comment TODO: unresolved issues text: "p <<end print me! end" symptoms: not recognized as a heredoc solution: there is no way to distinguish perfectly between the << operator and the start of a heredoc. Currently, we require assignment to recognize a heredoc. More refinement is possible. • Heredocs with indented terminators (<<-) are always distinguishable, however. • Nested heredocs are not really supportable at present text: print <<-'THERE' This is single quoted. The above used #{} THERE symtoms: From Programming Ruby p306; should be a non-interpolated heredoc. text: val?(a):p(b) val?'a':'b' symptoms: ':p' is recognized as a symbol.. its 2 things ':' and 'p'. :'b' has same problem. solution: ternary operator rule, precedence stuff, symbol rule. but also consider 'a.b?(:c)' ?? fileTypes rb rbx rjs Rakefile rake cgi fcgi gemspec irbrc Capfile ru prawn Cheffile Gemfile Guardfile Hobofile Vagrantfile Appraisals Rantfile Berksfile Berksfile.lock Thorfile Puppetfile firstLineMatch ^#!/.*\bruby keyEquivalent ^~R name Ruby patterns captures 1 name keyword.control.class.ruby 2 name 3 name keyword.operator.other.ruby 4 name entity.other.inherited-class.ruby 5 name keyword.operator.other.ruby 6 name variable.other.object.ruby match ^\s*(class)\s+(?:([.a-zA-Z0-9_:]+)(?:\s*(<)\s*([.a-zA-Z0-9_:]+))?|(<<)\s*([.a-zA-Z0-9_:]+)) name meta.class.ruby captures 1 name keyword.control.module.ruby 2 name 3 name entity.other.inherited-class.module.first.ruby 4 name punctuation.separator.inheritance.ruby 5 name entity.other.inherited-class.module.second.ruby 6 name punctuation.separator.inheritance.ruby 7 name entity.other.inherited-class.module.third.ruby 8 name punctuation.separator.inheritance.ruby match ^\s*(module)\s+(([A-Z]\w*(::))?([A-Z]\w*(::))?([A-Z]\w*(::))*[A-Z]\w*) name meta.module.ruby comment else if is a common mistake carried over from other languages. it works if you put in a second end, but it’s never what you want. match (?<!\.)\belse(\s)+if\b name invalid.deprecated.ruby captures 1 name punctuation.definition.constant.ruby comment symbols as hash key (1.9 syntax) match (?>[a-zA-Z_]\w*(?>[?!])?)(:)(?!:) name constant.other.symbol.hashkey.ruby captures 1 name punctuation.definition.constant.ruby comment symbols as hash key (1.8 syntax) match (?<!:)(:)(?>[a-zA-Z_]\w*(?>[?!])?)(?=\s*=>) name constant.other.symbol.hashkey.ruby comment everything being a reserved word, not a value and needing a 'end' is a.. match (?<!\.)\b(BEGIN|begin|case|class|else|elsif|END|end|ensure|for|if|in|module|rescue|then|unless|until|when|while)\b(?![?!]) name keyword.control.ruby comment contextual smart pair support for block parameters match (?<!\.)\bdo\b\s* name keyword.control.start-block.ruby comment contextual smart pair support match (?<=\{)(\s+) name meta.syntax.ruby.start-block comment as above, just doesn't need a 'end' and does a logic operation match (?<!\.)\b(and|not|or)\b name keyword.operator.logical.ruby comment just as above but being not a logical operation match (?<!\.)\b(alias|alias_method|break|next|redo|retry|return|super|undef|yield)\b(?![?!])|\bdefined\?|\bblock_given\? name keyword.control.pseudo-method.ruby match \b(nil|true|false)\b(?![?!]) name constant.language.ruby match \b(__(FILE|LINE)__|self)\b(?![?!]) name variable.language.ruby comment everything being a method but having a special function is a.. match \b(initialize|new|loop|include|extend|prepend|fail|raise|attr_reader|attr_writer|attr_accessor|attr|catch|throw|private|module_function|public|protected)\b(?![?!]) name keyword.other.special-method.ruby begin \b(require|require_relative|gem)\b captures 1 name keyword.other.special-method.ruby end $|(?=#|\}) name meta.require.ruby patterns include $self captures 1 name punctuation.definition.variable.ruby match (@)[a-zA-Z_]\w* name variable.other.readwrite.instance.ruby captures 1 name punctuation.definition.variable.ruby match (@@)[a-zA-Z_]\w* name variable.other.readwrite.class.ruby captures 1 name punctuation.definition.variable.ruby match (\$)[a-zA-Z_]\w* name captures 1 name punctuation.definition.variable.ruby match (\$)(!|@|&|`|'|\+|\d+|~|=|/|\\|,|;|\.|<|>|_|\*|\$|\?|:|"|-[0adFiIlpv]) name begin \b(ENV)\[ beginCaptures 1 name variable.other.constant.ruby end \] name meta.environment-variable.ruby patterns include $self match \b[A-Z]\w*(?=((\.|::)[A-Za-z]|\[)) name support.class.ruby match \b[A-Z]\w*\b name variable.other.constant.ruby begin (?x) (?=def\b) # an optimization to help Oniguruma fail fast (?<=^|\s)(def)\s+ # the def keyword ( (?>[a-zA-Z_]\w*(?>\.|::))? # a method name prefix (?>[a-zA-Z_]\w*(?>[?!]|=(?!>))? # the method name |===?|>[>=]?|<=>|<[<=]?|[%&`/\|]|\*\*?|=?~|[-+]@?|\[\]=?) ) # …or an operator method \s*(\() # the openning parenthesis for arguments beginCaptures 1 name keyword.control.def.ruby 2 name 3 name punctuation.definition.parameters.ruby comment the method pattern comes from the symbol pattern, see there for a explaination end \) endCaptures 0 name punctuation.definition.parameters.ruby name meta.function.method.with-arguments.ruby patterns begin (?=[&*_a-zA-Z]) end (?=[,)]) patterns captures 1 name storage.type.variable.ruby 2 name variable.parameter.function.ruby match \G([&*]?)([_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*) include $self begin (?x) (?=def\b) # an optimization to help Oniguruma fail fast (?<=^|\s)(def)\s+ # the def keyword ( (?>[a-zA-Z_]\w*(?>\.|::))? # a method name prefix (?>[a-zA-Z_]\w*(?>[?!]|=(?!>))? # the method name |===?|>[>=]?|<=>|<[<=]?|[%&`/\|]|\*\*?|=?~|[-+]@?|\[\]=?) ) # …or an operator method [ \t] # the space separating the arguments (?=[ \t]*[^\s#;]) # make sure arguments and not a comment follow beginCaptures 1 name keyword.control.def.ruby 2 name comment same as the previous rule, but without parentheses around the arguments end $ name meta.function.method.with-arguments.ruby patterns begin (?![\s,]) end (?=,|$) patterns captures 1 name punctuation.definition.variable.ruby match \G([&*]?)[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]* name variable.parameter.function.ruby include $self captures 1 name keyword.control.def.ruby 3 name comment the optional name is just to catch the def also without a method-name match (?x) (?=def\b) # an optimization to help Oniguruma fail fast (?<=^|\s)(def)\b # the def keyword ( \s+ # an optional group of whitespace followed by… ( (?>[a-zA-Z_]\w*(?>\.|::))? # a method name prefix (?>[a-zA-Z_]\w*(?>[?!]|=(?!>))? # the method name |===?|>[>=]?|<=>|<[<=]?|[%&`/\|]|\*\*?|=?~|[-+]@?|\[\]=?) ) )? # …or an operator method name meta.function.method.without-arguments.ruby match \b\d(?>_?\d)*(?=\.\d|[eE])(\.\d(?>_?\d)*)?([eE][-+]?\d(?>_?\d)*)?r?i?\b name constant.numeric.float.ruby match \b(0[dD]\d|[1-9])(?>_?\d)*r?i?\b name constant.numeric.integer.ruby match \b0[xX]\h(?>_?\h)*r?i?\b name constant.numeric.hex.ruby match \b0[bB][01](?>_?[01])*r?i?\b name constant.numeric.binary.ruby match \b0([oO]?[0-7](?>_?[0-7])*)?r?i?\b name constant.numeric.octal.ruby begin :' captures 0 name punctuation.definition.constant.ruby end ' name constant.other.symbol.single-quoted.ruby patterns match \\['\\] name constant.character.escape.ruby begin :" captures 0 name punctuation.definition.constant.ruby end " name constant.other.symbol.double-quoted.ruby patterns include #interpolated_ruby include #escaped_char comment Needs higher precidence than regular expressions. match (?<!\()/= name keyword.operator.assignment.augmented.ruby begin ' beginCaptures 0 name punctuation.definition.string.begin.ruby comment single quoted string (does not allow interpolation) end ' endCaptures 0 name punctuation.definition.string.end.ruby name string.quoted.single.ruby patterns match \\'|\\\\ name constant.character.escape.ruby begin " beginCaptures 0 name punctuation.definition.string.begin.ruby comment double quoted string (allows for interpolation) end " endCaptures 0 name punctuation.definition.string.end.ruby name string.quoted.double.ruby patterns include #interpolated_ruby include #escaped_char begin ` beginCaptures 0 name punctuation.definition.string.begin.ruby comment execute string (allows for interpolation) end ` endCaptures 0 name punctuation.definition.string.end.ruby name string.interpolated.ruby patterns include #interpolated_ruby include #escaped_char include #percent_literals begin (?x) (?: ^ # beginning of line | (?<= # or look-behind on: [=>~(?:\[,|&;] | [\s;]if\s # keywords | [\s;]elsif\s | [\s;]while\s | [\s;]unless\s | [\s;]when\s | [\s;]assert_match\s | [\s;]or\s # boolean opperators | [\s;]and\s | [\s;]not\s | [\s.]index\s # methods | [\s.]scan\s | [\s.]sub\s | [\s.]sub!\s | [\s.]gsub\s | [\s.]gsub!\s | [\s.]match\s ) | (?<= # or a look-behind with line anchor: ^when\s # duplication necessary due to limits of regex | ^if\s | ^elsif\s | ^while\s | ^unless\s ) ) \s*((/))(?![*+{}?]) captures 1 name string.regexp.classic.ruby 2 name punctuation.definition.string.ruby comment regular expressions (normal) we only start a regexp if the character before it (excluding whitespace) is what we think is before a regexp contentName string.regexp.classic.ruby end ((/[eimnosux]*)) patterns include #regex_sub captures 1 name punctuation.definition.constant.ruby comment symbols match (?<!:)(:)(?>[a-zA-Z_]\w*(?>[?!]|=(?![>=]))?|===?|>[>=]?|<[<=]?|<=>|[%&`/\|]|\*\*?|=?~|[-+]@?|\[\]=?|@@?[a-zA-Z_]\w*) name constant.other.symbol.ruby begin ^=begin captures 0 name punctuation.definition.comment.ruby comment multiline comments end ^=end name comment.block.documentation.ruby begin (^[ \t]+)?(?=#) beginCaptures 1 name punctuation.whitespace.comment.leading.ruby end (?!\G) patterns begin # beginCaptures 0 name punctuation.definition.comment.ruby end \n name comment.line.number-sign.ruby comment matches questionmark-letters. examples (1st alternation = hex): ?\x1 ?\x61 examples (2nd alternation = octal): ?\0 ?\07 ?\017 examples (3rd alternation = escaped): ?\n ?\b examples (4th alternation = meta-ctrl): ?\C-a ?\M-a ?\C-\M-\C-\M-a examples (4th alternation = normal): ?a ?A ?0 ?* ?" ?( ?. ?# the negative lookbehind prevents against matching p(42.tainted?) match (?<!\w)\?(\\(x\h{1,2}(?!\h)\b|0[0-7]{0,2}(?![0-7])\b|[^x0MC])|(\\[MC]-)+\w|[^\s\\]) name constant.numeric.ruby begin ^__END__\n captures 0 name string.unquoted.program-block.ruby comment __END__ marker contentName text.plain end (?=not)impossible patterns begin (?=<?xml|<(?i:html\b)|!DOCTYPE (?i:html\b)) end (?=not)impossible name text.html.embedded.ruby patterns include text.html.basic begin (?=(?><<[-~]("?)((?:[_\w]+_|)HTML)\b\1)) comment Heredoc with embedded html end (?!\G) name meta.embedded.block.html patterns begin (?><<[-~]("?)((?:[_\w]+_|)HTML)\b\1) beginCaptures 0 name punctuation.definition.string.begin.ruby contentName text.html end \s*\2$\n? endCaptures 0 name punctuation.definition.string.end.ruby name string.unquoted.heredoc.ruby patterns include #heredoc include #interpolated_ruby include text.html.basic include #escaped_char begin (?=(?><<[-~]("?)((?:[_\w]+_|)SQL)\b\1)) comment Heredoc with embedded sql end (?!\G) name meta.embedded.block.sql patterns begin (?><<[-~]("?)((?:[_\w]+_|)SQL)\b\1) beginCaptures 0 name punctuation.definition.string.begin.ruby contentName source.sql end \s*\2$\n? endCaptures 0 name punctuation.definition.string.end.ruby name string.unquoted.heredoc.ruby patterns include #heredoc include #interpolated_ruby include source.sql include #escaped_char begin (?=(?><<[-~]("?)((?:[_\w]+_|)CSS)\b\1)) comment Heredoc with embedded css end (?!\G) name meta.embedded.block.css patterns begin (?><<[-~]("?)((?:[_\w]+_|)CSS)\b\1) beginCaptures 0 name punctuation.definition.string.begin.ruby contentName source.css end \s*\2$\n? endCaptures 0 name punctuation.definition.string.end.ruby name string.unquoted.heredoc.ruby patterns include #heredoc include #interpolated_ruby include source.css include #escaped_char begin (?=(?><<[-~]("?)((?:[_\w]+_|)CPP)\b\1)) comment Heredoc with embedded c++ end (?!\G) name meta.embedded.block.c++ patterns begin (?><<[-~]("?)((?:[_\w]+_|)CPP)\b\1) beginCaptures 0 name punctuation.definition.string.begin.ruby contentName source.c++ end \s*\2$\n? endCaptures 0 name punctuation.definition.string.end.ruby name string.unquoted.heredoc.ruby patterns include #heredoc include #interpolated_ruby include source.c++ include #escaped_char begin (?=(?><<[-~]("?)((?:[_\w]+_|)C)\b\1)) comment Heredoc with embedded c end (?!\G) name meta.embedded.block.c patterns begin (?><<[-~]("?)((?:[_\w]+_|)C)\b\1) beginCaptures 0 name punctuation.definition.string.begin.ruby contentName source.c end \s*\2$\n? endCaptures 0 name punctuation.definition.string.end.ruby name string.unquoted.heredoc.ruby patterns include #heredoc include #interpolated_ruby include source.c include #escaped_char begin (?=(?><<[-~]("?)((?:[_\w]+_|)(?:JS|JAVASCRIPT))\b\1)) comment Heredoc with embedded javascript end (?!\G) name meta.embedded.block.js patterns begin (?><<[-~]("?)((?:[_\w]+_|)(?:JS|JAVASCRIPT))\b\1) beginCaptures 0 name punctuation.definition.string.begin.ruby contentName source.js end \s*\2$\n? endCaptures 0 name punctuation.definition.string.end.ruby name string.unquoted.heredoc.ruby patterns include #heredoc include #interpolated_ruby include source.js include #escaped_char begin (?=(?><<[-~]("?)((?:[_\w]+_|)JQUERY)\b\1)) comment Heredoc with embedded jQuery javascript end (?!\G) name meta.embedded.block.js.jquery patterns begin (?><<[-~]("?)((?:[_\w]+_|)JQUERY)\b\1) beginCaptures 0 name punctuation.definition.string.begin.ruby contentName source.js.jquery end \s*\2$\n? endCaptures 0 name punctuation.definition.string.end.ruby name string.unquoted.heredoc.ruby patterns include #heredoc include #interpolated_ruby include source.js.jquery include #escaped_char begin (?=(?><<[-~]("?)((?:[_\w]+_|)(?:SH|SHELL))\b\1)) comment Heredoc with embedded shell end (?!\G) name patterns begin (?><<[-~]("?)((?:[_\w]+_|)(?:SH|SHELL))\b\1) beginCaptures 0 name punctuation.definition.string.begin.ruby contentName end \s*\2$\n? endCaptures 0 name punctuation.definition.string.end.ruby name string.unquoted.heredoc.ruby patterns include #heredoc include #interpolated_ruby include include #escaped_char begin (?=(?><<[-~]("?)((?:[_\w]+_|)LUA)\b\1)) comment Heredoc with embedded lua end (?!\G) name meta.embedded.block.lua patterns begin (?><<[-~]("?)((?:[_\w]+_|)LUA)\b\1) beginCaptures 0 name punctuation.definition.string.begin.ruby contentName source.lua end \s*\2$\n? endCaptures 0 name punctuation.definition.string.end.ruby name string.unquoted.heredoc.ruby patterns include #heredoc include #interpolated_ruby include source.lua include #escaped_char begin (?=(?><<[-~]("?)((?:[_\w]+_|)RUBY)\b\1)) comment Heredoc with embedded ruby end (?!\G) name meta.embedded.block.ruby patterns begin (?><<[-~]("?)((?:[_\w]+_|)RUBY)\b\1) beginCaptures 0 name punctuation.definition.string.begin.ruby contentName source.ruby end \s*\2$\n? endCaptures 0 name punctuation.definition.string.end.ruby name string.unquoted.heredoc.ruby patterns include #heredoc include #interpolated_ruby include source.ruby include #escaped_char begin (?>\=\s*<<(\w+)) beginCaptures 0 name punctuation.definition.string.begin.ruby end ^\1$ endCaptures 0 name punctuation.definition.string.end.ruby name string.unquoted.heredoc.ruby patterns include #heredoc include #interpolated_ruby include #escaped_char begin (?><<[-~](\w+)) beginCaptures 0 name punctuation.definition.string.begin.ruby comment heredoc with indented terminator end \s*\1$ endCaptures 0 name punctuation.definition.string.end.ruby name string.unquoted.heredoc.ruby patterns include #heredoc include #interpolated_ruby include #escaped_char begin (?<=\{|do|\{\s|do\s)(\|) captures 1 name punctuation.separator.variable.ruby end (\|) patterns match [_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]* name variable.other.block.ruby match , name punctuation.separator.variable.ruby match => name punctuation.separator.key-value match <<=|%=|&=|\*=|\*\*=|\+=|\-=|\^=|\|{1,2}=|<< name keyword.operator.assignment.augmented.ruby match <=>|<(?!<|=)|>(?!<|=|>)|<=|>=|===|==|=~|!=|!~|(?<=[ \t])\? name keyword.operator.comparison.ruby match (?<=[ \t])!+|\bnot\b|&&|\band\b|\|\||\bor\b|\^ name keyword.operator.logical.ruby match (%|&|\*\*|\*|\+|\-|/) name keyword.operator.arithmetic.ruby match = name keyword.operator.assignment.ruby match \||~|>> name keyword.operator.other.ruby match : name punctuation.separator.other.ruby match \; name punctuation.separator.statement.ruby match , name punctuation.separator.object.ruby match \.|:: name punctuation.separator.method.ruby match \{ name punctuation.section.scope.begin.ruby match \} name punctuation.section.scope.end.ruby match \[ name punctuation.section.array.begin.ruby match \] name punctuation.section.array.end.ruby match \(|\) name punctuation.section.function.ruby repository escaped_char match \\(?:[0-7]{1,3}|x[\da-fA-F]{1,2}|.) name constant.character.escape.ruby heredoc begin ^<<[-~]?\w+ end $ patterns include $self interpolated_ruby patterns begin #\{ beginCaptures 0 name punctuation.section.embedded.begin.ruby contentName source.ruby end (\}) endCaptures 0 name punctuation.section.embedded.end.ruby 1 name source.ruby name meta.embedded.line.ruby patterns include #nest_curly_and_self include $self repository nest_curly_and_self patterns begin \{ captures 0 name punctuation.section.scope.ruby end \} patterns include #nest_curly_and_self include $self captures 1 name punctuation.definition.variable.ruby match (#@)[a-zA-Z_]\w* name variable.other.readwrite.instance.ruby captures 1 name punctuation.definition.variable.ruby match (#@@)[a-zA-Z_]\w* name variable.other.readwrite.class.ruby captures 1 name punctuation.definition.variable.ruby match (#\$)[a-zA-Z_]\w* name percent_literals patterns begin %i(?:([(\[{<])|([^\w\s]|_)) beginCaptures 0 name punctuation.section.array.begin.ruby end [)\]}>]|\1\2 endCaptures 0 name punctuation.section.array.end.ruby name meta.array.symbol.ruby patterns begin \G(?<=\()(?!\)) end (?=\)) patterns include #parens include #symbol begin \G(?<=\[)(?!\]) end (?=\]) patterns include #brackets include #symbol begin \G(?<=\{)(?!\}) end (?=\}) patterns include #braces include #symbol begin \G(?<=<)(?!>) end (?=>) patterns include #angles include #symbol include #symbol repository angles patterns captures 0 name constant.character.escape.ruby match \\<|\\> name constant.other.symbol.ruby begin < captures 0 name constant.other.symbol.ruby end > patterns include #angles include #symbol braces patterns captures 0 name constant.character.escape.ruby match \\\{|\\\} name constant.other.symbol.ruby begin \{ captures 0 name constant.other.symbol.ruby end \} patterns include #braces include #symbol brackets patterns captures 0 name constant.character.escape.ruby match \\\[|\\\] name constant.other.symbol.ruby begin \[ captures 0 name constant.other.symbol.ruby end \] patterns include #brackets include #symbol parens patterns captures 0 name constant.character.escape.ruby match \\\(|\\\) name constant.other.symbol.ruby begin \( captures 0 name constant.other.symbol.ruby end \) patterns include #parens include #symbol symbol patterns captures 0 name constant.character.escape.ruby match \\\\|\\[ ] name constant.other.symbol.ruby match \S\w* name constant.other.symbol.ruby begin %I(?:([(\[{<])|([^\w\s]|_)) beginCaptures 0 name punctuation.section.array.begin.ruby end [)\]}>]|\1\2 endCaptures 0 name punctuation.section.array.end.ruby name meta.array.symbol.interpolated.ruby patterns begin \G(?<=\()(?!\)) end (?=\)) patterns include #parens include #symbol begin \G(?<=\[)(?!\]) end (?=\]) patterns include #brackets include #symbol begin \G(?<=\{)(?!\}) end (?=\}) patterns include #braces include #symbol begin \G(?<=<)(?!>) end (?=>) patterns include #angles include #symbol include #symbol repository angles patterns begin < captures 0 name constant.other.symbol.ruby end > patterns include #angles include #symbol braces patterns begin \{ captures 0 name constant.other.symbol.ruby end \} patterns include #braces include #symbol brackets patterns begin \[ captures 0 name constant.other.symbol.ruby end \] patterns include #brackets include #symbol parens patterns begin \( captures 0 name constant.other.symbol.ruby end \) patterns include #parens include #symbol symbol patterns begin (?=\\|#\{) end (?!\G) name constant.other.symbol.ruby patterns include #escaped_char include #interpolated_ruby match \S\w* name constant.other.symbol.ruby begin %q(?:([(\[{<])|([^\w\s]|_)) beginCaptures 0 name punctuation.definition.string.begin.ruby end [)\]}>]|\1\2 endCaptures 0 name punctuation.definition.string.end.ruby name string.quoted.other.ruby patterns begin \G(?<=\()(?!\)) end (?=\)) patterns include #parens begin \G(?<=\[)(?!\]) end (?=\]) patterns include #brackets begin \G(?<=\{)(?!\}) end (?=\}) patterns include #braces begin \G(?<=<)(?!>) end (?=>) patterns include #angles repository angles patterns match \\<|\\>|\\\\ name constant.character.escape.ruby begin < end > patterns include #angles braces patterns match \\\{|\\\}|\\\\ name constant.character.escape.ruby begin \{ end \} patterns include #braces brackets patterns match \\\[|\\\]|\\\\ name constant.character.escape.ruby begin \[ end \] patterns include #brackets parens patterns match \\\(|\\\)|\\\\ name constant.character.escape.ruby begin \( end \) patterns include #parens begin %Q?(?:([(\[{<])|([^\w\s]|_)) beginCaptures 0 name punctuation.definition.string.begin.ruby end [)\]}>]|\1\2 endCaptures 0 name punctuation.definition.string.end.ruby name string.quoted.other.interpolated.ruby patterns begin \G(?<=\()(?!\)) end (?=\)) patterns include #parens begin \G(?<=\[)(?!\]) end (?=\]) patterns include #brackets begin \G(?<=\{)(?!\}) end (?=\}) patterns include #braces begin \G(?<=<)(?!>) end (?=>) patterns include #angles include #escaped_char include #interpolated_ruby repository angles patterns include #escaped_char include #interpolated_ruby begin < end > patterns include #angles braces patterns include #escaped_char include #interpolated_ruby begin \{ end \} patterns include #braces brackets patterns include #escaped_char include #interpolated_ruby begin \[ end \] patterns include #brackets parens patterns include #escaped_char include #interpolated_ruby begin \( end \) patterns include #parens begin %r(?:([(\[{<])|([^\w\s]|_)) beginCaptures 0 name punctuation.definition.string.begin.ruby end ([)\]}>]|\1\2)[eimnosux]* endCaptures 0 name punctuation.definition.string.end.ruby name string.regexp.percent.ruby patterns begin \G(?<=\()(?!\)) end (?=\)) patterns include #parens begin \G(?<=\[)(?!\]) end (?=\]) patterns include #brackets begin \G(?<=\{)(?!\}) end (?=\}) patterns include #braces begin \G(?<=<)(?!>) end (?=>) patterns include #angles include #regex_sub repository angles patterns include #regex_sub begin < end > patterns include #angles braces patterns include #regex_sub begin \{ end \} patterns include #braces brackets patterns include #regex_sub begin \[ end \] patterns include #brackets parens patterns include #regex_sub begin \( end \) patterns include #parens begin %s(?:([(\[{<])|([^\w\s]|_)) beginCaptures 0 name punctuation.definition.constant.begin.ruby end [)\]}>]|\1\2 endCaptures 0 name punctuation.definition.constant.end.ruby name constant.other.symbol.percent.ruby patterns begin \G(?<=\()(?!\)) end (?=\)) patterns include #parens begin \G(?<=\[)(?!\]) end (?=\]) patterns include #brackets begin \G(?<=\{)(?!\}) end (?=\}) patterns include #braces begin \G(?<=<)(?!>) end (?=>) patterns include #angles repository angles patterns match \\<|\\>|\\\\ name constant.character.escape.ruby begin < end > patterns include #angles braces patterns match \\\{|\\\}|\\\\ name constant.character.escape.ruby begin \{ end \} patterns include #braces brackets patterns match \\\[|\\\]|\\\\ name constant.character.escape.ruby begin \[ end \] patterns include #brackets parens patterns match \\\(|\\\)|\\\\ name constant.character.escape.ruby begin \( end \) patterns include #parens begin %w(?:([(\[{<])|([^\w\s]|_)) beginCaptures 0 name punctuation.section.array.begin.ruby end [)\]}>]|\1\2 endCaptures 0 name punctuation.section.array.end.ruby name meta.array.string.ruby patterns begin \G(?<=\()(?!\)) end (?=\)) patterns include #parens include #string begin \G(?<=\[)(?!\]) end (?=\]) patterns include #brackets include #string begin \G(?<=\{)(?!\}) end (?=\}) patterns include #braces include #string begin \G(?<=<)(?!>) end (?=>) patterns include #angles include #string include #string repository angles patterns captures 0 name constant.character.escape.ruby match \\<|\\> name string.other.ruby begin < captures 0 name string.other.ruby end > patterns include #angles include #string braces patterns captures 0 name constant.character.escape.ruby match \\\{|\\\} name string.other.ruby begin \{ captures 0 name string.other.ruby end \} patterns include #braces include #string brackets patterns captures 0 name constant.character.escape.ruby match \\\[|\\\] name string.other.ruby begin \[ captures 0 name string.other.ruby end \] patterns include #brackets include #string parens patterns captures 0 name constant.character.escape.ruby match \\\(|\\\) name string.other.ruby begin \( captures 0 name string.other.ruby end \) patterns include #parens include #string string patterns captures 0 name constant.character.escape.ruby match \\\\|\\[ ] name string.other.ruby match \S\w* name string.other.ruby begin %W(?:([(\[{<])|([^\w\s]|_)) beginCaptures 0 name punctuation.section.array.begin.ruby end [)\]}>]|\1\2 endCaptures 0 name punctuation.section.array.end.ruby name meta.array.string.interpolated.ruby patterns begin \G(?<=\()(?!\)) end (?=\)) patterns include #parens include #string begin \G(?<=\[)(?!\]) end (?=\]) patterns include #brackets include #string begin \G(?<=\{)(?!\}) end (?=\}) patterns include #braces include #string begin \G(?<=<)(?!>) end (?=>) patterns include #angles include #string include #string repository angles patterns begin < captures 0 name string.other.ruby end > patterns include #angles include #string braces patterns begin \{ captures 0 name string.other.ruby end \} patterns include #braces include #string brackets patterns begin \[ captures 0 name string.other.ruby end \] patterns include #brackets include #string parens patterns begin \( captures 0 name string.other.ruby end \) patterns include #parens include #string string patterns begin (?=\\|#\{) end (?!\G) name string.other.ruby patterns include #escaped_char include #interpolated_ruby match \S\w* name string.other.ruby begin %x(?:([(\[{<])|([^\w\s]|_)) beginCaptures 0 name punctuation.definition.string.begin.ruby end [)\]}>]|\1\2 endCaptures 0 name punctuation.definition.string.end.ruby name string.interpolated.percent.ruby patterns begin \G(?<=\()(?!\)) end (?=\)) patterns include #parens begin \G(?<=\[)(?!\]) end (?=\]) patterns include #brackets begin \G(?<=\{)(?!\}) end (?=\}) patterns include #braces begin \G(?<=<)(?!>) end (?=>) patterns include #angles include #escaped_char include #interpolated_ruby repository angles patterns include #escaped_char include #interpolated_ruby begin < end > patterns include #angles braces patterns include #escaped_char include #interpolated_ruby begin \{ end \} patterns include #braces brackets patterns include #escaped_char include #interpolated_ruby begin \[ end \] patterns include #brackets parens patterns include #escaped_char include #interpolated_ruby begin \( end \) patterns include #parens regex_sub patterns include #interpolated_ruby include #escaped_char captures 1 name punctuation.definition.quantifier.begin.ruby 3 name punctuation.definition.quantifier.end.ruby match (\{)\d+(,\d+)?(\}) name keyword.operator.quantifier.ruby begin \[(?:\^?\])? beginCaptures 0 name punctuation.definition.character-class.begin.ruby end \] endCaptures 0 name punctuation.definition.character-class.end.ruby name constant.other.character-class.set.ruby patterns include #escaped_char begin \(\?# beginCaptures 0 name punctuation.definition.comment.begin.ruby end \) endCaptures 0 name punctuation.definition.comment.end.ruby name comment.line.number-sign.ruby patterns include #escaped_char begin \( captures 0 name end \) name patterns include #regex_sub begin (?<=^|\s)(#)\s(?=[[a-zA-Z0-9,. \t?!-][^\x{00}-\x{7F}]]*$) beginCaptures 1 name punctuation.definition.comment.ruby comment We are restrictive in what we allow to go after the comment character to avoid false positives, since the availability of comments depend on regexp flags. end $\n? name comment.line.number-sign.ruby scopeName source.ruby uuid E00B62AC-6B1C-11D9-9B1F-000D93589AF6