/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 'use strict'; const _typeof = { number: 'number', string: 'string', undefined: 'undefined', object: 'object', function: 'function' }; /** * @returns whether the provided parameter is a JavaScript Array or not. */ export function isArray(array: any): array is any[] { if (Array.isArray) { return Array.isArray(array); } if (array && typeof (array.length) === _typeof.number && array.constructor === Array) { return true; } return false; } /** * @returns whether the provided parameter is a JavaScript String or not. */ export function isString(str: any): str is string { if (typeof (str) === _typeof.string || str instanceof String) { return true; } return false; } /** * @returns whether the provided parameter is a JavaScript Array and each element in the array is a string. */ export function isStringArray(value: any): value is string[] { return isArray(value) && (value).every(elem => isString(elem)); } /** * * @returns whether the provided parameter is of type `object` but **not** * `null`, an `array`, a `regexp`, nor a `date`. */ export function isObject(obj: any): boolean { // The method can't do a type cast since there are type (like strings) which // are subclasses of any put not positvely matched by the function. Hence type // narrowing results in wrong results. return typeof obj === _typeof.object && obj !== null && !Array.isArray(obj) && !(obj instanceof RegExp) && !(obj instanceof Date); } /** * In **contrast** to just checking `typeof` this will return `false` for `NaN`. * @returns whether the provided parameter is a JavaScript Number or not. */ export function isNumber(obj: any): obj is number { if ((typeof (obj) === _typeof.number || obj instanceof Number) && !isNaN(obj)) { return true; } return false; } /** * @returns whether the provided parameter is a JavaScript Boolean or not. */ export function isBoolean(obj: any): obj is boolean { return obj === true || obj === false; } /** * @returns whether the provided parameter is undefined. */ export function isUndefined(obj: any): boolean { return typeof (obj) === _typeof.undefined; } /** * @returns whether the provided parameter is undefined or null. */ export function isUndefinedOrNull(obj: any): boolean { return isUndefined(obj) || obj === null; } const hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; /** * @returns whether the provided parameter is an empty JavaScript Object or not. */ export function isEmptyObject(obj: any): obj is any { if (!isObject(obj)) { return false; } for (let key in obj) { if (hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * @returns whether the provided parameter is a JavaScript Function or not. */ export function isFunction(obj: any): obj is Function { return typeof obj === _typeof.function; } /** * @returns whether the provided parameters is are JavaScript Function or not. */ export function areFunctions(...objects: any[]): boolean { return objects && objects.length > 0 && objects.every(isFunction); } export type TypeConstraint = string | Function; export function validateConstraints(args: any[], constraints: TypeConstraint[]): void { const len = Math.min(args.length, constraints.length); for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { validateConstraint(args[i], constraints[i]); } } export function validateConstraint(arg: any, constraint: TypeConstraint): void { if (isString(constraint)) { if (typeof arg !== constraint) { throw new Error(`argument does not match constraint: typeof ${constraint}`); } } else if (isFunction(constraint)) { if (arg instanceof constraint) { return; } if (arg && arg.constructor === constraint) { return; } if (constraint.length === 1 && constraint.call(undefined, arg) === true) { return; } throw new Error(`argument does not match one of these constraints: arg instanceof constraint, arg.constructor === constraint, nor constraint(arg) === true`); } } /** * Creates a new object of the provided class and will call the constructor with * any additional argument supplied. */ export function create(ctor: Function, ...args: any[]): any { let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype); ctor.apply(obj, args); return obj; }