/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import 'vs/css!./menu'; import * as nls from 'vs/nls'; import * as strings from 'vs/base/common/strings'; import { IActionRunner, IAction, SubmenuAction, Separator } from 'vs/base/common/actions'; import { ActionBar, IActionViewItemProvider, ActionsOrientation, ActionViewItem, IActionViewItemOptions, BaseActionViewItem } from 'vs/base/browser/ui/actionbar/actionbar'; import { ResolvedKeybinding, KeyCode } from 'vs/base/common/keyCodes'; import { addClass, EventType, EventHelper, EventLike, removeTabIndexAndUpdateFocus, isAncestor, hasClass, addDisposableListener, removeClass, append, $, addClasses, removeClasses, clearNode } from 'vs/base/browser/dom'; import { StandardKeyboardEvent } from 'vs/base/browser/keyboardEvent'; import { RunOnceScheduler } from 'vs/base/common/async'; import { DisposableStore } from 'vs/base/common/lifecycle'; import { Color } from 'vs/base/common/color'; import { DomScrollableElement } from 'vs/base/browser/ui/scrollbar/scrollableElement'; import { ScrollbarVisibility, ScrollEvent } from 'vs/base/common/scrollable'; import { Event } from 'vs/base/common/event'; import { AnchorAlignment } from 'vs/base/browser/ui/contextview/contextview'; import { isLinux, isMacintosh } from 'vs/base/common/platform'; import { Codicon, registerIcon, stripCodicons } from 'vs/base/common/codicons'; export const MENU_MNEMONIC_REGEX = /\(&([^\s&])\)|(^|[^&])&([^\s&])/; export const MENU_ESCAPED_MNEMONIC_REGEX = /(&)?(&)([^\s&])/g; const menuSelectionIcon = registerIcon('menu-selection', Codicon.check); const menuSubmenuIcon = registerIcon('menu-submenu', Codicon.chevronRight); export enum Direction { Right, Left } export interface IMenuOptions { context?: any; actionViewItemProvider?: IActionViewItemProvider; actionRunner?: IActionRunner; getKeyBinding?: (action: IAction) => ResolvedKeybinding | undefined; ariaLabel?: string; enableMnemonics?: boolean; anchorAlignment?: AnchorAlignment; expandDirection?: Direction; useEventAsContext?: boolean; } export interface IMenuStyles { shadowColor?: Color; borderColor?: Color; foregroundColor?: Color; backgroundColor?: Color; selectionForegroundColor?: Color; selectionBackgroundColor?: Color; selectionBorderColor?: Color; separatorColor?: Color; } interface ISubMenuData { parent: Menu; submenu?: Menu; } export class Menu extends ActionBar { private mnemonics: Map>; private readonly menuDisposables: DisposableStore; private scrollableElement: DomScrollableElement; private menuElement: HTMLElement; constructor(container: HTMLElement, actions: ReadonlyArray, options: IMenuOptions = {}) { addClass(container, 'monaco-menu-container'); container.setAttribute('role', 'presentation'); const menuElement = document.createElement('div'); addClass(menuElement, 'monaco-menu'); menuElement.setAttribute('role', 'presentation'); super(menuElement, { orientation: ActionsOrientation.VERTICAL, actionViewItemProvider: action => this.doGetActionViewItem(action, options, parentData), context: options.context, actionRunner: options.actionRunner, ariaLabel: options.ariaLabel, triggerKeys: { keys: [KeyCode.Enter, ...(isMacintosh || isLinux ? [KeyCode.Space] : [])], keyDown: true } }); this.menuElement = menuElement; this.actionsList.setAttribute('role', 'menu'); this.actionsList.tabIndex = 0; this.menuDisposables = this._register(new DisposableStore()); addDisposableListener(menuElement, EventType.KEY_DOWN, (e) => { const event = new StandardKeyboardEvent(e); // Stop tab navigation of menus if (event.equals(KeyCode.Tab)) { e.preventDefault(); } }); if (options.enableMnemonics) { this.menuDisposables.add(addDisposableListener(menuElement, EventType.KEY_DOWN, (e) => { const key = e.key.toLocaleLowerCase(); if (this.mnemonics.has(key)) { EventHelper.stop(e, true); const actions = this.mnemonics.get(key)!; if (actions.length === 1) { if (actions[0] instanceof SubmenuMenuActionViewItem && actions[0].container) { this.focusItemByElement(actions[0].container); } actions[0].onClick(e); } if (actions.length > 1) { const action = actions.shift(); if (action && action.container) { this.focusItemByElement(action.container); actions.push(action); } this.mnemonics.set(key, actions); } } })); } if (isLinux) { this._register(addDisposableListener(menuElement, EventType.KEY_DOWN, e => { const event = new StandardKeyboardEvent(e); if (event.equals(KeyCode.Home) || event.equals(KeyCode.PageUp)) { this.focusedItem = this.viewItems.length - 1; this.focusNext(); EventHelper.stop(e, true); } else if (event.equals(KeyCode.End) || event.equals(KeyCode.PageDown)) { this.focusedItem = 0; this.focusPrevious(); EventHelper.stop(e, true); } })); } this._register(addDisposableListener(this.domNode, EventType.MOUSE_OUT, e => { let relatedTarget = e.relatedTarget as HTMLElement; if (!isAncestor(relatedTarget, this.domNode)) { this.focusedItem = undefined; this.updateFocus(); e.stopPropagation(); } })); this._register(addDisposableListener(this.actionsList, EventType.MOUSE_OVER, e => { let target = e.target as HTMLElement; if (!target || !isAncestor(target, this.actionsList) || target === this.actionsList) { return; } while (target.parentElement !== this.actionsList && target.parentElement !== null) { target = target.parentElement; } if (hasClass(target, 'action-item')) { const lastFocusedItem = this.focusedItem; this.setFocusedItem(target); if (lastFocusedItem !== this.focusedItem) { this.updateFocus(); } } })); let parentData: ISubMenuData = { parent: this }; this.mnemonics = new Map>(); // Scroll Logic this.scrollableElement = this._register(new DomScrollableElement(menuElement, { alwaysConsumeMouseWheel: true, horizontal: ScrollbarVisibility.Hidden, vertical: ScrollbarVisibility.Visible, verticalScrollbarSize: 7, handleMouseWheel: true, useShadows: true })); const scrollElement = this.scrollableElement.getDomNode(); scrollElement.style.position = ''; this._register(addDisposableListener(scrollElement, EventType.MOUSE_UP, e => { // Absorb clicks in menu dead space https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/63575 // We do this on the scroll element so the scroll bar doesn't dismiss the menu either e.preventDefault(); })); menuElement.style.maxHeight = `${Math.max(10, window.innerHeight - container.getBoundingClientRect().top - 30)}px`; this.push(actions, { icon: true, label: true, isMenu: true }); container.appendChild(this.scrollableElement.getDomNode()); this.scrollableElement.scanDomNode(); this.viewItems.filter(item => !(item instanceof MenuSeparatorActionViewItem)).forEach((item, index, array) => { (item as BaseMenuActionViewItem).updatePositionInSet(index + 1, array.length); }); } style(style: IMenuStyles): void { const container = this.getContainer(); const fgColor = style.foregroundColor ? `${style.foregroundColor}` : ''; const bgColor = style.backgroundColor ? `${style.backgroundColor}` : ''; const border = style.borderColor ? `1px solid ${style.borderColor}` : ''; const shadow = style.shadowColor ? `0 2px 4px ${style.shadowColor}` : ''; container.style.border = border; this.domNode.style.color = fgColor; this.domNode.style.backgroundColor = bgColor; container.style.boxShadow = shadow; if (this.viewItems) { this.viewItems.forEach(item => { if (item instanceof BaseMenuActionViewItem || item instanceof MenuSeparatorActionViewItem) { item.style(style); } }); } } getContainer(): HTMLElement { return this.scrollableElement.getDomNode(); } get onScroll(): Event { return this.scrollableElement.onScroll; } get scrollOffset(): number { return this.menuElement.scrollTop; } trigger(index: number): void { if (index <= this.viewItems.length && index >= 0) { const item = this.viewItems[index]; if (item instanceof SubmenuMenuActionViewItem) { super.focus(index); item.open(true); } else if (item instanceof BaseMenuActionViewItem) { super.run(item._action, item._context); } else { return; } } } private focusItemByElement(element: HTMLElement) { const lastFocusedItem = this.focusedItem; this.setFocusedItem(element); if (lastFocusedItem !== this.focusedItem) { this.updateFocus(); } } private setFocusedItem(element: HTMLElement): void { for (let i = 0; i < this.actionsList.children.length; i++) { let elem = this.actionsList.children[i]; if (element === elem) { this.focusedItem = i; break; } } } protected updateFocus(fromRight?: boolean): void { super.updateFocus(fromRight, true); if (typeof this.focusedItem !== 'undefined') { // Workaround for #80047 caused by an issue in chromium // https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=414283 // When that's fixed, just call this.scrollableElement.scanDomNode() this.scrollableElement.setScrollPosition({ scrollTop: Math.round(this.menuElement.scrollTop) }); } } private doGetActionViewItem(action: IAction, options: IMenuOptions, parentData: ISubMenuData): BaseActionViewItem { if (action instanceof Separator) { return new MenuSeparatorActionViewItem(options.context, action, { icon: true }); } else if (action instanceof SubmenuAction) { const menuActionViewItem = new SubmenuMenuActionViewItem(action, action.entries, parentData, options); if (options.enableMnemonics) { const mnemonic = menuActionViewItem.getMnemonic(); if (mnemonic && menuActionViewItem.isEnabled()) { let actionViewItems: BaseMenuActionViewItem[] = []; if (this.mnemonics.has(mnemonic)) { actionViewItems = this.mnemonics.get(mnemonic)!; } actionViewItems.push(menuActionViewItem); this.mnemonics.set(mnemonic, actionViewItems); } } return menuActionViewItem; } else { const menuItemOptions: IMenuItemOptions = { enableMnemonics: options.enableMnemonics, useEventAsContext: options.useEventAsContext }; if (options.getKeyBinding) { const keybinding = options.getKeyBinding(action); if (keybinding) { const keybindingLabel = keybinding.getLabel(); if (keybindingLabel) { menuItemOptions.keybinding = keybindingLabel; } } } const menuActionViewItem = new BaseMenuActionViewItem(options.context, action, menuItemOptions); if (options.enableMnemonics) { const mnemonic = menuActionViewItem.getMnemonic(); if (mnemonic && menuActionViewItem.isEnabled()) { let actionViewItems: BaseMenuActionViewItem[] = []; if (this.mnemonics.has(mnemonic)) { actionViewItems = this.mnemonics.get(mnemonic)!; } actionViewItems.push(menuActionViewItem); this.mnemonics.set(mnemonic, actionViewItems); } } return menuActionViewItem; } } } interface IMenuItemOptions extends IActionViewItemOptions { enableMnemonics?: boolean; } class BaseMenuActionViewItem extends BaseActionViewItem { public container: HTMLElement | undefined; protected options: IMenuItemOptions; protected item: HTMLElement | undefined; private runOnceToEnableMouseUp: RunOnceScheduler; private label: HTMLElement | undefined; private check: HTMLElement | undefined; private mnemonic: string | undefined; private cssClass: string; protected menuStyle: IMenuStyles | undefined; constructor(ctx: unknown, action: IAction, options: IMenuItemOptions = {}) { options.isMenu = true; super(action, action, options); this.options = options; this.options.icon = options.icon !== undefined ? options.icon : false; this.options.label = options.label !== undefined ? options.label : true; this.cssClass = ''; // Set mnemonic if (this.options.label && options.enableMnemonics) { let label = this.getAction().label; if (label) { let matches = MENU_MNEMONIC_REGEX.exec(label); if (matches) { this.mnemonic = (!!matches[1] ? matches[1] : matches[3]).toLocaleLowerCase(); } } } // Add mouse up listener later to avoid accidental clicks this.runOnceToEnableMouseUp = new RunOnceScheduler(() => { if (!this.element) { return; } this._register(addDisposableListener(this.element, EventType.MOUSE_UP, e => { // removed default prevention as it conflicts // with BaseActionViewItem #101537 // add back if issues arise and link new issue EventHelper.stop(e, true); this.onClick(e); })); }, 100); this._register(this.runOnceToEnableMouseUp); } render(container: HTMLElement): void { super.render(container); if (!this.element) { return; } this.container = container; this.item = append(this.element, $('a.action-menu-item')); if (this._action.id === Separator.ID) { // A separator is a presentation item this.item.setAttribute('role', 'presentation'); } else { this.item.setAttribute('role', 'menuitem'); if (this.mnemonic) { this.item.setAttribute('aria-keyshortcuts', `${this.mnemonic}`); } } this.check = append(this.item, $('span.menu-item-check' + menuSelectionIcon.cssSelector)); this.check.setAttribute('role', 'none'); this.label = append(this.item, $('span.action-label')); if (this.options.label && this.options.keybinding) { append(this.item, $('span.keybinding')).textContent = this.options.keybinding; } // Adds mouse up listener to actually run the action this.runOnceToEnableMouseUp.schedule(); this.updateClass(); this.updateLabel(); this.updateTooltip(); this.updateEnabled(); this.updateChecked(); } blur(): void { super.blur(); this.applyStyle(); } focus(): void { super.focus(); if (this.item) { this.item.focus(); } this.applyStyle(); } updatePositionInSet(pos: number, setSize: number): void { if (this.item) { this.item.setAttribute('aria-posinset', `${pos}`); this.item.setAttribute('aria-setsize', `${setSize}`); } } updateLabel(): void { if (!this.label) { return; } if (this.options.label) { clearNode(this.label); let label = stripCodicons(this.getAction().label); if (label) { const cleanLabel = cleanMnemonic(label); if (!this.options.enableMnemonics) { label = cleanLabel; } this.label.setAttribute('aria-label', cleanLabel.replace(/&&/g, '&')); const matches = MENU_MNEMONIC_REGEX.exec(label); if (matches) { label = strings.escape(label); // This is global, reset it MENU_ESCAPED_MNEMONIC_REGEX.lastIndex = 0; let escMatch = MENU_ESCAPED_MNEMONIC_REGEX.exec(label); // We can't use negative lookbehind so if we match our negative and skip while (escMatch && escMatch[1]) { escMatch = MENU_ESCAPED_MNEMONIC_REGEX.exec(label); } const replaceDoubleEscapes = (str: string) => str.replace(/&&/g, '&'); if (escMatch) { this.label.append( strings.ltrim(replaceDoubleEscapes(label.substr(0, escMatch.index)), ' '), $('u', { 'aria-hidden': 'true' }, escMatch[3]), strings.rtrim(replaceDoubleEscapes(label.substr(escMatch.index + escMatch[0].length)), ' ')); } else { this.label.innerText = replaceDoubleEscapes(label).trim(); } if (this.item) { this.item.setAttribute('aria-keyshortcuts', (!!matches[1] ? matches[1] : matches[3]).toLocaleLowerCase()); } } else { this.label.innerText = label.replace(/&&/g, '&').trim(); } } } } updateTooltip(): void { let title: string | null = null; if (this.getAction().tooltip) { title = this.getAction().tooltip; } else if (!this.options.label && this.getAction().label && this.options.icon) { title = this.getAction().label; if (this.options.keybinding) { title = nls.localize({ key: 'titleLabel', comment: ['action title', 'action keybinding'] }, "{0} ({1})", title, this.options.keybinding); } } if (title && this.item) { this.item.title = title; } } updateClass(): void { if (this.cssClass && this.item) { removeClasses(this.item, this.cssClass); } if (this.options.icon && this.label) { this.cssClass = this.getAction().class || ''; addClass(this.label, 'icon'); if (this.cssClass) { addClasses(this.label, this.cssClass); } this.updateEnabled(); } else if (this.label) { removeClass(this.label, 'icon'); } } updateEnabled(): void { if (this.getAction().enabled) { if (this.element) { removeClass(this.element, 'disabled'); } if (this.item) { removeClass(this.item, 'disabled'); this.item.tabIndex = 0; } } else { if (this.element) { addClass(this.element, 'disabled'); } if (this.item) { addClass(this.item, 'disabled'); removeTabIndexAndUpdateFocus(this.item); } } } updateChecked(): void { if (!this.item) { return; } if (this.getAction().checked) { addClass(this.item, 'checked'); this.item.setAttribute('role', 'menuitemcheckbox'); this.item.setAttribute('aria-checked', 'true'); } else { removeClass(this.item, 'checked'); this.item.setAttribute('role', 'menuitem'); this.item.setAttribute('aria-checked', 'false'); } } getMnemonic(): string | undefined { return this.mnemonic; } protected applyStyle(): void { if (!this.menuStyle) { return; } const isSelected = this.element && hasClass(this.element, 'focused'); const fgColor = isSelected && this.menuStyle.selectionForegroundColor ? this.menuStyle.selectionForegroundColor : this.menuStyle.foregroundColor; const bgColor = isSelected && this.menuStyle.selectionBackgroundColor ? this.menuStyle.selectionBackgroundColor : undefined; const border = isSelected && this.menuStyle.selectionBorderColor ? `thin solid ${this.menuStyle.selectionBorderColor}` : ''; if (this.item) { this.item.style.color = fgColor ? fgColor.toString() : ''; this.item.style.backgroundColor = bgColor ? bgColor.toString() : ''; } if (this.check) { this.check.style.color = fgColor ? fgColor.toString() : ''; } if (this.container) { this.container.style.border = border; } } style(style: IMenuStyles): void { this.menuStyle = style; this.applyStyle(); } } class SubmenuMenuActionViewItem extends BaseMenuActionViewItem { private mysubmenu: Menu | null = null; private submenuContainer: HTMLElement | undefined; private submenuIndicator: HTMLElement | undefined; private readonly submenuDisposables = this._register(new DisposableStore()); private mouseOver: boolean = false; private showScheduler: RunOnceScheduler; private hideScheduler: RunOnceScheduler; private expandDirection: Direction; constructor( action: IAction, private submenuActions: ReadonlyArray, private parentData: ISubMenuData, private submenuOptions?: IMenuOptions ) { super(action, action, submenuOptions); this.expandDirection = submenuOptions && submenuOptions.expandDirection !== undefined ? submenuOptions.expandDirection : Direction.Right; this.showScheduler = new RunOnceScheduler(() => { if (this.mouseOver) { this.cleanupExistingSubmenu(false); this.createSubmenu(false); } }, 250); this.hideScheduler = new RunOnceScheduler(() => { if (this.element && (!isAncestor(document.activeElement, this.element) && this.parentData.submenu === this.mysubmenu)) { this.parentData.parent.focus(false); this.cleanupExistingSubmenu(true); } }, 750); } render(container: HTMLElement): void { super.render(container); if (!this.element) { return; } if (this.item) { addClass(this.item, 'monaco-submenu-item'); this.item.setAttribute('aria-haspopup', 'true'); this.updateAriaExpanded('false'); this.submenuIndicator = append(this.item, $('span.submenu-indicator' + menuSubmenuIcon.cssSelector)); this.submenuIndicator.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true'); } this._register(addDisposableListener(this.element, EventType.KEY_UP, e => { let event = new StandardKeyboardEvent(e); if (event.equals(KeyCode.RightArrow) || event.equals(KeyCode.Enter)) { EventHelper.stop(e, true); this.createSubmenu(true); } })); this._register(addDisposableListener(this.element, EventType.KEY_DOWN, e => { let event = new StandardKeyboardEvent(e); if (document.activeElement === this.item) { if (event.equals(KeyCode.RightArrow) || event.equals(KeyCode.Enter)) { EventHelper.stop(e, true); } } })); this._register(addDisposableListener(this.element, EventType.MOUSE_OVER, e => { if (!this.mouseOver) { this.mouseOver = true; this.showScheduler.schedule(); } })); this._register(addDisposableListener(this.element, EventType.MOUSE_LEAVE, e => { this.mouseOver = false; })); this._register(addDisposableListener(this.element, EventType.FOCUS_OUT, e => { if (this.element && !isAncestor(document.activeElement, this.element)) { this.hideScheduler.schedule(); } })); this._register(this.parentData.parent.onScroll(() => { this.parentData.parent.focus(false); this.cleanupExistingSubmenu(false); })); } open(selectFirst?: boolean): void { this.cleanupExistingSubmenu(false); this.createSubmenu(selectFirst); } onClick(e: EventLike): void { // stop clicking from trying to run an action EventHelper.stop(e, true); this.cleanupExistingSubmenu(false); this.createSubmenu(true); } private cleanupExistingSubmenu(force: boolean): void { if (this.parentData.submenu && (force || (this.parentData.submenu !== this.mysubmenu))) { this.parentData.submenu.dispose(); this.parentData.submenu = undefined; this.updateAriaExpanded('false'); if (this.submenuContainer) { this.submenuDisposables.clear(); this.submenuContainer = undefined; } } } private createSubmenu(selectFirstItem = true): void { if (!this.element) { return; } if (!this.parentData.submenu) { this.updateAriaExpanded('true'); this.submenuContainer = append(this.element, $('div.monaco-submenu')); addClasses(this.submenuContainer, 'menubar-menu-items-holder', 'context-view'); // Set the top value of the menu container before construction // This allows the menu constructor to calculate the proper max height const computedStyles = getComputedStyle(this.parentData.parent.domNode); const paddingTop = parseFloat(computedStyles.paddingTop || '0') || 0; this.submenuContainer.style.top = `${this.element.offsetTop - this.parentData.parent.scrollOffset - paddingTop}px`; this.parentData.submenu = new Menu(this.submenuContainer, this.submenuActions, this.submenuOptions); if (this.menuStyle) { this.parentData.submenu.style(this.menuStyle); } const boundingRect = this.element.getBoundingClientRect(); const childBoundingRect = this.submenuContainer.getBoundingClientRect(); if (this.expandDirection === Direction.Right) { if (window.innerWidth <= boundingRect.right + childBoundingRect.width) { this.submenuContainer.style.left = '10px'; this.submenuContainer.style.top = `${this.element.offsetTop - this.parentData.parent.scrollOffset + boundingRect.height}px`; } else { this.submenuContainer.style.left = `${this.element.offsetWidth}px`; this.submenuContainer.style.top = `${this.element.offsetTop - this.parentData.parent.scrollOffset - paddingTop}px`; } } else if (this.expandDirection === Direction.Left) { this.submenuContainer.style.right = `${this.element.offsetWidth}px`; this.submenuContainer.style.left = 'auto'; this.submenuContainer.style.top = `${this.element.offsetTop - this.parentData.parent.scrollOffset - paddingTop}px`; } this.submenuDisposables.add(addDisposableListener(this.submenuContainer, EventType.KEY_UP, e => { let event = new StandardKeyboardEvent(e); if (event.equals(KeyCode.LeftArrow)) { EventHelper.stop(e, true); this.parentData.parent.focus(); this.cleanupExistingSubmenu(true); } })); this.submenuDisposables.add(addDisposableListener(this.submenuContainer, EventType.KEY_DOWN, e => { let event = new StandardKeyboardEvent(e); if (event.equals(KeyCode.LeftArrow)) { EventHelper.stop(e, true); } })); this.submenuDisposables.add(this.parentData.submenu.onDidCancel(() => { this.parentData.parent.focus(); this.cleanupExistingSubmenu(true); })); this.parentData.submenu.focus(selectFirstItem); this.mysubmenu = this.parentData.submenu; } else { this.parentData.submenu.focus(false); } } private updateAriaExpanded(value: string): void { if (this.item) { this.item?.setAttribute('aria-expanded', value); } } protected applyStyle(): void { super.applyStyle(); if (!this.menuStyle) { return; } const isSelected = this.element && hasClass(this.element, 'focused'); const fgColor = isSelected && this.menuStyle.selectionForegroundColor ? this.menuStyle.selectionForegroundColor : this.menuStyle.foregroundColor; if (this.submenuIndicator) { this.submenuIndicator.style.color = fgColor ? `${fgColor}` : ''; } if (this.parentData.submenu) { this.parentData.submenu.style(this.menuStyle); } } dispose(): void { super.dispose(); this.hideScheduler.dispose(); if (this.mysubmenu) { this.mysubmenu.dispose(); this.mysubmenu = null; } if (this.submenuContainer) { this.submenuContainer = undefined; } } } class MenuSeparatorActionViewItem extends ActionViewItem { style(style: IMenuStyles): void { if (this.label) { this.label.style.borderBottomColor = style.separatorColor ? `${style.separatorColor}` : ''; } } } export function cleanMnemonic(label: string): string { const regex = MENU_MNEMONIC_REGEX; const matches = regex.exec(label); if (!matches) { return label; } const mnemonicInText = !matches[1]; return label.replace(regex, mnemonicInText ? '$2$3' : '').trim(); }