/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import * as nls from 'vs/nls'; import { ExtensionsRegistry } from 'vs/workbench/services/extensions/common/extensionsRegistry'; import * as resources from 'vs/base/common/resources'; import { isString } from 'vs/base/common/types'; interface IJSONValidationExtensionPoint { fileMatch: string | string[]; url: string; } const configurationExtPoint = ExtensionsRegistry.registerExtensionPoint({ extensionPoint: 'jsonValidation', defaultExtensionKind: 'workspace', jsonSchema: { description: nls.localize('contributes.jsonValidation', 'Contributes json schema configuration.'), type: 'array', defaultSnippets: [{ body: [{ fileMatch: '${1:file.json}', url: '${2:url}' }] }], items: { type: 'object', defaultSnippets: [{ body: { fileMatch: '${1:file.json}', url: '${2:url}' } }], properties: { fileMatch: { type: ['string', 'array'], description: nls.localize('contributes.jsonValidation.fileMatch', 'The file pattern (or an array of patterns) to match, for example "package.json" or "*.launch". Exclusion patterns start with \'!\''), items: { type: ['string'] } }, url: { description: nls.localize('contributes.jsonValidation.url', 'A schema URL (\'http:\', \'https:\') or relative path to the extension folder (\'./\').'), type: 'string' } } } } }); export class JSONValidationExtensionPoint { constructor() { configurationExtPoint.setHandler((extensions) => { for (const extension of extensions) { const extensionValue = extension.value; const collector = extension.collector; const extensionLocation = extension.description.extensionLocation; if (!extensionValue || !Array.isArray(extensionValue)) { collector.error(nls.localize('invalid.jsonValidation', "'configuration.jsonValidation' must be a array")); return; } extensionValue.forEach(extension => { if (!isString(extension.fileMatch) && !(Array.isArray(extension.fileMatch) && extension.fileMatch.every(isString))) { collector.error(nls.localize('invalid.fileMatch', "'configuration.jsonValidation.fileMatch' must be defined as a string or an array of strings.")); return; } let uri = extension.url; if (!isString(uri)) { collector.error(nls.localize('invalid.url', "'configuration.jsonValidation.url' must be a URL or relative path")); return; } if (uri.startsWith('./')) { try { const colorThemeLocation = resources.joinPath(extensionLocation, uri); if (!resources.isEqualOrParent(colorThemeLocation, extensionLocation)) { collector.warn(nls.localize('invalid.path.1', "Expected `contributes.{0}.url` ({1}) to be included inside extension's folder ({2}). This might make the extension non-portable.", configurationExtPoint.name, colorThemeLocation.toString(), extensionLocation.path)); } } catch (e) { collector.error(nls.localize('invalid.url.fileschema', "'configuration.jsonValidation.url' is an invalid relative URL: {0}", e.message)); } } else if (!/^[^:/?#]+:\/\//.test(uri)) { collector.error(nls.localize('invalid.url.schema', "'configuration.jsonValidation.url' must be an absolute URL or start with './' to reference schemas located in the extension.")); return; } }); } }); } }