/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import { Event, Emitter } from 'vs/base/common/event'; import { createDecorator } from 'vs/platform/instantiation/common/instantiation'; import { registerSingleton } from 'vs/platform/instantiation/common/extensions'; import { IStorageService, StorageScope, StorageTarget } from 'vs/platform/storage/common/storage'; import { ALL_INTERFACES_ADDRESSES, isAllInterfaces, isLocalhost, ITunnelService, LOCALHOST_ADDRESSES, RemoteTunnel } from 'vs/platform/remote/common/tunnel'; import { Disposable, IDisposable } from 'vs/base/common/lifecycle'; import { IEditableData } from 'vs/workbench/common/views'; import { IConfigurationService } from 'vs/platform/configuration/common/configuration'; import { TunnelInformation, TunnelDescription, IRemoteAuthorityResolverService } from 'vs/platform/remote/common/remoteAuthorityResolver'; import { IWorkbenchEnvironmentService } from 'vs/workbench/services/environment/common/environmentService'; import { IAddressProvider } from 'vs/platform/remote/common/remoteAgentConnection'; import { ThemeIcon } from 'vs/platform/theme/common/themeService'; export const IRemoteExplorerService = createDecorator('remoteExplorerService'); export const REMOTE_EXPLORER_TYPE_KEY: string = 'remote.explorerType'; const TUNNELS_TO_RESTORE = 'remote.tunnels.toRestore'; export const TUNNEL_VIEW_ID = '~remote.forwardedPorts'; export enum TunnelType { Candidate = 'Candidate', Detected = 'Detected', Forwarded = 'Forwarded', Add = 'Add' } export interface ITunnelItem { tunnelType: TunnelType; remoteHost: string; remotePort: number; localAddress?: string; localPort?: number; name?: string; closeable?: boolean; description?: string; readonly icon?: ThemeIcon; readonly label: string; } export interface Tunnel { remoteHost: string; remotePort: number; localAddress: string; localPort?: number; name?: string; description?: string; closeable?: boolean; runningProcess: string | undefined; source?: string; } export function makeAddress(host: string, port: number): string { return host + ':' + port; } export function parseAddress(address: string): { host: string, port: number } | undefined { const matches = address.match(/^([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\:|localhost:|[a-zA-Z]+:)?([0-9]+)$/); if (!matches) { return undefined; } return { host: matches[1]?.substring(0, matches[1].length - 1) || 'localhost', port: Number(matches[2]) }; } export function mapHasAddress(map: Map, host: string, port: number): T | undefined { const initialAddress = map.get(makeAddress(host, port)); if (initialAddress) { return initialAddress; } if (isLocalhost(host)) { // Do localhost checks for (const testHost of LOCALHOST_ADDRESSES) { const testAddress = makeAddress(testHost, port); if (map.has(testAddress)) { return map.get(testAddress); } } } else if (isAllInterfaces(host)) { // Do all interfaces checks for (const testHost of ALL_INTERFACES_ADDRESSES) { const testAddress = makeAddress(testHost, port); if (map.has(testAddress)) { return map.get(testAddress); } } } return undefined; } export function mapHasAddressLocalhostOrAllInterfaces(map: Map, host: string, port: number): T | undefined { const originalAddress = mapHasAddress(map, host, port); if (originalAddress) { return originalAddress; } const otherHost = isAllInterfaces(host) ? 'localhost' : (isLocalhost(host) ? '' : undefined); if (otherHost) { return mapHasAddress(map, otherHost, port); } return undefined; } export class TunnelModel extends Disposable { readonly forwarded: Map; readonly detected: Map; private remoteTunnels: Map; private _onForwardPort: Emitter = new Emitter(); public onForwardPort: Event = this._onForwardPort.event; private _onClosePort: Emitter<{ host: string, port: number }> = new Emitter(); public onClosePort: Event<{ host: string, port: number }> = this._onClosePort.event; private _onPortName: Emitter<{ host: string, port: number }> = new Emitter(); public onPortName: Event<{ host: string, port: number }> = this._onPortName.event; private _candidates: Map; private _onCandidatesChanged: Emitter> = new Emitter(); // onCandidateChanged returns the removed candidates public onCandidatesChanged: Event> = this._onCandidatesChanged.event; private _candidateFilter: ((candidates: { host: string, port: number, detail: string }[]) => Promise<{ host: string, port: number, detail: string }[]>) | undefined; private tunnelRestoreValue: string | undefined; private _onEnvironmentTunnelsSet: Emitter = new Emitter(); public onEnvironmentTunnelsSet: Event = this._onEnvironmentTunnelsSet.event; private _environmentTunnelsSet: boolean = false; constructor( @ITunnelService private readonly tunnelService: ITunnelService, @IStorageService private readonly storageService: IStorageService, @IConfigurationService private readonly configurationService: IConfigurationService, @IWorkbenchEnvironmentService private readonly environmentService: IWorkbenchEnvironmentService, @IRemoteAuthorityResolverService private readonly remoteAuthorityResolverService: IRemoteAuthorityResolverService, ) { super(); this.tunnelRestoreValue = this.storageService.get(TUNNELS_TO_RESTORE, StorageScope.WORKSPACE); this._candidates = new Map(); this.forwarded = new Map(); this.remoteTunnels = new Map(); this.tunnelService.tunnels.then(tunnels => { tunnels.forEach(tunnel => { if (tunnel.localAddress) { const key = makeAddress(tunnel.tunnelRemoteHost, tunnel.tunnelRemotePort); this.forwarded.set(key, { remotePort: tunnel.tunnelRemotePort, remoteHost: tunnel.tunnelRemoteHost, localAddress: tunnel.localAddress, localPort: tunnel.tunnelLocalPort, runningProcess: mapHasAddressLocalhostOrAllInterfaces(this._candidates, tunnel.tunnelRemoteHost, tunnel.tunnelRemotePort)?.detail }); this.remoteTunnels.set(key, tunnel); } }); }); this.detected = new Map(); this._register(this.tunnelService.onTunnelOpened(tunnel => { const key = makeAddress(tunnel.tunnelRemoteHost, tunnel.tunnelRemotePort); if ((!this.forwarded.has(key)) && tunnel.localAddress) { this.forwarded.set(key, { remoteHost: tunnel.tunnelRemoteHost, remotePort: tunnel.tunnelRemotePort, localAddress: tunnel.localAddress, localPort: tunnel.tunnelLocalPort, closeable: true, runningProcess: mapHasAddressLocalhostOrAllInterfaces(this._candidates, tunnel.tunnelRemoteHost, tunnel.tunnelRemotePort)?.detail }); } this.storeForwarded(); this.remoteTunnels.set(key, tunnel); this._onForwardPort.fire(this.forwarded.get(key)!); })); this._register(this.tunnelService.onTunnelClosed(address => { const key = makeAddress(address.host, address.port); if (this.forwarded.has(key)) { this.forwarded.delete(key); this.storeForwarded(); this._onClosePort.fire(address); } })); } async restoreForwarded() { if (this.configurationService.getValue('remote.restoreForwardedPorts')) { if (this.tunnelRestoreValue) { (JSON.parse(this.tunnelRestoreValue))?.forEach(tunnel => { if (!mapHasAddressLocalhostOrAllInterfaces(this.detected, tunnel.remoteHost, tunnel.remotePort)) { this.forward({ host: tunnel.remoteHost, port: tunnel.remotePort }, tunnel.localPort, tunnel.name); } }); } } } private storeForwarded() { if (this.configurationService.getValue('remote.restoreForwardedPorts')) { this.storageService.store(TUNNELS_TO_RESTORE, JSON.stringify(Array.from(this.forwarded.values())), StorageScope.WORKSPACE, StorageTarget.USER); } } async forward(remote: { host: string, port: number }, local?: number, name?: string, source?: string): Promise { const existingTunnel = mapHasAddressLocalhostOrAllInterfaces(this.forwarded, remote.host, remote.port); if (!existingTunnel) { const authority = this.environmentService.remoteAuthority; const addressProvider: IAddressProvider | undefined = authority ? { getAddress: async () => { return (await this.remoteAuthorityResolverService.resolveAuthority(authority)).authority; } } : undefined; const tunnel = await this.tunnelService.openTunnel(addressProvider, remote.host, remote.port, local); if (tunnel && tunnel.localAddress) { const newForward: Tunnel = { remoteHost: tunnel.tunnelRemoteHost, remotePort: tunnel.tunnelRemotePort, localPort: tunnel.tunnelLocalPort, name: name, closeable: true, localAddress: tunnel.localAddress, runningProcess: mapHasAddressLocalhostOrAllInterfaces(this._candidates, remote.host, remote.port)?.detail, source }; const key = makeAddress(remote.host, remote.port); this.forwarded.set(key, newForward); this.remoteTunnels.set(key, tunnel); this._onForwardPort.fire(newForward); return tunnel; } } else { existingTunnel.name = name; this._onForwardPort.fire(); return mapHasAddressLocalhostOrAllInterfaces(this.remoteTunnels, remote.host, remote.port); } } name(host: string, port: number, name: string) { const existingForwarded = mapHasAddressLocalhostOrAllInterfaces(this.forwarded, host, port); const key = makeAddress(host, port); if (existingForwarded) { existingForwarded.name = name; this.storeForwarded(); this._onPortName.fire({ host, port }); return; } else if (this.detected.has(key)) { this.detected.get(key)!.name = name; this._onPortName.fire({ host, port }); } } async close(host: string, port: number): Promise { return this.tunnelService.closeTunnel(host, port); } address(host: string, port: number): string | undefined { const key = makeAddress(host, port); return (this.forwarded.get(key) || this.detected.get(key))?.localAddress; } public get environmentTunnelsSet(): boolean { return this._environmentTunnelsSet; } addEnvironmentTunnels(tunnels: TunnelDescription[] | undefined): void { if (tunnels) { tunnels.forEach(tunnel => { this.detected.set(makeAddress(tunnel.remoteAddress.host, tunnel.remoteAddress.port), { remoteHost: tunnel.remoteAddress.host, remotePort: tunnel.remoteAddress.port, localAddress: typeof tunnel.localAddress === 'string' ? tunnel.localAddress : makeAddress(tunnel.localAddress.host, tunnel.localAddress.port), closeable: false, runningProcess: mapHasAddressLocalhostOrAllInterfaces(this._candidates, tunnel.remoteAddress.host, tunnel.remoteAddress.port)?.detail }); }); } this._environmentTunnelsSet = true; this._onEnvironmentTunnelsSet.fire(); this._onForwardPort.fire(); } setCandidateFilter(filter: ((candidates: { host: string, port: number, detail: string }[]) => Promise<{ host: string, port: number, detail: string }[]>) | undefined): void { this._candidateFilter = filter; } async setCandidates(candidates: { host: string, port: number, detail: string }[]) { let processedCandidates = candidates; if (this._candidateFilter) { // When an extension provides a filter, we do the filtering on the extension host before the candidates are set here. // However, when the filter doesn't come from an extension we filter here. processedCandidates = await this._candidateFilter(candidates); } const removedCandidates = this.updateInResponseToCandidates(processedCandidates); this._onCandidatesChanged.fire(removedCandidates); } private polishProcessDetail(detail: string): string { const nullIndex = detail.indexOf('\0'); return detail.substr(0, nullIndex > 0 ? nullIndex : detail.length).trim(); } // Returns removed candidates private updateInResponseToCandidates(candidates: { host: string, port: number, detail: string }[]): Map { const removedCandidates = this._candidates; this._candidates = new Map(); candidates.forEach(value => { const detail = this.polishProcessDetail(value.detail); const addressKey = makeAddress(value.host, value.port); this._candidates.set(addressKey, { host: value.host, port: value.port, detail }); if (removedCandidates.has(addressKey)) { removedCandidates.delete(addressKey); } const forwardedValue = mapHasAddressLocalhostOrAllInterfaces(this.forwarded, value.host, value.port); if (forwardedValue) { forwardedValue.runningProcess = detail; } }); removedCandidates.forEach((_value, key) => { const parsedAddress = parseAddress(key); if (!parsedAddress) { return; } const forwardedValue = mapHasAddressLocalhostOrAllInterfaces(this.forwarded, parsedAddress.host, parsedAddress.port); if (forwardedValue) { forwardedValue.runningProcess = undefined; } const detectedValue = mapHasAddressLocalhostOrAllInterfaces(this.detected, parsedAddress.host, parsedAddress.port); if (detectedValue) { detectedValue.runningProcess = undefined; } }); return removedCandidates; } get candidates(): { host: string, port: number, detail: string }[] { return Array.from(this._candidates.values()); } } export interface IRemoteExplorerService { readonly _serviceBrand: undefined; onDidChangeTargetType: Event; targetType: string[]; readonly tunnelModel: TunnelModel; onDidChangeEditable: Event; setEditable(tunnelItem: ITunnelItem | undefined, data: IEditableData | null): void; getEditableData(tunnelItem: ITunnelItem | undefined): IEditableData | undefined; forward(remote: { host: string, port: number }, localPort?: number, name?: string, source?: string): Promise; close(remote: { host: string, port: number }): Promise; setTunnelInformation(tunnelInformation: TunnelInformation | undefined): void; setCandidateFilter(filter: ((candidates: { host: string, port: number, detail: string }[]) => Promise<{ host: string, port: number, detail: string }[]>) | undefined): IDisposable; onFoundNewCandidates(candidates: { host: string, port: number, detail: string }[]): void; restore(): Promise; } class RemoteExplorerService implements IRemoteExplorerService { public _serviceBrand: undefined; private _targetType: string[] = []; private readonly _onDidChangeTargetType: Emitter = new Emitter(); public readonly onDidChangeTargetType: Event = this._onDidChangeTargetType.event; private _tunnelModel: TunnelModel; private _editable: { tunnelItem: ITunnelItem | undefined, data: IEditableData } | undefined; private readonly _onDidChangeEditable: Emitter = new Emitter(); public readonly onDidChangeEditable: Event = this._onDidChangeEditable.event; constructor( @IStorageService private readonly storageService: IStorageService, @ITunnelService tunnelService: ITunnelService, @IConfigurationService configurationService: IConfigurationService, @IWorkbenchEnvironmentService environmentService: IWorkbenchEnvironmentService, @IRemoteAuthorityResolverService remoteAuthorityResolverService: IRemoteAuthorityResolverService, ) { this._tunnelModel = new TunnelModel(tunnelService, storageService, configurationService, environmentService, remoteAuthorityResolverService); } set targetType(name: string[]) { // Can just compare the first element of the array since there are no target overlaps const current: string = this._targetType.length > 0 ? this._targetType[0] : ''; const newName: string = name.length > 0 ? name[0] : ''; if (current !== newName) { this._targetType = name; this.storageService.store(REMOTE_EXPLORER_TYPE_KEY, this._targetType.toString(), StorageScope.WORKSPACE, StorageTarget.USER); this.storageService.store(REMOTE_EXPLORER_TYPE_KEY, this._targetType.toString(), StorageScope.GLOBAL, StorageTarget.USER); this._onDidChangeTargetType.fire(this._targetType); } } get targetType(): string[] { return this._targetType; } get tunnelModel(): TunnelModel { return this._tunnelModel; } forward(remote: { host: string, port: number }, local?: number, name?: string, source?: string): Promise { return this.tunnelModel.forward(remote, local, name, source); } close(remote: { host: string, port: number }): Promise { return this.tunnelModel.close(remote.host, remote.port); } setTunnelInformation(tunnelInformation: TunnelInformation | undefined): void { this.tunnelModel.addEnvironmentTunnels(tunnelInformation?.environmentTunnels); } setEditable(tunnelItem: ITunnelItem | undefined, data: IEditableData | null): void { if (!data) { this._editable = undefined; } else { this._editable = { tunnelItem, data }; } this._onDidChangeEditable.fire(tunnelItem); } getEditableData(tunnelItem: ITunnelItem | undefined): IEditableData | undefined { return (this._editable && ((!tunnelItem && (tunnelItem === this._editable.tunnelItem)) || (tunnelItem && (this._editable.tunnelItem?.remotePort === tunnelItem.remotePort) && (this._editable.tunnelItem.remoteHost === tunnelItem.remoteHost)))) ? this._editable.data : undefined; } setCandidateFilter(filter: (candidates: { host: string, port: number, detail: string }[]) => Promise<{ host: string, port: number, detail: string }[]>): IDisposable { if (!filter) { return { dispose: () => { } }; } this.tunnelModel.setCandidateFilter(filter); return { dispose: () => { this.tunnelModel.setCandidateFilter(undefined); } }; } onFoundNewCandidates(candidates: { host: string, port: number, detail: string }[]): void { this.tunnelModel.setCandidates(candidates); } restore(): Promise { return this.tunnelModel.restoreForwarded(); } } registerSingleton(IRemoteExplorerService, RemoteExplorerService, true);