A variable-width box within the area defined by the bottom margin, centered on the page area, and between the bottom-left and bottom-right margin boxes. A variable-width box within the area defined by the bottom margin and adjoining the bottom-left-corner margin box. A box filling the area defined by the intersection of the bottom and left margins of the page box. A variable-width box within the area defined by the bottom margin and adjoining the bottom-right corner margin box. A box filling the area defined by the intersection of the bottom and right margins of the page box. Defines character set of the document. Authors may use @counter declaration blocks and the 'page-policy' property, which applies only to strings and counters. Defines a custom counter style. Allows for linking to fonts that are automatically activated when needed. This permits authors to work around the limitation of 'web-safe' fonts, allowing for consistent rendering independent of the fonts available in a given user's environment. Applies to elements specified in shadow trees. Includes content of another file. Defines set of animation key frames. A variable-height box within the area defined by the left margin and adjacent to the top of the bottom-left-corner. A variable-height box in the area defined by the left margin, centered on the page area, and between the left-top and left-bottom margin boxes. A variable-height box within the area defined by the left margin and adjacent to the bottom of the top-left-corner. Defines a stylesheet for a particular media type. The @-moz-document rule is a Gecko-specific at-rule that restricts the style rules contained within it based on the URL of the document. Defines set of animation key frames. Declares a prefix and associates it with a namespace name. Sets the viewport properties in Opera Mobile 11 - 12.1. Directive defines various page parameters. A variable-height box within the area defined by the right margin and adjacent to the top of the bottom-right-corner. A variable-height box in the area defined by the right margin, centered on the page area, and between the right-top and right-bottom margin boxes. A variable-height box within the area defined by the right margin and adjacent to the bottom of the top-right-corner. Authors may use @string declaration blocks and the 'page-policy' property, which applies only to strings and counters. A conditional group rule whose condition tests whether the user agent supports CSS property:value pairs. A variable-width box within the area defined by the top margin, centered on the page area, and between the top-left and top-right margin boxes. A variable-width box within the area defined by the top margin and adjoining the top-left-corner margin box. A fixed-size box filling the area defined by the intersection of the top and left margins of the page box. A variable-width box within the area defined by the top margin and adjoining the top-right-corner margin box. A box filling the area defined by the intersection of the top and right margins of the page box. Specifies the size, zoom factor, and orientation of the viewport. Defines set of animation key frames. The :active pseudo-class applies while an element is being activated by the user. For example, between the times the user presses the mouse button and releases it. Pseudo-element is used to insert content immediately after the content of an element (or other pseudo-element). The 'content' property is used to specify the content to insert. Pseudo-element is used to insert content immediately before the content of an element (or other pseudo-element). The 'content' property is used to specify the content to insert. Radio and checkbox elements can be toggled by the user. Some menu items are 'checked' when the user selects them. When such elements are toggled 'on' the :checked pseudo-class applies. The :default selector applies to the one or more UI elements that are the default among a set of similar elements. This selector typically applies to context menu items, buttons, and select lists/menus. The :dir() pseudo-class allows the author to write selectors that represent an element based on its directionality as determined by the document language. The :disabled pseudo-class represents user interface elements that are in a disabled state; such elements have a corresponding enabled state. The :empty pseudo-class represents an element that has no children at all. The :enabled pseudo-class represents user interface elements that are in an enabled state; such elements have a corresponding disabled state. When printing double-sided documents, the page boxes on left and right pages may be different. This can be expressed through CSS pseudo-classes defined in the page context. Same as :nth-child(1). The :first-child pseudo-class represents an element that is the first child of some other element. The :first-letter pseudo-element represents the first letter of an element, if it is not preceded by any other content (such as images or inline tables) on its line. The :first-line pseudo-element describes the contents of the first formatted line of an element. Same as :nth-of-type(1). The :first-of-type pseudo-class represents an element that is the first sibling of its type in the list of children of its parent element. The :focus pseudo-class applies while an element has the focus (accepts keyboard or mouse events, or other forms of input). The :hover pseudo-class applies while the user designates an element with a pointing device, but does not necessarily activate it. For example, a visual user agent could apply this pseudo-class when the cursor (mouse pointer) hovers over a box generated by the element. The :indeterminate pseudo-class applies to UI elements whose value is in an indeterminate state. The in-range and out-of-range pseudo-classes should be used in conjunction with the min and max attributes, whether on a range input, a number field, or any other types that accept those attributes. An element is :valid or :invalid when it is, respectively, valid or invalid with respect to data validity semantics defined by a different specification. The pseudo-class :lang(C) represents an element that is in language C. Same as :nth-last-child(1). The :last-child pseudo-class represents an element that is the last child of some other element. Same as :nth-last-of-type(1). The :last-of-type pseudo-class represents an element that is the last sibling of its type in the list of children of its parent element. When printing double-sided documents, the page boxes on left and right pages may be different. This can be expressed through CSS pseudo-classes defined in the page context. The :link pseudo-class applies to links that have not yet been visited. A functional notation taking a selector list as its argument. It represents an element that is represented by its argument. The pseudo-class :-ms-lang(C) represents an element that is in language C. The negation pseudo-class, :not(X), is a functional notation taking a simple selector (excluding the negation pseudo-class itself) as an argument. It represents an element that is not represented by its argument. The :nth-child(an+b) pseudo-class notation represents an element that has an+b-1 siblings before it in the document tree, for any positive integer or zero value of n, and has a parent element. The :nth-last-child(an+b) pseudo-class notation represents an element that has an+b-1 siblings after it in the document tree, for any positive integer or zero value of n, and has a parent element. Represents an element that has An+B-1 siblings that match the given selector list after it in the document tree. The :nth-last-of-type(an+b) pseudo-class notation represents an element that has an+b-1 siblings with the same expanded element name after it in the document tree, for any zero or positive integer value of n, and has a parent element. Represents an element that has An+B-1 siblings that match the given selector list before it in the document tree. The :nth-of-type(an+b) pseudo-class notation represents an element that has an+b-1 siblings with the same expanded element name before it in the document tree, for any zero or positive integer value of n, and has a parent element. Represents an element that has a parent element and whose parent element has no other element children. Same as :first-child:last-child or :nth-child(1):nth-last-child(1), but with a lower specificity. The :only-of-type selector matches every element that is the only child of its type, of its parent. Same as :first-of-type:last-of-type or :nth-of-type(1):nth-last-of-type(1), but with a lower specificity. A form element is :required or :optional if a value for it is, respectively, required or optional before the form it belongs to is submitted. Elements that are not form elements are neither required nor optional. The in-range and out-of-range pseudo-classes should be used in conjunction with the min and max attributes, whether on a range input, a number field, or any other types that accept those attributes. An element whose contents are not user-alterable is :read-only. However, elements whose contents are user-alterable (such as text input fields) are considered to be in a :read-write state. In typical documents, most elements are :read-only. An element whose contents are not user-alterable is :read-only. However, elements whose contents are user-alterable (such as text input fields) are considered to be in a :read-write state. In typical documents, most elements are :read-only. A form element is :required or :optional if a value for it is, respectively, required or optional before the form it belongs to is submitted. Elements that are not form elements are neither required nor optional. When printing double-sided documents, the page boxes on left and right pages may be different. This can be expressed through CSS pseudo-classes defined in the page context. The :root pseudo-class represents an element that is the root of the document. In HTML 4, this is always the HTML element. The :scope pseudo-class represents any element that is in the contextual reference element set. Some URIs refer to a location within a resource. This kind of URI ends with a 'number sign' (#) followed by an anchor identifier (called the fragment identifier). An element is :valid or :invalid when it is, respectively, valid or invalid with respect to data validity semantics defined by a different specification. The :visited pseudo-class applies once the link has been visited by the user. Pseudo-element is used to insert content immediately after the content of an element (or other pseudo-element). The 'content' property is used to specify the content to insert. Pseudo-element is used to insert content immediately after the content of an element (or other pseudo-element). The number parameter is used when multiple '::after()' functions are used in conjunction. The 'content' property is used to specify the content to insert. This pseudo-element is created by setting its 'move-to' property to an identifier. It is rendered at the next occurrence of 'pending()' in a 'content' property. Pseudo-element is used to insert content immediately before the content of an element (or other pseudo-element). The 'content' property is used to specify the content to insert. Pseudo-element is used to insert content immediately before the content of an element (or other pseudo-element). The number parameter is used when multiple '::before()' functions are used in conjunction. The 'content' property is used to specify the content to insert. The ::first-letter pseudo-element represents the first letter of an element, if it is not preceded by any other content (such as images or inline tables) on its line. The ::first-line pseudo-element describes the contents of the first formatted line of an element. The '::line-marker' pseudo-element is positioned in exactly the same way as the '::marker' pseudo-element, but appears on every line, not just the first. For a '::marker' pseudo-element to be generated, its superior parent must have a computed 'display' value of 'list-item'. Applies one or more styles to the browse button of an input type=file control. Applies one or more styles to the check of a checkbox or radio button input control. Applies one or more styles to the entry area of a text input control when it contains no content. Applies one or more styles to the drop-down button of a select control. Applies one or more styles to the bar portion of a progress bar. Applies one or more styles to portion of the slider track from its smallest value up to the value currently selected by the thumb. In a left-to-right layout, this is the portion of the slider track to the left of the thumb. Applies one or more styles to portion of the slider track from the value currently selected by the thumb up to the slider's largest value. In a left-to-right layout, this is the portion of the slider track to the right of the thumb. Applies one or more styles to the password reveal button of an input type=password control. Applies one or more styles to portion of the range input control (also known as a slider control) that the user drags. Applies one or more styles to the tick marks of a slider that begin just after the thumb and continue up to the slider's largest value. In a left-to-right layout, these are the ticks to the right of the thumb. Applies one or more styles to the tick marks of a slider that represent its smallest values up to the value currently selected by the thumb. In a left-to-right layout, these are the ticks to the left of the thumb. Applies one or more styles to the tooltip of a slider (input type=range). Applies one or more styles to track of a slider. Applies one or more styles to the content of a text or password input control, or a select control. An '::outside' pseudo-element is one that is generated immediately outside the pseudo-element's superior. An '::outside' pseudo-element is one that is generated immediately outside the pseudo-element's superior. When given a parameter, '::outside(n)' represents an nth pseudo-element generated immediately around the n-1th pseudo-element. The ::selection selector matches the portion of an element that is selected by a user. Only a few CSS properties can be applied to ::selection: color, background, cursor, and outline. Aligns a flex container's lines within the flex container when there is extra space in the cross-axis, similar to how 'justify-content' aligns individual items within the main-axis. Flex items can be aligned in the cross axis of the current line of the flex container, similar to 'justify-content' but in the perpendicular direction. Specifies what point of an inline-level box is aligned to what point in the parent. Flex items can be aligned in the cross axis of the current line of the flex container, similar to 'justify-content' but in the perpendicular direction. Shorthand that resets all properties except 'direction' and 'unicode-bidi'. Provides alternative text for assistive technology to replace the genenerated content of a ::before or ::after element. Shorthand property combines six of the animation properties into a single property. The animation cycle iterations that are odd counts are played in the normal direction, and the animation cycle iterations that are even counts are played in a reverse direction. The animation cycle iterations that are odd counts are played in the reverse direction, and the animation cycle iterations that are even counts are played in a normal direction. The beginning property value (as defined in the first @keyframes at-rule) is applied before the animation is displayed, during the period defined by 'animation-delay'. Both forwards and backwards fill modes are applied. Specifies a cubic-bezier curve. The four values specify points P1 and P2 of the curve as (x1, y1, x2, y2). All values must be in the range [0, 1]. Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1.0). Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.42, 0, 1.0, 1.0). Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.42, 0, 0.58, 1.0). Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.58, 1.0). The final property value (as defined in the last @keyframes at-rule) is maintained after the animation completes. Causes the animation to repeat forever. Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0). No animation is performed Normal playback. All iterations of the animation are played in the reverse direction from the way they were specified. The step-end function is equivalent to steps(1, end). The first parameter specifies the number of intervals in the function. The second parameter, which is optional, is either the value 'start' or 'end'. The step-start function is equivalent to steps(1, start). Defines the composite operation used when multiple animations affect the same property simultaneously. Defines when the animation will start. An 'animation-delay' value of '0' means the animation will execute as soon as it is applied. Otherwise, the value specifies an offset from the moment the animation is applied, and the animation will delay execution by that offset. Defines whether or not the animation should play in reverse on alternate cycles. The animation cycle iterations that are odd counts are played in the normal direction, and the animation cycle iterations that are even counts are played in a reverse direction. The animation cycle iterations that are odd counts are played in the reverse direction, and the animation cycle iterations that are even counts are played in a normal direction. Normal playback. All iterations of the animation are played in the reverse direction from the way they were specified. Defines the length of time that an animation takes to complete one cycle. Defines what values are applied by the animation outside the time it is executing. The beginning property value (as defined in the first @keyframes at-rule) is applied before the animation is displayed, during the period defined by 'animation-delay'. Both forwards and backwards fill modes are applied. The final property value (as defined in the last @keyframes at-rule) is maintained after the animation completes. There is no change to the property value between the time the animation is applied and the time the animation begins playing or after the animation completes. Defines the number of times an animation cycle is played. The default value is one, meaning the animation will play from beginning to end once. Causes the animation to repeat forever. Defines a list of animations that apply. Each name is used to select the keyframe at-rule that provides the property values for the animation. No animation is performed Defines whether the animation is running or paused. A running animation will be paused. Resume playback of a paused animation. Describes how the animation will progress over one cycle of its duration. See the 'transition-timing-function'. Specifies a cubic-bezier curve. The four values specify points P1 and P2 of the curve as (x1, y1, x2, y2). All values must be in the range [0, 1]. Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1.0). Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.42, 0, 1.0, 1.0). Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.42, 0, 0.58, 1.0). Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.58, 1.0). Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0). The step-end function is equivalent to steps(1, end). The first parameter specifies the number of intervals in the function. The second parameter, which is optional, is either the value 'start' or 'end'. The step-start function is equivalent to steps(1, start). Sound spatial information Same as '0deg'. With 'behind', '180deg'. Same as '340deg'. With 'behind', '200deg'. Same as '20deg'. With 'behind', '160deg'. Same as '300deg'. With 'behind', '240deg'. Same as '60deg'. With 'behind', '120deg'. Same as '320deg'. With 'behind', '220deg' Same as '270deg'. With 'behind', '270deg'. Moves the sound to the left, relative to the current angle. More precisely, subtracts 20 degrees. Same as '40deg'. With 'behind', '140deg'. Same as '90deg'. With 'behind', '90deg'. Moves the sound to the right, relative to the current angle. More precisely, adds 20 degrees. Applies a filter effect where the first filter in the list takes the element's background image as the input image. Determines whether or not the 'back' side of a transformed element is visible when facing the viewer. With an identity transform, the front side of an element faces the viewer. Background of an element The background is painted within (clipped to) the border box. Equivalent to '100%' for the vertical position if one or two values are given, otherwise specifies the bottom edge as the origin for the next offset. Equivalent to '50%' ('left 50%') for the horizontal position if the horizontal position is not otherwise specified, or '50%' ('top 50%') for the vertical position if it is. The background is painted within (clipped to) the content box. The background is fixed with regard to the viewport. In paged media where there is no viewport, a 'fixed' background is fixed with respect to the page box and therefore replicated on every page. Equivalent to '0%' for the horizontal position if one or two values are given, otherwise specifies the left edge as the origin for the next offset. The background is fixed with regard to the element's contents: if the element has a scrolling mechanism, the background scrolls with the element's contents. A value of 'none' counts as an image layer but draws nothing. The image is placed once and not repeated in this direction. The background is painted within (clipped to) the padding box The image is repeated in this direction as often as needed to cover the background painting area. Equivalent to 'repeat no-repeat'. Equivalent to 'no-repeat repeat'. Equivalent to '100%' for the horizontal position if one or two values are given, otherwise specifies the right edge as the origin for the next offset. The image is repeated as often as will fit within the background positioning area. If it doesn't fit a whole number of times, it is rescaled so that it does. The background is fixed with regard to the element itself and does not scroll with its contents. (It is effectively attached to the element's border.) The image is repeated as often as will fit within the background positioning area without being clipped and then the images are spaced out to fill the area. The first and last images touch the edges of the area. Equivalent to '0%' for the vertical position if one or two values are given, otherwise specifies the top edge as the origin for the next offset. If background images are specified, this property specifies whether they are fixed with regard to the viewport ('fixed') or scroll along with the element ('scroll') or its contents ('local'). The background is fixed with regard to the viewport. In paged media where there is no viewport, a 'fixed' background is fixed with respect to the page box and therefore replicated on every page. The background is fixed with regard to the element's contents: if the element has a scrolling mechanism, the background scrolls with the element's contents. The background is fixed with regard to the element itself and does not scroll with its contents. (It is effectively attached to the element's border.) Defines the blending mode of each background layer. Determines the background painting area. The background is painted within (clipped to) the border box. The background is painted within (clipped to) the content box. The background is painted within (clipped to) the padding box Color used for an element's background Active window border. Active window caption. Background color of multiple document interface. Desktop background. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. Text on push buttons. Text in caption, size box, and scrollbar arrow box. The value of the 'color' property. The computed value of the 'currentColor' keyword is the computed value of the 'color' property. If the 'currentColor' keyword is set on the 'color' property itself, it is treated as 'color:inherit' at parse time. The accent color (typically chosen by the user) to customize the user interface of the user agent itself. Grayed (disabled) text. This color is set to #000 if the current display driver does not support a solid gray color. Item(s) selected in a control. Text of item(s) selected in a control. Inactive window border. Inactive window caption. Color of text in an inactive caption. Background color for tooltip controls. Text color for tooltip controls. Menu background. Text in menus. Scroll bar gray area. The color of the darker (generally outer) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally outer) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the darker (generally inner) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally inner) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. Fully transparent. This keyword can be considered a shorthand for rgba(0,0,0,0) which is its computed value. Window background. Window frame. Text in windows. Image used for an element's background A value of 'none' counts as an image layer but draws nothing. Defines whether background images are transformed to match to the value of 'writing-mode' property, and whether 'background-size' widths and heights are logical or physical. The values for the 'background-size' property are logical. The background images are transformed to match to the logical axis. The values for the 'background-size' property are physical. The background images remain unchanged. Similar to logical, except that the inline direction is ignored. For elements rendered as a single box, specifies the background positioning area. For elements rendered as multiple boxes (e.g., inline boxes on several lines, boxes on several pages) specifies which boxes 'box-decoration-break' operates on to determine the background positioning area(s). The background is painted within (clipped to) the border box. The background is painted within (clipped to) the content box. The background is painted within (clipped to) the padding box If background images have been specified, this property specifies their initial position (after any resizing) within their corresponding background positioning area. Equivalent to '100%' for the vertical position if one or two values are given, otherwise specifies the bottom edge as the origin for the next offset. Equivalent to '50%' ('left 50%') for the horizontal position if the horizontal position is not otherwise specified, or '50%' ('top 50%') for the vertical position if it is. Equivalent to '0%' for the horizontal position if one or two values are given, otherwise specifies the left edge as the origin for the next offset. Equivalent to '100%' for the horizontal position if one or two values are given, otherwise specifies the right edge as the origin for the next offset. Equivalent to '0%' for the vertical position if one or two values are given, otherwise specifies the top edge as the origin for the next offset. If background images have been specified, this property specifies their initial position (after any resizing) within their corresponding background positioning area. Equivalent to '100%' for the vertical position if one or two values are given, otherwise specifies the bottom edge as the origin for the next offset. Equivalent to '50%' ('left 50%') for the horizontal position if the horizontal position is not otherwise specified, or '50%' ('top 50%') for the vertical position if it is. Equivalent to '0%' for the horizontal position if one or two values are given, otherwise specifies the left edge as the origin for the next offset. Equivalent to '100%' for the horizontal position if one or two values are given, otherwise specifies the right edge as the origin for the next offset. Equivalent to '0%' for the vertical position if one or two values are given, otherwise specifies the top edge as the origin for the next offset. If background images have been specified, this property specifies their initial position (after any resizing) within their corresponding background positioning area. Equivalent to '100%' for the vertical position if one or two values are given, otherwise specifies the bottom edge as the origin for the next offset. Equivalent to '50%' ('left 50%') for the horizontal position if the horizontal position is not otherwise specified, or '50%' ('top 50%') for the vertical position if it is. Equivalent to '0%' for the horizontal position if one or two values are given, otherwise specifies the left edge as the origin for the next offset. Equivalent to '100%' for the horizontal position if one or two values are given, otherwise specifies the right edge as the origin for the next offset. Equivalent to '0%' for the vertical position if one or two values are given, otherwise specifies the top edge as the origin for the next offset. How the background image is tiled within an element The image is placed once and not repeated in this direction. The image is repeated in this direction as often as needed to cover the background painting area. Equivalent to 'repeat no-repeat'. Equivalent to 'no-repeat repeat'. The image is repeated as often as will fit within the background positioning area. If it doesn't fit a whole number of times, it is rescaled so that it does. The image is repeated as often as will fit within the background positioning area without being clipped and then the images are spaced out to fill the area. The first and last images touch the edges of the area. Specifies the size of the background images. Scale the image, while preserving its intrinsic aspect ratio (if any), to the largest size such that both its width and its height can fit inside the background positioning area. Scale the image, while preserving its intrinsic aspect ratio (if any), to the smallest size such that both its width and its height can completely cover the background positioning area. IE only. Used to extend behaviors of the browser Shorthand property for setting border width, style and color A series of square-ended dashes. A series of round dots. Two parallel solid lines with some space between them. (The thickness of the lines is not specified, but the sum of the lines and the space must equal 'border-width'.) Looks as if it were carved in the canvas. (This is typically achieved by creating a "shadow" from two colors that are slightly lighter and darker than the 'border-color'.) Same as 'none', but has different behavior in the border conflict resolution rules for border-collapsed tables. Looks as if the content on the inside of the border is sunken into the canvas. Treated as 'ridge' in border-collapsed tables. No border. Color and width are ignored (i.e., the border has width 0, unless the border is an image) Looks as if the content on the inside of the border is coming out of the canvas. Treated as 'groove' in border-collapsed tables. Looks as if it were coming out of the canvas. A single line segment. Shorthand property for setting border width, style and color A series of square-ended dashes. A series of round dots. Two parallel solid lines with some space between them. (The thickness of the lines is not specified, but the sum of the lines and the space must equal 'border-width'.) Looks as if it were carved in the canvas. (This is typically achieved by creating a "shadow" from two colors that are slightly lighter and darker than the 'border-color'.) Same as 'none', but has different behavior in the border conflict resolution rules for border-collapsed tables. Looks as if the content on the inside of the border is sunken into the canvas. Treated as 'ridge' in border-collapsed tables. No border. Color and width are ignored (i.e., the border has width 0, unless the border is an image) Looks as if the content on the inside of the border is coming out of the canvas. Treated as 'groove' in border-collapsed tables. Looks as if it were coming out of the canvas. A single line segment. The color of the border around all four edges of an element. Active window border. Active window caption. Background color of multiple document interface. Desktop background. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. Text on push buttons. Text in caption, size box, and scrollbar arrow box. The value of the 'color' property. The computed value of the 'currentColor' keyword is the computed value of the 'color' property. If the 'currentColor' keyword is set on the 'color' property itself, it is treated as 'color:inherit' at parse time. The accent color (typically chosen by the user) to customize the user interface of the user agent itself. Grayed (disabled) text. This color is set to #000 if the current display driver does not support a solid gray color. Item(s) selected in a control. Text of item(s) selected in a control. Inactive window border. Inactive window caption. Color of text in an inactive caption. Background color for tooltip controls. Text color for tooltip controls. Menu background. Text in menus. Scroll bar gray area. The color of the darker (generally outer) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally outer) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the darker (generally inner) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally inner) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. Fully transparent. This keyword can be considered a shorthand for rgba(0,0,0,0) which is its computed value. Window background. Window frame. Text in windows. The two length or percentage values of the 'border-*-radius' properties define the radii of a quarter ellipse that defines the shape of the corner of the outer border edge. The first value is the horizontal radius, the second the vertical radius. If the second value is omitted it is copied from the first. If either length is zero, the corner is square, not rounded. Percentages for the horizontal radius refer to the width of the border box, whereas percentages for the vertical radius refer to the height of the border box. The two length or percentage values of the 'border-*-radius' properties define the radii of a quarter ellipse that defines the shape of the corner of the outer border edge. The first value is the horizontal radius, the second the vertical radius. If the second value is omitted it is copied from the first. If either length is zero, the corner is square, not rounded. Percentages for the horizontal radius refer to the width of the border box, whereas percentages for the vertical radius refer to the height of the border box. The style of the border around edges of an element. A series of square-ended dashes. A series of round dots. Two parallel solid lines with some space between them. (The thickness of the lines is not specified, but the sum of the lines and the space must equal 'border-width'.) Looks as if it were carved in the canvas. (This is typically achieved by creating a "shadow" from two colors that are slightly lighter and darker than the 'border-color'.) Same as 'none', but has different behavior in the border conflict resolution rules for border-collapsed tables. Looks as if the content on the inside of the border is sunken into the canvas. Treated as 'ridge' in border-collapsed tables. No border. Color and width are ignored (i.e., the border has width 0, unless the border is an image) Looks as if the content on the inside of the border is coming out of the canvas. Treated as 'groove' in border-collapsed tables. Looks as if it were coming out of the canvas. A single line segment. 'Border-width' is a shorthand that sets the four 'border-*-width' properties. If it has four values, they set top, right, bottom and left in that order. If left is missing, it is the same as right; if bottom is missing, it is the same as top; if right is missing, it is the same as top. Selects a table's border model. Selects the collapsing borders model. Selects the separated borders border model. The color of the border around all four edges of an element. Active window border. Active window caption. Background color of multiple document interface. Desktop background. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. Text on push buttons. Text in caption, size box, and scrollbar arrow box. The value of the 'color' property. The computed value of the 'currentColor' keyword is the computed value of the 'color' property. If the 'currentColor' keyword is set on the 'color' property itself, it is treated as 'color:inherit' at parse time. The accent color (typically chosen by the user) to customize the user interface of the user agent itself. Grayed (disabled) text. This color is set to #000 if the current display driver does not support a solid gray color. Item(s) selected in a control. Text of item(s) selected in a control. Inactive window border. Inactive window caption. Color of text in an inactive caption. Background color for tooltip controls. Text color for tooltip controls. Menu background. Text in menus. Scroll bar gray area. The color of the darker (generally outer) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally outer) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the darker (generally inner) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally inner) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. Fully transparent. This keyword can be considered a shorthand for rgba(0,0,0,0) which is its computed value. Window background. Window frame. Text in windows. Shorthand property for setting 'border-image-source', 'border-image-slice', 'border-image-width', 'border-image-outset' and 'border-image-repeat'. Omitted values are set to their initial values. If 'auto' is specified then the border image width is the intrinsic width or height (whichever is applicable) of the corresponding image slice. If the image does not have the required intrinsic dimension then the corresponding border-width is used instead. Causes the middle part of the border-image to be preserved. (By default it is discarded, i.e., treated as empty.) The image is tiled (repeated) to fill the area. The image is tiled (repeated) to fill the area. If it does not fill the area with a whole number of tiles, the image is rescaled so that it does. The image is tiled (repeated) to fill the area. If it does not fill the area with a whole number of tiles, the extra space is distributed around the tiles. The image is stretched to fill the area. The values specify the amount by which the border image area extends beyond the border box on the top, right, bottom, and left sides respectively. If the fourth value is absent, it is the same as the second. If the third one is also absent, it is the same as the first. If the second one is also absent, it is the same as the first. Numbers represent multiples of the corresponding border-width. Specifies how the images for the sides and the middle part of the border image are scaled and tiled. If the second keyword is absent, it is assumed to be the same as the first. The image is tiled (repeated) to fill the area. The image is tiled (repeated) to fill the area. If it does not fill the area with a whole number of tiles, the image is rescaled so that it does. The image is tiled (repeated) to fill the area. If it does not fill the area with a whole number of tiles, the extra space is distributed around the tiles. The image is stretched to fill the area. The four 'border-image-slice' values represent inward offsets from the top, right, bottom, and left edges of the image respectively, dividing it into nine regions: four corners, four edges and a middle. The middle image part is discarded (treated as fully transparent) unless the 'fill' keyword is present. (It is drawn over the background; see the border-image drawing process.) If the fourth number/percentage is absent, it is the same as the second. If the third one is also absent, it is the same as the first. If the second one is also absent, it is the same as the first. Causes the middle part of the border-image to be preserved. (By default it is discarded, i.e., treated as empty.) Specifies an image to use instead of the border styles given by the 'border-style' properties and as an additional background layer for the element. If the value is 'none' or if the image cannot be displayed, the border styles will be used. Defines whether border images are transformed to match to the value of 'writing-mode' property. The values for the 'border-image' properties are logical. The border images are transformed to match to the logical axis. The values for the 'border-image' properties are physical. The border images remain unchanged. Similar to logical, except that the inline direction is ignored. The four values of 'border-image-width' specify offsets that are used to divide the border image area into nine parts. They represent inward distances from the top, right, bottom, and left sides of the area, respectively. If 'auto' is specified then the border image width is the intrinsic width or height (whichever is applicable) of the corresponding image slice. If the image does not have the required intrinsic dimension then the corresponding border-width is used instead. Shorthand property for setting border width, style and color A series of square-ended dashes. A series of round dots. Two parallel solid lines with some space between them. (The thickness of the lines is not specified, but the sum of the lines and the space must equal 'border-width'.) Looks as if it were carved in the canvas. (This is typically achieved by creating a "shadow" from two colors that are slightly lighter and darker than the 'border-color'.) Same as 'none', but has different behavior in the border conflict resolution rules for border-collapsed tables. Looks as if the content on the inside of the border is sunken into the canvas. Treated as 'ridge' in border-collapsed tables. No border. Color and width are ignored (i.e., the border has width 0, unless the border is an image) Looks as if the content on the inside of the border is coming out of the canvas. Treated as 'groove' in border-collapsed tables. Looks as if it were coming out of the canvas. A single line segment. The color of the border around all four edges of an element. Active window border. Active window caption. Background color of multiple document interface. Desktop background. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. Text on push buttons. Text in caption, size box, and scrollbar arrow box. The value of the 'color' property. The computed value of the 'currentColor' keyword is the computed value of the 'color' property. If the 'currentColor' keyword is set on the 'color' property itself, it is treated as 'color:inherit' at parse time. The accent color (typically chosen by the user) to customize the user interface of the user agent itself. Grayed (disabled) text. This color is set to #000 if the current display driver does not support a solid gray color. Item(s) selected in a control. Text of item(s) selected in a control. Inactive window border. Inactive window caption. Color of text in an inactive caption. Background color for tooltip controls. Text color for tooltip controls. Menu background. Text in menus. Scroll bar gray area. The color of the darker (generally outer) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally outer) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the darker (generally inner) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally inner) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. Fully transparent. This keyword can be considered a shorthand for rgba(0,0,0,0) which is its computed value. Window background. Window frame. Text in windows. The style of the border around edges of an element. A series of square-ended dashes. A series of round dots. Two parallel solid lines with some space between them. (The thickness of the lines is not specified, but the sum of the lines and the space must equal 'border-width'.) Looks as if it were carved in the canvas. (This is typically achieved by creating a "shadow" from two colors that are slightly lighter and darker than the 'border-color'.) Same as 'none', but has different behavior in the border conflict resolution rules for border-collapsed tables. Looks as if the content on the inside of the border is sunken into the canvas. Treated as 'ridge' in border-collapsed tables. No border. Color and width are ignored (i.e., the border has width 0, unless the border is an image) Looks as if the content on the inside of the border is coming out of the canvas. Treated as 'groove' in border-collapsed tables. Looks as if it were coming out of the canvas. A single line segment. 'Border-width' is a shorthand that sets the four 'border-*-width' properties. If it has four values, they set top, right, bottom and left in that order. If left is missing, it is the same as right; if bottom is missing, it is the same as top; if right is missing, it is the same as top. The two length or percentage values of the 'border-*-radius' properties define the radii of a quarter ellipse that defines the shape of the corner of the outer border edge. The first value is the horizontal radius, the second the vertical radius. If the second value is omitted it is copied from the first. If either length is zero, the corner is square, not rounded. Percentages for the horizontal radius refer to the width of the border box, whereas percentages for the vertical radius refer to the height of the border box. Shorthand property for setting border width, style and color A series of square-ended dashes. A series of round dots. Two parallel solid lines with some space between them. (The thickness of the lines is not specified, but the sum of the lines and the space must equal 'border-width'.) Looks as if it were carved in the canvas. (This is typically achieved by creating a "shadow" from two colors that are slightly lighter and darker than the 'border-color'.) Same as 'none', but has different behavior in the border conflict resolution rules for border-collapsed tables. Looks as if the content on the inside of the border is sunken into the canvas. Treated as 'ridge' in border-collapsed tables. No border. Color and width are ignored (i.e., the border has width 0, unless the border is an image) Looks as if the content on the inside of the border is coming out of the canvas. Treated as 'groove' in border-collapsed tables. Looks as if it were coming out of the canvas. A single line segment. The color of the border around all four edges of an element. Active window border. Active window caption. Background color of multiple document interface. Desktop background. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. Text on push buttons. Text in caption, size box, and scrollbar arrow box. The value of the 'color' property. The computed value of the 'currentColor' keyword is the computed value of the 'color' property. If the 'currentColor' keyword is set on the 'color' property itself, it is treated as 'color:inherit' at parse time. The accent color (typically chosen by the user) to customize the user interface of the user agent itself. Grayed (disabled) text. This color is set to #000 if the current display driver does not support a solid gray color. Item(s) selected in a control. Text of item(s) selected in a control. Inactive window border. Inactive window caption. Color of text in an inactive caption. Background color for tooltip controls. Text color for tooltip controls. Menu background. Text in menus. Scroll bar gray area. The color of the darker (generally outer) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally outer) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the darker (generally inner) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally inner) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. Fully transparent. This keyword can be considered a shorthand for rgba(0,0,0,0) which is its computed value. Window background. Window frame. Text in windows. The style of the border around edges of an element. A series of square-ended dashes. A series of round dots. Two parallel solid lines with some space between them. (The thickness of the lines is not specified, but the sum of the lines and the space must equal 'border-width'.) Looks as if it were carved in the canvas. (This is typically achieved by creating a "shadow" from two colors that are slightly lighter and darker than the 'border-color'.) Same as 'none', but has different behavior in the border conflict resolution rules for border-collapsed tables. Looks as if the content on the inside of the border is sunken into the canvas. Treated as 'ridge' in border-collapsed tables. No border. Color and width are ignored (i.e., the border has width 0, unless the border is an image) Looks as if the content on the inside of the border is coming out of the canvas. Treated as 'groove' in border-collapsed tables. Looks as if it were coming out of the canvas. A single line segment. 'Border-width' is a shorthand that sets the four 'border-*-width' properties. If it has four values, they set top, right, bottom and left in that order. If left is missing, it is the same as right; if bottom is missing, it is the same as top; if right is missing, it is the same as top. The lengths specify the distance that separates adjoining cell borders. If one length is specified, it gives both the horizontal and vertical spacing. If two are specified, the first gives the horizontal spacing and the second the vertical spacing. Lengths may not be negative. The style of the border around edges of an element. A series of square-ended dashes. A series of round dots. Two parallel solid lines with some space between them. (The thickness of the lines is not specified, but the sum of the lines and the space must equal 'border-width'.) Looks as if it were carved in the canvas. (This is typically achieved by creating a "shadow" from two colors that are slightly lighter and darker than the 'border-color'.) Same as 'none', but has different behavior in the border conflict resolution rules for border-collapsed tables. Looks as if the content on the inside of the border is sunken into the canvas. Treated as 'ridge' in border-collapsed tables. No border. Color and width are ignored (i.e., the border has width 0, unless the border is an image) Looks as if the content on the inside of the border is coming out of the canvas. Treated as 'groove' in border-collapsed tables. Looks as if it were coming out of the canvas. A single line segment. Shorthand property for setting border width, style and color A series of square-ended dashes. A series of round dots. Two parallel solid lines with some space between them. (The thickness of the lines is not specified, but the sum of the lines and the space must equal 'border-width'.) Looks as if it were carved in the canvas. (This is typically achieved by creating a "shadow" from two colors that are slightly lighter and darker than the 'border-color'.) Same as 'none', but has different behavior in the border conflict resolution rules for border-collapsed tables. Looks as if the content on the inside of the border is sunken into the canvas. Treated as 'ridge' in border-collapsed tables. No border. Color and width are ignored (i.e., the border has width 0, unless the border is an image) Looks as if the content on the inside of the border is coming out of the canvas. Treated as 'groove' in border-collapsed tables. Looks as if it were coming out of the canvas. A single line segment. The color of the border around all four edges of an element. Active window border. Active window caption. Background color of multiple document interface. Desktop background. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. Text on push buttons. Text in caption, size box, and scrollbar arrow box. The value of the 'color' property. The computed value of the 'currentColor' keyword is the computed value of the 'color' property. If the 'currentColor' keyword is set on the 'color' property itself, it is treated as 'color:inherit' at parse time. The accent color (typically chosen by the user) to customize the user interface of the user agent itself. Grayed (disabled) text. This color is set to #000 if the current display driver does not support a solid gray color. Item(s) selected in a control. Text of item(s) selected in a control. Inactive window border. Inactive window caption. Color of text in an inactive caption. Background color for tooltip controls. Text color for tooltip controls. Menu background. Text in menus. Scroll bar gray area. The color of the darker (generally outer) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally outer) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the darker (generally inner) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally inner) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. Fully transparent. This keyword can be considered a shorthand for rgba(0,0,0,0) which is its computed value. Window background. Window frame. Text in windows. The two length or percentage values of the 'border-*-radius' properties define the radii of a quarter ellipse that defines the shape of the corner of the outer border edge. The first value is the horizontal radius, the second the vertical radius. If the second value is omitted it is copied from the first. If either length is zero, the corner is square, not rounded. Percentages for the horizontal radius refer to the width of the border box, whereas percentages for the vertical radius refer to the height of the border box. The two length or percentage values of the 'border-*-radius' properties define the radii of a quarter ellipse that defines the shape of the corner of the outer border edge. The first value is the horizontal radius, the second the vertical radius. If the second value is omitted it is copied from the first. If either length is zero, the corner is square, not rounded. Percentages for the horizontal radius refer to the width of the border box, whereas percentages for the vertical radius refer to the height of the border box. The style of the border around edges of an element. A series of square-ended dashes. A series of round dots. Two parallel solid lines with some space between them. (The thickness of the lines is not specified, but the sum of the lines and the space must equal 'border-width'.) Looks as if it were carved in the canvas. (This is typically achieved by creating a "shadow" from two colors that are slightly lighter and darker than the 'border-color'.) Same as 'none', but has different behavior in the border conflict resolution rules for border-collapsed tables. Looks as if the content on the inside of the border is sunken into the canvas. Treated as 'ridge' in border-collapsed tables. No border. Color and width are ignored (i.e., the border has width 0, unless the border is an image) Looks as if the content on the inside of the border is coming out of the canvas. Treated as 'groove' in border-collapsed tables. Looks as if it were coming out of the canvas. A single line segment. 'Border-width' is a shorthand that sets the four 'border-*-width' properties. If it has four values, they set top, right, bottom and left in that order. If left is missing, it is the same as right; if bottom is missing, it is the same as top; if right is missing, it is the same as top. 'Border-width' is a shorthand that sets the four 'border-*-width' properties. If it has four values, they set top, right, bottom and left in that order. If left is missing, it is the same as right; if bottom is missing, it is the same as top; if right is missing, it is the same as top. Specifies how far an absolutely positioned box's bottom margin edge is offset above the bottom edge of the box's 'containing block'. For non-replaced elements, the effect of this value depends on which of related properties have the value 'auto' as well Specifies whether individual boxes are treated as broken pieces of one continuous box, or whether each box is individually wrapped with the border and padding. Each box is independently wrapped with the border and padding. The 'border-radius' and 'border-image' and 'box-shadow', if any, are applied to each box independently. The background is drawn independently in each box of the element. A no-repeat background image will thus be rendered once in each box of the element. No border and no padding are inserted at the break. No box-shadow is drawn at the broken edge; 'border-radius' has no effect at its corners; and the 'border-image' is rendered for the whole box as if it were unbroken. The effect is as though the element were rendered with no break present, and then sliced by the break afterward. Attaches one or more drop-shadows to the box. The property is a comma-separated list of shadows, each specified by 2-4 length values, an optional color, and an optional 'inset' keyword. Omitted lengths are 0; omitted colors are a user agent chosen color. Changes the drop shadow from an outer shadow (one that shadows the box onto the canvas, as if it were lifted above the canvas) to an inner shadow (one that shadows the canvas onto the box, as if the box were cut out of the canvas and shifted behind it). Box Model addition in CSS3. The specified width and height (and respective min/max properties) on this element determine the border box of the element. Behavior of width and height as specified by CSS2.1. The specified width and height (and respective min/max properties) apply to the width and height respectively of the content box of the element. Specifies how the block is snapped to the baseline grid. The block is not snapped to any grid. The block-start edge is snapped to the nearest grid line. The block-end edge is snapped to the nearest grid line. The block is centered centered between one of the baseline grid’s text-over baselines and a subsequent (but not necessarily consecutive) text-under baseline. The first line box’s dominant baseline is snapped to the nearest grid line. The last line box’s dominant baseline is snapped to the nearest grid line. Toggles whether or not an element appears in the formatting tree without affecting its display type when it is displayed. The element generates boxes as normal, per its 'display-*' properties. The element generates no boxes at all. The element generates boxes as normal, but those boxes do not participate in layout in any way. Describes the page/column break behavior before the generated box. Always force a page break before/after the generated box. Neither force nor forbid a page/column break before/after the generated box. Avoid a page/column break before/after the generated box. Avoid a column break before/after the generated box. Avoid a page break before/after the generated box. Always force a column break before/after the generated box. Force one or two page breaks before/after the generated box so that the next page is formatted as a left page. Always force a page break before/after the generated box. Force one or two page breaks before/after the generated box so that the next page is formatted as a right page. Forces a page break so that the next page is formatted as the right page in ltr langages or the left page for rtl. Forces a page break so that the next page is formatted as the left page in ltr langages or the right page for rtl. Describes the page/column break behavior before the generated box. Always force a page break before/after the generated box. Neither force nor forbid a page/column break before/after the generated box. Avoid a page/column break before/after the generated box. Avoid a column break before/after the generated box. Avoid a page break before/after the generated box. Always force a column break before/after the generated box. Force one or two page breaks before/after the generated box so that the next page is formatted as a left page. Always force a page break before/after the generated box. Force one or two page breaks before/after the generated box so that the next page is formatted as a right page. Forces a page break so that the next page is formatted as the right page in ltr langages or the left page for rtl. Forces a page break so that the next page is formatted as the left page in ltr langages or the right page for rtl. Describes the page/column break behavior inside the generated box. Neither force nor forbid a page/column break inside the generated box. Avoid a page/column break inside the generated box. Avoid a column break inside the generated box. Avoid a page break inside the generated box. Specifies the position of the caption box with respect to the table box. Positions the caption box below the table box. Positions the caption box above the table box. Indicates which sides of an element's box(es) may not be adjacent to an earlier floating box. The 'clear' property does not consider floats inside the element itself or in other block formatting contexts. The clearance of the generated box is set to the amount necessary to place the top border edge below the bottom outer edge of any right-floating and left-floating boxes that resulted from elements earlier in the source document. The clearance of the generated box is set to the amount necessary to place the top border edge below the bottom outer edge of any left-floating boxes that resulted from elements earlier in the source document. No constraint on the box's position with respect to floats. The clearance of the generated box is set to the amount necessary to place the top border edge below the bottom outer edge of any right-floating boxes that resulted from elements earlier in the source document. Deprecated. Use the 'clip-path' property instead. Defines the visible portion of an element's box. Specifies a clipping path where everything inside the path is visable and everything outside is clipped out. Indicates the algorithm which is to be used to determine what parts of the canvas are included inside the shape. This rule determines the 'insideness' of a point on the canvas by drawing a ray from that point to infinity in any direction and counting the number of path segments from the given shape that the ray crosses. This rule determines the 'insideness' of a point on the canvas by drawing a ray from that point to infinity in any direction and then examining the places where a segment of the shape crosses the ray. Color of an element's text Active window border. Active window caption. Background color of multiple document interface. Desktop background. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. Text on push buttons. Text in caption, size box, and scrollbar arrow box. The value of the 'color' property. The computed value of the 'currentColor' keyword is the computed value of the 'color' property. If the 'currentColor' keyword is set on the 'color' property itself, it is treated as 'color:inherit' at parse time. The accent color (typically chosen by the user) to customize the user interface of the user agent itself. Grayed (disabled) text. This color is set to #000 if the current display driver does not support a solid gray color. Item(s) selected in a control. Text of item(s) selected in a control. Inactive window border. Inactive window caption. Color of text in an inactive caption. Background color for tooltip controls. Text color for tooltip controls. Menu background. Text in menus. Scroll bar gray area. The color of the darker (generally outer) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally outer) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the darker (generally inner) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally inner) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. Fully transparent. This keyword can be considered a shorthand for rgba(0,0,0,0) which is its computed value. Window background. Window frame. Text in windows. Provides a hint to the user-agent about how it should treat color and style choices that might be expensive or generally unwise on a given device. Specifies the color space for gradient interpolations, color animations and alpha compositing. Specifies the color space for imaging operations performed via filter effects. Specifies the color profile to be used. The creator of SVG content might want to provide a hint to the implementation about how to make speed vs. quality tradeoffs as it performs color interpolation and compositing. The ‘color-rendering’ property provides a hint to the SVG user agent about how to optimize its color interpolation and compositing operations. Describes the optimal number of columns into which the content of the element will be flowed. Determines the number of columns by the 'column-width' property and the element width. In continuous media, this property will only be consulted if the length of columns has been constrained. Otherwise, columns will automatically be balanced. Fills columns sequentially. Balance content equally between columns, if possible. Sets the gap between columns. If there is a column rule between columns, it will appear in the middle of the gap. User agent specific and typically equivalent to 1em. This property is a shorthand for setting 'column-rule-width', 'column-rule-style', and 'column-rule-color' at the same place in the style sheet. Omitted values are set to their initial values. A series of square-ended dashes. A series of round dots. Two parallel solid lines with some space between them. (The thickness of the lines is not specified, but the sum of the lines and the space must equal 'border-width'.) Looks as if it were carved in the canvas. (This is typically achieved by creating a "shadow" from two colors that are slightly lighter and darker than the 'border-color'.) Same as 'none', but has different behavior in the border conflict resolution rules for border-collapsed tables. Looks as if the content on the inside of the border is sunken into the canvas. Treated as 'ridge' in border-collapsed tables. No border. Color and width are ignored (i.e., the border has width 0, unless the border is an image) Looks as if the content on the inside of the border is coming out of the canvas. Treated as 'groove' in border-collapsed tables. Looks as if it were coming out of the canvas. A single line segment. Sets the color of the column rule Active window border. Active window caption. Background color of multiple document interface. Desktop background. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. Text on push buttons. Text in caption, size box, and scrollbar arrow box. The value of the 'color' property. The computed value of the 'currentColor' keyword is the computed value of the 'color' property. If the 'currentColor' keyword is set on the 'color' property itself, it is treated as 'color:inherit' at parse time. The accent color (typically chosen by the user) to customize the user interface of the user agent itself. Grayed (disabled) text. This color is set to #000 if the current display driver does not support a solid gray color. Item(s) selected in a control. Text of item(s) selected in a control. Inactive window border. Inactive window caption. Color of text in an inactive caption. Background color for tooltip controls. Text color for tooltip controls. Menu background. Text in menus. Scroll bar gray area. The color of the darker (generally outer) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally outer) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the darker (generally inner) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally inner) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. Fully transparent. This keyword can be considered a shorthand for rgba(0,0,0,0) which is its computed value. Window background. Window frame. Text in windows. Sets the style of the rule between columns of an element. A series of square-ended dashes. A series of round dots. Two parallel solid lines with some space between them. (The thickness of the lines is not specified, but the sum of the lines and the space must equal 'border-width'.) Looks as if it were carved in the canvas. (This is typically achieved by creating a "shadow" from two colors that are slightly lighter and darker than the 'border-color'.) Same as 'none', but has different behavior in the border conflict resolution rules for border-collapsed tables. Looks as if the content on the inside of the border is sunken into the canvas. Treated as 'ridge' in border-collapsed tables. No border. Color and width are ignored (i.e., the border has width 0, unless the border is an image) Looks as if the content on the inside of the border is coming out of the canvas. Treated as 'groove' in border-collapsed tables. Looks as if it were coming out of the canvas. A single line segment. Sets the width of the rule between columns. Negative values are not allowed. A shorthand property which sets both 'column-width' and 'column-count'. The width depends on the values of other properties. Describes the page/column break behavior after the generated box. The element spans across all columns. Content in the normal flow that appears before the element is automatically balanced across all columns before the element appear. The element does not span multiple columns. This property describes the width of columns in multicol elements. The width depends on the values of other properties. Indicates that an element and its contents are, as much as possible, independent of the rest of the document tree. Determines which page-based occurrence of a given element is applied to a counter or string value. The attr(n) function returns as a string the value of attribute n for the subject of the selector A hollow square. A check mark. A hollow circle. Value is replaced by the appropriate string from the 'quotes' property. Displays the element's descendents. Counters are denoted by identifiers (see the 'counter-increment' and 'counter-reset' properties). Counters are denoted by identifiers (see the 'counter-increment' and 'counter-reset' properties). Counters are denoted by identifiers (see the 'counter-increment' and 'counter-reset' properties). Counters are denoted by identifiers (see the 'counter-increment' and 'counter-reset' properties). Current date and/or time, formatted according to the specified formatting string. Format is based on POSIX date formatting strings. A filled diamond. On some platforms, this is similar to 'disc'. A filled circle. Shorthand for 'counter(endnote, normal)'. This is intended to be used on the in-flow part of a endnote. Shorthand for 'counter(footnote, normal)'. This is intended to be used on the in-flow part of a footnote. A hyphen bullet. The (pseudo-)element is replaced in its entirety by the resource referenced by its 'icon' property, and treated as a replaced element. On elements, this inhibits the children of the element from being rendered as children of this element, as if the element was empty. On pseudo-elements, this inhibits the creation of the pseudo-element, as if 'display' computed to 'none'. Shorthand for 'counter(list-item, normal)'. Note that this is not equivalent to 'normal' when set on a '::marker' pseudo-element that has a superior with 'display' set to 'list-item', as it ignores the 'list-style' properties. Inserts nothing (as in 'none'), but increments (decrements) the level of nesting for quotes. On elements, this inhibits the children of the element from being rendered as children of this element, as if the element was empty. On pseudo-elements it causes the pseudo-element to have no content. Inserts nothing (as in 'none'), but increments (decrements) the level of nesting for quotes. See http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-content/#content for computation rules. Value is replaced by the appropriate string from the 'quotes' property. This causes all elements and pseudo-elements whose 'move-to' property computes to the specified identifier to be inserted as children of the current element (or pseudo-element). Shorthand for 'counter(section-note, normal)'. This is intended to be used on the in-flow part of a section-note. A filled square. Specifies a string value Counters are used with the 'counter()' and 'counters()' functions of the 'content' property. The counter is not modified. Property accepts one or more names of counters (identifiers), each one optionally followed by an integer. The integer gives the value that the counter is set to on each occurrence of the element. The counter is not modified. Allows a replaced element to be just a rectangular area of an object, instead of the whole object. The element's computed intrinsic width and height are the same as its actual intrinsic width and height. Each of the four arguments can be a <length> or a <percentage>. All percentage values are computed relative to the intrinsic dimensions of the element, if there is one. Values are offsets relative to the respective edges of the element. Each of the four arguments can be a <length> or a <percentage>. All percentage values are computed relative to the intrinsic dimensions of the element, if there is one. Values are offsets relative to the top left of the element. Shorthand for setting 'cue-before' and 'cue-after'. If two values are given the first value is 'cue-before' and the second is 'cue-after'. If only one value is given, it applies to both properties. No auditory icon is specified. Value of '0' Value of '100' Auditory icons are another way to distinguish semantic elements. Sounds may be played before and/or after the element to delimit it. No auditory icon is specified. Value of '0' Value of '100' Auditory icons are another way to distinguish semantic elements. Sounds may be played before and/or after the element to delimit it. No auditory icon is specified. Value of '0' Value of '100' Allows control over cursor appearance in an element Indicates an alias of/shortcut to something is to be created. Often rendered as an arrow with a small curved arrow next to it. Indicates that the something can be scrolled in any direction. Often rendered as arrows pointing up, down, left, and right with a dot in the middle. The UA determines the cursor to display based on the current context. Indicates that a cell or set of cells may be selected. Often rendered as a thick plus-sign with a dot in the middle. Indicates that the item/column can be resized horizontally. Often rendered as arrows pointing left and right with a vertical bar separating them. A context menu is available for the object under the cursor. Often rendered as an arrow with a small menu-like graphic next to it. Indicates something is to be copied. Often rendered as an arrow with a small plus sign next to it. A simple crosshair (e.g., short line segments resembling a '+' sign). Often used to indicate a two dimensional bitmap selection mode. The platform-dependent default cursor. Often rendered as an arrow. Indicates that east edge is to be moved. Indicates a bidirectional east-west resize cursor. Help is available for the object under the cursor. Often rendered as a question mark or a balloon. Indicates something is to be moved. Indicates that movement starts from north-east corner. Indicates a bidirectional north-east/south-west cursor. Indicates that the dragged item cannot be dropped at the current cursor location. Often rendered as a hand or pointer with a small circle with a line through it. No cursor is rendered for the element. Indicates that the requested action will not be carried out. Often rendered as a circle with a line through it. Indicates that north edge is to be moved. Indicates a bidirectional north-south cursor. Indicates that movement starts from north-west corner. Indicates a bidirectional north-west/south-east cursor. The cursor is a pointer that indicates a link. A progress indicator. The program is performing some processing, but is different from 'wait' in that the user may still interact with the program. Often rendered as a spinning beach ball, or an arrow with a watch or hourglass. Indicates that the item/row can be resized vertically. Often rendered as arrows pointing up and down with a horizontal bar separating them. Indicates that movement starts from south-east corner. Indicates that south edge is to be moved. Indicates that movement starts from south-west corner. Indicates text that may be selected. Often rendered as a vertical I-beam. Indicates vertical-text that may be selected. Often rendered as a horizontal I-beam. Indicates that the program is busy and the user should wait. Often rendered as a watch or hourglass. Indicates that west edge is to be moved. Indicates that something can be zoomed (magnified) in or out, and often rendered as a magnifying glass with a '+' or '-' in the center of the glass, for 'zoom-in’ and 'zoom-out' respectively. Indicates that something can be zoomed (magnified) in or out, and often rendered as a magnifying glass with a '+' or '-' in the center of the glass, for 'zoom-in’ and 'zoom-out' respectively. Describes the horizontal center coordinate of the position of the element. Describes the vertical center coordinate of the position of the element. Specifies the inline base direction or directionality of any bidi paragraph, embedding, isolate, or override established by the box. Note: for HTML content use the 'dir' attribute and 'bdo' element rather than this property. Left-to-right direction. Right-to-left direction. This property, in combination with 'float' and 'position', determines the type of box or boxes that are generated for an element. Block boxes. Either block boxes or a marker box, depending on context. Properties apply to compact boxes based on their final status. Inline boxes. A block box, which itself is flowed as a single inline box, similar to a replaced element. The inside of an inline-block is formatted as a block box, and the box itself is formatted as an inline box. One or more block boxes and one marker box. A value of grid causes an element to display as a block-level Grid element A value of inline-grid causes an element to display as an inline-level Grid element. This value causes an element to generate no boxes (i.e., the element has no effect on layout). Descendant elements do not generate any boxes either; this behavior cannot be overridden by setting the 'display' property on the descendants. Either block or inline boxes, depending on context. Properties apply to run-in boxes based on their final status (inline-level or block-level). Specifies the dominant baseline, which is the baseline used to align the box’s text and inline-level contents. Sound spatial information Same as '90deg'. Same as '-90deg'. Adds 10 degrees to the current elevation. Same as '0deg'. Subtracts 10 degrees from the current elevation. In the separated borders model, this property controls the rendering of borders and backgrounds around cells that have no visible content. No borders or backgrounds are drawn around/behind empty cells. Borders and backgrounds are drawn around/behind empty cells (like normal cells). Allocate a shared background image all graphic elements within a container. If the ancestor container element has a property of new, then all graphics elements within the current container are rendered both on the parent's background image and onto the target. Create a new background image canvas. All children of the current container element can access the background, and they will be rendered onto both the parent's background image canvas in addition to the target device. The 'fill' property paints the interior of the given graphical element. Active window border. Active window caption. Background color of multiple document interface. Desktop background. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. Text on push buttons. Text in caption, size box, and scrollbar arrow box. The value of the 'color' property. The computed value of the 'currentColor' keyword is the computed value of the 'color' property. If the 'currentColor' keyword is set on the 'color' property itself, it is treated as 'color:inherit' at parse time. The accent color (typically chosen by the user) to customize the user interface of the user agent itself. Grayed (disabled) text. This color is set to #000 if the current display driver does not support a solid gray color. Item(s) selected in a control. Text of item(s) selected in a control. Inactive window border. Inactive window caption. Color of text in an inactive caption. Background color for tooltip controls. Text color for tooltip controls. Menu background. Text in menus. Scroll bar gray area. The color of the darker (generally outer) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally outer) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the darker (generally inner) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally inner) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. Fully transparent. This keyword can be considered a shorthand for rgba(0,0,0,0) which is its computed value. Window background. Window frame. Text in windows. 'fill-opacity' specifies the opacity of the painting operation used to paint the interior the current object. The 'fill-rule' property indicates the algorithm which is to be used to determine what parts of the canvas are included inside the shape. Processes an element’s rendering before it is displayed in the document, by applying one or more filter effects. Applies a Gaussian blur to the input image. Applies a linear multiplier to input image, making it appear more or less bright. Adjusts the contrast of the input. Applies a drop shadow effect to the input image. Converts the input image to grayscale. Applies a hue rotation on the input image. Inverts the samples in the input image. Applies transparency to the samples in the input image. Saturates the input image. Converts the input image to sepia. Specifies the components of a flexible length: the flex grow factor and flex shrink factor, and the flex basis. The 'flex-basis' property sets the flex basis. Negative lengths are invalid. Specifies how flexbox items are placed in the flexbox. Specifies how flexbox items are placed in the flexbox. The flexbox is single-line. The cross-start direction is equivalent to either the 'start' or 'before' direction of the current writing mode, whichever is in the cross-axis, and the cross-end direction is the opposite direction of cross-start. The flexbox is multi-line. The cross-start direction is equivalent to either the 'start' or 'before' direction of the current writing mode, whichever is in the cross-axis, and the cross-end direction is the opposite direction of cross-start. Same as 'wrap', except the cross-start and cross-end directions are swapped. The 'flex-grow' property sets the flex grow factor. Negative numbers are invalid. The 'flex-shrink' property sets the flex shrink factor. Negative numbers are invalid. controls whether the flexbox is single-line or multi-line, and the direction of the cross axis, which affects the direction new lines are stacked in and the meaning of the 'flex-align', 'flex-item-align', and 'flex-line-pack' properties. The flexbox is single-line. The cross-start direction is equivalent to either the 'start' or 'before' direction of the current writing mode, whichever is in the cross-axis, and the cross-end direction is the opposite direction of cross-start. The flexbox is multi-line. The cross-start direction is equivalent to either the 'start' or 'before' direction of the current writing mode, whichever is in the cross-axis, and the cross-end direction is the opposite direction of cross-start. Same as 'wrap', except the cross-start and cross-end directions are swapped. Specifies how a box should be floated. It may be set for any element, but only applies to elements that generate boxes that are not absolutely positioned. The element generates a block box that is floated to the left. Content flows on the right side of the box, starting at the top (subject to the 'clear' property). The box is not floated. Similar to 'left', except the box is floated to the right, and content flows on the left side of the box, starting at the top. Indicates what color to use to flood the current filter primitive subregion. Active window border. Active window caption. Background color of multiple document interface. Desktop background. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. Text on push buttons. Text in caption, size box, and scrollbar arrow box. The value of the 'color' property. The computed value of the 'currentColor' keyword is the computed value of the 'color' property. If the 'currentColor' keyword is set on the 'color' property itself, it is treated as 'color:inherit' at parse time. The accent color (typically chosen by the user) to customize the user interface of the user agent itself. Grayed (disabled) text. This color is set to #000 if the current display driver does not support a solid gray color. Item(s) selected in a control. Text of item(s) selected in a control. Inactive window border. Inactive window caption. Color of text in an inactive caption. Background color for tooltip controls. Text color for tooltip controls. Menu background. Text in menus. Scroll bar gray area. The color of the darker (generally outer) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally outer) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the darker (generally inner) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally inner) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. Fully transparent. This keyword can be considered a shorthand for rgba(0,0,0,0) which is its computed value. Window background. Window frame. Text in windows. Indicates what opacity to use to flood the current filter primitive subregion. Gets or sets a value that identifies a Connected Frame container in the document that accepts the content flow from the data source. Gets or sets a value that identifies an iframe container in the document that serves as the Connected Frame data source. Shorthand property for setting 'font-style', 'font-variant', 'font-weight', 'font-size', 'line-height', and 'font-family', at the same place in the style sheet. The syntax of this property is based on a traditional typographical shorthand notation to set multiple properties related to fonts. Thin Extra Light (Ultra Light) Light Normal Medium Semi Bold (Demi Bold) Bold Extra Bold (Ultra Bold) Black (Heavy) Same as 700 Specifies the weight of the face bolder than the inherited value. The font used for captioned controls (e.g., buttons, drop-downs, etc.). The font used to label icons. Selects a font that is labeled 'italic', or, if that is not available, one labeled 'oblique'. Specifies the weight of the face lighter than the inherited value. The font used in menus (e.g., dropdown menus and menu lists). The font used in dialog boxes. Specifies a face that is not labeled as a small-caps font. Selects a font that is labeled 'oblique'. Specifies a font that is labeled as a small-caps font. If a genuine small-caps font is not available, user agents should simulate a small-caps font. The font used for labeling small controls. The font used in window status bars. Specifies a prioritized list of font family names or generic family names. A user agent iterates through the list of family names until it matches an available font that contains a glyph for the character to be rendered. This property provides low-level control over OpenType font features. It is intended as a way of providing access to font features that are not widely used but are needed for a particular use case. No change in glyph substitution or positioning occurs. Kerning is the contextual adjustment of inter-glyph spacing. This property controls metric kerning, kerning that utilizes adjustment data contained in the font. The value of 'normal' implies that when rendering with OpenType fonts the language of the document is used to infer the OpenType language system, used to select language specific features when rendering. Implies that when rendering with OpenType fonts the language of the document is used to infer the OpenType language system, used to select language specific features when rendering. Indicates the desired height of glyphs from the font. For scalable fonts, the font-size is a scale factor applied to the EM unit of the font. (Note that certain glyphs may bleed outside their EM box.) For non-scalable fonts, the font-size is converted into absolute units and matched against the declared font-size of the font, using the same absolute coordinate space for both of the matched values. Preserves the readability of text when font fallback occurs by adjusting the font-size so that the x-height is the same irregardless of the font used. Do not preserve the font's x-height. Selects a normal, condensed, or expanded face from a font family. Indicates a narrower value relative to the width of the parent element. Indicates a wider value relative to the width of the parent element. Allows italic or oblique faces to be selected. Italic forms are generally cursive in nature while oblique faces are typically sloped versions of the regular face. Selects a font that is labeled 'italic', or, if that is not available, one labeled 'oblique'. Selects a face that is classified as 'normal'. Selects a font that is labeled 'oblique'. This property controls whether user agents are allowed to synthesize bold or oblique font faces when a font family lacks bold or italic faces. Disallow all synthetic faces. Specifies variant representations of the font Specifies a face that is not labeled as a small-caps font. Specifies a font that is labeled as a small-caps font. If a genuine small-caps font is not available, user agents should simulate a small-caps font. For any given character, fonts can provide a variety of alternate glyphs in addition to the default glyph for that character. This property provides control over the selection of these alternate glyphs. Enables display of alternate annotation forms. Enables display of specific character variants. Enables display of historical forms. Enables replacement of default glyphs with ornaments, if provided in the font. Enables display with stylistic sets. Enables display of stylistic alternates. Enables display of swash glyphs. Specifies control over capitalized forms. Enables display of petite capitals for both upper and lowercase letters. Enables display of small capitals for both upper and lowercase letters. Enables display of petite capitals. Enables display of small capitals. Small-caps glyphs typically use the form of uppercase letters but are reduced to the size of lowercase letters. Enables display of titling capitals. Enables display of mixture of small capitals for uppercase letters with normal lowercase letters. Allows control of glyph substitute and positioning in East Asian text. Enables rendering of full-width variants. Enables rendering of JIS04 forms. Enables rendering of JIS78 forms. Enables rendering of JIS83 forms. Enables rendering of JIS90 forms. Enables rendering of proportionally-spaced variants. Enables display of ruby variant glyphs. Enables rendering of simplified forms. Enables rendering of traditional forms. Specifies control over which ligatures are enabled or disabled. A value of ‘normal’ implies that the defaults set by the font are used. Enables display of additional ligatures. Enables display of common ligatures. Enables display of contextual alternates. Enables display of discretionary ligatures. Enables display of historical ligatures. Disables display of additional ligatures. Disables display of common ligatures. Disables display of contextual alternates. Disables display of discretionary ligatures. Disables display of historical ligatures. Disables all ligatures. Implies that the defaults set by the font are used. Specifies control over numerical forms. Enables display of lining diagonal fractions. Enables display of lining numerals. Enables display of old-style numerals. Enables display of letter forms used with ordinal numbers. Enables display of proportional numerals. Enables display of slashed zeros. Enables display of lining stacked fractions. Enables display of tabular numerals. Specifies the vertical position Specifies weight of glyphs in the font, their degree of blackness or stroke thickness. Thin Extra Light (Ultra Light) Light Normal Medium Semi Bold (Demi Bold) Bold Extra Bold (Ultra Bold) Black (Heavy) Same as 700 Specifies the weight of the face bolder than the inherited value. Specifies the weight of the face lighter than the inherited value. Same as 400 Sets or retrieves a value that alters the orientation of a sequence of characters relative to an inline-progression-direction of horizontal. Sets or retrieves a value that alters the orientation of a sequence of characters relative to an inline-progression-direction of vertical. Sets the orientation based on the fullwidth or non-fullwidth characters and the most common orientation. Determine a grid item’s size and location within the grid by contributing a line, a span, or nothing (automatic) to its grid placement. Shorthand for 'grid-row-start', 'grid-column-start', 'grid-row-end', and 'grid-column-end'. Specifies the size of implicitly created columns. Controls how the auto-placement algorithm works, specifying exactly how auto-placed items get flowed into the grid. Specifies the size of implicitly created rows. Shorthand for 'grid-column-start' and 'grid-column-end'. Determine a grid item’s size and location within the grid by contributing a line, a span, or nothing (automatic) to its grid placement. Specifies the gutters between grid columns. Determine a grid item’s size and location within the grid by contributing a line, a span, or nothing (automatic) to its grid placement. Shorthand that specifies the gutters between grid columns and grid rows in one declaration. Shorthand for 'grid-row-start' and 'grid-row-end'. Determine a grid item’s size and location within the grid by contributing a line, a span, or nothing (automatic) to its grid placement. Specifies the gutters between grid rows. Determine a grid item’s size and location within the grid by contributing a line, a span, or nothing (automatic) to its grid placement. Shorthand for setting grid-template-columns, grid-template-rows, and grid-template-areas in a single declaration. Specifies named grid areas, which are not associated with any particular grid item, but can be referenced from the grid-placement properties. specifies, as a space-separated track list, the line names and track sizing functions of the grid. specifies, as a space-separated track list, the line names and track sizing functions of the grid. Determines whether a punctuation mark, if one is present, may be placed outside the content area at the start or at the end of a full line of text. Punctuation (specifically, stops and commas) may hang outside the end edge of all lines if the punctuation does not otherwise fit prior to justification. Punctuation (specifically, opening brackets and quotes) may hang outside the start edge of the first line. Punctuation (specifically, stops and commas) may hang outside the end edge of all lines. If justification is enabled on this line, then it will force the punctuation to hang. No characters can hang. Specifies the height of the content area, padding area or border area (depending on 'box-sizing') of certain boxes. The height depends on the values of other properties. Specifies strings that are shown between parts of hyphenated words. Specifies the minimum number of characters in a hyphenated word. Indicates hyphenation behavior at the end of elements, column, pages and spreads. Indicates the maximum number of successive hyphenated lines in an element. Specifies the maximum amount of unfilled space (before justification) that may be left in the line box before hyphenation is triggered to pull part of a word from the next line back up into the current line. This property controls whether hyphenation is allowed to create more break opportunities within a line of text. Conditional hyphenation characters inside a word, if present, take priority over automatic resources when determining hyphenation points within the word. Words are only broken at line breaks where there are characters inside the word that suggest line break opportunities Words are not broken at line breaks, even if characters inside the word suggest line break points. Specifies an orthogonal rotation to be applied to an image before it is laid out. After rotating by the precededing angle, the image is flipped horizontally. Defaults to 0deg if the angle is ommitted. If the image has an orientation specified in its metadata, such as EXIF, this value computes to the angle that the metadata specifies is necessary to correctly orient the image. Provides a hint to the user-agent about what aspects of an image are most important to preserve when the image is scaled, to aid the user-agent in the choice of an appropriate scaling algorithm. The image should be scaled with an algorithm that maximizes the appearance of the image. The image must be scaled with an algorithm that preserves contrast and edges in the image, and which does not smooth colors or introduce blur to the image in the process. Deprecated. Deprecated. When scaling the image up, the 'nearest neighbor' or similar algorithm must be used, so that the image appears to be simply composed of very large pixels. Specifies the intrinsic resolution of all raster images used in or on the element. The image's intrinsic resolution is taken as that specified by the image format. If the image does not specify its own resolution, the explicitly specified resolution is used (if given), else it defaults to '1dppx'. If the 'snap' keyword is provided, the computed resolution (if any) is the specified resolution rounded to the nearest value that would map one image pixel to an integer number of device pixels. Controls the state of the input method editor for text fields. The input method editor is initially active; text entry is performed using it unless the user specifically dismisses it. No change is made to the current input method editor state. This is the default. The input method editor is disabled and may not be activated by the user. The input method editor is initially inactive, but the user may activate it if they wish. The IME state should be normal; this value can be used in a user style sheet to override the page setting. Specifies styling for dropped, raised, and sunken initial letters. Specifies the alignment points used to size and position an initial letter. Specifies whether lines impacted by an initial letter are shortened to fit the rectangular shape of the initial letter box or follow the contour of its end-edge glyph outline. In CSS setting to 'isolate' will turn the element into a stacking context. In SVG, it defines whether an element is isolated or not. Aligns a flex container's lines within the flex container when there is extra space in the cross-axis, similar to how 'justify-content' aligns individual items within the main-axis. Indicates whether the user agent should adjust inter-glyph spacing based on kerning tables that are included in the relevant font or instead disable auto-kerning and set inter-character spacing to a specific length. Indicates that the user agent should adjust inter-glyph spacing based on kerning tables that are included in the font that will be used. Specifies how far an absolutely positioned box's left margin edge is offset to the right of the left edge of the box's 'containing block'. For non-replaced elements, the effect of this value depends on which of related properties have the value 'auto' as well Specifies the minimum, maximum, and optimal spacing between grapheme clusters. The spacing is the normal spacing for the current font. It is typically zero-length. Defines the color of the light source for filter primitives 'feDiffuseLighting' and 'feSpecularLighting'. Active window border. Active window caption. Background color of multiple document interface. Desktop background. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. Text on push buttons. Text in caption, size box, and scrollbar arrow box. The value of the 'color' property. The computed value of the 'currentColor' keyword is the computed value of the 'color' property. If the 'currentColor' keyword is set on the 'color' property itself, it is treated as 'color:inherit' at parse time. The accent color (typically chosen by the user) to customize the user interface of the user agent itself. Grayed (disabled) text. This color is set to #000 if the current display driver does not support a solid gray color. Item(s) selected in a control. Text of item(s) selected in a control. Inactive window border. Inactive window caption. Color of text in an inactive caption. Background color for tooltip controls. Text color for tooltip controls. Menu background. Text in menus. Scroll bar gray area. The color of the darker (generally outer) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally outer) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the darker (generally inner) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally inner) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. Fully transparent. This keyword can be considered a shorthand for rgba(0,0,0,0) which is its computed value. Window background. Window frame. Text in windows. Specifies what set of line breaking restrictions are in effect within the element. The UA determines the set of line-breaking restrictions to use for CJK scripts, and it may vary the restrictions based on the length of the line; e.g., use a less restrictive set of line-break rules for short lines. Breaks text using the least restrictive set of line-breaking rules. Typically used for short lines, such as in newspapers. Breaks text using the most common set of line-breaking rules. Breaks CJK scripts using a more restrictive set of line-breaking rules than 'normal'. Specifies whether this box creates a new baseline grid for its descendants or uses the same baseline grid as its parent. Determines the block-progression dimension of the text content area of an inline box. Tells user agents to set the computed value to a 'reasonable' value based on the font size of the element. Snaps line boxes contained by the element to the line grid specified by the 'line-grid' property. Shorthand for setting 'list-style-type', 'list-style-position' and 'list-style-image' A hollow circle. A filled circle. As 'inside', except the marker is instead placed immediately before the first text or significant whitespace in the list item or its children The marker box is outside the principal block box, as described in the section on the ::marker pseudo-element below. The ::marker pseudo-element is an inline element placed immediately before all ::before pseudo-elements in the principal block box, after which the element's content flows. A filled square. Sets the image that will be used as the list item marker. When the image is available, it will replace the marker set with the 'list-style-type' marker. Specifies the position of the '::marker' pseudo-element's box in the list item. The marker box is outside the principal block box, as described in the section on the ::marker pseudo-element below. The ::marker pseudo-element is an inline element placed immediately before all ::before pseudo-elements in the principal block box, after which the element's content flows. Can be used to make an element look like a standard user interface element on the platform. A hollow circle. A filled circle. A filled square. Shorthand property to set values the thickness of the margin area. If left is omitted, it is the same as right. If bottom is omitted it is the same as top, if right is omitted it is the same as top. The value may not be negative. Shorthand property to set values the thickness of the margin area. If left is omitted, it is the same as right. If bottom is omitted it is the same as top, if right is omitted it is the same as top. The value may not be negative. Shorthand property to set values the thickness of the margin area. If left is omitted, it is the same as right. If bottom is omitted it is the same as top, if right is omitted it is the same as top. The value may not be negative. Shorthand property to set values the thickness of the margin area. If left is omitted, it is the same as right. If bottom is omitted it is the same as top, if right is omitted it is the same as top. The value may not be negative. Shorthand property to set values the thickness of the margin area. If left is omitted, it is the same as right. If bottom is omitted it is the same as top, if right is omitted it is the same as top. The value may not be negative. Specifies the marker symbol that shall be used for all points on the sets the value for all vertices on the given ‘path’ element or basic shape. Defines the arrowhead or polymarker that shall be drawn at the final vertex. Defines the arrowhead or polymarker that shall be drawn at every other vertex. Specifies if list item markers position themselves relative to the list item or the list container’s directionality. Defines the arrowhead or polymarker that shall be drawn at the first vertex of the given ‘path’ element or basic shape. Allows authors to control under what circumstances (if any) a particular graphic element can become the target of mouse events. Allows authors to constrain content height to a certain range. No limit on the height of the box. Allows authors to constrain content width to a certain range. No limit on the width of the box. Forces a fragment to break after the specified number of lines. Allows authors to constrain content height to a certain range. Allows authors to constrain content width to a certain range. Defines the formula that must be used to mix the colors with the backdrop. Specifies the motion path the element gets positioned at. Allows authors to constrain content width to a certain range. Specifies the motion path the element gets positioned at. Defines the direction of the element while positioning along the motion path. Property causes the element or pseudo-element to be removed from the flow and reinserted at a later point in the document. The element or pseudo-element is not moved. This value inhibits the creation of '::alternate' pseudo-elements and any pseudo-elements that have such a pseudo-element as a superior. For '::alternate' pseudo-elements, if the superior parent uses the 'footnote' counter in its 'content' property then the computed value of 'move-to' is 'footnotes'. Shorthand property combines six of the animation properties into a single property. The animation cycle iterations that are odd counts are played in the normal direction, and the animation cycle iterations that are even counts are played in a reverse direction. The animation cycle iterations that are odd counts are played in the reverse direction, and the animation cycle iterations that are even counts are played in a normal direction. The beginning property value (as defined in the first @keyframes at-rule) is applied before the animation is displayed, during the period defined by 'animation-delay'. Both forwards and backwards fill modes are applied. Specifies a cubic-bezier curve. The four values specify points P1 and P2 of the curve as (x1, y1, x2, y2). All values must be in the range [0, 1]. Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1.0). Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.42, 0, 1.0, 1.0). Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.42, 0, 0.58, 1.0). Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.58, 1.0). The final property value (as defined in the last @keyframes at-rule) is maintained after the animation completes. Causes the animation to repeat forever. Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0). No animation is performed Normal playback. All iterations of the animation are played in the reverse direction from the way they were specified. The step-end function is equivalent to steps(1, end). The first parameter specifies the number of intervals in the function. The second parameter, which is optional, is either the value 'start' or 'end'. The step-start function is equivalent to steps(1, start). Defines when the animation will start. An 'animation-delay' value of '0' means the animation will execute as soon as it is applied. Otherwise, the value specifies an offset from the moment the animation is applied, and the animation will delay execution by that offset. Defines whether or not the animation should play in reverse on alternate cycles. The animation cycle iterations that are odd counts are played in the normal direction, and the animation cycle iterations that are even counts are played in a reverse direction. The animation cycle iterations that are odd counts are played in the reverse direction, and the animation cycle iterations that are even counts are played in a normal direction. Normal playback. All iterations of the animation are played in the reverse direction from the way they were specified. Defines the length of time that an animation takes to complete one cycle. Defines the number of times an animation cycle is played. The default value is one, meaning the animation will play from beginning to end once. Causes the animation to repeat forever. Defines a list of animations that apply. Each name is used to select the keyframe at-rule that provides the property values for the animation. No animation is performed Defines whether the animation is running or paused. A running animation will be paused. Resume playback of a paused animation. Describes how the animation will progress over one cycle of its duration. See the 'transition-timing-function'. Specifies a cubic-bezier curve. The four values specify points P1 and P2 of the curve as (x1, y1, x2, y2). All values must be in the range [0, 1]. Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1.0). Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.42, 0, 1.0, 1.0). Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.42, 0, 0.58, 1.0). Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.58, 1.0). Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0). The step-end function is equivalent to steps(1, end). The first parameter specifies the number of intervals in the function. The second parameter, which is optional, is either the value 'start' or 'end'. The step-start function is equivalent to steps(1, start). The -moz-appearance CSS property is used in Gecko (Firefox) to display an element using a platform-native styling based on the operating system's theme. Determines whether or not the 'back' side of a transformed element is visible when facing the viewer. With an identity transform, the front side of an element faces the viewer. Determines the background painting area. The background is painted within (clipped to) the border box. The background is painted within (clipped to) the content box. The background is painted within (clipped to) the padding box In Gecko-based applications like Firefox, the -moz-background-inline-policy CSS property specifies how the background image of an inline element is determined when the content of the inline element wraps onto multiple lines. The choice of position has significant effects on repetition. For elements rendered as a single box, specifies the background positioning area. For elements rendered as multiple boxes (e.g., inline boxes on several lines, boxes on several pages) specifies which boxes 'box-decoration-break' operates on to determine the background positioning area(s). The background is painted within (clipped to) the border box. The background is painted within (clipped to) the content box. The background is painted within (clipped to) the padding box In Mozilla applications like Firefox, -moz-border-bottom-colors sets a list of colors for the bottom border. Active window border. Active window caption. Background color of multiple document interface. Desktop background. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. Text on push buttons. Text in caption, size box, and scrollbar arrow box. The value of the 'color' property. The computed value of the 'currentColor' keyword is the computed value of the 'color' property. If the 'currentColor' keyword is set on the 'color' property itself, it is treated as 'color:inherit' at parse time. The accent color (typically chosen by the user) to customize the user interface of the user agent itself. Grayed (disabled) text. This color is set to #000 if the current display driver does not support a solid gray color. Item(s) selected in a control. Text of item(s) selected in a control. Inactive window border. Inactive window caption. Color of text in an inactive caption. Background color for tooltip controls. Text color for tooltip controls. Menu background. Text in menus. Scroll bar gray area. The color of the darker (generally outer) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally outer) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the darker (generally inner) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally inner) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. Fully transparent. This keyword can be considered a shorthand for rgba(0,0,0,0) which is its computed value. Window background. Window frame. Text in windows. Shorthand property for setting 'border-image-source', 'border-image-slice', 'border-image-width', 'border-image-outset' and 'border-image-repeat'. Omitted values are set to their initial values. If 'auto' is specified then the border image width is the intrinsic width or height (whichever is applicable) of the corresponding image slice. If the image does not have the required intrinsic dimension then the corresponding border-width is used instead. Causes the middle part of the border-image to be preserved. (By default it is discarded, i.e., treated as empty.) The image is tiled (repeated) to fill the area. The image is tiled (repeated) to fill the area. If it does not fill the area with a whole number of tiles, the image is rescaled so that it does. The image is tiled (repeated) to fill the area. If it does not fill the area with a whole number of tiles, the extra space is distributed around the tiles. The image is stretched to fill the area. In Mozilla applications like Firefox, -moz-border-bottom-colors sets a list of colors for the bottom border. Active window border. Active window caption. Background color of multiple document interface. Desktop background. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. Text on push buttons. Text in caption, size box, and scrollbar arrow box. The value of the 'color' property. The computed value of the 'currentColor' keyword is the computed value of the 'color' property. If the 'currentColor' keyword is set on the 'color' property itself, it is treated as 'color:inherit' at parse time. The accent color (typically chosen by the user) to customize the user interface of the user agent itself. Grayed (disabled) text. This color is set to #000 if the current display driver does not support a solid gray color. Item(s) selected in a control. Text of item(s) selected in a control. Inactive window border. Inactive window caption. Color of text in an inactive caption. Background color for tooltip controls. Text color for tooltip controls. Menu background. Text in menus. Scroll bar gray area. The color of the darker (generally outer) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally outer) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the darker (generally inner) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally inner) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. Fully transparent. This keyword can be considered a shorthand for rgba(0,0,0,0) which is its computed value. Window background. Window frame. Text in windows. In Mozilla applications like Firefox, -moz-border-bottom-colors sets a list of colors for the bottom border. Active window border. Active window caption. Background color of multiple document interface. Desktop background. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. Text on push buttons. Text in caption, size box, and scrollbar arrow box. The value of the 'color' property. The computed value of the 'currentColor' keyword is the computed value of the 'color' property. If the 'currentColor' keyword is set on the 'color' property itself, it is treated as 'color:inherit' at parse time. The accent color (typically chosen by the user) to customize the user interface of the user agent itself. Grayed (disabled) text. This color is set to #000 if the current display driver does not support a solid gray color. Item(s) selected in a control. Text of item(s) selected in a control. Inactive window border. Inactive window caption. Color of text in an inactive caption. Background color for tooltip controls. Text color for tooltip controls. Menu background. Text in menus. Scroll bar gray area. The color of the darker (generally outer) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally outer) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the darker (generally inner) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally inner) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. Fully transparent. This keyword can be considered a shorthand for rgba(0,0,0,0) which is its computed value. Window background. Window frame. Text in windows. In Mozilla applications like Firefox, -moz-border-bottom-colors sets a list of colors for the bottom border. Active window border. Active window caption. Background color of multiple document interface. Desktop background. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. Text on push buttons. Text in caption, size box, and scrollbar arrow box. The value of the 'color' property. The computed value of the 'currentColor' keyword is the computed value of the 'color' property. If the 'currentColor' keyword is set on the 'color' property itself, it is treated as 'color:inherit' at parse time. The accent color (typically chosen by the user) to customize the user interface of the user agent itself. Grayed (disabled) text. This color is set to #000 if the current display driver does not support a solid gray color. Item(s) selected in a control. Text of item(s) selected in a control. Inactive window border. Inactive window caption. Color of text in an inactive caption. Background color for tooltip controls. Text color for tooltip controls. Menu background. Text in menus. Scroll bar gray area. The color of the darker (generally outer) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally outer) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the darker (generally inner) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally inner) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. Fully transparent. This keyword can be considered a shorthand for rgba(0,0,0,0) which is its computed value. Window background. Window frame. Text in windows. In Mozilla applications, -moz-box-align specifies how a XUL box aligns its contents across (perpendicular to) the direction of its layout. The effect of this is only visible if there is extra space in the box. If this box orientation is inline-axis or horizontal, all children are placed with their baselines aligned, and extra space placed before or after as necessary. For block flows, the baseline of the first non-empty line box located within the element is used. For tables, the baseline of the first cell is used. Any extra space is divided evenly, with half placed above the child and the other half placed after the child. For normal direction boxes, the bottom edge of each child is placed along the bottom of the box. Extra space is placed above the element. For reverse direction boxes, the top edge of each child is placed along the top of the box. Extra space is placed below the element. For normal direction boxes, the top edge of each child is placed along the top of the box. Extra space is placed below the element. For reverse direction boxes, the bottom edge of each child is placed along the bottom of the box. Extra space is placed above the element. The height of each child is adjusted to that of the containing block. In Mozilla applications, -moz-box-direction specifies whether a box lays out its contents normally (from the top or left edge), or in reverse (from the bottom or right edge). A box with a computed value of horizontal for box-orient displays its children from left to right. A box with a computed value of vertical displays its children from top to bottom. A box with a computed value of horizontal for box-orient displays its children from right to left. A box with a computed value of vertical displays its children from bottom to top. In Mozilla applications, -moz-box-flex specifies how a box grows to fill the box that contains it, in the direction of the containing box's layout. Flexible elements can be assigned to flex groups using the 'box-flex-group' property. Indicates the ordinal group the element belongs to. Elements with a lower ordinal group are displayed before those with a higher ordinal group. In Mozilla applications, -moz-box-orient specifies whether a box lays out its contents horizontally or vertically. Elements are oriented along the box's axis. The box displays its children from left to right in a horizontal line. Elements are oriented vertically. The box displays its children from stacked from top to bottom vertically. In Mozilla applications, -moz-box-pack specifies how a box packs its contents in the direction of its layout. The effect of this is only visible if there is extra space in the box. The extra space is divided evenly, with half placed before the first child and the other half placed after the last child. For normal direction boxes, the right edge of the last child is placed at the right side, with all extra space placed before the first child. For reverse direction boxes, the left edge of the first child is placed at the left side, with all extra space placed after the last child. The space is divided evenly in-between each child, with none of the extra space placed before the first child or after the last child. If there is only one child, treat the pack value as if it were start. For normal direction boxes, the left edge of the first child is placed at the left side, with all extra space placed after the last child. For reverse direction boxes, the right edge of the last child is placed at the right side, with all extra space placed before the first child. Box Model addition in CSS3. The specified width and height (and respective min/max properties) on this element determine the border box of the element. Behavior of width and height as specified by CSS2.1. The specified width and height (and respective min/max properties) apply to the width and height respectively of the content box of the element. The specified width and height (and respective min/max properties) on this element determine the padding box of the element. Describes the optimal number of columns into which the content of the element will be flowed. Determines the number of columns by the 'column-width' property and the element width. Sets the gap between columns. If there is a column rule between columns, it will appear in the middle of the gap. User agent specific and typically equivalent to 1em. This property is a shorthand for setting 'column-rule-width', 'column-rule-style', and 'column-rule-color' at the same place in the style sheet. Omitted values are set to their initial values. A series of square-ended dashes. A series of round dots. Two parallel solid lines with some space between them. (The thickness of the lines is not specified, but the sum of the lines and the space must equal 'border-width'.) Looks as if it were carved in the canvas. (This is typically achieved by creating a "shadow" from two colors that are slightly lighter and darker than the 'border-color'.) Same as 'none', but has different behavior in the border conflict resolution rules for border-collapsed tables. Looks as if the content on the inside of the border is sunken into the canvas. Treated as 'ridge' in border-collapsed tables. No border. Color and width are ignored (i.e., the border has width 0, unless the border is an image) Looks as if the content on the inside of the border is coming out of the canvas. Treated as 'groove' in border-collapsed tables. Looks as if it were coming out of the canvas. A single line segment. Sets the color of the column rule Active window border. Active window caption. Background color of multiple document interface. Desktop background. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. Text on push buttons. Text in caption, size box, and scrollbar arrow box. The value of the 'color' property. The computed value of the 'currentColor' keyword is the computed value of the 'color' property. If the 'currentColor' keyword is set on the 'color' property itself, it is treated as 'color:inherit' at parse time. The accent color (typically chosen by the user) to customize the user interface of the user agent itself. Grayed (disabled) text. This color is set to #000 if the current display driver does not support a solid gray color. Item(s) selected in a control. Text of item(s) selected in a control. Inactive window border. Inactive window caption. Color of text in an inactive caption. Background color for tooltip controls. Text color for tooltip controls. Menu background. Text in menus. Scroll bar gray area. The color of the darker (generally outer) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally outer) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the darker (generally inner) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally inner) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. Fully transparent. This keyword can be considered a shorthand for rgba(0,0,0,0) which is its computed value. Window background. Window frame. Text in windows. Sets the style of the rule between columns of an element. A series of square-ended dashes. A series of round dots. Two parallel solid lines with some space between them. (The thickness of the lines is not specified, but the sum of the lines and the space must equal 'border-width'.) Looks as if it were carved in the canvas. (This is typically achieved by creating a "shadow" from two colors that are slightly lighter and darker than the 'border-color'.) Same as 'none', but has different behavior in the border conflict resolution rules for border-collapsed tables. Looks as if the content on the inside of the border is sunken into the canvas. Treated as 'ridge' in border-collapsed tables. No border. Color and width are ignored (i.e., the border has width 0, unless the border is an image) Looks as if the content on the inside of the border is coming out of the canvas. Treated as 'groove' in border-collapsed tables. Looks as if it were coming out of the canvas. A single line segment. Sets the width of the rule between columns. Negative values are not allowed. A shorthand property which sets both 'column-width' and 'column-count'. The width depends on the values of other properties. This property describes the width of columns in multicol elements. The width depends on the values of other properties. This property provides low-level control over OpenType font features. It is intended as a way of providing access to font features that are not widely used but are needed for a particular use case. No change in glyph substitution or positioning occurs. This property controls whether hyphenation is allowed to create more break opportunities within a line of text. Conditional hyphenation characters inside a word, if present, take priority over automatic resources when determining hyphenation points within the word. Words are only broken at line breaks where there are characters inside the word that suggest line break opportunities Words are not broken at line breaks, even if characters inside the word suggest line break points. Applies the same transform as the perspective(<number>) transform function, except that it applies only to the positioned or transformed children of the element, not to the transform on the element itself. No perspective transform is applied. Establishes the origin for the perspective property. It effectively sets the X and Y position at which the viewer appears to be looking at the children of the element. Describes how the last line of a block or a line right before a forced line break is aligned when 'text-align' is set to 'justify'. The inline contents are centered within the line box. The inline contents are aligned to the end edge of the line box. The text is justified according to the method specified by the 'text-justify' property. The inline contents are aligned to the left edge of the line box. In vertical text, 'left' aligns to the edge of the line box that would be the start edge for left-to-right text. The inline contents are aligned to the right edge of the line box. In vertical text, 'right' aligns to the edge of the line box that would be the end edge for left-to-right text. The inline contents are aligned to the start edge of the line box. Specifies the color of text decoration (underlines overlines, and line-throughs) set on the element with text-decoration-line. Active window border. Active window caption. Background color of multiple document interface. Desktop background. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. Text on push buttons. Text in caption, size box, and scrollbar arrow box. The value of the 'color' property. The computed value of the 'currentColor' keyword is the computed value of the 'color' property. If the 'currentColor' keyword is set on the 'color' property itself, it is treated as 'color:inherit' at parse time. The accent color (typically chosen by the user) to customize the user interface of the user agent itself. Grayed (disabled) text. This color is set to #000 if the current display driver does not support a solid gray color. Item(s) selected in a control. Text of item(s) selected in a control. Inactive window border. Inactive window caption. Color of text in an inactive caption. Background color for tooltip controls. Text color for tooltip controls. Menu background. Text in menus. Scroll bar gray area. The color of the darker (generally outer) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally outer) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the darker (generally inner) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally inner) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. Fully transparent. This keyword can be considered a shorthand for rgba(0,0,0,0) which is its computed value. Window background. Window frame. Text in windows. Specifies what line decorations, if any, are added to the element. Each line of text has a line through the middle. Neither produces nor inhibits text decoration. Each line of text has a line above it. Each line of text is underlined. Specifies the line style for underline, line-through and overline text decoration. Produces a dashed line style. Produces a dotted line. Produces a double line. Produces no line. Produces a solid line. Produces a wavy line. Specifies a size adjustment for displaying text content in mobile browsers. A two-dimensional transformation is applied to an element through the 'transform' property. This property contains a list of transform functions similar to those allowed by SVG. Specifies a 2D transformation in the form of a transformation matrix of six values. matrix(a,b,c,d,e,f) is equivalent to applying the transformation matrix [a b c d e f] specifies a 3D transformation as a 4x4 homogeneous matrix of 16 values in column-major order. Specifies a 2D rotation by the angle specified in the parameter about the origin of the element, as defined by the transform-origin property. Specifies a clockwise 3D rotation by the angle specified in last parameter about the [x,y,z] direction vector described by the first 3 parameters. Specifies a clockwise rotation by the given angle about the X axis. Specifies a clockwise rotation by the given angle about the Y axis. Specifies a clockwise rotation by the given angle about the Z axis. Specifies a 2D scale operation by the [sx,sy] scaling vector described by the 2 parameters. If the second parameter is not provided, it is takes a value equal to the first. Specifies a 3D scale operation by the [sx,sy,sz] scaling vector described by the 3 parameters. Specifies a scale operation using the [sx,1] scaling vector, where sx is given as the parameter. Specifies a scale operation using the [sy,1] scaling vector, where sy is given as the parameter. Specifies a scale operation using the [1,1,sz] scaling vector, where sz is given as the parameter. Specifies a skew transformation along the X and Y axes. The first angle parameter specifies the skew on the X axis. The second angle parameter specifies the skew on the Y axis. If the second parameter is not given then a value of 0 is used for the Y angle (ie: no skew on the Y axis). Specifies a skew transformation along the X axis by the given angle. Specifies a skew transformation along the Y axis by the given angle. Specifies a 2D translation by the vector [tx, ty], where tx is the first translation-value parameter and ty is the optional second translation-value parameter. Specifies a 3D translation by the vector [tx,ty,tz], with tx, ty and tz being the first, second and third translation-value parameters respectively. Specifies a translation by the given amount in the X direction. Specifies a translation by the given amount in the Y direction. Specifies a translation by the given amount in the Z direction. Note that percentage values are not allowed in the translateZ translation-value, and if present are evaluated as 0. Establishes the origin of transformation for an element. This property is applied by first translating the element by the negated value of the property, then applying the element's transform, then translating by the property value. Shorthand property combines four of the transition properties into a single property. Every property that is able to undergo a transition will do so. Specifies a cubic-bezier curve. The four values specify points P1 and P2 of the curve as (x1, y1, x2, y2). All values must be in the range [0, 1]. Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1.0). Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.42, 0, 1.0, 1.0). Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.42, 0, 0.58, 1.0). Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.58, 1.0). Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0). No property will transition. The step-end function is equivalent to steps(1, end). The first parameter specifies the number of intervals in the function. The second parameter, which is optional, is either the value 'start' or 'end'. The step-start function is equivalent to steps(1, start). Defines when the transition will start. It allows a transition to begin execution some period of time from when it is applied. Specifies how long the transition from the old value to the new value should take. Specifies the name of the CSS property to which the transition is applied. Every property that is able to undergo a transition will do so. No property will transition. Describes how the intermediate values used during a transition will be calculated. Specifies a cubic-bezier curve. The four values specify points P1 and P2 of the curve as (x1, y1, x2, y2). All values must be in the range [0, 1]. Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1.0). Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.42, 0, 1.0, 1.0). Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.42, 0, 0.58, 1.0). Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.58, 1.0). Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0). The step-end function is equivalent to steps(1, end). The first parameter specifies the number of intervals in the function. The second parameter, which is optional, is either the value 'start' or 'end'. The step-start function is equivalent to steps(1, start). Used to indicate whether the element can have focus. Controls the appearance of selection. IE only. Has the ability to turn off its system underlines for accelerator keys until the ALT key is pressed The element does not contain an accelerator key sequence. The element contains an accelerator key sequence. IE only. Used to extend behaviors of the browser The 'block-progression' property sets the block-progression value and the flow orientation Bottom-to-top block flow. Layout is horizontal. Gets or sets a value that indicates the zoom behavior that occurs when a user hits the content boundary during a manipulation. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether zooming is enabled. Gets or sets a shorthand value that sets values for the -ms-content-zoom-limit-min and the -ms-content-zoom-limit-max properties. Gets or sets a value that specifies the maximum value for the msContentZoomFactor property. Gets or sets a value that specifies the minimum value for the msContentZoomFactor property. Gets or sets a shorthand value that sets values for the -ms-content-zoom-snap-type and the -ms-content-zoom-snap-points properties. Gets or sets a value that defines where zoom snap-points are located. Gets or sets a value that indicates how zooming is affected by defined snap-points. IE only. Used to produce visual effects. specifies the parameters of a flexible length: the positive and negative flexibility, and the preferred size. The 'flex-align' property changes the way free space is allocated in the length axis. Align all flexbox items so that their baselines line up, then distribute free space above and below the content. The flexbox item's margin box is centered in the cross axis within the line. The cross-end margin edge of the flexbox item is placed flush with the cross-end edge of the line. The cross-start margin edge of the flexbox item is placed flush with the cross-start edge of the line. If the cross size property of the flexbox item is anything other than 'auto', this value is identical to 'start'. Specifies how flexbox items are placed in the flexbox. Specifies how flexbox items are placed in the flexbox. The flexbox is single-line. The cross-start direction is equivalent to either the 'start' or 'before' direction of the current writing mode, whichever is in the cross-axis, and the cross-end direction is the opposite direction of cross-start. The flexbox is multi-line. The cross-start direction is equivalent to either the 'start' or 'before' direction of the current writing mode, whichever is in the cross-axis, and the cross-end direction is the opposite direction of cross-start. Same as 'wrap', except the cross-start and cross-end directions are swapped. The 'flex-align' property changes the way free space is allocated in the length axis. Align all flexbox items so that their baselines line up, then distribute free space above and below the content. The flexbox item's margin box is centered in the cross axis within the line. The cross-end margin edge of the flexbox item is placed flush with the cross-end edge of the line. The cross-start margin edge of the flexbox item is placed flush with the cross-start edge of the line. If the cross size property of the flexbox item is anything other than 'auto', this value is identical to 'start'. The 'flex-line-pack' property aligns a flexbox's lines within the flexbox when there is extra space in the cross axis, similar to how 'flex-pack' aligns individual items within the main axis. The extra space is divided evenly, with half placed before the first child and the other half placed after the last child. Lines are evenly distributed in the flexbox, with half-size spaces on either end. For normal direction boxes, the right edge of the last child is placed at the right side, with all extra space placed before the first child. For reverse direction boxes, the left edge of the first child is placed at the left side, with all extra space placed after the last child. The space is divided evenly in-between each child, with none of the extra space placed before the first child or after the last child. If there is only one child, treat the pack value as if it were start. For normal direction boxes, the left edge of the first child is placed at the left side, with all extra space placed after the last child. For reverse direction boxes, the right edge of the last child is placed at the right side, with all extra space placed before the first child. Lines stretch to take up the remaining space. If the leftover free-space is negative, this value is identical to 'start'. This property is an integer with an initial value of 1. The 'flex-pack' property defines the flexibility of these packing spaces. The extra space is divided evenly, with half placed before the first child and the other half placed after the last child. Lines are evenly distributed in the flexbox, with half-size spaces on either end. For normal direction boxes, the right edge of the last child is placed at the right side, with all extra space placed before the first child. For reverse direction boxes, the left edge of the first child is placed at the left side, with all extra space placed after the last child. The space is divided evenly in-between each child, with none of the extra space placed before the first child or after the last child. If there is only one child, treat the pack value as if it were start. For normal direction boxes, the left edge of the first child is placed at the left side, with all extra space placed after the last child. For reverse direction boxes, the right edge of the last child is placed at the right side, with all extra space placed before the first child. controls whether the flexbox is single-line or multi-line, and the direction of the cross axis, which affects the direction new lines are stacked in and the meaning of the 'flex-align', 'flex-item-align', and 'flex-line-pack' properties. The flexbox is single-line. The cross-start direction is equivalent to either the 'start' or 'before' direction of the current writing mode, whichever is in the cross-axis, and the cross-end direction is the opposite direction of cross-start. The flexbox is multi-line. The cross-start direction is equivalent to either the 'start' or 'before' direction of the current writing mode, whichever is in the cross-axis, and the cross-end direction is the opposite direction of cross-start. Same as 'wrap', except the cross-start and cross-end directions are swapped. Gets or sets a value that identifies a Connected Frame container in the document that accepts the content flow from the data source. Gets or sets a value that identifies an iframe container in the document that serves as the Connected Frame data source. grid-column is used to place grid items and explicitly defined grid cells in the Grid. Aligns the columns in a grid. Places the center of the Grid Item's margin box at the center of the Grid Item's column. Aligns the end edge of the Grid Item's margin box to the end edge of the Grid Item's column. Aligns the starting edge of the Grid Item's margin box to the starting edge of the Grid Item's column. Ensures that the Grid Item's margin box is equal to the size of the Grid Item's column. Lays out the columns of the grid. Specifies the number of columns to span. Grid-layer is similar in concept to z-index, but avoids overloading the meaning of the z-index property, which is applicable only to positioned elements. grid-row is used to place grid items and explicitly defined grid cells in the Grid. Aligns the rows in a grid. Places the center of the Grid Item's margin box at the center of the Grid Item's row. Aligns the end edge of the Grid Item's margin box to the end edge of the Grid Item's row. Aligns the starting edge of the Grid Item's margin box to the starting edge of the Grid Item's row. Ensures that the Grid Item's margin box is equal to the size of the Grid Item's row. Lays out the columns of the grid. Specifies the number of rows to span. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to override any Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) properties that would have been set in high contrast mode. Gets or sets one to three values that indicates the minimum number of characters in a hyphenated word. Gets or sets a value that indicates the maximum number of consecutive lines in an element that may be ended with a hyphenated word. Gets or sets a value that defines the width of the hyphenation zone. This property controls whether hyphenation is allowed to create more break opportunities within a line of text. Conditional hyphenation characters inside a word, if present, take priority over automatic resources when determining hyphenation points within the word. Words are only broken at line breaks where there are characters inside the word that suggest line break opportunities Words are not broken at line breaks, even if characters inside the word suggest line break points. Controls the state of the input method editor for text fields. The input method editor is initially active; text entry is performed using it unless the user specifically dismisses it. No change is made to the current input method editor state. This is the default. The input method editor is disabled and may not be activated by the user. The input method editor is initially inactive, but the user may activate it if they wish. The IME state should be normal; this value can be used in a user style sheet to override the page setting. Gets or sets the interpolation (resampling) method used to stretch images. Sets or retrieves the composite document grid properties that specify the layout of text characters. Any of the range of character values available to the -ms-layout-grid-char property. Any of the range of line values available to the -ms-layout-grid-line property. Any of the range of mode values available to the -ms-layout-grid-mode property. Any of the range of type values available to the -ms-layout-grid-type property. Sets or retrieves the size of the character grid used for rendering the text content of an element. Largest character in the font of the element is used to set the character grid. Default. No character grid is set. Sets or retrieves the gridline value used for rendering the text content of an element. Largest character in the font of the element is used to set the character grid. Default. No grid line is set. Gets or sets whether the text layout grid uses two dimensions. Default. Both the char and line grid modes are enabled. This setting is necessary to fully enable the layout grid on an element. Only a character grid is used. This is recommended for use with block-level elements, such as a blockquote, where the line grid is intended to be disabled. Only a line grid is used. This is recommended for use with inline elements, such as a span, to disable the horizontal grid on runs of text that act as a single entity in the grid layout. No grid is used. Sets or retrieves the type of grid used for rendering the text content of an element. Grid used for monospaced layout. All noncursive characters are treated as equal; every character is centered within a single grid space by default. Default. Grid used for Japanese and Korean characters. Grid used for Chinese, as well as Japanese (Genko) and Korean characters. Only the ideographs, kanas, and wide characters are snapped to the grid. Specifies what set of line breaking restrictions are in effect within the element. The UA determines the set of line-breaking restrictions to use for CJK scripts, and it may vary the restrictions based on the length of the line; e.g., use a less restrictive set of line-break rules for short lines. Sequences of CJK characters can no longer break on implied break points. This option should only be used where the presence of word separator characters still creates line-breaking opportunities, as in Korean. Breaks CJK scripts using the least restrictive set of line-breaking rules. Typically used for short lines, such as in newspapers. Breaks CJK scripts using a normal set of line-breaking rules. Breaks CJK scripts using a more restrictive set of line-breaking rules than 'normal'. Specify whether content is clipped when it overflows the element's content area. No preference, UA should use the first scrolling method in the list that it supports. Indicates the element displays auto-hiding scrollbars during mouse interactions and panning indicators during touch and keyboard interactions. Indicates the element does not display scrollbars or panning indicators, even when its content overflows. Scrollbars are typically narrow strips inserted on one or two edges of an element and which often have arrows to click on and a "thumb" to drag up and down (or left and right) to move the contents of the element. Applies the same transform as the perspective(<number>) transform function, except that it applies only to the positioned or transformed children of the element, not to the transform on the element itself. No perspective transform is applied. Establishes the origin for the perspective property. It effectively sets the X and Y position at which the viewer appears to be looking at the children of the element. Establishes the origin for the perspective property. It effectively sets the X position at which the viewer appears to be looking at the children of the element. Establishes the origin for the perspective property. It effectively sets the Y position at which the viewer appears to be looking at the children of the element. Gets or sets a value that specifies whether a progress control displays as a bar or a ring. Determines the color of the top and left edges of the scroll box and scroll arrows of a scroll bar. Active window border. Active window caption. Background color of multiple document interface. Desktop background. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. Text on push buttons. Text in caption, size box, and scrollbar arrow box. The value of the 'color' property. The computed value of the 'currentColor' keyword is the computed value of the 'color' property. If the 'currentColor' keyword is set on the 'color' property itself, it is treated as 'color:inherit' at parse time. The accent color (typically chosen by the user) to customize the user interface of the user agent itself. Grayed (disabled) text. This color is set to #000 if the current display driver does not support a solid gray color. Item(s) selected in a control. Text of item(s) selected in a control. Inactive window border. Inactive window caption. Color of text in an inactive caption. Background color for tooltip controls. Text color for tooltip controls. Menu background. Text in menus. Scroll bar gray area. The color of the darker (generally outer) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally outer) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the darker (generally inner) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally inner) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. Fully transparent. This keyword can be considered a shorthand for rgba(0,0,0,0) which is its computed value. Window background. Window frame. Text in windows. Determines the color of the arrow elements of a scroll arrow. Active window border. Active window caption. Background color of multiple document interface. Desktop background. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. Text on push buttons. Text in caption, size box, and scrollbar arrow box. The value of the 'color' property. The computed value of the 'currentColor' keyword is the computed value of the 'color' property. If the 'currentColor' keyword is set on the 'color' property itself, it is treated as 'color:inherit' at parse time. The accent color (typically chosen by the user) to customize the user interface of the user agent itself. Grayed (disabled) text. This color is set to #000 if the current display driver does not support a solid gray color. Item(s) selected in a control. Text of item(s) selected in a control. Inactive window border. Inactive window caption. Color of text in an inactive caption. Background color for tooltip controls. Text color for tooltip controls. Menu background. Text in menus. Scroll bar gray area. The color of the darker (generally outer) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally outer) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the darker (generally inner) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally inner) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. Fully transparent. This keyword can be considered a shorthand for rgba(0,0,0,0) which is its computed value. Window background. Window frame. Text in windows. Determines the color of the main elements of a scroll bar, which include the scroll box, track, and scroll arrows. Active window border. Active window caption. Background color of multiple document interface. Desktop background. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. Text on push buttons. Text in caption, size box, and scrollbar arrow box. The value of the 'color' property. The computed value of the 'currentColor' keyword is the computed value of the 'color' property. If the 'currentColor' keyword is set on the 'color' property itself, it is treated as 'color:inherit' at parse time. The accent color (typically chosen by the user) to customize the user interface of the user agent itself. Grayed (disabled) text. This color is set to #000 if the current display driver does not support a solid gray color. Item(s) selected in a control. Text of item(s) selected in a control. Inactive window border. Inactive window caption. Color of text in an inactive caption. Background color for tooltip controls. Text color for tooltip controls. Menu background. Text in menus. Scroll bar gray area. The color of the darker (generally outer) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally outer) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the darker (generally inner) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally inner) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. Fully transparent. This keyword can be considered a shorthand for rgba(0,0,0,0) which is its computed value. Window background. Window frame. Text in windows. Determines the color of the gutter of a scroll bar. Active window border. Active window caption. Background color of multiple document interface. Desktop background. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. Text on push buttons. Text in caption, size box, and scrollbar arrow box. The value of the 'color' property. The computed value of the 'currentColor' keyword is the computed value of the 'color' property. If the 'currentColor' keyword is set on the 'color' property itself, it is treated as 'color:inherit' at parse time. The accent color (typically chosen by the user) to customize the user interface of the user agent itself. Grayed (disabled) text. This color is set to #000 if the current display driver does not support a solid gray color. Item(s) selected in a control. Text of item(s) selected in a control. Inactive window border. Inactive window caption. Color of text in an inactive caption. Background color for tooltip controls. Text color for tooltip controls. Menu background. Text in menus. Scroll bar gray area. The color of the darker (generally outer) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally outer) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the darker (generally inner) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally inner) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. Fully transparent. This keyword can be considered a shorthand for rgba(0,0,0,0) which is its computed value. Window background. Window frame. Text in windows. Determines the color of the scroll box and scroll arrows of a scroll bar. Active window border. Active window caption. Background color of multiple document interface. Desktop background. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. Text on push buttons. Text in caption, size box, and scrollbar arrow box. The value of the 'color' property. The computed value of the 'currentColor' keyword is the computed value of the 'color' property. If the 'currentColor' keyword is set on the 'color' property itself, it is treated as 'color:inherit' at parse time. The accent color (typically chosen by the user) to customize the user interface of the user agent itself. Grayed (disabled) text. This color is set to #000 if the current display driver does not support a solid gray color. Item(s) selected in a control. Text of item(s) selected in a control. Inactive window border. Inactive window caption. Color of text in an inactive caption. Background color for tooltip controls. Text color for tooltip controls. Menu background. Text in menus. Scroll bar gray area. The color of the darker (generally outer) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally outer) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the darker (generally inner) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally inner) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. Fully transparent. This keyword can be considered a shorthand for rgba(0,0,0,0) which is its computed value. Window background. Window frame. Text in windows. Determines the color of the top and left edges of the scroll box and scroll arrows of a scroll bar. Active window border. Active window caption. Background color of multiple document interface. Desktop background. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. Text on push buttons. Text in caption, size box, and scrollbar arrow box. The value of the 'color' property. The computed value of the 'currentColor' keyword is the computed value of the 'color' property. If the 'currentColor' keyword is set on the 'color' property itself, it is treated as 'color:inherit' at parse time. The accent color (typically chosen by the user) to customize the user interface of the user agent itself. Grayed (disabled) text. This color is set to #000 if the current display driver does not support a solid gray color. Item(s) selected in a control. Text of item(s) selected in a control. Inactive window border. Inactive window caption. Color of text in an inactive caption. Background color for tooltip controls. Text color for tooltip controls. Menu background. Text in menus. Scroll bar gray area. The color of the darker (generally outer) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally outer) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the darker (generally inner) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally inner) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. Fully transparent. This keyword can be considered a shorthand for rgba(0,0,0,0) which is its computed value. Window background. Window frame. Text in windows. Determines the color of the bottom and right edges of the scroll box and scroll arrows of a scroll bar. Active window border. Active window caption. Background color of multiple document interface. Desktop background. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. Text on push buttons. Text in caption, size box, and scrollbar arrow box. The value of the 'color' property. The computed value of the 'currentColor' keyword is the computed value of the 'color' property. If the 'currentColor' keyword is set on the 'color' property itself, it is treated as 'color:inherit' at parse time. The accent color (typically chosen by the user) to customize the user interface of the user agent itself. Grayed (disabled) text. This color is set to #000 if the current display driver does not support a solid gray color. Item(s) selected in a control. Text of item(s) selected in a control. Inactive window border. Inactive window caption. Color of text in an inactive caption. Background color for tooltip controls. Text color for tooltip controls. Menu background. Text in menus. Scroll bar gray area. The color of the darker (generally outer) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally outer) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the darker (generally inner) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally inner) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. Fully transparent. This keyword can be considered a shorthand for rgba(0,0,0,0) which is its computed value. Window background. Window frame. Text in windows. Determines the color of the track element of a scroll bar. Active window border. Active window caption. Background color of multiple document interface. Desktop background. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. Text on push buttons. Text in caption, size box, and scrollbar arrow box. The value of the 'color' property. The computed value of the 'currentColor' keyword is the computed value of the 'color' property. If the 'currentColor' keyword is set on the 'color' property itself, it is treated as 'color:inherit' at parse time. The accent color (typically chosen by the user) to customize the user interface of the user agent itself. Grayed (disabled) text. This color is set to #000 if the current display driver does not support a solid gray color. Item(s) selected in a control. Text of item(s) selected in a control. Inactive window border. Inactive window caption. Color of text in an inactive caption. Background color for tooltip controls. Text color for tooltip controls. Menu background. Text in menus. Scroll bar gray area. The color of the darker (generally outer) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally outer) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the darker (generally inner) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally inner) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. Fully transparent. This keyword can be considered a shorthand for rgba(0,0,0,0) which is its computed value. Window background. Window frame. Text in windows. Gets or sets a value that indicates the scrolling behavior that occurs when a user hits the content boundary during a manipulation. Gets or sets a shorthand value that sets values for the -ms-scroll-limit-x-min, -ms-scroll-limit-y-min, -ms-scroll-limit-x-max, and -ms-scroll-limit-y-max properties. Gets or sets a value that specifies the maximum value for the scrollLeft property. Gets or sets a value that specifies the minimum value for the scrollLeft property. Gets or sets a value that specifies the maximum value for the scrollTop property. Gets or sets a value that specifies the minimum value for the scrollTop property. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether or not small motions perpendicular to the primary axis of motion will result in either changes to both the scrollTop and scrollLeft properties or a change to the primary axis (for instance, either the scrollTop or scrollLeft properties will change, but not both). Gets or sets a value that defines where snap-points will be located along the x-axis. Gets or sets a value that defines where snap-points will be located along the y-axis. Gets or sets a value that defines what type of snap-point should be used for the current element. There are two type of snap-points, with the primary difference being whether or not the user is guaranteed to always stop on a snap-point. Gets or sets a shorthand value that sets values for the -ms-scroll-snap-type and -ms-scroll-snap-points-x properties. Gets or sets a shorthand value that sets values for the -ms-scroll-snap-type and -ms-scroll-snap-points-y properties. Gets or sets a value that specifies whether vertical-to-horizontal scroll wheel translation occurs on the specified element. Describes how the last line of a block or a line right before a forced line break is aligned when 'text-align' is set to 'justify'. The inline contents are centered within the line box. The inline contents are aligned to the end edge of the line box. The text is justified according to the method specified by the 'text-justify' property. The inline contents are aligned to the left edge of the line box. In vertical text, 'left' aligns to the edge of the line box that would be the start edge for left-to-right text. The inline contents are aligned to the right edge of the line box. In vertical text, 'right' aligns to the edge of the line box that would be the end edge for left-to-right text. The inline contents are aligned to the start edge of the line box. Determines whether or not a full-width punctuation mark character should be trimmed if it appears at the beginning of a line, so that its 'ink' lines up with the first glyph in the line above and below. Creates 1/4em extra spacing between runs of ideographic letters and non-ideographic letters, such as Latin-based, Cyrillic, Greek, Arabic or Hebrew. Creates 1/4em extra spacing between runs of ideographic letters and numeric glyphs. Creates extra spacing between normal (non wide) parenthesis and ideographs. Extends the width of the space character while surrounded by ideographs. No extra space is created. Creates extra non-breaking spacing around punctuation as required by language-specific typographic conventions. This property specifies the combination of multiple characters into the space of a single character. Attempt to typeset horizontally all consecutive characters within the box such that they take up the space of a single character within the vertical line box. Attempt to typeset horizontally each maximal sequence of consecutive ASCII digits (U+0030–U+0039) that has as many or fewer characters than the specified integer such that it takes up the space of a single character within the vertical line box. No special processing. Selects the justification algorithm used when 'text-align' is set to 'justify'. The property applies to block containers, but the UA may (but is not required to) also support it on inline elements. The UA determines the justification algorithm to follow, based on a balance between performance and adequate presentation quality. Justification primarily changes spacing both at word separators and at grapheme cluster boundaries in all scripts except those in the connected and cursive groups. This value is sometimes used in e.g. Japanese, often with the 'text-align-last' property. Justification primarily changes spacing at word separators and at grapheme cluster boundaries in clustered scripts. This value is typically used for Southeast Asian scripts such as Thai. Justification primarily changes spacing at word separators and at inter-graphemic boundaries in scripts that use no word spaces. This value is typically used for CJK languages. Justification primarily changes spacing at word separators. This value is typically used for languages that separate words using spaces, like English or (sometimes) Korean. Justification primarily stretches Arabic and related scripts through the use of kashida or other calligraphic elongation. Justification is disabled. Specifies that compression is preferred to expansion and enables the trimming of blank space in glyphs where allowed by typographic tradition. Sets or retrieves the ratio of kashida expansion to white space expansion when justifying lines of text in the object. Text can overflow for example when it is prevented from wrapping Clip inline content that overflows. Characters may be only partially rendered. Render an ellipsis character (U+2026) to represent clipped inline content. Specifies a size adjustment for displaying text content in mobile browsers. Sets the position of an underline specified on the same element: it does not affect underlines specified by ancestor elements.This property is typically used in vertical writing contexts such as in Japanese documents where it often desired to have the underline appear 'over' (to the right of) the affected run of text The underline is aligned with the alphabetic baseline. In this case the underline is likely to cross some descenders. The user agent may use any algorithm to determine the underline's position. In horizontal line layout, the underline should be aligned as for alphabetic. In vertical line layout, if the language is set to Japanese or Korean, the underline should be aligned as for over. The underline is aligned with the 'top' (right in vertical writing) edge of the element's em-box. In this mode, an overline also switches sides. The underline is aligned with the 'bottom' (left in vertical writing) edge of the element's em-box. In this case the underline usually does not cross the descenders. This is sometimes called 'accounting' underline. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether and how a given region can be manipulated by the user. The element is a passive element, with several exceptions. The element will zoom on double-tap. The element is a manipulation-causing element. The element is a manipulation-blocking element. The element permits touch-driven panning on the horizontal axis. The touch pan is performed on the nearest ancestor with horizontally scrollable content. The element permits touch-driven panning on the vertical axis. The touch pan is performed on the nearest ancestor with vertically scrollable content. The element permits pinch-zooming. The pinch-zoom is performed on the nearest ancestor with zoomable content. Gets or sets a value that toggles the 'gripper' visual elements that enable touch text selection. Grippers are always on. Grippers are always off. A two-dimensional transformation is applied to an element through the 'transform' property. This property contains a list of transform functions similar to those allowed by SVG. Specifies a 2D transformation in the form of a transformation matrix of six values. matrix(a,b,c,d,e,f) is equivalent to applying the transformation matrix [a b c d e f] specifies a 3D transformation as a 4x4 homogeneous matrix of 16 values in column-major order. Specifies a 2D rotation by the angle specified in the parameter about the origin of the element, as defined by the transform-origin property. Specifies a clockwise 3D rotation by the angle specified in last parameter about the [x,y,z] direction vector described by the first 3 parameters. Specifies a clockwise rotation by the given angle about the X axis. Specifies a clockwise rotation by the given angle about the Y axis. Specifies a clockwise rotation by the given angle about the Z axis. Specifies a 2D scale operation by the [sx,sy] scaling vector described by the 2 parameters. If the second parameter is not provided, it is takes a value equal to the first. Specifies a 3D scale operation by the [sx,sy,sz] scaling vector described by the 3 parameters. Specifies a scale operation using the [sx,1] scaling vector, where sx is given as the parameter. Specifies a scale operation using the [sy,1] scaling vector, where sy is given as the parameter. Specifies a scale operation using the [1,1,sz] scaling vector, where sz is given as the parameter. Specifies a skew transformation along the X and Y axes. The first angle parameter specifies the skew on the X axis. The second angle parameter specifies the skew on the Y axis. If the second parameter is not given then a value of 0 is used for the Y angle (ie: no skew on the Y axis). Specifies a skew transformation along the X axis by the given angle. Specifies a skew transformation along the Y axis by the given angle. Specifies a 2D translation by the vector [tx, ty], where tx is the first translation-value parameter and ty is the optional second translation-value parameter. Specifies a 3D translation by the vector [tx,ty,tz], with tx, ty and tz being the first, second and third translation-value parameters respectively. Specifies a translation by the given amount in the X direction. Specifies a translation by the given amount in the Y direction. Specifies a translation by the given amount in the Z direction. Note that percentage values are not allowed in the translateZ translation-value, and if present are evaluated as 0. Establishes the origin of transformation for an element. This property is applied by first translating the element by the negated value of the property, then applying the element's transform, then translating by the property value. The x coordinate of the origin for transforms applied to an element with respect to its border box. The y coordinate of the origin for transforms applied to an element with respect to its border box. The z coordinate of the origin for transforms applied to an element with respect to its border box. Controls the appearance of selection. Specifies line break opportunities for non-CJK scripts. Lines may break between any two grapheme clusters for non-CJK scripts. This option is used mostly in a context where the text is predominantly using CJK characters with few non-CJK excerpts and it is desired that the text be better distributed on each line. Block characters can no longer create implied break points. Otherwise this option is equivalent to 'normal'. This option is mostly used where the presence of word separator characters still creates line-breaking opportunities, as in Korean. Breaks non-CJK scripts according to their own rules. Specifies whether the UA may break within a word to prevent overflow when an otherwise-unbreakable string is too long to fit. An unbreakable 'word' may be broken at an arbitrary point if there are no otherwise-acceptable break points in the line. An unbreakable 'word' may be hyphenated if there are no otherwise-acceptable break points in the line even if hyphenation is turned off. Lines may break only at allowed break points. An element becomes an exclusion when its 'wrap-flow' property has a computed value other than 'auto'. For floats an exclusion is created, for all other elements an exclusion is not created. Inline flow content can flow on all sides of the exclusion. Inline flow content can only wrap on top and bottom of the exclusion and must leave the areas to the start and end edges of the exclusion box empty. Inline flow content can wrap on the end side of the exclusion area but must leave the area to the start edge of the exclusion area empty. Inline flow content can wrap on the side of the exclusion with the largest available space for the given line, and must leave the other side of the exclusion empty. Inline flow content can wrap on the start edge of the exclusion area but must leave the area to end edge of the exclusion area empty. Gets or sets a value that is used to offset the inner wrap shape from other shapes. Gets or sets a value that specifies how content should wrap around an exclusion element. The exclusion element does not inherit its parent node's wrapping context. Its descendants are only subject to exclusion shapes defined inside the element. The exclusion element inherits its parent node's wrapping context. Its descendant inline content wraps around exclusions defined outside the element. This is a shorthand property for both 'direction' and 'block-progression'. Sets or retrieves the magnification scale of the object. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether an animation is used when zooming. Provides an way to control directional focus navigation. The user agent automatically determines which element to navigate the focus to in response to directional navigational input. Provides an input-method-neutral way of specifying the sequential navigation order (also known as 'tabbing order'). The element's sequential navigation order is assigned automatically by the user agent. Provides an way to control directional focus navigation. The user agent automatically determines which element to navigate the focus to in response to directional navigational input. Provides an way to control directional focus navigation. The user agent automatically determines which element to navigate the focus to in response to directional navigational input. Provides an way to control directional focus navigation. The user agent automatically determines which element to navigate the focus to in response to directional navigational input. Shorthand property combines six of the animation properties into a single property. The animation cycle iterations that are odd counts are played in the normal direction, and the animation cycle iterations that are even counts are played in a reverse direction. The animation cycle iterations that are odd counts are played in the reverse direction, and the animation cycle iterations that are even counts are played in a normal direction. The beginning property value (as defined in the first @keyframes at-rule) is applied before the animation is displayed, during the period defined by 'animation-delay'. Both forwards and backwards fill modes are applied. Specifies a cubic-bezier curve. The four values specify points P1 and P2 of the curve as (x1, y1, x2, y2). All values must be in the range [0, 1]. Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1.0). Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.42, 0, 1.0, 1.0). Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.42, 0, 0.58, 1.0). Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.58, 1.0). The final property value (as defined in the last @keyframes at-rule) is maintained after the animation completes. Causes the animation to repeat forever. Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0). No animation is performed Normal playback. All iterations of the animation are played in the reverse direction from the way they were specified. The step-end function is equivalent to steps(1, end). The first parameter specifies the number of intervals in the function. The second parameter, which is optional, is either the value 'start' or 'end'. The step-start function is equivalent to steps(1, start). Defines when the animation will start. An 'animation-delay' value of '0' means the animation will execute as soon as it is applied. Otherwise, the value specifies an offset from the moment the animation is applied, and the animation will delay execution by that offset. Defines whether or not the animation should play in reverse on alternate cycles. The animation cycle iterations that are odd counts are played in the normal direction, and the animation cycle iterations that are even counts are played in a reverse direction. The animation cycle iterations that are odd counts are played in the reverse direction, and the animation cycle iterations that are even counts are played in a normal direction. Normal playback. All iterations of the animation are played in the reverse direction from the way they were specified. Defines the length of time that an animation takes to complete one cycle. Defines what values are applied by the animation outside the time it is executing. The beginning property value (as defined in the first @keyframes at-rule) is applied before the animation is displayed, during the period defined by 'animation-delay'. Both forwards and backwards fill modes are applied. The final property value (as defined in the last @keyframes at-rule) is maintained after the animation completes. There is no change to the property value between the time the animation is applied and the time the animation begins playing or after the animation completes. Defines the number of times an animation cycle is played. The default value is one, meaning the animation will play from beginning to end once. Causes the animation to repeat forever. Defines a list of animations that apply. Each name is used to select the keyframe at-rule that provides the property values for the animation. No animation is performed Defines whether the animation is running or paused. A running animation will be paused. Resume playback of a paused animation. Describes how the animation will progress over one cycle of its duration. See the 'transition-timing-function'. Specifies a cubic-bezier curve. The four values specify points P1 and P2 of the curve as (x1, y1, x2, y2). All values must be in the range [0, 1]. Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1.0). Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.42, 0, 1.0, 1.0). Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.42, 0, 0.58, 1.0). Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.58, 1.0). Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0). The step-end function is equivalent to steps(1, end). The first parameter specifies the number of intervals in the function. The second parameter, which is optional, is either the value 'start' or 'end'. The step-start function is equivalent to steps(1, start). The object-fit property specifies how the contents of a replaced element should be scaled relative to the box established by its used height and width. Determines the alignment of the replaced element inside its box. Shorthand property for setting 'border-image-source', 'border-image-slice', 'border-image-width', 'border-image-outset' and 'border-image-repeat'. Omitted values are set to their initial values. If 'auto' is specified then the border image width is the intrinsic width or height (whichever is applicable) of the corresponding image slice. If the image does not have the required intrinsic dimension then the corresponding border-width is used instead. Causes the middle part of the border-image to be preserved. (By default it is discarded, i.e., treated as empty.) The image is tiled (repeated) to fill the area. The image is tiled (repeated) to fill the area. If it does not fill the area with a whole number of tiles, the image is rescaled so that it does. The image is tiled (repeated) to fill the area. If it does not fill the area with a whole number of tiles, the extra space is distributed around the tiles. The image is stretched to fill the area. The object-fit property specifies how the contents of a replaced element should be scaled relative to the box established by its used height and width. Determines the alignment of the replaced element inside its box. Opacity of an element's text, where 1 is opaque and 0 is entirely transparent. Controls the order in which flex items appear within their flex container, by assigning them to ordinal groups. Specifies the minimum number of lines in a block element that must be left at the bottom of a page. Determines which row of a inline-table should be used as baseline of inline-table. This property determines the width of the tab character (U+0009), in space characters (U+0020), when rendered Text can overflow for example when it is prevented from wrapping Clip inline content that overflows. Characters may be only partially rendered. Render an ellipsis character (U+2026) to represent clipped inline content. A two-dimensional transformation is applied to an element through the 'transform' property. This property contains a list of transform functions similar to those allowed by SVG. Specifies a 2D transformation in the form of a transformation matrix of six values. matrix(a,b,c,d,e,f) is equivalent to applying the transformation matrix [a b c d e f] specifies a 3D transformation as a 4x4 homogeneous matrix of 16 values in column-major order. Specifies a 2D rotation by the angle specified in the parameter about the origin of the element, as defined by the transform-origin property. Specifies a clockwise 3D rotation by the angle specified in last parameter about the [x,y,z] direction vector described by the first 3 parameters. Specifies a clockwise rotation by the given angle about the X axis. Specifies a clockwise rotation by the given angle about the Y axis. Specifies a clockwise rotation by the given angle about the Z axis. Specifies a 2D scale operation by the [sx,sy] scaling vector described by the 2 parameters. If the second parameter is not provided, it is takes a value equal to the first. Specifies a 3D scale operation by the [sx,sy,sz] scaling vector described by the 3 parameters. Specifies a scale operation using the [sx,1] scaling vector, where sx is given as the parameter. Specifies a scale operation using the [sy,1] scaling vector, where sy is given as the parameter. Specifies a scale operation using the [1,1,sz] scaling vector, where sz is given as the parameter. Specifies a skew transformation along the X and Y axes. The first angle parameter specifies the skew on the X axis. The second angle parameter specifies the skew on the Y axis. If the second parameter is not given then a value of 0 is used for the Y angle (ie: no skew on the Y axis). Specifies a skew transformation along the X axis by the given angle. Specifies a skew transformation along the Y axis by the given angle. Specifies a 2D translation by the vector [tx, ty], where tx is the first translation-value parameter and ty is the optional second translation-value parameter. Specifies a 3D translation by the vector [tx,ty,tz], with tx, ty and tz being the first, second and third translation-value parameters respectively. Specifies a translation by the given amount in the X direction. Specifies a translation by the given amount in the Y direction. Specifies a translation by the given amount in the Z direction. Note that percentage values are not allowed in the translateZ translation-value, and if present are evaluated as 0. Establishes the origin of transformation for an element. This property is applied by first translating the element by the negated value of the property, then applying the element's transform, then translating by the property value. Shorthand property combines four of the transition properties into a single property. Every property that is able to undergo a transition will do so. Specifies a cubic-bezier curve. The four values specify points P1 and P2 of the curve as (x1, y1, x2, y2). All values must be in the range [0, 1]. Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1.0). Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.42, 0, 1.0, 1.0). Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.42, 0, 0.58, 1.0). Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.58, 1.0). Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0). No property will transition. The step-end function is equivalent to steps(1, end). The first parameter specifies the number of intervals in the function. The second parameter, which is optional, is either the value 'start' or 'end'. The step-start function is equivalent to steps(1, start). Defines when the transition will start. It allows a transition to begin execution some period of time from when it is applied. Specifies how long the transition from the old value to the new value should take. Specifies the name of the CSS property to which the transition is applied. Every property that is able to undergo a transition will do so. No property will transition. Describes how the intermediate values used during a transition will be calculated. Specifies a cubic-bezier curve. The four values specify points P1 and P2 of the curve as (x1, y1, x2, y2). All values must be in the range [0, 1]. Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1.0). Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.42, 0, 1.0, 1.0). Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.42, 0, 0.58, 1.0). Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.58, 1.0). Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0). The step-end function is equivalent to steps(1, end). The first parameter specifies the number of intervals in the function. The second parameter, which is optional, is either the value 'start' or 'end'. The step-start function is equivalent to steps(1, start). Shorthand property for 'outline-style', 'outline-width', and 'outline-color'. A series of square-ended dashes. A series of round dots. Two parallel solid lines with some space between them. (The thickness of the lines is not specified, but the sum of the lines and the space must equal 'border-width'.) Looks as if it were carved in the canvas. (This is typically achieved by creating a "shadow" from two colors that are slightly lighter and darker than the 'border-color'.) Same as 'none', but has different behavior in the border conflict resolution rules for border-collapsed tables. Looks as if the content on the inside of the border is sunken into the canvas. Treated as 'ridge' in border-collapsed tables. 'Invert' is expected to perform a color inversion on the pixels on the screen. This is a common way to ensure the focus border is visible, regardless of color background. No border. Color and width are ignored (i.e., the border has width 0, unless the border is an image) Looks as if the content on the inside of the border is coming out of the canvas. Treated as 'groove' in border-collapsed tables. Looks as if it were coming out of the canvas. A single line segment. The color of the outline Active window border. Active window caption. Background color of multiple document interface. Desktop background. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. Text on push buttons. Text in caption, size box, and scrollbar arrow box. The value of the 'color' property. The computed value of the 'currentColor' keyword is the computed value of the 'color' property. If the 'currentColor' keyword is set on the 'color' property itself, it is treated as 'color:inherit' at parse time. The accent color (typically chosen by the user) to customize the user interface of the user agent itself. Grayed (disabled) text. This color is set to #000 if the current display driver does not support a solid gray color. Item(s) selected in a control. Text of item(s) selected in a control. Inactive window border. Inactive window caption. Color of text in an inactive caption. Background color for tooltip controls. Text color for tooltip controls. 'Invert' is expected to perform a color inversion on the pixels on the screen. This is a common way to ensure the focus border is visible, regardless of color background. Menu background. Text in menus. Scroll bar gray area. The color of the darker (generally outer) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally outer) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the darker (generally inner) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally inner) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. Fully transparent. This keyword can be considered a shorthand for rgba(0,0,0,0) which is its computed value. Window background. Window frame. Text in windows. Width of the outline Style of the outline A series of square-ended dashes. A series of round dots. Two parallel solid lines with some space between them. (The thickness of the lines is not specified, but the sum of the lines and the space must equal 'border-width'.) Looks as if it were carved in the canvas. (This is typically achieved by creating a "shadow" from two colors that are slightly lighter and darker than the 'border-color'.) Same as 'none', but has different behavior in the border conflict resolution rules for border-collapsed tables. Looks as if the content on the inside of the border is sunken into the canvas. Treated as 'ridge' in border-collapsed tables. No border. Color and width are ignored (i.e., the border has width 0, unless the border is an image) Looks as if the content on the inside of the border is coming out of the canvas. Treated as 'groove' in border-collapsed tables. Looks as if it were coming out of the canvas. A single line segment. Width of the outline Shorthand for setting 'overflow-x' and 'overflow-y'. The behavior of the 'auto' value is UA-dependent, but should cause a scrolling mechanism to be provided for overflowing boxes. Content is clipped and no scrolling mechanism should be provided to view the content outside the clipping region. When the content doesn't fit in the content box, the whole content is hidden, as if 'visibility: hidden' were specified. When the content doesn't fit in the content box, the whole box is removed, as if 'display: none' were specified. Content is clipped and if the user agent uses a scrolling mechanism that is visible on the screen (such as a scroll bar or a panner), that mechanism should be displayed for a box whether or not any of its content is clipped. Content is not clipped, i.e., it may be rendered outside the content box. This property specifies whether the UA may break within a word to prevent overflow when an otherwise-unbreakable string is too long to fit within the line box. Specify whether content is clipped when it overflows the element's content area. The behavior of the 'auto' value is UA-dependent, but should cause a scrolling mechanism to be provided for overflowing boxes. Content is clipped and no scrolling mechanism should be provided to view the content outside the clipping region. When the content doesn't fit in the content box, the whole content is hidden, as if 'visibility: hidden' were specified. When the content doesn't fit in the content box, the whole box is removed, as if 'display: none' were specified. Content is clipped and if the user agent uses a scrolling mechanism that is visible on the screen (such as a scroll bar or a panner), that mechanism should be displayed for a box whether or not any of its content is clipped. Content is not clipped, i.e., it may be rendered outside the content box. Specify whether content is clipped when it overflows the element's content area. The behavior of the 'auto' value is UA-dependent, but should cause a scrolling mechanism to be provided for overflowing boxes. Content is clipped and no scrolling mechanism should be provided to view the content outside the clipping region. When the content doesn't fit in the content box, the whole content is hidden, as if 'visibility: hidden' were specified. When the content doesn't fit in the content box, the whole box is removed, as if 'display: none' were specified. Content is clipped and if the user agent uses a scrolling mechanism that is visible on the screen (such as a scroll bar or a panner), that mechanism should be displayed for a box whether or not any of its content is clipped. Content is not clipped, i.e., it may be rendered outside the content box. Shorthand property to set values the thickness of the padding area. If left is omitted, it is the same as right. If bottom is omitted it is the same as top, if right is omitted it is the same as top. The value may not be negative. Shorthand property to set values the thickness of the padding area. If left is omitted, it is the same as right. If bottom is omitted it is the same as top, if right is omitted it is the same as top. The value may not be negative. Shorthand property to set values the thickness of the padding area. If left is omitted, it is the same as right. If bottom is omitted it is the same as top, if right is omitted it is the same as top. The value may not be negative. Shorthand property to set values the thickness of the padding area. If left is omitted, it is the same as right. If bottom is omitted it is the same as top, if right is omitted it is the same as top. The value may not be negative. Shorthand property to set values the thickness of the padding area. If left is omitted, it is the same as right. If bottom is omitted it is the same as top, if right is omitted it is the same as top. The value may not be negative. Specifies a particular type of page where an element SHOULD be displayed Defines rules for page breaks after an element. Always force a page break after the generated box. Neither force nor forbid a page break after generated box. Avoid a page break after the generated box. Force one or two page breaks after the generated box so that the next page is formatted as a left page. Force one or two page breaks after the generated box so that the next page is formatted as a right page. Defines rules for page breaks before an element. Always force a page break before the generated box. Neither force nor forbid a page break before the generated box. Avoid a page break before the generated box. Force one or two page breaks before the generated box so that the next page is formatted as a left page. Force one or two page breaks before the generated box so that the next page is formatted as a right page. Defines rules for page breaks inside an element. Neither force nor forbid a page break inside the generated box. Avoid a page break inside the generated box. Determines which page-based occurrence of a given element is applied to a counter or string value. Takes the value after the first state change in the counter or string during processing of the page. Takes the value following the final state change on the page. Takes the value of the counter or string at the beginning of the page (before applying style to the elements of the page, but after applying it to the @page context itself). Controls the order that the three paint operations that shapes and text are rendered with: their fill, their stroke and any markers they might have. Shorthand for setting 'pause-before' and 'pause-after'. If two values are given, the first value is 'pause-before' and the second is 'pause-after'. If only one value is given, it applies to both properties. Specifies a pause or prosodic boundary to be observed after an element or, if any 'cue-after' is specified, after these. Values indicate the prosodic strength of the break in speech output. Specifies a pause or prosodic boundary to be observed before an element or, if any 'cue-before' is specified, before these. Values indicate the prosodic strength of the break in speech output. Applies the same transform as the perspective(<number>) transform function, except that it applies only to the positioned or transformed children of the element, not to the transform on the element itself. No perspective transform is applied. Establishes the origin for the perspective property. It effectively sets the X and Y position at which the viewer appears to be looking at the children of the element. Specifies the average pitch (a frequency) of the speaking voice. The average pitch of a voice depends on the voice family. For example, the average pitch for a standard male voice is around 120Hz, but for a female voice, it's around 210Hz. Equivalent to 100% and means the normal pitch for this voice Specifies variation in average pitch. The perceived pitch of a human voice is determined by the fundamental frequency and typically has a value of 120Hz for a male voice and 210Hz for a female voice. Allows authors to control under what circumstances (if any) a particular graphic element can become the target of mouse events. The box's position (and possibly size) is specified with the 'top', 'right', 'bottom', and 'left' properties. These properties specify offsets with respect to the box's 'containing block'. Center positioned boxes are taken out of the normal flow. This means they have no impact on the layout of later siblings. The box's position is calculated according to the 'absolute' model, but in addition, the box is fixed with respect to some reference. As with the 'absolute' model, the box's margins do not collapse with any other margins. The box's position is calculated according to the 'absolute' model. The box's position is calculated according to the 'absolute' model. The box's position is calculated according to the normal flow (this is called the position in normal flow). Then the box is offset relative to its normal position. The box is a normal box, laid out according to the normal flow. The 'top', 'right', 'bottom', and 'left' properties do not apply. The box's position is calculated according to the normal flow. Then the box is offset relative to its flow root and containing block and in all cases, including table elements, does not affect the position of any following boxes. Specifies quotation marks for any number of embedded quotations. The 'open-quote' and 'close-quote' values of the 'content' property produce no quotations marks, as if they were 'no-open-quote' and 'no-close-quote' respectively. Describes the radius of the ‘circle’ element. Controls the behavior of the last region associated with a named flow. Content flows as it would in a regular content box. If the content fits within the CSS Region, then this property has no effect. Allows control over the appearance and function of the resizing mechanism (e.g. a resize box or widget) on the element. Applies to elements with 'overflow' other than 'visible'. The UA presents a bidirectional resizing mechanism to allow the user to adjust both the height and the width of the element. The UA presents a unidirectional horizontal resizing mechanism to allow the user to adjust only the width of the element. The UA does not present a resizing mechanism on the element, and the user is given no direct manipulation mechanism to resize the element. The UA presents a unidirectional vertical resizing mechanism to allow the user to adjust only the height of the element. Shorthand for setting 'rest-before' and 'rest-after'. If two values are given, the first value is 'rest-before' and the second is 'rest-after'. If only one value is given, it applies to both properties. Specifies a rest or prosodic boundary to be observed after an element's content. Specifies a rest or prosodic boundary to be observed before an element's content. Specifies the richness, or brightness, of the speaking voice. A rich voice will 'carry' in a large room, a smooth voice will not. Specifies how far an absolutely positioned box's right margin edge is offset to the left of the right edge of the box's 'containing block'. For non-replaced elements, the effect of this value depends on which of related properties have the value 'auto' as well Rotates a block-level element counterclockwise around the point given by 'rotation-point'. Pair of values that defines a point as an offset from the top left border edge. Initial value is 50% 50%. This property can be used on any element to control the text alignment of the ruby text and ruby base contents relative to each other. The user agent determines how the ruby contents are aligned. This is the initial value. The ruby text content is centered within the width of the base. If the length of the base is smaller than the length of the ruby text, then the base is centered within the width of the ruby text. If the width of the ruby text is smaller than that of the base, then the ruby text contents are evenly distributed across the width of the base, with the first and last ruby text glyphs lining up with the corresponding first and last base glyphs. If the width of the ruby text is at least the width of the base, then the letters of the base are evenly distributed across the width of the ruby text. If the width of the ruby text is smaller than that of the base, then the ruby text contents are evenly distributed across the width of the base, with a certain amount of white space preceding the first and following the last character in the ruby text. That amount of white space is normally equal to half the amount of inter-character space of the ruby text. The ruby text content is aligned with the start edge of the base. If the ruby text is not adjacent to a line edge, it is aligned as in 'auto'. If it is adjacent to a line edge, then it is still aligned as in auto, but the side of the ruby text that touches the end of the line is lined up with the corresponding edge of the base. The ruby text content is aligned with the end edge of the base. The ruby text content is aligned with the start edge of the base. Determines whether, and on which side, ruby text is allowed to partially overhang any adjacent text in addition to its own base, when the ruby text is wider than the ruby base. The ruby text can overhang text adjacent to the base on either side. This is the initial value. The ruby text can overhang the text that follows it. The ruby text cannot overhang any text adjacent to its base, only its own base. The ruby text can overhang the text that precedes it. This property is used by the parent of elements with display: ruby-text to control the position of the ruby text with respect to its base. The ruby text appears after the base. This is a relatively rare setting used in ideographic East Asian writing systems, most easily found in educational text. The ruby text appears before the base. This is the most common setting used in ideographic East Asian writing systems. The ruby text appears on the right of the base. Unlike 'before' and 'after', this value is not relative to the text flow direction. Determines whether, and on which side, ruby text is allowed to partially overhang any adjacent text in addition to its own base, when the ruby text is wider than the ruby base. The value of attribute 'x' is a string value. The string value is evaluated as a <number> to determine the number of ruby base elements to be spanned by the annotation element. No spanning. The computed value is '1'. Describes the horizontal radius of the ‘ellipse’ element, and the curve radius of the 'rect' element. Describes the vertical radius of the ‘ellipse’ element, and the curve radius of the 'rect' element. Determines the color of the top and left edges of the scroll box and scroll arrows of a scroll bar. Active window border. Active window caption. Background color of multiple document interface. Desktop background. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. Text on push buttons. Text in caption, size box, and scrollbar arrow box. The value of the 'color' property. The computed value of the 'currentColor' keyword is the computed value of the 'color' property. If the 'currentColor' keyword is set on the 'color' property itself, it is treated as 'color:inherit' at parse time. The accent color (typically chosen by the user) to customize the user interface of the user agent itself. Grayed (disabled) text. This color is set to #000 if the current display driver does not support a solid gray color. Item(s) selected in a control. Text of item(s) selected in a control. Inactive window border. Inactive window caption. Color of text in an inactive caption. Background color for tooltip controls. Text color for tooltip controls. Menu background. Text in menus. Scroll bar gray area. The color of the darker (generally outer) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally outer) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the darker (generally inner) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally inner) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. Fully transparent. This keyword can be considered a shorthand for rgba(0,0,0,0) which is its computed value. Window background. Window frame. Text in windows. Determines the color of the arrow elements of a scroll arrow. Active window border. Active window caption. Background color of multiple document interface. Desktop background. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. Text on push buttons. Text in caption, size box, and scrollbar arrow box. The value of the 'color' property. The computed value of the 'currentColor' keyword is the computed value of the 'color' property. If the 'currentColor' keyword is set on the 'color' property itself, it is treated as 'color:inherit' at parse time. The accent color (typically chosen by the user) to customize the user interface of the user agent itself. Grayed (disabled) text. This color is set to #000 if the current display driver does not support a solid gray color. Item(s) selected in a control. Text of item(s) selected in a control. Inactive window border. Inactive window caption. Color of text in an inactive caption. Background color for tooltip controls. Text color for tooltip controls. Menu background. Text in menus. Scroll bar gray area. The color of the darker (generally outer) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally outer) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the darker (generally inner) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally inner) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. Fully transparent. This keyword can be considered a shorthand for rgba(0,0,0,0) which is its computed value. Window background. Window frame. Text in windows. Determines the color of the main elements of a scroll bar, which include the scroll box, track, and scroll arrows. Active window border. Active window caption. Background color of multiple document interface. Desktop background. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. Text on push buttons. Text in caption, size box, and scrollbar arrow box. The value of the 'color' property. The computed value of the 'currentColor' keyword is the computed value of the 'color' property. If the 'currentColor' keyword is set on the 'color' property itself, it is treated as 'color:inherit' at parse time. The accent color (typically chosen by the user) to customize the user interface of the user agent itself. Grayed (disabled) text. This color is set to #000 if the current display driver does not support a solid gray color. Item(s) selected in a control. Text of item(s) selected in a control. Inactive window border. Inactive window caption. Color of text in an inactive caption. Background color for tooltip controls. Text color for tooltip controls. Menu background. Text in menus. Scroll bar gray area. The color of the darker (generally outer) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally outer) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the darker (generally inner) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally inner) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. Fully transparent. This keyword can be considered a shorthand for rgba(0,0,0,0) which is its computed value. Window background. Window frame. Text in windows. Determines the color of the gutter of a scroll bar. Active window border. Active window caption. Background color of multiple document interface. Desktop background. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. Text on push buttons. Text in caption, size box, and scrollbar arrow box. The value of the 'color' property. The computed value of the 'currentColor' keyword is the computed value of the 'color' property. If the 'currentColor' keyword is set on the 'color' property itself, it is treated as 'color:inherit' at parse time. The accent color (typically chosen by the user) to customize the user interface of the user agent itself. Grayed (disabled) text. This color is set to #000 if the current display driver does not support a solid gray color. Item(s) selected in a control. Text of item(s) selected in a control. Inactive window border. Inactive window caption. Color of text in an inactive caption. Background color for tooltip controls. Text color for tooltip controls. Menu background. Text in menus. Scroll bar gray area. The color of the darker (generally outer) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally outer) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the darker (generally inner) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally inner) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. Fully transparent. This keyword can be considered a shorthand for rgba(0,0,0,0) which is its computed value. Window background. Window frame. Text in windows. Determines the color of the scroll box and scroll arrows of a scroll bar. Active window border. Active window caption. Background color of multiple document interface. Desktop background. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. Text on push buttons. Text in caption, size box, and scrollbar arrow box. The value of the 'color' property. The computed value of the 'currentColor' keyword is the computed value of the 'color' property. If the 'currentColor' keyword is set on the 'color' property itself, it is treated as 'color:inherit' at parse time. The accent color (typically chosen by the user) to customize the user interface of the user agent itself. Grayed (disabled) text. This color is set to #000 if the current display driver does not support a solid gray color. Item(s) selected in a control. Text of item(s) selected in a control. Inactive window border. Inactive window caption. Color of text in an inactive caption. Background color for tooltip controls. Text color for tooltip controls. Menu background. Text in menus. Scroll bar gray area. The color of the darker (generally outer) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally outer) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the darker (generally inner) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally inner) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. Fully transparent. This keyword can be considered a shorthand for rgba(0,0,0,0) which is its computed value. Window background. Window frame. Text in windows. Determines the color of the top and left edges of the scroll box and scroll arrows of a scroll bar. Active window border. Active window caption. Background color of multiple document interface. Desktop background. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. Text on push buttons. Text in caption, size box, and scrollbar arrow box. The value of the 'color' property. The computed value of the 'currentColor' keyword is the computed value of the 'color' property. If the 'currentColor' keyword is set on the 'color' property itself, it is treated as 'color:inherit' at parse time. The accent color (typically chosen by the user) to customize the user interface of the user agent itself. Grayed (disabled) text. This color is set to #000 if the current display driver does not support a solid gray color. Item(s) selected in a control. Text of item(s) selected in a control. Inactive window border. Inactive window caption. Color of text in an inactive caption. Background color for tooltip controls. Text color for tooltip controls. Menu background. Text in menus. Scroll bar gray area. The color of the darker (generally outer) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally outer) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the darker (generally inner) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally inner) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. Fully transparent. This keyword can be considered a shorthand for rgba(0,0,0,0) which is its computed value. Window background. Window frame. Text in windows. Determines the color of the bottom and right edges of the scroll box and scroll arrows of a scroll bar. Active window border. Active window caption. Background color of multiple document interface. Desktop background. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. Text on push buttons. Text in caption, size box, and scrollbar arrow box. The value of the 'color' property. The computed value of the 'currentColor' keyword is the computed value of the 'color' property. If the 'currentColor' keyword is set on the 'color' property itself, it is treated as 'color:inherit' at parse time. The accent color (typically chosen by the user) to customize the user interface of the user agent itself. Grayed (disabled) text. This color is set to #000 if the current display driver does not support a solid gray color. Item(s) selected in a control. Text of item(s) selected in a control. Inactive window border. Inactive window caption. Color of text in an inactive caption. Background color for tooltip controls. Text color for tooltip controls. Menu background. Text in menus. Scroll bar gray area. The color of the darker (generally outer) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally outer) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the darker (generally inner) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally inner) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. Fully transparent. This keyword can be considered a shorthand for rgba(0,0,0,0) which is its computed value. Window background. Window frame. Text in windows. Determines the color of the track element of a scroll bar. Active window border. Active window caption. Background color of multiple document interface. Desktop background. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. Text on push buttons. Text in caption, size box, and scrollbar arrow box. The value of the 'color' property. The computed value of the 'currentColor' keyword is the computed value of the 'color' property. If the 'currentColor' keyword is set on the 'color' property itself, it is treated as 'color:inherit' at parse time. The accent color (typically chosen by the user) to customize the user interface of the user agent itself. Grayed (disabled) text. This color is set to #000 if the current display driver does not support a solid gray color. Item(s) selected in a control. Text of item(s) selected in a control. Inactive window border. Inactive window caption. Color of text in an inactive caption. Background color for tooltip controls. Text color for tooltip controls. Menu background. Text in menus. Scroll bar gray area. The color of the darker (generally outer) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally outer) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the darker (generally inner) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally inner) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. Fully transparent. This keyword can be considered a shorthand for rgba(0,0,0,0) which is its computed value. Window background. Window frame. Text in windows. Specifies the scrolling behavior for a scrolling box, when scrolling happens due to navigation or CSSOM scrolling APIs. Defines the x and y coordinate within the element which will align with the nearest ancestor scroll container’s snap-destination for the respective axis. Define the x and y coordinate within the scroll container’s visual viewport which element snap points will align with. Defines the positioning of snap points along the x axis of the scroll container it is applied to. Defines the positioning of snap points alobg the y axis of the scroll container it is applied to. Defines how strictly snap points are enforced on the scroll container. Defines the alpha channel threshold used to extract the shape using an image. A value of 0.5 means that the shape will enclose all the pixels that are more than 50% opaque. Adds one or more exclusion areas to the element’s wrapping context. Adds a margin to a 'shape-outside'. This defines a new shape that is the smallest contour that includes all the points that are the 'shape-margin' distance outward in the perpendicular direction from a point on the underlying shape. This property specifies an orthogonal rotation to be applied to an image before it is laid out. The background is painted within (clipped to) the border box. The background is painted within (clipped to) the content box. The background is painted within (clipped to) the padding box Adds padding to a 'shape-inside'. The creator of SVG content might want to provide a hint to the implementation about what tradeoffs to make as it renders vector graphics elements such as ‘path’ elements and basic shapes such as circles and rectangles. Specifies whether text will be rendered aurally and if so, in what manner. Speak numbers one digit at a time, for instance, 'twelve' would be spoken as 'one two', and '31' as 'three one'. Similar to 'normal' value, but punctuation such as semicolons, braces, and so on are to be spoken literally. Suppresses aural rendering so that the element requires no time to render. Similar to 'normal' value but punctuation is not to be spoken nor rendered as various pauses. Uses language-dependent pronunciation rules for rendering an element and its children. Punctuation is not spoken, but instead is rendered naturally as various pauses. Spells the text one letter at a time (useful for acronyms and abbreviations). In languages where accented characters are rare, it is permitted to drop accents in favor of alternative unaccented spellings. Determines in what manner text gets rendered aurally, based upon a basic predefined list of possible values. Speak numbers one digit at a time, for instance, 'twelve' would be spoken as 'one two', and '31' as 'three one'. Punctuation such as semicolons, braces, and so on is named aloud (i.e. spoken literally) rather than rendered naturally as appropriate pauses. Punctuation is not rendered: neither spoken nor rendered as pauses. Uses language-dependent pronunciation rules for rendering the element's content. Spells the text one letter at a time (useful for acronyms and abbreviations). Controls the speaking rate. The default rate for a voice depends on the language and dialect and on the personality of the voice. Same as 300 words per minute. Adds 40 words per minute to the current speech rate. Same as 180-200 words per minute. Same as 120 words per minute. Subtracts 40 words per minute from the current speech rate. Same as 500 words per minute. Same as 80 words per minute. The 'stop-color' property indicates what color to use at that gradient stop. Active window border. Active window caption. Background color of multiple document interface. Desktop background. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. Text on push buttons. Text in caption, size box, and scrollbar arrow box. The value of the 'color' property. The computed value of the 'currentColor' keyword is the computed value of the 'color' property. If the 'currentColor' keyword is set on the 'color' property itself, it is treated as 'color:inherit' at parse time. The accent color (typically chosen by the user) to customize the user interface of the user agent itself. Grayed (disabled) text. This color is set to #000 if the current display driver does not support a solid gray color. Item(s) selected in a control. Text of item(s) selected in a control. Inactive window border. Inactive window caption. Color of text in an inactive caption. Background color for tooltip controls. Text color for tooltip controls. Menu background. Text in menus. Scroll bar gray area. The color of the darker (generally outer) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally outer) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the darker (generally inner) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally inner) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. Fully transparent. This keyword can be considered a shorthand for rgba(0,0,0,0) which is its computed value. Window background. Window frame. Text in windows. The 'stop-opacity' property defines the opacity of a given gradient stop. Specifies the height of 'local peaks' in the intonation contour of a voice. For example, English is a stressed language, and different parts of a sentence are assigned primary, secondary, or tertiary stress. The 'stroke' property paints along the outline of the given graphical element. Active window border. Active window caption. Background color of multiple document interface. Desktop background. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. Text on push buttons. Text in caption, size box, and scrollbar arrow box. The value of the 'color' property. The computed value of the 'currentColor' keyword is the computed value of the 'color' property. If the 'currentColor' keyword is set on the 'color' property itself, it is treated as 'color:inherit' at parse time. The accent color (typically chosen by the user) to customize the user interface of the user agent itself. Grayed (disabled) text. This color is set to #000 if the current display driver does not support a solid gray color. Item(s) selected in a control. Text of item(s) selected in a control. Inactive window border. Inactive window caption. Color of text in an inactive caption. Background color for tooltip controls. Text color for tooltip controls. Menu background. Text in menus. Scroll bar gray area. The color of the darker (generally outer) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally outer) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the darker (generally inner) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally inner) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. Fully transparent. This keyword can be considered a shorthand for rgba(0,0,0,0) which is its computed value. Window background. Window frame. Text in windows. Controls the pattern of dashes and gaps used to stroke paths. Specifies the distance into the dash pattern to start the dash. Specifies the shape to be used at the end of open subpaths when they are stroked. specifies the shape to be used at the corners of paths or basic shapes when they are stroked. When two line segments meet at a sharp angle and miter joins have been specified for 'stroke-linejoin', it is possible for the miter to extend far beyond the thickness of the line stroking the path. Specifies the opacity of the painting operation used to stroke the current object. This property specifies the width of the stroke on the current object. Controls the algorithm used to lay out the table cells, rows, and columns. Use any automatic table layout algorithm. Use the fixed table layout algorithm. Determines the width of the tab character (U+0009), in space characters (U+0020), when rendered Describes how inline contents of a block are horizontally aligned if the contents do not completely fill the line box. The inline contents are centered within the line box. The inline contents are aligned to the end edge of the line box. The text is justified according to the method specified by the 'text-justify' property. The inline contents are aligned to the left edge of the line box. In vertical text, 'left' aligns to the edge of the line box that would be the start edge for left-to-right text. This value behaves the same as 'inherit' except that an inherited value of 'start' or 'end' is calculated against its parent's 'direction' value. The inline contents are aligned to the right edge of the line box. In vertical text, 'right' aligns to the edge of the line box that would be the end edge for left-to-right text. The inline contents are aligned to the start edge of the line box. Describes how the last line of a block or a line right before a forced line break is aligned when 'text-align' is set to 'justify'. The inline contents are centered within the line box. The inline contents are aligned to the end edge of the line box. The text is justified according to the method specified by the 'text-justify' property. The inline contents are aligned to the left edge of the line box. In vertical text, 'left' aligns to the edge of the line box that would be the start edge for left-to-right text. The inline contents are aligned to the right edge of the line box. In vertical text, 'right' aligns to the edge of the line box that would be the end edge for left-to-right text. The inline contents are aligned to the start edge of the line box. Used to align (start-, middle- or end-alignment) a string of text relative to a given point. This property specifies the combination of multiple characters into the space of a single character. Attempt to typeset horizontally all consecutive characters within the box such that they take up the space of a single character within the vertical line box. Attempt to typeset horizontally each maximal sequence of consecutive ASCII digits (U+0030–U+0039) that has as many or fewer characters than the specified integer such that it takes up the space of a single character within the vertical line box. No special processing. Decorations applied to font used for an element's text. Produces a dashed line style. Produces a dotted line. Produces a double line. Each line of text has a line through the middle. Produces no line. Each line of text has a line above it. Produces a solid line. Each line of text is underlined. Produces a wavy line. Specifies the color of text decoration (underlines overlines, and line-throughs) set on the element with text-decoration-line. Active window border. Active window caption. Background color of multiple document interface. Desktop background. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. Text on push buttons. Text in caption, size box, and scrollbar arrow box. The value of the 'color' property. The computed value of the 'currentColor' keyword is the computed value of the 'color' property. If the 'currentColor' keyword is set on the 'color' property itself, it is treated as 'color:inherit' at parse time. The accent color (typically chosen by the user) to customize the user interface of the user agent itself. Grayed (disabled) text. This color is set to #000 if the current display driver does not support a solid gray color. Item(s) selected in a control. Text of item(s) selected in a control. Inactive window border. Inactive window caption. Color of text in an inactive caption. Background color for tooltip controls. Text color for tooltip controls. Menu background. Text in menus. Scroll bar gray area. The color of the darker (generally outer) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally outer) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the darker (generally inner) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally inner) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. Fully transparent. This keyword can be considered a shorthand for rgba(0,0,0,0) which is its computed value. Window background. Window frame. Text in windows. Specifies what line decorations, if any, are added to the element. Each line of text has a line through the middle. Neither produces nor inhibits text decoration. Each line of text has a line above it. Each line of text is underlined. Specifies what parts of the element's content any text decoration affecting the element must skip over. It controls all text decoration lines drawn by the element and also any text decoration lines drawn by its ancestors. Skip over the box’s margin, border, and padding areas. Skip over where glyphs are drawn: interrupt the decoration line to let text show through where the text decoration would otherwise cross over a glyph. The UA may also skip a small distance to either side of the glyph outline. Skip nothing: text-decoration is drawn for all text content and for inline replaced elements. Skip this element if it is an atomic inline (such as an image or inline-block). Skip white space: this includes regular spaces (U+0020) and tabs (U+0009), as well as nbsp (U+00A0), ideographic space (U+3000), all fixed width spaces (such as U+2000–U+200A, U+202F and U+205F), and any adjacent letter-spacing or word-spacing. Specifies the line style for underline, line-through and overline text decoration. Produces a dashed line style. Produces a dotted line. Produces a double line. Produces no line. Produces a solid line. Produces a wavy line. Shorthand for setting text-emphasis-style and text-emphasis-color in one declaration. Draw large circles as marks. The filled circle is U+25CF '●', and the open circle is U+25CB '○'. Draw small circles as marks. The filled dot is U+2022 '•', and the open dot is U+25E6 '◦'. Draw double circles as marks. The filled double-circle is U+25C9 '◉', and the open double-circle is U+25CE '◎'. The shape is filled with solid color. No emphasis marks. The shape is hollow. Draw sesames as marks. The filled sesame is U+FE45 '﹅', and the open sesame is U+FE46 '﹆'. Draw triangles as marks. The filled triangle is U+25B2 '▲', and the open triangle is U+25B3 '△'. Describes the foreground color of the emphasis marks. Active window border. Active window caption. Background color of multiple document interface. Desktop background. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. Text on push buttons. Text in caption, size box, and scrollbar arrow box. The value of the 'color' property. The computed value of the 'currentColor' keyword is the computed value of the 'color' property. If the 'currentColor' keyword is set on the 'color' property itself, it is treated as 'color:inherit' at parse time. The accent color (typically chosen by the user) to customize the user interface of the user agent itself. Grayed (disabled) text. This color is set to #000 if the current display driver does not support a solid gray color. Item(s) selected in a control. Text of item(s) selected in a control. Inactive window border. Inactive window caption. Color of text in an inactive caption. Background color for tooltip controls. Text color for tooltip controls. Menu background. Text in menus. Scroll bar gray area. The color of the darker (generally outer) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally outer) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the darker (generally inner) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally inner) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. Fully transparent. This keyword can be considered a shorthand for rgba(0,0,0,0) which is its computed value. Window background. Window frame. Text in windows. Describes where emphasis marks are drawn at. Draw marks over the text in horizontal typographic mode. Draw marks under the text in horizontal typographic mode. Draw marks to the left of the text in vertical typographic mode. Draw marks to the right of the text in vertical typographic mode. Applies emphasis marks to the element's text. Draw large circles as marks. The filled circle is U+25CF '●', and the open circle is U+25CB '○'. Draw small circles as marks. The filled dot is U+2022 '•', and the open dot is U+25E6 '◦'. Draw double circles as marks. The filled double-circle is U+25C9 '◉', and the open double-circle is U+25CE '◎'. The shape is filled with solid color. No emphasis marks. The shape is hollow. Draw sesames as marks. The filled sesame is U+FE45 '﹅', and the open sesame is U+FE46 '﹆'. Draw triangles as marks. The filled triangle is U+25B2 '▲', and the open triangle is U+25B3 '△'. Specifies the indentation applied to lines of inline content in a block. The indentation only affects the first line of inline content in the block unless the 'hanging' keyword is specified, in which case it affects all lines except the first. Indentation affects the first line of the block container as well as each line after a forced line break, but does not affect lines after a text wrap break. Inverts which lines are affected. Selects the justification algorithm used when 'text-align' is set to 'justify'. The property applies to block containers, but the UA may (but is not required to) also support it on inline elements. The UA determines the justification algorithm to follow, based on a balance between performance and adequate presentation quality. Justification primarily changes spacing both at word separators and at grapheme cluster boundaries in all scripts except those in the connected and cursive groups. This value is sometimes used in e.g. Japanese, often with the 'text-align-last' property. Justification primarily changes spacing at word separators and at grapheme cluster boundaries in clustered scripts. This value is typically used for Southeast Asian scripts such as Thai. Justification primarily changes spacing at word separators and at inter-graphemic boundaries in scripts that use no word spaces. This value is typically used for CJK languages. Justification primarily changes spacing at word separators. This value is typically used for languages that separate words using spaces, like English or (sometimes) Korean. Justification primarily stretches Arabic and related scripts through the use of kashida or other calligraphic elongation. Justification is disabled. Specifies the orientation of text within a line. In vertical writing modes, characters from horizontal-only scripts are set sideways, i.e. 90° clockwise from their standard orientation in horizontal text. This value is equivalent to 'sideways-right' in 'vertical-rl' writing mode and equivalent to 'sideways-left' in 'vertical-lr' writing mode. In vertical writing modes, this causes text to be set as if in a horizontal layout, but rotated 90° counter-clockwise. In vertical writing modes, this causes text to be set as if in a horizontal layout, but rotated 90° clockwise. In vertical writing modes, characters from horizontal-only scripts are rendered upright, i.e. in their standard horizontal orientation. This value deprecated and only applies to SVG. Text can overflow for example when it is prevented from wrapping Clip inline content that overflows. Characters may be only partially rendered. Render an ellipsis character (U+2026) to represent clipped inline content. The creator of SVG content might want to provide a hint to the implementation about what tradeoffs to make as it renders text. The ‘text-rendering’ property provides these hints. Enables shadow effects to be applied to the text of the element. No shadow. Specifies a size adjustment for displaying text content in mobile browsers. This property declares whether and how white space inside the element is collapsed. Values have the following meanings, which must be interpreted according to the white space processing rules. Specifies trimming behavior at the beginning and end of a box. Controls spacing between adjacent characters on the same line within the same inline formatting context using a set of character-class-based rules. Controls capitalization effects of an element's text. Puts all words in titlecase. Puts all characters in fullwidth form. If the character does not have corresponding fullwidth form, it is left as is. Puts all characters of each word in lowercase. No capitalization effects. Puts all characters of each word in uppercase. Sets the position of an underline specified on the same element: it does not affect underlines specified by ancestor elements. This property is typically used in vertical writing contexts such as in Japanese documents where it often desired to have the underline appear 'over' (to the right of) the affected run of text The user agent may use any algorithm to determine the underline's position. In horizontal line layout, the underline should be aligned as for alphabetic. In vertical line layout, if the language is set to Japanese or Korean, the underline should be aligned as for over. The underline is aligned with the under edge of the element's content box. In vertical typographic modes, the underline is aligned as for 'below', on the left edge of the text. In vertical typographic modes, the underline is aligned as for 'below;, except it is aligned to the right edge of the text Specifies mode for text wrapping. Same as normal for inline-level elements. For block-level elements that contain line boxes as direct children, line breaks are chosen to balance the inline-size those line boxes consume, if better balance than normal is possible. Lines may break at allowed break points, as determined by the line-breaking rules in effect. Honors rules specified in Unicode Standard Annex #14 for the WJ, ZW, and GL line-breaking classes. Lines may not break; text that does not fit within the block container overflows it. Specifies how far an absolutely positioned box's top margin edge is offset below the top edge of the box's 'containing block'. For non-replaced elements, the effect of this value depends on which of related properties have the value 'auto' as well A two-dimensional transformation is applied to an element through the 'transform' property. This property contains a list of transform functions similar to those allowed by SVG. Specifies a 2D transformation in the form of a transformation matrix of six values. matrix(a,b,c,d,e,f) is equivalent to applying the transformation matrix [a b c d e f] specifies a 3D transformation as a 4x4 homogeneous matrix of 16 values in column-major order. Specifies a 2D rotation by the angle specified in the parameter about the origin of the element, as defined by the transform-origin property. Specifies a clockwise 3D rotation by the angle specified in last parameter about the [x,y,z] direction vector described by the first 3 parameters. Specifies a clockwise rotation by the given angle about the X axis. Specifies a clockwise rotation by the given angle about the Y axis. Specifies a clockwise rotation by the given angle about the Z axis. Specifies a 2D scale operation by the [sx,sy] scaling vector described by the 2 parameters. If the second parameter is not provided, it is takes a value equal to the first. Specifies a 3D scale operation by the [sx,sy,sz] scaling vector described by the 3 parameters. Specifies a scale operation using the [sx,1] scaling vector, where sx is given as the parameter. Specifies a scale operation using the [sy,1] scaling vector, where sy is given as the parameter. Specifies a scale operation using the [1,1,sz] scaling vector, where sz is given as the parameter. Specifies a skew transformation along the X and Y axes. The first angle parameter specifies the skew on the X axis. The second angle parameter specifies the skew on the Y axis. If the second parameter is not given then a value of 0 is used for the Y angle (ie: no skew on the Y axis). Specifies a skew transformation along the X axis by the given angle. Specifies a skew transformation along the Y axis by the given angle. Specifies a 2D translation by the vector [tx, ty], where tx is the first translation-value parameter and ty is the optional second translation-value parameter. Specifies a 3D translation by the vector [tx,ty,tz], with tx, ty and tz being the first, second and third translation-value parameters respectively. Specifies a translation by the given amount in the X direction. Specifies a translation by the given amount in the Y direction. Specifies a translation by the given amount in the Z direction. Note that percentage values are not allowed in the translateZ translation-value, and if present are evaluated as 0. All transformations defined by the 'transform' and 'transform-origin' property are relative to the position and dimension of the specified reference box. Establishes the origin of transformation for an element. This property is applied by first translating the element by the negated value of the property, then applying the element's transform, then translating by the property value. Defines how nested elements are rendered in 3D space. All children of this element are rendered flattened into the 2D plane of the element. Flattening is not performed, so children maintain their position in 3D space. Shorthand property combines four of the transition properties into a single property. Every property that is able to undergo a transition will do so. Specifies a cubic-bezier curve. The four values specify points P1 and P2 of the curve as (x1, y1, x2, y2). All values must be in the range [0, 1]. Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1.0). Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.42, 0, 1.0, 1.0). Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.42, 0, 0.58, 1.0). Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.58, 1.0). Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0). No property will transition. The step-end function is equivalent to steps(1, end). The first parameter specifies the number of intervals in the function. The second parameter, which is optional, is either the value 'start' or 'end'. The step-start function is equivalent to steps(1, start). Defines when the transition will start. It allows a transition to begin execution some period of time from when it is applied. Specifies how long the transition from the old value to the new value should take. Specifies the name of the CSS property to which the transition is applied. Every property that is able to undergo a transition will do so. No property will transition. Describes how the intermediate values used during a transition will be calculated. Specifies a cubic-bezier curve. The four values specify points P1 and P2 of the curve as (x1, y1, x2, y2). All values must be in the range [0, 1]. Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1.0). Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.42, 0, 1.0, 1.0). Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.42, 0, 0.58, 1.0). Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.58, 1.0). Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0). The step-end function is equivalent to steps(1, end). The first parameter specifies the number of intervals in the function. The second parameter, which is optional, is either the value 'start' or 'end'. The step-start function is equivalent to steps(1, start). The level of embedding with respect to the bidirectional algorithm. Inside the element, reordering is strictly in sequence according to the 'direction' property; the implicit part of the bidirectional algorithm is ignored. If the element is inline-level, this value opens an additional level of embedding with respect to the bidirectional algorithm. The direction of this embedding level is given by the 'direction' property. The contents of the element are considered to be inside a separate, independent paragraph. This combines the isolation behavior of 'isolate' with the directional override behavior of 'bidi-override' The element does not open an additional level of embedding with respect to the bidirectional algorithm. For inline-level elements, implicit reordering works across element boundaries. For the purposes of the Unicode bidirectional algorithm, the base directionality of each bidi paragraph for which the element forms the containing block is determined not by the element's computed 'direction'. Range of Unicode characters supported by a given font. Initial value is U+0-10FFFF Controls the appearance of selection. Affects the vertical positioning of the inline boxes generated by an inline-level element inside a line box. Match the box’s alphabetic baseline to that of its parent. Align the dominant baseline of the parent box with the equivalent, or heuristically reconstructed, baseline of the element inline box. Align the 'alphabetic' baseline of the element with the 'alphabetic' baseline of the parent element. Align the after edge of the extended inline box with the after-edge of the line box. Align the center of the aligned subtree with the center of the line box. Align the 'central' baseline of the inline element with the central baseline of the parent. Match the box’s mathematical baseline to that of its parent. Align the 'middle' baseline of the inline element with the middle baseline of the parent. Lower the baseline of the box to the proper position for subscripts of the parent's box. (This value has no effect on the font size of the element's text.) Raise the baseline of the box to the proper position for superscripts of the parent's box. (This value has no effect on the font size of the element's text.) Align the bottom of the box with the after-edge of the parent element's font. Align the top of the box with the before-edge of the parent element's font. Align the before edge of the extended inline box with the before-edge of the line box. Specifies whether the boxes generated by an element are rendered. Invisible boxes still affect layout (set the ‘display’ property to ‘none’ to suppress box generation altogether). Table-specific. If used on elements other than rows, row groups, columns, or column groups, 'collapse' has the same meaning as 'hidden'. The generated box is invisible (fully transparent, nothing is drawn), but still affects layout. The generated box is visible. Refers to the balance between left and right channels, and presumes a two channel (stereo) model that is widely supported on consumer audio equipment. Same as '0'. Same as -100. Moves the sound to the left, relative to the inherited voice balance. More precisely, subtract 20 from the inherited value and clip the resulting value to the range '-100' and '100'. Same as '100' or '+100'. Moves the sound to the right, relative to the inherited voice balance. More precisely, add 20 to the inherited value and clip the resulting value to the range '-100' and '100'. Allows authors to specify how long it should take to render the selected element's content. This property overrides the 'voice-rate' property. Comma-separated, prioritized list of voice family names (compare with 'font-family'). Child voice for 'age' Female voice for 'generic-voice' Male voice for 'generic-voice' Neutral voice for 'generic-voice' Old person voice for 'age' Young person voice for 'age' Specifies the average pitch (a frequency) of the speaking voice. The average pitch of a voice depends on the voice family. For example, the average pitch for a standard male voice is around 120Hz, but for a female voice, it's around 210Hz. Equivalent to 100% and means the normal pitch for this voice Specifies variation in average pitch. Human languages are spoken with varying inflection and pitch; these variations convey additional meaning and emphasis. Controls the speaking rate. The default rate for a voice depends on the language and dialect and on the personality of the voice. Equivalent to 100% and means the normal rate for this voice. Indicates the strength of emphasis to be applied. Emphasis is indicated using a combination of pitch change, timing changes, loudness and other acoustic differences) that varies from one language to the next. Inhibits the synthesizer from emphasizing words it would normally emphasize. Effectively the opposite of emphasizing a word. For example, when the phrase 'going to' is reduced it may be spoken as 'gonna'. Refers to the amplitude of the waveform output by the speech synthesizer. The value of 'silent' is mapped to '0' and 'x-loud' is mapped to '100'. The mapping of other values to numerical volume levels is implementation dependent and may vary from one speech synthesizer to the next. Volume value 0. Volume value 100. Volume refers to the median volume of the waveform. In other words, a highly inflected voice at a volume of 50 might peak well above that. Same as '75'. Same as '50'. No sound at all. The value '0' does not mean the same as 'silent'. Same as '25'. Same as '100'. Same as '0'. Shorthand property combines six of the animation properties into a single property. The animation cycle iterations that are odd counts are played in the normal direction, and the animation cycle iterations that are even counts are played in a reverse direction. The animation cycle iterations that are odd counts are played in the reverse direction, and the animation cycle iterations that are even counts are played in a normal direction. The beginning property value (as defined in the first @keyframes at-rule) is applied before the animation is displayed, during the period defined by 'animation-delay'. Both forwards and backwards fill modes are applied. Specifies a cubic-bezier curve. The four values specify points P1 and P2 of the curve as (x1, y1, x2, y2). All values must be in the range [0, 1]. Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1.0). Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.42, 0, 1.0, 1.0). Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.42, 0, 0.58, 1.0). Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.58, 1.0). The final property value (as defined in the last @keyframes at-rule) is maintained after the animation completes. Causes the animation to repeat forever. Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0). No animation is performed Normal playback. All iterations of the animation are played in the reverse direction from the way they were specified. The step-end function is equivalent to steps(1, end). The first parameter specifies the number of intervals in the function. The second parameter, which is optional, is either the value 'start' or 'end'. The step-start function is equivalent to steps(1, start). Defines when the animation will start. An 'animation-delay' value of '0' means the animation will execute as soon as it is applied. Otherwise, the value specifies an offset from the moment the animation is applied, and the animation will delay execution by that offset. Defines whether or not the animation should play in reverse on alternate cycles. The animation cycle iterations that are odd counts are played in the normal direction, and the animation cycle iterations that are even counts are played in a reverse direction. The animation cycle iterations that are odd counts are played in the reverse direction, and the animation cycle iterations that are even counts are played in a normal direction. Normal playback. All iterations of the animation are played in the reverse direction from the way they were specified. Defines the length of time that an animation takes to complete one cycle. Defines what values are applied by the animation outside the time it is executing. The beginning property value (as defined in the first @keyframes at-rule) is applied before the animation is displayed, during the period defined by 'animation-delay'. Both forwards and backwards fill modes are applied. The final property value (as defined in the last @keyframes at-rule) is maintained after the animation completes. There is no change to the property value between the time the animation is applied and the time the animation begins playing or after the animation completes. Defines the number of times an animation cycle is played. The default value is one, meaning the animation will play from beginning to end once. Causes the animation to repeat forever. Defines a list of animations that apply. Each name is used to select the keyframe at-rule that provides the property values for the animation. No animation is performed Defines whether the animation is running or paused. A running animation will be paused. Resume playback of a paused animation. Describes how the animation will progress over one cycle of its duration. See the 'transition-timing-function'. Specifies a cubic-bezier curve. The four values specify points P1 and P2 of the curve as (x1, y1, x2, y2). All values must be in the range [0, 1]. Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1.0). Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.42, 0, 1.0, 1.0). Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.42, 0, 0.58, 1.0). Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.58, 1.0). Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0). The step-end function is equivalent to steps(1, end). The first parameter specifies the number of intervals in the function. The second parameter, which is optional, is either the value 'start' or 'end'. The step-start function is equivalent to steps(1, start). Changes the appearance of buttons and other controls to resemble native controls. Determines whether or not the 'back' side of a transformed element is visible when facing the viewer. With an identity transform, the front side of an element faces the viewer. Determines the background painting area. The background is painted within (clipped to) the border box. The background is painted within (clipped to) the content box. The background is painted within (clipped to) the padding box For elements rendered as a single box, specifies the background positioning area. For elements rendered as multiple boxes (e.g., inline boxes on several lines, boxes on several pages) specifies which boxes 'box-decoration-break' operates on to determine the background positioning area(s). The background is painted within (clipped to) the border box. The background is painted within (clipped to) the content box. The background is painted within (clipped to) the padding box Shorthand property for setting 'border-image-source', 'border-image-slice', 'border-image-width', 'border-image-outset' and 'border-image-repeat'. Omitted values are set to their initial values. If 'auto' is specified then the border image width is the intrinsic width or height (whichever is applicable) of the corresponding image slice. If the image does not have the required intrinsic dimension then the corresponding border-width is used instead. Causes the middle part of the border-image to be preserved. (By default it is discarded, i.e., treated as empty.) The image is tiled (repeated) to fill the area. The image is tiled (repeated) to fill the area. If it does not fill the area with a whole number of tiles, the image is rescaled so that it does. The image is tiled (repeated) to fill the area. If it does not fill the area with a whole number of tiles, the extra space is distributed around the tiles. The image is stretched to fill the area. Specifies the alignment of nested elements within an outer flexible box element. If this box orientation is inline-axis or horizontal, all children are placed with their baselines aligned, and extra space placed before or after as necessary. For block flows, the baseline of the first non-empty line box located within the element is used. For tables, the baseline of the first cell is used. Any extra space is divided evenly, with half placed above the child and the other half placed after the child. For normal direction boxes, the bottom edge of each child is placed along the bottom of the box. Extra space is placed above the element. For reverse direction boxes, the top edge of each child is placed along the top of the box. Extra space is placed below the element. For normal direction boxes, the top edge of each child is placed along the top of the box. Extra space is placed below the element. For reverse direction boxes, the bottom edge of each child is placed along the bottom of the box. Extra space is placed above the element. The height of each child is adjusted to that of the containing block. In webkit applications, -webkit-box-direction specifies whether a box lays out its contents normally (from the top or left edge), or in reverse (from the bottom or right edge). A box with a computed value of horizontal for box-orient displays its children from left to right. A box with a computed value of vertical displays its children from top to bottom. A box with a computed value of horizontal for box-orient displays its children from right to left. A box with a computed value of vertical displays its children from bottom to top. Specifies an element's flexibility. Flexible elements can be assigned to flex groups using the 'box-flex-group' property. Indicates the ordinal group the element belongs to. Elements with a lower ordinal group are displayed before those with a higher ordinal group. In webkit applications, -webkit-box-orient specifies whether a box lays out its contents horizontally or vertically. Elements are oriented along the box's axis. The box displays its children from left to right in a horizontal line. Elements are oriented vertically. The box displays its children from stacked from top to bottom vertically. Specifies alignment of child elements within the current element in the direction of orientation. The extra space is divided evenly, with half placed before the first child and the other half placed after the last child. For normal direction boxes, the right edge of the last child is placed at the right side, with all extra space placed before the first child. For reverse direction boxes, the left edge of the first child is placed at the left side, with all extra space placed after the last child. The space is divided evenly in-between each child, with none of the extra space placed before the first child or after the last child. If there is only one child, treat the pack value as if it were start. For normal direction boxes, the left edge of the first child is placed at the left side, with all extra space placed after the last child. For reverse direction boxes, the right edge of the last child is placed at the right side, with all extra space placed before the first child. Defines a reflection of a border box. The reflection appears above the border box. The reflection appears below the border box. The reflection appears to the left of the border box. The reflection appears to the right of the border box. Box Model addition in CSS3. The specified width and height (and respective min/max properties) on this element determine the border box of the element. Behavior of width and height as specified by CSS2.1. The specified width and height (and respective min/max properties) apply to the width and height respectively of the content box of the element. The specified width and height (and respective min/max properties) on this element determine the padding box of the element. Describes the page/column break behavior before the generated box. Always force a page break before/after the generated box. Neither force nor forbid a page/column break before/after the generated box. Avoid a page/column break before/after the generated box. Avoid a column break before/after the generated box. Avoid a page break before/after the generated box. Always force a column break before/after the generated box. Force one or two page breaks before/after the generated box so that the next page is formatted as a left page. Always force a page break before/after the generated box. Force one or two page breaks before/after the generated box so that the next page is formatted as a right page. Describes the page/column break behavior before the generated box. Always force a page break before/after the generated box. Neither force nor forbid a page/column break before/after the generated box. Avoid a page/column break before/after the generated box. Avoid a column break before/after the generated box. Avoid a page break before/after the generated box. Always force a column break before/after the generated box. Force one or two page breaks before/after the generated box so that the next page is formatted as a left page. Always force a page break before/after the generated box. Force one or two page breaks before/after the generated box so that the next page is formatted as a right page. Describes the page/column break behavior inside the generated box. Neither force nor forbid a page/column break inside the generated box. Avoid a page/column break inside the generated box. Avoid a column break inside the generated box. Avoid a page break inside the generated box. Describes the page/column break behavior before the generated box. Always force a page break before/after the generated box. Neither force nor forbid a page/column break before/after the generated box. Avoid a page/column break before/after the generated box. Avoid a column break before/after the generated box. Avoid a page break before/after the generated box. Always force a column break before/after the generated box. Force one or two page breaks before/after the generated box so that the next page is formatted as a left page. Always force a page break before/after the generated box. Force one or two page breaks before/after the generated box so that the next page is formatted as a right page. Describes the page/column break behavior before the generated box. Always force a page break before/after the generated box. Neither force nor forbid a page/column break before/after the generated box. Avoid a page/column break before/after the generated box. Avoid a column break before/after the generated box. Avoid a page break before/after the generated box. Always force a column break before/after the generated box. Force one or two page breaks before/after the generated box so that the next page is formatted as a left page. Always force a page break before/after the generated box. Force one or two page breaks before/after the generated box so that the next page is formatted as a right page. Describes the page/column break behavior inside the generated box. Neither force nor forbid a page/column break inside the generated box. Avoid a page/column break inside the generated box. Avoid a column break inside the generated box. Avoid a page break inside the generated box. Describes the optimal number of columns into which the content of the element will be flowed. Determines the number of columns by the 'column-width' property and the element width. Sets the gap between columns. If there is a column rule between columns, it will appear in the middle of the gap. User agent specific and typically equivalent to 1em. This property is a shorthand for setting 'column-rule-width', 'column-rule-style', and 'column-rule-color' at the same place in the style sheet. Omitted values are set to their initial values. A series of square-ended dashes. A series of round dots. Two parallel solid lines with some space between them. (The thickness of the lines is not specified, but the sum of the lines and the space must equal 'border-width'.) Looks as if it were carved in the canvas. (This is typically achieved by creating a "shadow" from two colors that are slightly lighter and darker than the 'border-color'.) Same as 'none', but has different behavior in the border conflict resolution rules for border-collapsed tables. Looks as if the content on the inside of the border is sunken into the canvas. Treated as 'ridge' in border-collapsed tables. No border. Color and width are ignored (i.e., the border has width 0, unless the border is an image) Looks as if the content on the inside of the border is coming out of the canvas. Treated as 'groove' in border-collapsed tables. Looks as if it were coming out of the canvas. A single line segment. Sets the color of the column rule Active window border. Active window caption. Background color of multiple document interface. Desktop background. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. Text on push buttons. Text in caption, size box, and scrollbar arrow box. The value of the 'color' property. The computed value of the 'currentColor' keyword is the computed value of the 'color' property. If the 'currentColor' keyword is set on the 'color' property itself, it is treated as 'color:inherit' at parse time. The accent color (typically chosen by the user) to customize the user interface of the user agent itself. Grayed (disabled) text. This color is set to #000 if the current display driver does not support a solid gray color. Item(s) selected in a control. Text of item(s) selected in a control. Inactive window border. Inactive window caption. Color of text in an inactive caption. Background color for tooltip controls. Text color for tooltip controls. Menu background. Text in menus. Scroll bar gray area. The color of the darker (generally outer) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally outer) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the darker (generally inner) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally inner) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. Fully transparent. This keyword can be considered a shorthand for rgba(0,0,0,0) which is its computed value. Window background. Window frame. Text in windows. Sets the style of the rule between columns of an element. A series of square-ended dashes. A series of round dots. Two parallel solid lines with some space between them. (The thickness of the lines is not specified, but the sum of the lines and the space must equal 'border-width'.) Looks as if it were carved in the canvas. (This is typically achieved by creating a "shadow" from two colors that are slightly lighter and darker than the 'border-color'.) Same as 'none', but has different behavior in the border conflict resolution rules for border-collapsed tables. Looks as if the content on the inside of the border is sunken into the canvas. Treated as 'ridge' in border-collapsed tables. No border. Color and width are ignored (i.e., the border has width 0, unless the border is an image) Looks as if the content on the inside of the border is coming out of the canvas. Treated as 'groove' in border-collapsed tables. Looks as if it were coming out of the canvas. A single line segment. Sets the width of the rule between columns. Negative values are not allowed. A shorthand property which sets both 'column-width' and 'column-count'. The width depends on the values of other properties. Describes the page/column break behavior after the generated box. The element spans across all columns. Content in the normal flow that appears before the element is automatically balanced across all columns before the element appear. The element does not span multiple columns. This property describes the width of columns in multicol elements. The width depends on the values of other properties. Gets or sets a value that identifies a Connected Frame container in the document that accepts the content flow from the data source. Gets or sets a value that identifies an iframe container in the document that serves as the Connected Frame data source. This property provides low-level control over OpenType font features. It is intended as a way of providing access to font features that are not widely used but are needed for a particular use case. No change in glyph substitution or positioning occurs. This property controls whether hyphenation is allowed to create more break opportunities within a line of text. Conditional hyphenation characters inside a word, if present, take priority over automatic resources when determining hyphenation points within the word. Words are only broken at line breaks where there are characters inside the word that suggest line break opportunities Words are not broken at line breaks, even if characters inside the word suggest line break points. Specifies line-breaking rules for CJK (Chinese, Japanese, and Korean) text. Defines the behavior of nonbreaking spaces within text. Specifies whether to use native-style scrolling in an overflow:scroll element. Applies the same transform as the perspective(<number>) transform function, except that it applies only to the positioned or transformed children of the element, not to the transform on the element itself. No perspective transform is applied. Establishes the origin for the perspective property. It effectively sets the X and Y position at which the viewer appears to be looking at the children of the element. The 'region-fragment' property controls the behavior of the last region associated with a named flow. Content flows as it would in a regular content box. If the content fits within the CSS Region, then this property has no effect. Active window border. Active window caption. Background color of multiple document interface. Desktop background. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. Text on push buttons. Text in caption, size box, and scrollbar arrow box. The value of the 'color' property. The computed value of the 'currentColor' keyword is the computed value of the 'color' property. If the 'currentColor' keyword is set on the 'color' property itself, it is treated as 'color:inherit' at parse time. The accent color (typically chosen by the user) to customize the user interface of the user agent itself. Grayed (disabled) text. This color is set to #000 if the current display driver does not support a solid gray color. Item(s) selected in a control. Text of item(s) selected in a control. Inactive window border. Inactive window caption. Color of text in an inactive caption. Background color for tooltip controls. Text color for tooltip controls. Menu background. Text in menus. Scroll bar gray area. The color of the darker (generally outer) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally outer) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the darker (generally inner) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally inner) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. Fully transparent. This keyword can be considered a shorthand for rgba(0,0,0,0) which is its computed value. Window background. Window frame. Text in windows. Active window border. Active window caption. Background color of multiple document interface. Desktop background. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. Text on push buttons. Text in caption, size box, and scrollbar arrow box. The value of the 'color' property. The computed value of the 'currentColor' keyword is the computed value of the 'color' property. If the 'currentColor' keyword is set on the 'color' property itself, it is treated as 'color:inherit' at parse time. The accent color (typically chosen by the user) to customize the user interface of the user agent itself. Grayed (disabled) text. This color is set to #000 if the current display driver does not support a solid gray color. Item(s) selected in a control. Text of item(s) selected in a control. Inactive window border. Inactive window caption. Color of text in an inactive caption. Background color for tooltip controls. Text color for tooltip controls. Menu background. Text in menus. Scroll bar gray area. The color of the darker (generally outer) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally outer) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the darker (generally inner) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally inner) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. Fully transparent. This keyword can be considered a shorthand for rgba(0,0,0,0) which is its computed value. Window background. Window frame. Text in windows. Specifies a size adjustment for displaying text content in Safari on iPhone. The text size is automatically adjusted for Safari on iPhone. The text size is not adjusted. Active window border. Active window caption. Background color of multiple document interface. Desktop background. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. The color of the border away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. Text on push buttons. Text in caption, size box, and scrollbar arrow box. The value of the 'color' property. The computed value of the 'currentColor' keyword is the computed value of the 'color' property. If the 'currentColor' keyword is set on the 'color' property itself, it is treated as 'color:inherit' at parse time. The accent color (typically chosen by the user) to customize the user interface of the user agent itself. Grayed (disabled) text. This color is set to #000 if the current display driver does not support a solid gray color. Item(s) selected in a control. Text of item(s) selected in a control. Inactive window border. Inactive window caption. Color of text in an inactive caption. Background color for tooltip controls. Text color for tooltip controls. Menu background. Text in menus. Scroll bar gray area. The color of the darker (generally outer) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally outer) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the darker (generally inner) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. The color of the lighter (generally inner) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. Fully transparent. This keyword can be considered a shorthand for rgba(0,0,0,0) which is its computed value. Window background. Window frame. Text in windows. A two-dimensional transformation is applied to an element through the 'transform' property. This property contains a list of transform functions similar to those allowed by SVG. Specifies a 2D transformation in the form of a transformation matrix of six values. matrix(a,b,c,d,e,f) is equivalent to applying the transformation matrix [a b c d e f] specifies a 3D transformation as a 4x4 homogeneous matrix of 16 values in column-major order. Specifies a 2D rotation by the angle specified in the parameter about the origin of the element, as defined by the transform-origin property. Specifies a clockwise 3D rotation by the angle specified in last parameter about the [x,y,z] direction vector described by the first 3 parameters. Specifies a clockwise rotation by the given angle about the X axis. Specifies a clockwise rotation by the given angle about the Y axis. Specifies a clockwise rotation by the given angle about the Z axis. Specifies a 2D scale operation by the [sx,sy] scaling vector described by the 2 parameters. If the second parameter is not provided, it is takes a value equal to the first. Specifies a 3D scale operation by the [sx,sy,sz] scaling vector described by the 3 parameters. Specifies a scale operation using the [sx,1] scaling vector, where sx is given as the parameter. Specifies a scale operation using the [sy,1] scaling vector, where sy is given as the parameter. Specifies a scale operation using the [1,1,sz] scaling vector, where sz is given as the parameter. Specifies a skew transformation along the X and Y axes. The first angle parameter specifies the skew on the X axis. The second angle parameter specifies the skew on the Y axis. If the second parameter is not given then a value of 0 is used for the Y angle (ie: no skew on the Y axis). Specifies a skew transformation along the X axis by the given angle. Specifies a skew transformation along the Y axis by the given angle. Specifies a 2D translation by the vector [tx, ty], where tx is the first translation-value parameter and ty is the optional second translation-value parameter. Specifies a 3D translation by the vector [tx,ty,tz], with tx, ty and tz being the first, second and third translation-value parameters respectively. Specifies a translation by the given amount in the X direction. Specifies a translation by the given amount in the Y direction. Specifies a translation by the given amount in the Z direction. Note that percentage values are not allowed in the translateZ translation-value, and if present are evaluated as 0. Establishes the origin of transformation for an element. This property is applied by first translating the element by the negated value of the property, then applying the element's transform, then translating by the property value. The x coordinate of the origin for transforms applied to an element with respect to its border box. The y coordinate of the origin for transforms applied to an element with respect to its border box. The z coordinate of the origin for transforms applied to an element with respect to its border box. Defines how nested elements are rendered in 3D space. All children of this element are rendered flattened into the 2D plane of the element. Flattening is not performed, so children maintain their position in 3D space. Shorthand property combines four of the transition properties into a single property. Every property that is able to undergo a transition will do so. Specifies a cubic-bezier curve. The four values specify points P1 and P2 of the curve as (x1, y1, x2, y2). All values must be in the range [0, 1]. Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1.0). Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.42, 0, 1.0, 1.0). Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.42, 0, 0.58, 1.0). Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.58, 1.0). Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0). No property will transition. The step-end function is equivalent to steps(1, end). The first parameter specifies the number of intervals in the function. The second parameter, which is optional, is either the value 'start' or 'end'. The step-start function is equivalent to steps(1, start). Defines when the transition will start. It allows a transition to begin execution some period of time from when it is applied. Specifies how long the transition from the old value to the new value should take. Specifies the name of the CSS property to which the transition is applied. Every property that is able to undergo a transition will do so. No property will transition. Describes how the intermediate values used during a transition will be calculated. Specifies a cubic-bezier curve. The four values specify points P1 and P2 of the curve as (x1, y1, x2, y2). All values must be in the range [0, 1]. Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1.0). Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.42, 0, 1.0, 1.0). Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.42, 0, 0.58, 1.0). Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.58, 1.0). Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0). The step-end function is equivalent to steps(1, end). The first parameter specifies the number of intervals in the function. The second parameter, which is optional, is either the value 'start' or 'end'. The step-start function is equivalent to steps(1, start). Determines whether a user can edit the content of an element. Controls the appearance of selection. Shorthand property for the 'white-space-collapsing' and 'text-wrap' properties. Sets 'white-space-collapsing' to 'collapse' and 'text-wrap' to 'normal'. Sets 'white-space-collapsing' to 'collapse' and 'text-wrap' to 'none'. Sets 'white-space-collapsing' to 'preserve' and 'text-wrap' to 'none'. Sets 'white-space-collapsing' to 'preserve-breaks' and 'text-wrap' to 'normal'. Sets 'white-space-collapsing' to 'preserve' and 'text-wrap' to 'normal'. Preserves white space and allows wrapping. However, some of the behavior is made UA dependent to allow matching platform conventions. Specifies the minimum number of lines in a block element that must be left at the top of a page. Specifies the width of the content area, padding area or border area (depending on 'box-sizing') of certain boxes. The width depends on the values of other properties. Provides a rendering hint to the user agent, stating what kinds of changes the author expects to perform on the element. Specifies line break opportunities for non-CJK scripts. Lines may break between any two grapheme clusters for non-CJK scripts. This option is used mostly in a context where the text is predominantly using CJK characters with few non-CJK excerpts and it is desired that the text be better distributed on each line. Block characters can no longer create implied break points. Otherwise this option is equivalent to 'normal'. This option is mostly used where the presence of word separator characters still creates line-breaking opportunities, as in Korean. Breaks non-CJK scripts according to their own rules. Specifies the minimum, maximum, and optimal spacing between words. The normal inter-word space, as defined by the current font and/or the user agent. Specifies whether the UA may break within a word to prevent overflow when an otherwise-unbreakable string is too long to fit. An unbreakable 'word' may be broken at an arbitrary point if there are no otherwise-acceptable break points in the line. Lines may break only at allowed break points. This is a shorthand property for both 'direction' and 'block-progression'. Top-to-bottom block flow direction. The writing mode is horizontal. Left-to-right block flow direction. The writing mode is vertical. Right-to-left block flow direction. The writing mode is vertical. For a positioned box, the 'z-index' property specifies the stack level of the box in the current stacking context and whether the box establishes a local stacking context. The stack level of the generated box in the current stacking context is 0. The box does not establish a new stacking context unless it is the root element. Non-standard. Specifies the magnification scale of the object. See 'transform: scale()' for a standards-based alternative.