/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import { TPromise } from 'vs/base/common/winjs.base'; import { IAction, IActionRunner, ActionRunner } from 'vs/base/common/actions'; import { IActionItem } from 'vs/base/browser/ui/actionbar/actionbar'; import { Component } from 'vs/workbench/common/component'; import { ITelemetryService } from 'vs/platform/telemetry/common/telemetry'; import { IComposite, ICompositeControl } from 'vs/workbench/common/composite'; import { Event, Emitter } from 'vs/base/common/event'; import { IThemeService } from 'vs/platform/theme/common/themeService'; import { IConstructorSignature0, IInstantiationService } from 'vs/platform/instantiation/common/instantiation'; import { trackFocus, Dimension } from 'vs/base/browser/dom'; /** * Composites are layed out in the sidebar and panel part of the workbench. At a time only one composite * can be open in the sidebar, and only one composite can be open in the panel. * Each composite has a minimized representation that is good enough to provide some * information about the state of the composite data. * The workbench will keep a composite alive after it has been created and show/hide it based on * user interaction. The lifecycle of a composite goes in the order create(), setVisible(true|false), * layout(), focus(), dispose(). During use of the workbench, a composite will often receive a setVisible, * layout and focus call, but only one create and dispose call. */ export abstract class Composite extends Component implements IComposite { private readonly _onTitleAreaUpdate: Emitter = this._register(new Emitter()); get onTitleAreaUpdate(): Event { return this._onTitleAreaUpdate.event; } private _onDidFocus: Emitter; get onDidFocus(): Event { if (!this._onDidFocus) { this._onDidFocus = this._register(new Emitter()); const focusTracker = this._register(trackFocus(this.getContainer())); this._register(focusTracker.onDidFocus(() => this._onDidFocus.fire())); } return this._onDidFocus.event; } protected actionRunner: IActionRunner; private visible: boolean; private parent: HTMLElement; /** * Create a new composite with the given ID and context. */ constructor( id: string, private _telemetryService: ITelemetryService, themeService: IThemeService ) { super(id, themeService); this.visible = false; } getTitle(): string { return null; } protected get telemetryService(): ITelemetryService { return this._telemetryService; } /** * Note: Clients should not call this method, the workbench calls this * method. Calling it otherwise may result in unexpected behavior. * * Called to create this composite on the provided parent. This method is only * called once during the lifetime of the workbench. * Note that DOM-dependent calculations should be performed from the setVisible() * call. Only then the composite will be part of the DOM. */ create(parent: HTMLElement): TPromise { this.parent = parent; return TPromise.as(null); } updateStyles(): void { super.updateStyles(); } /** * Returns the container this composite is being build in. */ getContainer(): HTMLElement { return this.parent; } /** * Note: Clients should not call this method, the workbench calls this * method. Calling it otherwise may result in unexpected behavior. * * Called to indicate that the composite has become visible or hidden. This method * is called more than once during workbench lifecycle depending on the user interaction. * The composite will be on-DOM if visible is set to true and off-DOM otherwise. * * The returned promise is complete when the composite is visible. As such it is valid * to do a long running operation from this call. Typically this operation should be * fast though because setVisible might be called many times during a session. */ setVisible(visible: boolean): TPromise { this.visible = visible; return TPromise.as(null); } /** * Called when this composite should receive keyboard focus. */ focus(): void { // Subclasses can implement } /** * Layout the contents of this composite using the provided dimensions. */ abstract layout(dimension: Dimension): void; /** * Returns an array of actions to show in the action bar of the composite. */ getActions(): IAction[] { return []; } /** * Returns an array of actions to show in the action bar of the composite * in a less prominent way then action from getActions. */ getSecondaryActions(): IAction[] { return []; } /** * Returns an array of actions to show in the context menu of the composite */ getContextMenuActions(): IAction[] { return []; } /** * For any of the actions returned by this composite, provide an IActionItem in * cases where the implementor of the composite wants to override the presentation * of an action. Returns null to indicate that the action is not rendered through * an action item. */ getActionItem(action: IAction): IActionItem { return null; } /** * Returns the instance of IActionRunner to use with this composite for the * composite tool bar. */ getActionRunner(): IActionRunner { if (!this.actionRunner) { this.actionRunner = new ActionRunner(); } return this.actionRunner; } /** * Method for composite implementors to indicate to the composite container that the title or the actions * of the composite have changed. Calling this method will cause the container to ask for title (getTitle()) * and actions (getActions(), getSecondaryActions()) if the composite is visible or the next time the composite * gets visible. */ protected updateTitleArea(): void { this._onTitleAreaUpdate.fire(); } /** * Returns true if this composite is currently visible and false otherwise. */ isVisible(): boolean { return this.visible; } /** * Returns the underlying composite control or null if it is not accessible. */ getControl(): ICompositeControl { return null; } } /** * A composite descriptor is a leightweight descriptor of a composite in the workbench. */ export abstract class CompositeDescriptor { id: string; name: string; cssClass: string; order: number; keybindingId: string; enabled: boolean; private ctor: IConstructorSignature0; constructor(ctor: IConstructorSignature0, id: string, name: string, cssClass?: string, order?: number, keybindingId?: string, ) { this.ctor = ctor; this.id = id; this.name = name; this.cssClass = cssClass; this.order = order; this.enabled = true; this.keybindingId = keybindingId; } instantiate(instantiationService: IInstantiationService): T { return instantiationService.createInstance(this.ctor); } } export abstract class CompositeRegistry { private readonly _onDidRegister: Emitter> = new Emitter>(); get onDidRegister(): Event> { return this._onDidRegister.event; } private composites: CompositeDescriptor[] = []; protected registerComposite(descriptor: CompositeDescriptor): void { if (this.compositeById(descriptor.id) !== null) { return; } this.composites.push(descriptor); this._onDidRegister.fire(descriptor); } getComposite(id: string): CompositeDescriptor { return this.compositeById(id); } protected getComposites(): CompositeDescriptor[] { return this.composites.slice(0); } private compositeById(id: string): CompositeDescriptor { for (let i = 0; i < this.composites.length; i++) { if (this.composites[i].id === id) { return this.composites[i]; } } return null; } }