/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import { spawn, ChildProcess } from 'child_process'; import { TPromise } from 'vs/base/common/winjs.base'; import { assign } from 'vs/base/common/objects'; import { parseCLIProcessArgv, buildHelpMessage } from 'vs/platform/environment/node/argv'; import { ParsedArgs } from 'vs/platform/environment/common/environment'; import product from 'vs/platform/node/product'; import pkg from 'vs/platform/node/package'; import * as paths from 'path'; import * as os from 'os'; import { whenDeleted } from 'vs/base/node/pfs'; import { writeFileAndFlushSync } from 'vs/base/node/extfs'; import { findFreePort } from 'vs/base/node/ports'; function shouldSpawnCliProcess(argv: ParsedArgs): boolean { return !!argv['install-source'] || !!argv['list-extensions'] || !!argv['install-extension'] || !!argv['uninstall-extension']; } interface IMainCli { main: (argv: ParsedArgs) => TPromise; } export async function main(argv: string[]): TPromise { let args: ParsedArgs; try { args = parseCLIProcessArgv(argv); } catch (err) { console.error(err.message); return TPromise.as(null); } if (args.help) { console.log(buildHelpMessage(product.nameLong, product.applicationName, pkg.version)); } else if (args.version) { console.log(`${pkg.version}\n${product.commit}\n${process.arch}`); } else if (shouldSpawnCliProcess(args)) { const mainCli = new TPromise(c => require(['vs/code/node/cliProcessMain'], c)); return mainCli.then(cli => cli.main(args)); } else { const env = assign({}, process.env, { // this will signal Code that it was spawned from this module 'VSCODE_CLI': '1', 'ELECTRON_NO_ATTACH_CONSOLE': '1' }); delete env['ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE']; let processCallbacks: ((child: ChildProcess) => Thenable)[] = []; if (args.verbose) { env['ELECTRON_ENABLE_LOGGING'] = '1'; processCallbacks.push(child => { child.stdout.on('data', (data: Buffer) => console.log(data.toString('utf8').trim())); child.stderr.on('data', (data: Buffer) => console.log(data.toString('utf8').trim())); return new TPromise(c => child.once('exit', () => c(null))); }); } // If we are started with --wait create a random temporary file // and pass it over to the starting instance. We can use this file // to wait for it to be deleted to monitor that the edited file // is closed and then exit the waiting process. let waitMarkerFilePath: string; if (args.wait) { let waitMarkerError: Error; const randomTmpFile = paths.join(os.tmpdir(), Math.random().toString(36).replace(/[^a-z]+/g, '').substr(0, 10)); try { writeFileAndFlushSync(randomTmpFile, ''); waitMarkerFilePath = randomTmpFile; argv.push('--waitMarkerFilePath', waitMarkerFilePath); } catch (error) { waitMarkerError = error; } if (args.verbose) { if (waitMarkerError) { console.error(`Failed to create marker file for --wait: ${waitMarkerError.toString()}`); } else { console.log(`Marker file for --wait created: ${waitMarkerFilePath}`); } } } // If we have been started with `--prof-startup` we need to find free ports to profile // the main process, the renderer, and the extension host. We also disable v8 cached data // to get better profile traces. Last, we listen on stdout for a signal that tells us to // stop profiling. if (args['prof-startup']) { const portMain = await findFreePort(9222, 10, 6000); const portRenderer = await findFreePort(portMain + 1, 10, 6000); const portExthost = await findFreePort(portRenderer + 1, 10, 6000); if (!portMain || !portRenderer || !portExthost) { console.error('Failed to find free ports for profiler to connect to do.'); return; } const filenamePrefix = paths.join(os.homedir(), Math.random().toString(16).slice(-4)); argv.push(`--inspect-brk=${portMain}`); argv.push(`--remote-debugging-port=${portRenderer}`); argv.push(`--inspect-brk-extensions=${portExthost}`); argv.push(`--prof-startup-prefix`, filenamePrefix); argv.push(`--no-cached-data`); writeFileAndFlushSync(filenamePrefix, argv.slice(-6).join('|')); processCallbacks.push(async child => { // load and start profiler const profiler = await import('v8-inspect-profiler'); const main = await profiler.startProfiling({ port: portMain }); const renderer = await profiler.startProfiling({ port: portRenderer, tries: 200 }); const extHost = await profiler.startProfiling({ port: portExthost, tries: 300 }); // wait for the renderer to delete the // marker file whenDeleted(filenamePrefix); // finally stop profiling and save profiles to disk await profiler.writeProfile(await main.stop(), `${filenamePrefix}-main.cpuprofile`); await profiler.writeProfile(await renderer.stop(), `${filenamePrefix}-renderer.cpuprofile`); await profiler.writeProfile(await extHost.stop(), `${filenamePrefix}-exthost.cpuprofile`); }); } const options = { detached: true, env }; if (!args.verbose) { options['stdio'] = 'ignore'; } const child = spawn(process.execPath, argv.slice(2), options); if (args.wait && waitMarkerFilePath) { return new TPromise(c => { // Complete when process exits child.once('exit', () => c(null)); // Complete when wait marker file is deleted whenDeleted(waitMarkerFilePath).done(c, c); }); } return TPromise.join(processCallbacks.map(callback => callback(child))); } return TPromise.as(null); } function eventuallyExit(code: number): void { setTimeout(() => process.exit(code), 0); } main(process.argv) .then(() => eventuallyExit(0)) .then(null, err => { console.error(err.stack ? err.stack : err); eventuallyExit(1); });