/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import { URI } from 'vs/base/common/uri'; import { IEditorOptions } from 'vs/editor/common/config/editorOptions'; import { IWorkbenchEditorConfiguration, IEditorIdentifier, IEditorInput, toResource, SideBySideEditor } from 'vs/workbench/common/editor'; import { IFilesConfiguration as PlatformIFilesConfiguration, FileChangeType, IFileService } from 'vs/platform/files/common/files'; import { ContextKeyExpr, RawContextKey } from 'vs/platform/contextkey/common/contextkey'; import { ITextModelContentProvider } from 'vs/editor/common/services/resolverService'; import { Disposable, MutableDisposable } from 'vs/base/common/lifecycle'; import { ITextModel } from 'vs/editor/common/model'; import { Event } from 'vs/base/common/event'; import { IModelService } from 'vs/editor/common/services/modelService'; import { IModeService, ILanguageSelection } from 'vs/editor/common/services/modeService'; import { ITextFileService } from 'vs/workbench/services/textfile/common/textfiles'; import { InputFocusedContextKey } from 'vs/platform/contextkey/common/contextkeys'; import { IEditableData } from 'vs/workbench/common/views'; import { createDecorator } from 'vs/platform/instantiation/common/instantiation'; import { IEditorGroup } from 'vs/workbench/services/editor/common/editorGroupsService'; import { ExplorerItem } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/files/common/explorerModel'; import { once } from 'vs/base/common/functional'; import { ITextEditorOptions } from 'vs/platform/editor/common/editor'; import { IEditorService } from 'vs/workbench/services/editor/common/editorService'; /** * Explorer viewlet id. */ export const VIEWLET_ID = 'workbench.view.explorer'; /** * Id of the default editor for open with. */ export const DEFAULT_EDITOR_ID = 'default'; export interface IExplorerService { _serviceBrand: undefined; readonly roots: ExplorerItem[]; readonly sortOrder: SortOrder; readonly onDidChangeRoots: Event; readonly onDidChangeItem: Event<{ item?: ExplorerItem, recursive: boolean }>; readonly onDidChangeEditable: Event; readonly onDidSelectResource: Event<{ resource?: URI, reveal?: boolean }>; readonly onDidCopyItems: Event<{ items: ExplorerItem[], cut: boolean, previouslyCutItems: ExplorerItem[] | undefined }>; getContext(respectMultiSelection: boolean): ExplorerItem[]; setEditable(stat: ExplorerItem, data: IEditableData | null): void; getEditable(): { stat: ExplorerItem, data: IEditableData } | undefined; getEditableData(stat: ExplorerItem): IEditableData | undefined; // If undefined is passed checks if any element is currently being edited. isEditable(stat: ExplorerItem | undefined): boolean; findClosest(resource: URI): ExplorerItem | null; refresh(): void; setToCopy(stats: ExplorerItem[], cut: boolean): void; isCut(stat: ExplorerItem): boolean; /** * Selects and reveal the file element provided by the given resource if its found in the explorer. * Will try to resolve the path in case the explorer is not yet expanded to the file yet. */ select(resource: URI, reveal?: boolean): Promise; registerContextProvider(contextProvider: IContextProvider): void; } export interface IContextProvider { getContext(respectMultiSelection: boolean): ExplorerItem[]; } export const IExplorerService = createDecorator('explorerService'); /** * Context Keys to use with keybindings for the Explorer and Open Editors view */ export const ExplorerViewletVisibleContext = new RawContextKey('explorerViewletVisible', true); export const ExplorerFolderContext = new RawContextKey('explorerResourceIsFolder', false); export const ExplorerResourceReadonlyContext = new RawContextKey('explorerResourceReadonly', false); export const ExplorerResourceNotReadonlyContext = ExplorerResourceReadonlyContext.toNegated(); /** * Comma separated list of editor ids that can be used for the selected explorer resource. */ export const ExplorerResourceAvailableEditorIdsContext = new RawContextKey('explorerResourceAvailableEditorIds', ''); export const ExplorerRootContext = new RawContextKey('explorerResourceIsRoot', false); export const ExplorerResourceCut = new RawContextKey('explorerResourceCut', false); export const ExplorerResourceMoveableToTrash = new RawContextKey('explorerResourceMoveableToTrash', false); export const FilesExplorerFocusedContext = new RawContextKey('filesExplorerFocus', true); export const OpenEditorsVisibleContext = new RawContextKey('openEditorsVisible', false); export const OpenEditorsFocusedContext = new RawContextKey('openEditorsFocus', true); export const ExplorerFocusedContext = new RawContextKey('explorerViewletFocus', true); // compressed nodes export const ExplorerCompressedFocusContext = new RawContextKey('explorerViewletCompressedFocus', true); export const ExplorerCompressedFirstFocusContext = new RawContextKey('explorerViewletCompressedFirstFocus', true); export const ExplorerCompressedLastFocusContext = new RawContextKey('explorerViewletCompressedLastFocus', true); export const FilesExplorerFocusCondition = ContextKeyExpr.and(ExplorerViewletVisibleContext, FilesExplorerFocusedContext, ContextKeyExpr.not(InputFocusedContextKey)); export const ExplorerFocusCondition = ContextKeyExpr.and(ExplorerViewletVisibleContext, ExplorerFocusedContext, ContextKeyExpr.not(InputFocusedContextKey)); /** * Text file editor id. */ export const TEXT_FILE_EDITOR_ID = 'workbench.editors.files.textFileEditor'; /** * File editor input id. */ export const FILE_EDITOR_INPUT_ID = 'workbench.editors.files.fileEditorInput'; /** * Binary file editor id. */ export const BINARY_FILE_EDITOR_ID = 'workbench.editors.files.binaryFileEditor'; export interface IFilesConfiguration extends PlatformIFilesConfiguration, IWorkbenchEditorConfiguration { explorer: { openEditors: { visible: number; }; autoReveal: boolean; enableDragAndDrop: boolean; confirmDelete: boolean; sortOrder: SortOrder; decorations: { colors: boolean; badges: boolean; }; incrementalNaming: 'simple' | 'smart'; }; editor: IEditorOptions; } export interface IFileResource { resource: URI; isDirectory?: boolean; } export const enum SortOrder { Default = 'default', Mixed = 'mixed', FilesFirst = 'filesFirst', Type = 'type', Modified = 'modified' } export class TextFileContentProvider extends Disposable implements ITextModelContentProvider { private readonly fileWatcherDisposable = this._register(new MutableDisposable()); constructor( @ITextFileService private readonly textFileService: ITextFileService, @IFileService private readonly fileService: IFileService, @IModeService private readonly modeService: IModeService, @IModelService private readonly modelService: IModelService ) { super(); } static async open(resource: URI, scheme: string, label: string, editorService: IEditorService, options?: ITextEditorOptions): Promise { await editorService.openEditor({ leftResource: TextFileContentProvider.resourceToTextFile(scheme, resource), rightResource: resource, label, options }); } private static resourceToTextFile(scheme: string, resource: URI): URI { return resource.with({ scheme, query: JSON.stringify({ scheme: resource.scheme }) }); } private static textFileToResource(resource: URI): URI { return resource.with({ scheme: JSON.parse(resource.query)['scheme'], query: null }); } async provideTextContent(resource: URI): Promise { const savedFileResource = TextFileContentProvider.textFileToResource(resource); // Make sure our text file is resolved up to date const codeEditorModel = await this.resolveEditorModel(resource); // Make sure to keep contents up to date when it changes if (!this.fileWatcherDisposable.value) { this.fileWatcherDisposable.value = this.fileService.onDidFilesChange(changes => { if (changes.contains(savedFileResource, FileChangeType.UPDATED)) { this.resolveEditorModel(resource, false /* do not create if missing */); // update model when resource changes } }); if (codeEditorModel) { once(codeEditorModel.onWillDispose)(() => this.fileWatcherDisposable.clear()); } } return codeEditorModel; } private resolveEditorModel(resource: URI, createAsNeeded?: true): Promise; private resolveEditorModel(resource: URI, createAsNeeded?: boolean): Promise; private async resolveEditorModel(resource: URI, createAsNeeded: boolean = true): Promise { const savedFileResource = TextFileContentProvider.textFileToResource(resource); const content = await this.textFileService.readStream(savedFileResource); let codeEditorModel = this.modelService.getModel(resource); if (codeEditorModel) { this.modelService.updateModel(codeEditorModel, content.value); } else if (createAsNeeded) { const textFileModel = this.modelService.getModel(savedFileResource); let languageSelector: ILanguageSelection; if (textFileModel) { languageSelector = this.modeService.create(textFileModel.getModeId()); } else { languageSelector = this.modeService.createByFilepathOrFirstLine(savedFileResource); } codeEditorModel = this.modelService.createModel(content.value, languageSelector, resource); } return codeEditorModel; } } export class OpenEditor implements IEditorIdentifier { constructor(private _editor: IEditorInput, private _group: IEditorGroup) { // noop } get editor() { return this._editor; } get editorIndex() { return this._group.getIndexOfEditor(this.editor); } get group() { return this._group; } get groupId() { return this._group.id; } getId(): string { return `openeditor:${this.groupId}:${this.editorIndex}:${this.editor.getName()}:${this.editor.getDescription()}`; } isPreview(): boolean { return this._group.previewEditor === this.editor; } getResource(): URI | undefined { return toResource(this.editor, { supportSideBySide: SideBySideEditor.MASTER }); } }