/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import * as fs from 'fs'; import { basename, normalize, join, posix } from 'vs/base/common/path'; import { localize } from 'vs/nls'; import * as arrays from 'vs/base/common/arrays'; import { mixin } from 'vs/base/common/objects'; import { IBackupMainService } from 'vs/platform/backup/electron-main/backup'; import { IEmptyWindowBackupInfo } from 'vs/platform/backup/node/backup'; import { IEnvironmentService } from 'vs/platform/environment/common/environment'; import { ParsedArgs } from 'vs/platform/environment/node/argv'; import { INativeEnvironmentService } from 'vs/platform/environment/node/environmentService'; import { IStateService } from 'vs/platform/state/node/state'; import { CodeWindow, defaultWindowState } from 'vs/code/electron-main/window'; import { screen, BrowserWindow, MessageBoxOptions, Display, app, nativeTheme } from 'electron'; import { ILifecycleMainService, UnloadReason, LifecycleMainService, LifecycleMainPhase } from 'vs/platform/lifecycle/electron-main/lifecycleMainService'; import { IConfigurationService } from 'vs/platform/configuration/common/configuration'; import { ILogService } from 'vs/platform/log/common/log'; import { IWindowSettings, IPath, isFileToOpen, isWorkspaceToOpen, isFolderToOpen, IWindowOpenable, IOpenEmptyWindowOptions, IAddFoldersRequest } from 'vs/platform/windows/common/windows'; import { getLastActiveWindow, findBestWindowOrFolderForFile, findWindowOnWorkspace, findWindowOnExtensionDevelopmentPath, findWindowOnWorkspaceOrFolderUri, INativeWindowConfiguration, OpenContext, IPathsToWaitFor } from 'vs/platform/windows/node/window'; import { Emitter } from 'vs/base/common/event'; import product from 'vs/platform/product/common/product'; import { IWindowsMainService, IOpenConfiguration, IWindowsCountChangedEvent, ICodeWindow, IWindowState as ISingleWindowState, WindowMode, IOpenEmptyConfiguration } from 'vs/platform/windows/electron-main/windows'; import { IWorkspacesHistoryMainService } from 'vs/platform/workspaces/electron-main/workspacesHistoryMainService'; import { IProcessEnvironment, isMacintosh, isWindows } from 'vs/base/common/platform'; import { IWorkspaceIdentifier, isSingleFolderWorkspaceIdentifier, hasWorkspaceFileExtension, IRecent } from 'vs/platform/workspaces/common/workspaces'; import { IInstantiationService } from 'vs/platform/instantiation/common/instantiation'; import { Schemas } from 'vs/base/common/network'; import { URI } from 'vs/base/common/uri'; import { normalizePath, originalFSPath, removeTrailingPathSeparator, extUriBiasedIgnorePathCase } from 'vs/base/common/resources'; import { getRemoteAuthority } from 'vs/platform/remote/common/remoteHosts'; import { restoreWindowsState, WindowsStateStorageData, getWindowsStateStoreData } from 'vs/platform/windows/electron-main/windowsStateStorage'; import { getWorkspaceIdentifier, IWorkspacesMainService } from 'vs/platform/workspaces/electron-main/workspacesMainService'; import { once } from 'vs/base/common/functional'; import { Disposable } from 'vs/base/common/lifecycle'; import { IDialogMainService } from 'vs/platform/dialogs/electron-main/dialogs'; import { withNullAsUndefined } from 'vs/base/common/types'; import { isWindowsDriveLetter, toSlashes, parseLineAndColumnAware } from 'vs/base/common/extpath'; import { CharCode } from 'vs/base/common/charCode'; export interface IWindowState { workspace?: IWorkspaceIdentifier; folderUri?: URI; backupPath?: string; remoteAuthority?: string; uiState: ISingleWindowState; } export interface IWindowsState { lastActiveWindow?: IWindowState; lastPluginDevelopmentHostWindow?: IWindowState; openedWindows: IWindowState[]; } interface INewWindowState extends ISingleWindowState { hasDefaultState?: boolean; } type RestoreWindowsSetting = 'all' | 'folders' | 'one' | 'none'; interface IOpenBrowserWindowOptions { userEnv?: IProcessEnvironment; cli?: ParsedArgs; workspace?: IWorkspaceIdentifier; folderUri?: URI; remoteAuthority?: string; initialStartup?: boolean; fileInputs?: IFileInputs; forceNewWindow?: boolean; forceNewTabbedWindow?: boolean; windowToUse?: ICodeWindow; emptyWindowBackupInfo?: IEmptyWindowBackupInfo; } interface IPathParseOptions { ignoreFileNotFound?: boolean; gotoLineMode?: boolean; remoteAuthority?: string; } interface IFileInputs { filesToOpenOrCreate: IPath[]; filesToDiff: IPath[]; filesToWait?: IPathsToWaitFor; remoteAuthority?: string; } interface IPathToOpen extends IPath { // the workspace for a Code instance to open workspace?: IWorkspaceIdentifier; // the folder path for a Code instance to open folderUri?: URI; // the backup path for a Code instance to use backupPath?: string; // the remote authority for the Code instance to open. Undefined if not remote. remoteAuthority?: string; // optional label for the recent history label?: string; } function isFolderPathToOpen(path: IPathToOpen): path is IFolderPathToOpen { return !!path.folderUri; } interface IFolderPathToOpen { // the folder path for a Code instance to open folderUri: URI; // the backup path for a Code instance to use backupPath?: string; // the remote authority for the Code instance to open. Undefined if not remote. remoteAuthority?: string; // optional label for the recent history label?: string; } function isWorkspacePathToOpen(path: IPathToOpen): path is IWorkspacePathToOpen { return !!path.workspace; } interface IWorkspacePathToOpen { // the workspace for a Code instance to open workspace: IWorkspaceIdentifier; // the backup path for a Code instance to use backupPath?: string; // the remote authority for the Code instance to open. Undefined if not remote. remoteAuthority?: string; // optional label for the recent history label?: string; } export class WindowsMainService extends Disposable implements IWindowsMainService { declare readonly _serviceBrand: undefined; private static readonly windowsStateStorageKey = 'windowsState'; private static readonly WINDOWS: ICodeWindow[] = []; private readonly windowsState: IWindowsState; private lastClosedWindowState?: IWindowState; private shuttingDown = false; private readonly _onWindowReady = this._register(new Emitter()); readonly onWindowReady = this._onWindowReady.event; private readonly _onWindowClose = this._register(new Emitter()); readonly onWindowClose = this._onWindowClose.event; private readonly _onWindowsCountChanged = this._register(new Emitter()); readonly onWindowsCountChanged = this._onWindowsCountChanged.event; constructor( private readonly machineId: string, private readonly initialUserEnv: IProcessEnvironment, @ILogService private readonly logService: ILogService, @IStateService private readonly stateService: IStateService, @IEnvironmentService private readonly environmentService: INativeEnvironmentService, @ILifecycleMainService private readonly lifecycleMainService: ILifecycleMainService, @IBackupMainService private readonly backupMainService: IBackupMainService, @IConfigurationService private readonly configurationService: IConfigurationService, @IWorkspacesHistoryMainService private readonly workspacesHistoryMainService: IWorkspacesHistoryMainService, @IWorkspacesMainService private readonly workspacesMainService: IWorkspacesMainService, @IInstantiationService private readonly instantiationService: IInstantiationService, @IDialogMainService private readonly dialogMainService: IDialogMainService ) { super(); this.windowsState = restoreWindowsState(this.stateService.getItem(WindowsMainService.windowsStateStorageKey)); if (!Array.isArray(this.windowsState.openedWindows)) { this.windowsState.openedWindows = []; } this.lifecycleMainService.when(LifecycleMainPhase.Ready).then(() => this.registerListeners()); this.lifecycleMainService.when(LifecycleMainPhase.AfterWindowOpen).then(() => this.installWindowsMutex()); } private installWindowsMutex(): void { const win32MutexName = product.win32MutexName; if (isWindows && win32MutexName) { try { const WindowsMutex = (require.__$__nodeRequire('windows-mutex') as typeof import('windows-mutex')).Mutex; const mutex = new WindowsMutex(win32MutexName); once(this.lifecycleMainService.onWillShutdown)(() => mutex.release()); } catch (e) { this.logService.error(e); } } } private registerListeners(): void { // React to HC color scheme changes (Windows) if (isWindows) { nativeTheme.on('updated', () => { if (nativeTheme.shouldUseInvertedColorScheme || nativeTheme.shouldUseHighContrastColors) { this.sendToAll('vscode:enterHighContrast'); } else { this.sendToAll('vscode:leaveHighContrast'); } }); } // When a window looses focus, save all windows state. This allows to // prevent loss of window-state data when OS is restarted without properly // shutting down the application (https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/87171) app.on('browser-window-blur', () => { if (!this.shuttingDown) { this.saveWindowsState(); } }); // Handle various lifecycle events around windows this.lifecycleMainService.onBeforeWindowClose(window => this.onBeforeWindowClose(window)); this.lifecycleMainService.onBeforeShutdown(() => this.onBeforeShutdown()); this.onWindowsCountChanged(e => { if (e.newCount - e.oldCount > 0) { // clear last closed window state when a new window opens. this helps on macOS where // otherwise closing the last window, opening a new window and then quitting would // use the state of the previously closed window when restarting. this.lastClosedWindowState = undefined; } }); // Signal a window is ready after having entered a workspace this._register(this.workspacesMainService.onWorkspaceEntered(event => { this._onWindowReady.fire(event.window); })); } // Note that onBeforeShutdown() and onBeforeWindowClose() are fired in different order depending on the OS: // - macOS: since the app will not quit when closing the last window, you will always first get // the onBeforeShutdown() event followed by N onBeforeWindowClose() events for each window // - other: on other OS, closing the last window will quit the app so the order depends on the // user interaction: closing the last window will first trigger onBeforeWindowClose() // and then onBeforeShutdown(). Using the quit action however will first issue onBeforeShutdown() // and then onBeforeWindowClose(). // // Here is the behavior on different OS depending on action taken (Electron 1.7.x): // // Legend // - quit(N): quit application with N windows opened // - close(1): close one window via the window close button // - closeAll: close all windows via the taskbar command // - onBeforeShutdown(N): number of windows reported in this event handler // - onBeforeWindowClose(N, M): number of windows reported and quitRequested boolean in this event handler // // macOS // - quit(1): onBeforeShutdown(1), onBeforeWindowClose(1, true) // - quit(2): onBeforeShutdown(2), onBeforeWindowClose(2, true), onBeforeWindowClose(2, true) // - quit(0): onBeforeShutdown(0) // - close(1): onBeforeWindowClose(1, false) // // Windows // - quit(1): onBeforeShutdown(1), onBeforeWindowClose(1, true) // - quit(2): onBeforeShutdown(2), onBeforeWindowClose(2, true), onBeforeWindowClose(2, true) // - close(1): onBeforeWindowClose(2, false)[not last window] // - close(1): onBeforeWindowClose(1, false), onBeforeShutdown(0)[last window] // - closeAll(2): onBeforeWindowClose(2, false), onBeforeWindowClose(2, false), onBeforeShutdown(0) // // Linux // - quit(1): onBeforeShutdown(1), onBeforeWindowClose(1, true) // - quit(2): onBeforeShutdown(2), onBeforeWindowClose(2, true), onBeforeWindowClose(2, true) // - close(1): onBeforeWindowClose(2, false)[not last window] // - close(1): onBeforeWindowClose(1, false), onBeforeShutdown(0)[last window] // - closeAll(2): onBeforeWindowClose(2, false), onBeforeWindowClose(2, false), onBeforeShutdown(0) // private onBeforeShutdown(): void { this.shuttingDown = true; this.saveWindowsState(); } private saveWindowsState(): void { const currentWindowsState: IWindowsState = { openedWindows: [], lastPluginDevelopmentHostWindow: this.windowsState.lastPluginDevelopmentHostWindow, lastActiveWindow: this.lastClosedWindowState }; // 1.) Find a last active window (pick any other first window otherwise) if (!currentWindowsState.lastActiveWindow) { let activeWindow = this.getLastActiveWindow(); if (!activeWindow || activeWindow.isExtensionDevelopmentHost) { activeWindow = WindowsMainService.WINDOWS.find(window => !window.isExtensionDevelopmentHost); } if (activeWindow) { currentWindowsState.lastActiveWindow = this.toWindowState(activeWindow); } } // 2.) Find extension host window const extensionHostWindow = WindowsMainService.WINDOWS.find(window => window.isExtensionDevelopmentHost && !window.isExtensionTestHost); if (extensionHostWindow) { currentWindowsState.lastPluginDevelopmentHostWindow = this.toWindowState(extensionHostWindow); } // 3.) All windows (except extension host) for N >= 2 to support restoreWindows: all or for auto update // // Careful here: asking a window for its window state after it has been closed returns bogus values (width: 0, height: 0) // so if we ever want to persist the UI state of the last closed window (window count === 1), it has // to come from the stored lastClosedWindowState on Win/Linux at least if (this.getWindowCount() > 1) { currentWindowsState.openedWindows = WindowsMainService.WINDOWS.filter(window => !window.isExtensionDevelopmentHost).map(window => this.toWindowState(window)); } // Persist const state = getWindowsStateStoreData(currentWindowsState); this.stateService.setItem(WindowsMainService.windowsStateStorageKey, state); if (this.shuttingDown) { this.logService.trace('onBeforeShutdown', state); } } // See note on #onBeforeShutdown() for details how these events are flowing private onBeforeWindowClose(win: ICodeWindow): void { if (this.lifecycleMainService.quitRequested) { return; // during quit, many windows close in parallel so let it be handled in the before-quit handler } // On Window close, update our stored UI state of this window const state: IWindowState = this.toWindowState(win); if (win.isExtensionDevelopmentHost && !win.isExtensionTestHost) { this.windowsState.lastPluginDevelopmentHostWindow = state; // do not let test run window state overwrite our extension development state } // Any non extension host window with same workspace or folder else if (!win.isExtensionDevelopmentHost && (!!win.openedWorkspace || !!win.openedFolderUri)) { this.windowsState.openedWindows.forEach(o => { const sameWorkspace = win.openedWorkspace && o.workspace && o.workspace.id === win.openedWorkspace.id; const sameFolder = win.openedFolderUri && o.folderUri && extUriBiasedIgnorePathCase.isEqual(o.folderUri, win.openedFolderUri); if (sameWorkspace || sameFolder) { o.uiState = state.uiState; } }); } // On Windows and Linux closing the last window will trigger quit. Since we are storing all UI state // before quitting, we need to remember the UI state of this window to be able to persist it. // On macOS we keep the last closed window state ready in case the user wants to quit right after or // wants to open another window, in which case we use this state over the persisted one. if (this.getWindowCount() === 1) { this.lastClosedWindowState = state; } } private toWindowState(win: ICodeWindow): IWindowState { return { workspace: win.openedWorkspace, folderUri: win.openedFolderUri, backupPath: win.backupPath, remoteAuthority: win.remoteAuthority, uiState: win.serializeWindowState() }; } openEmptyWindow(openConfig: IOpenEmptyConfiguration, options?: IOpenEmptyWindowOptions): ICodeWindow[] { let cli = this.environmentService.args; const remote = options?.remoteAuthority; if (cli && (cli.remote !== remote)) { cli = { ...cli, remote }; } const forceReuseWindow = options?.forceReuseWindow; const forceNewWindow = !forceReuseWindow; return this.open({ ...openConfig, cli, forceEmpty: true, forceNewWindow, forceReuseWindow }); } open(openConfig: IOpenConfiguration): ICodeWindow[] { this.logService.trace('windowsManager#open'); openConfig = this.validateOpenConfig(openConfig); const pathsToOpen = this.getPathsToOpen(openConfig); const foldersToAdd: IFolderPathToOpen[] = []; const foldersToOpen: IFolderPathToOpen[] = []; const workspacesToOpen: IWorkspacePathToOpen[] = []; const emptyToRestore: IEmptyWindowBackupInfo[] = []; // empty windows with backupPath let emptyToOpen: number = 0; let fileInputs: IFileInputs | undefined; // collect all file inputs for (const path of pathsToOpen) { if (isFolderPathToOpen(path)) { if (openConfig.addMode) { // When run with --add, take the folders that are to be opened as // folders that should be added to the currently active window. foldersToAdd.push(path); } else { foldersToOpen.push(path); } } else if (isWorkspacePathToOpen(path)) { workspacesToOpen.push(path); } else if (path.fileUri) { if (!fileInputs) { fileInputs = { filesToOpenOrCreate: [], filesToDiff: [], remoteAuthority: path.remoteAuthority }; } fileInputs.filesToOpenOrCreate.push(path); } else if (path.backupPath) { emptyToRestore.push({ backupFolder: basename(path.backupPath), remoteAuthority: path.remoteAuthority }); } else { emptyToOpen++; } } // When run with --diff, take the files to open as files to diff // if there are exactly two files provided. if (fileInputs && openConfig.diffMode && fileInputs.filesToOpenOrCreate.length === 2) { fileInputs.filesToDiff = fileInputs.filesToOpenOrCreate; fileInputs.filesToOpenOrCreate = []; } // When run with --wait, make sure we keep the paths to wait for if (fileInputs && openConfig.waitMarkerFileURI) { fileInputs.filesToWait = { paths: [...fileInputs.filesToDiff, ...fileInputs.filesToOpenOrCreate], waitMarkerFileUri: openConfig.waitMarkerFileURI }; } // // These are windows to restore because of hot-exit or from previous session (only performed once on startup!) // let workspacesToRestore: IWorkspacePathToOpen[] = []; if (openConfig.initialStartup && !openConfig.cli.extensionDevelopmentPath && !openConfig.cli['disable-restore-windows']) { // Untitled workspaces are always restored workspacesToRestore = this.workspacesMainService.getUntitledWorkspacesSync(); workspacesToOpen.push(...workspacesToRestore); // Empty windows with backups are always restored emptyToRestore.push(...this.backupMainService.getEmptyWindowBackupPaths()); } else { emptyToRestore.length = 0; } // Open based on config const usedWindows = this.doOpen(openConfig, workspacesToOpen, foldersToOpen, emptyToRestore, emptyToOpen, fileInputs, foldersToAdd); // Make sure to pass focus to the most relevant of the windows if we open multiple if (usedWindows.length > 1) { const focusLastActive = this.windowsState.lastActiveWindow && !openConfig.forceEmpty && openConfig.cli._.length && !openConfig.cli['file-uri'] && !openConfig.cli['folder-uri'] && !(openConfig.urisToOpen && openConfig.urisToOpen.length); let focusLastOpened = true; let focusLastWindow = true; // 1.) focus last active window if we are not instructed to open any paths if (focusLastActive) { const lastActiveWindow = usedWindows.filter(window => this.windowsState.lastActiveWindow && window.backupPath === this.windowsState.lastActiveWindow.backupPath); if (lastActiveWindow.length) { lastActiveWindow[0].focus(); focusLastOpened = false; focusLastWindow = false; } } // 2.) if instructed to open paths, focus last window which is not restored if (focusLastOpened) { for (let i = usedWindows.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const usedWindow = usedWindows[i]; if ( (usedWindow.openedWorkspace && workspacesToRestore.some(workspace => usedWindow.openedWorkspace && workspace.workspace.id === usedWindow.openedWorkspace.id)) || // skip over restored workspace (usedWindow.backupPath && emptyToRestore.some(empty => usedWindow.backupPath && empty.backupFolder === basename(usedWindow.backupPath))) // skip over restored empty window ) { continue; } usedWindow.focus(); focusLastWindow = false; break; } } // 3.) finally, always ensure to have at least last used window focused if (focusLastWindow) { usedWindows[usedWindows.length - 1].focus(); } } // Remember in recent document list (unless this opens for extension development) // Also do not add paths when files are opened for diffing, only if opened individually const isDiff = fileInputs && fileInputs.filesToDiff.length > 0; if (!usedWindows.some(window => window.isExtensionDevelopmentHost) && !isDiff && !openConfig.noRecentEntry) { const recents: IRecent[] = []; for (let pathToOpen of pathsToOpen) { if (pathToOpen.workspace) { recents.push({ label: pathToOpen.label, workspace: pathToOpen.workspace }); } else if (pathToOpen.folderUri) { recents.push({ label: pathToOpen.label, folderUri: pathToOpen.folderUri }); } else if (pathToOpen.fileUri) { recents.push({ label: pathToOpen.label, fileUri: pathToOpen.fileUri }); } } this.workspacesHistoryMainService.addRecentlyOpened(recents); } // If we got started with --wait from the CLI, we need to signal to the outside when the window // used for the edit operation is closed or loaded to a different folder so that the waiting // process can continue. We do this by deleting the waitMarkerFilePath. const waitMarkerFileURI = openConfig.waitMarkerFileURI; if (openConfig.context === OpenContext.CLI && waitMarkerFileURI && usedWindows.length === 1 && usedWindows[0]) { usedWindows[0].whenClosedOrLoaded.then(() => fs.unlink(waitMarkerFileURI.fsPath, _error => undefined)); } return usedWindows; } private validateOpenConfig(config: IOpenConfiguration): IOpenConfiguration { // Make sure addMode is only enabled if we have an active window if (config.addMode && (config.initialStartup || !this.getLastActiveWindow())) { config.addMode = false; } return config; } private doOpen( openConfig: IOpenConfiguration, workspacesToOpen: IWorkspacePathToOpen[], foldersToOpen: IFolderPathToOpen[], emptyToRestore: IEmptyWindowBackupInfo[], emptyToOpen: number, fileInputs: IFileInputs | undefined, foldersToAdd: IFolderPathToOpen[] ) { const usedWindows: ICodeWindow[] = []; // Settings can decide if files/folders open in new window or not let { openFolderInNewWindow, openFilesInNewWindow } = this.shouldOpenNewWindow(openConfig); // Handle folders to add by looking for the last active workspace (not on initial startup) if (!openConfig.initialStartup && foldersToAdd.length > 0) { const authority = foldersToAdd[0].remoteAuthority; const lastActiveWindow = this.getLastActiveWindowForAuthority(authority); if (lastActiveWindow) { usedWindows.push(this.doAddFoldersToExistingWindow(lastActiveWindow, foldersToAdd.map(f => f.folderUri))); } } // Handle files to open/diff or to create when we dont open a folder and we do not restore any folder/untitled from hot-exit const potentialWindowsCount = foldersToOpen.length + workspacesToOpen.length + emptyToRestore.length; if (potentialWindowsCount === 0 && fileInputs) { // Find suitable window or folder path to open files in const fileToCheck = fileInputs.filesToOpenOrCreate[0] || fileInputs.filesToDiff[0]; // only look at the windows with correct authority const windows = WindowsMainService.WINDOWS.filter(window => fileInputs && window.remoteAuthority === fileInputs.remoteAuthority); const bestWindowOrFolder = findBestWindowOrFolderForFile({ windows, newWindow: openFilesInNewWindow, context: openConfig.context, fileUri: fileToCheck?.fileUri, localWorkspaceResolver: workspace => workspace.configPath.scheme === Schemas.file ? this.workspacesMainService.resolveLocalWorkspaceSync(workspace.configPath) : null }); // We found a window to open the files in if (bestWindowOrFolder instanceof CodeWindow) { // Window is workspace if (bestWindowOrFolder.openedWorkspace) { workspacesToOpen.push({ workspace: bestWindowOrFolder.openedWorkspace, remoteAuthority: bestWindowOrFolder.remoteAuthority }); } // Window is single folder else if (bestWindowOrFolder.openedFolderUri) { foldersToOpen.push({ folderUri: bestWindowOrFolder.openedFolderUri, remoteAuthority: bestWindowOrFolder.remoteAuthority }); } // Window is empty else { // Do open files usedWindows.push(this.doOpenFilesInExistingWindow(openConfig, bestWindowOrFolder, fileInputs)); // Reset these because we handled them fileInputs = undefined; } } // Finally, if no window or folder is found, just open the files in an empty window else { usedWindows.push(this.openInBrowserWindow({ userEnv: openConfig.userEnv, cli: openConfig.cli, initialStartup: openConfig.initialStartup, fileInputs, forceNewWindow: true, remoteAuthority: fileInputs.remoteAuthority, forceNewTabbedWindow: openConfig.forceNewTabbedWindow })); // Reset these because we handled them fileInputs = undefined; } } // Handle workspaces to open (instructed and to restore) const allWorkspacesToOpen = arrays.distinct(workspacesToOpen, workspace => workspace.workspace.id); // prevent duplicates if (allWorkspacesToOpen.length > 0) { // Check for existing instances const windowsOnWorkspace = arrays.coalesce(allWorkspacesToOpen.map(workspaceToOpen => findWindowOnWorkspace(WindowsMainService.WINDOWS, workspaceToOpen.workspace))); if (windowsOnWorkspace.length > 0) { const windowOnWorkspace = windowsOnWorkspace[0]; const fileInputsForWindow = (fileInputs?.remoteAuthority === windowOnWorkspace.remoteAuthority) ? fileInputs : undefined; // Do open files usedWindows.push(this.doOpenFilesInExistingWindow(openConfig, windowOnWorkspace, fileInputsForWindow)); // Reset these because we handled them if (fileInputsForWindow) { fileInputs = undefined; } openFolderInNewWindow = true; // any other folders to open must open in new window then } // Open remaining ones allWorkspacesToOpen.forEach(workspaceToOpen => { if (windowsOnWorkspace.some(win => win.openedWorkspace && win.openedWorkspace.id === workspaceToOpen.workspace.id)) { return; // ignore folders that are already open } const remoteAuthority = workspaceToOpen.remoteAuthority; const fileInputsForWindow = (fileInputs?.remoteAuthority === remoteAuthority) ? fileInputs : undefined; // Do open folder usedWindows.push(this.doOpenFolderOrWorkspace(openConfig, workspaceToOpen, openFolderInNewWindow, fileInputsForWindow)); // Reset these because we handled them if (fileInputsForWindow) { fileInputs = undefined; } openFolderInNewWindow = true; // any other folders to open must open in new window then }); } // Handle folders to open (instructed and to restore) const allFoldersToOpen = arrays.distinct(foldersToOpen, folder => extUriBiasedIgnorePathCase.getComparisonKey(folder.folderUri)); // prevent duplicates if (allFoldersToOpen.length > 0) { // Check for existing instances const windowsOnFolderPath = arrays.coalesce(allFoldersToOpen.map(folderToOpen => findWindowOnWorkspace(WindowsMainService.WINDOWS, folderToOpen.folderUri))); if (windowsOnFolderPath.length > 0) { const windowOnFolderPath = windowsOnFolderPath[0]; const fileInputsForWindow = fileInputs?.remoteAuthority === windowOnFolderPath.remoteAuthority ? fileInputs : undefined; // Do open files usedWindows.push(this.doOpenFilesInExistingWindow(openConfig, windowOnFolderPath, fileInputsForWindow)); // Reset these because we handled them if (fileInputsForWindow) { fileInputs = undefined; } openFolderInNewWindow = true; // any other folders to open must open in new window then } // Open remaining ones allFoldersToOpen.forEach(folderToOpen => { if (windowsOnFolderPath.some(win => extUriBiasedIgnorePathCase.isEqual(win.openedFolderUri, folderToOpen.folderUri))) { return; // ignore folders that are already open } const remoteAuthority = folderToOpen.remoteAuthority; const fileInputsForWindow = (fileInputs?.remoteAuthority === remoteAuthority) ? fileInputs : undefined; // Do open folder usedWindows.push(this.doOpenFolderOrWorkspace(openConfig, folderToOpen, openFolderInNewWindow, fileInputsForWindow)); // Reset these because we handled them if (fileInputsForWindow) { fileInputs = undefined; } openFolderInNewWindow = true; // any other folders to open must open in new window then }); } // Handle empty to restore const allEmptyToRestore = arrays.distinct(emptyToRestore, info => info.backupFolder); // prevent duplicates if (allEmptyToRestore.length > 0) { allEmptyToRestore.forEach(emptyWindowBackupInfo => { const remoteAuthority = emptyWindowBackupInfo.remoteAuthority; const fileInputsForWindow = (fileInputs?.remoteAuthority === remoteAuthority) ? fileInputs : undefined; usedWindows.push(this.openInBrowserWindow({ userEnv: openConfig.userEnv, cli: openConfig.cli, initialStartup: openConfig.initialStartup, fileInputs: fileInputsForWindow, remoteAuthority, forceNewWindow: true, forceNewTabbedWindow: openConfig.forceNewTabbedWindow, emptyWindowBackupInfo })); // Reset these because we handled them if (fileInputsForWindow) { fileInputs = undefined; } openFolderInNewWindow = true; // any other folders to open must open in new window then }); } // Handle empty to open (only if no other window opened) if (usedWindows.length === 0 || fileInputs) { if (fileInputs && !emptyToOpen) { emptyToOpen++; } const remoteAuthority = fileInputs ? fileInputs.remoteAuthority : (openConfig.cli && openConfig.cli.remote || undefined); for (let i = 0; i < emptyToOpen; i++) { usedWindows.push(this.doOpenEmpty(openConfig, openFolderInNewWindow, remoteAuthority, fileInputs)); // Reset these because we handled them fileInputs = undefined; openFolderInNewWindow = true; // any other window to open must open in new window then } } return arrays.distinct(usedWindows); } private doOpenFilesInExistingWindow(configuration: IOpenConfiguration, window: ICodeWindow, fileInputs?: IFileInputs): ICodeWindow { window.focus(); // make sure window has focus const params: { filesToOpenOrCreate?: IPath[], filesToDiff?: IPath[], filesToWait?: IPathsToWaitFor, termProgram?: string } = {}; if (fileInputs) { params.filesToOpenOrCreate = fileInputs.filesToOpenOrCreate; params.filesToDiff = fileInputs.filesToDiff; params.filesToWait = fileInputs.filesToWait; } if (configuration.userEnv) { params.termProgram = configuration.userEnv['TERM_PROGRAM']; } window.sendWhenReady('vscode:openFiles', params); return window; } private doAddFoldersToExistingWindow(window: ICodeWindow, foldersToAdd: URI[]): ICodeWindow { window.focus(); // make sure window has focus const request: IAddFoldersRequest = { foldersToAdd }; window.sendWhenReady('vscode:addFolders', request); return window; } private doOpenEmpty(openConfig: IOpenConfiguration, forceNewWindow: boolean, remoteAuthority: string | undefined, fileInputs: IFileInputs | undefined, windowToUse?: ICodeWindow): ICodeWindow { if (!forceNewWindow && !windowToUse && typeof openConfig.contextWindowId === 'number') { windowToUse = this.getWindowById(openConfig.contextWindowId); // fix for https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/97172 } return this.openInBrowserWindow({ userEnv: openConfig.userEnv, cli: openConfig.cli, initialStartup: openConfig.initialStartup, remoteAuthority, forceNewWindow, forceNewTabbedWindow: openConfig.forceNewTabbedWindow, fileInputs, windowToUse }); } private doOpenFolderOrWorkspace(openConfig: IOpenConfiguration, folderOrWorkspace: IPathToOpen, forceNewWindow: boolean, fileInputs: IFileInputs | undefined, windowToUse?: ICodeWindow): ICodeWindow { if (!forceNewWindow && !windowToUse && typeof openConfig.contextWindowId === 'number') { windowToUse = this.getWindowById(openConfig.contextWindowId); // fix for https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/49587 } return this.openInBrowserWindow({ userEnv: openConfig.userEnv, cli: openConfig.cli, initialStartup: openConfig.initialStartup, workspace: folderOrWorkspace.workspace, folderUri: folderOrWorkspace.folderUri, fileInputs, remoteAuthority: folderOrWorkspace.remoteAuthority, forceNewWindow, forceNewTabbedWindow: openConfig.forceNewTabbedWindow, windowToUse }); } private getPathsToOpen(openConfig: IOpenConfiguration): IPathToOpen[] { let windowsToOpen: IPathToOpen[]; let isCommandLineOrAPICall = false; // Extract paths: from API if (openConfig.urisToOpen && openConfig.urisToOpen.length > 0) { windowsToOpen = this.doExtractPathsFromAPI(openConfig); isCommandLineOrAPICall = true; } // Check for force empty else if (openConfig.forceEmpty) { windowsToOpen = [Object.create(null)]; } // Extract paths: from CLI else if (openConfig.cli._.length || openConfig.cli['folder-uri'] || openConfig.cli['file-uri']) { windowsToOpen = this.doExtractPathsFromCLI(openConfig.cli); isCommandLineOrAPICall = true; } // Extract windows: from previous session else { windowsToOpen = this.doGetWindowsFromLastSession(); } // Convert multiple folders into workspace (if opened via API or CLI) // This will ensure to open these folders in one window instead of multiple // If we are in addMode, we should not do this because in that case all // folders should be added to the existing window. if (!openConfig.addMode && isCommandLineOrAPICall) { const foldersToOpen = windowsToOpen.filter(path => !!path.folderUri); if (foldersToOpen.length > 1) { const remoteAuthority = foldersToOpen[0].remoteAuthority; if (foldersToOpen.every(f => f.remoteAuthority === remoteAuthority)) { // only if all folder have the same authority const workspace = this.workspacesMainService.createUntitledWorkspaceSync(foldersToOpen.map(folder => ({ uri: folder.folderUri! }))); // Add workspace and remove folders thereby windowsToOpen.push({ workspace, remoteAuthority }); windowsToOpen = windowsToOpen.filter(path => !path.folderUri); } } } return windowsToOpen; } private doExtractPathsFromAPI(openConfig: IOpenConfiguration): IPathToOpen[] { const pathsToOpen: IPathToOpen[] = []; const parseOptions: IPathParseOptions = { gotoLineMode: openConfig.gotoLineMode }; for (const pathToOpen of openConfig.urisToOpen || []) { if (!pathToOpen) { continue; } const path = this.parseUri(pathToOpen, parseOptions); if (path) { path.label = pathToOpen.label; pathsToOpen.push(path); } else { const uri = this.resourceFromURIToOpen(pathToOpen); // Warn about the invalid URI or path let message, detail; if (uri.scheme === Schemas.file) { message = localize('pathNotExistTitle', "Path does not exist"); detail = localize('pathNotExistDetail', "The path '{0}' does not seem to exist anymore on disk.", uri.fsPath); } else { message = localize('uriInvalidTitle', "URI can not be opened"); detail = localize('uriInvalidDetail', "The URI '{0}' is not valid and can not be opened.", uri.toString()); } const options: MessageBoxOptions = { title: product.nameLong, type: 'info', buttons: [localize('ok', "OK")], message, detail, noLink: true }; this.dialogMainService.showMessageBox(options, withNullAsUndefined(BrowserWindow.getFocusedWindow())); } } return pathsToOpen; } private doExtractPathsFromCLI(cli: ParsedArgs): IPath[] { const pathsToOpen: IPathToOpen[] = []; const parseOptions: IPathParseOptions = { ignoreFileNotFound: true, gotoLineMode: cli.goto, remoteAuthority: cli.remote || undefined }; // folder uris const folderUris = cli['folder-uri']; if (folderUris) { for (let f of folderUris) { const folderUri = this.argToUri(f); if (folderUri) { const path = this.parseUri({ folderUri }, parseOptions); if (path) { pathsToOpen.push(path); } } } } // file uris const fileUris = cli['file-uri']; if (fileUris) { for (let f of fileUris) { const fileUri = this.argToUri(f); if (fileUri) { const path = this.parseUri(hasWorkspaceFileExtension(f) ? { workspaceUri: fileUri } : { fileUri }, parseOptions); if (path) { pathsToOpen.push(path); } } } } // folder or file paths const cliArgs = cli._; for (let cliArg of cliArgs) { const path = this.parsePath(cliArg, parseOptions); if (path) { pathsToOpen.push(path); } } if (pathsToOpen.length) { return pathsToOpen; } // No path provided, return empty to open empty return [Object.create(null)]; } private doGetWindowsFromLastSession(): IPathToOpen[] { const restoreWindows = this.getRestoreWindowsSetting(); switch (restoreWindows) { // none: we always open an empty window case 'none': return [Object.create(null)]; // one: restore last opened workspace/folder or empty window // all: restore all windows // folders: restore last opened folders only case 'one': case 'all': case 'folders': const openedWindows: IWindowState[] = []; if (restoreWindows !== 'one') { openedWindows.push(...this.windowsState.openedWindows); } if (this.windowsState.lastActiveWindow) { openedWindows.push(this.windowsState.lastActiveWindow); } const windowsToOpen: IPathToOpen[] = []; for (const openedWindow of openedWindows) { if (openedWindow.workspace) { // Workspaces const pathToOpen = this.parseUri({ workspaceUri: openedWindow.workspace.configPath }, { remoteAuthority: openedWindow.remoteAuthority }); if (pathToOpen?.workspace) { windowsToOpen.push(pathToOpen); } } else if (openedWindow.folderUri) { // Folders const pathToOpen = this.parseUri({ folderUri: openedWindow.folderUri }, { remoteAuthority: openedWindow.remoteAuthority }); if (pathToOpen?.folderUri) { windowsToOpen.push(pathToOpen); } } else if (restoreWindows !== 'folders' && openedWindow.backupPath && !openedWindow.remoteAuthority) { // Local windows that were empty. Empty windows with backups will always be restored in open() windowsToOpen.push({ backupPath: openedWindow.backupPath, remoteAuthority: openedWindow.remoteAuthority }); } } if (windowsToOpen.length > 0) { return windowsToOpen; } break; } // Always fallback to empty window return [Object.create(null)]; } private getRestoreWindowsSetting(): RestoreWindowsSetting { let restoreWindows: RestoreWindowsSetting; if (this.lifecycleMainService.wasRestarted) { restoreWindows = 'all'; // always reopen all windows when an update was applied } else { const windowConfig = this.configurationService.getValue('window'); restoreWindows = windowConfig?.restoreWindows || 'all'; // by default restore all windows if (!['all', 'folders', 'one', 'none'].includes(restoreWindows)) { restoreWindows = 'all'; // by default restore all windows } } return restoreWindows; } private argToUri(arg: string): URI | undefined { try { const uri = URI.parse(arg); if (!uri.scheme) { this.logService.error(`Invalid URI input string, scheme missing: ${arg}`); return undefined; } return uri; } catch (e) { this.logService.error(`Invalid URI input string: ${arg}, ${e.message}`); } return undefined; } private parseUri(toOpen: IWindowOpenable, options: IPathParseOptions = {}): IPathToOpen | undefined { if (!toOpen) { return undefined; } let uri = this.resourceFromURIToOpen(toOpen); if (uri.scheme === Schemas.file) { return this.parsePath(uri.fsPath, options, isFileToOpen(toOpen)); } // open remote if either specified in the cli or if it's a remotehost URI const remoteAuthority = options.remoteAuthority || getRemoteAuthority(uri); // normalize URI uri = normalizePath(uri); // remove trailing slash uri = removeTrailingPathSeparator(uri); // File if (isFileToOpen(toOpen)) { if (options.gotoLineMode) { const parsedPath = parseLineAndColumnAware(uri.path); return { fileUri: uri.with({ path: parsedPath.path }), lineNumber: parsedPath.line, columnNumber: parsedPath.column, remoteAuthority }; } return { fileUri: uri, remoteAuthority }; } // Workspace else if (isWorkspaceToOpen(toOpen)) { return { workspace: getWorkspaceIdentifier(uri), remoteAuthority }; } // Folder return { folderUri: uri, remoteAuthority }; } private resourceFromURIToOpen(openable: IWindowOpenable): URI { if (isWorkspaceToOpen(openable)) { return openable.workspaceUri; } if (isFolderToOpen(openable)) { return openable.folderUri; } return openable.fileUri; } private parsePath(anyPath: string, options: IPathParseOptions, forceOpenWorkspaceAsFile?: boolean): IPathToOpen | undefined { if (!anyPath) { return undefined; } let lineNumber, columnNumber: number | undefined; if (options.gotoLineMode) { const parsedPath = parseLineAndColumnAware(anyPath); lineNumber = parsedPath.line; columnNumber = parsedPath.column; anyPath = parsedPath.path; } // open remote if either specified in the cli even if it is a local file. const remoteAuthority = options.remoteAuthority; if (remoteAuthority) { const first = anyPath.charCodeAt(0); // make absolute if (first !== CharCode.Slash) { if (isWindowsDriveLetter(first) && anyPath.charCodeAt(anyPath.charCodeAt(1)) === CharCode.Colon) { anyPath = toSlashes(anyPath); } anyPath = '/' + anyPath; } const uri = URI.from({ scheme: Schemas.vscodeRemote, authority: remoteAuthority, path: anyPath }); // guess the file type: If it ends with a slash it's a folder. If it has a file extension, it's a file or a workspace. By defaults it's a folder. if (anyPath.charCodeAt(anyPath.length - 1) !== CharCode.Slash) { if (hasWorkspaceFileExtension(anyPath)) { if (forceOpenWorkspaceAsFile) { return { fileUri: uri, remoteAuthority }; } } else if (posix.extname(anyPath).length > 0) { return { fileUri: uri, remoteAuthority }; } } return { folderUri: uri, remoteAuthority }; } let candidate = normalize(anyPath); try { const candidateStat = fs.statSync(candidate); if (candidateStat.isFile()) { // Workspace (unless disabled via flag) if (!forceOpenWorkspaceAsFile) { const workspace = this.workspacesMainService.resolveLocalWorkspaceSync(URI.file(candidate)); if (workspace) { return { workspace: { id: workspace.id, configPath: workspace.configPath }, remoteAuthority: workspace.remoteAuthority, exists: true }; } } // File return { fileUri: URI.file(candidate), lineNumber, columnNumber, remoteAuthority, exists: true }; } // Folder (we check for isDirectory() because e.g. paths like /dev/null // are neither file nor folder but some external tools might pass them // over to us) else if (candidateStat.isDirectory()) { return { folderUri: URI.file(candidate), remoteAuthority, exists: true }; } } catch (error) { const fileUri = URI.file(candidate); this.workspacesHistoryMainService.removeRecentlyOpened([fileUri]); // since file does not seem to exist anymore, remove from recent // assume this is a file that does not yet exist if (options?.ignoreFileNotFound) { return { fileUri, remoteAuthority, exists: false }; } } return undefined; } private shouldOpenNewWindow(openConfig: IOpenConfiguration): { openFolderInNewWindow: boolean; openFilesInNewWindow: boolean; } { // let the user settings override how folders are open in a new window or same window unless we are forced const windowConfig = this.configurationService.getValue('window'); const openFolderInNewWindowConfig = windowConfig?.openFoldersInNewWindow || 'default' /* default */; const openFilesInNewWindowConfig = windowConfig?.openFilesInNewWindow || 'off' /* default */; let openFolderInNewWindow = (openConfig.preferNewWindow || openConfig.forceNewWindow) && !openConfig.forceReuseWindow; if (!openConfig.forceNewWindow && !openConfig.forceReuseWindow && (openFolderInNewWindowConfig === 'on' || openFolderInNewWindowConfig === 'off')) { openFolderInNewWindow = (openFolderInNewWindowConfig === 'on'); } // let the user settings override how files are open in a new window or same window unless we are forced (not for extension development though) let openFilesInNewWindow: boolean = false; if (openConfig.forceNewWindow || openConfig.forceReuseWindow) { openFilesInNewWindow = !!openConfig.forceNewWindow && !openConfig.forceReuseWindow; } else { // macOS: by default we open files in a new window if this is triggered via DOCK context if (isMacintosh) { if (openConfig.context === OpenContext.DOCK) { openFilesInNewWindow = true; } } // Linux/Windows: by default we open files in the new window unless triggered via DIALOG / MENU context // or from the integrated terminal where we assume the user prefers to open in the current window else { if (openConfig.context !== OpenContext.DIALOG && openConfig.context !== OpenContext.MENU && !(openConfig.userEnv && openConfig.userEnv['TERM_PROGRAM'] === 'vscode')) { openFilesInNewWindow = true; } } // finally check for overrides of default if (!openConfig.cli.extensionDevelopmentPath && (openFilesInNewWindowConfig === 'on' || openFilesInNewWindowConfig === 'off')) { openFilesInNewWindow = (openFilesInNewWindowConfig === 'on'); } } return { openFolderInNewWindow: !!openFolderInNewWindow, openFilesInNewWindow }; } openExtensionDevelopmentHostWindow(extensionDevelopmentPath: string[], openConfig: IOpenConfiguration): ICodeWindow[] { // Reload an existing extension development host window on the same path // We currently do not allow more than one extension development window // on the same extension path. const existingWindow = findWindowOnExtensionDevelopmentPath(WindowsMainService.WINDOWS, extensionDevelopmentPath); if (existingWindow) { this.lifecycleMainService.reload(existingWindow, openConfig.cli); existingWindow.focus(); // make sure it gets focus and is restored return [existingWindow]; } let folderUris = openConfig.cli['folder-uri'] || []; let fileUris = openConfig.cli['file-uri'] || []; let cliArgs = openConfig.cli._; // Fill in previously opened workspace unless an explicit path is provided and we are not unit testing if (!cliArgs.length && !folderUris.length && !fileUris.length && !openConfig.cli.extensionTestsPath) { const extensionDevelopmentWindowState = this.windowsState.lastPluginDevelopmentHostWindow; const workspaceToOpen = extensionDevelopmentWindowState && (extensionDevelopmentWindowState.workspace || extensionDevelopmentWindowState.folderUri); if (workspaceToOpen) { if (isSingleFolderWorkspaceIdentifier(workspaceToOpen)) { if (workspaceToOpen.scheme === Schemas.file) { cliArgs = [workspaceToOpen.fsPath]; } else { folderUris = [workspaceToOpen.toString()]; } } else { if (workspaceToOpen.configPath.scheme === Schemas.file) { cliArgs = [originalFSPath(workspaceToOpen.configPath)]; } else { fileUris = [workspaceToOpen.configPath.toString()]; } } } } let authority = ''; for (let p of extensionDevelopmentPath) { if (p.match(/^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\+\-\.]+:/)) { const url = URI.parse(p); if (url.scheme === Schemas.vscodeRemote) { if (authority) { if (url.authority !== authority) { this.logService.error('more than one extension development path authority'); } } else { authority = url.authority; } } } } // Make sure that we do not try to open: // - a workspace or folder that is already opened // - a workspace or file that has a different authority as the extension development. cliArgs = cliArgs.filter(path => { const uri = URI.file(path); if (!!findWindowOnWorkspaceOrFolderUri(WindowsMainService.WINDOWS, uri)) { return false; } return uri.authority === authority; }); folderUris = folderUris.filter(uri => { const u = this.argToUri(uri); if (!!findWindowOnWorkspaceOrFolderUri(WindowsMainService.WINDOWS, u)) { return false; } return u ? u.authority === authority : false; }); fileUris = fileUris.filter(uri => { const u = this.argToUri(uri); if (!!findWindowOnWorkspaceOrFolderUri(WindowsMainService.WINDOWS, u)) { return false; } return u ? u.authority === authority : false; }); openConfig.cli._ = cliArgs; openConfig.cli['folder-uri'] = folderUris; openConfig.cli['file-uri'] = fileUris; // if there are no files or folders cli args left, use the "remote" cli argument const noFilesOrFolders = !cliArgs.length && !folderUris.length && !fileUris.length; if (noFilesOrFolders && authority) { openConfig.cli.remote = authority; } // Open it const openArgs: IOpenConfiguration = { context: openConfig.context, cli: openConfig.cli, forceNewWindow: true, forceEmpty: noFilesOrFolders, userEnv: openConfig.userEnv, noRecentEntry: true, waitMarkerFileURI: openConfig.waitMarkerFileURI }; return this.open(openArgs); } private openInBrowserWindow(options: IOpenBrowserWindowOptions): ICodeWindow { // Build INativeWindowConfiguration from config and options const configuration: INativeWindowConfiguration = mixin({}, options.cli); // inherit all properties from CLI configuration.appRoot = this.environmentService.appRoot; configuration.machineId = this.machineId; configuration.nodeCachedDataDir = this.environmentService.nodeCachedDataDir; configuration.mainPid = process.pid; configuration.execPath = process.execPath; configuration.userEnv = { ...this.initialUserEnv, ...options.userEnv }; configuration.isInitialStartup = options.initialStartup; configuration.workspace = options.workspace; configuration.folderUri = options.folderUri; configuration.remoteAuthority = options.remoteAuthority; const fileInputs = options.fileInputs; if (fileInputs) { configuration.filesToOpenOrCreate = fileInputs.filesToOpenOrCreate; configuration.filesToDiff = fileInputs.filesToDiff; configuration.filesToWait = fileInputs.filesToWait; } // if we know the backup folder upfront (for empty windows to restore), we can set it // directly here which helps for restoring UI state associated with that window. // For all other cases we first call into registerEmptyWindowBackupSync() to set it before // loading the window. if (options.emptyWindowBackupInfo) { configuration.backupPath = join(this.environmentService.backupHome.fsPath, options.emptyWindowBackupInfo.backupFolder); } let window: ICodeWindow | undefined; if (!options.forceNewWindow && !options.forceNewTabbedWindow) { window = options.windowToUse || this.getLastActiveWindow(); if (window) { window.focus(); } } // New window if (!window) { const windowConfig = this.configurationService.getValue('window'); const state = this.getNewWindowState(configuration); // Window state is not from a previous session: only allow fullscreen if we inherit it or user wants fullscreen let allowFullscreen: boolean; if (state.hasDefaultState) { allowFullscreen = (windowConfig?.newWindowDimensions && ['fullscreen', 'inherit', 'offset'].indexOf(windowConfig.newWindowDimensions) >= 0); } // Window state is from a previous session: only allow fullscreen when we got updated or user wants to restore else { allowFullscreen = this.lifecycleMainService.wasRestarted || windowConfig?.restoreFullscreen; if (allowFullscreen && isMacintosh && WindowsMainService.WINDOWS.some(win => win.isFullScreen)) { // macOS: Electron does not allow to restore multiple windows in // fullscreen. As such, if we already restored a window in that // state, we cannot allow more fullscreen windows. See // https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/41691 and // https://github.com/electron/electron/issues/13077 allowFullscreen = false; } } if (state.mode === WindowMode.Fullscreen && !allowFullscreen) { state.mode = WindowMode.Normal; } // Create the window const createdWindow = window = this.instantiationService.createInstance(CodeWindow, { state, extensionDevelopmentPath: configuration.extensionDevelopmentPath, isExtensionTestHost: !!configuration.extensionTestsPath }); // Add as window tab if configured (macOS only) if (options.forceNewTabbedWindow) { const activeWindow = this.getLastActiveWindow(); if (activeWindow) { activeWindow.addTabbedWindow(createdWindow); } } // Add to our list of windows WindowsMainService.WINDOWS.push(createdWindow); // Indicate number change via event this._onWindowsCountChanged.fire({ oldCount: WindowsMainService.WINDOWS.length - 1, newCount: WindowsMainService.WINDOWS.length }); // Window Events once(createdWindow.onReady)(() => this._onWindowReady.fire(createdWindow)); once(createdWindow.onClose)(() => this.onWindowClosed(createdWindow)); once(createdWindow.onDestroy)(() => this.onBeforeWindowClose(createdWindow)); // try to save state before destroy because close will not fire createdWindow.win.webContents.removeAllListeners('devtools-reload-page'); // remove built in listener so we can handle this on our own createdWindow.win.webContents.on('devtools-reload-page', () => this.lifecycleMainService.reload(createdWindow)); // Lifecycle (this.lifecycleMainService as LifecycleMainService).registerWindow(createdWindow); } // Existing window else { // Some configuration things get inherited if the window is being reused and we are // in extension development host mode. These options are all development related. const currentWindowConfig = window.config; if (!configuration.extensionDevelopmentPath && currentWindowConfig && !!currentWindowConfig.extensionDevelopmentPath) { configuration.extensionDevelopmentPath = currentWindowConfig.extensionDevelopmentPath; configuration.verbose = currentWindowConfig.verbose; configuration['inspect-brk-extensions'] = currentWindowConfig['inspect-brk-extensions']; configuration.debugId = currentWindowConfig.debugId; configuration['inspect-extensions'] = currentWindowConfig['inspect-extensions']; configuration['extensions-dir'] = currentWindowConfig['extensions-dir']; } } // If the window was already loaded, make sure to unload it // first and only load the new configuration if that was // not vetoed if (window.isReady) { this.lifecycleMainService.unload(window, UnloadReason.LOAD).then(veto => { if (!veto) { this.doOpenInBrowserWindow(window!, configuration, options); } }); } else { this.doOpenInBrowserWindow(window, configuration, options); } return window; } private doOpenInBrowserWindow(window: ICodeWindow, configuration: INativeWindowConfiguration, options: IOpenBrowserWindowOptions): void { // Register window for backups if (!configuration.extensionDevelopmentPath) { if (configuration.workspace) { configuration.backupPath = this.backupMainService.registerWorkspaceBackupSync({ workspace: configuration.workspace, remoteAuthority: configuration.remoteAuthority }); } else if (configuration.folderUri) { configuration.backupPath = this.backupMainService.registerFolderBackupSync(configuration.folderUri); } else { const backupFolder = options.emptyWindowBackupInfo && options.emptyWindowBackupInfo.backupFolder; configuration.backupPath = this.backupMainService.registerEmptyWindowBackupSync(backupFolder, configuration.remoteAuthority); } } // Load it window.load(configuration); } private getNewWindowState(configuration: INativeWindowConfiguration): INewWindowState { const lastActive = this.getLastActiveWindow(); // Restore state unless we are running extension tests if (!configuration.extensionTestsPath) { // extension development host Window - load from stored settings if any if (!!configuration.extensionDevelopmentPath && this.windowsState.lastPluginDevelopmentHostWindow) { return this.windowsState.lastPluginDevelopmentHostWindow.uiState; } // Known Workspace - load from stored settings const workspace = configuration.workspace; if (workspace) { const stateForWorkspace = this.windowsState.openedWindows.filter(o => o.workspace && o.workspace.id === workspace.id).map(o => o.uiState); if (stateForWorkspace.length) { return stateForWorkspace[0]; } } // Known Folder - load from stored settings if (configuration.folderUri) { const stateForFolder = this.windowsState.openedWindows.filter(o => o.folderUri && extUriBiasedIgnorePathCase.isEqual(o.folderUri, configuration.folderUri)).map(o => o.uiState); if (stateForFolder.length) { return stateForFolder[0]; } } // Empty windows with backups else if (configuration.backupPath) { const stateForEmptyWindow = this.windowsState.openedWindows.filter(o => o.backupPath === configuration.backupPath).map(o => o.uiState); if (stateForEmptyWindow.length) { return stateForEmptyWindow[0]; } } // First Window const lastActiveState = this.lastClosedWindowState || this.windowsState.lastActiveWindow; if (!lastActive && lastActiveState) { return lastActiveState.uiState; } } // // In any other case, we do not have any stored settings for the window state, so we come up with something smart // // We want the new window to open on the same display that the last active one is in let displayToUse: Display | undefined; const displays = screen.getAllDisplays(); // Single Display if (displays.length === 1) { displayToUse = displays[0]; } // Multi Display else { // on mac there is 1 menu per window so we need to use the monitor where the cursor currently is if (isMacintosh) { const cursorPoint = screen.getCursorScreenPoint(); displayToUse = screen.getDisplayNearestPoint(cursorPoint); } // if we have a last active window, use that display for the new window if (!displayToUse && lastActive) { displayToUse = screen.getDisplayMatching(lastActive.getBounds()); } // fallback to primary display or first display if (!displayToUse) { displayToUse = screen.getPrimaryDisplay() || displays[0]; } } // Compute x/y based on display bounds // Note: important to use Math.round() because Electron does not seem to be too happy about // display coordinates that are not absolute numbers. let state = defaultWindowState(); state.x = Math.round(displayToUse.bounds.x + (displayToUse.bounds.width / 2) - (state.width! / 2)); state.y = Math.round(displayToUse.bounds.y + (displayToUse.bounds.height / 2) - (state.height! / 2)); // Check for newWindowDimensions setting and adjust accordingly const windowConfig = this.configurationService.getValue('window'); let ensureNoOverlap = true; if (windowConfig?.newWindowDimensions) { if (windowConfig.newWindowDimensions === 'maximized') { state.mode = WindowMode.Maximized; ensureNoOverlap = false; } else if (windowConfig.newWindowDimensions === 'fullscreen') { state.mode = WindowMode.Fullscreen; ensureNoOverlap = false; } else if ((windowConfig.newWindowDimensions === 'inherit' || windowConfig.newWindowDimensions === 'offset') && lastActive) { const lastActiveState = lastActive.serializeWindowState(); if (lastActiveState.mode === WindowMode.Fullscreen) { state.mode = WindowMode.Fullscreen; // only take mode (fixes https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/19331) } else { state = lastActiveState; } ensureNoOverlap = state.mode !== WindowMode.Fullscreen && windowConfig.newWindowDimensions === 'offset'; } } if (ensureNoOverlap) { state = this.ensureNoOverlap(state); } (state as INewWindowState).hasDefaultState = true; // flag as default state return state; } private ensureNoOverlap(state: ISingleWindowState): ISingleWindowState { if (WindowsMainService.WINDOWS.length === 0) { return state; } state.x = typeof state.x === 'number' ? state.x : 0; state.y = typeof state.y === 'number' ? state.y : 0; const existingWindowBounds = WindowsMainService.WINDOWS.map(win => win.getBounds()); while (existingWindowBounds.some(b => b.x === state.x || b.y === state.y)) { state.x += 30; state.y += 30; } return state; } focusLastActive(cli: ParsedArgs, context: OpenContext): ICodeWindow { const lastActive = this.getLastActiveWindow(); if (lastActive) { lastActive.focus(); return lastActive; } // No window - open new empty one return this.open({ context, cli, forceEmpty: true })[0]; } getLastActiveWindow(): ICodeWindow | undefined { return getLastActiveWindow(WindowsMainService.WINDOWS); } private getLastActiveWindowForAuthority(remoteAuthority: string | undefined): ICodeWindow | undefined { return getLastActiveWindow(WindowsMainService.WINDOWS.filter(window => window.remoteAuthority === remoteAuthority)); } sendToFocused(channel: string, ...args: any[]): void { const focusedWindow = this.getFocusedWindow() || this.getLastActiveWindow(); if (focusedWindow) { focusedWindow.sendWhenReady(channel, ...args); } } sendToAll(channel: string, payload?: any, windowIdsToIgnore?: number[]): void { for (const window of WindowsMainService.WINDOWS) { if (windowIdsToIgnore && windowIdsToIgnore.indexOf(window.id) >= 0) { continue; // do not send if we are instructed to ignore it } window.sendWhenReady(channel, payload); } } private getFocusedWindow(): ICodeWindow | undefined { const win = BrowserWindow.getFocusedWindow(); if (win) { return this.getWindowById(win.id); } return undefined; } getWindowById(windowId: number): ICodeWindow | undefined { const res = WindowsMainService.WINDOWS.filter(window => window.id === windowId); return arrays.firstOrDefault(res); } getWindows(): ICodeWindow[] { return WindowsMainService.WINDOWS; } getWindowCount(): number { return WindowsMainService.WINDOWS.length; } private onWindowClosed(win: ICodeWindow): void { // Remove from our list so that Electron can clean it up const index = WindowsMainService.WINDOWS.indexOf(win); WindowsMainService.WINDOWS.splice(index, 1); // Emit this._onWindowsCountChanged.fire({ oldCount: WindowsMainService.WINDOWS.length + 1, newCount: WindowsMainService.WINDOWS.length }); this._onWindowClose.fire(win.id); } }