/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * This is the place for API experiments and proposals. * These API are NOT stable and subject to change. They are only available in the Insiders * distribution and CANNOT be used in published extensions. * * To test these API in local environment: * - Use Insiders release of VS Code. * - Add `"enableProposedApi": true` to your package.json. * - Copy this file to your project. */ declare module 'vscode' { //#region Alex - resolvers export class ResolvedAuthority { readonly host: string; readonly port: number; debugListenPort?: number; debugConnectPort?: number; constructor(host: string, port: number); } export interface RemoteAuthorityResolver { resolve(authority: string): ResolvedAuthority | Thenable; } export namespace workspace { export function registerRemoteAuthorityResolver(authorityPrefix: string, resolver: RemoteAuthorityResolver): Disposable; } //#endregion // #region Joh - code insets /** */ export class CodeInset { range: Range; height?: number; constructor(range: Range, height?: number); } export interface CodeInsetProvider { onDidChangeCodeInsets?: Event; provideCodeInsets(document: TextDocument, token: CancellationToken): ProviderResult; resolveCodeInset(codeInset: CodeInset, webview: Webview, token: CancellationToken): ProviderResult; } export namespace languages { /** * Register a code inset provider. * */ export function registerCodeInsetProvider(selector: DocumentSelector, provider: CodeInsetProvider): Disposable; } //#endregion //#region Joh - selection range provider export class SelectionRangeKind { /** * Empty Kind. */ static readonly Empty: SelectionRangeKind; /** * The statement kind, its value is `statement`, possible extensions can be * `statement.if` etc */ static readonly Statement: SelectionRangeKind; /** * The declaration kind, its value is `declaration`, possible extensions can be * `declaration.function`, `declaration.class` etc. */ static readonly Declaration: SelectionRangeKind; readonly value: string; private constructor(value: string); append(value: string): SelectionRangeKind; } export class SelectionRange { kind: SelectionRangeKind; range: Range; constructor(range: Range, kind: SelectionRangeKind); } export interface SelectionRangeProvider { /** * Provide selection ranges for the given positions. Selection ranges should be computed individually and * independend for each postion. The editor will merge and deduplicate ranges but providers must return sequences * of ranges (per position) where a range must [contain](#Range.contains) and subsequent ranges. * * todo@joh */ provideSelectionRanges(document: TextDocument, positions: Position[], token: CancellationToken): ProviderResult; } export namespace languages { export function registerSelectionRangeProvider(selector: DocumentSelector, provider: SelectionRangeProvider): Disposable; } //#endregion //#region Joh - read/write in chunks export interface FileSystemProvider { open?(resource: Uri, options: { create: boolean }): number | Thenable; close?(fd: number): void | Thenable; read?(fd: number, pos: number, data: Uint8Array, offset: number, length: number): number | Thenable; write?(fd: number, pos: number, data: Uint8Array, offset: number, length: number): number | Thenable; } //#endregion //#region Rob: search provider /** * The parameters of a query for text search. */ export interface TextSearchQuery { /** * The text pattern to search for. */ pattern: string; /** * Whether or not `pattern` should match multiple lines of text. */ isMultiline?: boolean; /** * Whether or not `pattern` should be interpreted as a regular expression. */ isRegExp?: boolean; /** * Whether or not the search should be case-sensitive. */ isCaseSensitive?: boolean; /** * Whether or not to search for whole word matches only. */ isWordMatch?: boolean; } /** * A file glob pattern to match file paths against. * TODO@roblou - merge this with the GlobPattern docs/definition in vscode.d.ts. * @see [GlobPattern](#GlobPattern) */ export type GlobString = string; /** * Options common to file and text search */ export interface SearchOptions { /** * The root folder to search within. */ folder: Uri; /** * Files that match an `includes` glob pattern should be included in the search. */ includes: GlobString[]; /** * Files that match an `excludes` glob pattern should be excluded from the search. */ excludes: GlobString[]; /** * Whether external files that exclude files, like .gitignore, should be respected. * See the vscode setting `"search.useIgnoreFiles"`. */ useIgnoreFiles: boolean; /** * Whether symlinks should be followed while searching. * See the vscode setting `"search.followSymlinks"`. */ followSymlinks: boolean; /** * Whether global files that exclude files, like .gitignore, should be respected. * See the vscode setting `"search.useGlobalIgnoreFiles"`. */ useGlobalIgnoreFiles: boolean; } /** * Options to specify the size of the result text preview. * These options don't affect the size of the match itself, just the amount of preview text. */ export interface TextSearchPreviewOptions { /** * The maximum number of lines in the preview. * Only search providers that support multiline search will ever return more than one line in the match. */ matchLines: number; /** * The maximum number of characters included per line. */ charsPerLine: number; } /** * Options that apply to text search. */ export interface TextSearchOptions extends SearchOptions { /** * The maximum number of results to be returned. */ maxResults: number; /** * Options to specify the size of the result text preview. */ previewOptions?: TextSearchPreviewOptions; /** * Exclude files larger than `maxFileSize` in bytes. */ maxFileSize?: number; /** * Interpret files using this encoding. * See the vscode setting `"files.encoding"` */ encoding?: string; /** * Number of lines of context to include before each match. */ beforeContext?: number; /** * Number of lines of context to include after each match. */ afterContext?: number; } /** * Information collected when text search is complete. */ export interface TextSearchComplete { /** * Whether the search hit the limit on the maximum number of search results. * `maxResults` on [`TextSearchOptions`](#TextSearchOptions) specifies the max number of results. * - If exactly that number of matches exist, this should be false. * - If `maxResults` matches are returned and more exist, this should be true. * - If search hits an internal limit which is less than `maxResults`, this should be true. */ limitHit?: boolean; } /** * The parameters of a query for file search. */ export interface FileSearchQuery { /** * The search pattern to match against file paths. */ pattern: string; } /** * Options that apply to file search. */ export interface FileSearchOptions extends SearchOptions { /** * The maximum number of results to be returned. */ maxResults?: number; /** * A CancellationToken that represents the session for this search query. If the provider chooses to, this object can be used as the key for a cache, * and searches with the same session object can search the same cache. When the token is cancelled, the session is complete and the cache can be cleared. */ session?: CancellationToken; } /** * Options that apply to requesting the file index. */ export interface FileIndexOptions extends SearchOptions { } /** * A preview of the text result. */ export interface TextSearchMatchPreview { /** * The matching lines of text, or a portion of the matching line that contains the match. */ text: string; /** * The Range within `text` corresponding to the text of the match. * The number of matches must match the TextSearchMatch's range property. */ matches: Range | Range[]; } /** * A match from a text search */ export interface TextSearchMatch { /** * The uri for the matching document. */ uri: Uri; /** * The range of the match within the document, or multiple ranges for multiple matches. */ ranges: Range | Range[]; /** * A preview of the text match. */ preview: TextSearchMatchPreview; } /** * A line of context surrounding a TextSearchMatch. */ export interface TextSearchContext { /** * The uri for the matching document. */ uri: Uri; /** * One line of text. * previewOptions.charsPerLine applies to this */ text: string; /** * The line number of this line of context. */ lineNumber: number; } export type TextSearchResult = TextSearchMatch | TextSearchContext; /** * A FileIndexProvider provides a list of files in the given folder. VS Code will filter that list for searching with quickopen or from other extensions. * * A FileIndexProvider is the simpler of two ways to implement file search in VS Code. Use a FileIndexProvider if you are able to provide a listing of all files * in a folder, and want VS Code to filter them according to the user's search query. * * The FileIndexProvider will be invoked once when quickopen is opened, and VS Code will filter the returned list. It will also be invoked when * `workspace.findFiles` is called. * * If a [`FileSearchProvider`](#FileSearchProvider) is registered for the scheme, that provider will be used instead. */ export interface FileIndexProvider { /** * Provide the set of files in the folder. * @param options A set of options to consider while searching. * @param token A cancellation token. */ provideFileIndex(options: FileIndexOptions, token: CancellationToken): ProviderResult; } /** * A FileSearchProvider provides search results for files in the given folder that match a query string. It can be invoked by quickopen or other extensions. * * A FileSearchProvider is the more powerful of two ways to implement file search in VS Code. Use a FileSearchProvider if you wish to search within a folder for * all files that match the user's query. * * The FileSearchProvider will be invoked on every keypress in quickopen. When `workspace.findFiles` is called, it will be invoked with an empty query string, * and in that case, every file in the folder should be returned. * * @see [FileIndexProvider](#FileIndexProvider) */ export interface FileSearchProvider { /** * Provide the set of files that match a certain file path pattern. * @param query The parameters for this query. * @param options A set of options to consider while searching files. * @param progress A progress callback that must be invoked for all results. * @param token A cancellation token. */ provideFileSearchResults(query: FileSearchQuery, options: FileSearchOptions, token: CancellationToken): ProviderResult; } /** * A TextSearchProvider provides search results for text results inside files in the workspace. */ export interface TextSearchProvider { /** * Provide results that match the given text pattern. * @param query The parameters for this query. * @param options A set of options to consider while searching. * @param progress A progress callback that must be invoked for all results. * @param token A cancellation token. */ provideTextSearchResults(query: TextSearchQuery, options: TextSearchOptions, progress: Progress, token: CancellationToken): ProviderResult; } /** * Options that can be set on a findTextInFiles search. */ export interface FindTextInFilesOptions { /** * A [glob pattern](#GlobPattern) that defines the files to search for. The glob pattern * will be matched against the file paths of files relative to their workspace. Use a [relative pattern](#RelativePattern) * to restrict the search results to a [workspace folder](#WorkspaceFolder). */ include?: GlobPattern; /** * A [glob pattern](#GlobPattern) that defines files and folders to exclude. The glob pattern * will be matched against the file paths of resulting matches relative to their workspace. When `undefined` only default excludes will * apply, when `null` no excludes will apply. */ exclude?: GlobPattern | null; /** * The maximum number of results to search for */ maxResults?: number; /** * Whether external files that exclude files, like .gitignore, should be respected. * See the vscode setting `"search.useIgnoreFiles"`. */ useIgnoreFiles?: boolean; /** * Whether global files that exclude files, like .gitignore, should be respected. * See the vscode setting `"search.useGlobalIgnoreFiles"`. */ useGlobalIgnoreFiles?: boolean; /** * Whether symlinks should be followed while searching. * See the vscode setting `"search.followSymlinks"`. */ followSymlinks?: boolean; /** * Interpret files using this encoding. * See the vscode setting `"files.encoding"` */ encoding?: string; /** * Options to specify the size of the result text preview. */ previewOptions?: TextSearchPreviewOptions; /** * Number of lines of context to include before each match. */ beforeContext?: number; /** * Number of lines of context to include after each match. */ afterContext?: number; } export namespace workspace { /** * DEPRECATED */ export function registerSearchProvider(): Disposable; /** * Register a file index provider. * * Only one provider can be registered per scheme. * * @param scheme The provider will be invoked for workspace folders that have this file scheme. * @param provider The provider. * @return A [disposable](#Disposable) that unregisters this provider when being disposed. */ export function registerFileIndexProvider(scheme: string, provider: FileIndexProvider): Disposable; /** * Register a search provider. * * Only one provider can be registered per scheme. * * @param scheme The provider will be invoked for workspace folders that have this file scheme. * @param provider The provider. * @return A [disposable](#Disposable) that unregisters this provider when being disposed. */ export function registerFileSearchProvider(scheme: string, provider: FileSearchProvider): Disposable; /** * Register a text search provider. * * Only one provider can be registered per scheme. * * @param scheme The provider will be invoked for workspace folders that have this file scheme. * @param provider The provider. * @return A [disposable](#Disposable) that unregisters this provider when being disposed. */ export function registerTextSearchProvider(scheme: string, provider: TextSearchProvider): Disposable; /** * Search text in files across all [workspace folders](#workspace.workspaceFolders) in the workspace. * @param query The query parameters for the search - the search string, whether it's case-sensitive, or a regex, or matches whole words. * @param callback A callback, called for each result * @param token A token that can be used to signal cancellation to the underlying search engine. * @return A thenable that resolves when the search is complete. */ export function findTextInFiles(query: TextSearchQuery, callback: (result: TextSearchResult) => void, token?: CancellationToken): Thenable; /** * Search text in files across all [workspace folders](#workspace.workspaceFolders) in the workspace. * @param query The query parameters for the search - the search string, whether it's case-sensitive, or a regex, or matches whole words. * @param options An optional set of query options. Include and exclude patterns, maxResults, etc. * @param callback A callback, called for each result * @param token A token that can be used to signal cancellation to the underlying search engine. * @return A thenable that resolves when the search is complete. */ export function findTextInFiles(query: TextSearchQuery, options: FindTextInFilesOptions, callback: (result: TextSearchResult) => void, token?: CancellationToken): Thenable; } //#endregion //#region Joao: diff command /** * The contiguous set of modified lines in a diff. */ export interface LineChange { readonly originalStartLineNumber: number; readonly originalEndLineNumber: number; readonly modifiedStartLineNumber: number; readonly modifiedEndLineNumber: number; } export namespace commands { /** * Registers a diff information command that can be invoked via a keyboard shortcut, * a menu item, an action, or directly. * * Diff information commands are different from ordinary [commands](#commands.registerCommand) as * they only execute when there is an active diff editor when the command is called, and the diff * information has been computed. Also, the command handler of an editor command has access to * the diff information. * * @param command A unique identifier for the command. * @param callback A command handler function with access to the [diff information](#LineChange). * @param thisArg The `this` context used when invoking the handler function. * @return Disposable which unregisters this command on disposal. */ export function registerDiffInformationCommand(command: string, callback: (diff: LineChange[], ...args: any[]) => any, thisArg?: any): Disposable; } //#endregion //#region Joh: decorations //todo@joh -> make class export interface DecorationData { letter?: string; title?: string; color?: ThemeColor; priority?: number; bubble?: boolean; source?: string; // hacky... we should remove it and use equality under the hood } export interface SourceControlResourceDecorations { source?: string; letter?: string; color?: ThemeColor; } export interface DecorationProvider { onDidChangeDecorations: Event; provideDecoration(uri: Uri, token: CancellationToken): ProviderResult; } export namespace window { export function registerDecorationProvider(provider: DecorationProvider): Disposable; } //#endregion //#region André: debug // deprecated export interface DebugConfigurationProvider { /** * Deprecated, use DebugAdapterDescriptorFactory.provideDebugAdapter instead. * @deprecated Use DebugAdapterDescriptorFactory.createDebugAdapterDescriptor instead */ debugAdapterExecutable?(folder: WorkspaceFolder | undefined, token?: CancellationToken): ProviderResult; } //#endregion //#region Rob, Matt: logging /** * The severity level of a log message */ export enum LogLevel { Trace = 1, Debug = 2, Info = 3, Warning = 4, Error = 5, Critical = 6, Off = 7 } export namespace env { /** * Current logging level. */ export const logLevel: LogLevel; /** * An [event](#Event) that fires when the log level has changed. */ export const onDidChangeLogLevel: Event; } //#endregion //#region Joao: SCM validation /** * Represents the validation type of the Source Control input. */ export enum SourceControlInputBoxValidationType { /** * Something not allowed by the rules of a language or other means. */ Error = 0, /** * Something suspicious but allowed. */ Warning = 1, /** * Something to inform about but not a problem. */ Information = 2 } export interface SourceControlInputBoxValidation { /** * The validation message to display. */ readonly message: string; /** * The validation type. */ readonly type: SourceControlInputBoxValidationType; } /** * Represents the input box in the Source Control viewlet. */ export interface SourceControlInputBox { /** * A validation function for the input box. It's possible to change * the validation provider simply by setting this property to a different function. */ validateInput?(value: string, cursorPosition: number): ProviderResult; } //#endregion //#region Joao: SCM selected provider export interface SourceControl { /** * Whether the source control is selected. */ readonly selected: boolean; /** * An event signaling when the selection state changes. */ readonly onDidChangeSelection: Event; } //#endregion //#region Joao: SCM Input Box /** * Represents the input box in the Source Control viewlet. */ export interface SourceControlInputBox { /** * Controls whether the input box is visible (default is `true`). */ visible: boolean; } //#endregion //#region Comments /** * Comments provider related APIs are still in early stages, they may be changed significantly during our API experiments. */ interface CommentInfo { /** * All of the comment threads associated with the document. */ threads: CommentThread[]; /** * The ranges of the document which support commenting. */ commentingRanges?: Range[]; /** * If it's in draft mode or not */ inDraftMode?: boolean; } export enum CommentThreadCollapsibleState { /** * Determines an item is collapsed */ Collapsed = 0, /** * Determines an item is expanded */ Expanded = 1 } interface CommentingRanges { readonly resource: Uri; ranges: Range[]; acceptInputCommands: Command[]; } /** * A collection of comments representing a conversation at a particular range in a document. */ interface CommentThread { /** * A unique identifier of the comment thread. */ threadId: string; /** * The uri of the document the thread has been created on. */ resource: Uri; /** * The range the comment thread is located within the document. The thread icon will be shown * at the first line of the range. */ range: Range; /** * The ordered comments of the thread. */ comments: Comment[]; acceptInputCommands?: Command[]; /** * Whether the thread should be collapsed or expanded when opening the document. Defaults to Collapsed. */ collapsibleState?: CommentThreadCollapsibleState; dispose?(): void; } /** * A comment is displayed within the editor or the Comments Panel, depending on how it is provided. */ interface Comment { /** * The id of the comment */ commentId: string; /** * The text of the comment */ body: MarkdownString; /** * The display name of the user who created the comment */ userName: string; /** * The icon path for the user who created the comment */ userIconPath?: Uri; /** * @deprecated Use userIconPath instead. The avatar src of the user who created the comment */ gravatar?: string; /** * Whether the current user has permission to edit the comment. * * This will be treated as false if the comment is provided by a `WorkspaceCommentProvider`, or * if it is provided by a `DocumentCommentProvider` and no `editComment` method is given. * * DEPRECATED, use editCommand */ canEdit?: boolean; /** * Whether the current user has permission to delete the comment. * * This will be treated as false if the comment is provided by a `WorkspaceCommentProvider`, or * if it is provided by a `DocumentCommentProvider` and no `deleteComment` method is given. * * DEPRECATED, use deleteCommand */ canDelete?: boolean; /** * The command to be executed if the comment is selected in the Comments Panel */ command?: Command; editCommand?: Command; deleteCommand?: Command; isDraft?: boolean; commentReactions?: CommentReaction[]; } export interface CommentThreadChangedEvent { /** * Added comment threads. */ readonly added: CommentThread[]; /** * Removed comment threads. */ readonly removed: CommentThread[]; /** * Changed comment threads. */ readonly changed: CommentThread[]; /** * Changed draft mode */ readonly inDraftMode: boolean; } interface CommentReaction { readonly label?: string; readonly iconPath?: string | Uri; count?: number; readonly hasReacted?: boolean; } interface DocumentCommentProvider { /** * Provide the commenting ranges and comment threads for the given document. The comments are displayed within the editor. */ provideDocumentComments(document: TextDocument, token: CancellationToken): Promise; /** * Called when a user adds a new comment thread in the document at the specified range, with body text. */ createNewCommentThread(document: TextDocument, range: Range, text: string, token: CancellationToken): Promise; /** * Called when a user replies to a new comment thread in the document at the specified range, with body text. */ replyToCommentThread(document: TextDocument, range: Range, commentThread: CommentThread, text: string, token: CancellationToken): Promise; /** * Called when a user edits the comment body to the be new text. */ editComment?(document: TextDocument, comment: Comment, text: string, token: CancellationToken): Promise; /** * Called when a user deletes the comment. */ deleteComment?(document: TextDocument, comment: Comment, token: CancellationToken): Promise; startDraft?(document: TextDocument, token: CancellationToken): Promise; deleteDraft?(document: TextDocument, token: CancellationToken): Promise; finishDraft?(document: TextDocument, token: CancellationToken): Promise; startDraftLabel?: string; deleteDraftLabel?: string; finishDraftLabel?: string; addReaction?(document: TextDocument, comment: Comment, reaction: CommentReaction): Promise; deleteReaction?(document: TextDocument, comment: Comment, reaction: CommentReaction): Promise; reactionGroup?: CommentReaction[]; /** * Notify of updates to comment threads. */ onDidChangeCommentThreads: Event; } interface WorkspaceCommentProvider { /** * Provide all comments for the workspace. Comments are shown within the comments panel. Selecting a comment * from the panel runs the comment's command. */ provideWorkspaceComments(token: CancellationToken): Promise; /** * Notify of updates to comment threads. */ onDidChangeCommentThreads: Event; } export interface CommentWidget { /* * Comment thread in this Comment Widget */ commentThread: CommentThread; /* * Textarea content in the comment widget. * There is only one active input box in a comment widget. */ input: string; } export interface CommentControl { readonly id: string; readonly label: string; /** * The active (focused) comment widget. */ readonly widget?: CommentWidget; createCommentThread(id: string, resource: Uri, range: Range, comments: Comment[], acceptInputCommands: Command[], collapsibleState?: CommentThreadCollapsibleState): CommentThread; createCommentingRanges(resource: Uri, ranges: Range[], acceptInputCommands: Command[]): CommentingRanges; dispose(): void; } namespace comment { export function createCommentControl(id: string, label: string): CommentControl; } namespace workspace { export function registerDocumentCommentProvider(provider: DocumentCommentProvider): Disposable; export function registerWorkspaceCommentProvider(provider: WorkspaceCommentProvider): Disposable; } //#endregion //#region Terminal /** * An [event](#Event) which fires when a [Terminal](#Terminal)'s dimensions change. */ export interface TerminalDimensionsChangeEvent { /** * The [terminal](#Terminal) for which the dimensions have changed. */ readonly terminal: Terminal; /** * The new value for the [terminal's dimensions](#Terminal.dimensions). */ readonly dimensions: TerminalDimensions; } namespace window { /** * An event which fires when the [dimensions](#Terminal.dimensions) of the terminal change. */ export const onDidChangeTerminalDimensions: Event; } export interface Terminal { /** * The current dimensions of the terminal. This will be `undefined` immediately after the * terminal is created as the dimensions are not known until shortly after the terminal is * created. */ readonly dimensions: TerminalDimensions | undefined; /** * Fires when the terminal's pty slave pseudo-device is written to. In other words, this * provides access to the raw data stream from the process running within the terminal, * including VT sequences. */ readonly onDidWriteData: Event; } /** * Represents the dimensions of a terminal. */ export interface TerminalDimensions { /** * The number of columns in the terminal. */ readonly columns: number; /** * The number of rows in the terminal. */ readonly rows: number; } /** * Represents a terminal without a process where all interaction and output in the terminal is * controlled by an extension. This is similar to an output window but has the same VT sequence * compatibility as the regular terminal. * * Note that an instance of [Terminal](#Terminal) will be created when a TerminalRenderer is * created with all its APIs available for use by extensions. When using the Terminal object * of a TerminalRenderer it acts just like normal only the extension that created the * TerminalRenderer essentially acts as a process. For example when an * [Terminal.onDidWriteData](#Terminal.onDidWriteData) listener is registered, that will fire * when [TerminalRenderer.write](#TerminalRenderer.write) is called. Similarly when * [Terminal.sendText](#Terminal.sendText) is triggered that will fire the * [TerminalRenderer.onDidAcceptInput](#TerminalRenderer.onDidAcceptInput) event. * * **Example:** Create a terminal renderer, show it and write hello world in red * ```typescript * const renderer = window.createTerminalRenderer('foo'); * renderer.terminal.then(t => t.show()); * renderer.write('\x1b[31mHello world\x1b[0m'); * ``` */ export interface TerminalRenderer { /** * The name of the terminal, this will appear in the terminal selector. */ name: string; /** * The dimensions of the terminal, the rows and columns of the terminal can only be set to * a value smaller than the maximum value, if this is undefined the terminal will auto fit * to the maximum value [maximumDimensions](TerminalRenderer.maximumDimensions). * * **Example:** Override the dimensions of a TerminalRenderer to 20 columns and 10 rows * ```typescript * terminalRenderer.dimensions = { * cols: 20, * rows: 10 * }; * ``` */ dimensions: TerminalDimensions | undefined; /** * The maximum dimensions of the terminal, this will be undefined immediately after a * terminal renderer is created and also until the terminal becomes visible in the UI. * Listen to [onDidChangeMaximumDimensions](TerminalRenderer.onDidChangeMaximumDimensions) * to get notified when this value changes. */ readonly maximumDimensions: TerminalDimensions | undefined; /** * The corresponding [Terminal](#Terminal) for this TerminalRenderer. */ readonly terminal: Terminal; /** * Write text to the terminal. Unlike [Terminal.sendText](#Terminal.sendText) which sends * text to the underlying _process_, this will write the text to the terminal itself. * * **Example:** Write red text to the terminal * ```typescript * terminalRenderer.write('\x1b[31mHello world\x1b[0m'); * ``` * * **Example:** Move the cursor to the 10th row and 20th column and write an asterisk * ```typescript * terminalRenderer.write('\x1b[10;20H*'); * ``` * * @param text The text to write. */ write(text: string): void; /** * An event which fires on keystrokes in the terminal or when an extension calls * [Terminal.sendText](#Terminal.sendText). Keystrokes are converted into their * corresponding VT sequence representation. * * **Example:** Simulate interaction with the terminal from an outside extension or a * workbench command such as `workbench.action.terminal.runSelectedText` * ```typescript * const terminalRenderer = window.createTerminalRenderer('test'); * terminalRenderer.onDidAcceptInput(data => { * console.log(data); // 'Hello world' * }); * terminalRenderer.terminal.sendText('Hello world'); * ``` */ readonly onDidAcceptInput: Event; /** * An event which fires when the [maximum dimensions](#TerminalRenderer.maimumDimensions) of * the terminal renderer change. */ readonly onDidChangeMaximumDimensions: Event; } export namespace window { /** * Create a [TerminalRenderer](#TerminalRenderer). * * @param name The name of the terminal renderer, this shows up in the terminal selector. */ export function createTerminalRenderer(name: string): TerminalRenderer; } //#endregion //#region Joh -> exclusive document filters export interface DocumentFilter { exclusive?: boolean; } //#endregion //#region mjbvz,joh: https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/43768 export interface FileRenameEvent { readonly oldUri: Uri; readonly newUri: Uri; } export interface FileWillRenameEvent { readonly oldUri: Uri; readonly newUri: Uri; waitUntil(thenable: Thenable): void; } export namespace workspace { export const onWillRenameFile: Event; export const onDidRenameFile: Event; } //#endregion //#region Alex - OnEnter enhancement export interface OnEnterRule { /** * This rule will only execute if the text above the this line matches this regular expression. */ oneLineAboveText?: RegExp; } //#endregion //#region Tree View export interface TreeView { /** * An optional human-readable message that will be rendered in the view. */ message?: string | MarkdownString; } /** * Label describing the [Tree item](#TreeItem) */ export interface TreeItemLabel { /** * A human-readable string describing the [Tree item](#TreeItem). */ label: string; /** * Ranges in the label to highlight. A range is defined as a tuple of two number where the * first is the inclusive start index and the second the exclusive end index */ highlights?: [number, number][]; } export class TreeItem2 extends TreeItem { /** * Label describing this item. When `falsy`, it is derived from [resourceUri](#TreeItem.resourceUri). */ label?: string | TreeItemLabel | /* for compilation */ any; /** * @param label Label describing this item * @param collapsibleState [TreeItemCollapsibleState](#TreeItemCollapsibleState) of the tree item. Default is [TreeItemCollapsibleState.None](#TreeItemCollapsibleState.None) */ constructor(label: TreeItemLabel, collapsibleState?: TreeItemCollapsibleState); } //#endregion //#region Tasks export interface TaskPresentationOptions { /** * Controls whether the task is executed in a specific terminal group using split panes. */ group?: string; } //#endregion }