/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import { IInstantiationService, ServicesAccessor } from 'vs/platform/instantiation/common/instantiation'; import { IResourceInput, ITextEditorOptions, IEditorOptions, EditorActivation } from 'vs/platform/editor/common/editor'; import { IEditorInput, IEditor, GroupIdentifier, IFileEditorInput, IUntitledTextResourceInput, IResourceDiffInput, IResourceSideBySideInput, IEditorInputFactoryRegistry, Extensions as EditorExtensions, IFileInputFactory, EditorInput, SideBySideEditorInput, IEditorInputWithOptions, isEditorInputWithOptions, EditorOptions, TextEditorOptions, IEditorIdentifier, IEditorCloseEvent, ITextEditor, ITextDiffEditor, ITextSideBySideEditor, IRevertOptions, SaveReason, EditorsOrder } from 'vs/workbench/common/editor'; import { ResourceEditorInput } from 'vs/workbench/common/editor/resourceEditorInput'; import { Registry } from 'vs/platform/registry/common/platform'; import { ResourceMap } from 'vs/base/common/map'; import { IUntitledTextEditorService } from 'vs/workbench/services/untitled/common/untitledTextEditorService'; import { IFileService } from 'vs/platform/files/common/files'; import { Schemas } from 'vs/base/common/network'; import { Event, Emitter } from 'vs/base/common/event'; import { URI } from 'vs/base/common/uri'; import { basename } from 'vs/base/common/resources'; import { DiffEditorInput } from 'vs/workbench/common/editor/diffEditorInput'; import { IEditorGroupsService, IEditorGroup, GroupsOrder, IEditorReplacement, GroupChangeKind, preferredSideBySideGroupDirection } from 'vs/workbench/services/editor/common/editorGroupsService'; import { IResourceEditor, SIDE_GROUP, IResourceEditorReplacement, IOpenEditorOverrideHandler, IVisibleEditor, IEditorService, SIDE_GROUP_TYPE, ACTIVE_GROUP_TYPE, ISaveEditorsOptions, ISaveAllEditorsOptions, IRevertAllEditorsOptions, IBaseSaveRevertAllEditorOptions } from 'vs/workbench/services/editor/common/editorService'; import { IConfigurationService } from 'vs/platform/configuration/common/configuration'; import { Disposable, IDisposable, dispose, toDisposable, DisposableStore } from 'vs/base/common/lifecycle'; import { coalesce } from 'vs/base/common/arrays'; import { isCodeEditor, isDiffEditor, ICodeEditor, IDiffEditor } from 'vs/editor/browser/editorBrowser'; import { IEditorGroupView, IEditorOpeningEvent, EditorServiceImpl } from 'vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/editor'; import { ILabelService } from 'vs/platform/label/common/label'; import { registerSingleton } from 'vs/platform/instantiation/common/extensions'; import { withNullAsUndefined } from 'vs/base/common/types'; import { EditorsObserver } from 'vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/editorsObserver'; type CachedEditorInput = ResourceEditorInput | IFileEditorInput; type OpenInEditorGroup = IEditorGroup | GroupIdentifier | SIDE_GROUP_TYPE | ACTIVE_GROUP_TYPE; export class EditorService extends Disposable implements EditorServiceImpl { _serviceBrand: undefined; private static CACHE = new ResourceMap(); //#region events private readonly _onDidActiveEditorChange = this._register(new Emitter()); readonly onDidActiveEditorChange = this._onDidActiveEditorChange.event; private readonly _onDidVisibleEditorsChange = this._register(new Emitter()); readonly onDidVisibleEditorsChange = this._onDidVisibleEditorsChange.event; private readonly _onDidCloseEditor = this._register(new Emitter()); readonly onDidCloseEditor = this._onDidCloseEditor.event; private readonly _onDidOpenEditorFail = this._register(new Emitter()); readonly onDidOpenEditorFail = this._onDidOpenEditorFail.event; private readonly _onDidMostRecentlyActiveEditorsChange = this._register(new Emitter()); readonly onDidMostRecentlyActiveEditorsChange = this._onDidMostRecentlyActiveEditorsChange.event; //#endregion private fileInputFactory: IFileInputFactory; private readonly openEditorHandlers: IOpenEditorOverrideHandler[] = []; private lastActiveEditor: IEditorInput | undefined = undefined; private readonly editorsObserver = this._register(this.instantiationService.createInstance(EditorsObserver)); constructor( @IEditorGroupsService private readonly editorGroupService: IEditorGroupsService, @IUntitledTextEditorService private readonly untitledTextEditorService: IUntitledTextEditorService, @IInstantiationService private readonly instantiationService: IInstantiationService, @ILabelService private readonly labelService: ILabelService, @IFileService private readonly fileService: IFileService, @IConfigurationService private readonly configurationService: IConfigurationService ) { super(); this.fileInputFactory = Registry.as(EditorExtensions.EditorInputFactories).getFileInputFactory(); this.registerListeners(); } private registerListeners(): void { // Editor & group changes this.editorGroupService.whenRestored.then(() => this.onEditorsRestored()); this.editorGroupService.onDidActiveGroupChange(group => this.handleActiveEditorChange(group)); this.editorGroupService.onDidAddGroup(group => this.registerGroupListeners(group as IEditorGroupView)); this.editorsObserver.onDidChange(() => this._onDidMostRecentlyActiveEditorsChange.fire()); } private onEditorsRestored(): void { // Register listeners to each opened group this.editorGroupService.groups.forEach(group => this.registerGroupListeners(group as IEditorGroupView)); // Fire initial set of editor events if there is an active editor if (this.activeEditor) { this.doHandleActiveEditorChangeEvent(); this._onDidVisibleEditorsChange.fire(); } } private handleActiveEditorChange(group: IEditorGroup): void { if (group !== this.editorGroupService.activeGroup) { return; // ignore if not the active group } if (!this.lastActiveEditor && !group.activeEditor) { return; // ignore if we still have no active editor } this.doHandleActiveEditorChangeEvent(); } private doHandleActiveEditorChangeEvent(): void { // Remember as last active const activeGroup = this.editorGroupService.activeGroup; this.lastActiveEditor = withNullAsUndefined(activeGroup.activeEditor); // Fire event to outside parties this._onDidActiveEditorChange.fire(); } private registerGroupListeners(group: IEditorGroupView): void { const groupDisposables = new DisposableStore(); groupDisposables.add(group.onDidGroupChange(e => { if (e.kind === GroupChangeKind.EDITOR_ACTIVE) { this.handleActiveEditorChange(group); this._onDidVisibleEditorsChange.fire(); } })); groupDisposables.add(group.onDidCloseEditor(event => { this._onDidCloseEditor.fire(event); })); groupDisposables.add(group.onWillOpenEditor(event => { this.onGroupWillOpenEditor(group, event); })); groupDisposables.add(group.onDidOpenEditorFail(editor => { this._onDidOpenEditorFail.fire({ editor, groupId: group.id }); })); Event.once(group.onWillDispose)(() => { dispose(groupDisposables); }); } private onGroupWillOpenEditor(group: IEditorGroup, event: IEditorOpeningEvent): void { if (event.options && event.options.ignoreOverrides) { return; } for (const handler of this.openEditorHandlers) { const result = handler(event.editor, event.options, group); const override = result?.override; if (override) { event.prevent((() => override.then(editor => withNullAsUndefined(editor)))); break; } } } get activeControl(): IVisibleEditor | undefined { return this.editorGroupService.activeGroup?.activeControl; } get activeTextEditorWidget(): ICodeEditor | IDiffEditor | undefined { const activeControl = this.activeControl; if (activeControl) { const activeControlWidget = activeControl.getControl(); if (isCodeEditor(activeControlWidget) || isDiffEditor(activeControlWidget)) { return activeControlWidget; } } return undefined; } get activeTextEditorMode(): string | undefined { let activeCodeEditor: ICodeEditor | undefined = undefined; const activeTextEditorWidget = this.activeTextEditorWidget; if (isDiffEditor(activeTextEditorWidget)) { activeCodeEditor = activeTextEditorWidget.getModifiedEditor(); } else { activeCodeEditor = activeTextEditorWidget; } return activeCodeEditor?.getModel()?.getLanguageIdentifier().language; } get count(): number { return this.editorsObserver.count; } get editors(): IEditorInput[] { return this.getEditors(EditorsOrder.SEQUENTIAL).map(({ editor }) => editor); } getEditors(order: EditorsOrder): ReadonlyArray { if (order === EditorsOrder.MOST_RECENTLY_ACTIVE) { return this.editorsObserver.editors; } const editors: IEditorIdentifier[] = []; this.editorGroupService.getGroups(GroupsOrder.GRID_APPEARANCE).forEach(group => { editors.push(...group.getEditors(EditorsOrder.SEQUENTIAL).map(editor => ({ editor, groupId: group.id }))); }); return editors; } get activeEditor(): IEditorInput | undefined { const activeGroup = this.editorGroupService.activeGroup; return activeGroup ? withNullAsUndefined(activeGroup.activeEditor) : undefined; } get visibleControls(): IVisibleEditor[] { return coalesce(this.editorGroupService.groups.map(group => group.activeControl)); } get visibleTextEditorWidgets(): Array { return this.visibleControls.map(control => control.getControl() as ICodeEditor | IDiffEditor).filter(widget => isCodeEditor(widget) || isDiffEditor(widget)); } get visibleEditors(): IEditorInput[] { return coalesce(this.editorGroupService.groups.map(group => group.activeEditor)); } //#region preventOpenEditor() overrideOpenEditor(handler: IOpenEditorOverrideHandler): IDisposable { this.openEditorHandlers.push(handler); return toDisposable(() => { const index = this.openEditorHandlers.indexOf(handler); if (index >= 0) { this.openEditorHandlers.splice(index, 1); } }); } //#endregion //#region openEditor() openEditor(editor: IEditorInput, options?: IEditorOptions | ITextEditorOptions, group?: OpenInEditorGroup): Promise; openEditor(editor: IResourceInput | IUntitledTextResourceInput, group?: OpenInEditorGroup): Promise; openEditor(editor: IResourceDiffInput, group?: OpenInEditorGroup): Promise; openEditor(editor: IResourceSideBySideInput, group?: OpenInEditorGroup): Promise; async openEditor(editor: IEditorInput | IResourceEditor, optionsOrGroup?: IEditorOptions | ITextEditorOptions | OpenInEditorGroup, group?: OpenInEditorGroup): Promise { const result = this.doResolveEditorOpenRequest(editor, optionsOrGroup, group); if (result) { const [resolvedGroup, resolvedEditor, resolvedOptions] = result; return withNullAsUndefined(await resolvedGroup.openEditor(resolvedEditor, resolvedOptions)); } return undefined; } doResolveEditorOpenRequest(editor: IEditorInput | IResourceEditor, optionsOrGroup?: IEditorOptions | ITextEditorOptions | OpenInEditorGroup, group?: OpenInEditorGroup): [IEditorGroup, EditorInput, EditorOptions | undefined] | undefined { let resolvedGroup: IEditorGroup | undefined; let candidateGroup: OpenInEditorGroup | undefined; let typedEditor: EditorInput | undefined; let typedOptions: EditorOptions | undefined; // Typed Editor Support if (editor instanceof EditorInput) { typedEditor = editor; typedOptions = this.toOptions(optionsOrGroup as IEditorOptions); candidateGroup = group; resolvedGroup = this.findTargetGroup(typedEditor, typedOptions, candidateGroup); } // Untyped Text Editor Support else { const textInput = editor; typedEditor = this.createInput(textInput); if (typedEditor) { typedOptions = TextEditorOptions.from(textInput); candidateGroup = optionsOrGroup as OpenInEditorGroup; resolvedGroup = this.findTargetGroup(typedEditor, typedOptions, candidateGroup); } } if (typedEditor && resolvedGroup) { if ( this.editorGroupService.activeGroup !== resolvedGroup && // only if target group is not already active typedOptions && !typedOptions.inactive && // never for inactive editors typedOptions.preserveFocus && // only if preserveFocus typeof typedOptions.activation !== 'number' && // only if activation is not already defined (either true or false) candidateGroup !== SIDE_GROUP // never for the SIDE_GROUP ) { // If the resolved group is not the active one, we typically // want the group to become active. There are a few cases // where we stay away from encorcing this, e.g. if the caller // is already providing `activation`. // // Specifically for historic reasons we do not activate a // group is it is opened as `SIDE_GROUP` with `preserveFocus:true`. // repeated Alt-clicking of files in the explorer always open // into the same side group and not cause a group to be created each time. typedOptions.overwrite({ activation: EditorActivation.ACTIVATE }); } return [resolvedGroup, typedEditor, typedOptions]; } return undefined; } private findTargetGroup(input: IEditorInput, options?: IEditorOptions, group?: OpenInEditorGroup): IEditorGroup { let targetGroup: IEditorGroup | undefined; // Group: Instance of Group if (group && typeof group !== 'number') { targetGroup = group; } // Group: Side by Side else if (group === SIDE_GROUP) { targetGroup = this.findSideBySideGroup(); } // Group: Specific Group else if (typeof group === 'number' && group >= 0) { targetGroup = this.editorGroupService.getGroup(group); } // Group: Unspecified without a specific index to open else if (!options || typeof options.index !== 'number') { const groupsByLastActive = this.editorGroupService.getGroups(GroupsOrder.MOST_RECENTLY_ACTIVE); // Respect option to reveal an editor if it is already visible in any group if (options?.revealIfVisible) { for (const group of groupsByLastActive) { if (group.isActive(input)) { targetGroup = group; break; } } } // Respect option to reveal an editor if it is open (not necessarily visible) // Still prefer to reveal an editor in a group where the editor is active though. if (!targetGroup) { if (options?.revealIfOpened || this.configurationService.getValue('workbench.editor.revealIfOpen')) { let groupWithInputActive: IEditorGroup | undefined = undefined; let groupWithInputOpened: IEditorGroup | undefined = undefined; for (const group of groupsByLastActive) { if (group.isOpened(input)) { if (!groupWithInputOpened) { groupWithInputOpened = group; } if (!groupWithInputActive && group.isActive(input)) { groupWithInputActive = group; } } if (groupWithInputOpened && groupWithInputActive) { break; // we found all groups we wanted } } // Prefer a target group where the input is visible targetGroup = groupWithInputActive || groupWithInputOpened; } } } // Fallback to active group if target not valid if (!targetGroup) { targetGroup = this.editorGroupService.activeGroup; } return targetGroup; } private findSideBySideGroup(): IEditorGroup { const direction = preferredSideBySideGroupDirection(this.configurationService); let neighbourGroup = this.editorGroupService.findGroup({ direction }); if (!neighbourGroup) { neighbourGroup = this.editorGroupService.addGroup(this.editorGroupService.activeGroup, direction); } return neighbourGroup; } private toOptions(options?: IEditorOptions | ITextEditorOptions | EditorOptions): EditorOptions { if (!options || options instanceof EditorOptions) { return options as EditorOptions; } const textOptions: ITextEditorOptions = options; if (textOptions.selection || textOptions.viewState) { return TextEditorOptions.create(options); } return EditorOptions.create(options); } //#endregion //#region openEditors() openEditors(editors: IEditorInputWithOptions[], group?: OpenInEditorGroup): Promise; openEditors(editors: IResourceEditor[], group?: OpenInEditorGroup): Promise; async openEditors(editors: Array, group?: OpenInEditorGroup): Promise { // Convert to typed editors and options const typedEditors: IEditorInputWithOptions[] = []; editors.forEach(editor => { if (isEditorInputWithOptions(editor)) { typedEditors.push(editor); } else { typedEditors.push({ editor: this.createInput(editor), options: TextEditorOptions.from(editor) }); } }); // Find target groups to open const mapGroupToEditors = new Map(); if (group === SIDE_GROUP) { mapGroupToEditors.set(this.findSideBySideGroup(), typedEditors); } else { typedEditors.forEach(typedEditor => { const targetGroup = this.findTargetGroup(typedEditor.editor, typedEditor.options, group); let targetGroupEditors = mapGroupToEditors.get(targetGroup); if (!targetGroupEditors) { targetGroupEditors = []; mapGroupToEditors.set(targetGroup, targetGroupEditors); } targetGroupEditors.push(typedEditor); }); } // Open in target groups const result: Promise[] = []; mapGroupToEditors.forEach((editorsWithOptions, group) => { result.push(group.openEditors(editorsWithOptions)); }); return coalesce(await Promise.all(result)); } //#endregion //#region isOpen() isOpen(editor: IEditorInput): boolean { return this.editorGroupService.groups.some(group => group.isOpened(editor)); } //#endregion //#region replaceEditors() replaceEditors(editors: IResourceEditorReplacement[], group: IEditorGroup | GroupIdentifier): Promise; replaceEditors(editors: IEditorReplacement[], group: IEditorGroup | GroupIdentifier): Promise; replaceEditors(editors: Array, group: IEditorGroup | GroupIdentifier): Promise { const typedEditors: IEditorReplacement[] = []; editors.forEach(replaceEditorArg => { if (replaceEditorArg.editor instanceof EditorInput) { const replacementArg = replaceEditorArg as IEditorReplacement; typedEditors.push({ editor: replacementArg.editor, replacement: replacementArg.replacement, options: this.toOptions(replacementArg.options) }); } else { const replacementArg = replaceEditorArg as IResourceEditorReplacement; typedEditors.push({ editor: this.createInput(replacementArg.editor), replacement: this.createInput(replacementArg.replacement), options: this.toOptions(replacementArg.replacement.options) }); } }); const targetGroup = typeof group === 'number' ? this.editorGroupService.getGroup(group) : group; if (targetGroup) { return targetGroup.replaceEditors(typedEditors); } return Promise.resolve(); } //#endregion //#region invokeWithinEditorContext() invokeWithinEditorContext(fn: (accessor: ServicesAccessor) => T): T { const activeTextEditorWidget = this.activeTextEditorWidget; if (isCodeEditor(activeTextEditorWidget)) { return activeTextEditorWidget.invokeWithinContext(fn); } const activeGroup = this.editorGroupService.activeGroup; if (activeGroup) { return activeGroup.invokeWithinContext(fn); } return this.instantiationService.invokeFunction(fn); } //#endregion //#region createInput() createInput(input: IEditorInputWithOptions | IEditorInput | IResourceEditor): EditorInput { // Typed Editor Input Support (EditorInput) if (input instanceof EditorInput) { return input; } // Typed Editor Input Support (IEditorInputWithOptions) const editorInputWithOptions = input as IEditorInputWithOptions; if (editorInputWithOptions.editor instanceof EditorInput) { return editorInputWithOptions.editor; } // Side by Side Support const resourceSideBySideInput = input as IResourceSideBySideInput; if (resourceSideBySideInput.masterResource && resourceSideBySideInput.detailResource) { const masterInput = this.createInput({ resource: resourceSideBySideInput.masterResource, forceFile: resourceSideBySideInput.forceFile }); const detailInput = this.createInput({ resource: resourceSideBySideInput.detailResource, forceFile: resourceSideBySideInput.forceFile }); return new SideBySideEditorInput( resourceSideBySideInput.label || this.toSideBySideLabel(detailInput, masterInput, '-'), resourceSideBySideInput.description, detailInput, masterInput ); } // Diff Editor Support const resourceDiffInput = input as IResourceDiffInput; if (resourceDiffInput.leftResource && resourceDiffInput.rightResource) { const leftInput = this.createInput({ resource: resourceDiffInput.leftResource, forceFile: resourceDiffInput.forceFile }); const rightInput = this.createInput({ resource: resourceDiffInput.rightResource, forceFile: resourceDiffInput.forceFile }); return new DiffEditorInput( resourceDiffInput.label || this.toSideBySideLabel(leftInput, rightInput, '↔'), resourceDiffInput.description, leftInput, rightInput ); } // Untitled file support const untitledInput = input as IUntitledTextResourceInput; if (untitledInput.forceUntitled || !untitledInput.resource || (untitledInput.resource && untitledInput.resource.scheme === Schemas.untitled)) { const untitledOptions = { mode: untitledInput.mode, initialValue: untitledInput.contents, encoding: untitledInput.encoding }; // Untitled resource: use as hint for an existing untitled editor if (untitledInput.resource?.scheme === Schemas.untitled) { return this.untitledTextEditorService.create({ untitledResource: untitledInput.resource, ...untitledOptions }); } // Other resource: use as hint for associated filepath else { return this.untitledTextEditorService.create({ associatedResource: untitledInput.resource, ...untitledOptions }); } } // Resource Editor Support const resourceInput = input as IResourceInput; if (resourceInput.resource instanceof URI) { let label = resourceInput.label; if (!label) { label = basename(resourceInput.resource); // derive the label from the path } return this.createOrGet(resourceInput.resource, this.instantiationService, label, resourceInput.description, resourceInput.encoding, resourceInput.mode, resourceInput.forceFile) as EditorInput; } throw new Error('Unknown input type'); } private createOrGet(resource: URI, instantiationService: IInstantiationService, label: string | undefined, description: string | undefined, encoding: string | undefined, mode: string | undefined, forceFile: boolean | undefined): CachedEditorInput { if (EditorService.CACHE.has(resource)) { const input = EditorService.CACHE.get(resource)!; if (input instanceof ResourceEditorInput) { if (label) { input.setName(label); } if (description) { input.setDescription(description); } if (mode) { input.setPreferredMode(mode); } } else { if (encoding) { input.setPreferredEncoding(encoding); } if (mode) { input.setPreferredMode(mode); } } return input; } // File let input: CachedEditorInput; if (forceFile /* fix for https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/48275 */ || this.fileService.canHandleResource(resource)) { input = this.fileInputFactory.createFileInput(resource, encoding, mode, instantiationService); } // Resource else { input = instantiationService.createInstance(ResourceEditorInput, label, description, resource, mode); } // Add to cache and remove when input gets disposed EditorService.CACHE.set(resource, input); Event.once(input.onDispose)(() => EditorService.CACHE.delete(resource)); return input; } private toSideBySideLabel(leftInput: EditorInput, rightInput: EditorInput, divider: string): string | undefined { const leftResource = leftInput.getResource(); const rightResource = rightInput.getResource(); // Without any resource, do not try to compute a label if (!leftResource || !rightResource) { return undefined; } // If both editors are file inputs, we produce an optimized label // by adding the relative path of both inputs to the label. This // makes it easier to understand a file-based comparison. if (this.fileInputFactory.isFileInput(leftInput) && this.fileInputFactory.isFileInput(rightInput)) { return `${this.labelService.getUriLabel(leftResource, { relative: true })} ${divider} ${this.labelService.getUriLabel(rightResource, { relative: true })}`; } // Signal back that the label should be computed from within the editor return undefined; } //#endregion //#region save/revert async save(editors: IEditorIdentifier | IEditorIdentifier[], options?: ISaveEditorsOptions): Promise { // Convert to array if (!Array.isArray(editors)) { editors = [editors]; } // Split editors up into a bucket that is saved in parallel // and sequentially. Unless "Save As", all non-untitled editors // can be saved in parallel to speed up the operation. Remaining // editors are potentially bringing up some UI and thus run // sequentially. const editorsToSaveParallel: IEditorIdentifier[] = []; const editorsToSaveAsSequentially: IEditorIdentifier[] = []; if (options?.saveAs) { editorsToSaveAsSequentially.push(...editors); } else { for (const { groupId, editor } of editors) { if (editor.isUntitled()) { editorsToSaveAsSequentially.push({ groupId, editor }); } else { editorsToSaveParallel.push({ groupId, editor }); } } } // Editors to save in parallel await Promise.all(editorsToSaveParallel.map(({ groupId, editor }) => { // Use save as a hint to pin the editor if used explicitly if (options?.reason === SaveReason.EXPLICIT) { this.editorGroupService.getGroup(groupId)?.pinEditor(editor); } // Save return editor.save(groupId, options); })); // Editors to save sequentially for (const { groupId, editor } of editorsToSaveAsSequentially) { if (editor.isDisposed()) { continue; // might have been disposed from from the save already } const result = options?.saveAs ? await editor.saveAs(groupId, options) : await editor.save(groupId, options); if (!result) { return false; // failed or cancelled, abort } } return true; } saveAll(options?: ISaveAllEditorsOptions): Promise { return this.save(this.getAllDirtyEditors(options), options); } async revert(editors: IEditorIdentifier | IEditorIdentifier[], options?: IRevertOptions): Promise { // Convert to array if (!Array.isArray(editors)) { editors = [editors]; } const result = await Promise.all(editors.map(async ({ groupId, editor }) => { // Use revert as a hint to pin the editor this.editorGroupService.getGroup(groupId)?.pinEditor(editor); return editor.revert(groupId, options); })); return result.every(success => !!success); } async revertAll(options?: IRevertAllEditorsOptions): Promise { return this.revert(this.getAllDirtyEditors(options), options); } private getAllDirtyEditors(options?: IBaseSaveRevertAllEditorOptions): IEditorIdentifier[] { const editors: IEditorIdentifier[] = []; for (const group of this.editorGroupService.getGroups(GroupsOrder.MOST_RECENTLY_ACTIVE)) { for (const editor of group.getEditors(EditorsOrder.MOST_RECENTLY_ACTIVE)) { if (editor.isDirty() && (!editor.isUntitled() || !!options?.includeUntitled)) { editors.push({ groupId: group.id, editor }); } } } return editors; } //#endregion } export interface IEditorOpenHandler { ( delegate: (group: IEditorGroup, editor: IEditorInput, options?: IEditorOptions) => Promise, group: IEditorGroup, editor: IEditorInput, options?: IEditorOptions | ITextEditorOptions ): Promise; } /** * The delegating workbench editor service can be used to override the behaviour of the openEditor() * method by providing a IEditorOpenHandler. All calls are being delegated to the existing editor * service otherwise. */ export class DelegatingEditorService implements IEditorService { _serviceBrand: undefined; constructor( private editorOpenHandler: IEditorOpenHandler, @IEditorService private editorService: EditorService ) { } openEditor(editor: IEditorInput, options?: IEditorOptions | ITextEditorOptions, group?: OpenInEditorGroup): Promise; openEditor(editor: IResourceInput | IUntitledTextResourceInput, group?: OpenInEditorGroup): Promise; openEditor(editor: IResourceDiffInput, group?: OpenInEditorGroup): Promise; openEditor(editor: IResourceSideBySideInput, group?: OpenInEditorGroup): Promise; async openEditor(editor: IEditorInput | IResourceEditor, optionsOrGroup?: IEditorOptions | ITextEditorOptions | OpenInEditorGroup, group?: OpenInEditorGroup): Promise { const result = this.editorService.doResolveEditorOpenRequest(editor, optionsOrGroup, group); if (result) { const [resolvedGroup, resolvedEditor, resolvedOptions] = result; // Pass on to editor open handler const control = await this.editorOpenHandler( (group: IEditorGroup, editor: IEditorInput, options?: IEditorOptions) => group.openEditor(editor, options), resolvedGroup, resolvedEditor, resolvedOptions ); if (control) { return control; // the opening was handled, so return early } return withNullAsUndefined(await resolvedGroup.openEditor(resolvedEditor, resolvedOptions)); } return undefined; } //#region Delegate to IEditorService get onDidActiveEditorChange(): Event { return this.editorService.onDidActiveEditorChange; } get onDidVisibleEditorsChange(): Event { return this.editorService.onDidVisibleEditorsChange; } get activeEditor(): IEditorInput | undefined { return this.editorService.activeEditor; } get activeControl(): IVisibleEditor | undefined { return this.editorService.activeControl; } get activeTextEditorWidget(): ICodeEditor | IDiffEditor | undefined { return this.editorService.activeTextEditorWidget; } get activeTextEditorMode(): string | undefined { return this.editorService.activeTextEditorMode; } get visibleEditors(): ReadonlyArray { return this.editorService.visibleEditors; } get visibleControls(): ReadonlyArray { return this.editorService.visibleControls; } get visibleTextEditorWidgets(): ReadonlyArray { return this.editorService.visibleTextEditorWidgets; } get editors(): ReadonlyArray { return this.editorService.editors; } get count(): number { return this.editorService.count; } getEditors(order: EditorsOrder): ReadonlyArray { return this.editorService.getEditors(order); } openEditors(editors: IEditorInputWithOptions[], group?: OpenInEditorGroup): Promise; openEditors(editors: IResourceEditor[], group?: OpenInEditorGroup): Promise; openEditors(editors: Array, group?: OpenInEditorGroup): Promise { return this.editorService.openEditors(editors, group); } replaceEditors(editors: IResourceEditorReplacement[], group: IEditorGroup | GroupIdentifier): Promise; replaceEditors(editors: IEditorReplacement[], group: IEditorGroup | GroupIdentifier): Promise; replaceEditors(editors: Array, group: IEditorGroup | GroupIdentifier): Promise { return this.editorService.replaceEditors(editors as IResourceEditorReplacement[] /* TS fail */, group); } isOpen(editor: IEditorInput): boolean { return this.editorService.isOpen(editor); } overrideOpenEditor(handler: IOpenEditorOverrideHandler): IDisposable { return this.editorService.overrideOpenEditor(handler); } invokeWithinEditorContext(fn: (accessor: ServicesAccessor) => T): T { return this.editorService.invokeWithinEditorContext(fn); } createInput(input: IResourceEditor): IEditorInput { return this.editorService.createInput(input); } save(editors: IEditorIdentifier | IEditorIdentifier[], options?: ISaveEditorsOptions): Promise { return this.editorService.save(editors, options); } saveAll(options?: ISaveAllEditorsOptions): Promise { return this.editorService.saveAll(options); } revert(editors: IEditorIdentifier | IEditorIdentifier[], options?: IRevertOptions): Promise { return this.editorService.revert(editors, options); } revertAll(options?: IRevertAllEditorsOptions): Promise { return this.editorService.revertAll(options); } //#endregion } registerSingleton(IEditorService, EditorService);