose(true). command().args(['$name']); testConfiguration(external, builder); }); test('tasks: prompt on close watching', () => { let external: ExternalTaskRunnerConfiguration = { version: '0.1.0', command: 'tsc', tasks: [ { taskName: 'taskName', isWatching: true } as CustomTask ] }; let builder = new ConfiguationBuilder(); builder.task('taskName', 'tsc'). isBackground(true).promptOnClose(false). command().args(['$name']); testConfiguration(external, builder); }); test('tasks: prompt on close set', () => { let external: ExternalTaskRunnerConfiguration = { version: '0.1.0', command: 'tsc', tasks: [ { taskName: 'taskName', promptOnClose: false } ] }; let builder = new ConfiguationBuilder(); builder.task('taskName', 'tsc'). promptOnClose(false). command().args(['$name']); testConfiguration(external, builder); }); test('tasks: task selector set', () => { let external: ExternalTaskRunnerConfiguration = { version: '0.1.0', command: 'tsc', taskSelector: '/t:', tasks: [ { taskName: 'taskName', } ] }; let builder = new ConfiguationBuilder(); builder.task('taskName', 'tsc'). command(). taskSelector('/t:'). args(['/t:taskName']); testConfiguration(external, builder); }); test('tasks: suppress task name set', () => { let external: ExternalTaskRunnerConfiguration = { version: '0.1.0', command: 'tsc', suppressTaskName: false, tasks: [ { taskName: 'taskName', suppressTaskName: true } as CustomTask ] }; let builder = new ConfiguationBuilder(); builder.task('taskName', 'tsc'). command().suppressTaskName(true); testConfiguration(external, builder); }); test('tasks: suppress task name inherit', () => { let external: ExternalTaskRunnerConfiguration = { version: '0.1.0', command: 'tsc', suppressTaskName: true, tasks: [ { taskName: 'taskName' } ] }; let builder = new ConfiguationBuilder(); builder.task('taskName', 'tsc'). command().suppressTaskName(true); testConfiguration(external, builder); }); test('tasks: two tasks', () => { let external: ExternalTaskRunnerConfiguration = { version: '0.1.0', command: 'tsc', tasks: [ { taskName: 'taskNameOne' }, { taskName: 'taskNameTwo' } ] }; let builder = new ConfiguationBuilder(); builder.task('taskNameOne', 'tsc'). command().args(['$name']); builder.task('taskNameTwo', 'tsc'). command().args(['$name']); testConfiguration(external, builder); }); test('tasks: with command', () => { let external: ExternalTaskRunnerConfiguration = { version: '0.1.0', tasks: [ { taskName: 'taskNameOne', command: 'tsc' } ] }; let builder = new ConfiguationBuilder(); builder.task('taskNameOne', 'tsc').command().suppressTaskName(true); testConfiguration(external, builder); }); test('tasks: two tasks with command', () => { let external: ExternalTaskRunnerConfiguration = { version: '0.1.0', tasks: [ { taskName: 'taskNameOne', command: 'tsc' }, { taskName: 'taskNameTwo', command: 'dir' } ] }; let builder = new ConfiguationBuilder(); builder.task('taskNameOne', 'tsc').command().suppressTaskName(true); builder.task('taskNameTwo', 'dir').command().suppressTaskName(true); testConfiguration(external, builder); }); test('tasks: with command and args', () => { let external: ExternalTaskRunnerConfiguration = { version: '0.1.0', tasks: [ { taskName: 'taskNameOne', command: 'tsc', isShellCommand: true, args: ['arg'], options: { cwd: 'cwd', env: { env: 'env' } } } as CustomTask ] }; let builder = new ConfiguationBuilder(); builder.task('taskNameOne', 'tsc').command().suppressTaskName(true). runtime(Tasks.RuntimeType.Shell).args(['arg']).options({ cwd: 'cwd', env: { env: 'env' } }); testConfiguration(external, builder); }); test('tasks: with command os specific', () => { let name: string = Platform.isWindows ? 'tsc.win' : 'tsc'; let external: ExternalTaskRunnerConfiguration = { version: '0.1.0', tasks: [ { taskName: 'taskNameOne', command: 'tsc', windows: { command: 'tsc.win' } } ] }; let builder = new ConfiguationBuilder(); builder.task('taskNameOne', name).command().suppressTaskName(true); testConfiguration(external, builder); }); test('tasks: with Windows specific args', () => { let args: string[] = Platform.isWindows ? ['arg1', 'arg2'] : ['arg1']; let external: ExternalTaskRunnerConfiguration = { version: '0.1.0', tasks: [ { taskName: 'tsc', command: 'tsc', args: ['arg1'], windows: { args: ['arg2'] } } ] }; let builder = new ConfiguationBuilder(); builder.task('tsc', 'tsc').command().suppressTaskName(true).args(args); testConfiguration(external, builder); }); test('tasks: with Linux specific args', () => { let args: string[] = Platform.isLinux ? ['arg1', 'arg2'] : ['arg1']; let external: ExternalTaskRunnerConfiguration = { version: '0.1.0', tasks: [ { taskName: 'tsc', command: 'tsc', args: ['arg1'], linux: { args: ['arg2'] } } ] }; let builder = new ConfiguationBuilder(); builder.task('tsc', 'tsc').command().suppressTaskName(true).args(args); testConfiguration(external, builder); }); test('tasks: global command and task command properties', () => { let external: ExternalTaskRunnerConfiguration = { version: '0.1.0', command: 'tsc', tasks: [ { taskName: 'taskNameOne', isShellCommand: true, } as CustomTask ] }; let builder = new ConfiguationBuilder(); builder.task('taskNameOne', 'tsc').command().runtime(Tasks.RuntimeType.Shell).args(['$name']); testConfiguration(external, builder); }); test('tasks: global and tasks args', () => { let external: ExternalTaskRunnerConfiguration = { version: '0.1.0', command: 'tsc', args: ['global'], tasks: [ { taskName: 'taskNameOne', args: ['local'] } ] }; let builder = new ConfiguationBuilder(); builder.task('taskNameOne', 'tsc').command().args(['global', '$name', 'local']); testConfiguration(external, builder); }); test('tasks: global and tasks args with task selector', () => { let external: ExternalTaskRunnerConfiguration = { version: '0.1.0', command: 'tsc', args: ['global'], taskSelector: '/t:', tasks: [ { taskName: 'taskNameOne', args: ['local'] } ] }; let builder = new ConfiguationBuilder(); builder.task('taskNameOne', 'tsc').command().taskSelector('/t:').args(['global', '/t:taskNameOne', 'local']); testConfiguration(external, builder); }); }); suite('Tasks version 2.0.0', () => { test('Build workspace task', () => { let external: ExternalTaskRunnerConfiguration = { version: '2.0.0', tasks: [ { taskName: 'dir', command: 'dir', type: 'shell', group: 'build' } ] }; let builder = new ConfiguationBuilder(); builder.task('dir', 'dir'). group(Tasks.TaskGroup.Build). command().suppressTaskName(true). runtime(Tasks.RuntimeType.Shell). presentation().echo(true); testConfiguration(external, builder); }); test('Global group none', () => { let external: ExternalTaskRunnerConfiguration = { version: '2.0.0', command: 'dir', type: 'shell', group: 'none' }; let builder = new ConfiguationBuilder(); builder.task('dir', 'dir'). command().suppressTaskName(true). runtime(Tasks.RuntimeType.Shell). presentation().echo(true); testConfiguration(external, builder); }); test('Global group build', () => { let external: ExternalTaskRunnerConfiguration = { version: '2.0.0', command: 'dir', type: 'shell', group: 'build' }; let builder = new ConfiguationBuilder(); builder.task('dir', 'dir'). group(Tasks.TaskGroup.Build). command().suppressTaskName(true). runtime(Tasks.RuntimeType.Shell). presentation().echo(true); testConfiguration(external, builder); }); test('Global group default build', () => { let external: ExternalTaskRunnerConfiguration = { version: '2.0.0', command: 'dir', type: 'shell', group: { kind: 'build', isDefault: true } }; let builder = new ConfiguationBuilder(); builder.task('dir', 'dir'). group(Tasks.TaskGroup.Build). isPrimary(true). command().suppressTaskName(true). runtime(Tasks.RuntimeType.Shell). presentation().echo(true); testConfiguration(external, builder); }); test('Local group none', () => { let external: ExternalTaskRunnerConfiguration = { version: '2.0.0', tasks: [ { taskName: 'dir', command: 'dir', type: 'shell', group: 'none' } ] }; let builder = new ConfiguationBuilder(); builder.task('dir', 'dir'). command().suppressTaskName(true). runtime(Tasks.RuntimeType.Shell). presentation().echo(true); testConfiguration(external, builder); }); test('Local group build', () => { let external: ExternalTaskRunnerConfiguration = { version: '2.0.0', tasks: [ { taskName: 'dir', command: 'dir', type: 'shell', group: 'build' } ] }; let builder = new ConfiguationBuilder(); builder.task('dir', 'dir'). group(Tasks.TaskGroup.Build). command().suppressTaskName(true). runtime(Tasks.RuntimeType.Shell). presentation().echo(true); testConfiguration(external, builder); }); test('Local group default build', () => { let external: ExternalTaskRunnerConfiguration = { version: '2.0.0', tasks: [ { taskName: 'dir', command: 'dir', type: 'shell', group: { kind: 'build', isDefault: true } } ] }; let builder = new ConfiguationBuilder(); builder.task('dir', 'dir'). group(Tasks.TaskGroup.Build). isPrimary(true). command().suppressTaskName(true). runtime(Tasks.RuntimeType.Shell). presentation().echo(true); testConfiguration(external, builder); }); }); suite('Bugs / regression tests', () => { test('Bug 19548', () => { if (Platform.isLinux) { return; } let external: ExternalTaskRunnerConfiguration = { version: '0.1.0', windows: { command: 'powershell', options: { cwd: '${workspaceRoot}' }, tasks: [ { taskName: 'composeForDebug', suppressTaskName: true, args: [ '-ExecutionPolicy', 'RemoteSigned', '.\\dockerTask.ps1', '-ComposeForDebug', '-Environment', 'debug' ], isBuildCommand: false, showOutput: 'always', echoCommand: true } as CustomTask ] }, osx: { command: '/bin/bash', options: { cwd: '${workspaceRoot}' }, tasks: [ { taskName: 'composeForDebug', suppressTaskName: true, args: [ '-c', './dockerTask.sh composeForDebug debug' ], isBuildCommand: false, showOutput: 'always' } as CustomTask ] } }; let builder = new ConfiguationBuilder(); if (Platform.isWindows) { builder.task('composeForDebug', 'powershell'). command().suppressTaskName(true). args(['-ExecutionPolicy', 'RemoteSigned', '.\\dockerTask.ps1', '-ComposeForDebug', '-Environment', 'debug']). options({ cwd: '${workspaceRoot}' }). presentation().echo(true).reveal(Tasks.RevealKind.Always); testConfiguration(external, builder); } else if (Platform.isMacintosh) { builder.task('composeForDebug', '/bin/bash'). command().suppressTaskName(true). args(['-c', './dockerTask.sh composeForDebug debug']). options({ cwd: '${workspaceRoot}' }). presentation().reveal(Tasks.RevealKind.Always); testConfiguration(external, builder); } }); test('Bug 28489', () => { let external = { version: '0.1.0', command: '', isShellCommand: true, args: [''], showOutput: 'always', 'tasks': [ { taskName: 'build', command: 'bash', args: [ 'build.sh' ] } ] }; let builder = new ConfiguationBuilder(); builder.task('build', 'bash'). group(Tasks.TaskGroup.Build). command().suppressTaskName(true). args(['build.sh']). runtime(Tasks.RuntimeType.Shell); testConfiguration(external, builder); }); });