/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import 'vs/code/code.main'; import { app, dialog } from 'electron'; import { assign } from 'vs/base/common/objects'; import * as platform from 'vs/base/common/platform'; import product from 'vs/platform/node/product'; import * as path from 'path'; import { parseMainProcessArgv } from 'vs/platform/environment/node/argv'; import { mkdirp, readdir, rimraf } from 'vs/base/node/pfs'; import { validatePaths } from 'vs/code/node/paths'; import { LifecycleService, ILifecycleService } from 'vs/platform/lifecycle/electron-main/lifecycleMain'; import { Server, serve, connect } from 'vs/base/parts/ipc/node/ipc.net'; import { LaunchChannelClient } from 'vs/platform/launch/electron-main/launchService'; import { ServicesAccessor, IInstantiationService } from 'vs/platform/instantiation/common/instantiation'; import { InstantiationService } from 'vs/platform/instantiation/node/instantiationService'; import { ServiceCollection } from 'vs/platform/instantiation/common/serviceCollection'; import { SyncDescriptor } from 'vs/platform/instantiation/common/descriptors'; import { ILogService, ConsoleLogMainService, MultiplexLogService, getLogLevel } from 'vs/platform/log/common/log'; import { StateService } from 'vs/platform/state/node/stateService'; import { IStateService } from 'vs/platform/state/common/state'; import { IBackupMainService } from 'vs/platform/backup/common/backup'; import { BackupMainService } from 'vs/platform/backup/electron-main/backupMainService'; import { IEnvironmentService, ParsedArgs } from 'vs/platform/environment/common/environment'; import { EnvironmentService } from 'vs/platform/environment/node/environmentService'; import { IConfigurationService } from 'vs/platform/configuration/common/configuration'; import { ConfigurationService } from 'vs/platform/configuration/node/configurationService'; import { IRequestService } from 'vs/platform/request/node/request'; import { RequestService } from 'vs/platform/request/electron-main/requestService'; import { IURLService } from 'vs/platform/url/common/url'; import { URLService } from 'vs/platform/url/common/urlService'; import * as fs from 'fs'; import { CodeApplication } from 'vs/code/electron-main/app'; import { HistoryMainService } from 'vs/platform/history/electron-main/historyMainService'; import { IHistoryMainService } from 'vs/platform/history/common/history'; import { WorkspacesMainService } from 'vs/platform/workspaces/electron-main/workspacesMainService'; import { IWorkspacesMainService } from 'vs/platform/workspaces/common/workspaces'; import { localize } from 'vs/nls'; import { mnemonicButtonLabel } from 'vs/base/common/labels'; import { createSpdLogService } from 'vs/platform/log/node/spdlogService'; import { IDiagnosticsService, DiagnosticsService } from 'vs/platform/diagnostics/electron-main/diagnosticsService'; import { BufferLogService } from 'vs/platform/log/common/bufferLog'; import { uploadLogs } from 'vs/code/electron-main/logUploader'; import { setUnexpectedErrorHandler } from 'vs/base/common/errors'; import { IDialogService } from 'vs/platform/dialogs/common/dialogs'; import { CommandLineDialogService } from 'vs/platform/dialogs/node/dialogService'; import { createWaitMarkerFile } from 'vs/code/node/wait'; function createServices(args: ParsedArgs, bufferLogService: BufferLogService): IInstantiationService { const services = new ServiceCollection(); const environmentService = new EnvironmentService(args, process.execPath); const logService = new MultiplexLogService([new ConsoleLogMainService(getLogLevel(environmentService)), bufferLogService]); process.once('exit', () => logService.dispose()); setTimeout(() => cleanupOlderLogs(environmentService).then(null, err => console.error(err)), 10000); services.set(IEnvironmentService, environmentService); services.set(ILogService, logService); services.set(IWorkspacesMainService, new SyncDescriptor(WorkspacesMainService)); services.set(IHistoryMainService, new SyncDescriptor(HistoryMainService)); services.set(ILifecycleService, new SyncDescriptor(LifecycleService)); services.set(IStateService, new SyncDescriptor(StateService)); services.set(IConfigurationService, new SyncDescriptor(ConfigurationService)); services.set(IRequestService, new SyncDescriptor(RequestService)); services.set(IURLService, new SyncDescriptor(URLService)); services.set(IBackupMainService, new SyncDescriptor(BackupMainService)); services.set(IDialogService, new SyncDescriptor(CommandLineDialogService)); services.set(IDiagnosticsService, new SyncDescriptor(DiagnosticsService)); return new InstantiationService(services, true); } /** * Cleans up older logs, while keeping the 10 most recent ones. */ async function cleanupOlderLogs(environmentService: EnvironmentService): Promise { const currentLog = path.basename(environmentService.logsPath); const logsRoot = path.dirname(environmentService.logsPath); const children = await readdir(logsRoot); const allSessions = children.filter(name => /^\d{8}T\d{6}$/.test(name)); const oldSessions = allSessions.sort().filter((d, i) => d !== currentLog); const toDelete = oldSessions.slice(0, Math.max(0, oldSessions.length - 9)); await Promise.all(toDelete.map(name => rimraf(path.join(logsRoot, name)))); } function createPaths(environmentService: IEnvironmentService): Promise { const paths = [ environmentService.extensionsPath, environmentService.nodeCachedDataDir, environmentService.logsPath, environmentService.globalStorageHome, environmentService.workspaceStorageHome ]; return Promise.all(paths.map(path => path && mkdirp(path))); } class ExpectedError extends Error { public readonly isExpected = true; } function setupIPC(accessor: ServicesAccessor): Promise { const logService = accessor.get(ILogService); const environmentService = accessor.get(IEnvironmentService); const requestService = accessor.get(IRequestService); const diagnosticsService = accessor.get(IDiagnosticsService); function allowSetForegroundWindow(service: LaunchChannelClient): Promise { let promise: Promise = Promise.resolve(); if (platform.isWindows) { promise = service.getMainProcessId() .then(processId => { logService.trace('Sending some foreground love to the running instance:', processId); try { const { allowSetForegroundWindow } = require.__$__nodeRequire('windows-foreground-love'); allowSetForegroundWindow(processId); } catch (e) { // noop } }); } return promise; } function setup(retry: boolean): Promise { return serve(environmentService.mainIPCHandle).then(server => { // Print --status usage info if (environmentService.args.status) { logService.warn('Warning: The --status argument can only be used if Code is already running. Please run it again after Code has started.'); throw new ExpectedError('Terminating...'); } // Log uploader usage info if (typeof environmentService.args['upload-logs'] !== 'undefined') { logService.warn('Warning: The --upload-logs argument can only be used if Code is already running. Please run it again after Code has started.'); throw new ExpectedError('Terminating...'); } // dock might be hidden at this case due to a retry if (platform.isMacintosh) { app.dock.show(); } // Set the VSCODE_PID variable here when we are sure we are the first // instance to startup. Otherwise we would wrongly overwrite the PID process.env['VSCODE_PID'] = String(process.pid); return server; }, err => { if (err.code !== 'EADDRINUSE') { return Promise.reject(err); } // Since we are the second instance, we do not want to show the dock if (platform.isMacintosh) { app.dock.hide(); } // there's a running instance, let's connect to it return connect(environmentService.mainIPCHandle, 'main').then( client => { // Tests from CLI require to be the only instance currently if (environmentService.extensionTestsPath && !environmentService.debugExtensionHost.break) { const msg = 'Running extension tests from the command line is currently only supported if no other instance of Code is running.'; logService.error(msg); client.dispose(); return Promise.reject(new Error(msg)); } // Show a warning dialog after some timeout if it takes long to talk to the other instance // Skip this if we are running with --wait where it is expected that we wait for a while. // Also skip when gathering diagnostics (--status) which can take a longer time. let startupWarningDialogHandle: any; if (!environmentService.wait && !environmentService.status && !environmentService.args['upload-logs']) { startupWarningDialogHandle = setTimeout(() => { showStartupWarningDialog( localize('secondInstanceNoResponse', "Another instance of {0} is running but not responding", product.nameShort), localize('secondInstanceNoResponseDetail', "Please close all other instances and try again.") ); }, 10000); } const channel = client.getChannel('launch'); const service = new LaunchChannelClient(channel); // Process Info if (environmentService.args.status) { return service.getMainProcessInfo().then(info => { return diagnosticsService.printDiagnostics(info).then(() => Promise.reject(new ExpectedError())); }); } // Log uploader if (typeof environmentService.args['upload-logs'] !== 'undefined') { return uploadLogs(service, requestService, environmentService) .then(() => Promise.reject(new ExpectedError())); } logService.trace('Sending env to running instance...'); return allowSetForegroundWindow(service) .then(() => service.start(environmentService.args, process.env)) .then(() => client.dispose()) .then(() => { // Now that we started, make sure the warning dialog is prevented if (startupWarningDialogHandle) { clearTimeout(startupWarningDialogHandle); } return Promise.reject(new ExpectedError('Sent env to running instance. Terminating...')); }); }, err => { if (!retry || platform.isWindows || err.code !== 'ECONNREFUSED') { if (err.code === 'EPERM') { showStartupWarningDialog( localize('secondInstanceAdmin', "A second instance of {0} is already running as administrator.", product.nameShort), localize('secondInstanceAdminDetail', "Please close the other instance and try again.") ); } return Promise.reject(err); } // it happens on Linux and OS X that the pipe is left behind // let's delete it, since we can't connect to it // and then retry the whole thing try { fs.unlinkSync(environmentService.mainIPCHandle); } catch (e) { logService.warn('Could not delete obsolete instance handle', e); return Promise.reject(e); } return setup(false); } ); }); } return setup(true); } function showStartupWarningDialog(message: string, detail: string): void { dialog.showMessageBox({ title: product.nameLong, type: 'warning', buttons: [mnemonicButtonLabel(localize({ key: 'close', comment: ['&& denotes a mnemonic'] }, "&&Close"))], message, detail, noLink: true }); } function quit(accessor: ServicesAccessor, reason?: ExpectedError | Error): void { const logService = accessor.get(ILogService); const lifecycleService = accessor.get(ILifecycleService); let exitCode = 0; if (reason) { if ((reason as ExpectedError).isExpected) { if (reason.message) { logService.trace(reason.message); } } else { exitCode = 1; // signal error to the outside if (reason.stack) { logService.error(reason.stack); } else { logService.error(`Startup error: ${reason.toString()}`); } } } lifecycleService.kill(exitCode); } function patchEnvironment(environmentService: IEnvironmentService): typeof process.env { const instanceEnvironment: typeof process.env = { VSCODE_IPC_HOOK: environmentService.mainIPCHandle, VSCODE_NLS_CONFIG: process.env['VSCODE_NLS_CONFIG'], VSCODE_LOGS: process.env['VSCODE_LOGS'] }; if (process.env['VSCODE_PORTABLE']) { instanceEnvironment['VSCODE_PORTABLE'] = process.env['VSCODE_PORTABLE']; } assign(process.env, instanceEnvironment); return instanceEnvironment; } function startup(args: ParsedArgs): void { // We need to buffer the spdlog logs until we are sure // we are the only instance running, otherwise we'll have concurrent // log file access on Windows (https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/41218) const bufferLogService = new BufferLogService(); const instantiationService = createServices(args, bufferLogService); instantiationService.invokeFunction(accessor => { const environmentService = accessor.get(IEnvironmentService); // Patch `process.env` with the instance's environment const instanceEnvironment = patchEnvironment(environmentService); // Startup return instantiationService .invokeFunction(a => createPaths(a.get(IEnvironmentService))) .then(() => instantiationService.invokeFunction(setupIPC)) .then(mainIpcServer => { bufferLogService.logger = createSpdLogService('main', bufferLogService.getLevel(), environmentService.logsPath); return instantiationService.createInstance(CodeApplication, mainIpcServer, instanceEnvironment).startup(); }); }).then(null, err => instantiationService.invokeFunction(quit, err)); } function main(): void { // Set the error handler early enough so that we are not getting the // default electron error dialog popping up setUnexpectedErrorHandler(err => console.error(err)); // Parse arguments let args: ParsedArgs; try { args = parseMainProcessArgv(process.argv); args = validatePaths(args); } catch (err) { console.error(err.message); app.exit(1); return void 0; } // If we are started with --wait create a random temporary file // and pass it over to the starting instance. We can use this file // to wait for it to be deleted to monitor that the edited file // is closed and then exit the waiting process. // // Note: we are not doing this if the wait marker has been already // added as argument. This can happen if Code was started from CLI. if (args.wait && !args.waitMarkerFilePath) { createWaitMarkerFile(args.verbose).then(waitMarkerFilePath => { if (waitMarkerFilePath) { process.argv.push('--waitMarkerFilePath', waitMarkerFilePath); args.waitMarkerFilePath = waitMarkerFilePath; } startup(args); }); } // Otherwise just startup normally else { startup(args); } } main();