/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 'use strict'; import nls = require('vs/nls'); import { TPromise } from 'vs/base/common/winjs.base'; import { WorkbenchShell } from 'vs/workbench/electron-browser/shell'; import { IOptions } from 'vs/workbench/common/options'; import * as browser from 'vs/base/browser/browser'; import { domContentLoaded } from 'vs/base/browser/dom'; import errors = require('vs/base/common/errors'); import comparer = require('vs/base/common/comparers'); import platform = require('vs/base/common/platform'); import paths = require('vs/base/common/paths'); import uri from 'vs/base/common/uri'; import strings = require('vs/base/common/strings'); import { IResourceInput } from 'vs/platform/editor/common/editor'; import { IWorkspace, WorkspaceContextService } from 'vs/platform/workspace/common/workspace'; import { WorkspaceConfigurationService } from 'vs/workbench/services/configuration/node/configurationService'; import { ParsedArgs } from 'vs/platform/environment/common/environment'; import { realpath, stat } from 'vs/base/node/pfs'; import { EnvironmentService } from 'vs/platform/environment/node/environmentService'; import path = require('path'); import gracefulFs = require('graceful-fs'); import { IPath, IOpenFileRequest } from 'vs/workbench/electron-browser/common'; import { IInitData } from 'vs/workbench/services/timer/common/timerService'; import { TimerService } from 'vs/workbench/services/timer/node/timerService'; import { KeyboardMapperFactory } from "vs/workbench/services/keybinding/electron-browser/keybindingService"; import { webFrame } from 'electron'; import fs = require('fs'); gracefulFs.gracefulify(fs); // enable gracefulFs export interface IWindowConfiguration extends ParsedArgs, IOpenFileRequest { /** * The physical keyboard is of ISO type (on OSX) */ isISOKeyboard?: boolean; appRoot: string; execPath: string; userEnv: any; /* vs/code/electron-main/env/IProcessEnvironment*/ workspacePath?: string; zoomLevel?: number; fullscreen?: boolean; } export function startup(configuration: IWindowConfiguration): TPromise { // Ensure others can listen to zoom level changes browser.setZoomFactor(webFrame.getZoomFactor()); // See https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/26151 // Can be trusted because we are not setting it ourselves. browser.setZoomLevel(webFrame.getZoomLevel(), /*isTrusted*/true); browser.setFullscreen(!!configuration.fullscreen); KeyboardMapperFactory.INSTANCE._onKeyboardLayoutChanged(configuration.isISOKeyboard); // Setup Intl comparer.setFileNameComparer(new Intl.Collator(undefined, { numeric: true, sensitivity: 'base' })); // Shell Options const filesToOpen = configuration.filesToOpen && configuration.filesToOpen.length ? toInputs(configuration.filesToOpen) : null; const filesToCreate = configuration.filesToCreate && configuration.filesToCreate.length ? toInputs(configuration.filesToCreate) : null; const filesToDiff = configuration.filesToDiff && configuration.filesToDiff.length ? toInputs(configuration.filesToDiff) : null; const shellOptions: IOptions = { filesToOpen, filesToCreate, filesToDiff }; // Resolve workspace return getWorkspace(configuration.workspacePath).then(workspace => { // Open workbench return openWorkbench(configuration, workspace, shellOptions); }); } function toInputs(paths: IPath[], isUntitledFile?: boolean): IResourceInput[] { return paths.map(p => { const input = {}; if (isUntitledFile) { input.resource = uri.from({ scheme: 'untitled', path: p.filePath }); } else { input.resource = uri.file(p.filePath); } input.options = { pinned: true // opening on startup is always pinned and not preview }; if (p.lineNumber) { input.options.selection = { startLineNumber: p.lineNumber, startColumn: p.columnNumber }; } return input; }); } function getWorkspace(workspacePath: string): TPromise { if (!workspacePath) { return TPromise.as(null); } return realpath(workspacePath).then(realWorkspacePath => { // for some weird reason, node adds a trailing slash to UNC paths // we never ever want trailing slashes as our workspace path unless // someone opens root ("/"). // See also https://github.com/nodejs/io.js/issues/1765 if (paths.isUNC(realWorkspacePath) && strings.endsWith(realWorkspacePath, paths.nativeSep)) { realWorkspacePath = strings.rtrim(realWorkspacePath, paths.nativeSep); } const workspaceResource = uri.file(realWorkspacePath); const folderName = path.basename(realWorkspacePath) || realWorkspacePath; return stat(realWorkspacePath).then(folderStat => { return { 'resource': workspaceResource, 'name': folderName, 'uid': platform.isLinux ? folderStat.ino : folderStat.birthtime.getTime() // On Linux, birthtime is ctime, so we cannot use it! We use the ino instead! }; }); }, (error) => { errors.onUnexpectedError(error); return null; // treat invalid paths as empty workspace }); } function openWorkbench(environment: IWindowConfiguration, workspace: IWorkspace, options: IOptions): TPromise { const environmentService = new EnvironmentService(environment, environment.execPath); const contextService = new WorkspaceContextService(workspace); const configurationService = new WorkspaceConfigurationService(contextService, environmentService); const timerService = new TimerService((window).MonacoEnvironment.timers as IInitData, !contextService.hasWorkspace()); // Since the configuration service is one of the core services that is used in so many places, we initialize it // right before startup of the workbench shell to have its data ready for consumers return configurationService.initialize().then(() => { timerService.beforeDOMContentLoaded = Date.now(); return domContentLoaded().then(() => { timerService.afterDOMContentLoaded = Date.now(); // Open Shell timerService.beforeWorkbenchOpen = Date.now(); const shell = new WorkbenchShell(document.body, { configurationService, contextService, environmentService, timerService }, options); shell.open(); // Inform user about loading issues from the loader (self).require.config({ onError: (err: any) => { if (err.errorCode === 'load') { shell.onUnexpectedError(loaderError(err)); } } }); }); }); } function loaderError(err: Error): Error { if (platform.isWeb) { return new Error(nls.localize('loaderError', "Failed to load a required file. Either you are no longer connected to the internet or the server you are connected to is offline. Please refresh the browser to try again.")); } return new Error(nls.localize('loaderErrorNative', "Failed to load a required file. Please restart the application to try again. Details: {0}", JSON.stringify(err))); }