/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 'use strict'; import { RunOnceScheduler } from 'vs/base/common/async'; import { Position } from 'vs/editor/common/core/position'; import { Selection } from 'vs/editor/common/core/selection'; import * as strings from 'vs/base/common/strings'; import Event, { Emitter } from 'vs/base/common/event'; import { KeyCode } from 'vs/base/common/keyCodes'; import { Disposable } from 'vs/base/common/lifecycle'; import { ITypeData, TextAreaState, ITextAreaWrapper } from 'vs/editor/browser/controller/textAreaState'; import * as browser from 'vs/base/browser/browser'; import * as platform from 'vs/base/common/platform'; import * as dom from 'vs/base/browser/dom'; import { IKeyboardEvent } from 'vs/base/browser/keyboardEvent'; import { FastDomNode } from 'vs/base/browser/fastDomNode'; export interface ICompositionData { data: string; } export const CopyOptions = { forceCopyWithSyntaxHighlighting: false }; const enum ReadFromTextArea { Type, Paste } export interface IPasteData { text: string; } export interface ITextAreaInputHost { getPlainTextToCopy(): string; getHTMLToCopy(): string; getScreenReaderContent(currentState: TextAreaState): TextAreaState; deduceModelPosition(viewAnchorPosition: Position, deltaOffset: number, lineFeedCnt: number): Position; } /** * Writes screen reader content to the textarea and is able to analyze its input events to generate: * - onCut * - onPaste * - onType * * Composition events are generated for presentation purposes (composition input is reflected in onType). */ export class TextAreaInput extends Disposable { private _onFocus = this._register(new Emitter()); public onFocus: Event = this._onFocus.event; private _onBlur = this._register(new Emitter()); public onBlur: Event = this._onBlur.event; private _onKeyDown = this._register(new Emitter()); public onKeyDown: Event = this._onKeyDown.event; private _onKeyUp = this._register(new Emitter()); public onKeyUp: Event = this._onKeyUp.event; private _onCut = this._register(new Emitter()); public onCut: Event = this._onCut.event; private _onPaste = this._register(new Emitter()); public onPaste: Event = this._onPaste.event; private _onType = this._register(new Emitter()); public onType: Event = this._onType.event; private _onCompositionStart = this._register(new Emitter()); public onCompositionStart: Event = this._onCompositionStart.event; private _onCompositionUpdate = this._register(new Emitter()); public onCompositionUpdate: Event = this._onCompositionUpdate.event; private _onCompositionEnd = this._register(new Emitter()); public onCompositionEnd: Event = this._onCompositionEnd.event; private _onSelectionChangeRequest = this._register(new Emitter()); public onSelectionChangeRequest: Event = this._onSelectionChangeRequest.event; // --- private readonly _host: ITextAreaInputHost; private readonly _textArea: TextAreaWrapper; private readonly _asyncTriggerCut: RunOnceScheduler; private _textAreaState: TextAreaState; private _hasFocus: boolean; private _isDoingComposition: boolean; private _nextCommand: ReadFromTextArea; constructor(host: ITextAreaInputHost, textArea: FastDomNode) { super(); this._host = host; this._textArea = this._register(new TextAreaWrapper(textArea)); this._asyncTriggerCut = this._register(new RunOnceScheduler(() => this._onCut.fire(), 0)); this._textAreaState = TextAreaState.EMPTY; this.writeScreenReaderContent('ctor'); this._hasFocus = false; this._isDoingComposition = false; this._nextCommand = ReadFromTextArea.Type; this._register(dom.addStandardDisposableListener(textArea.domNode, 'keydown', (e: IKeyboardEvent) => { if (this._isDoingComposition && e.keyCode === KeyCode.KEY_IN_COMPOSITION) { // Stop propagation for keyDown events if the IME is processing key input e.stopPropagation(); } if (e.equals(KeyCode.Escape)) { // Prevent default always for `Esc`, otherwise it will generate a keypress // See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ie/ms536939(v=vs.85).aspx e.preventDefault(); } this._onKeyDown.fire(e); })); this._register(dom.addStandardDisposableListener(textArea.domNode, 'keyup', (e: IKeyboardEvent) => { this._onKeyUp.fire(e); })); this._register(dom.addDisposableListener(textArea.domNode, 'compositionstart', (e: CompositionEvent) => { if (this._isDoingComposition) { return; } this._isDoingComposition = true; // In IE we cannot set .value when handling 'compositionstart' because the entire composition will get canceled. if (!browser.isEdgeOrIE) { this._setAndWriteTextAreaState('compositionstart', TextAreaState.EMPTY); } this._onCompositionStart.fire(); })); /** * Deduce the typed input from a text area's value and the last observed state. */ const deduceInputFromTextAreaValue = (couldBeEmojiInput: boolean): [TextAreaState, ITypeData] => { const oldState = this._textAreaState; const newState = this._textAreaState.readFromTextArea(this._textArea); return [newState, TextAreaState.deduceInput(oldState, newState, couldBeEmojiInput)]; }; /** * Deduce the composition input from a string. */ const deduceComposition = (text: string): [TextAreaState, ITypeData] => { const oldState = this._textAreaState; const newState = TextAreaState.selectedText(text); const typeInput: ITypeData = { text: newState.value, replaceCharCnt: oldState.selectionEnd - oldState.selectionStart }; return [newState, typeInput]; }; this._register(dom.addDisposableListener(textArea.domNode, 'compositionupdate', (e: CompositionEvent) => { if (browser.isChromev56) { // See https://github.com/Microsoft/monaco-editor/issues/320 // where compositionupdate .data is broken in Chrome v55 and v56 // See https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=677050#c9 // The textArea doesn't get the composition update yet, the value of textarea is still obsolete // so we can't correct e at this moment. return; } if (browser.isEdgeOrIE && e.locale === 'ja') { // https://github.com/Microsoft/monaco-editor/issues/339 // Multi-part Japanese compositions reset cursor in Edge/IE, Chinese and Korean IME don't have this issue. // The reason that we can't use this path for all CJK IME is IE and Edge behave differently when handling Korean IME, // which breaks this path of code. const [newState, typeInput] = deduceInputFromTextAreaValue(/*couldBeEmojiInput*/false); this._textAreaState = newState; this._onType.fire(typeInput); this._onCompositionUpdate.fire(e); return; } const [newState, typeInput] = deduceComposition(e.data); this._textAreaState = newState; this._onType.fire(typeInput); this._onCompositionUpdate.fire(e); })); this._register(dom.addDisposableListener(textArea.domNode, 'compositionend', (e: CompositionEvent) => { if (browser.isEdgeOrIE && e.locale === 'ja') { // https://github.com/Microsoft/monaco-editor/issues/339 const [newState, typeInput] = deduceInputFromTextAreaValue(/*couldBeEmojiInput*/false); this._textAreaState = newState; this._onType.fire(typeInput); } else { const [newState, typeInput] = deduceComposition(e.data); this._textAreaState = newState; this._onType.fire(typeInput); } // Due to isEdgeOrIE (where the textarea was not cleared initially) and isChrome (the textarea is not updated correctly when composition ends) // we cannot assume the text at the end consists only of the composited text if (browser.isEdgeOrIE || browser.isChrome) { this._textAreaState = this._textAreaState.readFromTextArea(this._textArea); } if (!this._isDoingComposition) { return; } this._isDoingComposition = false; this._onCompositionEnd.fire(); })); this._register(dom.addDisposableListener(textArea.domNode, 'input', () => { // Pretend here we touched the text area, as the `input` event will most likely // result in a `selectionchange` event which we want to ignore this._textArea.setIgnoreSelectionChangeTime('received input event'); if (this._isDoingComposition) { // See https://github.com/Microsoft/monaco-editor/issues/320 if (browser.isChromev56) { const [newState, typeInput] = deduceComposition(this._textArea.getValue()); this._textAreaState = newState; this._onType.fire(typeInput); let e: ICompositionData = { data: typeInput.text }; this._onCompositionUpdate.fire(e); } return; } const [newState, typeInput] = deduceInputFromTextAreaValue(/*couldBeEmojiInput*/platform.isMacintosh); if (typeInput.replaceCharCnt === 0 && typeInput.text.length === 1 && strings.isHighSurrogate(typeInput.text.charCodeAt(0))) { // Ignore invalid input but keep it around for next time return; } this._textAreaState = newState; // console.log('==> DEDUCED INPUT: ' + JSON.stringify(typeInput)); if (this._nextCommand === ReadFromTextArea.Type) { if (typeInput.text !== '') { this._onType.fire(typeInput); } } else { if (typeInput.text !== '') { this._onPaste.fire({ text: typeInput.text }); } this._nextCommand = ReadFromTextArea.Type; } })); // --- Clipboard operations this._register(dom.addDisposableListener(textArea.domNode, 'cut', (e: ClipboardEvent) => { // Pretend here we touched the text area, as the `cut` event will most likely // result in a `selectionchange` event which we want to ignore this._textArea.setIgnoreSelectionChangeTime('received cut event'); this._ensureClipboardGetsEditorSelection(e); this._asyncTriggerCut.schedule(); })); this._register(dom.addDisposableListener(textArea.domNode, 'copy', (e: ClipboardEvent) => { this._ensureClipboardGetsEditorSelection(e); })); this._register(dom.addDisposableListener(textArea.domNode, 'paste', (e: ClipboardEvent) => { // Pretend here we touched the text area, as the `paste` event will most likely // result in a `selectionchange` event which we want to ignore this._textArea.setIgnoreSelectionChangeTime('received paste event'); if (ClipboardEventUtils.canUseTextData(e)) { const pastePlainText = ClipboardEventUtils.getTextData(e); if (pastePlainText !== '') { this._onPaste.fire({ text: pastePlainText }); } } else { if (this._textArea.getSelectionStart() !== this._textArea.getSelectionEnd()) { // Clean up the textarea, to get a clean paste this._setAndWriteTextAreaState('paste', TextAreaState.EMPTY); } this._nextCommand = ReadFromTextArea.Paste; } })); this._register(dom.addDisposableListener(textArea.domNode, 'focus', () => this._setHasFocus(true))); this._register(dom.addDisposableListener(textArea.domNode, 'blur', () => this._setHasFocus(false))); // See https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/27216 // When using a Braille display, it is possible for users to reposition the // system caret. This is reflected in Chrome as a `selectionchange` event. // // The `selectionchange` event appears to be emitted under numerous other circumstances, // so it is quite a challenge to distinguish a `selectionchange` coming in from a user // using a Braille display from all the other cases. // // The problems with the `selectionchange` event are: // * the event is emitted when the textarea is focused programmatically -- textarea.focus() // * the event is emitted when the selection is changed in the textarea programatically -- textarea.setSelectionRange(...) // * the event is emitted when the value of the textarea is changed programmatically -- textarea.value = '...' // * the event is emitted when tabbing into the textarea // * the event is emitted asynchronously (sometimes with a delay as high as a few tens of ms) // * the event sometimes comes in bursts for a single logical textarea operation // `selectionchange` events often come multiple times for a single logical change // so throttle multiple `selectionchange` events that burst in a short period of time. let previousSelectionChangeEventTime = 0; this._register(dom.addDisposableListener(document, 'selectionchange', (e) => { if (!this._hasFocus) { return; } if (this._isDoingComposition) { return; } if (!browser.isChrome || !platform.isWindows) { // Support only for Chrome on Windows until testing happens on other browsers + OS configurations return; } const now = Date.now(); const delta1 = now - previousSelectionChangeEventTime; previousSelectionChangeEventTime = now; if (delta1 < 5) { // received another `selectionchange` event within 5ms of the previous `selectionchange` event // => ignore it return; } const delta2 = now - this._textArea.getIgnoreSelectionChangeTime(); this._textArea.resetSelectionChangeTime(); if (delta2 < 100) { // received a `selectionchange` event within 100ms since we touched the textarea // => ignore it, since we caused it return; } if (!this._textAreaState.selectionStartPosition || !this._textAreaState.selectionEndPosition) { // Cannot correlate a position in the textarea with a position in the editor... return; } const newValue = this._textArea.getValue(); if (this._textAreaState.value !== newValue) { // Cannot correlate a position in the textarea with a position in the editor... return; } const newSelectionStart = this._textArea.getSelectionStart(); const newSelectionEnd = this._textArea.getSelectionEnd(); if (this._textAreaState.selectionStart === newSelectionStart && this._textAreaState.selectionEnd === newSelectionEnd) { // Nothing to do... return; } const _newSelectionStartPosition = this._textAreaState.deduceEditorPosition(newSelectionStart); const newSelectionStartPosition = this._host.deduceModelPosition(_newSelectionStartPosition[0], _newSelectionStartPosition[1], _newSelectionStartPosition[2]); const _newSelectionEndPosition = this._textAreaState.deduceEditorPosition(newSelectionEnd); const newSelectionEndPosition = this._host.deduceModelPosition(_newSelectionEndPosition[0], _newSelectionEndPosition[1], _newSelectionEndPosition[2]); const newSelection = new Selection( newSelectionStartPosition.lineNumber, newSelectionStartPosition.column, newSelectionEndPosition.lineNumber, newSelectionEndPosition.column ); this._onSelectionChangeRequest.fire(newSelection); })); } public dispose(): void { super.dispose(); } public focusTextArea(): void { // Setting this._hasFocus and writing the screen reader content // will result in a focus() and setSelectionRange() in the textarea this._setHasFocus(true); } public isFocused(): boolean { return this._hasFocus; } private _setHasFocus(newHasFocus: boolean): void { if (this._hasFocus === newHasFocus) { // no change return; } this._hasFocus = newHasFocus; if (this._isDoingComposition) { // textarea gets focus, so the state should be clean // https://github.com/Microsoft/monaco-editor/issues/552 this._isDoingComposition = false; } if (this._hasFocus) { if (browser.isEdge) { // Edge has a bug where setting the selection range while the focus event // is dispatching doesn't work. To reproduce, "tab into" the editor. this._setAndWriteTextAreaState('focusgain', TextAreaState.EMPTY); } else { this.writeScreenReaderContent('focusgain'); } } if (this._hasFocus) { this._onFocus.fire(); } else { this._onBlur.fire(); } } private _setAndWriteTextAreaState(reason: string, textAreaState: TextAreaState): void { if (!this._hasFocus) { textAreaState = textAreaState.collapseSelection(); } textAreaState.writeToTextArea(reason, this._textArea, this._hasFocus); this._textAreaState = textAreaState; } public writeScreenReaderContent(reason: string): void { if (this._isDoingComposition) { // Do not write to the text area when doing composition return; } this._setAndWriteTextAreaState(reason, this._host.getScreenReaderContent(this._textAreaState)); } private _ensureClipboardGetsEditorSelection(e: ClipboardEvent): void { const copyPlainText = this._host.getPlainTextToCopy(); if (!ClipboardEventUtils.canUseTextData(e)) { // Looks like an old browser. The strategy is to place the text // we'd like to be copied to the clipboard in the textarea and select it. this._setAndWriteTextAreaState('copy or cut', TextAreaState.selectedText(copyPlainText)); return; } let copyHTML: string = null; if (!browser.isEdgeOrIE && (copyPlainText.length < 65536 || CopyOptions.forceCopyWithSyntaxHighlighting)) { copyHTML = this._host.getHTMLToCopy(); } ClipboardEventUtils.setTextData(e, copyPlainText, copyHTML); } } class ClipboardEventUtils { public static canUseTextData(e: ClipboardEvent): boolean { if (e.clipboardData) { return true; } if ((window).clipboardData) { return true; } return false; } public static getTextData(e: ClipboardEvent): string { if (e.clipboardData) { e.preventDefault(); return e.clipboardData.getData('text/plain'); } if ((window).clipboardData) { e.preventDefault(); return (window).clipboardData.getData('Text'); } throw new Error('ClipboardEventUtils.getTextData: Cannot use text data!'); } public static setTextData(e: ClipboardEvent, text: string, richText: string): void { if (e.clipboardData) { e.clipboardData.setData('text/plain', text); if (richText !== null) { e.clipboardData.setData('text/html', richText); } e.preventDefault(); return; } if ((window).clipboardData) { (window).clipboardData.setData('Text', text); e.preventDefault(); return; } throw new Error('ClipboardEventUtils.setTextData: Cannot use text data!'); } } class TextAreaWrapper extends Disposable implements ITextAreaWrapper { private readonly _actual: FastDomNode; private _ignoreSelectionChangeTime: number; constructor(_textArea: FastDomNode) { super(); this._actual = _textArea; this._ignoreSelectionChangeTime = 0; } public setIgnoreSelectionChangeTime(reason: string): void { this._ignoreSelectionChangeTime = Date.now(); } public getIgnoreSelectionChangeTime(): number { return this._ignoreSelectionChangeTime; } public resetSelectionChangeTime(): void { this._ignoreSelectionChangeTime = 0; } public getValue(): string { // console.log('current value: ' + this._textArea.value); return this._actual.domNode.value; } public setValue(reason: string, value: string): void { const textArea = this._actual.domNode; if (textArea.value === value) { // No change return; } // console.log('reason: ' + reason + ', current value: ' + textArea.value + ' => new value: ' + value); this.setIgnoreSelectionChangeTime('setValue'); textArea.value = value; } public getSelectionStart(): number { return this._actual.domNode.selectionStart; } public getSelectionEnd(): number { return this._actual.domNode.selectionEnd; } public setSelectionRange(reason: string, selectionStart: number, selectionEnd: number): void { const textArea = this._actual.domNode; const currentIsFocused = (document.activeElement === textArea); const currentSelectionStart = textArea.selectionStart; const currentSelectionEnd = textArea.selectionEnd; if (currentIsFocused && currentSelectionStart === selectionStart && currentSelectionEnd === selectionEnd) { // No change // Firefox iframe bug https://github.com/Microsoft/monaco-editor/issues/643#issuecomment-367871377 if (browser.isFirefox && window.parent !== window) { textArea.focus(); } return; } // console.log('reason: ' + reason + ', setSelectionRange: ' + selectionStart + ' -> ' + selectionEnd); if (currentIsFocused) { // No need to focus, only need to change the selection range this.setIgnoreSelectionChangeTime('setSelectionRange'); textArea.setSelectionRange(selectionStart, selectionEnd); if (browser.isFirefox && window.parent !== window) { textArea.focus(); } return; } // If the focus is outside the textarea, browsers will try really hard to reveal the textarea. // Here, we try to undo the browser's desperate reveal. try { const scrollState = dom.saveParentsScrollTop(textArea); this.setIgnoreSelectionChangeTime('setSelectionRange'); textArea.focus(); textArea.setSelectionRange(selectionStart, selectionEnd); dom.restoreParentsScrollTop(textArea, scrollState); } catch (e) { // Sometimes IE throws when setting selection (e.g. textarea is off-DOM) } } }