/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 'use strict'; import {TPromise} from 'vs/base/common/winjs.base'; import {Event as BaseEvent, PropertyChangeEvent} from 'vs/base/common/events'; import URI from 'vs/base/common/uri'; import Event from 'vs/base/common/event'; import {guessMimeTypes} from 'vs/base/common/mime'; import {IModel, IEditorOptions} from 'vs/editor/common/editorCommon'; import {IDisposable} from 'vs/base/common/lifecycle'; import {EncodingMode, EditorInput, IFileEditorInput} from 'vs/workbench/common/editor'; import {IFileStat, IFilesConfiguration} from 'vs/platform/files/common/files'; import {createDecorator, ServiceIdentifier} from 'vs/platform/instantiation/common/instantiation'; import {FileStat} from 'vs/workbench/parts/files/common/viewModel'; /** * Explorer viewlet id. */ export const VIEWLET_ID = 'workbench.view.explorer'; /** * File editor input id. */ export const FILE_EDITOR_INPUT_ID = 'workbench.editors.files.fileEditorInput'; /** * Text file editor id. */ export const TEXT_FILE_EDITOR_ID = 'workbench.editors.files.textFileEditor'; /** * Binary file editor id. */ export const BINARY_FILE_EDITOR_ID = 'workbench.editors.files.binaryFileEditor'; /** * Marker ID for model entries. */ export const WORKING_FILES_MODEL_ENTRY_CLASS_ID = 'workbench.workingFiles.model.entry.class'; /** * API class to denote file editor inputs. Internal implementation is provided. * * Note: This class is not intended to be instantiated. */ export abstract class FileEditorInput extends EditorInput implements IFileEditorInput { public abstract setResource(resource: URI): void; public abstract getResource(): URI; public abstract setMime(mime: string): void; public abstract getMime(): string; public abstract setEncoding(encoding: string, mode: EncodingMode): void; public abstract getEncoding(): string; } export interface IFilesConfiguration extends IFilesConfiguration { explorer: { workingFiles: { maxVisible: number; dynamicHeight: boolean; }; }; editor: IEditorOptions; } export interface IWorkingFileModelChangeEvent { added?: IWorkingFileEntry[]; removed?: IWorkingFileEntry[]; } export interface IWorkingFilesModel { onModelChange: Event; onWorkingFileChange: Event; getEntries(excludeOutOfContext?: boolean): IWorkingFileEntry[]; first(): IWorkingFileEntry; last(): IWorkingFileEntry; next(start?: URI): IWorkingFileEntry; previous(start?: URI): IWorkingFileEntry; getOutOfWorkspaceContextEntries(): IWorkingFileEntry[]; count(): number; addEntry(resource: URI): IWorkingFileEntry; addEntry(stat: IFileStat): IWorkingFileEntry; addEntry(entry: IWorkingFileEntry): IWorkingFileEntry; addEntry(arg1: IFileStat | IWorkingFileEntry | URI): IWorkingFileEntry; moveEntry(oldResource: URI, newResource: URI): void; removeEntry(resource: URI): IWorkingFileEntry; removeEntry(entry: IWorkingFileEntry): IWorkingFileEntry; removeEntry(arg1: IWorkingFileEntry | URI): IWorkingFileEntry; reorder(source: IWorkingFileEntry, target: IWorkingFileEntry): void; hasEntry(resource: URI): boolean; findEntry(resource: URI): IWorkingFileEntry; clear(): void; } export interface IWorkingFileEntry { resource: URI; index: number; dirty: boolean; CLASS_ID: string; isFile: boolean; isUntitled: boolean; setIndex(index: number): void; setDirty(dirty: boolean): void; } export interface IFileResource { resource: URI; isDirectory: boolean; mimes: string[]; } /** * Helper to get a file resource from an object. */ export function asFileResource(obj: any): IFileResource { if (obj instanceof FileStat) { let stat = obj; return { resource: stat.resource, mimes: stat.mime ? stat.mime.split(', ') : [], isDirectory: stat.isDirectory }; } if (obj && (obj).CLASS_ID === WORKING_FILES_MODEL_ENTRY_CLASS_ID) { let entry = obj; if (entry.isFile) { return { resource: entry.resource, mimes: guessMimeTypes(entry.resource.fsPath), isDirectory: false }; } } return null; } /** * List of event types from files. */ export const EventType = { /** * Indicates that a file content has changed but not yet saved. */ FILE_DIRTY: 'files:fileDirty', /** * Indicates that a file is being saved. */ FILE_SAVING: 'files:fileSaving', /** * Indicates that a file save resulted in an error. */ FILE_SAVE_ERROR: 'files:fileSaveError', /** * Indicates that a file content has been saved to the disk. */ FILE_SAVED: 'files:fileSaved', /** * Indicates that a file content has been reverted to the state * on disk. */ FILE_REVERTED: 'files:fileReverted' }; /** * Local file change events are being emitted when a file is added, removed, moved or its contents got updated. These events * are being emitted from within the workbench and are not reflecting the truth on the disk file system. For that, please * use FileChangesEvent instead. */ export class LocalFileChangeEvent extends PropertyChangeEvent { constructor(before?: IFileStat, after?: IFileStat, originalEvent?: BaseEvent) { super(null, before, after, originalEvent); } /** * Returns the meta information of the file before the event occurred or null if the file is new. */ public getBefore(): IFileStat { return this.oldValue; } /** * Returns the meta information of the file after the event occurred or null if the file got deleted. */ public getAfter(): IFileStat { return this.newValue; } /** * Indicates if the file was added as a new file. */ public gotAdded(): boolean { return !this.oldValue && !!this.newValue; } /** * Indicates if the file was moved to a different path. */ public gotMoved(): boolean { return !!this.oldValue && !!this.newValue && this.oldValue.resource.toString() !== this.newValue.resource.toString(); } /** * Indicates if the files metadata was updated. */ public gotUpdated(): boolean { return !!this.oldValue && !!this.newValue && !this.gotMoved() && this.oldValue !== this.newValue; } /** * Indicates if the file was deleted. */ public gotDeleted(): boolean { return !!this.oldValue && !this.newValue; } } /** * Text file change events are emitted when files are saved or reverted. */ export class TextFileChangeEvent extends LocalFileChangeEvent { private _model: IModel; private _isAutoSaved: boolean; constructor(model: IModel, before: IFileStat, after: IFileStat = before, originalEvent?: BaseEvent) { super(before, after, originalEvent); this._model = model; } public get model(): IModel { return this._model; } public setAutoSaved(autoSaved: boolean): void { this._isAutoSaved = autoSaved; } public get isAutoSaved(): boolean { return this._isAutoSaved; } } export const TEXT_FILE_SERVICE_ID = 'textFileService'; export enum ConfirmResult { SAVE, DONT_SAVE, CANCEL } export interface ITextFileOperationResult { results: IResult[]; } export interface IResult { source: URI; target?: URI; success?: boolean; } export interface IAutoSaveConfiguration { autoSaveDelay: number; autoSaveFocusChange: boolean; } export var ITextFileService = createDecorator(TEXT_FILE_SERVICE_ID); export interface ITextFileService extends IDisposable { serviceId: ServiceIdentifier; /** * A resource is dirty if it has unsaved changes or is an untitled file not yet saved. * * @param resource the resource to check for being dirty. If it is not specified, will check for * all dirty resources. */ isDirty(resource?: URI): boolean; /** * Returns all resources that are currently dirty matching the provided resource or all dirty resources. * * @param resource the resource to check for being dirty. If it is not specified, will check for * all dirty resources. */ getDirty(resource?: URI): URI[]; /** * Saves the resource. * * @param resource the resource to save * @return true iff the resource was saved. */ save(resource: URI): TPromise; /** * Saves the provided resource asking the user for a file name. * * @param resource the resource to save as. * @return true iff the file was saved. */ saveAs(resource: URI, targetResource?: URI): TPromise; /** * Saves the set of resources and returns a promise with the operation result. * * @param resources can be null to save all. * @param includeUntitled to save all resources and optionally exclude untitled ones. */ saveAll(includeUntitled?: boolean): TPromise; saveAll(resources: URI[]): TPromise; /** * Reverts the provided resource. * * @param resource the resource of the file to revert. * @param force to force revert even when the file is not dirty */ revert(resource: URI, force?: boolean): TPromise; /** * Reverts all the provided resources and returns a promise with the operation result. * * @param force to force revert even when the file is not dirty */ revertAll(resources?: URI[], force?: boolean): TPromise; /** * Brings up the confirm dialog to either save, don't save or cancel. * * @param resource the resource of the file to ask for confirmation. */ confirmSave(resource?: URI): ConfirmResult; /** * Provides access to the list of working files. */ getWorkingFilesModel(): IWorkingFilesModel; /** * Checks if the user configured auto save to be enabled or not */ isAutoSaveEnabled(): boolean; /** * Convinient fast access to the configured auto save settings. */ getAutoSaveConfiguration(): IAutoSaveConfiguration; /** * Event is fired with the auto save configuration whenever it changes. */ onAutoSaveConfigurationChange: Event; }