/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 'use strict'; import { TPromise } from 'vs/base/common/winjs.base'; import { TimeoutTimer } from 'vs/base/common/async'; import { onUnexpectedError } from 'vs/base/common/errors'; import { EventEmitter } from 'vs/base/common/eventEmitter'; import { Disposable, IDisposable } from 'vs/base/common/lifecycle'; import { isObject } from 'vs/base/common/types'; import * as browser from 'vs/base/browser/browser'; import { IKeyboardEvent, StandardKeyboardEvent } from 'vs/base/browser/keyboardEvent'; import { IMouseEvent, StandardMouseEvent } from 'vs/base/browser/mouseEvent'; import { CharCode } from 'vs/base/common/charCode'; export function clearNode(node: HTMLElement) { while (node.firstChild) { node.removeChild(node.firstChild); } } /** * Calls JSON.Stringify with a replacer to break apart any circular references. * This prevents JSON.stringify from throwing the exception * "Uncaught TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON" */ export function safeStringifyDOMAware(obj: any): string { let seen: any[] = []; return JSON.stringify(obj, (key, value) => { // HTML elements are never going to serialize nicely if (value instanceof Element) { return '[Element]'; } if (isObject(value) || Array.isArray(value)) { if (seen.indexOf(value) !== -1) { return '[Circular]'; } else { seen.push(value); } } return value; }); } export function isInDOM(node: Node): boolean { while (node) { if (node === document.body) { return true; } node = node.parentNode; } return false; } const _manualClassList = new class { private _lastStart: number; private _lastEnd: number; private _findClassName(node: HTMLElement, className: string): void { let classes = node.className; if (!classes) { this._lastStart = -1; return; } className = className.trim(); let classesLen = classes.length, classLen = className.length; if (classLen === 0) { this._lastStart = -1; return; } if (classesLen < classLen) { this._lastStart = -1; return; } if (classes === className) { this._lastStart = 0; this._lastEnd = classesLen; return; } let idx = -1, idxEnd: number; while ((idx = classes.indexOf(className, idx + 1)) >= 0) { idxEnd = idx + classLen; // a class that is followed by another class if ((idx === 0 || classes.charCodeAt(idx - 1) === CharCode.Space) && classes.charCodeAt(idxEnd) === CharCode.Space) { this._lastStart = idx; this._lastEnd = idxEnd + 1; return; } // last class if (idx > 0 && classes.charCodeAt(idx - 1) === CharCode.Space && idxEnd === classesLen) { this._lastStart = idx - 1; this._lastEnd = idxEnd; return; } // equal - duplicate of cmp above if (idx === 0 && idxEnd === classesLen) { this._lastStart = 0; this._lastEnd = idxEnd; return; } } this._lastStart = -1; } hasClass(node: HTMLElement, className: string): boolean { this._findClassName(node, className); return this._lastStart !== -1; } addClass(node: HTMLElement, className: string): void { if (!node.className) { // doesn't have it for sure node.className = className; } else { this._findClassName(node, className); // see if it's already there if (this._lastStart === -1) { node.className = node.className + ' ' + className; } } } removeClass(node: HTMLElement, className: string): void { this._findClassName(node, className); if (this._lastStart === -1) { return; // Prevent styles invalidation if not necessary } else { node.className = node.className.substring(0, this._lastStart) + node.className.substring(this._lastEnd); } } toggleClass(node: HTMLElement, className: string, shouldHaveIt?: boolean): void { this._findClassName(node, className); if (this._lastStart !== -1 && (shouldHaveIt === void 0 || !shouldHaveIt)) { this.removeClass(node, className); } if (this._lastStart === -1 && (shouldHaveIt === void 0 || shouldHaveIt)) { this.addClass(node, className); } } }; const _nativeClassList = new class { hasClass(node: HTMLElement, className: string): boolean { return className && node.classList && node.classList.contains(className); } addClass(node: HTMLElement, className: string): void { if (className && node.classList) { node.classList.add(className); } } removeClass(node: HTMLElement, className: string): void { if (className && node.classList) { node.classList.remove(className); } } toggleClass(node: HTMLElement, className: string, shouldHaveIt?: boolean): void { if (node.classList) { node.classList.toggle(className, shouldHaveIt); } } }; // In IE11 there is only partial support for `classList` which makes us keep our // custom implementation. Otherwise use the native implementation, see: http://caniuse.com/#search=classlist const _classList = browser.isIE ? _manualClassList : _nativeClassList; export const hasClass: (node: HTMLElement, className: string) => boolean = _classList.hasClass.bind(_classList); export const addClass: (node: HTMLElement, className: string) => void = _classList.addClass.bind(_classList); export const removeClass: (node: HTMLElement, className: string) => void = _classList.removeClass.bind(_classList); export const toggleClass: (node: HTMLElement, className: string, shouldHaveIt?: boolean) => void = _classList.toggleClass.bind(_classList); class DomListener implements IDisposable { private _handler: (e: any) => void; private _node: Element | Window | Document; private readonly _type: string; private readonly _useCapture: boolean; constructor(node: Element | Window | Document, type: string, handler: (e: any) => void, useCapture: boolean) { this._node = node; this._type = type; this._handler = handler; this._useCapture = (useCapture || false); this._node.addEventListener(this._type, this._handler, this._useCapture); } public dispose(): void { if (!this._handler) { // Already disposed return; } this._node.removeEventListener(this._type, this._handler, this._useCapture); // Prevent leakers from holding on to the dom or handler func this._node = null; this._handler = null; } } export function addDisposableListener(node: Element | Window | Document, type: string, handler: (event: any) => void, useCapture?: boolean): IDisposable { return new DomListener(node, type, handler, useCapture); } export interface IAddStandardDisposableListenerSignature { (node: HTMLElement, type: 'click', handler: (event: IMouseEvent) => void, useCapture?: boolean): IDisposable; (node: HTMLElement, type: 'mousedown', handler: (event: IMouseEvent) => void, useCapture?: boolean): IDisposable; (node: HTMLElement, type: 'keydown', handler: (event: IKeyboardEvent) => void, useCapture?: boolean): IDisposable; (node: HTMLElement, type: 'keypress', handler: (event: IKeyboardEvent) => void, useCapture?: boolean): IDisposable; (node: HTMLElement, type: 'keyup', handler: (event: IKeyboardEvent) => void, useCapture?: boolean): IDisposable; (node: HTMLElement, type: string, handler: (event: any) => void, useCapture?: boolean): IDisposable; } function _wrapAsStandardMouseEvent(handler: (e: IMouseEvent) => void): (e: MouseEvent) => void { return function (e: MouseEvent) { return handler(new StandardMouseEvent(e)); }; } function _wrapAsStandardKeyboardEvent(handler: (e: IKeyboardEvent) => void): (e: KeyboardEvent) => void { return function (e: KeyboardEvent) { return handler(new StandardKeyboardEvent(e)); }; } export let addStandardDisposableListener: IAddStandardDisposableListenerSignature = function addStandardDisposableListener(node: HTMLElement, type: string, handler: (event: any) => void, useCapture?: boolean): IDisposable { let wrapHandler = handler; if (type === 'click' || type === 'mousedown') { wrapHandler = _wrapAsStandardMouseEvent(handler); } else if (type === 'keydown' || type === 'keypress' || type === 'keyup') { wrapHandler = _wrapAsStandardKeyboardEvent(handler); } return addDisposableListener(node, type, wrapHandler, useCapture); }; export function addDisposableNonBubblingMouseOutListener(node: Element, handler: (event: MouseEvent) => void): IDisposable { return addDisposableListener(node, 'mouseout', (e: MouseEvent) => { // Mouse out bubbles, so this is an attempt to ignore faux mouse outs coming from children elements let toElement = (e.relatedTarget || e.toElement); while (toElement && toElement !== node) { toElement = toElement.parentNode; } if (toElement === node) { return; } handler(e); }); } const _animationFrame = (function () { let emulatedRequestAnimationFrame = (callback: (time: number) => void): number => { return setTimeout(() => callback(new Date().getTime()), 0); }; let nativeRequestAnimationFrame: (callback: (time: number) => void) => number = self.requestAnimationFrame || (self).msRequestAnimationFrame || (self).webkitRequestAnimationFrame || (self).mozRequestAnimationFrame || (self).oRequestAnimationFrame; let emulatedCancelAnimationFrame = (id: number) => { }; let nativeCancelAnimationFrame: (id: number) => void = self.cancelAnimationFrame || (self).cancelRequestAnimationFrame || (self).msCancelAnimationFrame || (self).msCancelRequestAnimationFrame || (self).webkitCancelAnimationFrame || (self).webkitCancelRequestAnimationFrame || (self).mozCancelAnimationFrame || (self).mozCancelRequestAnimationFrame || (self).oCancelAnimationFrame || (self).oCancelRequestAnimationFrame; let isNative = !!nativeRequestAnimationFrame; let request = nativeRequestAnimationFrame || emulatedRequestAnimationFrame; let cancel = nativeCancelAnimationFrame || emulatedCancelAnimationFrame; return { isNative: isNative, request: (callback: (time: number) => void): number => { return request(callback); }, cancel: (id: number) => { return cancel(id); } }; })(); /** * Schedule a callback to be run at the next animation frame. * This allows multiple parties to register callbacks that should run at the next animation frame. * If currently in an animation frame, `runner` will be executed immediately. * @return token that can be used to cancel the scheduled runner (only if `runner` was not executed immediately). */ export let runAtThisOrScheduleAtNextAnimationFrame: (runner: () => void, priority?: number) => IDisposable; /** * Schedule a callback to be run at the next animation frame. * This allows multiple parties to register callbacks that should run at the next animation frame. * If currently in an animation frame, `runner` will be executed at the next animation frame. * @return token that can be used to cancel the scheduled runner. */ export let scheduleAtNextAnimationFrame: (runner: () => void, priority?: number) => IDisposable; class AnimationFrameQueueItem implements IDisposable { private _runner: () => void; public priority: number; private _canceled: boolean; constructor(runner: () => void, priority: number) { this._runner = runner; this.priority = priority; this._canceled = false; } public dispose(): void { this._canceled = true; } public execute(): void { if (this._canceled) { return; } try { this._runner(); } catch (e) { onUnexpectedError(e); } } // Sort by priority (largest to lowest) public static sort(a: AnimationFrameQueueItem, b: AnimationFrameQueueItem): number { return b.priority - a.priority; } } (function () { /** * The runners scheduled at the next animation frame */ let NEXT_QUEUE: AnimationFrameQueueItem[] = []; /** * The runners scheduled at the current animation frame */ let CURRENT_QUEUE: AnimationFrameQueueItem[] = null; /** * A flag to keep track if the native requestAnimationFrame was already called */ let animFrameRequested = false; /** * A flag to indicate if currently handling a native requestAnimationFrame callback */ let inAnimationFrameRunner = false; let animationFrameRunner = () => { animFrameRequested = false; CURRENT_QUEUE = NEXT_QUEUE; NEXT_QUEUE = []; inAnimationFrameRunner = true; while (CURRENT_QUEUE.length > 0) { CURRENT_QUEUE.sort(AnimationFrameQueueItem.sort); let top = CURRENT_QUEUE.shift(); top.execute(); } inAnimationFrameRunner = false; }; scheduleAtNextAnimationFrame = (runner: () => void, priority: number = 0) => { let item = new AnimationFrameQueueItem(runner, priority); NEXT_QUEUE.push(item); if (!animFrameRequested) { animFrameRequested = true; _animationFrame.request(animationFrameRunner); } return item; }; runAtThisOrScheduleAtNextAnimationFrame = (runner: () => void, priority?: number) => { if (inAnimationFrameRunner) { let item = new AnimationFrameQueueItem(runner, priority); CURRENT_QUEUE.push(item); return item; } else { return scheduleAtNextAnimationFrame(runner, priority); } }; })(); /** * Add a throttled listener. `handler` is fired at most every 16ms or with the next animation frame (if browser supports it). */ export interface IEventMerger { (lastEvent: R, currentEvent: Event): R; } const MINIMUM_TIME_MS = 16; const DEFAULT_EVENT_MERGER: IEventMerger = function (lastEvent: Event, currentEvent: Event) { return currentEvent; }; class TimeoutThrottledDomListener extends Disposable { constructor(node: any, type: string, handler: (event: R) => void, eventMerger: IEventMerger = DEFAULT_EVENT_MERGER, minimumTimeMs: number = MINIMUM_TIME_MS) { super(); let lastEvent: R = null; let lastHandlerTime = 0; let timeout = this._register(new TimeoutTimer()); let invokeHandler = () => { lastHandlerTime = (new Date()).getTime(); handler(lastEvent); lastEvent = null; }; this._register(addDisposableListener(node, type, (e) => { lastEvent = eventMerger(lastEvent, e); let elapsedTime = (new Date()).getTime() - lastHandlerTime; if (elapsedTime >= minimumTimeMs) { timeout.cancel(); invokeHandler(); } else { timeout.setIfNotSet(invokeHandler, minimumTimeMs - elapsedTime); } })); } } export function addDisposableThrottledListener(node: any, type: string, handler: (event: R) => void, eventMerger?: IEventMerger, minimumTimeMs?: number): IDisposable { return new TimeoutThrottledDomListener(node, type, handler, eventMerger, minimumTimeMs); } export function getComputedStyle(el: HTMLElement): CSSStyleDeclaration { return document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(el, null); } // Adapted from WinJS // Converts a CSS positioning string for the specified element to pixels. const convertToPixels: (element: HTMLElement, value: string) => number = (function () { return function (element: HTMLElement, value: string): number { return parseFloat(value) || 0; }; })(); function getDimension(element: HTMLElement, cssPropertyName: string, jsPropertyName: string): number { let computedStyle: CSSStyleDeclaration = getComputedStyle(element); let value = '0'; if (computedStyle) { if (computedStyle.getPropertyValue) { value = computedStyle.getPropertyValue(cssPropertyName); } else { // IE8 value = (computedStyle).getAttribute(jsPropertyName); } } return convertToPixels(element, value); } const sizeUtils = { getBorderLeftWidth: function (element: HTMLElement): number { return getDimension(element, 'border-left-width', 'borderLeftWidth'); }, getBorderTopWidth: function (element: HTMLElement): number { return getDimension(element, 'border-top-width', 'borderTopWidth'); }, getBorderRightWidth: function (element: HTMLElement): number { return getDimension(element, 'border-right-width', 'borderRightWidth'); }, getBorderBottomWidth: function (element: HTMLElement): number { return getDimension(element, 'border-bottom-width', 'borderBottomWidth'); }, getPaddingLeft: function (element: HTMLElement): number { return getDimension(element, 'padding-left', 'paddingLeft'); }, getPaddingTop: function (element: HTMLElement): number { return getDimension(element, 'padding-top', 'paddingTop'); }, getPaddingRight: function (element: HTMLElement): number { return getDimension(element, 'padding-right', 'paddingRight'); }, getPaddingBottom: function (element: HTMLElement): number { return getDimension(element, 'padding-bottom', 'paddingBottom'); }, getMarginLeft: function (element: HTMLElement): number { return getDimension(element, 'margin-left', 'marginLeft'); }, getMarginTop: function (element: HTMLElement): number { return getDimension(element, 'margin-top', 'marginTop'); }, getMarginRight: function (element: HTMLElement): number { return getDimension(element, 'margin-right', 'marginRight'); }, getMarginBottom: function (element: HTMLElement): number { return getDimension(element, 'margin-bottom', 'marginBottom'); }, __commaSentinel: false }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Position & Dimension export function getTopLeftOffset(element: HTMLElement): { left: number; top: number; } { // Adapted from WinJS.Utilities.getPosition // and added borders to the mix let offsetParent = element.offsetParent, top = element.offsetTop, left = element.offsetLeft; while ((element = element.parentNode) !== null && element !== document.body && element !== document.documentElement) { top -= element.scrollTop; let c = getComputedStyle(element); if (c) { left -= c.direction !== 'rtl' ? element.scrollLeft : -element.scrollLeft; } if (element === offsetParent) { left += sizeUtils.getBorderLeftWidth(element); top += sizeUtils.getBorderTopWidth(element); top += element.offsetTop; left += element.offsetLeft; offsetParent = element.offsetParent; } } return { left: left, top: top }; } export interface IDomNodePagePosition { left: number; top: number; width: number; height: number; } /** * Returns the position of a dom node relative to the entire page. */ export function getDomNodePagePosition(domNode: HTMLElement): IDomNodePagePosition { let bb = domNode.getBoundingClientRect(); return { left: bb.left + StandardWindow.scrollX, top: bb.top + StandardWindow.scrollY, width: bb.width, height: bb.height }; } export interface IStandardWindow { scrollX: number; scrollY: number; } export const StandardWindow: IStandardWindow = new class { get scrollX(): number { if (typeof window.scrollX === 'number') { // modern browsers return window.scrollX; } else { return document.body.scrollLeft + document.documentElement.scrollLeft; } } get scrollY(): number { if (typeof window.scrollY === 'number') { // modern browsers return window.scrollY; } else { return document.body.scrollTop + document.documentElement.scrollTop; } } }; // Adapted from WinJS // Gets the width of the content of the specified element. The content width does not include borders or padding. export function getContentWidth(element: HTMLElement): number { let border = sizeUtils.getBorderLeftWidth(element) + sizeUtils.getBorderRightWidth(element); let padding = sizeUtils.getPaddingLeft(element) + sizeUtils.getPaddingRight(element); return element.offsetWidth - border - padding; } // Adapted from WinJS // Gets the width of the element, including margins. export function getTotalWidth(element: HTMLElement): number { let margin = sizeUtils.getMarginLeft(element) + sizeUtils.getMarginRight(element); return element.offsetWidth + margin; } export function getTotalScrollWidth(element: HTMLElement): number { let margin = sizeUtils.getMarginLeft(element) + sizeUtils.getMarginRight(element); return element.scrollWidth + margin; } // Adapted from WinJS // Gets the height of the content of the specified element. The content height does not include borders or padding. export function getContentHeight(element: HTMLElement): number { let border = sizeUtils.getBorderTopWidth(element) + sizeUtils.getBorderBottomWidth(element); let padding = sizeUtils.getPaddingTop(element) + sizeUtils.getPaddingBottom(element); return element.offsetHeight - border - padding; } // Adapted from WinJS // Gets the height of the element, including its margins. export function getTotalHeight(element: HTMLElement): number { let margin = sizeUtils.getMarginTop(element) + sizeUtils.getMarginBottom(element); return element.offsetHeight + margin; } // Gets the left coordinate of the specified element relative to the specified parent. function getRelativeLeft(element: HTMLElement, parent: HTMLElement): number { if (element === null) { return 0; } let elementPosition = getTopLeftOffset(element); let parentPosition = getTopLeftOffset(parent); return elementPosition.left - parentPosition.left; } export function getLargestChildWidth(parent: HTMLElement, children: HTMLElement[]): number { let childWidths = children.map((child) => { return Math.max(getTotalScrollWidth(child), getTotalWidth(child)) + getRelativeLeft(child, parent) || 0; }); let maxWidth = Math.max(...childWidths); return maxWidth; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- export function isAncestor(testChild: Node, testAncestor: Node): boolean { while (testChild) { if (testChild === testAncestor) { return true; } testChild = testChild.parentNode; } return false; } export function findParentWithClass(node: HTMLElement, clazz: string, stopAtClazz?: string): HTMLElement { while (node) { if (hasClass(node, clazz)) { return node; } if (stopAtClazz && hasClass(node, stopAtClazz)) { return null; } node = node.parentNode; } return null; } export function createStyleSheet(container: HTMLElement = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]): HTMLStyleElement { let style = document.createElement('style'); style.type = 'text/css'; style.media = 'screen'; container.appendChild(style); return style; } const sharedStyle = createStyleSheet(); function getDynamicStyleSheetRules(style: any) { if (style && style.sheet && style.sheet.rules) { // Chrome, IE return style.sheet.rules; } if (style && style.sheet && style.sheet.cssRules) { // FF return style.sheet.cssRules; } return []; } export function createCSSRule(selector: string, cssText: string, style: HTMLStyleElement = sharedStyle): void { if (!style || !cssText) { return; } (style.sheet).insertRule(selector + '{' + cssText + '}', 0); } export function getCSSRule(selector: string, style: HTMLStyleElement = sharedStyle): any { if (!style) { return null; } let rules = getDynamicStyleSheetRules(style); for (let i = 0; i < rules.length; i++) { let rule = rules[i]; let normalizedSelectorText = rule.selectorText.replace(/::/gi, ':'); if (normalizedSelectorText === selector) { return rule; } } return null; } export function removeCSSRulesContainingSelector(ruleName: string, style = sharedStyle): void { if (!style) { return; } let rules = getDynamicStyleSheetRules(style); let toDelete: number[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < rules.length; i++) { let rule = rules[i]; if (rule.selectorText.indexOf(ruleName) !== -1) { toDelete.push(i); } } for (let i = toDelete.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { style.sheet.deleteRule(toDelete[i]); } } export function isHTMLElement(o: any): o is HTMLElement { if (typeof HTMLElement === 'object') { return o instanceof HTMLElement; } return o && typeof o === 'object' && o.nodeType === 1 && typeof o.nodeName === 'string'; } export const EventType = { // Mouse CLICK: 'click', AUXCLICK: 'auxclick', // >= Chrome 56 DBLCLICK: 'dblclick', MOUSE_UP: 'mouseup', MOUSE_DOWN: 'mousedown', MOUSE_OVER: 'mouseover', MOUSE_MOVE: 'mousemove', MOUSE_OUT: 'mouseout', CONTEXT_MENU: 'contextmenu', WHEEL: 'wheel', // Keyboard KEY_DOWN: 'keydown', KEY_PRESS: 'keypress', KEY_UP: 'keyup', // HTML Document LOAD: 'load', UNLOAD: 'unload', ABORT: 'abort', ERROR: 'error', RESIZE: 'resize', SCROLL: 'scroll', // Form SELECT: 'select', CHANGE: 'change', SUBMIT: 'submit', RESET: 'reset', FOCUS: 'focus', BLUR: 'blur', INPUT: 'input', // Local Storage STORAGE: 'storage', // Drag DRAG_START: 'dragstart', DRAG: 'drag', DRAG_ENTER: 'dragenter', DRAG_LEAVE: 'dragleave', DRAG_OVER: 'dragover', DROP: 'drop', DRAG_END: 'dragend', // Animation ANIMATION_START: browser.isWebKit ? 'webkitAnimationStart' : 'animationstart', ANIMATION_END: browser.isWebKit ? 'webkitAnimationEnd' : 'animationend', ANIMATION_ITERATION: browser.isWebKit ? 'webkitAnimationIteration' : 'animationiteration' }; export interface EventLike { preventDefault(): void; stopPropagation(): void; } export const EventHelper = { stop: function (e: EventLike, cancelBubble?: boolean) { if (e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); } else { // IE8 (e).returnValue = false; } if (cancelBubble) { if (e.stopPropagation) { e.stopPropagation(); } else { // IE8 (e).cancelBubble = true; } } } }; export interface IFocusTracker { addBlurListener(fn: () => void): IDisposable; addFocusListener(fn: () => void): IDisposable; dispose(): void; } export function saveParentsScrollTop(node: Element): number[] { let r: number[] = []; for (let i = 0; node && node.nodeType === node.ELEMENT_NODE; i++) { r[i] = node.scrollTop; node = node.parentNode; } return r; } export function restoreParentsScrollTop(node: Element, state: number[]): void { for (let i = 0; node && node.nodeType === node.ELEMENT_NODE; i++) { if (node.scrollTop !== state[i]) { node.scrollTop = state[i]; } node = node.parentNode; } } class FocusTracker extends Disposable implements IFocusTracker { private _eventEmitter: EventEmitter; constructor(element: HTMLElement | Window) { super(); let hasFocus = false; let loosingFocus = false; this._eventEmitter = this._register(new EventEmitter()); let onFocus = (event: Event) => { loosingFocus = false; if (!hasFocus) { hasFocus = true; this._eventEmitter.emit('focus', {}); } }; let onBlur = (event: Event) => { if (hasFocus) { loosingFocus = true; window.setTimeout(() => { if (loosingFocus) { loosingFocus = false; hasFocus = false; this._eventEmitter.emit('blur', {}); } }, 0); } }; this._register(addDisposableListener(element, EventType.FOCUS, onFocus, true)); this._register(addDisposableListener(element, EventType.BLUR, onBlur, true)); } public addFocusListener(fn: () => void): IDisposable { return this._eventEmitter.addListener('focus', fn); } public addBlurListener(fn: () => void): IDisposable { return this._eventEmitter.addListener('blur', fn); } } export function trackFocus(element: HTMLElement | Window): IFocusTracker { return new FocusTracker(element); } export function append(parent: HTMLElement, ...children: T[]): T { children.forEach(child => parent.appendChild(child)); return children[children.length - 1]; } export function prepend(parent: HTMLElement, child: T): T { parent.insertBefore(child, parent.firstChild); return child; } const SELECTOR_REGEX = /([\w\-]+)?(#([\w\-]+))?((.([\w\-]+))*)/; // Similar to builder, but much more lightweight export function $(description: string, attrs?: { [key: string]: any; }, ...children: (Node | string)[]): T { let match = SELECTOR_REGEX.exec(description); if (!match) { throw new Error('Bad use of emmet'); } let result = document.createElement(match[1] || 'div'); if (match[3]) { result.id = match[3]; } if (match[4]) { result.className = match[4].replace(/\./g, ' ').trim(); } Object.keys(attrs || {}).forEach(name => { if (/^on\w+$/.test(name)) { result[name] = attrs[name]; } else if (name === 'selected') { const value = attrs[name]; if (value) { result.setAttribute(name, 'true'); } } else { result.setAttribute(name, attrs[name]); } }); children .filter(child => !!child) .forEach(child => { if (child instanceof Node) { result.appendChild(child); } else { result.appendChild(document.createTextNode(child as string)); } }); return result as T; } export function join(nodes: Node[], separator: Node | string): Node[] { const result: Node[] = []; nodes.forEach((node, index) => { if (index > 0) { if (separator instanceof Node) { result.push(separator.cloneNode()); } else { result.push(document.createTextNode(separator)); } } result.push(node); }); return result; } export function show(...elements: HTMLElement[]): void { for (let element of elements) { element.style.display = ''; } } export function hide(...elements: HTMLElement[]): void { for (let element of elements) { element.style.display = 'none'; } } function findParentWithAttribute(node: Node, attribute: string): HTMLElement { while (node) { if (node instanceof HTMLElement && node.hasAttribute(attribute)) { return node; } node = node.parentNode; } return null; } export function removeTabIndexAndUpdateFocus(node: HTMLElement): void { if (!node || !node.hasAttribute('tabIndex')) { return; } // If we are the currently focused element and tabIndex is removed, // standard DOM behavior is to move focus to the element. We // typically never want that, rather put focus to the closest element // in the hierarchy of the parent DOM nodes. if (document.activeElement === node) { let parentFocusable = findParentWithAttribute(node.parentElement, 'tabIndex'); if (parentFocusable) { parentFocusable.focus(); } } node.removeAttribute('tabindex'); } export function getElementsByTagName(tag: string): HTMLElement[] { return Array.prototype.slice.call(document.getElementsByTagName(tag), 0); } export function finalHandler(fn: (event: T) => any): (event: T) => any { return e => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); fn(e); }; } export function domContentLoaded(): TPromise { return new TPromise((c, e) => { const readyState = document.readyState; if (readyState === 'complete' || (document && document.body !== null)) { window.setImmediate(c); } else { window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', c, false); } }); }