/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 'use strict'; import 'vs/css!./media/activityBarPart'; import nls = require('vs/nls'); import {TPromise} from 'vs/base/common/winjs.base'; import {Builder, $} from 'vs/base/browser/builder'; import {Action} from 'vs/base/common/actions'; import errors = require('vs/base/common/errors'); import {ActionsOrientation, ActionBar, IActionItem} from 'vs/base/browser/ui/actionbar/actionbar'; import {ToolBar} from 'vs/base/browser/ui/toolbar/toolbar'; import {Registry} from 'vs/platform/platform'; import {CompositeEvent, EventType} from 'vs/workbench/common/events'; import {ViewletDescriptor, ViewletRegistry, Extensions as ViewletExtensions} from 'vs/workbench/browser/viewlet'; import {Part} from 'vs/workbench/browser/part'; import {ActivityAction, ActivityActionItem} from 'vs/workbench/browser/parts/activitybar/activityAction'; import {IViewletService} from 'vs/workbench/services/viewlet/common/viewletService'; import {IActivityService, IBadge} from 'vs/workbench/services/activity/common/activityService'; import {IPartService} from 'vs/workbench/services/part/common/partService'; import {IContextMenuService} from 'vs/platform/contextview/browser/contextView'; import {IEventService} from 'vs/platform/event/common/event'; import {IInstantiationService} from 'vs/platform/instantiation/common/instantiation'; import {IMessageService} from 'vs/platform/message/common/message'; import {ITelemetryService} from 'vs/platform/telemetry/common/telemetry'; import {IKeybindingService} from 'vs/platform/keybinding/common/keybindingService'; export class ActivitybarPart extends Part implements IActivityService { public serviceId = IActivityService; private viewletSwitcherBar: ActionBar; private globalToolBar: ToolBar; private activityActionItems: { [actionId: string]: IActionItem; }; private viewletIdToActions: { [viewletId: string]: ActivityAction; }; constructor( id: string, @IViewletService private viewletService: IViewletService, @IMessageService private messageService: IMessageService, @ITelemetryService private telemetryService: ITelemetryService, @IEventService private eventService: IEventService, @IContextMenuService private contextMenuService: IContextMenuService, @IKeybindingService private keybindingService: IKeybindingService, @IInstantiationService private instantiationService: IInstantiationService ) { super(id); this.activityActionItems = {}; this.viewletIdToActions = {}; this.registerListeners(); } private registerListeners(): void { // Activate viewlet action on opening of a viewlet this.toUnbind.push(this.eventService.addListener(EventType.COMPOSITE_OPENING, (e: CompositeEvent) => this.onCompositeOpening(e))); // Deactivate viewlet action on close this.toUnbind.push(this.eventService.addListener(EventType.COMPOSITE_CLOSED, (e: CompositeEvent) => this.onCompositeClosed(e))); } private onCompositeOpening(e: CompositeEvent): void { if (this.viewletIdToActions[e.compositeId]) { this.viewletIdToActions[e.compositeId].activate(); // There can only be one active viewlet action for (let key in this.viewletIdToActions) { if (this.viewletIdToActions.hasOwnProperty(key) && key !== e.compositeId) { this.viewletIdToActions[key].deactivate(); } } } } private onCompositeClosed(e: CompositeEvent): void { if (this.viewletIdToActions[e.compositeId]) { this.viewletIdToActions[e.compositeId].deactivate(); } } public showActivity(viewletId: string, badge: IBadge, clazz?: string): void { let action = this.viewletIdToActions[viewletId]; if (action) { action.setBadge(badge); if (clazz) { action.class = clazz; } } } public clearActivity(viewletId: string): void { this.showActivity(viewletId, null); } public createContentArea(parent: Builder): Builder { let $el = $(parent); let $result = $('.content').appendTo($el); // Top Actionbar with action items for each viewlet action this.createViewletSwitcher($result.clone()); // Bottom Toolbar with action items for global actions // this.createGlobalToolBarArea($result.clone()); // not used currently return $result; } private createViewletSwitcher(div: Builder): void { // Viewlet switcher is on top this.viewletSwitcherBar = new ActionBar(div, { actionItemProvider: (action: Action) => this.activityActionItems[action.id], orientation: ActionsOrientation.VERTICAL, ariaLabel: nls.localize('activityBarAriaLabel', "Active View Switcher") }); this.viewletSwitcherBar.getContainer().addClass('position-top'); // Build Viewlet Actions in correct order let activeViewlet = this.viewletService.getActiveViewlet(); let registry = (Registry.as(ViewletExtensions.Viewlets)); let viewletActions: Action[] = registry.getViewlets() .sort((v1: ViewletDescriptor, v2: ViewletDescriptor) => v1.order - v2.order) .map((viewlet: ViewletDescriptor) => { let action = this.instantiationService.createInstance(ViewletActivityAction, viewlet.id + '.activity-bar-action', viewlet); let keybinding: string = null; let keys = this.keybindingService.lookupKeybindings(viewlet.id).map(k => this.keybindingService.getLabelFor(k)); if (keys && keys.length) { keybinding = keys[0]; } this.activityActionItems[action.id] = new ActivityActionItem(action, viewlet.name, keybinding); this.viewletIdToActions[viewlet.id] = action; // Mark active viewlet action as active if (activeViewlet && activeViewlet.getId() === viewlet.id) { action.activate(); } return action; } ); // Add to viewlet switcher this.viewletSwitcherBar.push(viewletActions, { label: true, icon: true }); } // private createGlobalToolBarArea(div: Builder): void { // // Global action bar is on the bottom // this.globalToolBar = new ToolBar(div.getHTMLElement(), this.contextMenuService, { // actionItemProvider: (action: Action) => this.activityActionItems[action.id], // orientation: ActionsOrientation.VERTICAL // }); // this.globalToolBar.getContainer().addClass('global'); // this.globalToolBar.actionRunner.addListener(events.EventType.RUN, (e: any) => { // // Check for Error // if (e.error && !errors.isPromiseCanceledError(e.error)) { // this.messageService.show(Severity.Error, e.error); // } // // Log in telemetry // if (this.telemetryService) { // this.telemetryService.publicLog('workbenchActionExecuted', { id: e.action.id, from: 'activityBar' }); // } // }); // // Build Global Actions in correct order // let primaryActions = this.getGlobalActions(true); // let secondaryActions = this.getGlobalActions(false); // if (primaryActions.length + secondaryActions.length > 0) { // this.globalToolBar.getContainer().addClass('position-bottom'); // } // // Add to global action bar // this.globalToolBar.setActions(prepareActions(primaryActions), prepareActions(secondaryActions))(); // } // private getGlobalActions(primary: boolean): IAction[] { // let actionBarRegistry = Registry.as(ActionBarExtensions.Actionbar); // // Collect actions from actionbar contributor // let actions: IAction[]; // if (primary) { // actions = actionBarRegistry.getActionBarActionsForContext(Scope.GLOBAL, CONTEXT); // } else { // actions = actionBarRegistry.getSecondaryActionBarActionsForContext(Scope.GLOBAL, CONTEXT); // } // return actions.map((action: Action) => { // if (primary) { // let keybinding: string = null; // let keys = this.keybindingService.lookupKeybindings(action.id).map(k => this.keybindingService.getLabelFor(k)); // if (keys && keys.length) { // keybinding = keys[0]; // } // let actionItem = actionBarRegistry.getActionItemForContext(Scope.GLOBAL, CONTEXT, action); // if (!actionItem) { // actionItem = new ActivityActionItem(action, action.label, keybinding); // } // if (actionItem instanceof ActivityActionItem) { // ( actionItem).keybinding = keybinding; // } // this.activityActionItems[action.id] = actionItem; // } // return action; // }); // } public dispose(): void { if (this.viewletSwitcherBar) { this.viewletSwitcherBar.dispose(); this.viewletSwitcherBar = null; } if (this.globalToolBar) { this.globalToolBar.dispose(); this.globalToolBar = null; } super.dispose(); } } class ViewletActivityAction extends ActivityAction { private static preventDoubleClickDelay = 300; private static lastRun: number = 0; private viewlet: ViewletDescriptor; constructor( id: string, viewlet: ViewletDescriptor, @IViewletService private viewletService: IViewletService, @IPartService private partService: IPartService ) { super(id, viewlet.name, viewlet.cssClass); this.viewlet = viewlet; } public run(): TPromise { // cheap trick to prevent accident trigger on a doubleclick (to help nervous people) let now = new Date().getTime(); if (now - ViewletActivityAction.lastRun < ViewletActivityAction.preventDoubleClickDelay) { return TPromise.as(true); } ViewletActivityAction.lastRun = now; let sideBarHidden = this.partService.isSideBarHidden(); let activeViewlet = this.viewletService.getActiveViewlet(); // Hide sidebar if selected viewlet already visible if (!sideBarHidden && activeViewlet && activeViewlet.getId() === this.viewlet.id) { this.partService.setSideBarHidden(true); } // Open viewlet and focus it else { this.viewletService.openViewlet(this.viewlet.id, true).done(null, errors.onUnexpectedError); this.activate(); } return TPromise.as(true); } }