/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import 'vs/css!./list'; import { localize } from 'vs/nls'; import { IDisposable, dispose, DisposableStore } from 'vs/base/common/lifecycle'; import { isNumber } from 'vs/base/common/types'; import { range, firstIndex, binarySearch } from 'vs/base/common/arrays'; import { memoize } from 'vs/base/common/decorators'; import * as DOM from 'vs/base/browser/dom'; import * as platform from 'vs/base/common/platform'; import { Gesture } from 'vs/base/browser/touch'; import { KeyCode } from 'vs/base/common/keyCodes'; import { StandardKeyboardEvent, IKeyboardEvent } from 'vs/base/browser/keyboardEvent'; import { Event, Emitter, EventBufferer } from 'vs/base/common/event'; import { domEvent } from 'vs/base/browser/event'; import { IListVirtualDelegate, IListRenderer, IListEvent, IListContextMenuEvent, IListMouseEvent, IListTouchEvent, IListGestureEvent, IIdentityProvider, IKeyboardNavigationLabelProvider, IListDragAndDrop, IListDragOverReaction, ListError, IKeyboardNavigationDelegate } from './list'; import { ListView, IListViewOptions, IListViewDragAndDrop, IListViewAccessibilityProvider } from './listView'; import { Color } from 'vs/base/common/color'; import { mixin } from 'vs/base/common/objects'; import { ScrollbarVisibility, ScrollEvent } from 'vs/base/common/scrollable'; import { ISpliceable } from 'vs/base/common/sequence'; import { CombinedSpliceable } from 'vs/base/browser/ui/list/splice'; import { clamp } from 'vs/base/common/numbers'; import { matchesPrefix } from 'vs/base/common/filters'; import { IDragAndDropData } from 'vs/base/browser/dnd'; import { alert } from 'vs/base/browser/ui/aria/aria'; interface ITraitChangeEvent { indexes: number[]; browserEvent?: UIEvent; } type ITraitTemplateData = HTMLElement; interface IRenderedContainer { templateData: ITraitTemplateData; index: number; } class TraitRenderer implements IListRenderer { private renderedElements: IRenderedContainer[] = []; constructor(private trait: Trait) { } get templateId(): string { return `template:${this.trait.trait}`; } renderTemplate(container: HTMLElement): ITraitTemplateData { return container; } renderElement(element: T, index: number, templateData: ITraitTemplateData): void { const renderedElementIndex = firstIndex(this.renderedElements, el => el.templateData === templateData); if (renderedElementIndex >= 0) { const rendered = this.renderedElements[renderedElementIndex]; this.trait.unrender(templateData); rendered.index = index; } else { const rendered = { index, templateData }; this.renderedElements.push(rendered); } this.trait.renderIndex(index, templateData); } splice(start: number, deleteCount: number, insertCount: number): void { const rendered: IRenderedContainer[] = []; for (const renderedElement of this.renderedElements) { if (renderedElement.index < start) { rendered.push(renderedElement); } else if (renderedElement.index >= start + deleteCount) { rendered.push({ index: renderedElement.index + insertCount - deleteCount, templateData: renderedElement.templateData }); } } this.renderedElements = rendered; } renderIndexes(indexes: number[]): void { for (const { index, templateData } of this.renderedElements) { if (indexes.indexOf(index) > -1) { this.trait.renderIndex(index, templateData); } } } disposeTemplate(templateData: ITraitTemplateData): void { const index = firstIndex(this.renderedElements, el => el.templateData === templateData); if (index < 0) { return; } this.renderedElements.splice(index, 1); } } class Trait implements ISpliceable, IDisposable { private indexes: number[] = []; private sortedIndexes: number[] = []; private readonly _onChange = new Emitter(); readonly onChange: Event = this._onChange.event; get trait(): string { return this._trait; } @memoize get renderer(): TraitRenderer { return new TraitRenderer(this); } constructor(private _trait: string) { } splice(start: number, deleteCount: number, elements: boolean[]): void { const diff = elements.length - deleteCount; const end = start + deleteCount; const indexes = [ ...this.sortedIndexes.filter(i => i < start), ...elements.map((hasTrait, i) => hasTrait ? i + start : -1).filter(i => i !== -1), ...this.sortedIndexes.filter(i => i >= end).map(i => i + diff) ]; this.renderer.splice(start, deleteCount, elements.length); this._set(indexes, indexes); } renderIndex(index: number, container: HTMLElement): void { DOM.toggleClass(container, this._trait, this.contains(index)); } unrender(container: HTMLElement): void { DOM.removeClass(container, this._trait); } /** * Sets the indexes which should have this trait. * * @param indexes Indexes which should have this trait. * @return The old indexes which had this trait. */ set(indexes: number[], browserEvent?: UIEvent): number[] { return this._set(indexes, [...indexes].sort(numericSort), browserEvent); } private _set(indexes: number[], sortedIndexes: number[], browserEvent?: UIEvent): number[] { const result = this.indexes; const sortedResult = this.sortedIndexes; this.indexes = indexes; this.sortedIndexes = sortedIndexes; const toRender = disjunction(sortedResult, indexes); this.renderer.renderIndexes(toRender); this._onChange.fire({ indexes, browserEvent }); return result; } get(): number[] { return this.indexes; } contains(index: number): boolean { return binarySearch(this.sortedIndexes, index, numericSort) >= 0; } dispose() { dispose(this._onChange); } } class SelectionTrait extends Trait { constructor(private setAriaSelected: boolean) { super('selected'); } renderIndex(index: number, container: HTMLElement): void { super.renderIndex(index, container); if (this.setAriaSelected) { if (this.contains(index)) { container.setAttribute('aria-selected', 'true'); } else { container.setAttribute('aria-selected', 'false'); } } } } /** * The TraitSpliceable is used as a util class to be able * to preserve traits across splice calls, given an identity * provider. */ class TraitSpliceable implements ISpliceable { constructor( private trait: Trait, private view: ListView, private identityProvider?: IIdentityProvider ) { } splice(start: number, deleteCount: number, elements: T[]): void { if (!this.identityProvider) { return this.trait.splice(start, deleteCount, elements.map(() => false)); } const pastElementsWithTrait = this.trait.get().map(i => this.identityProvider!.getId(this.view.element(i)).toString()); const elementsWithTrait = elements.map(e => pastElementsWithTrait.indexOf(this.identityProvider!.getId(e).toString()) > -1); this.trait.splice(start, deleteCount, elementsWithTrait); } } function isInputElement(e: HTMLElement): boolean { return e.tagName === 'INPUT' || e.tagName === 'TEXTAREA'; } class KeyboardController implements IDisposable { private readonly disposables = new DisposableStore(); private openController: IOpenController; constructor( private list: List, private view: ListView, options: IListOptions ) { const multipleSelectionSupport = options.multipleSelectionSupport !== false; this.openController = options.openController || DefaultOpenController; const onKeyDown = Event.chain(domEvent(view.domNode, 'keydown')) .filter(e => !isInputElement(e.target as HTMLElement)) .map(e => new StandardKeyboardEvent(e)); onKeyDown.filter(e => e.keyCode === KeyCode.Enter).on(this.onEnter, this, this.disposables); onKeyDown.filter(e => e.keyCode === KeyCode.UpArrow).on(this.onUpArrow, this, this.disposables); onKeyDown.filter(e => e.keyCode === KeyCode.DownArrow).on(this.onDownArrow, this, this.disposables); onKeyDown.filter(e => e.keyCode === KeyCode.PageUp).on(this.onPageUpArrow, this, this.disposables); onKeyDown.filter(e => e.keyCode === KeyCode.PageDown).on(this.onPageDownArrow, this, this.disposables); onKeyDown.filter(e => e.keyCode === KeyCode.Escape).on(this.onEscape, this, this.disposables); if (multipleSelectionSupport) { onKeyDown.filter(e => (platform.isMacintosh ? e.metaKey : e.ctrlKey) && e.keyCode === KeyCode.KEY_A).on(this.onCtrlA, this, this.disposables); } } private onEnter(e: StandardKeyboardEvent): void { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); this.list.setSelection(this.list.getFocus(), e.browserEvent); if (this.openController.shouldOpen(e.browserEvent)) { this.list.open(this.list.getFocus(), e.browserEvent); } } private onUpArrow(e: StandardKeyboardEvent): void { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); this.list.focusPrevious(1, false, e.browserEvent); this.list.reveal(this.list.getFocus()[0]); this.view.domNode.focus(); } private onDownArrow(e: StandardKeyboardEvent): void { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); this.list.focusNext(1, false, e.browserEvent); this.list.reveal(this.list.getFocus()[0]); this.view.domNode.focus(); } private onPageUpArrow(e: StandardKeyboardEvent): void { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); this.list.focusPreviousPage(e.browserEvent); this.list.reveal(this.list.getFocus()[0]); this.view.domNode.focus(); } private onPageDownArrow(e: StandardKeyboardEvent): void { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); this.list.focusNextPage(e.browserEvent); this.list.reveal(this.list.getFocus()[0]); this.view.domNode.focus(); } private onCtrlA(e: StandardKeyboardEvent): void { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); this.list.setSelection(range(this.list.length), e.browserEvent); this.view.domNode.focus(); } private onEscape(e: StandardKeyboardEvent): void { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); this.list.setSelection([], e.browserEvent); this.view.domNode.focus(); } dispose() { this.disposables.dispose(); } } enum TypeLabelControllerState { Idle, Typing } export const DefaultKeyboardNavigationDelegate = new class implements IKeyboardNavigationDelegate { mightProducePrintableCharacter(event: IKeyboardEvent): boolean { if (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey || event.altKey) { return false; } return (event.keyCode >= KeyCode.KEY_A && event.keyCode <= KeyCode.KEY_Z) || (event.keyCode >= KeyCode.KEY_0 && event.keyCode <= KeyCode.KEY_9) || (event.keyCode >= KeyCode.NUMPAD_0 && event.keyCode <= KeyCode.NUMPAD_9) || (event.keyCode >= KeyCode.US_SEMICOLON && event.keyCode <= KeyCode.US_QUOTE); } }; class TypeLabelController implements IDisposable { private enabled = false; private state: TypeLabelControllerState = TypeLabelControllerState.Idle; private automaticKeyboardNavigation = true; private triggered = false; private previouslyFocused = -1; private readonly enabledDisposables = new DisposableStore(); private readonly disposables = new DisposableStore(); constructor( private list: List, private view: ListView, private keyboardNavigationLabelProvider: IKeyboardNavigationLabelProvider, private delegate: IKeyboardNavigationDelegate ) { this.updateOptions(list.options); } updateOptions(options: IListOptions): void { const enableKeyboardNavigation = typeof options.enableKeyboardNavigation === 'undefined' ? true : !!options.enableKeyboardNavigation; if (enableKeyboardNavigation) { this.enable(); } else { this.disable(); } if (typeof options.automaticKeyboardNavigation !== 'undefined') { this.automaticKeyboardNavigation = options.automaticKeyboardNavigation; } } toggle(): void { this.triggered = !this.triggered; } private enable(): void { if (this.enabled) { return; } const onChar = Event.chain(domEvent(this.view.domNode, 'keydown')) .filter(e => !isInputElement(e.target as HTMLElement)) .filter(() => this.automaticKeyboardNavigation || this.triggered) .map(event => new StandardKeyboardEvent(event)) .filter(e => this.delegate.mightProducePrintableCharacter(e)) .forEach(e => { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }) .map(event => event.browserEvent.key) .event; const onClear = Event.debounce(onChar, () => null, 800); const onInput = Event.reduce(Event.any(onChar, onClear), (r, i) => i === null ? null : ((r || '') + i)); onInput(this.onInput, this, this.enabledDisposables); onClear(this.onClear, this, this.enabledDisposables); this.enabled = true; this.triggered = false; } private disable(): void { if (!this.enabled) { return; } this.enabledDisposables.clear(); this.enabled = false; this.triggered = false; } private onClear(): void { const focus = this.list.getFocus(); if (focus.length > 0 && focus[0] === this.previouslyFocused) { // List: re-anounce element on typing end since typed keys will interupt aria label of focused element // Do not announce if there was a focus change at the end to prevent duplication https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/95961 const ariaLabel = this.list.options.accessibilityProvider?.getAriaLabel(this.list.element(focus[0])); if (ariaLabel) { alert(ariaLabel); } } this.previouslyFocused = -1; } private onInput(word: string | null): void { if (!word) { this.state = TypeLabelControllerState.Idle; this.triggered = false; return; } const focus = this.list.getFocus(); const start = focus.length > 0 ? focus[0] : 0; const delta = this.state === TypeLabelControllerState.Idle ? 1 : 0; this.state = TypeLabelControllerState.Typing; for (let i = 0; i < this.list.length; i++) { const index = (start + i + delta) % this.list.length; const label = this.keyboardNavigationLabelProvider.getKeyboardNavigationLabel(this.view.element(index)); const labelStr = label && label.toString(); if (typeof labelStr === 'undefined' || matchesPrefix(word, labelStr)) { this.previouslyFocused = start; this.list.setFocus([index]); this.list.reveal(index); return; } } } dispose() { this.disable(); this.enabledDisposables.dispose(); this.disposables.dispose(); } } class DOMFocusController implements IDisposable { private readonly disposables = new DisposableStore(); constructor( private list: List, private view: ListView ) { const onKeyDown = Event.chain(domEvent(view.domNode, 'keydown')) .filter(e => !isInputElement(e.target as HTMLElement)) .map(e => new StandardKeyboardEvent(e)); onKeyDown.filter(e => e.keyCode === KeyCode.Tab && !e.ctrlKey && !e.metaKey && !e.shiftKey && !e.altKey) .on(this.onTab, this, this.disposables); } private onTab(e: StandardKeyboardEvent): void { if (e.target !== this.view.domNode) { return; } const focus = this.list.getFocus(); if (focus.length === 0) { return; } const focusedDomElement = this.view.domElement(focus[0]); if (!focusedDomElement) { return; } const tabIndexElement = focusedDomElement.querySelector('[tabIndex]'); if (!tabIndexElement || !(tabIndexElement instanceof HTMLElement) || tabIndexElement.tabIndex === -1) { return; } const style = window.getComputedStyle(tabIndexElement); if (style.visibility === 'hidden' || style.display === 'none') { return; } e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); tabIndexElement.focus(); } dispose() { this.disposables.dispose(); } } export function isSelectionSingleChangeEvent(event: IListMouseEvent | IListTouchEvent): boolean { return platform.isMacintosh ? event.browserEvent.metaKey : event.browserEvent.ctrlKey; } export function isSelectionRangeChangeEvent(event: IListMouseEvent | IListTouchEvent): boolean { return event.browserEvent.shiftKey; } function isMouseRightClick(event: UIEvent): boolean { return event instanceof MouseEvent && event.button === 2; } const DefaultMultipleSelectionController = { isSelectionSingleChangeEvent, isSelectionRangeChangeEvent }; const DefaultOpenController: IOpenController = { shouldOpen: (event: UIEvent) => { if (event instanceof MouseEvent) { return !isMouseRightClick(event); } return true; } }; export class MouseController implements IDisposable { private multipleSelectionSupport: boolean; readonly multipleSelectionController: IMultipleSelectionController | undefined; private openController: IOpenController; private mouseSupport: boolean; private readonly disposables = new DisposableStore(); constructor(protected list: List) { this.multipleSelectionSupport = !(list.options.multipleSelectionSupport === false); if (this.multipleSelectionSupport) { this.multipleSelectionController = list.options.multipleSelectionController || DefaultMultipleSelectionController; } this.openController = list.options.openController || DefaultOpenController; this.mouseSupport = typeof list.options.mouseSupport === 'undefined' || !!list.options.mouseSupport; if (this.mouseSupport) { list.onMouseDown(this.onMouseDown, this, this.disposables); list.onContextMenu(this.onContextMenu, this, this.disposables); list.onMouseDblClick(this.onDoubleClick, this, this.disposables); list.onTouchStart(this.onMouseDown, this, this.disposables); this.disposables.add(Gesture.addTarget(list.getHTMLElement())); } list.onMouseClick(this.onPointer, this, this.disposables); list.onMouseMiddleClick(this.onPointer, this, this.disposables); list.onTap(this.onPointer, this, this.disposables); } protected isSelectionSingleChangeEvent(event: IListMouseEvent | IListTouchEvent): boolean { if (this.multipleSelectionController) { return this.multipleSelectionController.isSelectionSingleChangeEvent(event); } return platform.isMacintosh ? event.browserEvent.metaKey : event.browserEvent.ctrlKey; } protected isSelectionRangeChangeEvent(event: IListMouseEvent | IListTouchEvent): boolean { if (this.multipleSelectionController) { return this.multipleSelectionController.isSelectionRangeChangeEvent(event); } return event.browserEvent.shiftKey; } private isSelectionChangeEvent(event: IListMouseEvent | IListTouchEvent): boolean { return this.isSelectionSingleChangeEvent(event) || this.isSelectionRangeChangeEvent(event); } private onMouseDown(e: IListMouseEvent | IListTouchEvent): void { if (document.activeElement !== e.browserEvent.target) { this.list.domFocus(); } } private onContextMenu(e: IListContextMenuEvent): void { const focus = typeof e.index === 'undefined' ? [] : [e.index]; this.list.setFocus(focus, e.browserEvent); } protected onPointer(e: IListMouseEvent): void { if (!this.mouseSupport) { return; } if (isInputElement(e.browserEvent.target as HTMLElement)) { return; } let reference = this.list.getFocus()[0]; const selection = this.list.getSelection(); reference = reference === undefined ? selection[0] : reference; const focus = e.index; if (typeof focus === 'undefined') { this.list.setFocus([], e.browserEvent); this.list.setSelection([], e.browserEvent); return; } if (this.multipleSelectionSupport && this.isSelectionRangeChangeEvent(e)) { return this.changeSelection(e, reference); } if (this.multipleSelectionSupport && this.isSelectionChangeEvent(e)) { return this.changeSelection(e, reference); } this.list.setFocus([focus], e.browserEvent); if (!isMouseRightClick(e.browserEvent)) { this.list.setSelection([focus], e.browserEvent); if (this.openController.shouldOpen(e.browserEvent)) { this.list.open([focus], e.browserEvent); } } } protected onDoubleClick(e: IListMouseEvent): void { if (isInputElement(e.browserEvent.target as HTMLElement)) { return; } if (this.multipleSelectionSupport && this.isSelectionChangeEvent(e)) { return; } const focus = this.list.getFocus(); this.list.setSelection(focus, e.browserEvent); this.list.pin(focus); } private changeSelection(e: IListMouseEvent | IListTouchEvent, reference: number | undefined): void { const focus = e.index!; if (this.isSelectionRangeChangeEvent(e) && reference !== undefined) { const min = Math.min(reference, focus); const max = Math.max(reference, focus); const rangeSelection = range(min, max + 1); const selection = this.list.getSelection(); const contiguousRange = getContiguousRangeContaining(disjunction(selection, [reference]), reference); if (contiguousRange.length === 0) { return; } const newSelection = disjunction(rangeSelection, relativeComplement(selection, contiguousRange)); this.list.setSelection(newSelection, e.browserEvent); } else if (this.isSelectionSingleChangeEvent(e)) { const selection = this.list.getSelection(); const newSelection = selection.filter(i => i !== focus); this.list.setFocus([focus]); if (selection.length === newSelection.length) { this.list.setSelection([...newSelection, focus], e.browserEvent); } else { this.list.setSelection(newSelection, e.browserEvent); } } } dispose() { this.disposables.dispose(); } } export interface IMultipleSelectionController { isSelectionSingleChangeEvent(event: IListMouseEvent | IListTouchEvent): boolean; isSelectionRangeChangeEvent(event: IListMouseEvent | IListTouchEvent): boolean; } export interface IOpenController { shouldOpen(event: UIEvent): boolean; } export interface IStyleController { style(styles: IListStyles): void; } export interface IListAccessibilityProvider extends IListViewAccessibilityProvider { getAriaLabel(element: T): string | null; getWidgetAriaLabel(): string; getWidgetRole?(): string; getAriaLevel?(element: T): number | undefined; onDidChangeActiveDescendant?: Event; getActiveDescendantId?(element: T): string | undefined; } export class DefaultStyleController implements IStyleController { constructor(private styleElement: HTMLStyleElement, private selectorSuffix: string) { } style(styles: IListStyles): void { const suffix = this.selectorSuffix && `.${this.selectorSuffix}`; const content: string[] = []; if (styles.listBackground) { if (styles.listBackground.isOpaque()) { content.push(`.monaco-list${suffix} .monaco-list-rows { background: ${styles.listBackground}; }`); } else if (!platform.isMacintosh) { // subpixel AA doesn't exist in macOS console.warn(`List with id '${this.selectorSuffix}' was styled with a non-opaque background color. This will break sub-pixel antialiasing.`); } } if (styles.listFocusBackground) { content.push(`.monaco-list${suffix}:focus .monaco-list-row.focused { background-color: ${styles.listFocusBackground}; }`); content.push(`.monaco-list${suffix}:focus .monaco-list-row.focused:hover { background-color: ${styles.listFocusBackground}; }`); // overwrite :hover style in this case! } if (styles.listFocusForeground) { content.push(`.monaco-list${suffix}:focus .monaco-list-row.focused { color: ${styles.listFocusForeground}; }`); } if (styles.listActiveSelectionBackground) { content.push(`.monaco-list${suffix}:focus .monaco-list-row.selected { background-color: ${styles.listActiveSelectionBackground}; }`); content.push(`.monaco-list${suffix}:focus .monaco-list-row.selected:hover { background-color: ${styles.listActiveSelectionBackground}; }`); // overwrite :hover style in this case! } if (styles.listActiveSelectionForeground) { content.push(`.monaco-list${suffix}:focus .monaco-list-row.selected { color: ${styles.listActiveSelectionForeground}; }`); } if (styles.listFocusAndSelectionBackground) { content.push(` .monaco-drag-image, .monaco-list${suffix}:focus .monaco-list-row.selected.focused { background-color: ${styles.listFocusAndSelectionBackground}; } `); } if (styles.listFocusAndSelectionForeground) { content.push(` .monaco-drag-image, .monaco-list${suffix}:focus .monaco-list-row.selected.focused { color: ${styles.listFocusAndSelectionForeground}; } `); } if (styles.listInactiveFocusBackground) { content.push(`.monaco-list${suffix} .monaco-list-row.focused { background-color: ${styles.listInactiveFocusBackground}; }`); content.push(`.monaco-list${suffix} .monaco-list-row.focused:hover { background-color: ${styles.listInactiveFocusBackground}; }`); // overwrite :hover style in this case! } if (styles.listInactiveSelectionBackground) { content.push(`.monaco-list${suffix} .monaco-list-row.selected { background-color: ${styles.listInactiveSelectionBackground}; }`); content.push(`.monaco-list${suffix} .monaco-list-row.selected:hover { background-color: ${styles.listInactiveSelectionBackground}; }`); // overwrite :hover style in this case! } if (styles.listInactiveSelectionForeground) { content.push(`.monaco-list${suffix} .monaco-list-row.selected { color: ${styles.listInactiveSelectionForeground}; }`); } if (styles.listHoverBackground) { content.push(`.monaco-list${suffix}:not(.drop-target) .monaco-list-row:hover:not(.selected):not(.focused) { background-color: ${styles.listHoverBackground}; }`); } if (styles.listHoverForeground) { content.push(`.monaco-list${suffix} .monaco-list-row:hover:not(.selected):not(.focused) { color: ${styles.listHoverForeground}; }`); } if (styles.listSelectionOutline) { content.push(`.monaco-list${suffix} .monaco-list-row.selected { outline: 1px dotted ${styles.listSelectionOutline}; outline-offset: -1px; }`); } if (styles.listFocusOutline) { content.push(` .monaco-drag-image, .monaco-list${suffix}:focus .monaco-list-row.focused { outline: 1px solid ${styles.listFocusOutline}; outline-offset: -1px; } `); } if (styles.listInactiveFocusOutline) { content.push(`.monaco-list${suffix} .monaco-list-row.focused { outline: 1px dotted ${styles.listInactiveFocusOutline}; outline-offset: -1px; }`); } if (styles.listHoverOutline) { content.push(`.monaco-list${suffix} .monaco-list-row:hover { outline: 1px dashed ${styles.listHoverOutline}; outline-offset: -1px; }`); } if (styles.listDropBackground) { content.push(` .monaco-list${suffix}.drop-target, .monaco-list${suffix} .monaco-list-rows.drop-target, .monaco-list${suffix} .monaco-list-row.drop-target { background-color: ${styles.listDropBackground} !important; color: inherit !important; } `); } if (styles.listFilterWidgetBackground) { content.push(`.monaco-list-type-filter { background-color: ${styles.listFilterWidgetBackground} }`); } if (styles.listFilterWidgetOutline) { content.push(`.monaco-list-type-filter { border: 1px solid ${styles.listFilterWidgetOutline}; }`); } if (styles.listFilterWidgetNoMatchesOutline) { content.push(`.monaco-list-type-filter.no-matches { border: 1px solid ${styles.listFilterWidgetNoMatchesOutline}; }`); } if (styles.listMatchesShadow) { content.push(`.monaco-list-type-filter { box-shadow: 1px 1px 1px ${styles.listMatchesShadow}; }`); } const newStyles = content.join('\n'); if (newStyles !== this.styleElement.innerHTML) { this.styleElement.innerHTML = newStyles; } } } export interface IListOptions { readonly identityProvider?: IIdentityProvider; readonly dnd?: IListDragAndDrop; readonly enableKeyboardNavigation?: boolean; readonly automaticKeyboardNavigation?: boolean; readonly keyboardNavigationLabelProvider?: IKeyboardNavigationLabelProvider; readonly keyboardNavigationDelegate?: IKeyboardNavigationDelegate; readonly keyboardSupport?: boolean; readonly multipleSelectionSupport?: boolean; readonly multipleSelectionController?: IMultipleSelectionController; readonly openController?: IOpenController; readonly styleController?: (suffix: string) => IStyleController; readonly accessibilityProvider?: IListAccessibilityProvider; // list view options readonly useShadows?: boolean; readonly verticalScrollMode?: ScrollbarVisibility; readonly setRowLineHeight?: boolean; readonly setRowHeight?: boolean; readonly supportDynamicHeights?: boolean; readonly mouseSupport?: boolean; readonly horizontalScrolling?: boolean; readonly additionalScrollHeight?: number; readonly transformOptimization?: boolean; } export interface IListStyles { listBackground?: Color; listFocusBackground?: Color; listFocusForeground?: Color; listActiveSelectionBackground?: Color; listActiveSelectionForeground?: Color; listFocusAndSelectionBackground?: Color; listFocusAndSelectionForeground?: Color; listInactiveSelectionBackground?: Color; listInactiveSelectionForeground?: Color; listInactiveFocusBackground?: Color; listHoverBackground?: Color; listHoverForeground?: Color; listDropBackground?: Color; listFocusOutline?: Color; listInactiveFocusOutline?: Color; listSelectionOutline?: Color; listHoverOutline?: Color; listFilterWidgetBackground?: Color; listFilterWidgetOutline?: Color; listFilterWidgetNoMatchesOutline?: Color; listMatchesShadow?: Color; treeIndentGuidesStroke?: Color; } const defaultStyles: IListStyles = { listFocusBackground: Color.fromHex('#7FB0D0'), listActiveSelectionBackground: Color.fromHex('#0E639C'), listActiveSelectionForeground: Color.fromHex('#FFFFFF'), listFocusAndSelectionBackground: Color.fromHex('#094771'), listFocusAndSelectionForeground: Color.fromHex('#FFFFFF'), listInactiveSelectionBackground: Color.fromHex('#3F3F46'), listHoverBackground: Color.fromHex('#2A2D2E'), listDropBackground: Color.fromHex('#383B3D'), treeIndentGuidesStroke: Color.fromHex('#a9a9a9') }; const DefaultOptions: IListOptions = { keyboardSupport: true, mouseSupport: true, multipleSelectionSupport: true, dnd: { getDragURI() { return null; }, onDragStart(): void { }, onDragOver() { return false; }, drop() { } } }; // TODO@Joao: move these utils into a SortedArray class function getContiguousRangeContaining(range: number[], value: number): number[] { const index = range.indexOf(value); if (index === -1) { return []; } const result: number[] = []; let i = index - 1; while (i >= 0 && range[i] === value - (index - i)) { result.push(range[i--]); } result.reverse(); i = index; while (i < range.length && range[i] === value + (i - index)) { result.push(range[i++]); } return result; } /** * Given two sorted collections of numbers, returns the intersection * between them (OR). */ function disjunction(one: number[], other: number[]): number[] { const result: number[] = []; let i = 0, j = 0; while (i < one.length || j < other.length) { if (i >= one.length) { result.push(other[j++]); } else if (j >= other.length) { result.push(one[i++]); } else if (one[i] === other[j]) { result.push(one[i]); i++; j++; continue; } else if (one[i] < other[j]) { result.push(one[i++]); } else { result.push(other[j++]); } } return result; } /** * Given two sorted collections of numbers, returns the relative * complement between them (XOR). */ function relativeComplement(one: number[], other: number[]): number[] { const result: number[] = []; let i = 0, j = 0; while (i < one.length || j < other.length) { if (i >= one.length) { result.push(other[j++]); } else if (j >= other.length) { result.push(one[i++]); } else if (one[i] === other[j]) { i++; j++; continue; } else if (one[i] < other[j]) { result.push(one[i++]); } else { j++; } } return result; } const numericSort = (a: number, b: number) => a - b; class PipelineRenderer implements IListRenderer { constructor( private _templateId: string, private renderers: IListRenderer[] ) { } get templateId(): string { return this._templateId; } renderTemplate(container: HTMLElement): any[] { return this.renderers.map(r => r.renderTemplate(container)); } renderElement(element: T, index: number, templateData: any[], height: number | undefined): void { let i = 0; for (const renderer of this.renderers) { renderer.renderElement(element, index, templateData[i++], height); } } disposeElement(element: T, index: number, templateData: any[], height: number | undefined): void { let i = 0; for (const renderer of this.renderers) { if (renderer.disposeElement) { renderer.disposeElement(element, index, templateData[i], height); } i += 1; } } disposeTemplate(templateData: any[]): void { let i = 0; for (const renderer of this.renderers) { renderer.disposeTemplate(templateData[i++]); } } } class AccessibiltyRenderer implements IListRenderer { templateId: string = 'a18n'; constructor(private accessibilityProvider: IListAccessibilityProvider) { } renderTemplate(container: HTMLElement): HTMLElement { return container; } renderElement(element: T, index: number, container: HTMLElement): void { const ariaLabel = this.accessibilityProvider.getAriaLabel(element); if (ariaLabel) { container.setAttribute('aria-label', ariaLabel); } else { container.removeAttribute('aria-label'); } const ariaLevel = this.accessibilityProvider.getAriaLevel && this.accessibilityProvider.getAriaLevel(element); if (typeof ariaLevel === 'number') { container.setAttribute('aria-level', `${ariaLevel}`); } else { container.removeAttribute('aria-level'); } } disposeTemplate(templateData: any): void { // noop } } class ListViewDragAndDrop implements IListViewDragAndDrop { constructor(private list: List, private dnd: IListDragAndDrop) { } getDragElements(element: T): T[] { const selection = this.list.getSelectedElements(); const elements = selection.indexOf(element) > -1 ? selection : [element]; return elements; } getDragURI(element: T): string | null { return this.dnd.getDragURI(element); } getDragLabel?(elements: T[], originalEvent: DragEvent): string | undefined { if (this.dnd.getDragLabel) { return this.dnd.getDragLabel(elements, originalEvent); } return undefined; } onDragStart(data: IDragAndDropData, originalEvent: DragEvent): void { if (this.dnd.onDragStart) { this.dnd.onDragStart(data, originalEvent); } } onDragOver(data: IDragAndDropData, targetElement: T, targetIndex: number, originalEvent: DragEvent): boolean | IListDragOverReaction { return this.dnd.onDragOver(data, targetElement, targetIndex, originalEvent); } onDragEnd(originalEvent: DragEvent): void { if (this.dnd.onDragEnd) { this.dnd.onDragEnd(originalEvent); } } drop(data: IDragAndDropData, targetElement: T, targetIndex: number, originalEvent: DragEvent): void { this.dnd.drop(data, targetElement, targetIndex, originalEvent); } } export interface IListOptionsUpdate { readonly enableKeyboardNavigation?: boolean; readonly automaticKeyboardNavigation?: boolean; readonly additionalScrollHeight?: number; } export class List implements ISpliceable, IDisposable { private focus: Trait; private selection: Trait; private eventBufferer = new EventBufferer(); protected view: ListView; private spliceable: ISpliceable; private styleController: IStyleController; private typeLabelController?: TypeLabelController; private accessibilityProvider?: IListAccessibilityProvider; private _ariaLabel: string = ''; protected readonly disposables = new DisposableStore(); @memoize get onDidChangeFocus(): Event> { return Event.map(this.eventBufferer.wrapEvent(this.focus.onChange), e => this.toListEvent(e)); } @memoize get onDidChangeSelection(): Event> { return Event.map(this.eventBufferer.wrapEvent(this.selection.onChange), e => this.toListEvent(e)); } private readonly _onDidOpen = new Emitter>(); readonly onDidOpen: Event> = this._onDidOpen.event; private readonly _onDidPin = new Emitter>(); readonly onDidPin: Event> = this._onDidPin.event; get domId(): string { return this.view.domId; } get onDidScroll(): Event { return this.view.onDidScroll; } get onMouseClick(): Event> { return this.view.onMouseClick; } get onMouseDblClick(): Event> { return this.view.onMouseDblClick; } get onMouseMiddleClick(): Event> { return this.view.onMouseMiddleClick; } get onMouseUp(): Event> { return this.view.onMouseUp; } get onMouseDown(): Event> { return this.view.onMouseDown; } get onMouseOver(): Event> { return this.view.onMouseOver; } get onMouseMove(): Event> { return this.view.onMouseMove; } get onMouseOut(): Event> { return this.view.onMouseOut; } get onTouchStart(): Event> { return this.view.onTouchStart; } get onTap(): Event> { return this.view.onTap; } private didJustPressContextMenuKey: boolean = false; @memoize get onContextMenu(): Event> { const fromKeydown = Event.chain(domEvent(this.view.domNode, 'keydown')) .map(e => new StandardKeyboardEvent(e)) .filter(e => this.didJustPressContextMenuKey = e.keyCode === KeyCode.ContextMenu || (e.shiftKey && e.keyCode === KeyCode.F10)) .filter(e => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); return false; }) .event as Event; const fromKeyup = Event.chain(domEvent(this.view.domNode, 'keyup')) .filter(() => { const didJustPressContextMenuKey = this.didJustPressContextMenuKey; this.didJustPressContextMenuKey = false; return didJustPressContextMenuKey; }) .filter(() => this.getFocus().length > 0 && !!this.view.domElement(this.getFocus()[0])) .map(browserEvent => { const index = this.getFocus()[0]; const element = this.view.element(index); const anchor = this.view.domElement(index) as HTMLElement; return { index, element, anchor, browserEvent }; }) .event; const fromMouse = Event.chain(this.view.onContextMenu) .filter(() => !this.didJustPressContextMenuKey) .map(({ element, index, browserEvent }) => ({ element, index, anchor: { x: browserEvent.clientX + 1, y: browserEvent.clientY }, browserEvent })) .event; return Event.any>(fromKeydown, fromKeyup, fromMouse); } get onKeyDown(): Event { return domEvent(this.view.domNode, 'keydown'); } get onKeyUp(): Event { return domEvent(this.view.domNode, 'keyup'); } get onKeyPress(): Event { return domEvent(this.view.domNode, 'keypress'); } readonly onDidFocus: Event; readonly onDidBlur: Event; private readonly _onDidDispose = new Emitter(); readonly onDidDispose: Event = this._onDidDispose.event; constructor( private user: string, container: HTMLElement, virtualDelegate: IListVirtualDelegate, renderers: IListRenderer[], private _options: IListOptions = DefaultOptions ) { const role = this._options.accessibilityProvider && this._options.accessibilityProvider.getWidgetRole ? this._options.accessibilityProvider?.getWidgetRole() : 'list'; this.selection = new SelectionTrait(role !== 'listbox'); this.focus = new Trait('focused'); mixin(_options, defaultStyles, false); const baseRenderers: IListRenderer[] = [this.focus.renderer, this.selection.renderer]; this.accessibilityProvider = _options.accessibilityProvider; if (this.accessibilityProvider) { baseRenderers.push(new AccessibiltyRenderer(this.accessibilityProvider)); if (this.accessibilityProvider.onDidChangeActiveDescendant) { this.accessibilityProvider.onDidChangeActiveDescendant(this.onDidChangeActiveDescendant, this, this.disposables); } } renderers = renderers.map(r => new PipelineRenderer(r.templateId, [...baseRenderers, r])); const viewOptions: IListViewOptions = { ..._options, dnd: _options.dnd && new ListViewDragAndDrop(this, _options.dnd) }; this.view = new ListView(container, virtualDelegate, renderers, viewOptions); this.view.domNode.setAttribute('role', role); if (_options.styleController) { this.styleController = _options.styleController(this.view.domId); } else { const styleElement = DOM.createStyleSheet(this.view.domNode); this.styleController = new DefaultStyleController(styleElement, this.view.domId); } this.spliceable = new CombinedSpliceable([ new TraitSpliceable(this.focus, this.view, _options.identityProvider), new TraitSpliceable(this.selection, this.view, _options.identityProvider), this.view ]); this.disposables.add(this.focus); this.disposables.add(this.selection); this.disposables.add(this.view); this.disposables.add(this._onDidDispose); this.onDidFocus = Event.map(domEvent(this.view.domNode, 'focus', true), () => null!); this.onDidBlur = Event.map(domEvent(this.view.domNode, 'blur', true), () => null!); this.disposables.add(new DOMFocusController(this, this.view)); if (typeof _options.keyboardSupport !== 'boolean' || _options.keyboardSupport) { const controller = new KeyboardController(this, this.view, _options); this.disposables.add(controller); } if (_options.keyboardNavigationLabelProvider) { const delegate = _options.keyboardNavigationDelegate || DefaultKeyboardNavigationDelegate; this.typeLabelController = new TypeLabelController(this, this.view, _options.keyboardNavigationLabelProvider, delegate); this.disposables.add(this.typeLabelController); } this.disposables.add(this.createMouseController(_options)); this.onDidChangeFocus(this._onFocusChange, this, this.disposables); this.onDidChangeSelection(this._onSelectionChange, this, this.disposables); if (this.accessibilityProvider) { this.ariaLabel = this.accessibilityProvider.getWidgetAriaLabel(); } if (_options.multipleSelectionSupport) { this.view.domNode.setAttribute('aria-multiselectable', 'true'); } } protected createMouseController(options: IListOptions): MouseController { return new MouseController(this); } updateOptions(optionsUpdate: IListOptionsUpdate = {}): void { this._options = { ...this._options, ...optionsUpdate }; if (this.typeLabelController) { this.typeLabelController.updateOptions(this._options); } if (optionsUpdate.additionalScrollHeight !== undefined) { this.view.updateOptions(optionsUpdate); } } get options(): IListOptions { return this._options; } splice(start: number, deleteCount: number, elements: T[] = []): void { if (start < 0 || start > this.view.length) { throw new ListError(this.user, `Invalid start index: ${start}`); } if (deleteCount < 0) { throw new ListError(this.user, `Invalid delete count: ${deleteCount}`); } if (deleteCount === 0 && elements.length === 0) { return; } this.eventBufferer.bufferEvents(() => this.spliceable.splice(start, deleteCount, elements)); } updateWidth(index: number): void { this.view.updateWidth(index); } updateElementHeight(index: number, size: number): void { this.view.updateElementHeight(index, size, null); } rerender(): void { this.view.rerender(); } element(index: number): T { return this.view.element(index); } get length(): number { return this.view.length; } get contentHeight(): number { return this.view.contentHeight; } get onDidChangeContentHeight(): Event { return this.view.onDidChangeContentHeight; } get scrollTop(): number { return this.view.getScrollTop(); } set scrollTop(scrollTop: number) { this.view.setScrollTop(scrollTop); } get scrollLeft(): number { return this.view.getScrollLeft(); } set scrollLeft(scrollLeft: number) { this.view.setScrollLeft(scrollLeft); } get scrollHeight(): number { return this.view.scrollHeight; } get renderHeight(): number { return this.view.renderHeight; } get firstVisibleIndex(): number { return this.view.firstVisibleIndex; } get lastVisibleIndex(): number { return this.view.lastVisibleIndex; } get ariaLabel(): string { return this._ariaLabel; } set ariaLabel(value: string) { this._ariaLabel = value; this.view.domNode.setAttribute('aria-label', localize('aria list', "{0}. Use the navigation keys to navigate.", value)); } domFocus(): void { this.view.domNode.focus(); } layout(height?: number, width?: number): void { this.view.layout(height, width); } toggleKeyboardNavigation(): void { if (this.typeLabelController) { this.typeLabelController.toggle(); } } setSelection(indexes: number[], browserEvent?: UIEvent): void { for (const index of indexes) { if (index < 0 || index >= this.length) { throw new ListError(this.user, `Invalid index ${index}`); } } this.selection.set(indexes, browserEvent); } getSelection(): number[] { return this.selection.get(); } getSelectedElements(): T[] { return this.getSelection().map(i => this.view.element(i)); } setFocus(indexes: number[], browserEvent?: UIEvent): void { for (const index of indexes) { if (index < 0 || index >= this.length) { throw new ListError(this.user, `Invalid index ${index}`); } } this.focus.set(indexes, browserEvent); } focusNext(n = 1, loop = false, browserEvent?: UIEvent, filter?: (element: T) => boolean): void { if (this.length === 0) { return; } const focus = this.focus.get(); const index = this.findNextIndex(focus.length > 0 ? focus[0] + n : 0, loop, filter); if (index > -1) { this.setFocus([index], browserEvent); } } focusPrevious(n = 1, loop = false, browserEvent?: UIEvent, filter?: (element: T) => boolean): void { if (this.length === 0) { return; } const focus = this.focus.get(); const index = this.findPreviousIndex(focus.length > 0 ? focus[0] - n : 0, loop, filter); if (index > -1) { this.setFocus([index], browserEvent); } } focusNextPage(browserEvent?: UIEvent, filter?: (element: T) => boolean): void { let lastPageIndex = this.view.indexAt(this.view.getScrollTop() + this.view.renderHeight); lastPageIndex = lastPageIndex === 0 ? 0 : lastPageIndex - 1; const lastPageElement = this.view.element(lastPageIndex); const currentlyFocusedElement = this.getFocusedElements()[0]; if (currentlyFocusedElement !== lastPageElement) { const lastGoodPageIndex = this.findPreviousIndex(lastPageIndex, false, filter); if (lastGoodPageIndex > -1 && currentlyFocusedElement !== this.view.element(lastGoodPageIndex)) { this.setFocus([lastGoodPageIndex], browserEvent); } else { this.setFocus([lastPageIndex], browserEvent); } } else { const previousScrollTop = this.view.getScrollTop(); this.view.setScrollTop(previousScrollTop + this.view.renderHeight - this.view.elementHeight(lastPageIndex)); if (this.view.getScrollTop() !== previousScrollTop) { // Let the scroll event listener run setTimeout(() => this.focusNextPage(browserEvent, filter), 0); } } } focusPreviousPage(browserEvent?: UIEvent, filter?: (element: T) => boolean): void { let firstPageIndex: number; const scrollTop = this.view.getScrollTop(); if (scrollTop === 0) { firstPageIndex = this.view.indexAt(scrollTop); } else { firstPageIndex = this.view.indexAfter(scrollTop - 1); } const firstPageElement = this.view.element(firstPageIndex); const currentlyFocusedElement = this.getFocusedElements()[0]; if (currentlyFocusedElement !== firstPageElement) { const firstGoodPageIndex = this.findNextIndex(firstPageIndex, false, filter); if (firstGoodPageIndex > -1 && currentlyFocusedElement !== this.view.element(firstGoodPageIndex)) { this.setFocus([firstGoodPageIndex], browserEvent); } else { this.setFocus([firstPageIndex], browserEvent); } } else { const previousScrollTop = scrollTop; this.view.setScrollTop(scrollTop - this.view.renderHeight); if (this.view.getScrollTop() !== previousScrollTop) { // Let the scroll event listener run setTimeout(() => this.focusPreviousPage(browserEvent, filter), 0); } } } focusLast(browserEvent?: UIEvent, filter?: (element: T) => boolean): void { if (this.length === 0) { return; } const index = this.findPreviousIndex(this.length - 1, false, filter); if (index > -1) { this.setFocus([index], browserEvent); } } focusFirst(browserEvent?: UIEvent, filter?: (element: T) => boolean): void { this.focusNth(0, browserEvent, filter); } focusNth(n: number, browserEvent?: UIEvent, filter?: (element: T) => boolean): void { if (this.length === 0) { return; } const index = this.findNextIndex(n, false, filter); if (index > -1) { this.setFocus([index], browserEvent); } } private findNextIndex(index: number, loop = false, filter?: (element: T) => boolean): number { for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { if (index >= this.length && !loop) { return -1; } index = index % this.length; if (!filter || filter(this.element(index))) { return index; } index++; } return -1; } private findPreviousIndex(index: number, loop = false, filter?: (element: T) => boolean): number { for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { if (index < 0 && !loop) { return -1; } index = (this.length + (index % this.length)) % this.length; if (!filter || filter(this.element(index))) { return index; } index--; } return -1; } getFocus(): number[] { return this.focus.get(); } getFocusedElements(): T[] { return this.getFocus().map(i => this.view.element(i)); } reveal(index: number, relativeTop?: number): void { if (index < 0 || index >= this.length) { throw new ListError(this.user, `Invalid index ${index}`); } const scrollTop = this.view.getScrollTop(); const elementTop = this.view.elementTop(index); const elementHeight = this.view.elementHeight(index); if (isNumber(relativeTop)) { // y = mx + b const m = elementHeight - this.view.renderHeight; this.view.setScrollTop(m * clamp(relativeTop, 0, 1) + elementTop); } else { const viewItemBottom = elementTop + elementHeight; const wrapperBottom = scrollTop + this.view.renderHeight; if (elementTop < scrollTop && viewItemBottom >= wrapperBottom) { // The element is already overflowing the viewport, no-op } else if (elementTop < scrollTop) { this.view.setScrollTop(elementTop); } else if (viewItemBottom >= wrapperBottom) { this.view.setScrollTop(viewItemBottom - this.view.renderHeight); } } } /** * Returns the relative position of an element rendered in the list. * Returns `null` if the element isn't *entirely* in the visible viewport. */ getRelativeTop(index: number): number | null { if (index < 0 || index >= this.length) { throw new ListError(this.user, `Invalid index ${index}`); } const scrollTop = this.view.getScrollTop(); const elementTop = this.view.elementTop(index); const elementHeight = this.view.elementHeight(index); if (elementTop < scrollTop || elementTop + elementHeight > scrollTop + this.view.renderHeight) { return null; } // y = mx + b const m = elementHeight - this.view.renderHeight; return Math.abs((scrollTop - elementTop) / m); } isDOMFocused(): boolean { return this.view.domNode === document.activeElement; } getHTMLElement(): HTMLElement { return this.view.domNode; } open(indexes: number[], browserEvent?: UIEvent): void { for (const index of indexes) { if (index < 0 || index >= this.length) { throw new ListError(this.user, `Invalid index ${index}`); } } this._onDidOpen.fire({ indexes, elements: indexes.map(i => this.view.element(i)), browserEvent }); } pin(indexes: number[], browserEvent?: UIEvent): void { for (const index of indexes) { if (index < 0 || index >= this.length) { throw new ListError(this.user, `Invalid index ${index}`); } } this._onDidPin.fire({ indexes, elements: indexes.map(i => this.view.element(i)), browserEvent }); } style(styles: IListStyles): void { this.styleController.style(styles); } private toListEvent({ indexes, browserEvent }: ITraitChangeEvent) { return { indexes, elements: indexes.map(i => this.view.element(i)), browserEvent }; } private _onFocusChange(): void { const focus = this.focus.get(); DOM.toggleClass(this.view.domNode, 'element-focused', focus.length > 0); this.onDidChangeActiveDescendant(); } private onDidChangeActiveDescendant(): void { const focus = this.focus.get(); if (focus.length > 0) { let id: string | undefined; if (this.accessibilityProvider?.getActiveDescendantId) { id = this.accessibilityProvider.getActiveDescendantId(this.view.element(focus[0])); } this.view.domNode.setAttribute('aria-activedescendant', id || this.view.getElementDomId(focus[0])); } else { this.view.domNode.removeAttribute('aria-activedescendant'); } } private _onSelectionChange(): void { const selection = this.selection.get(); DOM.toggleClass(this.view.domNode, 'selection-none', selection.length === 0); DOM.toggleClass(this.view.domNode, 'selection-single', selection.length === 1); DOM.toggleClass(this.view.domNode, 'selection-multiple', selection.length > 1); } dispose(): void { this._onDidDispose.fire(); this.disposables.dispose(); this._onDidOpen.dispose(); this._onDidPin.dispose(); this._onDidDispose.dispose(); } }