/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import 'vs/css!./media/anythingQuickAccess'; import { IQuickInputButton, IKeyMods, quickPickItemScorerAccessor, QuickPickItemScorerAccessor, IQuickPick } from 'vs/platform/quickinput/common/quickInput'; import { IPickerQuickAccessItem, PickerQuickAccessProvider, TriggerAction, FastAndSlowPicks, Picks, PicksWithActive } from 'vs/platform/quickinput/browser/pickerQuickAccess'; import { prepareQuery, IPreparedQuery, compareItemsByScore, scoreItem, ScorerCache } from 'vs/base/common/fuzzyScorer'; import { IFileQueryBuilderOptions, QueryBuilder } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/search/common/queryBuilder'; import { IInstantiationService } from 'vs/platform/instantiation/common/instantiation'; import { getOutOfWorkspaceEditorResources, extractRangeFromFilter, IWorkbenchSearchConfiguration } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/search/common/search'; import { ISearchService } from 'vs/workbench/services/search/common/search'; import { IWorkspaceContextService } from 'vs/platform/workspace/common/workspace'; import { untildify } from 'vs/base/common/labels'; import { IRemotePathService } from 'vs/workbench/services/path/common/remotePathService'; import { URI } from 'vs/base/common/uri'; import { toLocalResource, dirname, basenameOrAuthority, isEqual } from 'vs/base/common/resources'; import { IWorkbenchEnvironmentService } from 'vs/workbench/services/environment/common/environmentService'; import { IFileService } from 'vs/platform/files/common/files'; import { CancellationToken } from 'vs/base/common/cancellation'; import { DisposableStore, IDisposable, toDisposable, MutableDisposable, Disposable } from 'vs/base/common/lifecycle'; import { ILabelService } from 'vs/platform/label/common/label'; import { getIconClasses } from 'vs/editor/common/services/getIconClasses'; import { IModelService } from 'vs/editor/common/services/modelService'; import { IModeService } from 'vs/editor/common/services/modeService'; import { localize } from 'vs/nls'; import { IWorkingCopyService } from 'vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/common/workingCopyService'; import { IConfigurationService } from 'vs/platform/configuration/common/configuration'; import { IWorkbenchEditorConfiguration, IEditorInput, EditorInput } from 'vs/workbench/common/editor'; import { IEditorService, SIDE_GROUP, ACTIVE_GROUP } from 'vs/workbench/services/editor/common/editorService'; import { Range, IRange } from 'vs/editor/common/core/range'; import { ThrottledDelayer } from 'vs/base/common/async'; import { top } from 'vs/base/common/arrays'; import { FileQueryCacheState } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/search/common/cacheState'; import { IHistoryService } from 'vs/workbench/services/history/common/history'; import { IResourceEditorInput, ITextEditorOptions } from 'vs/platform/editor/common/editor'; import { Schemas } from 'vs/base/common/network'; import { IFilesConfigurationService, AutoSaveMode } from 'vs/workbench/services/filesConfiguration/common/filesConfigurationService'; import { ResourceMap } from 'vs/base/common/map'; import { SymbolsQuickAccessProvider } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/search/browser/symbolsQuickAccess'; import { DefaultQuickAccessFilterValue } from 'vs/platform/quickinput/common/quickAccess'; import { IWorkbenchQuickAccessConfiguration } from 'vs/workbench/browser/quickaccess'; import { GotoSymbolQuickAccessProvider } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/codeEditor/browser/quickaccess/gotoSymbolQuickAccess'; import { ITextModelService } from 'vs/editor/common/services/resolverService'; import { ScrollType, IEditor, ICodeEditorViewState, IDiffEditorViewState } from 'vs/editor/common/editorCommon'; import { once } from 'vs/base/common/functional'; import { IEditorGroup } from 'vs/workbench/services/editor/common/editorGroupsService'; import { getCodeEditor } from 'vs/editor/browser/editorBrowser'; import { withNullAsUndefined } from 'vs/base/common/types'; interface IAnythingQuickPickItem extends IPickerQuickAccessItem { resource: URI | undefined; } interface IEditorSymbolAnythingQuickPickItem extends IAnythingQuickPickItem { resource: URI; range: { decoration: IRange, selection: IRange } } function isEditorSymbolQuickPickItem(pick?: IAnythingQuickPickItem): pick is IEditorSymbolAnythingQuickPickItem { const candidate = pick ? pick as IEditorSymbolAnythingQuickPickItem : undefined; return !!candidate && !!candidate.range && !!candidate.resource; } export class AnythingQuickAccessProvider extends PickerQuickAccessProvider { static PREFIX = ''; private static readonly MAX_RESULTS = 512; private static readonly TYPING_SEARCH_DELAY = 200; // this delay accommodates for the user typing a word and then stops typing to start searching private readonly pickState = new class { picker: IQuickPick | undefined = undefined; editorViewState: { editor: IEditorInput, group: IEditorGroup, state: ICodeEditorViewState | IDiffEditorViewState | undefined } | undefined = undefined; scorerCache: ScorerCache = Object.create(null); fileQueryCache: FileQueryCacheState | undefined = undefined; lastOriginalFilter: string | undefined = undefined; lastFilter: string | undefined = undefined; lastRange: IRange | undefined = undefined; lastGlobalPicks: PicksWithActive | undefined = undefined; isQuickNavigating: boolean | undefined = undefined; constructor(private readonly provider: AnythingQuickAccessProvider, private readonly editorService: IEditorService) { } set(picker: IQuickPick): void { // Picker for this run this.picker = picker; once(picker.onDispose)(() => { if (picker === this.picker) { this.picker = undefined; // clear the picker when disposed to not keep it in memory for too long } }); // Caches const isQuickNavigating = !!picker.quickNavigate; if (!isQuickNavigating) { this.fileQueryCache = this.provider.createFileQueryCache(); this.scorerCache = Object.create(null); } // Other this.isQuickNavigating = isQuickNavigating; this.lastOriginalFilter = undefined; this.lastFilter = undefined; this.lastRange = undefined; this.lastGlobalPicks = undefined; this.editorViewState = undefined; } rememberEditorViewState(): void { if (this.editorViewState) { return; // return early if already done } const activeEditorPane = this.editorService.activeEditorPane; if (activeEditorPane) { this.editorViewState = { group: activeEditorPane.group, editor: activeEditorPane.input, state: withNullAsUndefined(getCodeEditor(activeEditorPane.getControl())?.saveViewState()) }; } } }(this, this.editorService); get defaultFilterValue(): DefaultQuickAccessFilterValue | undefined { if (this.configuration.preserveInput) { return DefaultQuickAccessFilterValue.LAST; } return undefined; } constructor( @IInstantiationService private readonly instantiationService: IInstantiationService, @ISearchService private readonly searchService: ISearchService, @IWorkspaceContextService private readonly contextService: IWorkspaceContextService, @IRemotePathService private readonly remotePathService: IRemotePathService, @IWorkbenchEnvironmentService private readonly environmentService: IWorkbenchEnvironmentService, @IFileService private readonly fileService: IFileService, @ILabelService private readonly labelService: ILabelService, @IModelService private readonly modelService: IModelService, @IModeService private readonly modeService: IModeService, @IWorkingCopyService private readonly workingCopyService: IWorkingCopyService, @IConfigurationService private readonly configurationService: IConfigurationService, @IEditorService private readonly editorService: IEditorService, @IHistoryService private readonly historyService: IHistoryService, @IFilesConfigurationService private readonly filesConfigurationService: IFilesConfigurationService, @ITextModelService private readonly textModelService: ITextModelService ) { super(AnythingQuickAccessProvider.PREFIX, { canAcceptInBackground: true }); } private get configuration() { const editorConfig = this.configurationService.getValue().workbench.editor; const searchConfig = this.configurationService.getValue().search; const quickAccessConfig = this.configurationService.getValue().workbench.quickOpen; return { openEditorPinned: !editorConfig.enablePreviewFromQuickOpen, openSideBySideDirection: editorConfig.openSideBySideDirection, includeSymbols: searchConfig.quickOpen.includeSymbols, includeHistory: searchConfig.quickOpen.includeHistory, historyFilterSortOrder: searchConfig.quickOpen.history.filterSortOrder, shortAutoSaveDelay: this.filesConfigurationService.getAutoSaveMode() === AutoSaveMode.AFTER_SHORT_DELAY, preserveInput: quickAccessConfig.preserveInput }; } provide(picker: IQuickPick, token: CancellationToken): IDisposable { const disposables = new DisposableStore(); // Update the pick state for this run this.pickState.set(picker); // Add editor decorations for active editor symbol picks const editorDecorationsDisposable = disposables.add(new MutableDisposable()); disposables.add(picker.onDidChangeActive(() => { // Clear old decorations editorDecorationsDisposable.value = undefined; // Add new decoration if editor symbol is active const [item] = picker.activeItems; if (isEditorSymbolQuickPickItem(item)) { editorDecorationsDisposable.value = this.decorateAndRevealSymbolRange(item); } })); // Restore view state upon cancellation if we changed it disposables.add(once(token.onCancellationRequested)(() => { if (this.pickState.editorViewState) { this.editorService.openEditor( this.pickState.editorViewState.editor, { viewState: this.pickState.editorViewState.state, preserveFocus: true /* import to not close the picker as a result */ }, this.pickState.editorViewState.group ); } })); // Start picker disposables.add(super.provide(picker, token)); return disposables; } private decorateAndRevealSymbolRange(pick: IEditorSymbolAnythingQuickPickItem): IDisposable { const activeEditor = this.editorService.activeEditor; if (!isEqual(pick.resource, activeEditor?.resource)) { return Disposable.None; // active editor needs to be for resource } const activeEditorControl = this.editorService.activeTextEditorControl; if (!activeEditorControl) { return Disposable.None; // we need a text editor control to decorate and reveal } // we must remember our curret view state to be able to restore this.pickState.rememberEditorViewState(); // Reveal activeEditorControl.revealRangeInCenter(pick.range.selection, ScrollType.Smooth); // Decorate this.addDecorations(activeEditorControl, pick.range.decoration); return toDisposable(() => this.clearDecorations(activeEditorControl)); } protected getPicks(originalFilter: string, disposables: DisposableStore, token: CancellationToken): Picks | Promise> | FastAndSlowPicks | null { // Find a suitable range from the pattern looking for ":", "#" or "," // unless we have the `@` editor symbol character inside the filter const filterWithRange = extractRangeFromFilter(originalFilter, [GotoSymbolQuickAccessProvider.PREFIX]); // Update filter with normalized values let filter: string; if (filterWithRange) { filter = filterWithRange.filter; } else { filter = originalFilter; } // Remember as last range this.pickState.lastRange = filterWithRange?.range; // If the original filter value has changed but the normalized // one has not, we return early with a `null` result indicating // that the results should preserve because the range information // (::) does not need to trigger any re-sorting. if (originalFilter !== this.pickState.lastOriginalFilter && filter === this.pickState.lastFilter) { return null; } // Remember as last filter this.pickState.lastOriginalFilter = originalFilter; this.pickState.lastFilter = filter; // Remember our pick state before returning new picks // unless an editor symbol is selected. We can use this // state to return back to the global pick when the // user is narrowing back out of editor symbols. const picks = this.pickState.picker?.items; const activePick = this.pickState.picker?.activeItems[0]; if (picks && activePick) { if (!isEditorSymbolQuickPickItem(activePick)) { this.pickState.lastGlobalPicks = { items: picks, active: activePick }; } } return this.doGetPicks(filter, disposables, token); } private doGetPicks(filter: string, disposables: DisposableStore, token: CancellationToken): Picks | Promise> | FastAndSlowPicks | null { const query = prepareQuery(filter); // Return early if we have editor symbol picks. We support this by: // - having a previously active global pick (e.g. a file) // - the user typing `@` to start the local symbol query const editorSymbolPicks = this.getEditorSymbolPicks(query, disposables, token); if (editorSymbolPicks) { return editorSymbolPicks; } // If we have a known last active editor symbol pick, we try to restore // the last global pick to support the case of narrowing out from a // editor symbol search back into the global search const activePick = this.pickState.picker?.activeItems[0]; if (isEditorSymbolQuickPickItem(activePick) && this.pickState.lastGlobalPicks) { return this.pickState.lastGlobalPicks; } // Otherwise return normally with history and file/symbol results const historyEditorPicks = this.getEditorHistoryPicks(query); return { // Fast picks: editor history picks: (this.pickState.isQuickNavigating || historyEditorPicks.length === 0) ? historyEditorPicks : [ { type: 'separator', label: localize('recentlyOpenedSeparator', "recently opened") }, ...historyEditorPicks ], // Slow picks: files and symbols additionalPicks: (async (): Promise> => { // Exclude any result that is already present in editor history const additionalPicksExcludes = new ResourceMap(); for (const historyEditorPick of historyEditorPicks) { if (historyEditorPick.resource) { additionalPicksExcludes.set(historyEditorPick.resource, true); } } const additionalPicks = await this.getAdditionalPicks(query, additionalPicksExcludes, token); if (token.isCancellationRequested) { return []; } return additionalPicks.length > 0 ? [ { type: 'separator', label: this.configuration.includeSymbols ? localize('fileAndSymbolResultsSeparator', "file and symbol results") : localize('fileResultsSeparator', "file results") }, ...additionalPicks ] : []; })() }; } private async getAdditionalPicks(query: IPreparedQuery, excludes: ResourceMap, token: CancellationToken): Promise> { // Resolve file and symbol picks (if enabled) const [filePicks, symbolPicks] = await Promise.all([ this.getFilePicks(query, excludes, token), this.getWorkspaceSymbolPicks(query, token) ]); if (token.isCancellationRequested) { return []; } // Sort top 512 items by score const sortedAnythingPicks = top( [...filePicks, ...symbolPicks], (anyPickA, anyPickB) => compareItemsByScore(anyPickA, anyPickB, query, true, quickPickItemScorerAccessor, this.pickState.scorerCache), AnythingQuickAccessProvider.MAX_RESULTS ); // Adjust highlights for (const anythingPick of sortedAnythingPicks) { if (anythingPick.highlights) { continue; // preserve any highlights we got already (e.g. symbols) } const { labelMatch, descriptionMatch } = scoreItem(anythingPick, query, true, quickPickItemScorerAccessor, this.pickState.scorerCache); anythingPick.highlights = { label: labelMatch, description: descriptionMatch }; } return sortedAnythingPicks; } //#region Editor History private readonly labelOnlyEditorHistoryPickAccessor = new QuickPickItemScorerAccessor({ skipDescription: true }); private getEditorHistoryPicks(query: IPreparedQuery): Array { const configuration = this.configuration; // Just return all history entries if not searching if (!query.value) { return this.historyService.getHistory().map(editor => this.createAnythingPick(editor, configuration)); } if (!this.configuration.includeHistory) { return []; // disabled when searching } // Only match on label of the editor unless the search includes path separators const editorHistoryScorerAccessor = query.containsPathSeparator ? quickPickItemScorerAccessor : this.labelOnlyEditorHistoryPickAccessor; // Otherwise filter and sort by query const editorHistoryPicks: Array = []; for (const editor of this.historyService.getHistory()) { const resource = editor.resource; if (!resource || (!this.fileService.canHandleResource(resource) && resource.scheme !== Schemas.untitled)) { continue; // exclude editors without file resource if we are searching by pattern } const editorHistoryPick = this.createAnythingPick(editor, configuration); const { score, labelMatch, descriptionMatch } = scoreItem(editorHistoryPick, query, false, editorHistoryScorerAccessor, this.pickState.scorerCache); if (!score) { continue; // exclude editors not matching query } editorHistoryPick.highlights = { label: labelMatch, description: descriptionMatch }; editorHistoryPicks.push(editorHistoryPick); } // Return without sorting if settings tell to sort by recency if (this.configuration.historyFilterSortOrder === 'recency') { return editorHistoryPicks; } return editorHistoryPicks.sort((editorA, editorB) => compareItemsByScore(editorA, editorB, query, false, editorHistoryScorerAccessor, this.pickState.scorerCache)); } //#endregion //#region File Search private fileQueryDelayer = this._register(new ThrottledDelayer(AnythingQuickAccessProvider.TYPING_SEARCH_DELAY)); private fileQueryBuilder = this.instantiationService.createInstance(QueryBuilder); private createFileQueryCache(): FileQueryCacheState { return new FileQueryCacheState( cacheKey => this.fileQueryBuilder.file(this.contextService.getWorkspace().folders, this.getFileQueryOptions({ cacheKey })), query => this.searchService.fileSearch(query), cacheKey => this.searchService.clearCache(cacheKey), this.pickState.fileQueryCache ).load(); } private async getFilePicks(query: IPreparedQuery, excludes: ResourceMap, token: CancellationToken): Promise> { if (!query.value) { return []; } // Absolute path result const absolutePathResult = await this.getAbsolutePathFileResult(query, token); if (token.isCancellationRequested) { return []; } // Use absolute path result as only results if present let fileMatches: Array; if (absolutePathResult) { fileMatches = [absolutePathResult]; } // Otherwise run the file search (with a delayer if cache is not ready yet) else { if (this.pickState.fileQueryCache?.isLoaded) { fileMatches = await this.doFileSearch(query, token); } else { fileMatches = await this.fileQueryDelayer.trigger(async () => { if (token.isCancellationRequested) { return []; } return this.doFileSearch(query, token); }); } } if (token.isCancellationRequested) { return []; } // Filter excludes & convert to picks const configuration = this.configuration; return fileMatches .filter(resource => !excludes.has(resource)) .map(resource => this.createAnythingPick(resource, configuration)); } private async doFileSearch(query: IPreparedQuery, token: CancellationToken): Promise { const [fileSearchResults, relativePathFileResults] = await Promise.all([ // File search: this is a search over all files of the workspace using the provided pattern this.searchService.fileSearch( this.fileQueryBuilder.file( this.contextService.getWorkspace().folders, this.getFileQueryOptions({ filePattern: query.original, cacheKey: this.pickState.fileQueryCache?.cacheKey, maxResults: AnythingQuickAccessProvider.MAX_RESULTS }) ), token), // Relative path search: we also want to consider results that match files inside the workspace // by looking for relative paths that the user typed as query. This allows to return even excluded // results into the picker if found (e.g. helps for opening compilation results that are otherwise // excluded) this.getRelativePathFileResults(query, token) ]); if (token.isCancellationRequested) { return []; } // Return quickly if no relative results are present if (!relativePathFileResults) { return fileSearchResults.results.map(result => result.resource); } // Otherwise, make sure to filter relative path results from // the search results to prevent duplicates const relativePathFileResultsMap = new ResourceMap(); for (const relativePathFileResult of relativePathFileResults) { relativePathFileResultsMap.set(relativePathFileResult, true); } return [ ...fileSearchResults.results.filter(result => !relativePathFileResultsMap.has(result.resource)).map(result => result.resource), ...relativePathFileResults ]; } private getFileQueryOptions(input: { filePattern?: string, cacheKey?: string, maxResults?: number }): IFileQueryBuilderOptions { const fileQueryOptions: IFileQueryBuilderOptions = { _reason: 'openFileHandler', // used for telemetry - do not change extraFileResources: this.instantiationService.invokeFunction(getOutOfWorkspaceEditorResources), filePattern: input.filePattern || '', cacheKey: input.cacheKey, maxResults: input.maxResults || 0, sortByScore: true }; return fileQueryOptions; } private async getAbsolutePathFileResult(query: IPreparedQuery, token: CancellationToken): Promise { if (!query.containsPathSeparator) { return; } const detildifiedQuery = untildify(query.value, (await this.remotePathService.userHome).path); if (token.isCancellationRequested) { return; } const isAbsolutePathQuery = (await this.remotePathService.path).isAbsolute(detildifiedQuery); if (token.isCancellationRequested) { return; } if (isAbsolutePathQuery) { const resource = toLocalResource( await this.remotePathService.fileURI(detildifiedQuery), this.environmentService.configuration.remoteAuthority ); if (token.isCancellationRequested) { return; } try { if ((await this.fileService.resolve(resource)).isFile) { return resource; } } catch (error) { // ignore if file does not exist } } return; } private async getRelativePathFileResults(query: IPreparedQuery, token: CancellationToken): Promise { if (!query.containsPathSeparator) { return; } // Convert relative paths to absolute paths over all folders of the workspace // and return them as results if the absolute paths exist const isAbsolutePathQuery = (await this.remotePathService.path).isAbsolute(query.value); if (!isAbsolutePathQuery) { const resources: URI[] = []; for (const folder of this.contextService.getWorkspace().folders) { if (token.isCancellationRequested) { break; } const resource = toLocalResource( folder.toResource(query.value), this.environmentService.configuration.remoteAuthority ); try { if ((await this.fileService.resolve(resource)).isFile) { resources.push(resource); } } catch (error) { // ignore if file does not exist } } return resources; } return; } //#endregion //#region Workspace Symbols (if enabled) private workspaceSymbolsQuickAccess = this._register(this.instantiationService.createInstance(SymbolsQuickAccessProvider)); private async getWorkspaceSymbolPicks(query: IPreparedQuery, token: CancellationToken): Promise> { const configuration = this.configuration; if ( !query.value || // we need a value for search for !configuration.includeSymbols || // we need to enable symbols in search this.pickState.lastRange // a range is an indicator for just searching for files ) { return []; } // Delegate to the existing symbols quick access // but skip local results and also do not sort return this.workspaceSymbolsQuickAccess.getSymbolPicks(query.value, { skipLocal: true, skipSorting: true, delay: AnythingQuickAccessProvider.TYPING_SEARCH_DELAY }, token); } //#endregion //#region Editor Symbols (if narrowing down into a global pick via `@`) private readonly editorSymbolsQuickAccess = this.instantiationService.createInstance(GotoSymbolQuickAccessProvider); private getEditorSymbolPicks(query: IPreparedQuery, disposables: DisposableStore, token: CancellationToken): Promise> | null { const filter = query.original.split(GotoSymbolQuickAccessProvider.PREFIX)[1]?.trim(); if (typeof filter !== 'string') { return null; // we need to be searched for editor symbols via `@` } const activeGlobalPick = this.pickState.lastGlobalPicks?.active; if (!activeGlobalPick) { return null; // we need an active global pick to find symbols for } const activeGlobalResource = activeGlobalPick.resource; if (!activeGlobalResource || (!this.fileService.canHandleResource(activeGlobalResource) && activeGlobalResource.scheme !== Schemas.untitled)) { return null; // we need a resource that we can resolve } return this.doGetEditorSymbolPicks(activeGlobalPick, activeGlobalResource, filter, disposables, token); } private async doGetEditorSymbolPicks(activeGlobalPick: IAnythingQuickPickItem, activeGlobalResource: URI, filter: string, disposables: DisposableStore, token: CancellationToken): Promise> { // Bring the editor to front to review symbols to go to try { // we must remember our curret view state to be able to restore this.pickState.rememberEditorViewState(); // open it await this.editorService.openEditor({ resource: activeGlobalResource, options: { preserveFocus: true, revealIfOpened: true, ignoreError: true } }); } catch (error) { return []; // return if resource cannot be opened } if (token.isCancellationRequested) { return []; } // Obtain model from resource let model = this.modelService.getModel(activeGlobalResource); if (!model) { try { const modelReference = disposables.add(await this.textModelService.createModelReference(activeGlobalResource)); if (token.isCancellationRequested) { return []; } model = modelReference.object.textEditorModel; } catch (error) { return []; // return if model cannot be resolved } } // Ask provider for editor symbols const editorSymbolPicks = (await this.editorSymbolsQuickAccess.getSymbolPicks(model, filter, disposables, token)); if (token.isCancellationRequested) { return []; } return editorSymbolPicks.map(editorSymbolPick => { // Preserve separators if (editorSymbolPick.type === 'separator') { return editorSymbolPick; } // Convert editor symbols to anything pick return { ...editorSymbolPick, resource: activeGlobalResource, description: editorSymbolPick.description ? `${activeGlobalPick.label} • ${editorSymbolPick.description}` : activeGlobalPick.label, trigger: (buttonIndex, keyMods) => { this.openAnything(activeGlobalResource, { keyMods, range: editorSymbolPick.range?.selection, forceOpenSideBySide: true }); return TriggerAction.CLOSE_PICKER; }, accept: (keyMods, event) => this.openAnything(activeGlobalResource, { keyMods, range: editorSymbolPick.range?.selection, preserveFocus: event.inBackground }) }; }); } addDecorations(editor: IEditor, range: IRange): void { this.editorSymbolsQuickAccess.addDecorations(editor, range); } clearDecorations(editor: IEditor): void { this.editorSymbolsQuickAccess.clearDecorations(editor); } //#endregion //#region Helpers private createAnythingPick(resourceOrEditor: URI | IEditorInput | IResourceEditorInput, configuration: { shortAutoSaveDelay: boolean, openSideBySideDirection: 'right' | 'down' | undefined }): IAnythingQuickPickItem { const isEditorHistoryEntry = !URI.isUri(resourceOrEditor); let resource: URI | undefined; let label: string; let description: string | undefined = undefined; let isDirty: boolean | undefined = undefined; if (resourceOrEditor instanceof EditorInput) { resource = resourceOrEditor.resource; label = resourceOrEditor.getName(); description = resourceOrEditor.getDescription(); isDirty = resourceOrEditor.isDirty() && !resourceOrEditor.isSaving(); } else { resource = URI.isUri(resourceOrEditor) ? resourceOrEditor : (resourceOrEditor as IResourceEditorInput).resource; label = basenameOrAuthority(resource); description = this.labelService.getUriLabel(dirname(resource), { relative: true }); isDirty = this.workingCopyService.isDirty(resource) && !configuration.shortAutoSaveDelay; } return { resource, label, ariaLabel: isEditorHistoryEntry ? localize('historyPickAriaLabel', "{0}, recently opened", label) : localize('filePickAriaLabel', "{0}, file picker", label), description, iconClasses: getIconClasses(this.modelService, this.modeService, resource), buttons: (() => { if (this.pickState.isQuickNavigating) { return undefined; // no actions when quick navigating } const openSideBySideDirection = configuration.openSideBySideDirection; const buttons: IQuickInputButton[] = []; // Open to side / below buttons.push({ iconClass: openSideBySideDirection === 'right' ? 'codicon-split-horizontal' : 'codicon-split-vertical', tooltip: openSideBySideDirection === 'right' ? localize('openToSide', "Open to the Side") : localize('openToBottom', "Open to the Bottom") }); // Remove from History if (isEditorHistoryEntry) { buttons.push({ iconClass: isDirty ? 'dirty-anything codicon-circle-filled' : 'codicon-close', tooltip: localize('closeEditor', "Remove from Recently Opened"), alwaysVisible: isDirty }); } return buttons; })(), trigger: (buttonIndex, keyMods) => { switch (buttonIndex) { // Open to side / below case 0: this.openAnything(resourceOrEditor, { keyMods, range: this.pickState.lastRange, forceOpenSideBySide: true }); return TriggerAction.CLOSE_PICKER; // Remove from History case 1: if (!URI.isUri(resourceOrEditor)) { this.historyService.remove(resourceOrEditor); return TriggerAction.REMOVE_ITEM; } } return TriggerAction.NO_ACTION; }, accept: (keyMods, event) => this.openAnything(resourceOrEditor, { keyMods, range: this.pickState.lastRange, preserveFocus: event.inBackground }) }; } private async openAnything(resourceOrEditor: URI | IEditorInput | IResourceEditorInput, options: { keyMods?: IKeyMods, preserveFocus?: boolean, range?: IRange, forceOpenSideBySide?: boolean }): Promise { const editorOptions: ITextEditorOptions = { preserveFocus: options.preserveFocus, pinned: options.keyMods?.alt || this.configuration.openEditorPinned, selection: options.range ? Range.collapseToStart(options.range) : undefined }; const targetGroup = options.keyMods?.ctrlCmd || options.forceOpenSideBySide ? SIDE_GROUP : ACTIVE_GROUP; if (resourceOrEditor instanceof EditorInput) { await this.editorService.openEditor(resourceOrEditor, editorOptions); } else { await this.editorService.openEditor({ resource: URI.isUri(resourceOrEditor) ? resourceOrEditor : resourceOrEditor.resource, options: editorOptions }, targetGroup); } } //#endregion }