/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 'use strict'; import nls = require('vs/nls'); import platform = require('vs/base/common/platform'); import URI from 'vs/base/common/uri'; import errors = require('vs/base/common/errors'); import types = require('vs/base/common/types'); import { TPromise } from 'vs/base/common/winjs.base'; import { stat } from 'vs/base/node/pfs'; import arrays = require('vs/base/common/arrays'); import DOM = require('vs/base/browser/dom'); import Severity from 'vs/base/common/severity'; import { Separator } from 'vs/base/browser/ui/actionbar/actionbar'; import { IAction, Action } from 'vs/base/common/actions'; import { extractResources } from 'vs/base/browser/dnd'; import { Builder, $ } from 'vs/base/browser/builder'; import { IPartService } from 'vs/workbench/services/part/common/partService'; import { AutoSaveConfiguration } from 'vs/platform/files/common/files'; import { toResource } from 'vs/workbench/common/editor'; import { IWorkbenchEditorService, IResourceInputType } from 'vs/workbench/services/editor/common/editorService'; import { IEditorGroupService } from 'vs/workbench/services/group/common/groupService'; import { IMessageService } from 'vs/platform/message/common/message'; import { ITelemetryService } from 'vs/platform/telemetry/common/telemetry'; import { IWorkspaceConfigurationService } from 'vs/workbench/services/configuration/common/configuration'; import { IWindowsService, IWindowService, IWindowSettings, IWindowConfiguration, IPath, IOpenFileRequest } from 'vs/platform/windows/common/windows'; import { IContextMenuService } from 'vs/platform/contextview/browser/contextView'; import { IEnvironmentService } from 'vs/platform/environment/common/environment'; import { IKeybindingService } from 'vs/platform/keybinding/common/keybinding'; import { IConfigurationEditingService, ConfigurationTarget } from 'vs/workbench/services/configuration/common/configurationEditing'; import { ITitleService } from 'vs/workbench/services/title/common/titleService'; import { IWorkbenchThemeService, VS_HC_THEME, VS_DARK_THEME } from 'vs/workbench/services/themes/common/workbenchThemeService'; import * as browser from 'vs/base/browser/browser'; import { ICommandService } from 'vs/platform/commands/common/commands'; import { IViewletService } from 'vs/workbench/services/viewlet/browser/viewlet'; import { Position, IResourceInput, IUntitledResourceInput, IEditor } from 'vs/platform/editor/common/editor'; import { IExtensionService } from 'vs/platform/extensions/common/extensions'; import { KeyboardMapperFactory } from 'vs/workbench/services/keybinding/electron-browser/keybindingService'; import { Themable, EDITOR_DRAG_AND_DROP_BACKGROUND } from 'vs/workbench/common/theme'; import { ipcRenderer as ipc, webFrame } from 'electron'; import { activeContrastBorder } from 'vs/platform/theme/common/colorRegistry'; const TextInputActions: IAction[] = [ new Action('undo', nls.localize('undo', "Undo"), null, true, () => document.execCommand('undo') && TPromise.as(true)), new Action('redo', nls.localize('redo', "Redo"), null, true, () => document.execCommand('redo') && TPromise.as(true)), new Separator(), new Action('editor.action.clipboardCutAction', nls.localize('cut', "Cut"), null, true, () => document.execCommand('cut') && TPromise.as(true)), new Action('editor.action.clipboardCopyAction', nls.localize('copy', "Copy"), null, true, () => document.execCommand('copy') && TPromise.as(true)), new Action('editor.action.clipboardPasteAction', nls.localize('paste', "Paste"), null, true, () => document.execCommand('paste') && TPromise.as(true)), new Separator(), new Action('editor.action.selectAll', nls.localize('selectAll', "Select All"), null, true, () => document.execCommand('selectAll') && TPromise.as(true)) ]; export class ElectronWindow extends Themable { private static AUTO_SAVE_SETTING = 'files.autoSave'; private win: Electron.BrowserWindow; private windowId: number; constructor( win: Electron.BrowserWindow, shellContainer: HTMLElement, @IWorkbenchEditorService private editorService: IWorkbenchEditorService, @IEditorGroupService private editorGroupService: IEditorGroupService, @IPartService private partService: IPartService, @IWindowsService private windowsService: IWindowsService, @IWindowService private windowService: IWindowService, @IWorkspaceConfigurationService private configurationService: IWorkspaceConfigurationService, @ITitleService private titleService: ITitleService, @IWorkbenchThemeService protected themeService: IWorkbenchThemeService, @IMessageService private messageService: IMessageService, @IConfigurationEditingService private configurationEditingService: IConfigurationEditingService, @ICommandService private commandService: ICommandService, @IExtensionService private extensionService: IExtensionService, @IViewletService private viewletService: IViewletService, @IContextMenuService private contextMenuService: IContextMenuService, @IKeybindingService private keybindingService: IKeybindingService, @IEnvironmentService private environmentService: IEnvironmentService, @ITelemetryService private telemetryService: ITelemetryService ) { super(themeService); this.win = win; this.windowId = win.id; this.registerListeners(); this.setup(); } private registerListeners(): void { // React to editor input changes this.editorGroupService.onEditorsChanged(() => { const file = toResource(this.editorService.getActiveEditorInput(), { supportSideBySide: true, filter: 'file' }); this.titleService.setRepresentedFilename(file ? file.fsPath : ''); }); let draggedExternalResources: URI[]; let dropOverlay: Builder; function cleanUp(): void { draggedExternalResources = void 0; if (dropOverlay) { dropOverlay.destroy(); dropOverlay = void 0; } } // Detect resources dropped into Code from outside window.document.body.addEventListener(DOM.EventType.DRAG_OVER, (e: DragEvent) => { DOM.EventHelper.stop(e); if (!draggedExternalResources) { draggedExternalResources = extractResources(e, true /* external only */).map(d => d.resource); // Find out if folders are dragged and show the appropiate feedback then this.includesFolder(draggedExternalResources).done(includesFolder => { if (includesFolder) { const activeContrastBorderColor = this.getColor(activeContrastBorder); dropOverlay = $(window.document.getElementById(this.partService.getWorkbenchElementId())) .div({ id: 'monaco-workbench-drop-overlay' }) .style({ backgroundColor: this.getColor(EDITOR_DRAG_AND_DROP_BACKGROUND), outlineColor: activeContrastBorderColor, outlineOffset: activeContrastBorderColor ? '-2px' : null, outlineStyle: activeContrastBorderColor ? 'dashed' : null, outlineWidth: activeContrastBorderColor ? '2px' : null }) .on(DOM.EventType.DROP, (e: DragEvent) => { DOM.EventHelper.stop(e, true); this.windowService.focusWindow(); // make sure this window has focus so that the open call reaches the right window! // Ask the user when opening a potential large number of folders let doOpen = true; if (draggedExternalResources.length > 20) { doOpen = this.messageService.confirm({ message: nls.localize('confirmOpen', "Are you sure you want to open {0} folders?", draggedExternalResources.length), primaryButton: nls.localize({ key: 'confirmOpenButton', comment: ['&& denotes a mnemonic'] }, "&&Open"), type: 'question' }); } if (doOpen) { this.windowsService.openWindow(draggedExternalResources.map(r => r.fsPath), { forceReuseWindow: true }); } cleanUp(); }) .on([DOM.EventType.DRAG_LEAVE, DOM.EventType.DRAG_END], () => { cleanUp(); }).once(DOM.EventType.MOUSE_OVER, () => { // Under some circumstances we have seen reports where the drop overlay is not being // cleaned up and as such the editor area remains under the overlay so that you cannot // type into the editor anymore. This seems related to using VMs and DND via host and // guest OS, though some users also saw it without VMs. // To protect against this issue we always destroy the overlay as soon as we detect a // mouse event over it. The delay is used to guarantee we are not interfering with the // actual DROP event that can also trigger a mouse over event. // See also: https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/10970 setTimeout(() => { cleanUp(); }, 300); }); } }); } }); // Clear our map and overlay on any finish of DND outside the overlay [DOM.EventType.DROP, DOM.EventType.DRAG_END].forEach(event => { window.document.body.addEventListener(event, (e: DragEvent) => { if (!dropOverlay || e.target !== dropOverlay.getHTMLElement()) { cleanUp(); // only run cleanUp() if we are not over the overlay (because we are being called in capture phase) } }, true /* use capture because components within may preventDefault() when they accept the drop */); }); // prevent opening a real URL inside the shell window.document.body.addEventListener(DOM.EventType.DROP, (e: DragEvent) => { DOM.EventHelper.stop(e); }); // Handle window.open() calls const $this = this; (window).open = function (url: string, target: string, features: string, replace: boolean) { $this.windowsService.openExternal(url); return null; }; } private setup(): void { // Support runAction event ipc.on('vscode:runAction', (event, actionId: string) => { this.commandService.executeCommand(actionId, { from: 'menu' }).done(_ => { this.telemetryService.publicLog('commandExecuted', { id: actionId, from: 'menu' }); }, err => { this.messageService.show(Severity.Error, err); }); }); // Support resolve keybindings event ipc.on('vscode:resolveKeybindings', (event, rawActionIds: string) => { let actionIds: string[] = []; try { actionIds = JSON.parse(rawActionIds); } catch (error) { // should not happen } // Resolve keys using the keybinding service and send back to browser process this.resolveKeybindings(actionIds).done(keybindings => { if (keybindings.length) { ipc.send('vscode:keybindingsResolved', JSON.stringify(keybindings)); } }, () => errors.onUnexpectedError); }); // Send over all extension viewlets when extensions are ready this.extensionService.onReady().then(() => { ipc.send('vscode:extensionViewlets', JSON.stringify(this.viewletService.getViewlets().filter(v => !!v.extensionId).map(v => { return { id: v.id, label: v.name }; }))); }); ipc.on('vscode:reportError', (event, error) => { if (error) { const errorParsed = JSON.parse(error); errorParsed.mainProcess = true; errors.onUnexpectedError(errorParsed); } }); // Support openFiles event for existing and new files ipc.on('vscode:openFiles', (event, request: IOpenFileRequest) => this.onOpenFiles(request)); // Emit event when vscode has loaded this.partService.joinCreation().then(() => { ipc.send('vscode:workbenchLoaded', this.windowService.getCurrentWindowId()); }); // Message support ipc.on('vscode:showInfoMessage', (event, message: string) => { this.messageService.show(Severity.Info, message); }); // Support toggling auto save ipc.on('vscode.toggleAutoSave', event => { this.toggleAutoSave(); }); // Fullscreen Events ipc.on('vscode:enterFullScreen', event => { this.partService.joinCreation().then(() => { browser.setFullscreen(true); }); }); ipc.on('vscode:leaveFullScreen', event => { this.partService.joinCreation().then(() => { browser.setFullscreen(false); }); }); // High Contrast Events ipc.on('vscode:enterHighContrast', event => { const windowConfig = this.configurationService.getConfiguration('window'); if (windowConfig && windowConfig.autoDetectHighContrast) { this.partService.joinCreation().then(() => { this.themeService.setColorTheme(VS_HC_THEME, null); }); } }); ipc.on('vscode:leaveHighContrast', event => { const windowConfig = this.configurationService.getConfiguration('window'); if (windowConfig && windowConfig.autoDetectHighContrast) { this.partService.joinCreation().then(() => { this.themeService.setColorTheme(VS_DARK_THEME, null); }); } }); // keyboard layout changed event ipc.on('vscode:keyboardLayoutChanged', (event, isISOKeyboard: boolean) => { KeyboardMapperFactory.INSTANCE._onKeyboardLayoutChanged(isISOKeyboard); }); // keyboard layout changed event ipc.on('vscode:accessibilitySupportChanged', (event, accessibilitySupportEnabled: boolean) => { browser.setAccessibilitySupport(accessibilitySupportEnabled ? platform.AccessibilitySupport.Enabled : platform.AccessibilitySupport.Disabled); }); // Configuration changes let previousConfiguredZoomLevel: number; this.configurationService.onDidUpdateConfiguration(e => { const windowConfig: IWindowConfiguration = this.configurationService.getConfiguration(); let newZoomLevel = 0; if (windowConfig.window && typeof windowConfig.window.zoomLevel === 'number') { newZoomLevel = windowConfig.window.zoomLevel; // Leave early if the configured zoom level did not change (https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/1536) if (previousConfiguredZoomLevel === newZoomLevel) { return; } previousConfiguredZoomLevel = newZoomLevel; } if (webFrame.getZoomLevel() !== newZoomLevel) { webFrame.setZoomLevel(newZoomLevel); browser.setZoomFactor(webFrame.getZoomFactor()); // See https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/26151 // Cannot be trusted because the webFrame might take some time // until it really applies the new zoom level browser.setZoomLevel(webFrame.getZoomLevel(), /*isTrusted*/false); } }); // Context menu support in input/textarea window.document.addEventListener('contextmenu', e => { if (e.target instanceof HTMLElement) { const target = e.target; if (target.nodeName && (target.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'input' || target.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'textarea')) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); this.contextMenuService.showContextMenu({ getAnchor: () => e, getActions: () => TPromise.as(TextInputActions) }); } } }); } private resolveKeybindings(actionIds: string[]): TPromise<{ id: string; label: string, isNative: boolean; }[]> { return this.partService.joinCreation().then(() => { return arrays.coalesce(actionIds.map(id => { const binding = this.keybindingService.lookupKeybinding(id); if (!binding) { return null; } // first try to resolve a native accelerator const electronAccelerator = binding.getElectronAccelerator(); if (electronAccelerator) { return { id, label: electronAccelerator, isNative: true }; } // we need this fallback to support keybindings that cannot show in electron menus (e.g. chords) const acceleratorLabel = binding.getLabel(); if (acceleratorLabel) { return { id, label: acceleratorLabel, isNative: false }; } return null; })); }); } private onOpenFiles(request: IOpenFileRequest): void { let inputs: IResourceInputType[] = []; let diffMode = (request.filesToDiff.length === 2); if (!diffMode && request.filesToOpen) { inputs.push(...this.toInputs(request.filesToOpen, false)); } if (!diffMode && request.filesToCreate) { inputs.push(...this.toInputs(request.filesToCreate, true)); } if (diffMode) { inputs.push(...this.toInputs(request.filesToDiff, false)); } if (inputs.length) { this.openResources(inputs, diffMode).done(null, errors.onUnexpectedError); } } private openResources(resources: (IResourceInput | IUntitledResourceInput)[], diffMode: boolean): TPromise { return this.partService.joinCreation().then((): TPromise => { // In diffMode we open 2 resources as diff if (diffMode && resources.length === 2) { return this.editorService.openEditor({ leftResource: resources[0].resource, rightResource: resources[1].resource, options: { pinned: true } }); } // For one file, just put it into the current active editor if (resources.length === 1) { return this.editorService.openEditor(resources[0]); } // Otherwise open all const activeEditor = this.editorService.getActiveEditor(); return this.editorService.openEditors(resources.map((r, index) => { return { input: r, position: activeEditor ? activeEditor.position : Position.ONE }; })); }); } private toInputs(paths: IPath[], isNew: boolean): IResourceInputType[] { return paths.map(p => { const resource = URI.file(p.filePath); let input: IResourceInput | IUntitledResourceInput; if (isNew) { input = { filePath: resource.fsPath, options: { pinned: true } } as IUntitledResourceInput; } else { input = { resource, options: { pinned: true } } as IResourceInput; } if (!isNew && p.lineNumber) { input.options.selection = { startLineNumber: p.lineNumber, startColumn: p.columnNumber }; } return input; }); } private toggleAutoSave(): void { const setting = this.configurationService.lookup(ElectronWindow.AUTO_SAVE_SETTING); let userAutoSaveConfig = setting.user; if (types.isUndefinedOrNull(userAutoSaveConfig)) { userAutoSaveConfig = setting.default; // use default if setting not defined } let newAutoSaveValue: string; if ([AutoSaveConfiguration.AFTER_DELAY, AutoSaveConfiguration.ON_FOCUS_CHANGE, AutoSaveConfiguration.ON_WINDOW_CHANGE].some(s => s === userAutoSaveConfig)) { newAutoSaveValue = AutoSaveConfiguration.OFF; } else { newAutoSaveValue = AutoSaveConfiguration.AFTER_DELAY; } this.configurationEditingService.writeConfiguration(ConfigurationTarget.USER, { key: ElectronWindow.AUTO_SAVE_SETTING, value: newAutoSaveValue }); } private includesFolder(resources: URI[]): TPromise { return TPromise.join(resources.map(resource => { return stat(resource.fsPath).then(stats => stats.isDirectory() ? true : false, error => false); })).then(res => res.some(res => !!res)); } }