/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import * as path from 'vs/base/common/path'; import { URI, UriComponents } from 'vs/base/common/uri'; import * as Objects from 'vs/base/common/objects'; import { asPromise } from 'vs/base/common/async'; import { Event, Emitter } from 'vs/base/common/event'; import { win32 } from 'vs/base/node/processes'; import { MainContext, MainThreadTaskShape, ExtHostTaskShape, IMainContext } from 'vs/workbench/api/common/extHost.protocol'; import * as types from 'vs/workbench/api/common/extHostTypes'; import { ExtHostWorkspace, IExtHostWorkspaceProvider } from 'vs/workbench/api/common/extHostWorkspace'; import * as vscode from 'vscode'; import { TaskDefinitionDTO, TaskExecutionDTO, TaskPresentationOptionsDTO, ProcessExecutionOptionsDTO, ProcessExecutionDTO, ShellExecutionOptionsDTO, ShellExecutionDTO, CustomExecutionDTO, CustomExecution2DTO, TaskDTO, TaskHandleDTO, TaskFilterDTO, TaskProcessStartedDTO, TaskProcessEndedDTO, TaskSystemInfoDTO, TaskSetDTO } from '../common/shared/tasks'; import { ExtHostVariableResolverService } from 'vs/workbench/api/node/extHostDebugService'; import { ExtHostDocumentsAndEditors } from 'vs/workbench/api/common/extHostDocumentsAndEditors'; import { ExtHostConfiguration } from 'vs/workbench/api/common/extHostConfiguration'; import { ExtHostTerminalService, ExtHostTerminal } from 'vs/workbench/api/node/extHostTerminalService'; import { IWorkspaceFolder } from 'vs/platform/workspace/common/workspace'; import { CancellationToken, CancellationTokenSource } from 'vs/base/common/cancellation'; import { IDisposable, DisposableStore } from 'vs/base/common/lifecycle'; import { IExtensionDescription } from 'vs/platform/extensions/common/extensions'; namespace TaskDefinitionDTO { export function from(value: vscode.TaskDefinition): TaskDefinitionDTO | undefined { if (value === undefined || value === null) { return undefined; } return value; } export function to(value: TaskDefinitionDTO): vscode.TaskDefinition | undefined { if (value === undefined || value === null) { return undefined; } return value; } } namespace TaskPresentationOptionsDTO { export function from(value: vscode.TaskPresentationOptions): TaskPresentationOptionsDTO | undefined { if (value === undefined || value === null) { return undefined; } return value; } export function to(value: TaskPresentationOptionsDTO): vscode.TaskPresentationOptions | undefined { if (value === undefined || value === null) { return undefined; } return value; } } namespace ProcessExecutionOptionsDTO { export function from(value: vscode.ProcessExecutionOptions): ProcessExecutionOptionsDTO | undefined { if (value === undefined || value === null) { return undefined; } return value; } export function to(value: ProcessExecutionOptionsDTO): vscode.ProcessExecutionOptions | undefined { if (value === undefined || value === null) { return undefined; } return value; } } namespace ProcessExecutionDTO { export function is(value: ShellExecutionDTO | ProcessExecutionDTO | CustomExecutionDTO | CustomExecution2DTO | undefined): value is ProcessExecutionDTO { if (value) { const candidate = value as ProcessExecutionDTO; return candidate && !!candidate.process; } else { return false; } } export function from(value: vscode.ProcessExecution): ProcessExecutionDTO | undefined { if (value === undefined || value === null) { return undefined; } const result: ProcessExecutionDTO = { process: value.process, args: value.args }; if (value.options) { result.options = ProcessExecutionOptionsDTO.from(value.options); } return result; } export function to(value: ProcessExecutionDTO): types.ProcessExecution | undefined { if (value === undefined || value === null) { return undefined; } return new types.ProcessExecution(value.process, value.args, value.options); } } namespace ShellExecutionOptionsDTO { export function from(value: vscode.ShellExecutionOptions): ShellExecutionOptionsDTO | undefined { if (value === undefined || value === null) { return undefined; } return value; } export function to(value: ShellExecutionOptionsDTO): vscode.ShellExecutionOptions | undefined { if (value === undefined || value === null) { return undefined; } return value; } } namespace ShellExecutionDTO { export function is(value: ShellExecutionDTO | ProcessExecutionDTO | CustomExecutionDTO | CustomExecution2DTO | undefined): value is ShellExecutionDTO { if (value) { const candidate = value as ShellExecutionDTO; return candidate && (!!candidate.commandLine || !!candidate.command); } else { return false; } } export function from(value: vscode.ShellExecution): ShellExecutionDTO | undefined { if (value === undefined || value === null) { return undefined; } const result: ShellExecutionDTO = { }; if (value.commandLine !== undefined) { result.commandLine = value.commandLine; } else { result.command = value.command; result.args = value.args; } if (value.options) { result.options = ShellExecutionOptionsDTO.from(value.options); } return result; } export function to(value: ShellExecutionDTO): types.ShellExecution | undefined { if (value === undefined || value === null || (value.command === undefined && value.commandLine === undefined)) { return undefined; } if (value.commandLine) { return new types.ShellExecution(value.commandLine, value.options); } else { return new types.ShellExecution(value.command!, value.args ? value.args : [], value.options); } } } namespace CustomExecutionDTO { export function is(value: ShellExecutionDTO | ProcessExecutionDTO | CustomExecutionDTO | CustomExecution2DTO | undefined): value is CustomExecutionDTO { if (value) { let candidate = value as CustomExecutionDTO; return candidate && candidate.customExecution === 'customExecution'; } else { return false; } } export function from(value: vscode.CustomExecution): CustomExecutionDTO { return { customExecution: 'customExecution' }; } } namespace CustomExecution2DTO { export function is(value: ShellExecutionDTO | ProcessExecutionDTO | CustomExecutionDTO | CustomExecution2DTO | undefined): value is CustomExecution2DTO { if (value) { let candidate = value as CustomExecution2DTO; return candidate && candidate.customExecution === 'customExecution2'; } else { return false; } } export function from(value: vscode.CustomExecution2): CustomExecution2DTO { return { customExecution: 'customExecution2' }; } } namespace TaskHandleDTO { export function from(value: types.Task): TaskHandleDTO { let folder: UriComponents | undefined; if (value.scope !== undefined && typeof value.scope !== 'number') { folder = value.scope.uri; } return { id: value._id!, workspaceFolder: folder! }; } } namespace TaskDTO { export function fromMany(tasks: vscode.Task[], extension: IExtensionDescription): TaskDTO[] { if (tasks === undefined || tasks === null) { return []; } const result: TaskDTO[] = []; for (let task of tasks) { const converted = from(task, extension); if (converted) { result.push(converted); } } return result; } export function from(value: vscode.Task, extension: IExtensionDescription): TaskDTO | undefined { if (value === undefined || value === null) { return undefined; } let execution: ShellExecutionDTO | ProcessExecutionDTO | CustomExecutionDTO | CustomExecution2DTO | undefined; if (value.execution instanceof types.ProcessExecution) { execution = ProcessExecutionDTO.from(value.execution); } else if (value.execution instanceof types.ShellExecution) { execution = ShellExecutionDTO.from(value.execution); } else if ((value).execution2 && (value).execution2 instanceof types.CustomExecution) { execution = CustomExecutionDTO.from((value).execution2); } else if ((value).execution2 && (value).execution2 instanceof types.CustomExecution2) { execution = CustomExecution2DTO.from((value).execution2); } const definition: TaskDefinitionDTO | undefined = TaskDefinitionDTO.from(value.definition); let scope: number | UriComponents; if (value.scope) { if (typeof value.scope === 'number') { scope = value.scope; } else { scope = value.scope.uri; } } else { // To continue to support the deprecated task constructor that doesn't take a scope, we must add a scope here: scope = types.TaskScope.Workspace; } if (!definition || !scope) { return undefined; } const group = (value.group as types.TaskGroup) ? (value.group as types.TaskGroup).id : undefined; const result: TaskDTO = { _id: (value as types.Task)._id!, definition, name: value.name, source: { extensionId: extension.identifier.value, label: value.source, scope: scope }, execution: execution!, isBackground: value.isBackground, group: group, presentationOptions: TaskPresentationOptionsDTO.from(value.presentationOptions), problemMatchers: value.problemMatchers, hasDefinedMatchers: (value as types.Task).hasDefinedMatchers, runOptions: (value).runOptions ? (value).runOptions : { reevaluateOnRerun: true }, }; return result; } export async function to(value: TaskDTO | undefined, workspace: IExtHostWorkspaceProvider): Promise { if (value === undefined || value === null) { return undefined; } let execution: types.ShellExecution | types.ProcessExecution | undefined; if (ProcessExecutionDTO.is(value.execution)) { execution = ProcessExecutionDTO.to(value.execution); } else if (ShellExecutionDTO.is(value.execution)) { execution = ShellExecutionDTO.to(value.execution); } const definition: vscode.TaskDefinition | undefined = TaskDefinitionDTO.to(value.definition); let scope: vscode.TaskScope.Global | vscode.TaskScope.Workspace | vscode.WorkspaceFolder | undefined; if (value.source) { if (value.source.scope !== undefined) { if (typeof value.source.scope === 'number') { scope = value.source.scope; } else { scope = await workspace.resolveWorkspaceFolder(URI.revive(value.source.scope)); } } else { scope = types.TaskScope.Workspace; } } if (!definition || !scope) { return undefined; } const result = new types.Task(definition, scope, value.name!, value.source.label, execution, value.problemMatchers); if (value.isBackground !== undefined) { result.isBackground = value.isBackground; } if (value.group !== undefined) { result.group = types.TaskGroup.from(value.group); } if (value.presentationOptions) { result.presentationOptions = TaskPresentationOptionsDTO.to(value.presentationOptions)!; } if (value._id) { result._id = value._id; } return result; } } namespace TaskFilterDTO { export function from(value: vscode.TaskFilter | undefined): TaskFilterDTO | undefined { return value; } export function to(value: TaskFilterDTO): vscode.TaskFilter | undefined { if (!value) { return undefined; } return Objects.assign(Object.create(null), value); } } class TaskExecutionImpl implements vscode.TaskExecution { constructor(private readonly _tasks: ExtHostTask, readonly _id: string, private readonly _task: vscode.Task) { } public get task(): vscode.Task { return this._task; } public terminate(): void { this._tasks.terminateTask(this); } public fireDidStartProcess(value: TaskProcessStartedDTO): void { } public fireDidEndProcess(value: TaskProcessEndedDTO): void { } } namespace TaskExecutionDTO { export async function to(value: TaskExecutionDTO, tasks: ExtHostTask, workspaceProvider: IExtHostWorkspaceProvider): Promise { const task = await TaskDTO.to(value.task, workspaceProvider); if (!task) { throw new Error('Unexpected: Task cannot be created.'); } return new TaskExecutionImpl(tasks, value.id, task); } export function from(value: vscode.TaskExecution): TaskExecutionDTO { return { id: (value as TaskExecutionImpl)._id, task: undefined }; } } interface HandlerData { type: string; provider: vscode.TaskProvider; extension: IExtensionDescription; } class CustomExecutionData implements IDisposable { private static waitForDimensionsTimeoutInMs: number = 5000; private _cancellationSource?: CancellationTokenSource; private readonly _onTaskExecutionComplete: Emitter = new Emitter(); private readonly _disposables = new DisposableStore(); private terminal?: vscode.Terminal; private terminalId?: number; public result: number | undefined; constructor( private readonly customExecution: vscode.CustomExecution, private readonly terminalService: ExtHostTerminalService) { } public dispose(): void { this._cancellationSource = undefined; this._disposables.dispose(); } public get onTaskExecutionComplete(): Event { return this._onTaskExecutionComplete.event; } private onDidCloseTerminal(terminal: vscode.Terminal): void { if ((this.terminal === terminal) && this._cancellationSource) { this._cancellationSource.cancel(); } } private onDidOpenTerminal(terminal: vscode.Terminal): void { if (!(terminal instanceof ExtHostTerminal)) { throw new Error('How could this not be a extension host terminal?'); } if (this.terminalId && terminal._id === this.terminalId) { this.startCallback(this.terminalId); } } public async startCallback(terminalId: number): Promise { this.terminalId = terminalId; // If we have already started the extension task callback, then // do not start it again. // It is completely valid for multiple terminals to be opened // before the one for our task. if (this._cancellationSource) { return undefined; } const callbackTerminals: vscode.Terminal[] = this.terminalService.terminals.filter((terminal) => terminal._id === terminalId); if (!callbackTerminals || callbackTerminals.length === 0) { this._disposables.add(this.terminalService.onDidOpenTerminal(this.onDidOpenTerminal.bind(this))); return; } if (callbackTerminals.length !== 1) { throw new Error(`Expected to only have one terminal at this point`); } this.terminal = callbackTerminals[0]; const terminalRenderer: vscode.TerminalRenderer = await this.terminalService.resolveTerminalRenderer(terminalId); // If we don't have the maximum dimensions yet, then we need to wait for them (but not indefinitely). // Custom executions will expect the dimensions to be set properly before they are launched. // BUT, due to the API contract VSCode has for terminals and dimensions, they are still responsible for // handling cases where they are not set. if (!terminalRenderer.maximumDimensions) { const dimensionTimeout: Promise = new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(() => { resolve(); }, CustomExecutionData.waitForDimensionsTimeoutInMs); }); let dimensionsRegistration: IDisposable | undefined; const dimensionsPromise: Promise = new Promise((resolve) => { dimensionsRegistration = terminalRenderer.onDidChangeMaximumDimensions((newDimensions) => { resolve(); }); }); await Promise.race([dimensionTimeout, dimensionsPromise]); if (dimensionsRegistration) { dimensionsRegistration.dispose(); } } this._cancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); this._disposables.add(this._cancellationSource); this._disposables.add(this.terminalService.onDidCloseTerminal(this.onDidCloseTerminal.bind(this))); // Regardless of how the task completes, we are done with this custom execution task. this.customExecution.callback(terminalRenderer, this._cancellationSource.token).then( (success) => { this.result = success; this._onTaskExecutionComplete.fire(this); }, (rejected) => { this._onTaskExecutionComplete.fire(this); }); } } export class ExtHostTask implements ExtHostTaskShape { private _proxy: MainThreadTaskShape; private _workspaceProvider: IExtHostWorkspaceProvider; private _editorService: ExtHostDocumentsAndEditors; private _configurationService: ExtHostConfiguration; private _terminalService: ExtHostTerminalService; private _handleCounter: number; private _handlers: Map; private _taskExecutions: Map; private _providedCustomExecutions: Map; private _activeCustomExecutions: Map; private _providedCustomExecutions2: Map; private _activeCustomExecutions2: Map; private readonly _onDidExecuteTask: Emitter = new Emitter(); private readonly _onDidTerminateTask: Emitter = new Emitter(); private readonly _onDidTaskProcessStarted: Emitter = new Emitter(); private readonly _onDidTaskProcessEnded: Emitter = new Emitter(); constructor( mainContext: IMainContext, workspaceService: ExtHostWorkspace, editorService: ExtHostDocumentsAndEditors, configurationService: ExtHostConfiguration, extHostTerminalService: ExtHostTerminalService) { this._proxy = mainContext.getProxy(MainContext.MainThreadTask); this._workspaceProvider = workspaceService; this._editorService = editorService; this._configurationService = configurationService; this._terminalService = extHostTerminalService; this._handleCounter = 0; this._handlers = new Map(); this._taskExecutions = new Map(); this._providedCustomExecutions = new Map(); this._activeCustomExecutions = new Map(); this._providedCustomExecutions2 = new Map(); this._activeCustomExecutions2 = new Map(); } public registerTaskProvider(extension: IExtensionDescription, type: string, provider: vscode.TaskProvider): vscode.Disposable { if (!provider) { return new types.Disposable(() => { }); } const handle = this.nextHandle(); this._handlers.set(handle, { type, provider, extension }); this._proxy.$registerTaskProvider(handle, type); return new types.Disposable(() => { this._handlers.delete(handle); this._proxy.$unregisterTaskProvider(handle); }); } public registerTaskSystem(scheme: string, info: TaskSystemInfoDTO): void { this._proxy.$registerTaskSystem(scheme, info); } public fetchTasks(filter?: vscode.TaskFilter): Promise { return this._proxy.$fetchTasks(TaskFilterDTO.from(filter)).then(async (values) => { const result: vscode.Task[] = []; for (let value of values) { const task = await TaskDTO.to(value, this._workspaceProvider); if (task) { result.push(task); } } return result; }); } public async executeTask(extension: IExtensionDescription, task: vscode.Task): Promise { const tTask = (task as types.Task); // We have a preserved ID. So the task didn't change. if (tTask._id !== undefined) { return this._proxy.$executeTask(TaskHandleDTO.from(tTask)).then(value => this.getTaskExecution(value, task)); } else { const dto = TaskDTO.from(task, extension); if (dto === undefined) { return Promise.reject(new Error('Task is not valid')); } return this._proxy.$executeTask(dto).then(value => this.getTaskExecution(value, task)); } } public get taskExecutions(): vscode.TaskExecution[] { const result: vscode.TaskExecution[] = []; this._taskExecutions.forEach(value => result.push(value)); return result; } public terminateTask(execution: vscode.TaskExecution): Promise { if (!(execution instanceof TaskExecutionImpl)) { throw new Error('No valid task execution provided'); } return this._proxy.$terminateTask((execution as TaskExecutionImpl)._id); } public get onDidStartTask(): Event { return this._onDidExecuteTask.event; } public async $onDidStartTask(execution: TaskExecutionDTO, terminalId: number): Promise { const execution2: vscode.CustomExecution2 | undefined = this._providedCustomExecutions2.get(execution.id); if (execution2) { if (this._activeCustomExecutions2.get(execution.id) !== undefined) { throw new Error('We should not be trying to start the same custom task executions twice.'); } // Clone the custom execution to keep the original untouched. This is important for multiple runs of the same task. this._activeCustomExecutions2.set(execution.id, execution2); await this._terminalService.attachPtyToTerminal(terminalId, await execution2.callback()); } // Once a terminal is spun up for the custom execution task this event will be fired. // At that point, we need to actually start the callback, but // only if it hasn't already begun. const extensionCallback: CustomExecutionData | undefined = this._providedCustomExecutions.get(execution.id); if (extensionCallback) { if (this._activeCustomExecutions.get(execution.id) !== undefined) { throw new Error('We should not be trying to start the same custom task executions twice.'); } this._activeCustomExecutions.set(execution.id, extensionCallback); const taskExecutionComplete: IDisposable = extensionCallback.onTaskExecutionComplete(() => { this.customExecutionComplete(execution); taskExecutionComplete.dispose(); }); extensionCallback.startCallback(terminalId); } this._onDidExecuteTask.fire({ execution: await this.getTaskExecution(execution) }); } public get onDidEndTask(): Event { return this._onDidTerminateTask.event; } public async $OnDidEndTask(execution: TaskExecutionDTO): Promise { const _execution = await this.getTaskExecution(execution); this._taskExecutions.delete(execution.id); this.customExecutionComplete(execution); this._onDidTerminateTask.fire({ execution: _execution }); } public get onDidStartTaskProcess(): Event { return this._onDidTaskProcessStarted.event; } public async $onDidStartTaskProcess(value: TaskProcessStartedDTO): Promise { const execution = await this.getTaskExecution(value.id); if (execution) { this._onDidTaskProcessStarted.fire({ execution: execution, processId: value.processId }); } } public get onDidEndTaskProcess(): Event { return this._onDidTaskProcessEnded.event; } public async $onDidEndTaskProcess(value: TaskProcessEndedDTO): Promise { const execution = await this.getTaskExecution(value.id); if (execution) { this._onDidTaskProcessEnded.fire({ execution: execution, exitCode: value.exitCode }); } } public $provideTasks(handle: number, validTypes: { [key: string]: boolean; }): Thenable { const handler = this._handlers.get(handle); if (!handler) { return Promise.reject(new Error('no handler found')); } // For custom execution tasks, we need to store the execution objects locally // since we obviously cannot send callback functions through the proxy. // So, clear out any existing ones. this._providedCustomExecutions.clear(); this._providedCustomExecutions2.clear(); // Set up a list of task ID promises that we can wait on // before returning the provided tasks. The ensures that // our task IDs are calculated for any custom execution tasks. // Knowing this ID ahead of time is needed because when a task // start event is fired this is when the custom execution is called. // The task start event is also the first time we see the ID from the main // thread, which is too late for us because we need to save an map // from an ID to the custom execution function. (Kind of a cart before the horse problem). const taskIdPromises: Promise[] = []; const fetchPromise = asPromise(() => handler.provider.provideTasks(CancellationToken.None)).then(value => { const taskDTOs: TaskDTO[] = []; if (value) { for (let task of value) { if (!task.definition || !validTypes[task.definition.type]) { console.warn(`The task [${task.source}, ${task.name}] uses an undefined task type. The task will be ignored in the future.`); } const taskDTO: TaskDTO | undefined = TaskDTO.from(task, handler.extension); if (taskDTO) { taskDTOs.push(taskDTO); if (CustomExecutionDTO.is(taskDTO.execution)) { // The ID is calculated on the main thread task side, so, let's call into it here. // We need the task id's pre-computed for custom task executions because when OnDidStartTask // is invoked, we have to be able to map it back to our data. taskIdPromises.push(this.addCustomExecution(taskDTO, task)); } else if (CustomExecution2DTO.is(taskDTO.execution)) { taskIdPromises.push(this.addCustomExecution2(taskDTO, task)); } } } } return { tasks: taskDTOs, extension: handler.extension }; }); return new Promise((resolve) => { fetchPromise.then((result) => { Promise.all(taskIdPromises).then(() => { resolve(result); }); }); }); } public async $resolveTask(handle: number, taskDTO: TaskDTO): Promise { const handler = this._handlers.get(handle); if (!handler) { return Promise.reject(new Error('no handler found')); } if (taskDTO.definition.type !== handler.type) { throw new Error(`Unexpected: Task of type [${taskDTO.definition.type}] cannot be resolved by provider of type [${handler.type}].`); } const task = await TaskDTO.to(taskDTO, this._workspaceProvider); if (!task) { throw new Error('Unexpected: Task cannot be resolved.'); } const resolvedTask = await handler.provider.resolveTask(task, CancellationToken.None); if (!resolvedTask) { return; } const resolvedTaskDTO: TaskDTO | undefined = TaskDTO.from(resolvedTask, handler.extension); if (!resolvedTaskDTO) { throw new Error('Unexpected: Task cannot be resolved.'); } if (resolvedTask.definition !== task.definition) { throw new Error('Unexpected: A task definition cannot be modified when resolving a task.'); } if (CustomExecutionDTO.is(resolvedTaskDTO.execution)) { await this.addCustomExecution(resolvedTaskDTO, resolvedTask); } if (CustomExecution2DTO.is(resolvedTaskDTO.execution)) { await this.addCustomExecution2(resolvedTaskDTO, resolvedTask); } return resolvedTaskDTO; } public async $resolveVariables(uriComponents: UriComponents, toResolve: { process?: { name: string; cwd?: string; path?: string }, variables: string[] }): Promise<{ process?: string, variables: { [key: string]: string; } }> { const configProvider = await this._configurationService.getConfigProvider(); const uri: URI = URI.revive(uriComponents); const result = { process: undefined as string, variables: Object.create(null) }; const workspaceFolder = await this._workspaceProvider.resolveWorkspaceFolder(uri); const workspaceFolders = await this._workspaceProvider.getWorkspaceFolders2(); if (!workspaceFolders || !workspaceFolder) { throw new Error('Unexpected: Tasks can only be run in a workspace folder'); } const resolver = new ExtHostVariableResolverService(workspaceFolders, this._editorService, configProvider); const ws: IWorkspaceFolder = { uri: workspaceFolder.uri, name: workspaceFolder.name, index: workspaceFolder.index, toResource: () => { throw new Error('Not implemented'); } }; for (let variable of toResolve.variables) { result.variables[variable] = resolver.resolve(ws, variable); } if (toResolve.process !== undefined) { let paths: string[] | undefined = undefined; if (toResolve.process.path !== undefined) { paths = toResolve.process.path.split(path.delimiter); for (let i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) { paths[i] = resolver.resolve(ws, paths[i]); } } result.process = await win32.findExecutable( resolver.resolve(ws, toResolve.process.name), toResolve.process.cwd !== undefined ? resolver.resolve(ws, toResolve.process.cwd) : undefined, paths ); } return result; } private nextHandle(): number { return this._handleCounter++; } private async addCustomExecution(taskDTO: TaskDTO, task: vscode.Task2): Promise { const taskId = await this._proxy.$createTaskId(taskDTO); this._providedCustomExecutions.set(taskId, new CustomExecutionData((task).execution2, this._terminalService)); } private async addCustomExecution2(taskDTO: TaskDTO, task: vscode.Task2): Promise { const taskId = await this._proxy.$createTaskId(taskDTO); this._providedCustomExecutions2.set(taskId, (task).execution2); } private async getTaskExecution(execution: TaskExecutionDTO | string, task?: vscode.Task): Promise { if (typeof execution === 'string') { const taskExecution = this._taskExecutions.get(execution); if (!taskExecution) { throw new Error('Unexpected: The specified task is missing an execution'); } return taskExecution; } let result: TaskExecutionImpl | undefined = this._taskExecutions.get(execution.id); if (result) { return result; } const taskToCreate = task ? task : await TaskDTO.to(execution.task, this._workspaceProvider); if (!taskToCreate) { throw new Error('Unexpected: Task does not exist.'); } const createdResult: TaskExecutionImpl = new TaskExecutionImpl(this, execution.id, taskToCreate); this._taskExecutions.set(execution.id, createdResult); return createdResult; } private customExecutionComplete(execution: TaskExecutionDTO): void { const extensionCallback: CustomExecutionData | undefined = this._activeCustomExecutions.get(execution.id); if (extensionCallback) { this._activeCustomExecutions.delete(execution.id); this._proxy.$customExecutionComplete(execution.id, extensionCallback.result); extensionCallback.dispose(); } const extensionCallback2: vscode.CustomExecution2 | undefined = this._activeCustomExecutions2.get(execution.id); if (extensionCallback2) { this._activeCustomExecutions2.delete(execution.id); } } }