steps: - script: | mkdir -p .build echo -n $BUILD_SOURCEVERSION > .build/commit echo -n $VSCODE_QUALITY > .build/quality displayName: Prepare cache flag - task: 1ESLighthouseEng.PipelineArtifactCaching.RestoreCacheV1.RestoreCache@1 inputs: keyfile: 'build/.cachesalt, .build/commit, .build/quality' targetfolder: '.build, out-build, out-vscode-min, out-vscode-reh-min, out-vscode-reh-web-min' vstsFeed: 'npm-vscode' platformIndependent: true alias: 'Compilation' - script: | set -e exit 1 displayName: Check RestoreCache condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables['CacheRestored-Compilation'], 'true')) - task: NodeTool@0 inputs: versionSpec: "12.13.0" - task: inputs: versionSpec: "1.x" - task: AzureKeyVault@1 displayName: 'Azure Key Vault: Get Secrets' inputs: azureSubscription: 'vscode-builds-subscription' KeyVaultName: vscode - script: | set -e cat << EOF > ~/.netrc machine login vscode password $(github-distro-mixin-password) EOF git config "" git config "VSCode" displayName: Prepare tooling - script: | set -e git remote add distro "$(VSCODE_MIXIN_REPO).git" git fetch distro git merge $(node -p "require('./package.json').distro") displayName: Merge distro - task: 1ESLighthouseEng.PipelineArtifactCaching.RestoreCacheV1.RestoreCache@1 inputs: keyfile: 'build/.cachesalt, .yarnrc, remote/.yarnrc, **/yarn.lock, !**/node_modules/**/yarn.lock, !**/.*/**/yarn.lock' targetfolder: '**/node_modules, !**/node_modules/**/node_modules' vstsFeed: 'npm-vscode' - script: | set -e CHILD_CONCURRENCY=1 yarn --frozen-lockfile displayName: Install dependencies condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables['CacheRestored'], 'true')) - task: 1ESLighthouseEng.PipelineArtifactCaching.SaveCacheV1.SaveCache@1 inputs: keyfile: 'build/.cachesalt, .yarnrc, remote/.yarnrc, **/yarn.lock, !**/node_modules/**/yarn.lock, !**/.*/**/yarn.lock' targetfolder: '**/node_modules, !**/node_modules/**/node_modules' vstsFeed: 'npm-vscode' condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables['CacheRestored'], 'true')) - script: | set -e yarn postinstall displayName: Run postinstall scripts condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['CacheRestored'], 'true')) - script: | set -e node build/azure-pipelines/mixin displayName: Mix in quality - script: | set -e VSCODE_MIXIN_PASSWORD="$(github-distro-mixin-password)" \ yarn gulp vscode-darwin-min-ci VSCODE_MIXIN_PASSWORD="$(github-distro-mixin-password)" \ yarn gulp vscode-reh-darwin-min-ci VSCODE_MIXIN_PASSWORD="$(github-distro-mixin-password)" \ yarn gulp vscode-reh-web-darwin-min-ci displayName: Build - script: | set -e ./scripts/ --build --tfs "Unit Tests" # APP_NAME="`ls $(agent.builddirectory)/VSCode-darwin | head -n 1`" # yarn smoketest -- --build "$(agent.builddirectory)/VSCode-darwin/$APP_NAME" displayName: Run unit tests condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['VSCODE_STEP_ON_IT'], 'false')) - script: | # Figure out the full absolute path of the product we just built # including the remote server and configure the integration tests # to run with these builds instead of running out of sources. set -e APP_ROOT=$(agent.builddirectory)/VSCode-darwin APP_NAME="`ls $APP_ROOT | head -n 1`" INTEGRATION_TEST_ELECTRON_PATH="$APP_ROOT/$APP_NAME/Contents/MacOS/Electron" \ VSCODE_REMOTE_SERVER_PATH="$(agent.builddirectory)/vscode-reh-darwin" \ ./scripts/ --build --tfs "Integration Tests" displayName: Run integration tests condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['VSCODE_STEP_ON_IT'], 'false')) # Web Smoke Tests disabled due to # - script: | # set -e # cd test/smoke # yarn compile # cd - # yarn smoketest --web --headless # continueOnError: true # displayName: Run web smoke tests # condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['VSCODE_STEP_ON_IT'], 'false')) - script: | set -e pushd ../VSCode-darwin && zip -r -X -y ../ * && popd displayName: Archive build - task: inputs: ConnectedServiceName: 'ESRP CodeSign' FolderPath: '$(agent.builddirectory)' Pattern: '' signConfigType: inlineSignParams inlineOperation: | [ { "keyCode": "CP-401337-Apple", "operationSetCode": "MacAppDeveloperSign", "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "Hardening", "parameterValue": "--options=runtime" } ], "toolName": "sign", "toolVersion": "1.0" } ] SessionTimeout: 60 displayName: Codesign - task: inputs: ConnectedServiceName: 'ESRP CodeSign' FolderPath: '$(agent.builddirectory)' Pattern: '' signConfigType: inlineSignParams inlineOperation: | [ { "keyCode": "CP-401337-Apple", "operationSetCode": "MacAppNotarize", "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "BundleId", "parameterValue": "" } ], "toolName": "sign", "toolVersion": "1.0" } ] SessionTimeout: 120 displayName: Notarization - script: | set -e VSCODE_MIXIN_PASSWORD="$(github-distro-mixin-password)" \ AZURE_DOCUMENTDB_MASTERKEY="$(builds-docdb-key-readwrite)" \ AZURE_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY="$(ticino-storage-key)" \ AZURE_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY_2="$(vscode-storage-key)" \ VSCODE_HOCKEYAPP_TOKEN="$(vscode-hockeyapp-token)" \ ./build/azure-pipelines/darwin/ displayName: Publish - task: ms.vss-governance-buildtask.governance-build-task-component-detection.ComponentGovernanceComponentDetection@0 displayName: 'Component Detection' continueOnError: true