/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import { URI } from 'vs/base/common/uri'; import { Event, Emitter } from 'vs/base/common/event'; import { IDecorationsService, IDecoration, IResourceDecorationChangeEvent, IDecorationsProvider, IDecorationData } from './decorations'; import { TernarySearchTree } from 'vs/base/common/map'; import { IDisposable, dispose, toDisposable } from 'vs/base/common/lifecycle'; import { isThenable } from 'vs/base/common/async'; import { LinkedList } from 'vs/base/common/linkedList'; import { createStyleSheet, createCSSRule, removeCSSRulesContainingSelector } from 'vs/base/browser/dom'; import { IThemeService, ITheme } from 'vs/platform/theme/common/themeService'; import { IdGenerator } from 'vs/base/common/idGenerator'; import { Iterator } from 'vs/base/common/iterator'; import { isFalsyOrWhitespace } from 'vs/base/common/strings'; import { localize } from 'vs/nls'; import { isPromiseCanceledError } from 'vs/base/common/errors'; import { CancellationTokenSource } from 'vs/base/common/cancellation'; import { registerSingleton } from 'vs/platform/instantiation/common/extensions'; class DecorationRule { static keyOf(data: IDecorationData | IDecorationData[]): string { if (Array.isArray(data)) { return data.map(DecorationRule.keyOf).join(','); } else { const { color, letter } = data; return `${color}/${letter}`; } } private static readonly _classNames = new IdGenerator('monaco-decorations-style-'); readonly data: IDecorationData | IDecorationData[]; readonly itemColorClassName: string; readonly itemBadgeClassName: string; readonly bubbleBadgeClassName: string; constructor(data: IDecorationData | IDecorationData[]) { this.data = data; this.itemColorClassName = DecorationRule._classNames.nextId(); this.itemBadgeClassName = DecorationRule._classNames.nextId(); this.bubbleBadgeClassName = DecorationRule._classNames.nextId(); } appendCSSRules(element: HTMLStyleElement, theme: ITheme): void { if (!Array.isArray(this.data)) { this._appendForOne(this.data, element, theme); } else { this._appendForMany(this.data, element, theme); } } private _appendForOne(data: IDecorationData, element: HTMLStyleElement, theme: ITheme): void { const { color, letter } = data; // label createCSSRule(`.${this.itemColorClassName}`, `color: ${getColor(theme, color)};`, element); // letter if (letter) { createCSSRule(`.${this.itemBadgeClassName}::after`, `content: "${letter}"; color: ${getColor(theme, color)};`, element); } } private _appendForMany(data: IDecorationData[], element: HTMLStyleElement, theme: ITheme): void { // label const { color } = data[0]; createCSSRule(`.${this.itemColorClassName}`, `color: ${getColor(theme, color)};`, element); // badge const letters = data.filter(d => !isFalsyOrWhitespace(d.letter)).map(d => d.letter); if (letters.length) { createCSSRule(`.${this.itemBadgeClassName}::after`, `content: "${letters.join(', ')}"; color: ${getColor(theme, color)};`, element); } // bubble badge createCSSRule( `.${this.bubbleBadgeClassName}::after`, `content: "\uf052"; color: ${getColor(theme, color)}; font-family: octicons; font-size: 14px; padding-right: 14px; opacity: 0.4;`, element ); } removeCSSRules(element: HTMLStyleElement): void { removeCSSRulesContainingSelector(this.itemColorClassName, element); removeCSSRulesContainingSelector(this.itemBadgeClassName, element); removeCSSRulesContainingSelector(this.bubbleBadgeClassName, element); } isUnused(): boolean { return !document.querySelector(`.${this.itemColorClassName}`) && !document.querySelector(`.${this.itemBadgeClassName}`) && !document.querySelector(`.${this.bubbleBadgeClassName}`); } } class DecorationStyles { private readonly _disposables: IDisposable[]; private readonly _styleElement = createStyleSheet(); private readonly _decorationRules = new Map(); constructor( private _themeService: IThemeService, ) { this._disposables = [this._themeService.onThemeChange(this._onThemeChange, this)]; } dispose(): void { dispose(this._disposables); const parent = this._styleElement.parentElement; if (parent) { parent.removeChild(this._styleElement); } } asDecoration(data: IDecorationData[], onlyChildren: boolean): IDecoration { // sort by weight data.sort((a, b) => (b.weight || 0) - (a.weight || 0)); let key = DecorationRule.keyOf(data); let rule = this._decorationRules.get(key); if (!rule) { // new css rule rule = new DecorationRule(data); this._decorationRules.set(key, rule); rule.appendCSSRules(this._styleElement, this._themeService.getTheme()); } let labelClassName = rule.itemColorClassName; let badgeClassName = rule.itemBadgeClassName; let tooltip = data.filter(d => !isFalsyOrWhitespace(d.tooltip)).map(d => d.tooltip).join(' • '); if (onlyChildren) { // show items from its children only badgeClassName = rule.bubbleBadgeClassName; tooltip = localize('bubbleTitle', "Contains emphasized items"); } return { labelClassName, badgeClassName, tooltip, update: (replace) => { let newData = data.slice(); for (let i = 0; i < newData.length; i++) { if (newData[i].source === replace.source) { // replace newData[i] = replace; } } return this.asDecoration(newData, onlyChildren); } }; } private _onThemeChange(): void { this._decorationRules.forEach(rule => { rule.removeCSSRules(this._styleElement); rule.appendCSSRules(this._styleElement, this._themeService.getTheme()); }); } cleanUp(iter: Iterator): void { // remove every rule for which no more // decoration (data) is kept. this isn't cheap let usedDecorations = new Set(); for (let e = iter.next(); !e.done; e = iter.next()) { e.value.data.forEach((value, key) => { if (value && !(value instanceof DecorationDataRequest)) { usedDecorations.add(DecorationRule.keyOf(value)); } }); } this._decorationRules.forEach((value, index) => { const { data } = value; if (value.isUnused()) { let remove: boolean = false; if (Array.isArray(data)) { remove = data.some(data => !usedDecorations.has(DecorationRule.keyOf(data))); } else if (!usedDecorations.has(DecorationRule.keyOf(data))) { remove = true; } if (remove) { value.removeCSSRules(this._styleElement); this._decorationRules.delete(index); } } }); } } class FileDecorationChangeEvent implements IResourceDecorationChangeEvent { private readonly _data = TernarySearchTree.forPaths(); affectsResource(uri: URI): boolean { return this._data.get(uri.toString()) || this._data.findSuperstr(uri.toString()) !== undefined; } static debouncer(last: FileDecorationChangeEvent, current: URI | URI[]) { if (!last) { last = new FileDecorationChangeEvent(); } if (Array.isArray(current)) { // many for (const uri of current) { last._data.set(uri.toString(), true); } } else { // one last._data.set(current.toString(), true); } return last; } } class DecorationDataRequest { constructor( readonly source: CancellationTokenSource, readonly thenable: Promise, ) { } } class DecorationProviderWrapper { readonly data = TernarySearchTree.forPaths(); private readonly _dispoable: IDisposable; constructor( private readonly _provider: IDecorationsProvider, private readonly _uriEmitter: Emitter, private readonly _flushEmitter: Emitter ) { this._dispoable = this._provider.onDidChange(uris => { if (!uris) { // flush event -> drop all data, can affect everything this.data.clear(); this._flushEmitter.fire({ affectsResource() { return true; } }); } else { // selective changes -> drop for resource, fetch again, send event // perf: the map stores thenables, decorations, or `null`-markers. // we make us of that and ignore all uris in which we have never // been interested. for (const uri of uris) { this._fetchData(uri); } } }); } dispose(): void { this._dispoable.dispose(); this.data.clear(); } knowsAbout(uri: URI): boolean { return Boolean(this.data.get(uri.toString())) || Boolean(this.data.findSuperstr(uri.toString())); } getOrRetrieve(uri: URI, includeChildren: boolean, callback: (data: IDecorationData, isChild: boolean) => void): void { const key = uri.toString(); let item = this.data.get(key); if (item === undefined) { // unknown -> trigger request item = this._fetchData(uri); } if (item && !(item instanceof DecorationDataRequest)) { // found something (which isn't pending anymore) callback(item, false); } if (includeChildren) { // (resolved) children const iter = this.data.findSuperstr(key); if (iter) { for (let item = iter.next(); !item.done; item = iter.next()) { if (item.value && !(item.value instanceof DecorationDataRequest)) { callback(item.value, true); } } } } } private _fetchData(uri: URI): IDecorationData | null { // check for pending request and cancel it const pendingRequest = this.data.get(uri.toString()); if (pendingRequest instanceof DecorationDataRequest) { pendingRequest.source.cancel(); this.data.delete(uri.toString()); } const source = new CancellationTokenSource(); const dataOrThenable = this._provider.provideDecorations(uri, source.token); if (!isThenable | undefined>(dataOrThenable)) { // sync -> we have a result now return this._keepItem(uri, dataOrThenable); } else { // async -> we have a result soon const request = new DecorationDataRequest(source, Promise.resolve(dataOrThenable).then(data => { if (this.data.get(uri.toString()) === request) { this._keepItem(uri, data); } }).catch(err => { if (!isPromiseCanceledError(err) && this.data.get(uri.toString()) === request) { this.data.delete(uri.toString()); } })); this.data.set(uri.toString(), request); return null; } } private _keepItem(uri: URI, data: IDecorationData | undefined): IDecorationData | null { const deco = data ? data : null; const old = this.data.set(uri.toString(), deco); if (deco || old) { // only fire event when something changed this._uriEmitter.fire(uri); } return deco; } } export class FileDecorationsService implements IDecorationsService { _serviceBrand: any; private readonly _data = new LinkedList(); private readonly _onDidChangeDecorationsDelayed = new Emitter(); private readonly _onDidChangeDecorations = new Emitter(); private readonly _decorationStyles: DecorationStyles; private readonly _disposables: IDisposable[]; readonly onDidChangeDecorations: Event = Event.any( this._onDidChangeDecorations.event, Event.debounce( this._onDidChangeDecorationsDelayed.event, FileDecorationChangeEvent.debouncer, undefined, undefined, 500 ) ); constructor( @IThemeService themeService: IThemeService ) { this._decorationStyles = new DecorationStyles(themeService); // every so many events we check if there are // css styles that we don't need anymore let count = 0; let reg = this.onDidChangeDecorations(() => { if (++count % 17 === 0) { this._decorationStyles.cleanUp(this._data.iterator()); } }); this._disposables = [ reg, this._decorationStyles ]; } dispose(): void { dispose(this._disposables); dispose(this._onDidChangeDecorations); dispose(this._onDidChangeDecorationsDelayed); } registerDecorationsProvider(provider: IDecorationsProvider): IDisposable { const wrapper = new DecorationProviderWrapper( provider, this._onDidChangeDecorationsDelayed, this._onDidChangeDecorations ); const remove = this._data.push(wrapper); this._onDidChangeDecorations.fire({ // everything might have changed affectsResource() { return true; } }); return toDisposable(() => { // fire event that says 'yes' for any resource // known to this provider. then dispose and remove it. remove(); this._onDidChangeDecorations.fire({ affectsResource: uri => wrapper.knowsAbout(uri) }); wrapper.dispose(); }); } getDecoration(uri: URI, includeChildren: boolean, overwrite?: IDecorationData): IDecoration | undefined { let data: IDecorationData[] = []; let containsChildren: boolean = false; for (let iter = this._data.iterator(), next = iter.next(); !next.done; next = iter.next()) { next.value.getOrRetrieve(uri, includeChildren, (deco, isChild) => { if (!isChild || deco.bubble) { data.push(deco); containsChildren = isChild || containsChildren; } }); } if (data.length === 0) { // nothing, maybe overwrite data if (overwrite) { return this._decorationStyles.asDecoration([overwrite], containsChildren); } else { return undefined; } } else { // result, maybe overwrite let result = this._decorationStyles.asDecoration(data, containsChildren); if (overwrite) { return result.update(overwrite); } else { return result; } } } } function getColor(theme: ITheme, color: string | undefined) { if (color) { const foundColor = theme.getColor(color); if (foundColor) { return foundColor; } } return 'inherit'; } registerSingleton(IDecorationsService, FileDecorationsService);