/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 'use strict'; import * as vscode from 'vscode'; import * as path from 'path'; import { MarkdownEngine } from './markdownEngine'; import * as nls from 'vscode-nls'; import { Logger } from "./logger"; import { ContentSecurityPolicyArbiter, MarkdownPreviewSecurityLevel } from "./security"; const localize = nls.loadMessageBundle(); const previewStrings = { cspAlertMessageText: localize('preview.securityMessage.text', 'Some content has been been disabled in this document'), cspAlertMessageTitle: localize('preview.securityMessage.title', 'Potentially unsafe or insecure content has been disabled in the markdown preview. Change the Markdown preview security setting to allow insecure content or enable scripts'), cspAlertMessageLabel: localize('preview.securityMessage.label', 'Content Disabled Security Warning') }; export function isMarkdownFile(document: vscode.TextDocument) { return document.languageId === 'markdown' && document.uri.scheme !== 'markdown'; // prevent processing of own documents } export function getMarkdownUri(uri: vscode.Uri) { if (uri.scheme === 'markdown') { return uri; } return uri.with({ scheme: 'markdown', path: uri.path + '.rendered', query: uri.toString() }); } class MarkdownPreviewConfig { public static getCurrentConfig() { return new MarkdownPreviewConfig(); } public readonly scrollBeyondLastLine: boolean; public readonly wordWrap: boolean; public readonly previewFrontMatter: string; public readonly lineBreaks: boolean; public readonly doubleClickToSwitchToEditor: boolean; public readonly scrollEditorWithPreview: boolean; public readonly scrollPreviewWithEditorSelection: boolean; public readonly markEditorSelection: boolean; public readonly lineHeight: number; public readonly fontSize: number; public readonly fontFamily: string | undefined; public readonly styles: string[]; private constructor() { const editorConfig = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('editor'); const markdownConfig = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('markdown'); const markdownEditorConfig = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('[markdown]'); this.scrollBeyondLastLine = editorConfig.get('scrollBeyondLastLine', false); this.wordWrap = editorConfig.get('wordWrap', 'off') !== 'off'; if (markdownEditorConfig && markdownEditorConfig['editor.wordWrap']) { this.wordWrap = markdownEditorConfig['editor.wordWrap'] !== 'off'; } this.previewFrontMatter = markdownConfig.get('previewFrontMatter', 'hide'); this.scrollPreviewWithEditorSelection = !!markdownConfig.get('preview.scrollPreviewWithEditorSelection', true); this.scrollEditorWithPreview = !!markdownConfig.get('preview.scrollEditorWithPreview', true); this.lineBreaks = !!markdownConfig.get('preview.breaks', false); this.doubleClickToSwitchToEditor = !!markdownConfig.get('preview.doubleClickToSwitchToEditor', true); this.markEditorSelection = !!markdownConfig.get('preview.markEditorSelection', true); this.fontFamily = markdownConfig.get('preview.fontFamily', undefined); this.fontSize = Math.max(8, +markdownConfig.get('preview.fontSize', NaN)); this.lineHeight = Math.max(0.6, +markdownConfig.get('preview.lineHeight', NaN)); this.styles = markdownConfig.get('styles', []); } public isEqualTo(otherConfig: MarkdownPreviewConfig) { for (let key in this) { if (this.hasOwnProperty(key) && key !== 'styles') { if (this[key] !== otherConfig[key]) { return false; } } } // Check styles if (this.styles.length !== otherConfig.styles.length) { return false; } for (let i = 0; i < this.styles.length; ++i) { if (this.styles[i] !== otherConfig.styles[i]) { return false; } } return true; } [key: string]: any; } export class MDDocumentContentProvider implements vscode.TextDocumentContentProvider { private _onDidChange = new vscode.EventEmitter(); private _waiting: boolean = false; private config: MarkdownPreviewConfig; private extraStyles: Array = []; private extraScripts: Array = []; constructor( private engine: MarkdownEngine, private context: vscode.ExtensionContext, private cspArbiter: ContentSecurityPolicyArbiter, private logger: Logger ) { this.config = MarkdownPreviewConfig.getCurrentConfig(); } public addScript(resource: vscode.Uri): void { this.extraScripts.push(resource); } public addStyle(resource: vscode.Uri): void { this.extraStyles.push(resource); } private getMediaPath(mediaFile: string): string { return vscode.Uri.file(this.context.asAbsolutePath(path.join('media', mediaFile))).toString(); } private fixHref(resource: vscode.Uri, href: string): string { if (!href) { return href; } // Use href if it is already an URL const hrefUri = vscode.Uri.parse(href); if (['file', 'http', 'https'].indexOf(hrefUri.scheme) >= 0) { return hrefUri.toString(); } // Use href as file URI if it is absolute if (path.isAbsolute(href)) { return vscode.Uri.file(href).toString(); } // use a workspace relative path if there is a workspace let root = vscode.workspace.getWorkspaceFolder(resource); if (root) { return vscode.Uri.file(path.join(root.uri.fsPath, href)).toString(); } // otherwise look relative to the markdown file return vscode.Uri.file(path.join(path.dirname(resource.fsPath), href)).toString(); } private computeCustomStyleSheetIncludes(uri: vscode.Uri): string { if (this.config.styles && Array.isArray(this.config.styles)) { return this.config.styles.map((style) => { return ``; }).join('\n'); } return ''; } private getSettingsOverrideStyles(nonce: string): string { return ``; } private getStyles(uri: vscode.Uri, nonce: string): string { const baseStyles = [ this.getMediaPath('markdown.css'), this.getMediaPath('tomorrow.css') ].concat(this.extraStyles.map(resource => resource.toString())); return `${baseStyles.map(href => ``).join('\n')} ${this.getSettingsOverrideStyles(nonce)} ${this.computeCustomStyleSheetIncludes(uri)}`; } private getScripts(nonce: string): string { const scripts = [this.getMediaPath('main.js')].concat(this.extraScripts.map(resource => resource.toString())); return scripts .map(source => ``) .join('\n'); } public async provideTextDocumentContent(uri: vscode.Uri): Promise { const sourceUri = vscode.Uri.parse(uri.query); let initialLine: number | undefined = undefined; const editor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor; if (editor && editor.document.uri.fsPath === sourceUri.fsPath) { initialLine = editor.selection.active.line; } const document = await vscode.workspace.openTextDocument(sourceUri); this.config = MarkdownPreviewConfig.getCurrentConfig(); const initialData = { previewUri: uri.toString(), source: sourceUri.toString(), line: initialLine, scrollPreviewWithEditorSelection: this.config.scrollPreviewWithEditorSelection, scrollEditorWithPreview: this.config.scrollEditorWithPreview, doubleClickToSwitchToEditor: this.config.doubleClickToSwitchToEditor, wordWrap: this.config.wordWrap }; this.logger.log('provideTextDocumentContent', initialData); // Content Security Policy const nonce = new Date().getTime() + '' + new Date().getMilliseconds(); const csp = this.getCspForResource(sourceUri, nonce); const body = await this.engine.render(sourceUri, this.config.previewFrontMatter === 'hide', document.getText()); return ` ${csp} ${this.getStyles(uri, nonce)} ${body}
${this.getScripts(nonce)} `; } public updateConfiguration() { const newConfig = MarkdownPreviewConfig.getCurrentConfig(); if (!this.config.isEqualTo(newConfig)) { this.config = newConfig; // update all generated md documents for (const document of vscode.workspace.textDocuments) { if (document.uri.scheme === 'markdown') { this.update(document.uri); } } } } get onDidChange(): vscode.Event { return this._onDidChange.event; } public update(uri: vscode.Uri) { if (!this._waiting) { this._waiting = true; setTimeout(() => { this._waiting = false; this._onDidChange.fire(uri); }, 300); } } private getCspForResource(resource: vscode.Uri, nonce: string): string { switch (this.cspArbiter.getSecurityLevelForResource(resource)) { case MarkdownPreviewSecurityLevel.AllowInsecureContent: return ``; case MarkdownPreviewSecurityLevel.AllowScriptsAndAllContent: return ''; case MarkdownPreviewSecurityLevel.Strict: default: return ``; } } }