/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 'use strict'; import { createMainContextProxyIdentifier as createMainId, createExtHostContextProxyIdentifier as createExtId, ProxyIdentifier, IThreadService } from 'vs/workbench/services/thread/common/threadService'; import * as vscode from 'vscode'; import URI from 'vs/base/common/uri'; import Severity from 'vs/base/common/severity'; import { TPromise } from 'vs/base/common/winjs.base'; import { IMarkerData } from 'vs/platform/markers/common/markers'; import { Position as EditorPosition } from 'vs/platform/editor/common/editor'; import { IExtensionDescription } from 'vs/platform/extensions/common/extensions'; import { StatusbarAlignment as MainThreadStatusBarAlignment } from 'vs/platform/statusbar/common/statusbar'; import { ITelemetryInfo } from 'vs/platform/telemetry/common/telemetry'; import { ICommandHandlerDescription } from 'vs/platform/commands/common/commands'; import { IProgressOptions, IProgressStep } from 'vs/platform/progress/common/progress'; import * as editorCommon from 'vs/editor/common/editorCommon'; import * as modes from 'vs/editor/common/modes'; import { IResourceEdit } from 'vs/editor/common/services/bulkEdit'; import { ITextSource } from 'vs/editor/common/model/textSource'; import { ConfigurationTarget } from 'vs/workbench/services/configuration/common/configurationEditing'; import { IConfigurationData } from 'vs/platform/configuration/common/configuration'; import { IPickOpenEntry, IPickOptions } from 'vs/platform/quickOpen/common/quickOpen'; import { SaveReason } from 'vs/workbench/services/textfile/common/textfiles'; import { TextEditorCursorStyle } from 'vs/editor/common/config/editorOptions'; import { EndOfLine, TextEditorLineNumbersStyle } from 'vs/workbench/api/node/extHostTypes'; import { TaskSet } from 'vs/workbench/parts/tasks/common/tasks'; import { IModelChangedEvent } from 'vs/editor/common/model/mirrorModel'; import { IPosition } from 'vs/editor/common/core/position'; import { IRange } from 'vs/editor/common/core/range'; import { ISelection, Selection } from 'vs/editor/common/core/selection'; import { ITreeItem } from 'vs/workbench/parts/views/common/views'; import { ThemeColor } from 'vs/platform/theme/common/themeService'; export interface IEnvironment { enableProposedApiForAll: boolean; enableProposedApiFor: string | string[]; appSettingsHome: string; disableExtensions: boolean; userExtensionsHome: string; extensionDevelopmentPath: string; extensionTestsPath: string; } export interface IWorkspaceData { id: string; name: string; roots: URI[]; } export interface IInitData { parentPid: number; environment: IEnvironment; workspace: IWorkspaceData; extensions: IExtensionDescription[]; configuration: IConfigurationData; telemetryInfo: ITelemetryInfo; } export interface InstanceSetter { set(instance: T): R; } export class InstanceCollection { private _items: { [id: string]: any; }; constructor() { this._items = Object.create(null); } public define(id: ProxyIdentifier): InstanceSetter { let that = this; return new class { set(value: T): R { that._set(id, value); return value; } }; } _set(id: ProxyIdentifier, value: T): void { this._items[id.id] = value; } public finish(isMain: boolean, threadService: IThreadService): void { let expected = (isMain ? MainContext : ExtHostContext); Object.keys(expected).forEach((key) => { let id = expected[key]; let value = this._items[id.id]; if (!value) { throw new Error(`Missing actor ${key} (isMain: ${id.isMain}, id: ${id.id})`); } threadService.set(id, value); }); } } function ni() { return new Error('Not implemented'); } // --- main thread export abstract class MainThreadCommandsShape { $registerCommand(id: string): TPromise { throw ni(); } $unregisterCommand(id: string): TPromise { throw ni(); } $executeCommand(id: string, args: any[]): Thenable { throw ni(); } $getCommands(): Thenable { throw ni(); } } export abstract class MainThreadConfigurationShape { $updateConfigurationOption(target: ConfigurationTarget, key: string, value: any): TPromise { throw ni(); } $removeConfigurationOption(target: ConfigurationTarget, key: string): TPromise { throw ni(); } } export abstract class MainThreadDiagnosticsShape { $changeMany(owner: string, entries: [URI, IMarkerData[]][]): TPromise { throw ni(); } $clear(owner: string): TPromise { throw ni(); } } export abstract class MainThreadDocumentsShape { $tryCreateDocument(options?: { language?: string; content?: string; }): TPromise { throw ni(); } $tryOpenDocument(uri: URI): TPromise { throw ni(); } $registerTextContentProvider(handle: number, scheme: string): void { throw ni(); } $onVirtualDocumentChange(uri: URI, value: ITextSource): void { throw ni(); } $unregisterTextContentProvider(handle: number): void { throw ni(); } $trySaveDocument(uri: URI): TPromise { throw ni(); } } export interface ISelectionChangeEvent { selections: Selection[]; source?: string; } export interface ITextEditorConfigurationUpdate { tabSize?: number | 'auto'; insertSpaces?: boolean | 'auto'; cursorStyle?: TextEditorCursorStyle; lineNumbers?: TextEditorLineNumbersStyle; } export interface IResolvedTextEditorConfiguration { tabSize: number; insertSpaces: boolean; cursorStyle: TextEditorCursorStyle; lineNumbers: TextEditorLineNumbersStyle; } export enum TextEditorRevealType { Default = 0, InCenter = 1, InCenterIfOutsideViewport = 2, AtTop = 3 } export interface IUndoStopOptions { undoStopBefore: boolean; undoStopAfter: boolean; } export interface IApplyEditsOptions extends IUndoStopOptions { setEndOfLine: EndOfLine; } export interface ITextDocumentShowOptions { position?: EditorPosition; preserveFocus?: boolean; pinned?: boolean; selection?: IRange; } export abstract class MainThreadEditorsShape { $tryShowTextDocument(resource: URI, options: ITextDocumentShowOptions): TPromise { throw ni(); } $registerTextEditorDecorationType(key: string, options: editorCommon.IDecorationRenderOptions): void { throw ni(); } $removeTextEditorDecorationType(key: string): void { throw ni(); } $tryShowEditor(id: string, position: EditorPosition): TPromise { throw ni(); } $tryHideEditor(id: string): TPromise { throw ni(); } $trySetOptions(id: string, options: ITextEditorConfigurationUpdate): TPromise { throw ni(); } $trySetDecorations(id: string, key: string, ranges: editorCommon.IDecorationOptions[]): TPromise { throw ni(); } $tryRevealRange(id: string, range: IRange, revealType: TextEditorRevealType): TPromise { throw ni(); } $trySetSelections(id: string, selections: ISelection[]): TPromise { throw ni(); } $tryApplyEdits(id: string, modelVersionId: number, edits: editorCommon.ISingleEditOperation[], opts: IApplyEditsOptions): TPromise { throw ni(); } $tryInsertSnippet(id: string, template: string, selections: IRange[], opts: IUndoStopOptions): TPromise { throw ni(); } $getDiffInformation(id: string): TPromise { throw ni(); } } export abstract class MainThreadTreeViewsShape { $registerView(treeViewId: string): void { throw ni(); } $refresh(treeViewId: string, treeItemHandle?: number): void { throw ni(); } } export abstract class MainThreadErrorsShape { onUnexpectedExtHostError(err: any): void { throw ni(); } } export abstract class MainThreadLanguageFeaturesShape { $unregister(handle: number): TPromise { throw ni(); } $registerOutlineSupport(handle: number, selector: vscode.DocumentSelector): TPromise { throw ni(); } $registerCodeLensSupport(handle: number, selector: vscode.DocumentSelector, eventHandle: number): TPromise { throw ni(); } $emitCodeLensEvent(eventHandle: number, event?: any): TPromise { throw ni(); } $registerDeclaractionSupport(handle: number, selector: vscode.DocumentSelector): TPromise { throw ni(); } $registerImplementationSupport(handle: number, selector: vscode.DocumentSelector): TPromise { throw ni(); } $registerTypeDefinitionSupport(handle: number, selector: vscode.DocumentSelector): TPromise { throw ni(); } $registerHoverProvider(handle: number, selector: vscode.DocumentSelector): TPromise { throw ni(); } $registerDocumentHighlightProvider(handle: number, selector: vscode.DocumentSelector): TPromise { throw ni(); } $registerReferenceSupport(handle: number, selector: vscode.DocumentSelector): TPromise { throw ni(); } $registerQuickFixSupport(handle: number, selector: vscode.DocumentSelector): TPromise { throw ni(); } $registerDocumentFormattingSupport(handle: number, selector: vscode.DocumentSelector): TPromise { throw ni(); } $registerRangeFormattingSupport(handle: number, selector: vscode.DocumentSelector): TPromise { throw ni(); } $registerOnTypeFormattingSupport(handle: number, selector: vscode.DocumentSelector, autoFormatTriggerCharacters: string[]): TPromise { throw ni(); } $registerNavigateTypeSupport(handle: number): TPromise { throw ni(); } $registerRenameSupport(handle: number, selector: vscode.DocumentSelector): TPromise { throw ni(); } $registerSuggestSupport(handle: number, selector: vscode.DocumentSelector, triggerCharacters: string[]): TPromise { throw ni(); } $registerSignatureHelpProvider(handle: number, selector: vscode.DocumentSelector, triggerCharacter: string[]): TPromise { throw ni(); } $registerDocumentLinkProvider(handle: number, selector: vscode.DocumentSelector): TPromise { throw ni(); } $setLanguageConfiguration(handle: number, languageId: string, configuration: vscode.LanguageConfiguration): TPromise { throw ni(); } } export abstract class MainThreadLanguagesShape { $getLanguages(): TPromise { throw ni(); } } export abstract class MainThreadMessageServiceShape { $showMessage(severity: Severity, message: string, options: vscode.MessageOptions, commands: { title: string; isCloseAffordance: boolean; handle: number; }[]): Thenable { throw ni(); } } export abstract class MainThreadOutputServiceShape { $append(channelId: string, label: string, value: string): TPromise { throw ni(); } $clear(channelId: string, label: string): TPromise { throw ni(); } $dispose(channelId: string, label: string): TPromise { throw ni(); } $reveal(channelId: string, label: string, preserveFocus: boolean): TPromise { throw ni(); } $close(channelId: string): TPromise { throw ni(); } } export abstract class MainThreadProgressShape { $startProgress(handle: number, options: IProgressOptions): void { throw ni(); }; $progressReport(handle: number, message: IProgressStep): void { throw ni(); } $progressEnd(handle: number): void { throw ni(); } } export abstract class MainThreadTerminalServiceShape { $createTerminal(name?: string, shellPath?: string, shellArgs?: string[], waitOnExit?: boolean): TPromise { throw ni(); } $dispose(terminalId: number): void { throw ni(); } $hide(terminalId: number): void { throw ni(); } $sendText(terminalId: number, text: string, addNewLine: boolean): void { throw ni(); } $show(terminalId: number, preserveFocus: boolean): void { throw ni(); } } export interface MyQuickPickItems extends IPickOpenEntry { handle: number; } export abstract class MainThreadQuickOpenShape { $show(options: IPickOptions): TPromise { throw ni(); } $setItems(items: MyQuickPickItems[]): TPromise { throw ni(); } $setError(error: Error): TPromise { throw ni(); } $input(options: vscode.InputBoxOptions, validateInput: boolean): TPromise { throw ni(); } } export abstract class MainThreadStatusBarShape { $setEntry(id: number, extensionId: string, text: string, tooltip: string, command: string, color: string | ThemeColor, alignment: MainThreadStatusBarAlignment, priority: number): void { throw ni(); } $dispose(id: number) { throw ni(); } } export abstract class MainThreadStorageShape { $getValue(shared: boolean, key: string): TPromise { throw ni(); } $setValue(shared: boolean, key: string, value: any): TPromise { throw ni(); } } export abstract class MainThreadTelemetryShape { $publicLog(eventName: string, data?: any): void { throw ni(); } $getTelemetryInfo(): TPromise { throw ni(); } } export abstract class MainThreadWorkspaceShape { $startSearch(include: string, exclude: string, maxResults: number, requestId: number): Thenable { throw ni(); } $cancelSearch(requestId: number): Thenable { throw ni(); } $saveAll(includeUntitled?: boolean): Thenable { throw ni(); } $applyWorkspaceEdit(edits: IResourceEdit[]): TPromise { throw ni(); } } export abstract class MainThreadTaskShape { $registerTaskProvider(handle: number): TPromise { throw ni(); } $unregisterTaskProvider(handle: number): TPromise { throw ni(); } } export abstract class MainProcessExtensionServiceShape { $localShowMessage(severity: Severity, msg: string): void { throw ni(); } $onExtensionActivated(extensionId: string): void { throw ni(); } $onExtensionActivationFailed(extensionId: string): void { throw ni(); } } export interface SCMProviderFeatures { hasQuickDiffProvider?: boolean; count?: number; commitTemplate?: string; acceptInputCommand?: modes.Command; statusBarCommands?: modes.Command[]; } export interface SCMGroupFeatures { hideWhenEmpty?: boolean; } export type SCMRawResource = [ number /*handle*/, string /*resourceUri*/, modes.Command /*command*/, string[] /*icons: light, dark*/, boolean /*strike through*/, boolean /*faded*/ ]; export abstract class MainThreadSCMShape { $registerSourceControl(handle: number, id: string, label: string): void { throw ni(); } $updateSourceControl(handle: number, features: SCMProviderFeatures): void { throw ni(); } $unregisterSourceControl(handle: number): void { throw ni(); } $registerGroup(sourceControlHandle: number, handle: number, id: string, label: string): void { throw ni(); } $updateGroup(sourceControlHandle: number, handle: number, features: SCMGroupFeatures): void { throw ni(); } $updateGroupLabel(sourceControlHandle: number, handle: number, label: string): void { throw ni(); } $updateGroupResourceStates(sourceControlHandle: number, groupHandle: number, resources: SCMRawResource[]): void { throw ni(); } $unregisterGroup(sourceControlHandle: number, handle: number): void { throw ni(); } $setInputBoxValue(value: string): void { throw ni(); } } export type DebugSessionUUID = string; export abstract class MainThreadDebugServiceShape { $startDebugging(nameOrConfig: string | vscode.DebugConfiguration): TPromise { throw ni(); } $startDebugSession(config: vscode.DebugConfiguration): TPromise { throw ni(); } $customDebugAdapterRequest(id: DebugSessionUUID, command: string, args: any): TPromise { throw ni(); } } export abstract class MainThreadCredentialsShape { $readSecret(service: string, account: string): Thenable { throw ni(); } $writeSecret(service: string, account: string, secret: string): Thenable { throw ni(); } $deleteSecret(service: string, account: string): Thenable { throw ni(); } } // -- extension host export abstract class ExtHostCommandsShape { $executeContributedCommand(id: string, ...args: any[]): Thenable { throw ni(); } $getContributedCommandHandlerDescriptions(): TPromise<{ [id: string]: string | ICommandHandlerDescription }> { throw ni(); } } export abstract class ExtHostConfigurationShape { $acceptConfigurationChanged(data: IConfigurationData) { throw ni(); } } export abstract class ExtHostDiagnosticsShape { } export interface IModelAddedData { url: URI; versionId: number; lines: string[]; EOL: string; modeId: string; isDirty: boolean; } export abstract class ExtHostDocumentsShape { $provideTextDocumentContent(handle: number, uri: URI): TPromise { throw ni(); } $acceptModelModeChanged(strURL: string, oldModeId: string, newModeId: string): void { throw ni(); } $acceptModelSaved(strURL: string): void { throw ni(); } $acceptDirtyStateChanged(strURL: string, isDirty: boolean): void { throw ni(); } $acceptModelChanged(strURL: string, e: IModelChangedEvent, isDirty: boolean): void { throw ni(); } } export abstract class ExtHostDocumentSaveParticipantShape { $participateInSave(resource: URI, reason: SaveReason): TPromise { throw ni(); } } export interface ITextEditorAddData { id: string; document: URI; options: IResolvedTextEditorConfiguration; selections: ISelection[]; editorPosition: EditorPosition; } export interface ITextEditorPositionData { [id: string]: EditorPosition; } export abstract class ExtHostEditorsShape { $acceptOptionsChanged(id: string, opts: IResolvedTextEditorConfiguration): void { throw ni(); } $acceptSelectionsChanged(id: string, event: ISelectionChangeEvent): void { throw ni(); } $acceptEditorPositionData(data: ITextEditorPositionData): void { throw ni(); } } export interface IDocumentsAndEditorsDelta { removedDocuments?: string[]; addedDocuments?: IModelAddedData[]; removedEditors?: string[]; addedEditors?: ITextEditorAddData[]; newActiveEditor?: string; } export abstract class ExtHostDocumentsAndEditorsShape { $acceptDocumentsAndEditorsDelta(delta: IDocumentsAndEditorsDelta): void { throw ni(); } } export abstract class ExtHostTreeViewsShape { $getElements(treeViewId: string): TPromise { throw ni(); } $getChildren(treeViewId: string, treeItemHandle: number): TPromise { throw ni(); } } export abstract class ExtHostWorkspaceShape { $acceptWorkspaceData(workspace: IWorkspaceData): void { throw ni(); } } export abstract class ExtHostExtensionServiceShape { $activateExtension(extensionDescription: IExtensionDescription): TPromise { throw ni(); } } export interface FileSystemEvents { created: URI[]; changed: URI[]; deleted: URI[]; } export abstract class ExtHostFileSystemEventServiceShape { $onFileEvent(events: FileSystemEvents) { throw ni(); } } export interface ObjectIdentifier { $ident: number; } export namespace ObjectIdentifier { export const name = '$ident'; export function mixin(obj: T, id: number): T & ObjectIdentifier { Object.defineProperty(obj, name, { value: id, enumerable: true }); return obj; } export function of(obj: any): number { return obj[name]; } } export abstract class ExtHostHeapServiceShape { $onGarbageCollection(ids: number[]): void { throw ni(); } } export abstract class ExtHostLanguageFeaturesShape { $provideDocumentSymbols(handle: number, resource: URI): TPromise { throw ni(); } $provideCodeLenses(handle: number, resource: URI): TPromise { throw ni(); } $resolveCodeLens(handle: number, resource: URI, symbol: modes.ICodeLensSymbol): TPromise { throw ni(); } $provideDefinition(handle: number, resource: URI, position: IPosition): TPromise { throw ni(); } $provideImplementation(handle: number, resource: URI, position: IPosition): TPromise { throw ni(); } $provideTypeDefinition(handle: number, resource: URI, position: IPosition): TPromise { throw ni(); } $provideHover(handle: number, resource: URI, position: IPosition): TPromise { throw ni(); } $provideDocumentHighlights(handle: number, resource: URI, position: IPosition): TPromise { throw ni(); } $provideReferences(handle: number, resource: URI, position: IPosition, context: modes.ReferenceContext): TPromise { throw ni(); } $provideCodeActions(handle: number, resource: URI, range: IRange): TPromise { throw ni(); } $provideDocumentFormattingEdits(handle: number, resource: URI, options: modes.FormattingOptions): TPromise { throw ni(); } $provideDocumentRangeFormattingEdits(handle: number, resource: URI, range: IRange, options: modes.FormattingOptions): TPromise { throw ni(); } $provideOnTypeFormattingEdits(handle: number, resource: URI, position: IPosition, ch: string, options: modes.FormattingOptions): TPromise { throw ni(); } $provideWorkspaceSymbols(handle: number, search: string): TPromise { throw ni(); } $resolveWorkspaceSymbol(handle: number, symbol: modes.SymbolInformation): TPromise { throw ni(); } $provideRenameEdits(handle: number, resource: URI, position: IPosition, newName: string): TPromise { throw ni(); } $provideCompletionItems(handle: number, resource: URI, position: IPosition): TPromise { throw ni(); } $resolveCompletionItem(handle: number, resource: URI, position: IPosition, suggestion: modes.ISuggestion): TPromise { throw ni(); } $provideSignatureHelp(handle: number, resource: URI, position: IPosition): TPromise { throw ni(); } $provideDocumentLinks(handle: number, resource: URI): TPromise { throw ni(); } $resolveDocumentLink(handle: number, link: modes.ILink): TPromise { throw ni(); } } export abstract class ExtHostQuickOpenShape { $onItemSelected(handle: number): void { throw ni(); } $validateInput(input: string): TPromise { throw ni(); } } export abstract class ExtHostTerminalServiceShape { $acceptTerminalClosed(id: number): void { throw ni(); } $acceptTerminalProcessId(id: number, processId: number): void { throw ni(); } } export abstract class ExtHostSCMShape { $provideOriginalResource(sourceControlHandle: number, uri: URI): TPromise { throw ni(); } $onActiveSourceControlChange(sourceControlHandle: number): TPromise { throw ni(); } $onInputBoxValueChange(value: string): TPromise { throw ni(); } $onInputBoxAcceptChanges(): TPromise { throw ni(); } } export abstract class ExtHostTaskShape { $provideTasks(handle: number): TPromise { throw ni(); } } export abstract class ExtHostDebugServiceShape { $acceptDebugSessionStarted(id: DebugSessionUUID, type: string, name: string): void { throw ni(); } $acceptDebugSessionTerminated(id: DebugSessionUUID, type: string, name: string): void { throw ni(); } $acceptDebugSessionActiveChanged(id: DebugSessionUUID | undefined, type?: string, name?: string): void { throw ni(); } $acceptDebugSessionCustomEvent(id: DebugSessionUUID, type: string, name: string, event: any): void { throw ni(); } } export abstract class ExtHostCredentialsShape { } // --- proxy identifiers export const MainContext = { MainThreadCommands: createMainId('MainThreadCommands', MainThreadCommandsShape), MainThreadConfiguration: createMainId('MainThreadConfiguration', MainThreadConfigurationShape), MainThreadDebugService: createMainId('MainThreadDebugService', MainThreadDebugServiceShape), MainThreadDiagnostics: createMainId('MainThreadDiagnostics', MainThreadDiagnosticsShape), MainThreadDocuments: createMainId('MainThreadDocuments', MainThreadDocumentsShape), MainThreadEditors: createMainId('MainThreadEditors', MainThreadEditorsShape), MainThreadErrors: createMainId('MainThreadErrors', MainThreadErrorsShape), MainThreadTreeViews: createMainId('MainThreadTreeViews', MainThreadTreeViewsShape), MainThreadLanguageFeatures: createMainId('MainThreadLanguageFeatures', MainThreadLanguageFeaturesShape), MainThreadLanguages: createMainId('MainThreadLanguages', MainThreadLanguagesShape), MainThreadMessageService: createMainId('MainThreadMessageService', MainThreadMessageServiceShape), MainThreadOutputService: createMainId('MainThreadOutputService', MainThreadOutputServiceShape), MainThreadProgress: createMainId('MainThreadProgress', MainThreadProgressShape), MainThreadQuickOpen: createMainId('MainThreadQuickOpen', MainThreadQuickOpenShape), MainThreadStatusBar: createMainId('MainThreadStatusBar', MainThreadStatusBarShape), MainThreadStorage: createMainId('MainThreadStorage', MainThreadStorageShape), MainThreadTelemetry: createMainId('MainThreadTelemetry', MainThreadTelemetryShape), MainThreadTerminalService: createMainId('MainThreadTerminalService', MainThreadTerminalServiceShape), MainThreadWorkspace: createMainId('MainThreadWorkspace', MainThreadWorkspaceShape), MainProcessExtensionService: createMainId('MainProcessExtensionService', MainProcessExtensionServiceShape), MainThreadSCM: createMainId('MainThreadSCM', MainThreadSCMShape), MainThreadTask: createMainId('MainThreadTask', MainThreadTaskShape), MainThreadCredentials: createMainId('MainThreadCredentials', MainThreadCredentialsShape), }; export const ExtHostContext = { ExtHostCommands: createExtId('ExtHostCommands', ExtHostCommandsShape), ExtHostConfiguration: createExtId('ExtHostConfiguration', ExtHostConfigurationShape), ExtHostDiagnostics: createExtId('ExtHostDiagnostics', ExtHostDiagnosticsShape), ExtHostDebugService: createExtId('ExtHostDebugService', ExtHostDebugServiceShape), ExtHostDocumentsAndEditors: createExtId('ExtHostDocumentsAndEditors', ExtHostDocumentsAndEditorsShape), ExtHostDocuments: createExtId('ExtHostDocuments', ExtHostDocumentsShape), ExtHostDocumentSaveParticipant: createExtId('ExtHostDocumentSaveParticipant', ExtHostDocumentSaveParticipantShape), ExtHostEditors: createExtId('ExtHostEditors', ExtHostEditorsShape), ExtHostTreeViews: createExtId('ExtHostTreeViews', ExtHostTreeViewsShape), ExtHostFileSystemEventService: createExtId('ExtHostFileSystemEventService', ExtHostFileSystemEventServiceShape), ExtHostHeapService: createExtId('ExtHostHeapMonitor', ExtHostHeapServiceShape), ExtHostLanguageFeatures: createExtId('ExtHostLanguageFeatures', ExtHostLanguageFeaturesShape), ExtHostQuickOpen: createExtId('ExtHostQuickOpen', ExtHostQuickOpenShape), ExtHostExtensionService: createExtId('ExtHostExtensionService', ExtHostExtensionServiceShape), ExtHostTerminalService: createExtId('ExtHostTerminalService', ExtHostTerminalServiceShape), ExtHostSCM: createExtId('ExtHostSCM', ExtHostSCMShape), ExtHostTask: createExtId('ExtHostTask', ExtHostTaskShape), ExtHostWorkspace: createExtId('ExtHostWorkspace', ExtHostWorkspaceShape), ExtHostCredentials: createExtId('ExtHostCredentials', ExtHostCredentialsShape), };