/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 'use strict'; import * as path from 'path'; import * as fs from 'original-fs'; import * as nls from 'vs/nls'; import * as arrays from 'vs/base/common/arrays'; import { assign, mixin } from 'vs/base/common/objects'; import { IBackupMainService } from 'vs/platform/backup/common/backup'; import { IEnvironmentService, ParsedArgs } from 'vs/platform/environment/common/environment'; import { IStorageService } from 'vs/platform/storage/node/storage'; import { CodeWindow, IWindowState as ISingleWindowState, defaultWindowState, WindowMode } from 'vs/code/electron-main/window'; import { ipcMain as ipc, screen, BrowserWindow, dialog } from 'electron'; import { IPathWithLineAndColumn, parseLineAndColumnAware } from 'vs/code/node/paths'; import { ILifecycleService, UnloadReason } from 'vs/platform/lifecycle/electron-main/lifecycleMain'; import { IConfigurationService } from 'vs/platform/configuration/common/configuration'; import { ILogService } from 'vs/platform/log/common/log'; import { IWindowSettings, OpenContext, IPath, IWindowConfiguration } from 'vs/platform/windows/common/windows'; import { getLastActiveWindow, findBestWindowOrFolder } from 'vs/code/node/windowsUtils'; import CommonEvent, { Emitter } from 'vs/base/common/event'; import product from 'vs/platform/node/product'; import { ITelemetryService, ITelemetryData } from 'vs/platform/telemetry/common/telemetry'; import { isEqual, isEqualOrParent } from 'vs/platform/files/common/files'; import { IWindowsMainService, IOpenConfiguration } from "vs/platform/windows/electron-main/windows"; import { IHistoryMainService } from "vs/platform/history/electron-main/historyMainService"; import { IProcessEnvironment, isLinux, isMacintosh } from "vs/base/common/platform"; enum WindowError { UNRESPONSIVE, CRASHED } interface INewWindowState extends ISingleWindowState { hasDefaultState?: boolean; } interface IWindowState { workspacePath?: string; uiState: ISingleWindowState; } interface IWindowsState { lastActiveWindow?: IWindowState; lastPluginDevelopmentHostWindow?: IWindowState; openedFolders: IWindowState[]; } const ReopenFoldersSetting = { ALL: 'all', ONE: 'one', NONE: 'none' }; interface IOpenBrowserWindowOptions { userEnv?: IProcessEnvironment; cli?: ParsedArgs; workspacePath?: string; initialStartup?: boolean; filesToOpen?: IPath[]; filesToCreate?: IPath[]; filesToDiff?: IPath[]; forceNewWindow?: boolean; windowToUse?: CodeWindow; emptyWorkspaceBackupFolder?: string; } export class WindowsManager implements IWindowsMainService { _serviceBrand: any; private static windowsStateStorageKey = 'windowsState'; private static WINDOWS: CodeWindow[] = []; private initialUserEnv: IProcessEnvironment; private windowsState: IWindowsState; private lastClosedWindowState: IWindowState; private fileDialog: FileDialog; private _onWindowReady = new Emitter(); onWindowReady: CommonEvent = this._onWindowReady.event; private _onWindowClose = new Emitter(); onWindowClose: CommonEvent = this._onWindowClose.event; private _onWindowReload = new Emitter(); onWindowReload: CommonEvent = this._onWindowReload.event; private _onPathsOpen = new Emitter(); onPathsOpen: CommonEvent = this._onPathsOpen.event; constructor( @ILogService private logService: ILogService, @IStorageService private storageService: IStorageService, @IEnvironmentService private environmentService: IEnvironmentService, @ILifecycleService private lifecycleService: ILifecycleService, @IBackupMainService private backupService: IBackupMainService, @ITelemetryService private telemetryService: ITelemetryService, @IConfigurationService private configurationService: IConfigurationService, @IHistoryMainService private historyService: IHistoryMainService ) { this.windowsState = this.storageService.getItem(WindowsManager.windowsStateStorageKey) || { openedFolders: [] }; this.fileDialog = new FileDialog(environmentService, telemetryService, storageService, this); } public ready(initialUserEnv: IProcessEnvironment): void { this.initialUserEnv = initialUserEnv; this.registerListeners(); } private registerListeners(): void { // React to workbench loaded events from windows ipc.on('vscode:workbenchLoaded', (event, windowId: number) => { this.logService.log('IPC#vscode-workbenchLoaded'); const win = this.getWindowById(windowId); if (win) { win.setReady(); // Event this._onWindowReady.fire(win); } }); // Update our windows state before quitting and before closing windows this.lifecycleService.onBeforeWindowClose(win => this.onBeforeWindowClose(win as CodeWindow)); this.lifecycleService.onBeforeQuit(() => this.onBeforeQuit()); } // Note that onBeforeQuit() and onBeforeWindowClose() are fired in different order depending on the OS: // - macOS: since the app will not quit when closing the last window, you will always first get // the onBeforeQuit() event followed by N onbeforeWindowClose() events for each window // - other: on other OS, closing the last window will quit the app so the order depends on the // user interaction: closing the last window will first trigger onBeforeWindowClose() // and then onBeforeQuit(). Using the quit action however will first issue onBeforeQuit() // and then onBeforeWindowClose(). private onBeforeQuit(): void { const currentWindowsState: IWindowsState = { openedFolders: [], lastPluginDevelopmentHostWindow: this.windowsState.lastPluginDevelopmentHostWindow, lastActiveWindow: this.lastClosedWindowState }; // 1.) Find a last active window (pick any other first window otherwise) if (!currentWindowsState.lastActiveWindow) { let activeWindow = this.getLastActiveWindow(); if (!activeWindow || activeWindow.isExtensionDevelopmentHost) { activeWindow = WindowsManager.WINDOWS.filter(w => !w.isExtensionDevelopmentHost)[0]; } if (activeWindow) { currentWindowsState.lastActiveWindow = { workspacePath: activeWindow.openedWorkspacePath, uiState: activeWindow.serializeWindowState() }; } } // 2.) Find extension host window const extensionHostWindow = WindowsManager.WINDOWS.filter(w => w.isExtensionDevelopmentHost && !w.isExtensionTestHost)[0]; if (extensionHostWindow) { currentWindowsState.lastPluginDevelopmentHostWindow = { workspacePath: extensionHostWindow.openedWorkspacePath, uiState: extensionHostWindow.serializeWindowState() }; } // 3.) All windows with opened folders for N >= 2 to support reopenFolders: all or for auto update // // Carefull here: asking a window for its window state after it has been closed returns bogus values (width: 0, height: 0) // so if we ever want to persist the UI state of the last closed window (window count === 1), it has // to come from the stored lastClosedWindowState on Win/Linux at least if (this.getWindowCount() > 1) { currentWindowsState.openedFolders = WindowsManager.WINDOWS.filter(w => !!w.openedWorkspacePath && !w.isExtensionDevelopmentHost).map(w => { return { workspacePath: w.openedWorkspacePath, uiState: w.serializeWindowState() }; }); } // Persist this.storageService.setItem(WindowsManager.windowsStateStorageKey, currentWindowsState); } // See note on #onBeforeQuit() for details how these events are flowing private onBeforeWindowClose(win: CodeWindow): void { if (this.lifecycleService.isQuitRequested()) { return; // during quit, many windows close in parallel so let it be handled in the before-quit handler } // On Window close, update our stored UI state of this window const state: IWindowState = { workspacePath: win.openedWorkspacePath, uiState: win.serializeWindowState() }; if (win.isExtensionDevelopmentHost && !win.isExtensionTestHost) { this.windowsState.lastPluginDevelopmentHostWindow = state; // do not let test run window state overwrite our extension development state } // Any non extension host window with same workspace else if (!win.isExtensionDevelopmentHost && !!win.openedWorkspacePath) { this.windowsState.openedFolders.forEach(o => { if (isEqual(o.workspacePath, win.openedWorkspacePath, !isLinux /* ignorecase */)) { o.uiState = state.uiState; } }); } // On Windows and Linux closing the last window will trigger quit. Since we are storing all UI state // before quitting, we need to remember the UI state of this window to be able to persist it. // On macOS we keep the last closed window state ready in case the user wants to quit right after or // wants to open another window, in which case we use this state over the persisted one. if (this.getWindowCount() === 1) { this.lastClosedWindowState = state; } } public open(openConfig: IOpenConfiguration): CodeWindow[] { // Find paths to open from config const pathsToOpen = this.getPathsToOpen(openConfig); if (!pathsToOpen) { return null; // indicate to outside that open failed } let foldersToOpen = arrays.distinct(pathsToOpen.filter(iPath => iPath.workspacePath && !iPath.filePath).map(iPath => iPath.workspacePath), folder => isLinux ? folder : folder.toLowerCase()); // prevent duplicates let foldersToRestore = (openConfig.initialStartup && !openConfig.cli.extensionDevelopmentPath) ? this.backupService.getWorkspaceBackupPaths() : []; let filesToOpen: IPath[] = []; let filesToDiff: IPath[] = []; let filesToCreate = pathsToOpen.filter(iPath => !!iPath.filePath && iPath.createFilePath); let emptyToOpen = pathsToOpen.filter(iPath => !iPath.workspacePath && !iPath.filePath); let emptyToRestore = (openConfig.initialStartup && !openConfig.cli.extensionDevelopmentPath) ? this.backupService.getEmptyWorkspaceBackupPaths() : []; // Diff mode needs special care const filesToOpenCandidates = pathsToOpen.filter(iPath => !!iPath.filePath && !iPath.createFilePath); if (openConfig.diffMode) { if (filesToOpenCandidates.length === 2) { filesToDiff = filesToOpenCandidates; } else { emptyToOpen = [Object.create(null)]; // improper use of diffMode, open empty } foldersToOpen = []; // diff is always in empty workspace foldersToRestore = []; // diff is always in empty workspace filesToCreate = []; // diff ignores other files that do not exist } else { filesToOpen = filesToOpenCandidates; } // Settings can decide if files/folders open in new window or not let { openFolderInNewWindow, openFilesInNewWindow } = this.shouldOpenNewWindow(openConfig); // Handle files to open/diff or to create when we dont open a folder and we do not restore any folder/untitled from hot-exit const usedWindows: CodeWindow[] = []; if (!foldersToOpen.length && !foldersToRestore.length && !emptyToRestore.length && (filesToOpen.length > 0 || filesToCreate.length > 0 || filesToDiff.length > 0)) { // Open Files in last instance if any and flag tells us so const fileToCheck = filesToOpen[0] || filesToCreate[0] || filesToDiff[0]; const windowOrFolder = findBestWindowOrFolder({ windows: WindowsManager.WINDOWS, newWindow: openFilesInNewWindow, reuseWindow: openConfig.forceReuseWindow, context: openConfig.context, filePath: fileToCheck && fileToCheck.filePath, userHome: this.environmentService.userHome }); if (windowOrFolder instanceof CodeWindow) { windowOrFolder.focus(); const files = { filesToOpen, filesToCreate, filesToDiff }; // copy to object because they get reset shortly after windowOrFolder.ready().then(readyWindow => { readyWindow.send('vscode:openFiles', files); }); usedWindows.push(windowOrFolder); } // Otherwise open instance with files else { const browserWindow = this.openInBrowserWindow({ userEnv: openConfig.userEnv, cli: openConfig.cli, initialStartup: openConfig.initialStartup, workspacePath: windowOrFolder, filesToOpen, filesToCreate, filesToDiff, forceNewWindow: true }); usedWindows.push(browserWindow); openFolderInNewWindow = true; // any other folders to open must open in new window then } // Reset these because we handled them filesToOpen = []; filesToCreate = []; filesToDiff = []; } // Handle folders to open (instructed and to restore) let allFoldersToOpen = arrays.distinct([...foldersToOpen, ...foldersToRestore], folder => isLinux ? folder : folder.toLowerCase()); // prevent duplicates if (allFoldersToOpen.length > 0) { // Check for existing instances const windowsOnWorkspacePath = arrays.coalesce(allFoldersToOpen.map(folderToOpen => this.findWindow(folderToOpen))); if (windowsOnWorkspacePath.length > 0) { const browserWindow = windowsOnWorkspacePath[0]; browserWindow.focus(); // just focus one of them const files = { filesToOpen, filesToCreate, filesToDiff }; // copy to object because they get reset shortly after browserWindow.ready().then(readyWindow => { readyWindow.send('vscode:openFiles', files); }); usedWindows.push(browserWindow); // Reset these because we handled them filesToOpen = []; filesToCreate = []; filesToDiff = []; openFolderInNewWindow = true; // any other folders to open must open in new window then } // Open remaining ones allFoldersToOpen.forEach(folderToOpen => { if (windowsOnWorkspacePath.some(win => isEqual(win.openedWorkspacePath, folderToOpen, !isLinux /* ignorecase */))) { return; // ignore folders that are already open } const browserWindow = this.openInBrowserWindow({ userEnv: openConfig.userEnv, cli: openConfig.cli, initialStartup: openConfig.initialStartup, workspacePath: folderToOpen, filesToOpen, filesToCreate, filesToDiff, forceNewWindow: openFolderInNewWindow, windowToUse: openFolderInNewWindow ? void 0 : openConfig.windowToUse as CodeWindow }); usedWindows.push(browserWindow); // Reset these because we handled them filesToOpen = []; filesToCreate = []; filesToDiff = []; openFolderInNewWindow = true; // any other folders to open must open in new window then }); } // Handle empty if (emptyToRestore.length > 0) { emptyToRestore.forEach(emptyWorkspaceBackupFolder => { const browserWindow = this.openInBrowserWindow({ userEnv: openConfig.userEnv, cli: openConfig.cli, initialStartup: openConfig.initialStartup, filesToOpen, filesToCreate, filesToDiff, forceNewWindow: true, emptyWorkspaceBackupFolder }); usedWindows.push(browserWindow); // Reset these because we handled them filesToOpen = []; filesToCreate = []; filesToDiff = []; openFolderInNewWindow = true; // any other folders to open must open in new window then }); } // Only open empty if no empty workspaces were restored else if (emptyToOpen.length > 0) { emptyToOpen.forEach(() => { const browserWindow = this.openInBrowserWindow({ userEnv: openConfig.userEnv, cli: openConfig.cli, initialStartup: openConfig.initialStartup, forceNewWindow: openFolderInNewWindow, windowToUse: openFolderInNewWindow ? void 0 : openConfig.windowToUse as CodeWindow }); usedWindows.push(browserWindow); openFolderInNewWindow = true; // any other folders to open must open in new window then }); } // Remember in recent document list (unless this opens for extension development) // Also do not add paths when files are opened for diffing, only if opened individually if (!usedWindows.some(w => w.isExtensionDevelopmentHost) && !openConfig.cli.diff) { const recentPaths: { path: string; isFile?: boolean; }[] = []; pathsToOpen.forEach(iPath => { if (iPath.filePath || iPath.workspacePath) { recentPaths.push({ path: iPath.filePath || iPath.workspacePath, isFile: !!iPath.filePath }); } }); if (recentPaths.length) { this.historyService.addToRecentPathsList(recentPaths); } } // Emit events this._onPathsOpen.fire(pathsToOpen); return arrays.distinct(usedWindows); } private getPathsToOpen(openConfig: IOpenConfiguration): IPath[] { let iPathsToOpen: IPath[]; // Find paths from provided paths if any if (openConfig.pathsToOpen && openConfig.pathsToOpen.length > 0) { iPathsToOpen = openConfig.pathsToOpen.map(pathToOpen => { const iPath = this.toIPath(pathToOpen, false, openConfig.cli && openConfig.cli.goto); // Warn if the requested path to open does not exist if (!iPath) { const options: Electron.ShowMessageBoxOptions = { title: product.nameLong, type: 'info', buttons: [nls.localize('ok', "OK")], message: nls.localize('pathNotExistTitle', "Path does not exist"), detail: nls.localize('pathNotExistDetail', "The path '{0}' does not seem to exist anymore on disk.", pathToOpen), noLink: true }; const activeWindow = BrowserWindow.getFocusedWindow(); if (activeWindow) { dialog.showMessageBox(activeWindow, options); } else { dialog.showMessageBox(options); } } return iPath; }); // get rid of nulls iPathsToOpen = arrays.coalesce(iPathsToOpen); if (iPathsToOpen.length === 0) { return null; // indicate to outside that open failed } } // Check for force empty else if (openConfig.forceEmpty) { iPathsToOpen = [Object.create(null)]; } // Otherwise infer from command line arguments else if (openConfig.cli._.length > 0) { iPathsToOpen = this.doExtractPathsFromCLI(openConfig.cli); } // Finally check for paths from previous session else { iPathsToOpen = this.doExtractPathsFromLastSession(); } return iPathsToOpen; } private doExtractPathsFromCLI(cli: ParsedArgs): IPath[] { const candidates: string[] = cli._; const iPaths = candidates.map(candidate => this.toIPath(candidate, true /* ignoreFileNotFound */, cli.goto)).filter(path => !!path); if (iPaths.length > 0) { return iPaths; } // No path provided, return empty to open empty return [Object.create(null)]; } private doExtractPathsFromLastSession(): IPath[] { const candidates: string[] = []; let reopenFolders: string; if (this.lifecycleService.wasRestarted) { reopenFolders = ReopenFoldersSetting.ALL; // always reopen all folders when an update was applied } else { const windowConfig = this.configurationService.getConfiguration('window'); reopenFolders = (windowConfig && windowConfig.reopenFolders) || ReopenFoldersSetting.ONE; } const lastActiveFolder = this.windowsState.lastActiveWindow && this.windowsState.lastActiveWindow.workspacePath; // Restore all if (reopenFolders === ReopenFoldersSetting.ALL) { const lastOpenedFolders = this.windowsState.openedFolders.map(o => o.workspacePath); // If we have a last active folder, move it to the end if (lastActiveFolder) { lastOpenedFolders.splice(lastOpenedFolders.indexOf(lastActiveFolder), 1); lastOpenedFolders.push(lastActiveFolder); } candidates.push(...lastOpenedFolders); } // Restore last active else if (lastActiveFolder && (reopenFolders === ReopenFoldersSetting.ONE || reopenFolders !== ReopenFoldersSetting.NONE)) { candidates.push(lastActiveFolder); } const iPaths = candidates.map(candidate => this.toIPath(candidate)).filter(path => !!path); if (iPaths.length > 0) { return iPaths; } // No path provided, return empty to open empty return [Object.create(null)]; } private toIPath(anyPath: string, ignoreFileNotFound?: boolean, gotoLineMode?: boolean): IPath { if (!anyPath) { return null; } let parsedPath: IPathWithLineAndColumn; if (gotoLineMode) { parsedPath = parseLineAndColumnAware(anyPath); anyPath = parsedPath.path; } const candidate = path.normalize(anyPath); try { const candidateStat = fs.statSync(candidate); if (candidateStat) { return candidateStat.isFile() ? { filePath: candidate, lineNumber: gotoLineMode ? parsedPath.line : void 0, columnNumber: gotoLineMode ? parsedPath.column : void 0 } : { workspacePath: candidate }; } } catch (error) { this.historyService.removeFromRecentPathsList(candidate); // since file does not seem to exist anymore, remove from recent if (ignoreFileNotFound) { return { filePath: candidate, createFilePath: true }; // assume this is a file that does not yet exist } } return null; } private shouldOpenNewWindow(openConfig: IOpenConfiguration): { openFolderInNewWindow: boolean; openFilesInNewWindow: boolean; } { // let the user settings override how folders are open in a new window or same window unless we are forced const windowConfig = this.configurationService.getConfiguration('window'); let openFolderInNewWindow = (openConfig.preferNewWindow || openConfig.forceNewWindow) && !openConfig.forceReuseWindow; if (!openConfig.forceNewWindow && !openConfig.forceReuseWindow && windowConfig && (windowConfig.openFoldersInNewWindow === 'on' || windowConfig.openFoldersInNewWindow === 'off')) { openFolderInNewWindow = (windowConfig.openFoldersInNewWindow === 'on'); } // let the user settings override how files are open in a new window or same window unless we are forced (not for extension development though) let openFilesInNewWindow: boolean; if (openConfig.forceNewWindow || openConfig.forceReuseWindow) { openFilesInNewWindow = openConfig.forceNewWindow && !openConfig.forceReuseWindow; } else { if (openConfig.context === OpenContext.DOCK) { openFilesInNewWindow = true; // only on macOS do we allow to open files in a new window if this is triggered via DOCK context } if (!openConfig.cli.extensionDevelopmentPath && windowConfig && (windowConfig.openFilesInNewWindow === 'on' || windowConfig.openFilesInNewWindow === 'off')) { openFilesInNewWindow = (windowConfig.openFilesInNewWindow === 'on'); } } return { openFolderInNewWindow, openFilesInNewWindow }; } public openExtensionDevelopmentHostWindow(openConfig: IOpenConfiguration): void { // Reload an existing extension development host window on the same path // We currently do not allow more than one extension development window // on the same extension path. let res = WindowsManager.WINDOWS.filter(w => w.config && isEqual(w.config.extensionDevelopmentPath, openConfig.cli.extensionDevelopmentPath, !isLinux /* ignorecase */)); if (res && res.length === 1) { this.reload(res[0], openConfig.cli); res[0].focus(); // make sure it gets focus and is restored return; } // Fill in previously opened workspace unless an explicit path is provided and we are not unit testing if (openConfig.cli._.length === 0 && !openConfig.cli.extensionTestsPath) { const workspaceToOpen = this.windowsState.lastPluginDevelopmentHostWindow && this.windowsState.lastPluginDevelopmentHostWindow.workspacePath; if (workspaceToOpen) { openConfig.cli._ = [workspaceToOpen]; } } // Make sure we are not asked to open a path that is already opened if (openConfig.cli._.length > 0) { res = WindowsManager.WINDOWS.filter(w => w.openedWorkspacePath && openConfig.cli._.indexOf(w.openedWorkspacePath) >= 0); if (res.length) { openConfig.cli._ = []; } } // Open it this.open({ context: openConfig.context, cli: openConfig.cli, forceNewWindow: true, forceEmpty: openConfig.cli._.length === 0, userEnv: openConfig.userEnv }); } private openInBrowserWindow(options: IOpenBrowserWindowOptions): CodeWindow { // Build IWindowConfiguration from config and options const configuration: IWindowConfiguration = mixin({}, options.cli); // inherit all properties from CLI configuration.appRoot = this.environmentService.appRoot; configuration.execPath = process.execPath; configuration.userEnv = assign({}, this.initialUserEnv, options.userEnv || {}); configuration.isInitialStartup = options.initialStartup; configuration.workspacePath = options.workspacePath; configuration.filesToOpen = options.filesToOpen; configuration.filesToCreate = options.filesToCreate; configuration.filesToDiff = options.filesToDiff; configuration.nodeCachedDataDir = this.environmentService.nodeCachedDataDir; let codeWindow: CodeWindow; if (!options.forceNewWindow) { codeWindow = options.windowToUse || this.getLastActiveWindow(); if (codeWindow) { codeWindow.focus(); } } // New window if (!codeWindow) { const windowConfig = this.configurationService.getConfiguration('window'); const state = this.getNewWindowState(configuration); // Window state is not from a previous session: only allow fullscreen if we inherit it or user wants fullscreen let allowFullscreen: boolean; if (state.hasDefaultState) { allowFullscreen = (windowConfig && windowConfig.newWindowDimensions && ['fullscreen', 'inherit'].indexOf(windowConfig.newWindowDimensions) >= 0); } // Window state is from a previous session: only allow fullscreen when we got updated or user wants to restore else { allowFullscreen = this.lifecycleService.wasRestarted || (windowConfig && windowConfig.restoreFullscreen); } if (state.mode === WindowMode.Fullscreen && !allowFullscreen) { state.mode = WindowMode.Normal; } codeWindow = new CodeWindow({ state, extensionDevelopmentPath: configuration.extensionDevelopmentPath, isExtensionTestHost: !!configuration.extensionTestsPath }, this.logService, this.environmentService, this.configurationService, this.storageService ); WindowsManager.WINDOWS.push(codeWindow); // Window Events codeWindow.win.webContents.removeAllListeners('devtools-reload-page'); // remove built in listener so we can handle this on our own codeWindow.win.webContents.on('devtools-reload-page', () => this.reload(codeWindow)); codeWindow.win.webContents.on('crashed', () => this.onWindowError(codeWindow, WindowError.CRASHED)); codeWindow.win.on('unresponsive', () => this.onWindowError(codeWindow, WindowError.UNRESPONSIVE)); codeWindow.win.on('closed', () => this.onWindowClosed(codeWindow)); // Lifecycle this.lifecycleService.registerWindow(codeWindow); } // Existing window else { // Some configuration things get inherited if the window is being reused and we are // in extension development host mode. These options are all development related. const currentWindowConfig = codeWindow.config; if (!configuration.extensionDevelopmentPath && currentWindowConfig && !!currentWindowConfig.extensionDevelopmentPath) { configuration.extensionDevelopmentPath = currentWindowConfig.extensionDevelopmentPath; configuration.verbose = currentWindowConfig.verbose; configuration.debugBrkPluginHost = currentWindowConfig.debugBrkPluginHost; configuration.debugPluginHost = currentWindowConfig.debugPluginHost; configuration['extensions-dir'] = currentWindowConfig['extensions-dir']; } } // Only load when the window has not vetoed this this.lifecycleService.unload(codeWindow, UnloadReason.LOAD).done(veto => { if (!veto) { // Register window for backups if (!configuration.extensionDevelopmentPath) { const backupPath = this.backupService.registerWindowForBackupsSync(codeWindow.id, !configuration.workspacePath, options.emptyWorkspaceBackupFolder, configuration.workspacePath); configuration.backupPath = backupPath; } // Load it codeWindow.load(configuration); } }); return codeWindow; } private getNewWindowState(configuration: IWindowConfiguration): INewWindowState { // extension development host Window - load from stored settings if any if (!!configuration.extensionDevelopmentPath && this.windowsState.lastPluginDevelopmentHostWindow) { return this.windowsState.lastPluginDevelopmentHostWindow.uiState; } // Known Folder - load from stored settings if any if (configuration.workspacePath) { const stateForWorkspace = this.windowsState.openedFolders.filter(o => isEqual(o.workspacePath, configuration.workspacePath, !isLinux /* ignorecase */)).map(o => o.uiState); if (stateForWorkspace.length) { return stateForWorkspace[0]; } } // First Window const lastActive = this.getLastActiveWindow(); const lastActiveState = this.lastClosedWindowState || this.windowsState.lastActiveWindow; if (!lastActive && lastActiveState) { return lastActiveState.uiState; } // // In any other case, we do not have any stored settings for the window state, so we come up with something smart // // We want the new window to open on the same display that the last active one is in let displayToUse: Electron.Display; const displays = screen.getAllDisplays(); // Single Display if (displays.length === 1) { displayToUse = displays[0]; } // Multi Display else { // on mac there is 1 menu per window so we need to use the monitor where the cursor currently is if (isMacintosh) { const cursorPoint = screen.getCursorScreenPoint(); displayToUse = screen.getDisplayNearestPoint(cursorPoint); } // if we have a last active window, use that display for the new window if (!displayToUse && lastActive) { displayToUse = screen.getDisplayMatching(lastActive.getBounds()); } // fallback to primary display or first display if (!displayToUse) { displayToUse = screen.getPrimaryDisplay() || displays[0]; } } let state = defaultWindowState() as INewWindowState; state.x = displayToUse.bounds.x + (displayToUse.bounds.width / 2) - (state.width / 2); state.y = displayToUse.bounds.y + (displayToUse.bounds.height / 2) - (state.height / 2); // Check for newWindowDimensions setting and adjust accordingly const windowConfig = this.configurationService.getConfiguration('window'); let ensureNoOverlap = true; if (windowConfig && windowConfig.newWindowDimensions) { if (windowConfig.newWindowDimensions === 'maximized') { state.mode = WindowMode.Maximized; ensureNoOverlap = false; } else if (windowConfig.newWindowDimensions === 'fullscreen') { state.mode = WindowMode.Fullscreen; ensureNoOverlap = false; } else if (windowConfig.newWindowDimensions === 'inherit' && lastActive) { const lastActiveState = lastActive.serializeWindowState(); if (lastActiveState.mode === WindowMode.Fullscreen) { state.mode = WindowMode.Fullscreen; // only take mode (fixes https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/19331) } else { state = lastActiveState; } ensureNoOverlap = false; } } if (ensureNoOverlap) { state = this.ensureNoOverlap(state); } state.hasDefaultState = true; // flag as default state return state; } private ensureNoOverlap(state: ISingleWindowState): ISingleWindowState { if (WindowsManager.WINDOWS.length === 0) { return state; } const existingWindowBounds = WindowsManager.WINDOWS.map(win => win.getBounds()); while (existingWindowBounds.some(b => b.x === state.x || b.y === state.y)) { state.x += 30; state.y += 30; } return state; } public reload(win: CodeWindow, cli?: ParsedArgs): void { // Only reload when the window has not vetoed this this.lifecycleService.unload(win, UnloadReason.RELOAD).done(veto => { if (!veto) { win.reload(cli); // Emit this._onWindowReload.fire(win.id); } }); } public focusLastActive(cli: ParsedArgs, context: OpenContext): CodeWindow { const lastActive = this.getLastActiveWindow(); if (lastActive) { lastActive.focus(); return lastActive; } // No window - open new empty one const res = this.open({ context, cli, forceEmpty: true }); return res && res[0]; } public getLastActiveWindow(): CodeWindow { return getLastActiveWindow(WindowsManager.WINDOWS); } public findWindow(workspacePath: string, filePath?: string, extensionDevelopmentPath?: string): CodeWindow { if (WindowsManager.WINDOWS.length) { // Sort the last active window to the front of the array of windows to test const windowsToTest = WindowsManager.WINDOWS.slice(0); const lastActiveWindow = this.getLastActiveWindow(); if (lastActiveWindow) { windowsToTest.splice(windowsToTest.indexOf(lastActiveWindow), 1); windowsToTest.unshift(lastActiveWindow); } // Find it const res = windowsToTest.filter(w => { // match on workspace if (typeof w.openedWorkspacePath === 'string' && (isEqual(w.openedWorkspacePath, workspacePath, !isLinux /* ignorecase */))) { return true; } // match on file if (typeof w.openedFilePath === 'string' && isEqual(w.openedFilePath, filePath, !isLinux /* ignorecase */)) { return true; } // match on file path if (typeof w.openedWorkspacePath === 'string' && filePath && isEqualOrParent(filePath, w.openedWorkspacePath, !isLinux /* ignorecase */)) { return true; } // match on extension development path if (typeof extensionDevelopmentPath === 'string' && isEqual(w.extensionDevelopmentPath, extensionDevelopmentPath, !isLinux /* ignorecase */)) { return true; } return false; }); if (res && res.length) { return res[0]; } } return null; } public openNewWindow(context: OpenContext): void { this.open({ context, cli: this.environmentService.args, forceNewWindow: true, forceEmpty: true }); } public sendToFocused(channel: string, ...args: any[]): void { const focusedWindow = this.getFocusedWindow() || this.getLastActiveWindow(); if (focusedWindow) { focusedWindow.sendWhenReady(channel, ...args); } } public sendToAll(channel: string, payload: any, windowIdsToIgnore?: number[]): void { WindowsManager.WINDOWS.forEach(w => { if (windowIdsToIgnore && windowIdsToIgnore.indexOf(w.id) >= 0) { return; // do not send if we are instructed to ignore it } w.sendWhenReady(channel, payload); }); } public getFocusedWindow(): CodeWindow { const win = BrowserWindow.getFocusedWindow(); if (win) { return this.getWindowById(win.id); } return null; } public getWindowById(windowId: number): CodeWindow { const res = WindowsManager.WINDOWS.filter(w => w.id === windowId); if (res && res.length === 1) { return res[0]; } return null; } public getWindows(): CodeWindow[] { return WindowsManager.WINDOWS; } public getWindowCount(): number { return WindowsManager.WINDOWS.length; } private onWindowError(codeWindow: CodeWindow, error: WindowError): void { console.error(error === WindowError.CRASHED ? '[VS Code]: render process crashed!' : '[VS Code]: detected unresponsive'); // Unresponsive if (error === WindowError.UNRESPONSIVE) { dialog.showMessageBox(codeWindow.win, { title: product.nameLong, type: 'warning', buttons: [nls.localize('reopen', "Reopen"), nls.localize('wait', "Keep Waiting"), nls.localize('close', "Close")], message: nls.localize('appStalled', "The window is no longer responding"), detail: nls.localize('appStalledDetail', "You can reopen or close the window or keep waiting."), noLink: true }, result => { if (!codeWindow.win) { return; // Return early if the window has been going down already } if (result === 0) { codeWindow.reload(); } else if (result === 2) { this.onBeforeWindowClose(codeWindow); // 'close' event will not be fired on destroy(), so run it manually codeWindow.win.destroy(); // make sure to destroy the window as it is unresponsive } }); } // Crashed else { dialog.showMessageBox(codeWindow.win, { title: product.nameLong, type: 'warning', buttons: [nls.localize('reopen', "Reopen"), nls.localize('close', "Close")], message: nls.localize('appCrashed', "The window has crashed"), detail: nls.localize('appCrashedDetail', "We are sorry for the inconvenience! You can reopen the window to continue where you left off."), noLink: true }, result => { if (!codeWindow.win) { return; // Return early if the window has been going down already } if (result === 0) { codeWindow.reload(); } else if (result === 1) { this.onBeforeWindowClose(codeWindow); // 'close' event will not be fired on destroy(), so run it manually codeWindow.win.destroy(); // make sure to destroy the window as it has crashed } }); } } private onWindowClosed(win: CodeWindow): void { // Tell window win.dispose(); // Remove from our list so that Electron can clean it up const index = WindowsManager.WINDOWS.indexOf(win); WindowsManager.WINDOWS.splice(index, 1); // Emit this._onWindowClose.fire(win.id); } public openFileFolderPicker(forceNewWindow?: boolean, data?: ITelemetryData): void { this.fileDialog.pickAndOpen({ pickFolders: true, pickFiles: true, forceNewWindow }, 'openFileFolder', data); } public openFilePicker(forceNewWindow?: boolean, path?: string, window?: CodeWindow, data?: ITelemetryData): void { this.fileDialog.pickAndOpen({ pickFiles: true, forceNewWindow, path, window }, 'openFile', data); } public openFolderPicker(forceNewWindow?: boolean, window?: CodeWindow, data?: ITelemetryData): void { this.fileDialog.pickAndOpen({ pickFolders: true, forceNewWindow, window }, 'openFolder', data); } public quit(): void { // If the user selected to exit from an extension development host window, do not quit, but just // close the window unless this is the last window that is opened. const codeWindow = this.getFocusedWindow(); if (codeWindow && codeWindow.isExtensionDevelopmentHost && this.getWindowCount() > 1) { codeWindow.win.close(); } // Otherwise: normal quit else { setTimeout(() => { this.lifecycleService.quit(); }, 10 /* delay to unwind callback stack (IPC) */); } } } interface INativeOpenDialogOptions { pickFolders?: boolean; pickFiles?: boolean; path?: string; forceNewWindow?: boolean; window?: CodeWindow; } class FileDialog { private static workingDirPickerStorageKey = 'pickerWorkingDir'; constructor( private environmentService: IEnvironmentService, private telemetryService: ITelemetryService, private storageService: IStorageService, private windowsMainService: IWindowsMainService ) { } public pickAndOpen(options: INativeOpenDialogOptions, eventName: string, data?: ITelemetryData): void { this.getFileOrFolderPaths(options, (paths: string[]) => { const nOfPaths = paths ? paths.length : 0; if (nOfPaths) { this.windowsMainService.open({ context: OpenContext.DIALOG, cli: this.environmentService.args, pathsToOpen: paths, forceNewWindow: options.forceNewWindow }); } this.telemetryService.publicLog(eventName, { ...data, outcome: nOfPaths ? 'success' : 'canceled', nOfPaths }); }); } private getFileOrFolderPaths(options: INativeOpenDialogOptions, clb: (paths: string[]) => void): void { const workingDir = options.path || this.storageService.getItem(FileDialog.workingDirPickerStorageKey); const focussedWindow = options.window || this.windowsMainService.getFocusedWindow(); let pickerProperties: ('openFile' | 'openDirectory' | 'multiSelections' | 'createDirectory')[]; if (options.pickFiles && options.pickFolders) { pickerProperties = ['multiSelections', 'openDirectory', 'openFile', 'createDirectory']; } else { pickerProperties = ['multiSelections', options.pickFolders ? 'openDirectory' : 'openFile', 'createDirectory']; } dialog.showOpenDialog(focussedWindow && focussedWindow.win, { defaultPath: workingDir, properties: pickerProperties }, paths => { if (paths && paths.length > 0) { // Remember path in storage for next time this.storageService.setItem(FileDialog.workingDirPickerStorageKey, path.dirname(paths[0])); // Return clb(paths); } else { clb(void (0)); } }); } }