/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 'use strict'; import 'vs/css!./tree'; import WinJS = require('vs/base/common/winjs.base'); import TreeDefaults = require('vs/base/parts/tree/browser/treeDefaults'); import Events = require('vs/base/common/eventEmitter'); import Model = require('vs/base/parts/tree/browser/treeModel'); import View = require('./treeView'); import _ = require('vs/base/parts/tree/browser/tree'); import { INavigator, MappedNavigator } from 'vs/base/common/iterator'; export class TreeContext implements _.ITreeContext { public tree: _.ITree; public configuration: _.ITreeConfiguration; public options: _.ITreeOptions; public dataSource: _.IDataSource; public renderer: _.IRenderer; public controller: _.IController; public dnd: _.IDragAndDrop; public filter: _.IFilter; public sorter: _.ISorter; public accessibilityProvider: _.IAccessibilityProvider; constructor(tree: _.ITree, configuration: _.ITreeConfiguration, options: _.ITreeOptions = {}) { this.tree = tree; this.configuration = configuration; this.options = options; if (!configuration.dataSource) { throw new Error('You must provide a Data Source to the tree.'); } this.dataSource = configuration.dataSource; this.renderer = configuration.renderer || new TreeDefaults.LegacyRenderer(); this.controller = configuration.controller || new TreeDefaults.DefaultController(); this.dnd = configuration.dnd || new TreeDefaults.DefaultDragAndDrop(); this.filter = configuration.filter || new TreeDefaults.DefaultFilter(); this.sorter = configuration.sorter || null; this.accessibilityProvider = configuration.accessibilityProvider || new TreeDefaults.DefaultAccessibilityProvider(); } } export class Tree extends Events.EventEmitter implements _.ITree { private container: HTMLElement; private configuration: _.ITreeConfiguration; private options: _.ITreeOptions; private context: _.ITreeContext; private model: Model.TreeModel; private view: View.TreeView; constructor(container: HTMLElement, configuration: _.ITreeConfiguration, options: _.ITreeOptions = {}) { super(); this.container = container; this.configuration = configuration; this.options = options; this.options.twistiePixels = typeof this.options.twistiePixels === 'number' ? this.options.twistiePixels : 32; this.options.showTwistie = this.options.showTwistie === false ? false : true; this.options.indentPixels = typeof this.options.indentPixels === 'number' ? this.options.indentPixels : 12; this.options.alwaysFocused = this.options.alwaysFocused === true ? true : false; this.options.useShadows = this.options.useShadows === false ? false : true; this.options.paddingOnRow = this.options.paddingOnRow === false ? false : true; this.context = new TreeContext(this, configuration, options); this.model = new Model.TreeModel(this.context); this.view = new View.TreeView(this.context, this.container); this.view.setModel(this.model); this.addEmitter2(this.model); this.addEmitter2(this.view); } public getHTMLElement(): HTMLElement { return this.view.getHTMLElement(); } public layout(height?: number): void { this.view.layout(height); } public DOMFocus(): void { this.view.focus(); } public isDOMFocused(): boolean { return this.view.isFocused(); } public DOMBlur(): void { this.view.blur(); } public onVisible(): void { this.view.onVisible(); } public onHidden(): void { this.view.onHidden(); } public setInput(element: any): WinJS.Promise { return this.model.setInput(element); } public getInput(): any { return this.model.getInput(); } public refresh(element: any = null, recursive = true): WinJS.Promise { return this.model.refresh(element, recursive); } public refreshAll(elements: any[], recursive = true): WinJS.Promise { return this.model.refreshAll(elements, recursive); } public expand(element: any): WinJS.Promise { return this.model.expand(element); } public expandAll(elements: any[]): WinJS.Promise { return this.model.expandAll(elements); } public collapse(element: any, recursive: boolean = false): WinJS.Promise { return this.model.collapse(element); } public collapseAll(elements: any[] = null, recursive: boolean = false): WinJS.Promise { return this.model.collapseAll(elements, recursive); } public toggleExpansion(element: any): WinJS.Promise { return this.model.toggleExpansion(element); } public toggleExpansionAll(elements: any[]): WinJS.Promise { return this.model.toggleExpansionAll(elements); } public isExpanded(element: any): boolean { return this.model.isExpanded(element); } public getExpandedElements(): any[] { return this.model.getExpandedElements(); } public reveal(element: any, relativeTop: number = null): WinJS.Promise { return this.model.reveal(element, relativeTop); } public getRelativeTop(element: any): number { let item = this.model.getItem(element); return this.view.getRelativeTop(item); } public getScrollPosition(): number { return this.view.getScrollPosition(); } public setScrollPosition(pos: number): void { this.view.setScrollPosition(pos); } getContentHeight(): number { return this.view.getTotalHeight(); } public setHighlight(element?: any, eventPayload?: any): void { this.model.setHighlight(element, eventPayload); } public getHighlight(): any { return this.model.getHighlight(); } public isHighlighted(element: any): boolean { return this.model.isFocused(element); } public clearHighlight(eventPayload?: any): void { this.model.setHighlight(null, eventPayload); } public select(element: any, eventPayload?: any): void { this.model.select(element, eventPayload); } public selectRange(fromElement: any, toElement: any, eventPayload?: any): void { this.model.selectRange(fromElement, toElement, eventPayload); } public deselectRange(fromElement: any, toElement: any, eventPayload?: any): void { this.model.deselectRange(fromElement, toElement, eventPayload); } public selectAll(elements: any[], eventPayload?: any): void { this.model.selectAll(elements, eventPayload); } public deselect(element: any, eventPayload?: any): void { this.model.deselect(element, eventPayload); } public deselectAll(elements: any[], eventPayload?: any): void { this.model.deselectAll(elements, eventPayload); } public setSelection(elements: any[], eventPayload?: any): void { this.model.setSelection(elements, eventPayload); } public toggleSelection(element: any, eventPayload?: any): void { this.model.toggleSelection(element, eventPayload); } public isSelected(element: any): boolean { return this.model.isSelected(element); } public getSelection(): any[] { return this.model.getSelection(); } public clearSelection(eventPayload?: any): void { this.model.setSelection([], eventPayload); } public selectNext(count?: number, clearSelection?: boolean, eventPayload?: any): void { this.model.selectNext(count, clearSelection, eventPayload); } public selectPrevious(count?: number, clearSelection?: boolean, eventPayload?: any): void { this.model.selectPrevious(count, clearSelection, eventPayload); } public selectParent(clearSelection?: boolean, eventPayload?: any): void { this.model.selectParent(clearSelection, eventPayload); } public setFocus(element?: any, eventPayload?: any): void { this.model.setFocus(element, eventPayload); } public isFocused(element: any): boolean { return this.model.isFocused(element); } public getFocus(): any { return this.model.getFocus(); } public focusNext(count?: number, eventPayload?: any): void { this.model.focusNext(count, eventPayload); } public focusPrevious(count?: number, eventPayload?: any): void { this.model.focusPrevious(count, eventPayload); } public focusParent(eventPayload?: any): void { this.model.focusParent(eventPayload); } public focusFirstChild(eventPayload?: any): void { this.model.focusFirstChild(eventPayload); } public focusFirst(eventPayload?: any): void { this.model.focusFirst(eventPayload); } public focusNth(index: number, eventPayload?: any): void { this.model.focusNth(index, eventPayload); } public focusLast(eventPayload?: any): void { this.model.focusLast(eventPayload); } public focusNextPage(eventPayload?: any): void { this.view.focusNextPage(eventPayload); } public focusPreviousPage(eventPayload?: any): void { this.view.focusPreviousPage(eventPayload); } public clearFocus(eventPayload?: any): void { this.model.setFocus(null, eventPayload); } public addTraits(trait: string, elements: any[]): void { this.model.addTraits(trait, elements); } public removeTraits(trait: string, elements: any[]): void { this.model.removeTraits(trait, elements); } public toggleTrait(trait: string, element: any): void { this.model.hasTrait(trait, element) ? this.model.removeTraits(trait, [element]) : this.model.addTraits(trait, [element]); } public hasTrait(trait: string, element: any): boolean { return this.model.hasTrait(trait, element); } getNavigator(): INavigator { return new MappedNavigator(this.model.getNavigator(), i => i && i.getElement()); } public dispose(): void { if (this.model !== null) { this.model.dispose(); this.model = null; } if (this.view !== null) { this.view.dispose(); this.view = null; } super.dispose(); } }