/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import 'vs/css!./media/compositepart'; import * as nls from 'vs/nls'; import { defaultGenerator } from 'vs/base/common/idGenerator'; import { IDisposable, dispose, toDisposable } from 'vs/base/common/lifecycle'; import * as strings from 'vs/base/common/strings'; import { Emitter } from 'vs/base/common/event'; import * as errors from 'vs/base/common/errors'; import { ToolBar } from 'vs/base/browser/ui/toolbar/toolbar'; import { IActionViewItem, ActionsOrientation } from 'vs/base/browser/ui/actionbar/actionbar'; import { ProgressBar } from 'vs/base/browser/ui/progressbar/progressbar'; import { prepareActions } from 'vs/workbench/browser/actions'; import { IAction } from 'vs/base/common/actions'; import { Part, IPartOptions } from 'vs/workbench/browser/part'; import { Composite, CompositeRegistry } from 'vs/workbench/browser/composite'; import { IComposite } from 'vs/workbench/common/composite'; import { ScopedProgressService } from 'vs/workbench/services/progress/browser/progressService'; import { IWorkbenchLayoutService } from 'vs/workbench/services/layout/browser/layoutService'; import { IStorageService, StorageScope } from 'vs/platform/storage/common/storage'; import { IContextMenuService } from 'vs/platform/contextview/browser/contextView'; import { IInstantiationService } from 'vs/platform/instantiation/common/instantiation'; import { ServiceCollection } from 'vs/platform/instantiation/common/serviceCollection'; import { IProgressService } from 'vs/platform/progress/common/progress'; import { ITelemetryService } from 'vs/platform/telemetry/common/telemetry'; import { IKeybindingService } from 'vs/platform/keybinding/common/keybinding'; import { IThemeService } from 'vs/platform/theme/common/themeService'; import { attachProgressBarStyler } from 'vs/platform/theme/common/styler'; import { INotificationService } from 'vs/platform/notification/common/notification'; import { Dimension, append, $, addClass, hide, show, addClasses } from 'vs/base/browser/dom'; import { AnchorAlignment } from 'vs/base/browser/ui/contextview/contextview'; import { withNullAsUndefined } from 'vs/base/common/types'; export interface ICompositeTitleLabel { /** * Asks to update the title for the composite with the given ID. */ updateTitle(id: string, title: string, keybinding?: string): void; /** * Called when theming information changes. */ updateStyles(): void; } interface CompositeItem { composite: Composite; disposable: IDisposable; progressService: IProgressService; } export abstract class CompositePart extends Part { protected readonly onDidCompositeOpen = this._register(new Emitter<{ composite: IComposite, focus: boolean }>()); protected readonly onDidCompositeClose = this._register(new Emitter()); protected toolBar: ToolBar; private mapCompositeToCompositeContainer: { [compositeId: string]: HTMLElement; }; private mapActionsBindingToComposite: { [compositeId: string]: () => void; }; private activeComposite: Composite | null; private lastActiveCompositeId: string; private instantiatedCompositeItems: Map; private titleLabel: ICompositeTitleLabel; private progressBar: ProgressBar; private contentAreaSize: Dimension; private telemetryActionsListener: IDisposable | null; private currentCompositeOpenToken: string; constructor( private notificationService: INotificationService, protected storageService: IStorageService, private telemetryService: ITelemetryService, protected contextMenuService: IContextMenuService, protected layoutService: IWorkbenchLayoutService, protected keybindingService: IKeybindingService, protected instantiationService: IInstantiationService, themeService: IThemeService, protected readonly registry: CompositeRegistry, private activeCompositeSettingsKey: string, private defaultCompositeId: string, private nameForTelemetry: string, private compositeCSSClass: string, private titleForegroundColor: string | undefined, id: string, options: IPartOptions ) { super(id, options, themeService, storageService, layoutService); this.mapCompositeToCompositeContainer = {}; this.mapActionsBindingToComposite = {}; this.activeComposite = null; this.instantiatedCompositeItems = new Map(); this.lastActiveCompositeId = storageService.get(activeCompositeSettingsKey, StorageScope.WORKSPACE, this.defaultCompositeId); } protected openComposite(id: string, focus?: boolean): Composite | undefined { // Check if composite already visible and just focus in that case if (this.activeComposite && this.activeComposite.getId() === id) { if (focus) { this.activeComposite.focus(); } // Fullfill promise with composite that is being opened return this.activeComposite; } // Open return this.doOpenComposite(id, focus); } private doOpenComposite(id: string, focus: boolean = false): Composite | undefined { // Use a generated token to avoid race conditions from long running promises const currentCompositeOpenToken = defaultGenerator.nextId(); this.currentCompositeOpenToken = currentCompositeOpenToken; // Hide current if (this.activeComposite) { this.hideActiveComposite(); } // Update Title this.updateTitle(id); // Create composite const composite = this.createComposite(id, true); // Check if another composite opened meanwhile and return in that case if ((this.currentCompositeOpenToken !== currentCompositeOpenToken) || (this.activeComposite && this.activeComposite.getId() !== composite.getId())) { return undefined; } // Check if composite already visible and just focus in that case if (this.activeComposite && this.activeComposite.getId() === composite.getId()) { if (focus) { composite.focus(); } this.onDidCompositeOpen.fire({ composite, focus }); return composite; } // Show Composite and Focus this.showComposite(composite); if (focus) { composite.focus(); } // Return with the composite that is being opened if (composite) { this.onDidCompositeOpen.fire({ composite, focus }); } return composite; } protected createComposite(id: string, isActive?: boolean): Composite { // Check if composite is already created const compositeItem = this.instantiatedCompositeItems.get(id); if (compositeItem) { return compositeItem.composite; } // Instantiate composite from registry otherwise const compositeDescriptor = this.registry.getComposite(id); if (compositeDescriptor) { const progressService = this.instantiationService.createInstance(ScopedProgressService, this.progressBar, compositeDescriptor.id, isActive); const compositeInstantiationService = this.instantiationService.createChild(new ServiceCollection([IProgressService, progressService])); const composite = compositeDescriptor.instantiate(compositeInstantiationService); const disposables: IDisposable[] = []; // Remember as Instantiated this.instantiatedCompositeItems.set(id, { composite, disposable: toDisposable(() => dispose(disposables)), progressService }); // Register to title area update events from the composite composite.onTitleAreaUpdate(() => this.onTitleAreaUpdate(composite.getId()), this, disposables); return composite; } throw new Error(`Unable to find composite with id ${id}`); } protected showComposite(composite: Composite): void { // Remember Composite this.activeComposite = composite; // Store in preferences const id = this.activeComposite.getId(); if (id !== this.defaultCompositeId) { this.storageService.store(this.activeCompositeSettingsKey, id, StorageScope.WORKSPACE); } else { this.storageService.remove(this.activeCompositeSettingsKey, StorageScope.WORKSPACE); } // Remember this.lastActiveCompositeId = this.activeComposite.getId(); // Composites created for the first time let compositeContainer = this.mapCompositeToCompositeContainer[composite.getId()]; if (!compositeContainer) { // Build Container off-DOM compositeContainer = $('.composite'); addClasses(compositeContainer, this.compositeCSSClass); compositeContainer.id = composite.getId(); composite.create(compositeContainer); composite.updateStyles(); // Remember composite container this.mapCompositeToCompositeContainer[composite.getId()] = compositeContainer; } // Report progress for slow loading composites (but only if we did not create the composites before already) const compositeItem = this.instantiatedCompositeItems.get(composite.getId()); if (compositeItem && !compositeContainer) { compositeItem.progressService.showWhile(Promise.resolve(), this.layoutService.isRestored() ? 800 : 3200 /* less ugly initial startup */); } // Fill Content and Actions // Make sure that the user meanwhile did not open another composite or closed the part containing the composite if (!this.activeComposite || composite.getId() !== this.activeComposite.getId()) { return undefined; } // Take Composite on-DOM and show const contentArea = this.getContentArea(); if (contentArea) { contentArea.appendChild(compositeContainer); } show(compositeContainer); // Setup action runner this.toolBar.actionRunner = composite.getActionRunner(); // Update title with composite title if it differs from descriptor const descriptor = this.registry.getComposite(composite.getId()); if (descriptor && descriptor.name !== composite.getTitle()) { this.updateTitle(composite.getId(), withNullAsUndefined(composite.getTitle())); } // Handle Composite Actions let actionsBinding = this.mapActionsBindingToComposite[composite.getId()]; if (!actionsBinding) { actionsBinding = this.collectCompositeActions(composite); this.mapActionsBindingToComposite[composite.getId()] = actionsBinding; } actionsBinding(); if (this.telemetryActionsListener) { this.telemetryActionsListener.dispose(); this.telemetryActionsListener = null; } // Action Run Handling this.telemetryActionsListener = this.toolBar.actionRunner.onDidRun(e => { // Check for Error if (e.error && !errors.isPromiseCanceledError(e.error)) { this.notificationService.error(e.error); } // Log in telemetry if (this.telemetryService) { /* __GDPR__ "workbenchActionExecuted" : { "id" : { "classification": "SystemMetaData", "purpose": "FeatureInsight" }, "from": { "classification": "SystemMetaData", "purpose": "FeatureInsight" } } */ this.telemetryService.publicLog('workbenchActionExecuted', { id: e.action.id, from: this.nameForTelemetry }); } }); // Indicate to composite that it is now visible composite.setVisible(true); // Make sure that the user meanwhile did not open another composite or closed the part containing the composite if (!this.activeComposite || composite.getId() !== this.activeComposite.getId()) { return; } // Make sure the composite is layed out if (this.contentAreaSize) { composite.layout(this.contentAreaSize); } } protected onTitleAreaUpdate(compositeId: string): void { // Active Composite if (this.activeComposite && this.activeComposite.getId() === compositeId) { // Title this.updateTitle(this.activeComposite.getId(), this.activeComposite.getTitle() || undefined); // Actions const actionsBinding = this.collectCompositeActions(this.activeComposite); this.mapActionsBindingToComposite[this.activeComposite.getId()] = actionsBinding; actionsBinding(); } // Otherwise invalidate actions binding for next time when the composite becomes visible else { delete this.mapActionsBindingToComposite[compositeId]; } } private updateTitle(compositeId: string, compositeTitle?: string): void { const compositeDescriptor = this.registry.getComposite(compositeId); if (!compositeDescriptor || !this.titleLabel) { return; } if (!compositeTitle) { compositeTitle = compositeDescriptor.name; } const keybinding = this.keybindingService.lookupKeybinding(compositeId); this.titleLabel.updateTitle(compositeId, compositeTitle, (keybinding && keybinding.getLabel()) || undefined); this.toolBar.setAriaLabel(nls.localize('ariaCompositeToolbarLabel', "{0} actions", compositeTitle)); } private collectCompositeActions(composite: Composite): () => void { // From Composite const primaryActions: IAction[] = composite.getActions().slice(0); const secondaryActions: IAction[] = composite.getSecondaryActions().slice(0); // From Part primaryActions.push(...this.getActions()); secondaryActions.push(...this.getSecondaryActions()); // Update context this.toolBar.context = this.actionsContextProvider(); // Return fn to set into toolbar return this.toolBar.setActions(prepareActions(primaryActions), prepareActions(secondaryActions)); } protected getActiveComposite(): IComposite | null { return this.activeComposite; } protected getLastActiveCompositetId(): string { return this.lastActiveCompositeId; } protected hideActiveComposite(): Composite | undefined { if (!this.activeComposite) { return undefined; // Nothing to do } const composite = this.activeComposite; this.activeComposite = null; const compositeContainer = this.mapCompositeToCompositeContainer[composite.getId()]; // Indicate to Composite composite.setVisible(false); // Take Container Off-DOM and hide compositeContainer.remove(); hide(compositeContainer); // Clear any running Progress this.progressBar.stop().hide(); // Empty Actions this.toolBar.setActions([])(); this.onDidCompositeClose.fire(composite); return composite; } createTitleArea(parent: HTMLElement): HTMLElement { // Title Area Container const titleArea = append(parent, $('.composite')); addClass(titleArea, 'title'); // Left Title Label this.titleLabel = this.createTitleLabel(titleArea); // Right Actions Container const titleActionsContainer = append(titleArea, $('.title-actions')); // Toolbar this.toolBar = this._register(new ToolBar(titleActionsContainer, this.contextMenuService, { actionViewItemProvider: action => this.actionViewItemProvider(action), orientation: ActionsOrientation.HORIZONTAL, getKeyBinding: action => this.keybindingService.lookupKeybinding(action.id), anchorAlignmentProvider: () => this.getTitleAreaDropDownAnchorAlignment() })); return titleArea; } protected createTitleLabel(parent: HTMLElement): ICompositeTitleLabel { const titleContainer = append(parent, $('.title-label')); const titleLabel = append(titleContainer, $('h2')); const $this = this; return { updateTitle: (id, title, keybinding) => { titleLabel.innerHTML = strings.escape(title); titleLabel.title = keybinding ? nls.localize('titleTooltip', "{0} ({1})", title, keybinding) : title; }, updateStyles: () => { titleLabel.style.color = $this.titleForegroundColor ? $this.getColor($this.titleForegroundColor) : null; } }; } updateStyles(): void { super.updateStyles(); // Forward to title label this.titleLabel.updateStyles(); } protected actionViewItemProvider(action: IAction): IActionViewItem | undefined { // Check Active Composite if (this.activeComposite) { return this.activeComposite.getActionViewItem(action); } return undefined; } protected actionsContextProvider(): unknown { // Check Active Composite if (this.activeComposite) { return this.activeComposite.getActionsContext(); } return null; } createContentArea(parent: HTMLElement): HTMLElement { const contentContainer = append(parent, $('.content')); this.progressBar = this._register(new ProgressBar(contentContainer)); this._register(attachProgressBarStyler(this.progressBar, this.themeService)); this.progressBar.hide(); return contentContainer; } getProgressIndicator(id: string): IProgressService | null { const compositeItem = this.instantiatedCompositeItems.get(id); return compositeItem ? compositeItem.progressService : null; } protected getActions(): IAction[] { return []; } protected getSecondaryActions(): IAction[] { return []; } protected getTitleAreaDropDownAnchorAlignment(): AnchorAlignment { return AnchorAlignment.RIGHT; } layout(width: number, height: number): void { // Layout contents this.contentAreaSize = super.layoutContents(width, height).contentSize; // Layout composite if (this.activeComposite) { this.activeComposite.layout(this.contentAreaSize); } } protected removeComposite(compositeId: string): boolean { if (this.activeComposite && this.activeComposite.getId() === compositeId) { return false; // do not remove active composite } delete this.mapCompositeToCompositeContainer[compositeId]; delete this.mapActionsBindingToComposite[compositeId]; const compositeItem = this.instantiatedCompositeItems.get(compositeId); if (compositeItem) { compositeItem.composite.dispose(); dispose(compositeItem.disposable); this.instantiatedCompositeItems.delete(compositeId); } return true; } dispose(): void { this.mapCompositeToCompositeContainer = null!; // StrictNullOverride: nulling out ok in dispose this.mapActionsBindingToComposite = null!; // StrictNullOverride: nulling out ok in dispose this.instantiatedCompositeItems.forEach(compositeItem => { compositeItem.composite.dispose(); dispose(compositeItem.disposable); }); this.instantiatedCompositeItems.clear(); super.dispose(); } }