/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import * as fs from 'fs'; import * as path from 'path'; import { CancellationToken, Command, Disposable, env, Event, EventEmitter, LogLevel, Memento, OutputChannel, ProgressLocation, ProgressOptions, scm, SourceControl, SourceControlInputBox, SourceControlInputBoxValidation, SourceControlInputBoxValidationType, SourceControlResourceDecorations, SourceControlResourceGroup, SourceControlResourceState, ThemeColor, Uri, window, workspace, WorkspaceEdit, Decoration } from 'vscode'; import * as nls from 'vscode-nls'; import { Branch, Change, GitErrorCodes, LogOptions, Ref, RefType, Remote, Status } from './api/git'; import { AutoFetcher } from './autofetch'; import { debounce, memoize, throttle } from './decorators'; import { Commit, CommitOptions, ForcePushMode, GitError, Repository as BaseRepository, Stash, Submodule } from './git'; import { StatusBarCommands } from './statusbar'; import { toGitUri } from './uri'; import { anyEvent, combinedDisposable, debounceEvent, dispose, EmptyDisposable, eventToPromise, filterEvent, find, IDisposable, isDescendant, onceEvent } from './util'; import { IFileWatcher, watch } from './watch'; const timeout = (millis: number) => new Promise(c => setTimeout(c, millis)); const localize = nls.loadMessageBundle(); const iconsRootPath = path.join(path.dirname(__dirname), 'resources', 'icons'); function getIconUri(iconName: string, theme: string): Uri { return Uri.file(path.join(iconsRootPath, theme, `${iconName}.svg`)); } export const enum RepositoryState { Idle, Disposed } export const enum ResourceGroupType { Merge, Index, WorkingTree, Untracked } export class Resource implements SourceControlResourceState { @memoize get resourceUri(): Uri { if (this.renameResourceUri && (this._type === Status.MODIFIED || this._type === Status.DELETED || this._type === Status.INDEX_RENAMED || this._type === Status.INDEX_COPIED)) { return this.renameResourceUri; } return this._resourceUri; } @memoize get command(): Command { return { command: 'git.openResource', title: localize('open', "Open"), arguments: [this] }; } get resourceGroupType(): ResourceGroupType { return this._resourceGroupType; } get type(): Status { return this._type; } get original(): Uri { return this._resourceUri; } get renameResourceUri(): Uri | undefined { return this._renameResourceUri; } private static Icons: any = { light: { Modified: getIconUri('status-modified', 'light'), Added: getIconUri('status-added', 'light'), Deleted: getIconUri('status-deleted', 'light'), Renamed: getIconUri('status-renamed', 'light'), Copied: getIconUri('status-copied', 'light'), Untracked: getIconUri('status-untracked', 'light'), Ignored: getIconUri('status-ignored', 'light'), Conflict: getIconUri('status-conflict', 'light'), }, dark: { Modified: getIconUri('status-modified', 'dark'), Added: getIconUri('status-added', 'dark'), Deleted: getIconUri('status-deleted', 'dark'), Renamed: getIconUri('status-renamed', 'dark'), Copied: getIconUri('status-copied', 'dark'), Untracked: getIconUri('status-untracked', 'dark'), Ignored: getIconUri('status-ignored', 'dark'), Conflict: getIconUri('status-conflict', 'dark') } }; private getIconPath(theme: string): Uri { switch (this.type) { case Status.INDEX_MODIFIED: return Resource.Icons[theme].Modified; case Status.MODIFIED: return Resource.Icons[theme].Modified; case Status.INDEX_ADDED: return Resource.Icons[theme].Added; case Status.INDEX_DELETED: return Resource.Icons[theme].Deleted; case Status.DELETED: return Resource.Icons[theme].Deleted; case Status.INDEX_RENAMED: return Resource.Icons[theme].Renamed; case Status.INDEX_COPIED: return Resource.Icons[theme].Copied; case Status.UNTRACKED: return Resource.Icons[theme].Untracked; case Status.IGNORED: return Resource.Icons[theme].Ignored; case Status.INTENT_TO_ADD: return Resource.Icons[theme].Added; case Status.BOTH_DELETED: return Resource.Icons[theme].Conflict; case Status.ADDED_BY_US: return Resource.Icons[theme].Conflict; case Status.DELETED_BY_THEM: return Resource.Icons[theme].Conflict; case Status.ADDED_BY_THEM: return Resource.Icons[theme].Conflict; case Status.DELETED_BY_US: return Resource.Icons[theme].Conflict; case Status.BOTH_ADDED: return Resource.Icons[theme].Conflict; case Status.BOTH_MODIFIED: return Resource.Icons[theme].Conflict; default: throw new Error('Unknown git status: ' + this.type); } } private get tooltip(): string { switch (this.type) { case Status.INDEX_MODIFIED: return localize('index modified', "Index Modified"); case Status.MODIFIED: return localize('modified', "Modified"); case Status.INDEX_ADDED: return localize('index added', "Index Added"); case Status.INDEX_DELETED: return localize('index deleted', "Index Deleted"); case Status.DELETED: return localize('deleted', "Deleted"); case Status.INDEX_RENAMED: return localize('index renamed', "Index Renamed"); case Status.INDEX_COPIED: return localize('index copied', "Index Copied"); case Status.UNTRACKED: return localize('untracked', "Untracked"); case Status.IGNORED: return localize('ignored', "Ignored"); case Status.INTENT_TO_ADD: return localize('intent to add', "Intent to Add"); case Status.BOTH_DELETED: return localize('both deleted', "Both Deleted"); case Status.ADDED_BY_US: return localize('added by us', "Added By Us"); case Status.DELETED_BY_THEM: return localize('deleted by them', "Deleted By Them"); case Status.ADDED_BY_THEM: return localize('added by them', "Added By Them"); case Status.DELETED_BY_US: return localize('deleted by us', "Deleted By Us"); case Status.BOTH_ADDED: return localize('both added', "Both Added"); case Status.BOTH_MODIFIED: return localize('both modified', "Both Modified"); default: return ''; } } private get strikeThrough(): boolean { switch (this.type) { case Status.DELETED: case Status.BOTH_DELETED: case Status.DELETED_BY_THEM: case Status.DELETED_BY_US: case Status.INDEX_DELETED: return true; default: return false; } } @memoize private get faded(): boolean { // TODO@joao return false; // const workspaceRootPath = this.workspaceRoot.fsPath; // return this.resourceUri.fsPath.substr(0, workspaceRootPath.length) !== workspaceRootPath; } get decorations(): SourceControlResourceDecorations { const light = this._useIcons ? { iconPath: this.getIconPath('light') } : undefined; const dark = this._useIcons ? { iconPath: this.getIconPath('dark') } : undefined; const tooltip = this.tooltip; const strikeThrough = this.strikeThrough; const faded = this.faded; return { strikeThrough, faded, tooltip, light, dark }; } get letter(): string { switch (this.type) { case Status.INDEX_MODIFIED: case Status.MODIFIED: return 'M'; case Status.INDEX_ADDED: case Status.INTENT_TO_ADD: return 'A'; case Status.INDEX_DELETED: case Status.DELETED: return 'D'; case Status.INDEX_RENAMED: return 'R'; case Status.UNTRACKED: return 'U'; case Status.IGNORED: return 'I'; case Status.DELETED_BY_THEM: return 'D'; case Status.DELETED_BY_US: return 'D'; case Status.INDEX_COPIED: case Status.BOTH_DELETED: case Status.ADDED_BY_US: case Status.ADDED_BY_THEM: case Status.BOTH_ADDED: case Status.BOTH_MODIFIED: return 'C'; default: throw new Error('Unknown git status: ' + this.type); } } get color(): ThemeColor { switch (this.type) { case Status.INDEX_MODIFIED: case Status.MODIFIED: return new ThemeColor('gitDecoration.modifiedResourceForeground'); case Status.INDEX_DELETED: case Status.DELETED: return new ThemeColor('gitDecoration.deletedResourceForeground'); case Status.INDEX_ADDED: case Status.INTENT_TO_ADD: return new ThemeColor('gitDecoration.addedResourceForeground'); case Status.INDEX_RENAMED: case Status.UNTRACKED: return new ThemeColor('gitDecoration.untrackedResourceForeground'); case Status.IGNORED: return new ThemeColor('gitDecoration.ignoredResourceForeground'); case Status.INDEX_COPIED: case Status.BOTH_DELETED: case Status.ADDED_BY_US: case Status.DELETED_BY_THEM: case Status.ADDED_BY_THEM: case Status.DELETED_BY_US: case Status.BOTH_ADDED: case Status.BOTH_MODIFIED: return new ThemeColor('gitDecoration.conflictingResourceForeground'); default: throw new Error('Unknown git status: ' + this.type); } } get priority(): number { switch (this.type) { case Status.INDEX_MODIFIED: case Status.MODIFIED: return 2; case Status.IGNORED: return 3; case Status.INDEX_COPIED: case Status.BOTH_DELETED: case Status.ADDED_BY_US: case Status.DELETED_BY_THEM: case Status.ADDED_BY_THEM: case Status.DELETED_BY_US: case Status.BOTH_ADDED: case Status.BOTH_MODIFIED: return 4; default: return 1; } } get resourceDecoration(): Decoration { const title = this.tooltip; const letter = this.letter; const color = this.color; const priority = this.priority; return { bubble: true, title, letter, color, priority }; } constructor( private _resourceGroupType: ResourceGroupType, private _resourceUri: Uri, private _type: Status, private _useIcons: boolean, private _renameResourceUri?: Uri ) { } } export const enum Operation { Status = 'Status', Config = 'Config', Diff = 'Diff', MergeBase = 'MergeBase', Add = 'Add', Remove = 'Remove', RevertFiles = 'RevertFiles', Commit = 'Commit', Clean = 'Clean', Branch = 'Branch', GetBranch = 'GetBranch', SetBranchUpstream = 'SetBranchUpstream', HashObject = 'HashObject', Checkout = 'Checkout', CheckoutTracking = 'CheckoutTracking', Reset = 'Reset', Remote = 'Remote', Fetch = 'Fetch', Pull = 'Pull', Push = 'Push', Sync = 'Sync', Show = 'Show', Stage = 'Stage', GetCommitTemplate = 'GetCommitTemplate', DeleteBranch = 'DeleteBranch', RenameBranch = 'RenameBranch', DeleteRef = 'DeleteRef', Merge = 'Merge', Ignore = 'Ignore', Tag = 'Tag', DeleteTag = 'DeleteTag', Stash = 'Stash', CheckIgnore = 'CheckIgnore', GetObjectDetails = 'GetObjectDetails', SubmoduleUpdate = 'SubmoduleUpdate', RebaseContinue = 'RebaseContinue', FindTrackingBranches = 'GetTracking', Apply = 'Apply', Blame = 'Blame', Log = 'Log', } function isReadOnly(operation: Operation): boolean { switch (operation) { case Operation.Show: case Operation.GetCommitTemplate: case Operation.CheckIgnore: case Operation.GetObjectDetails: case Operation.MergeBase: return true; default: return false; } } function shouldShowProgress(operation: Operation): boolean { switch (operation) { case Operation.Fetch: case Operation.CheckIgnore: case Operation.GetObjectDetails: case Operation.Show: return false; default: return true; } } export interface Operations { isIdle(): boolean; shouldShowProgress(): boolean; isRunning(operation: Operation): boolean; } class OperationsImpl implements Operations { private operations = new Map(); start(operation: Operation): void { this.operations.set(operation, (this.operations.get(operation) || 0) + 1); } end(operation: Operation): void { const count = (this.operations.get(operation) || 0) - 1; if (count <= 0) { this.operations.delete(operation); } else { this.operations.set(operation, count); } } isRunning(operation: Operation): boolean { return this.operations.has(operation); } isIdle(): boolean { const operations = this.operations.keys(); for (const operation of operations) { if (!isReadOnly(operation)) { return false; } } return true; } shouldShowProgress(): boolean { const operations = this.operations.keys(); for (const operation of operations) { if (shouldShowProgress(operation)) { return true; } } return false; } } export interface GitResourceGroup extends SourceControlResourceGroup { resourceStates: Resource[]; } export interface OperationResult { operation: Operation; error: any; } class ProgressManager { private enabled = false; private disposable: IDisposable = EmptyDisposable; constructor(private repository: Repository) { const onDidChange = filterEvent(workspace.onDidChangeConfiguration, e => e.affectsConfiguration('git', Uri.file(this.repository.root))); onDidChange(_ => this.updateEnablement()); this.updateEnablement(); } private updateEnablement(): void { const config = workspace.getConfiguration('git', Uri.file(this.repository.root)); if (config.get('showProgress')) { this.enable(); } else { this.disable(); } } private enable(): void { if (this.enabled) { return; } const start = onceEvent(filterEvent(this.repository.onDidChangeOperations, () => this.repository.operations.shouldShowProgress())); const end = onceEvent(filterEvent(debounceEvent(this.repository.onDidChangeOperations, 300), () => !this.repository.operations.shouldShowProgress())); const setup = () => { this.disposable = start(() => { const promise = eventToPromise(end).then(() => setup()); window.withProgress({ location: ProgressLocation.SourceControl }, () => promise); }); }; setup(); this.enabled = true; } private disable(): void { if (!this.enabled) { return; } this.disposable.dispose(); this.disposable = EmptyDisposable; this.enabled = false; } dispose(): void { this.disable(); } } class FileEventLogger { private eventDisposable: IDisposable = EmptyDisposable; private logLevelDisposable: IDisposable = EmptyDisposable; constructor( private onWorkspaceWorkingTreeFileChange: Event, private onDotGitFileChange: Event, private outputChannel: OutputChannel ) { this.logLevelDisposable = env.onDidChangeLogLevel(this.onDidChangeLogLevel, this); this.onDidChangeLogLevel(env.logLevel); } private onDidChangeLogLevel(level: LogLevel): void { this.eventDisposable.dispose(); if (level > LogLevel.Debug) { return; } this.eventDisposable = combinedDisposable([ this.onWorkspaceWorkingTreeFileChange(uri => this.outputChannel.appendLine(`[debug] [wt] Change: ${uri.fsPath}`)), this.onDotGitFileChange(uri => this.outputChannel.appendLine(`[debug] [.git] Change: ${uri.fsPath}`)) ]); } dispose(): void { this.eventDisposable.dispose(); this.logLevelDisposable.dispose(); } } class DotGitWatcher implements IFileWatcher { readonly event: Event; private emitter = new EventEmitter(); private transientDisposables: IDisposable[] = []; private disposables: IDisposable[] = []; constructor( private repository: Repository, private outputChannel: OutputChannel ) { const rootWatcher = watch(repository.dotGit); this.disposables.push(rootWatcher); const filteredRootWatcher = filterEvent(rootWatcher.event, uri => !/\/\.git(\/index\.lock)?$/.test(uri.path)); this.event = anyEvent(filteredRootWatcher, this.emitter.event); repository.onDidRunGitStatus(this.updateTransientWatchers, this, this.disposables); this.updateTransientWatchers(); } private updateTransientWatchers() { this.transientDisposables = dispose(this.transientDisposables); if (!this.repository.HEAD || !this.repository.HEAD.upstream) { return; } this.transientDisposables = dispose(this.transientDisposables); const { name, remote } = this.repository.HEAD.upstream; const upstreamPath = path.join(this.repository.dotGit, 'refs', 'remotes', remote, name); try { const upstreamWatcher = watch(upstreamPath); this.transientDisposables.push(upstreamWatcher); upstreamWatcher.event(this.emitter.fire, this.emitter, this.transientDisposables); } catch (err) { if (env.logLevel <= LogLevel.Error) { this.outputChannel.appendLine(`Failed to watch ref '${upstreamPath}', is most likely packed.\n${err.stack || err}`); } } } dispose() { this.emitter.dispose(); this.transientDisposables = dispose(this.transientDisposables); this.disposables = dispose(this.disposables); } } export class Repository implements Disposable { private _onDidChangeRepository = new EventEmitter(); readonly onDidChangeRepository: Event = this._onDidChangeRepository.event; private _onDidChangeState = new EventEmitter(); readonly onDidChangeState: Event = this._onDidChangeState.event; private _onDidChangeStatus = new EventEmitter(); readonly onDidRunGitStatus: Event = this._onDidChangeStatus.event; private _onDidChangeOriginalResource = new EventEmitter(); readonly onDidChangeOriginalResource: Event = this._onDidChangeOriginalResource.event; private _onRunOperation = new EventEmitter(); readonly onRunOperation: Event = this._onRunOperation.event; private _onDidRunOperation = new EventEmitter(); readonly onDidRunOperation: Event = this._onDidRunOperation.event; @memoize get onDidChangeOperations(): Event { return anyEvent(this.onRunOperation as Event, this.onDidRunOperation as Event); } private _sourceControl: SourceControl; get sourceControl(): SourceControl { return this._sourceControl; } get inputBox(): SourceControlInputBox { return this._sourceControl.inputBox; } private _mergeGroup: SourceControlResourceGroup; get mergeGroup(): GitResourceGroup { return this._mergeGroup as GitResourceGroup; } private _indexGroup: SourceControlResourceGroup; get indexGroup(): GitResourceGroup { return this._indexGroup as GitResourceGroup; } private _workingTreeGroup: SourceControlResourceGroup; get workingTreeGroup(): GitResourceGroup { return this._workingTreeGroup as GitResourceGroup; } private _untrackedGroup: SourceControlResourceGroup; get untrackedGroup(): GitResourceGroup { return this._untrackedGroup as GitResourceGroup; } private _HEAD: Branch | undefined; get HEAD(): Branch | undefined { return this._HEAD; } private _refs: Ref[] = []; get refs(): Ref[] { return this._refs; } get headShortName(): string | undefined { if (!this.HEAD) { return; } const HEAD = this.HEAD; if (HEAD.name) { return HEAD.name; } const tag = this.refs.filter(iref => iref.type === RefType.Tag && iref.commit === HEAD.commit)[0]; const tagName = tag && tag.name; if (tagName) { return tagName; } return (HEAD.commit || '').substr(0, 8); } private _remotes: Remote[] = []; get remotes(): Remote[] { return this._remotes; } private _submodules: Submodule[] = []; get submodules(): Submodule[] { return this._submodules; } private _rebaseCommit: Commit | undefined = undefined; set rebaseCommit(rebaseCommit: Commit | undefined) { if (this._rebaseCommit && !rebaseCommit) { this.inputBox.value = ''; } else if (rebaseCommit && (!this._rebaseCommit || this._rebaseCommit.hash !== rebaseCommit.hash)) { this.inputBox.value = rebaseCommit.message; } this._rebaseCommit = rebaseCommit; } get rebaseCommit(): Commit | undefined { return this._rebaseCommit; } private _operations = new OperationsImpl(); get operations(): Operations { return this._operations; } private _state = RepositoryState.Idle; get state(): RepositoryState { return this._state; } set state(state: RepositoryState) { this._state = state; this._onDidChangeState.fire(state); this._HEAD = undefined; this._refs = []; this._remotes = []; this.mergeGroup.resourceStates = []; this.indexGroup.resourceStates = []; this.workingTreeGroup.resourceStates = []; this.untrackedGroup.resourceStates = []; this._sourceControl.count = 0; } get root(): string { return this.repository.root; } get dotGit(): string { return this.repository.dotGit; } private isRepositoryHuge = false; private didWarnAboutLimit = false; private disposables: Disposable[] = []; constructor( private readonly repository: BaseRepository, globalState: Memento, outputChannel: OutputChannel ) { const workspaceWatcher = workspace.createFileSystemWatcher('**'); this.disposables.push(workspaceWatcher); const onWorkspaceFileChange = anyEvent(workspaceWatcher.onDidChange, workspaceWatcher.onDidCreate, workspaceWatcher.onDidDelete); const onWorkspaceRepositoryFileChange = filterEvent(onWorkspaceFileChange, uri => isDescendant(repository.root, uri.fsPath)); const onWorkspaceWorkingTreeFileChange = filterEvent(onWorkspaceRepositoryFileChange, uri => !/\/\.git($|\/)/.test(uri.path)); let onDotGitFileChange: Event; try { const dotGitFileWatcher = new DotGitWatcher(this, outputChannel); onDotGitFileChange = dotGitFileWatcher.event; this.disposables.push(dotGitFileWatcher); } catch (err) { if (env.logLevel <= LogLevel.Error) { outputChannel.appendLine(`Failed to watch '${this.dotGit}', reverting to legacy API file watched. Some events might be lost.\n${err.stack || err}`); } onDotGitFileChange = filterEvent(onWorkspaceRepositoryFileChange, uri => /\/\.git($|\/)/.test(uri.path)); } // FS changes should trigger `git status`: // - any change inside the repository working tree // - any change whithin the first level of the `.git` folder, except the folder itself and `index.lock` const onFileChange = anyEvent(onWorkspaceWorkingTreeFileChange, onDotGitFileChange); onFileChange(this.onFileChange, this, this.disposables); // Relevate repository changes should trigger virtual document change events onDotGitFileChange(this._onDidChangeRepository.fire, this._onDidChangeRepository, this.disposables); this.disposables.push(new FileEventLogger(onWorkspaceWorkingTreeFileChange, onDotGitFileChange, outputChannel)); const root = Uri.file(repository.root); this._sourceControl = scm.createSourceControl('git', 'Git', root); this._sourceControl.acceptInputCommand = { command: 'git.commit', title: localize('commit', "Commit"), arguments: [this._sourceControl] }; this._sourceControl.quickDiffProvider = this; this._sourceControl.inputBox.validateInput = this.validateInput.bind(this); this.disposables.push(this._sourceControl); this.updateInputBoxPlaceholder(); this.disposables.push(this.onDidRunGitStatus(() => this.updateInputBoxPlaceholder())); this._mergeGroup = this._sourceControl.createResourceGroup('merge', localize('merge changes', "MERGE CHANGES")); this._indexGroup = this._sourceControl.createResourceGroup('index', localize('staged changes', "STAGED CHANGES")); this._workingTreeGroup = this._sourceControl.createResourceGroup('workingTree', localize('changes', "CHANGES")); this._untrackedGroup = this._sourceControl.createResourceGroup('untracked', localize('untracked changes', "UNTRACKED CHANGES")); const updateIndexGroupVisibility = () => { const config = workspace.getConfiguration('git', root); this.indexGroup.hideWhenEmpty = !config.get('alwaysShowStagedChangesResourceGroup'); }; const onConfigListener = filterEvent(workspace.onDidChangeConfiguration, e => e.affectsConfiguration('git.alwaysShowStagedChangesResourceGroup', root)); onConfigListener(updateIndexGroupVisibility, this, this.disposables); updateIndexGroupVisibility(); const onConfigListenerForBranchSortOrder = filterEvent(workspace.onDidChangeConfiguration, e => e.affectsConfiguration('git.branchSortOrder', root)); onConfigListenerForBranchSortOrder(this.updateModelState, this, this.disposables); const onConfigListenerForUntracked = filterEvent(workspace.onDidChangeConfiguration, e => e.affectsConfiguration('git.untrackedChanges', root)); onConfigListenerForUntracked(this.updateModelState, this, this.disposables); this.mergeGroup.hideWhenEmpty = true; this.untrackedGroup.hideWhenEmpty = true; this.disposables.push(this.mergeGroup); this.disposables.push(this.indexGroup); this.disposables.push(this.workingTreeGroup); this.disposables.push(this.untrackedGroup); this.disposables.push(new AutoFetcher(this, globalState)); // https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/39039 const onSuccessfulPush = filterEvent(this.onDidRunOperation, e => e.operation === Operation.Push && !e.error); onSuccessfulPush(() => { const gitConfig = workspace.getConfiguration('git'); if (gitConfig.get('showPushSuccessNotification')) { window.showInformationMessage(localize('push success', "Successfully pushed.")); } }, null, this.disposables); const statusBar = new StatusBarCommands(this); this.disposables.push(statusBar); statusBar.onDidChange(() => this._sourceControl.statusBarCommands = statusBar.commands, null, this.disposables); this._sourceControl.statusBarCommands = statusBar.commands; const progressManager = new ProgressManager(this); this.disposables.push(progressManager); const onDidChangeCountBadge = filterEvent(workspace.onDidChangeConfiguration, e => e.affectsConfiguration('git.countBadge', root)); onDidChangeCountBadge(this.setCountBadge, this, this.disposables); this.setCountBadge(); } validateInput(text: string, position: number): SourceControlInputBoxValidation | undefined { if (this.rebaseCommit) { if (this.rebaseCommit.message !== text) { return { message: localize('commit in rebase', "It's not possible to change the commit message in the middle of a rebase. Please complete the rebase operation and use interactive rebase instead."), type: SourceControlInputBoxValidationType.Warning }; } } const config = workspace.getConfiguration('git'); const setting = config.get<'always' | 'warn' | 'off'>('inputValidation'); if (setting === 'off') { return; } if (/^\s+$/.test(text)) { return { message: localize('commitMessageWhitespacesOnlyWarning', "Current commit message only contains whitespace characters"), type: SourceControlInputBoxValidationType.Warning }; } let lineNumber = 0; let start = 0, end; let match: RegExpExecArray | null; const regex = /\r?\n/g; while ((match = regex.exec(text)) && position > match.index) { start = match.index + match[0].length; lineNumber++; } end = match ? match.index : text.length; const line = text.substring(start, end); let threshold = config.get('inputValidationLength', 50); if (lineNumber === 0) { const inputValidationSubjectLength = config.get('inputValidationSubjectLength', null); if (inputValidationSubjectLength !== null) { threshold = inputValidationSubjectLength; } } if (line.length <= threshold) { if (setting !== 'always') { return; } return { message: localize('commitMessageCountdown', "{0} characters left in current line", threshold - line.length), type: SourceControlInputBoxValidationType.Information }; } else { return { message: localize('commitMessageWarning', "{0} characters over {1} in current line", line.length - threshold, threshold), type: SourceControlInputBoxValidationType.Warning }; } } provideOriginalResource(uri: Uri): Uri | undefined { if (uri.scheme !== 'file') { return; } return toGitUri(uri, '', { replaceFileExtension: true }); } async getInputTemplate(): Promise { const mergeMessage = await this.repository.getMergeMessage(); if (mergeMessage) { return mergeMessage; } return await this.repository.getCommitTemplate(); } getConfigs(): Promise<{ key: string; value: string; }[]> { return this.run(Operation.Config, () => this.repository.getConfigs('local')); } getConfig(key: string): Promise { return this.run(Operation.Config, () => this.repository.config('local', key)); } getGlobalConfig(key: string): Promise { return this.run(Operation.Config, () => this.repository.config('global', key)); } setConfig(key: string, value: string): Promise { return this.run(Operation.Config, () => this.repository.config('local', key, value)); } log(options?: LogOptions): Promise { return this.run(Operation.Log, () => this.repository.log(options)); } @throttle async status(): Promise { await this.run(Operation.Status); } diff(cached?: boolean): Promise { return this.run(Operation.Diff, () => this.repository.diff(cached)); } diffWithHEAD(): Promise; diffWithHEAD(path: string): Promise; diffWithHEAD(path?: string | undefined): Promise; diffWithHEAD(path?: string | undefined): Promise { return this.run(Operation.Diff, () => this.repository.diffWithHEAD(path)); } diffWith(ref: string): Promise; diffWith(ref: string, path: string): Promise; diffWith(ref: string, path?: string | undefined): Promise; diffWith(ref: string, path?: string): Promise { return this.run(Operation.Diff, () => this.repository.diffWith(ref, path)); } diffIndexWithHEAD(): Promise; diffIndexWithHEAD(path: string): Promise; diffIndexWithHEAD(path?: string | undefined): Promise; diffIndexWithHEAD(path?: string): Promise { return this.run(Operation.Diff, () => this.repository.diffIndexWithHEAD(path)); } diffIndexWith(ref: string): Promise; diffIndexWith(ref: string, path: string): Promise; diffIndexWith(ref: string, path?: string | undefined): Promise; diffIndexWith(ref: string, path?: string): Promise { return this.run(Operation.Diff, () => this.repository.diffIndexWith(ref, path)); } diffBlobs(object1: string, object2: string): Promise { return this.run(Operation.Diff, () => this.repository.diffBlobs(object1, object2)); } diffBetween(ref1: string, ref2: string): Promise; diffBetween(ref1: string, ref2: string, path: string): Promise; diffBetween(ref1: string, ref2: string, path?: string | undefined): Promise; diffBetween(ref1: string, ref2: string, path?: string): Promise { return this.run(Operation.Diff, () => this.repository.diffBetween(ref1, ref2, path)); } getMergeBase(ref1: string, ref2: string): Promise { return this.run(Operation.MergeBase, () => this.repository.getMergeBase(ref1, ref2)); } async hashObject(data: string): Promise { return this.run(Operation.HashObject, () => this.repository.hashObject(data)); } async add(resources: Uri[], opts?: { update?: boolean }): Promise { await this.run(Operation.Add, () => this.repository.add(resources.map(r => r.fsPath), opts)); } async rm(resources: Uri[]): Promise { await this.run(Operation.Remove, () => this.repository.rm(resources.map(r => r.fsPath))); } async stage(resource: Uri, contents: string): Promise { const relativePath = path.relative(this.repository.root, resource.fsPath).replace(/\\/g, '/'); await this.run(Operation.Stage, () => this.repository.stage(relativePath, contents)); this._onDidChangeOriginalResource.fire(resource); } async revert(resources: Uri[]): Promise { await this.run(Operation.RevertFiles, () => this.repository.revert('HEAD', resources.map(r => r.fsPath))); } async commit(message: string, opts: CommitOptions = Object.create(null)): Promise { if (this.rebaseCommit) { await this.run(Operation.RebaseContinue, async () => { if (opts.all) { const addOpts = opts.all === 'tracked' ? { update: true } : {}; await this.repository.add([], addOpts); } await this.repository.rebaseContinue(); }); } else { await this.run(Operation.Commit, async () => { if (opts.all) { const addOpts = opts.all === 'tracked' ? { update: true } : {}; await this.repository.add([], addOpts); } delete opts.all; await this.repository.commit(message, opts); }); } } async clean(resources: Uri[]): Promise { await this.run(Operation.Clean, async () => { const toClean: string[] = []; const toCheckout: string[] = []; const submodulesToUpdate: string[] = []; const resourceStates = [...this.workingTreeGroup.resourceStates, ...this.untrackedGroup.resourceStates]; resources.forEach(r => { const fsPath = r.fsPath; for (const submodule of this.submodules) { if (path.join(this.root, submodule.path) === fsPath) { submodulesToUpdate.push(fsPath); return; } } const raw = r.toString(); const scmResource = find(resourceStates, sr => sr.resourceUri.toString() === raw); if (!scmResource) { return; } switch (scmResource.type) { case Status.UNTRACKED: case Status.IGNORED: toClean.push(fsPath); break; default: toCheckout.push(fsPath); break; } }); await this.repository.clean(toClean); await this.repository.checkout('', toCheckout); await this.repository.updateSubmodules(submodulesToUpdate); }); } async branch(name: string, _checkout: boolean, _ref?: string): Promise { await this.run(Operation.Branch, () => this.repository.branch(name, _checkout, _ref)); } async deleteBranch(name: string, force?: boolean): Promise { await this.run(Operation.DeleteBranch, () => this.repository.deleteBranch(name, force)); } async renameBranch(name: string): Promise { await this.run(Operation.RenameBranch, () => this.repository.renameBranch(name)); } async getBranch(name: string): Promise { return await this.run(Operation.GetBranch, () => this.repository.getBranch(name)); } async setBranchUpstream(name: string, upstream: string): Promise { await this.run(Operation.SetBranchUpstream, () => this.repository.setBranchUpstream(name, upstream)); } async merge(ref: string): Promise { await this.run(Operation.Merge, () => this.repository.merge(ref)); } async tag(name: string, message?: string): Promise { await this.run(Operation.Tag, () => this.repository.tag(name, message)); } async deleteTag(name: string): Promise { await this.run(Operation.DeleteTag, () => this.repository.deleteTag(name)); } async checkout(treeish: string): Promise { await this.run(Operation.Checkout, () => this.repository.checkout(treeish, [])); } async checkoutTracking(treeish: string): Promise { await this.run(Operation.CheckoutTracking, () => this.repository.checkout(treeish, [], { track: true })); } async findTrackingBranches(upstreamRef: string): Promise { return await this.run(Operation.FindTrackingBranches, () => this.repository.findTrackingBranches(upstreamRef)); } async getCommit(ref: string): Promise { return await this.repository.getCommit(ref); } async reset(treeish: string, hard?: boolean): Promise { await this.run(Operation.Reset, () => this.repository.reset(treeish, hard)); } async deleteRef(ref: string): Promise { await this.run(Operation.DeleteRef, () => this.repository.deleteRef(ref)); } async addRemote(name: string, url: string): Promise { await this.run(Operation.Remote, () => this.repository.addRemote(name, url)); } async removeRemote(name: string): Promise { await this.run(Operation.Remote, () => this.repository.removeRemote(name)); } @throttle async fetchDefault(options: { silent?: boolean } = {}): Promise { await this.run(Operation.Fetch, () => this.repository.fetch(options)); } @throttle async fetchPrune(): Promise { await this.run(Operation.Fetch, () => this.repository.fetch({ prune: true })); } @throttle async fetchAll(): Promise { await this.run(Operation.Fetch, () => this.repository.fetch({ all: true })); } async fetch(remote?: string, ref?: string, depth?: number): Promise { await this.run(Operation.Fetch, () => this.repository.fetch({ remote, ref, depth })); } @throttle async pullWithRebase(head: Branch | undefined): Promise { let remote: string | undefined; let branch: string | undefined; if (head && head.name && head.upstream) { remote = head.upstream.remote; branch = `${head.upstream.name}`; } return this.pullFrom(true, remote, branch); } @throttle async pull(head?: Branch, unshallow?: boolean): Promise { let remote: string | undefined; let branch: string | undefined; if (head && head.name && head.upstream) { remote = head.upstream.remote; branch = `${head.upstream.name}`; } return this.pullFrom(false, remote, branch, unshallow); } async pullFrom(rebase?: boolean, remote?: string, branch?: string, unshallow?: boolean): Promise { await this.run(Operation.Pull, async () => { await this.maybeAutoStash(async () => { const config = workspace.getConfiguration('git', Uri.file(this.root)); const fetchOnPull = config.get('fetchOnPull'); const tags = config.get('pullTags'); if (fetchOnPull) { await this.repository.pull(rebase, undefined, undefined, { unshallow, tags }); } else { await this.repository.pull(rebase, remote, branch, { unshallow, tags }); } }); }); } @throttle async push(head: Branch, forcePushMode?: ForcePushMode): Promise { let remote: string | undefined; let branch: string | undefined; if (head && head.name && head.upstream) { remote = head.upstream.remote; branch = `${head.name}:${head.upstream.name}`; } await this.run(Operation.Push, () => this.repository.push(remote, branch, undefined, undefined, forcePushMode)); } async pushTo(remote?: string, name?: string, setUpstream: boolean = false, forcePushMode?: ForcePushMode): Promise { await this.run(Operation.Push, () => this.repository.push(remote, name, setUpstream, undefined, forcePushMode)); } async pushFollowTags(remote?: string, forcePushMode?: ForcePushMode): Promise { await this.run(Operation.Push, () => this.repository.push(remote, undefined, false, true, forcePushMode)); } async blame(path: string): Promise { return await this.run(Operation.Blame, () => this.repository.blame(path)); } @throttle sync(head: Branch): Promise { return this._sync(head, false); } @throttle async syncRebase(head: Branch): Promise { return this._sync(head, true); } private async _sync(head: Branch, rebase: boolean): Promise { let remoteName: string | undefined; let pullBranch: string | undefined; let pushBranch: string | undefined; if (head.name && head.upstream) { remoteName = head.upstream.remote; pullBranch = `${head.upstream.name}`; pushBranch = `${head.name}:${head.upstream.name}`; } await this.run(Operation.Sync, async () => { await this.maybeAutoStash(async () => { const config = workspace.getConfiguration('git', Uri.file(this.root)); const fetchOnPull = config.get('fetchOnPull'); const tags = config.get('pullTags'); const supportCancellation = config.get('supportCancellation'); const fn = fetchOnPull ? async (cancellationToken?: CancellationToken) => await this.repository.pull(rebase, undefined, undefined, { tags, cancellationToken }) : async (cancellationToken?: CancellationToken) => await this.repository.pull(rebase, remoteName, pullBranch, { tags, cancellationToken }); if (supportCancellation) { const opts: ProgressOptions = { location: ProgressLocation.Notification, title: localize('sync is unpredictable', "Syncing. Cancelling may cause serious damages to the repository"), cancellable: true }; await window.withProgress(opts, (_, token) => fn(token)); } else { await fn(); } const remote = this.remotes.find(r => r.name === remoteName); if (remote && remote.isReadOnly) { return; } const shouldPush = this.HEAD && (typeof this.HEAD.ahead === 'number' ? this.HEAD.ahead > 0 : true); if (shouldPush) { await this.repository.push(remoteName, pushBranch); } }); }); } async show(ref: string, filePath: string): Promise { return await this.run(Operation.Show, async () => { const relativePath = path.relative(this.repository.root, filePath).replace(/\\/g, '/'); const configFiles = workspace.getConfiguration('files', Uri.file(filePath)); const defaultEncoding = configFiles.get('encoding'); const autoGuessEncoding = configFiles.get('autoGuessEncoding'); try { return await this.repository.bufferString(`${ref}:${relativePath}`, defaultEncoding, autoGuessEncoding); } catch (err) { if (err.gitErrorCode === GitErrorCodes.WrongCase) { const gitRelativePath = await this.repository.getGitRelativePath(ref, relativePath); return await this.repository.bufferString(`${ref}:${gitRelativePath}`, defaultEncoding, autoGuessEncoding); } throw err; } }); } async buffer(ref: string, filePath: string): Promise { return this.run(Operation.Show, () => { const relativePath = path.relative(this.repository.root, filePath).replace(/\\/g, '/'); return this.repository.buffer(`${ref}:${relativePath}`); }); } getObjectDetails(ref: string, filePath: string): Promise<{ mode: string, object: string, size: number }> { return this.run(Operation.GetObjectDetails, () => this.repository.getObjectDetails(ref, filePath)); } detectObjectType(object: string): Promise<{ mimetype: string, encoding?: string }> { return this.run(Operation.Show, () => this.repository.detectObjectType(object)); } async apply(patch: string, reverse?: boolean): Promise { return await this.run(Operation.Apply, () => this.repository.apply(patch, reverse)); } async getStashes(): Promise { return await this.repository.getStashes(); } async createStash(message?: string, includeUntracked?: boolean): Promise { return await this.run(Operation.Stash, () => this.repository.createStash(message, includeUntracked)); } async popStash(index?: number): Promise { return await this.run(Operation.Stash, () => this.repository.popStash(index)); } async dropStash(index?: number): Promise { return await this.run(Operation.Stash, () => this.repository.dropStash(index)); } async applyStash(index?: number): Promise { return await this.run(Operation.Stash, () => this.repository.applyStash(index)); } async getCommitTemplate(): Promise { return await this.run(Operation.GetCommitTemplate, async () => this.repository.getCommitTemplate()); } async cleanUpCommitEditMessage(editMessage: string): Promise { return this.repository.cleanupCommitEditMessage(editMessage); } async ignore(files: Uri[]): Promise { return await this.run(Operation.Ignore, async () => { const ignoreFile = `${this.repository.root}${path.sep}.gitignore`; const textToAppend = files .map(uri => path.relative(this.repository.root, uri.fsPath).replace(/\\/g, '/')) .join('\n'); const document = await new Promise(c => fs.exists(ignoreFile, c)) ? await workspace.openTextDocument(ignoreFile) : await workspace.openTextDocument(Uri.file(ignoreFile).with({ scheme: 'untitled' })); await window.showTextDocument(document); const edit = new WorkspaceEdit(); const lastLine = document.lineAt(document.lineCount - 1); const text = lastLine.isEmptyOrWhitespace ? `${textToAppend}\n` : `\n${textToAppend}\n`; edit.insert(document.uri, lastLine.range.end, text); await workspace.applyEdit(edit); await document.save(); }); } checkIgnore(filePaths: string[]): Promise> { return this.run(Operation.CheckIgnore, () => { return new Promise>((resolve, reject) => { filePaths = filePaths .filter(filePath => isDescendant(this.root, filePath)); if (filePaths.length === 0) { // nothing left return resolve(new Set()); } // https://git-scm.com/docs/git-check-ignore#git-check-ignore--z const child = this.repository.stream(['check-ignore', '-v', '-z', '--stdin'], { stdio: [null, null, null] }); child.stdin.end(filePaths.join('\0'), 'utf8'); const onExit = (exitCode: number) => { if (exitCode === 1) { // nothing ignored resolve(new Set()); } else if (exitCode === 0) { resolve(new Set(this.parseIgnoreCheck(data))); } else { if (/ is in submodule /.test(stderr)) { reject(new GitError({ stdout: data, stderr, exitCode, gitErrorCode: GitErrorCodes.IsInSubmodule })); } else { reject(new GitError({ stdout: data, stderr, exitCode })); } } }; let data = ''; const onStdoutData = (raw: string) => { data += raw; }; child.stdout.setEncoding('utf8'); child.stdout.on('data', onStdoutData); let stderr: string = ''; child.stderr.setEncoding('utf8'); child.stderr.on('data', raw => stderr += raw); child.on('error', reject); child.on('exit', onExit); }); }); } // Parses output of `git check-ignore -v -z` and returns only those paths // that are actually ignored by git. // Matches to a negative pattern (starting with '!') are filtered out. // See also https://git-scm.com/docs/git-check-ignore#_output. private parseIgnoreCheck(raw: string): string[] { const ignored = []; const elements = raw.split('\0'); for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; i += 4) { const pattern = elements[i + 2]; const path = elements[i + 3]; if (pattern && !pattern.startsWith('!')) { ignored.push(path); } } return ignored; } private async run(operation: Operation, runOperation: () => Promise = () => Promise.resolve(null)): Promise { if (this.state !== RepositoryState.Idle) { throw new Error('Repository not initialized'); } let error: any = null; this._operations.start(operation); this._onRunOperation.fire(operation); try { const result = await this.retryRun(operation, runOperation); if (!isReadOnly(operation)) { await this.updateModelState(); } return result; } catch (err) { error = err; if (err.gitErrorCode === GitErrorCodes.NotAGitRepository) { this.state = RepositoryState.Disposed; } throw err; } finally { this._operations.end(operation); this._onDidRunOperation.fire({ operation, error }); } } private async retryRun(operation: Operation, runOperation: () => Promise = () => Promise.resolve(null)): Promise { let attempt = 0; while (true) { try { attempt++; return await runOperation(); } catch (err) { const shouldRetry = attempt <= 10 && ( (err.gitErrorCode === GitErrorCodes.RepositoryIsLocked) || ((operation === Operation.Pull || operation === Operation.Sync || operation === Operation.Fetch) && (err.gitErrorCode === GitErrorCodes.CantLockRef || err.gitErrorCode === GitErrorCodes.CantRebaseMultipleBranches)) ); if (shouldRetry) { // quatratic backoff await timeout(Math.pow(attempt, 2) * 50); } else { throw err; } } } } private static KnownHugeFolderNames = ['node_modules']; private async findKnownHugeFolderPathsToIgnore(): Promise { const folderPaths: string[] = []; for (const folderName of Repository.KnownHugeFolderNames) { const folderPath = path.join(this.repository.root, folderName); if (await new Promise(c => fs.exists(folderPath, c))) { folderPaths.push(folderPath); } } const ignored = await this.checkIgnore(folderPaths); return folderPaths.filter(p => !ignored.has(p)); } @throttle private async updateModelState(): Promise { const { status, didHitLimit } = await this.repository.getStatus(); const config = workspace.getConfiguration('git'); const scopedConfig = workspace.getConfiguration('git', Uri.file(this.repository.root)); const shouldIgnore = config.get('ignoreLimitWarning') === true; const useIcons = !config.get('decorations.enabled', true); this.isRepositoryHuge = didHitLimit; if (didHitLimit && !shouldIgnore && !this.didWarnAboutLimit) { const knownHugeFolderPaths = await this.findKnownHugeFolderPathsToIgnore(); const gitWarn = localize('huge', "The git repository at '{0}' has too many active changes, only a subset of Git features will be enabled.", this.repository.root); const neverAgain = { title: localize('neveragain', "Don't Show Again") }; if (knownHugeFolderPaths.length > 0) { const folderPath = knownHugeFolderPaths[0]; const folderName = path.basename(folderPath); const addKnown = localize('add known', "Would you like to add '{0}' to .gitignore?", folderName); const yes = { title: localize('yes', "Yes") }; const result = await window.showWarningMessage(`${gitWarn} ${addKnown}`, yes, neverAgain); if (result === neverAgain) { config.update('ignoreLimitWarning', true, false); this.didWarnAboutLimit = true; } else if (result === yes) { this.ignore([Uri.file(folderPath)]); } } else { const result = await window.showWarningMessage(gitWarn, neverAgain); if (result === neverAgain) { config.update('ignoreLimitWarning', true, false); } this.didWarnAboutLimit = true; } } let HEAD: Branch | undefined; try { HEAD = await this.repository.getHEAD(); if (HEAD.name) { try { HEAD = await this.repository.getBranch(HEAD.name); } catch (err) { // noop } } } catch (err) { // noop } const sort = config.get<'alphabetically' | 'committerdate'>('branchSortOrder') || 'alphabetically'; const [refs, remotes, submodules, rebaseCommit] = await Promise.all([this.repository.getRefs({ sort }), this.repository.getRemotes(), this.repository.getSubmodules(), this.getRebaseCommit()]); this._HEAD = HEAD; this._refs = refs!; this._remotes = remotes!; this._submodules = submodules!; this.rebaseCommit = rebaseCommit; const untrackedChanges = scopedConfig.get<'default' | 'separate' | 'hidden'>('untrackedChanges'); const index: Resource[] = []; const workingTree: Resource[] = []; const merge: Resource[] = []; const untracked: Resource[] = []; status.forEach(raw => { const uri = Uri.file(path.join(this.repository.root, raw.path)); const renameUri = raw.rename ? Uri.file(path.join(this.repository.root, raw.rename)) : undefined; switch (raw.x + raw.y) { case '??': switch (untrackedChanges) { case 'default': return workingTree.push(new Resource(ResourceGroupType.WorkingTree, uri, Status.UNTRACKED, useIcons)); case 'separate': return untracked.push(new Resource(ResourceGroupType.Untracked, uri, Status.UNTRACKED, useIcons)); default: return undefined; } case '!!': switch (untrackedChanges) { case 'default': return workingTree.push(new Resource(ResourceGroupType.WorkingTree, uri, Status.IGNORED, useIcons)); case 'separate': return untracked.push(new Resource(ResourceGroupType.Untracked, uri, Status.IGNORED, useIcons)); default: return undefined; } case 'DD': return merge.push(new Resource(ResourceGroupType.Merge, uri, Status.BOTH_DELETED, useIcons)); case 'AU': return merge.push(new Resource(ResourceGroupType.Merge, uri, Status.ADDED_BY_US, useIcons)); case 'UD': return merge.push(new Resource(ResourceGroupType.Merge, uri, Status.DELETED_BY_THEM, useIcons)); case 'UA': return merge.push(new Resource(ResourceGroupType.Merge, uri, Status.ADDED_BY_THEM, useIcons)); case 'DU': return merge.push(new Resource(ResourceGroupType.Merge, uri, Status.DELETED_BY_US, useIcons)); case 'AA': return merge.push(new Resource(ResourceGroupType.Merge, uri, Status.BOTH_ADDED, useIcons)); case 'UU': return merge.push(new Resource(ResourceGroupType.Merge, uri, Status.BOTH_MODIFIED, useIcons)); } switch (raw.x) { case 'M': index.push(new Resource(ResourceGroupType.Index, uri, Status.INDEX_MODIFIED, useIcons)); break; case 'A': index.push(new Resource(ResourceGroupType.Index, uri, Status.INDEX_ADDED, useIcons)); break; case 'D': index.push(new Resource(ResourceGroupType.Index, uri, Status.INDEX_DELETED, useIcons)); break; case 'R': index.push(new Resource(ResourceGroupType.Index, uri, Status.INDEX_RENAMED, useIcons, renameUri)); break; case 'C': index.push(new Resource(ResourceGroupType.Index, uri, Status.INDEX_COPIED, useIcons, renameUri)); break; } switch (raw.y) { case 'M': workingTree.push(new Resource(ResourceGroupType.WorkingTree, uri, Status.MODIFIED, useIcons, renameUri)); break; case 'D': workingTree.push(new Resource(ResourceGroupType.WorkingTree, uri, Status.DELETED, useIcons, renameUri)); break; case 'A': workingTree.push(new Resource(ResourceGroupType.WorkingTree, uri, Status.INTENT_TO_ADD, useIcons, renameUri)); break; } return undefined; }); // set resource groups this.mergeGroup.resourceStates = merge; this.indexGroup.resourceStates = index; this.workingTreeGroup.resourceStates = workingTree; this.untrackedGroup.resourceStates = untracked; // set count badge this.setCountBadge(); this._onDidChangeStatus.fire(); this._sourceControl.commitTemplate = await this.getInputTemplate(); } private setCountBadge(): void { const config = workspace.getConfiguration('git', Uri.file(this.repository.root)); const countBadge = config.get<'all' | 'tracked' | 'off'>('countBadge'); const untrackedChanges = config.get<'default' | 'separate' | 'hidden'>('untrackedChanges'); let count = this.mergeGroup.resourceStates.length + this.indexGroup.resourceStates.length + this.workingTreeGroup.resourceStates.length; switch (countBadge) { case 'off': count = 0; break; case 'tracked': if (untrackedChanges === 'default') { count -= this.workingTreeGroup.resourceStates.filter(r => r.type === Status.UNTRACKED || r.type === Status.IGNORED).length; } break; case 'all': if (untrackedChanges === 'separate') { count += this.untrackedGroup.resourceStates.length; } break; } this._sourceControl.count = count; } private async getRebaseCommit(): Promise { const rebaseHeadPath = path.join(this.repository.root, '.git', 'REBASE_HEAD'); const rebaseApplyPath = path.join(this.repository.root, '.git', 'rebase-apply'); const rebaseMergePath = path.join(this.repository.root, '.git', 'rebase-merge'); try { const [rebaseApplyExists, rebaseMergePathExists, rebaseHead] = await Promise.all([ new Promise(c => fs.exists(rebaseApplyPath, c)), new Promise(c => fs.exists(rebaseMergePath, c)), new Promise((c, e) => fs.readFile(rebaseHeadPath, 'utf8', (err, result) => err ? e(err) : c(result))) ]); if (!rebaseApplyExists && !rebaseMergePathExists) { return undefined; } return await this.getCommit(rebaseHead.trim()); } catch (err) { return undefined; } } private async maybeAutoStash(runOperation: () => Promise): Promise { const config = workspace.getConfiguration('git', Uri.file(this.root)); const shouldAutoStash = config.get('autoStash') && this.workingTreeGroup.resourceStates.some(r => r.type !== Status.UNTRACKED && r.type !== Status.IGNORED); if (!shouldAutoStash) { return await runOperation(); } await this.repository.createStash(undefined, true); const result = await runOperation(); await this.repository.popStash(); return result; } private onFileChange(_uri: Uri): void { const config = workspace.getConfiguration('git'); const autorefresh = config.get('autorefresh'); if (!autorefresh) { return; } if (this.isRepositoryHuge) { return; } if (!this.operations.isIdle()) { return; } this.eventuallyUpdateWhenIdleAndWait(); } @debounce(1000) private eventuallyUpdateWhenIdleAndWait(): void { this.updateWhenIdleAndWait(); } @throttle private async updateWhenIdleAndWait(): Promise { await this.whenIdleAndFocused(); await this.status(); await timeout(5000); } async whenIdleAndFocused(): Promise { while (true) { if (!this.operations.isIdle()) { await eventToPromise(this.onDidRunOperation); continue; } if (!window.state.focused) { const onDidFocusWindow = filterEvent(window.onDidChangeWindowState, e => e.focused); await eventToPromise(onDidFocusWindow); continue; } return; } } get headLabel(): string { const HEAD = this.HEAD; if (!HEAD) { return ''; } const tag = this.refs.filter(iref => iref.type === RefType.Tag && iref.commit === HEAD.commit)[0]; const tagName = tag && tag.name; const head = HEAD.name || tagName || (HEAD.commit || '').substr(0, 8); return head + (this.workingTreeGroup.resourceStates.length + this.untrackedGroup.resourceStates.length > 0 ? '*' : '') + (this.indexGroup.resourceStates.length > 0 ? '+' : '') + (this.mergeGroup.resourceStates.length > 0 ? '!' : ''); } get syncLabel(): string { if (!this.HEAD || !this.HEAD.name || !this.HEAD.commit || !this.HEAD.upstream || !(this.HEAD.ahead || this.HEAD.behind) ) { return ''; } const remoteName = this.HEAD && this.HEAD.remote || this.HEAD.upstream.remote; const remote = this.remotes.find(r => r.name === remoteName); if (remote && remote.isReadOnly) { return `${this.HEAD.behind}↓`; } return `${this.HEAD.behind}↓ ${this.HEAD.ahead}↑`; } private updateInputBoxPlaceholder(): void { const branchName = this.headShortName; if (branchName) { // '{0}' will be replaced by the corresponding key-command later in the process, which is why it needs to stay. this._sourceControl.inputBox.placeholder = localize('commitMessageWithHeadLabel', "Message ({0} to commit on '{1}')", "{0}", branchName); } else { this._sourceControl.inputBox.placeholder = localize('commitMessage', "Message ({0} to commit)"); } } dispose(): void { this.disposables = dispose(this.disposables); } }