/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import * as vscode from 'vscode'; import { getNodesInBetween, getNode, getHtmlNode, parseDocument, sameNodes, isStyleSheet, validate } from './util'; import { Node, Stylesheet, Rule } from 'EmmetNode'; import parseStylesheet from '@emmetio/css-parser'; import { DocumentStreamReader } from './bufferStream'; const startCommentStylesheet = '/*'; const endCommentStylesheet = '*/'; const startCommentHTML = ''; export function toggleComment(): Thenable | undefined { if (!validate() || !vscode.window.activeTextEditor) { return; } const editor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor; let rootNode = parseDocument(editor.document); if (!rootNode) { return; } return editor.edit(editBuilder => { let allEdits: vscode.TextEdit[][] = []; editor.selections.reverse().forEach(selection => { let edits = isStyleSheet(editor.document.languageId) ? toggleCommentStylesheet(selection, rootNode) : toggleCommentHTML(editor.document, selection, rootNode!); if (edits.length > 0) { allEdits.push(edits); } }); // Apply edits in order so we can skip nested ones. allEdits.sort((arr1, arr2) => { let result = arr1[0].range.start.line - arr2[0].range.start.line; return result === 0 ? arr1[0].range.start.character - arr2[0].range.start.character : result; }); let lastEditPosition = new vscode.Position(0, 0); for (const edits of allEdits) { if (edits[0].range.end.isAfterOrEqual(lastEditPosition)) { edits.forEach(x => { editBuilder.replace(x.range, x.newText); lastEditPosition = x.range.end; }); } } }); } function toggleCommentHTML(document: vscode.TextDocument, selection: vscode.Selection, rootNode: Node): vscode.TextEdit[] { const selectionStart = selection.isReversed ? selection.active : selection.anchor; const selectionEnd = selection.isReversed ? selection.anchor : selection.active; let startNode = getHtmlNode(document, rootNode, selectionStart, true); let endNode = getHtmlNode(document, rootNode, selectionEnd, true); if (!startNode || !endNode) { return []; } if (sameNodes(startNode, endNode) && startNode.name === 'style' && startNode.open.end.isBefore(selectionStart) && startNode.close.start.isAfter(selectionEnd)) { let buffer = new DocumentStreamReader(document, startNode.open.end, new vscode.Range(startNode.open.end, startNode.close.start)); let cssRootNode = parseStylesheet(buffer); return toggleCommentStylesheet(selection, cssRootNode); } let allNodes: Node[] = getNodesInBetween(startNode, endNode); let edits: vscode.TextEdit[] = []; allNodes.forEach(node => { edits = edits.concat(getRangesToUnCommentHTML(node, document)); }); if (startNode.type === 'comment') { return edits; } edits.push(new vscode.TextEdit(new vscode.Range(allNodes[0].start, allNodes[0].start), startCommentHTML)); edits.push(new vscode.TextEdit(new vscode.Range(allNodes[allNodes.length - 1].end, allNodes[allNodes.length - 1].end), endCommentHTML)); return edits; } function getRangesToUnCommentHTML(node: Node, document: vscode.TextDocument): vscode.TextEdit[] { let unCommentTextEdits: vscode.TextEdit[] = []; // If current node is commented, then uncomment and return if (node.type === 'comment') { unCommentTextEdits.push(new vscode.TextEdit(new vscode.Range(node.start, node.start.translate(0, startCommentHTML.length)), '')); unCommentTextEdits.push(new vscode.TextEdit(new vscode.Range(node.end.translate(0, -endCommentHTML.length), node.end), '')); return unCommentTextEdits; } // All children of current node should be uncommented node.children.forEach(childNode => { unCommentTextEdits = unCommentTextEdits.concat(getRangesToUnCommentHTML(childNode, document)); }); return unCommentTextEdits; } function toggleCommentStylesheet(selection: vscode.Selection, rootNode: Stylesheet): vscode.TextEdit[] { let selectionStart = selection.isReversed ? selection.active : selection.anchor; let selectionEnd = selection.isReversed ? selection.anchor : selection.active; let startNode = getNode(rootNode, selectionStart, true); let endNode = getNode(rootNode, selectionEnd, true); if (!selection.isEmpty) { selectionStart = adjustStartNodeCss(startNode, selectionStart, rootNode); selectionEnd = adjustEndNodeCss(endNode, selectionEnd, rootNode); selection = new vscode.Selection(selectionStart, selectionEnd); } else if (startNode) { selectionStart = startNode.start; selectionEnd = startNode.end; selection = new vscode.Selection(selectionStart, selectionEnd); } // Uncomment the comments that intersect with the selection. let rangesToUnComment: vscode.Range[] = []; let edits: vscode.TextEdit[] = []; rootNode.comments.forEach(comment => { let commentRange = new vscode.Range(comment.start, comment.end); if (selection.intersection(commentRange)) { rangesToUnComment.push(commentRange); edits.push(new vscode.TextEdit(new vscode.Range(comment.start, comment.start.translate(0, startCommentStylesheet.length)), '')); edits.push(new vscode.TextEdit(new vscode.Range(comment.end.translate(0, -endCommentStylesheet.length), comment.end), '')); } }); if (edits.length > 0) { return edits; } return [ new vscode.TextEdit(new vscode.Range(selection.start, selection.start), startCommentStylesheet), new vscode.TextEdit(new vscode.Range(selection.end, selection.end), endCommentStylesheet) ]; } function adjustStartNodeCss(node: Node | null, pos: vscode.Position, rootNode: Stylesheet): vscode.Position { for (const comment of rootNode.comments) { let commentRange = new vscode.Range(comment.start, comment.end); if (commentRange.contains(pos)) { return pos; } } if (!node) { return pos; } if (node.type === 'property') { return node.start; } const rule = node; if (pos.isBefore(rule.contentStartToken.end) || !rule.firstChild) { return rule.start; } if (pos.isBefore(rule.firstChild.start)) { return pos; } let newStartNode = rule.firstChild; while (newStartNode.nextSibling && pos.isAfter(newStartNode.end)) { newStartNode = newStartNode.nextSibling; } return newStartNode.start; } function adjustEndNodeCss(node: Node | null, pos: vscode.Position, rootNode: Stylesheet): vscode.Position { for (const comment of rootNode.comments) { let commentRange = new vscode.Range(comment.start, comment.end); if (commentRange.contains(pos)) { return pos; } } if (!node) { return pos; } if (node.type === 'property') { return node.end; } const rule = node; if (pos.isEqual(rule.contentEndToken.end) || !rule.firstChild) { return rule.end; } if (pos.isAfter(rule.children[rule.children.length - 1].end)) { return pos; } let newEndNode = rule.children[rule.children.length - 1]; while (newEndNode.previousSibling && pos.isBefore(newEndNode.start)) { newEndNode = newEndNode.previousSibling; } return newEndNode.end; }