提交 d0749f8c 编写于 作者: S Sandeep Somavarapu

use in-mem fsp

上级 936e7776
...@@ -4,14 +4,9 @@ ...@@ -4,14 +4,9 @@
*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
import * as assert from 'assert'; import * as assert from 'assert';
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as os from 'os';
import * as path from 'vs/base/common/path';
import * as json from 'vs/base/common/json'; import * as json from 'vs/base/common/json';
import { ChordKeybinding, KeyCode, SimpleKeybinding } from 'vs/base/common/keyCodes'; import { ChordKeybinding, KeyCode, SimpleKeybinding } from 'vs/base/common/keyCodes';
import { OS } from 'vs/base/common/platform'; import { OS } from 'vs/base/common/platform';
import * as uuid from 'vs/base/common/uuid';
import { mkdirp, rimraf } from 'vs/base/node/pfs';
import { IModeService } from 'vs/editor/common/services/modeService'; import { IModeService } from 'vs/editor/common/services/modeService';
import { ModeServiceImpl } from 'vs/editor/common/services/modeServiceImpl'; import { ModeServiceImpl } from 'vs/editor/common/services/modeServiceImpl';
import { IModelService } from 'vs/editor/common/services/modelService'; import { IModelService } from 'vs/editor/common/services/modelService';
...@@ -41,7 +36,6 @@ import { TextModelResolverService } from 'vs/workbench/services/textmodelResolve ...@@ -41,7 +36,6 @@ import { TextModelResolverService } from 'vs/workbench/services/textmodelResolve
import { TestBackupFileService, TestEditorGroupsService, TestEditorService, TestLifecycleService, TestPathService, TestProductService } from 'vs/workbench/test/browser/workbenchTestServices'; import { TestBackupFileService, TestEditorGroupsService, TestEditorService, TestLifecycleService, TestPathService, TestProductService } from 'vs/workbench/test/browser/workbenchTestServices';
import { FileService } from 'vs/platform/files/common/fileService'; import { FileService } from 'vs/platform/files/common/fileService';
import { Schemas } from 'vs/base/common/network'; import { Schemas } from 'vs/base/common/network';
import { DiskFileSystemProvider } from 'vs/platform/files/node/diskFileSystemProvider';
import { URI } from 'vs/base/common/uri'; import { URI } from 'vs/base/common/uri';
import { FileUserDataProvider } from 'vs/workbench/services/userData/common/fileUserDataProvider'; import { FileUserDataProvider } from 'vs/workbench/services/userData/common/fileUserDataProvider';
import { NativeWorkbenchEnvironmentService } from 'vs/workbench/services/environment/electron-browser/environmentService'; import { NativeWorkbenchEnvironmentService } from 'vs/workbench/services/environment/electron-browser/environmentService';
...@@ -60,6 +54,10 @@ import { TestThemeService } from 'vs/platform/theme/test/common/testThemeService ...@@ -60,6 +54,10 @@ import { TestThemeService } from 'vs/platform/theme/test/common/testThemeService
import { IPathService } from 'vs/workbench/services/path/common/pathService'; import { IPathService } from 'vs/workbench/services/path/common/pathService';
import { IUriIdentityService } from 'vs/workbench/services/uriIdentity/common/uriIdentity'; import { IUriIdentityService } from 'vs/workbench/services/uriIdentity/common/uriIdentity';
import { UriIdentityService } from 'vs/workbench/services/uriIdentity/common/uriIdentityService'; import { UriIdentityService } from 'vs/workbench/services/uriIdentity/common/uriIdentityService';
import { joinPath } from 'vs/base/common/resources';
import { InMemoryFileSystemProvider } from 'vs/platform/files/common/inMemoryFilesystemProvider';
import { DisposableStore } from 'vs/base/common/lifecycle';
import { VSBuffer } from 'vs/base/common/buffer';
class TestWorkbenchEnvironmentService extends NativeWorkbenchEnvironmentService { class TestWorkbenchEnvironmentService extends NativeWorkbenchEnvironmentService {
...@@ -77,86 +75,81 @@ interface Modifiers { ...@@ -77,86 +75,81 @@ interface Modifiers {
shiftKey?: boolean; shiftKey?: boolean;
} }
const ROOT = URI.file('tests').with({ scheme: 'vscode-tests' });
suite('KeybindingsEditing', () => { suite('KeybindingsEditing', () => {
let instantiationService: TestInstantiationService; const disposables = new DisposableStore();
let instantiationService: TestInstantiationService, fileService: IFileService, environmentService: NativeWorkbenchEnvironmentService;
let testObject: KeybindingsEditingService; let testObject: KeybindingsEditingService;
let testDir: string;
let keybindingsFile: string;
setup(() => {
return setUpWorkspace().then(() => {
keybindingsFile = path.join(testDir, 'keybindings.json');
instantiationService = new TestInstantiationService();
const environmentService = new TestWorkbenchEnvironmentService(URI.file(testDir));
const configService = new TestConfigurationService();
configService.setUserConfiguration('files', { 'eol': '\n' });
instantiationService.stub(IEnvironmentService, environmentService);
instantiationService.stub(IPathService, new TestPathService());
instantiationService.stub(IConfigurationService, configService);
instantiationService.stub(IWorkspaceContextService, new TestContextService());
const lifecycleService = new TestLifecycleService();
instantiationService.stub(ILifecycleService, lifecycleService);
instantiationService.stub(IContextKeyService, <IContextKeyService>instantiationService.createInstance(MockContextKeyService));
instantiationService.stub(IEditorGroupsService, new TestEditorGroupsService());
instantiationService.stub(IEditorService, new TestEditorService());
instantiationService.stub(IWorkingCopyService, new TestWorkingCopyService());
instantiationService.stub(ITelemetryService, NullTelemetryService);
instantiationService.stub(IModeService, ModeServiceImpl);
instantiationService.stub(ILogService, new NullLogService());
instantiationService.stub(ILabelService, instantiationService.createInstance(LabelService));
instantiationService.stub(IFilesConfigurationService, instantiationService.createInstance(FilesConfigurationService));
instantiationService.stub(ITextResourcePropertiesService, new TestTextResourcePropertiesService(instantiationService.get(IConfigurationService)));
instantiationService.stub(IUndoRedoService, instantiationService.createInstance(UndoRedoService));
instantiationService.stub(IThemeService, new TestThemeService());
instantiationService.stub(IModelService, instantiationService.createInstance(ModelServiceImpl));
const fileService = new FileService(new NullLogService());
const diskFileSystemProvider = new DiskFileSystemProvider(new NullLogService());
fileService.registerProvider(Schemas.file, diskFileSystemProvider);
fileService.registerProvider(Schemas.userData, new FileUserDataProvider(Schemas.file, diskFileSystemProvider, Schemas.userData, new NullLogService()));
instantiationService.stub(IFileService, fileService);
instantiationService.stub(IUriIdentityService, new UriIdentityService(fileService));
instantiationService.stub(IWorkingCopyService, new TestWorkingCopyService());
instantiationService.stub(IWorkingCopyFileService, instantiationService.createInstance(WorkingCopyFileService));
instantiationService.stub(ITextFileService, instantiationService.createInstance(TestTextFileService));
instantiationService.stub(ITextModelService, <ITextModelService>instantiationService.createInstance(TextModelResolverService));
instantiationService.stub(IBackupFileService, new TestBackupFileService());
testObject = instantiationService.createInstance(KeybindingsEditingService);
async function setUpWorkspace(): Promise<void> { setup(async () => {
testDir = path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'vsctests', uuid.generateUuid()); const logService = new NullLogService();
return await mkdirp(testDir, 493); fileService = disposables.add(new FileService(logService));
} const fileSystemProvider = disposables.add(new InMemoryFileSystemProvider());
disposables.add(fileService.registerProvider(ROOT.scheme, fileSystemProvider));
const userFolder = joinPath(ROOT, 'User');
await fileService.createFolder(userFolder);
environmentService = new TestWorkbenchEnvironmentService(userFolder);
instantiationService = new TestInstantiationService();
const configService = new TestConfigurationService();
configService.setUserConfiguration('files', { 'eol': '\n' });
instantiationService.stub(IEnvironmentService, environmentService);
instantiationService.stub(IPathService, new TestPathService());
instantiationService.stub(IConfigurationService, configService);
instantiationService.stub(IWorkspaceContextService, new TestContextService());
const lifecycleService = new TestLifecycleService();
instantiationService.stub(ILifecycleService, lifecycleService);
instantiationService.stub(IContextKeyService, <IContextKeyService>instantiationService.createInstance(MockContextKeyService));
instantiationService.stub(IEditorGroupsService, new TestEditorGroupsService());
instantiationService.stub(IEditorService, new TestEditorService());
instantiationService.stub(IWorkingCopyService, new TestWorkingCopyService());
instantiationService.stub(ITelemetryService, NullTelemetryService);
instantiationService.stub(IModeService, ModeServiceImpl);
instantiationService.stub(ILogService, new NullLogService());
instantiationService.stub(ILabelService, disposables.add(instantiationService.createInstance(LabelService)));
instantiationService.stub(IFilesConfigurationService, disposables.add(instantiationService.createInstance(FilesConfigurationService)));
instantiationService.stub(ITextResourcePropertiesService, new TestTextResourcePropertiesService(instantiationService.get(IConfigurationService)));
instantiationService.stub(IUndoRedoService, instantiationService.createInstance(UndoRedoService));
instantiationService.stub(IThemeService, new TestThemeService());
instantiationService.stub(IModelService, disposables.add(instantiationService.createInstance(ModelServiceImpl)));
fileService.registerProvider(Schemas.userData, disposables.add(new FileUserDataProvider(ROOT.scheme, fileSystemProvider, Schemas.userData, new NullLogService())));
instantiationService.stub(IFileService, fileService);
instantiationService.stub(IUriIdentityService, new UriIdentityService(fileService));
instantiationService.stub(IWorkingCopyService, disposables.add(new TestWorkingCopyService()));
instantiationService.stub(IWorkingCopyFileService, disposables.add(instantiationService.createInstance(WorkingCopyFileService)));
instantiationService.stub(ITextFileService, disposables.add(instantiationService.createInstance(TestTextFileService)));
instantiationService.stub(ITextModelService, disposables.add(instantiationService.createInstance(TextModelResolverService)));
instantiationService.stub(IBackupFileService, new TestBackupFileService());
testObject = disposables.add(instantiationService.createInstance(KeybindingsEditingService));
teardown(() => {
return new Promise<void>((c) => {
if (testDir) {
rimraf(testDir).then(c, c);
} else {
}).then(() => testDir = null!);
}); });
test('errors cases - parse errors', () => { teardown(() => disposables.dispose());
fs.writeFileSync(keybindingsFile, ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,');
return testObject.editKeybinding(aResolvedKeybindingItem({ firstPart: { keyCode: KeyCode.Escape } }), 'alt+c', undefined) test('errors cases - parse errors', async () => {
.then(() => assert.fail('Should fail with parse errors'), await fileService.writeFile(environmentService.keybindingsResource, VSBuffer.fromString(',,,,,,,,,,,,,,'));
error => assert.equal(error.message, 'Unable to write to the keybindings configuration file. Please open it to correct errors/warnings in the file and try again.')); try {
await testObject.editKeybinding(aResolvedKeybindingItem({ firstPart: { keyCode: KeyCode.Escape } }), 'alt+c', undefined);
assert.fail('Should fail with parse errors');
} catch (error) {
assert.equal(error.message, 'Unable to write to the keybindings configuration file. Please open it to correct errors/warnings in the file and try again.');
}); });
test('errors cases - parse errors 2', () => { test('errors cases - parse errors 2', async () => {
fs.writeFileSync(keybindingsFile, '[{"key": }]'); await fileService.writeFile(environmentService.keybindingsResource, VSBuffer.fromString('[{"key": }]'));
return testObject.editKeybinding(aResolvedKeybindingItem({ firstPart: { keyCode: KeyCode.Escape } }), 'alt+c', undefined) try {
.then(() => assert.fail('Should fail with parse errors'), await testObject.editKeybinding(aResolvedKeybindingItem({ firstPart: { keyCode: KeyCode.Escape } }), 'alt+c', undefined);
error => assert.equal(error.message, 'Unable to write to the keybindings configuration file. Please open it to correct errors/warnings in the file and try again.')); assert.fail('Should fail with parse errors');
} catch (error) {
assert.equal(error.message, 'Unable to write to the keybindings configuration file. Please open it to correct errors/warnings in the file and try again.');
}); });
test('errors cases - dirty', () => { test('errors cases - dirty', () => {
...@@ -166,70 +159,73 @@ suite('KeybindingsEditing', () => { ...@@ -166,70 +159,73 @@ suite('KeybindingsEditing', () => {
error => assert.equal(error.message, 'Unable to write because the keybindings configuration file is dirty. Please save it first and then try again.')); error => assert.equal(error.message, 'Unable to write because the keybindings configuration file is dirty. Please save it first and then try again.'));
}); });
test('errors cases - did not find an array', () => { test('errors cases - did not find an array', async () => {
fs.writeFileSync(keybindingsFile, '{"key": "alt+c", "command": "hello"}'); await fileService.writeFile(environmentService.keybindingsResource, VSBuffer.fromString('{"key": "alt+c", "command": "hello"}'));
return testObject.editKeybinding(aResolvedKeybindingItem({ firstPart: { keyCode: KeyCode.Escape } }), 'alt+c', undefined) try {
.then(() => assert.fail('Should fail with dirty error'), await testObject.editKeybinding(aResolvedKeybindingItem({ firstPart: { keyCode: KeyCode.Escape } }), 'alt+c', undefined);
error => assert.equal(error.message, 'Unable to write to the keybindings configuration file. It has an object which is not of type Array. Please open the file to clean up and try again.')); assert.fail('Should fail');
} catch (error) {
assert.equal(error.message, 'Unable to write to the keybindings configuration file. It has an object which is not of type Array. Please open the file to clean up and try again.');
}); });
test('edit a default keybinding to an empty file', () => { test('edit a default keybinding to an empty file', async () => {
fs.writeFileSync(keybindingsFile, ''); await fileService.writeFile(environmentService.keybindingsResource, VSBuffer.fromString(''));
const expected: IUserFriendlyKeybinding[] = [{ key: 'alt+c', command: 'a' }, { key: 'escape', command: '-a' }]; const expected: IUserFriendlyKeybinding[] = [{ key: 'alt+c', command: 'a' }, { key: 'escape', command: '-a' }];
return testObject.editKeybinding(aResolvedKeybindingItem({ firstPart: { keyCode: KeyCode.Escape }, command: 'a' }), 'alt+c', undefined) await testObject.editKeybinding(aResolvedKeybindingItem({ firstPart: { keyCode: KeyCode.Escape }, command: 'a' }), 'alt+c', undefined);
.then(() => assert.deepEqual(getUserKeybindings(), expected)); assert.deepEqual(await getUserKeybindings(), expected);
}); });
test('edit a default keybinding to an empty array', () => { test('edit a default keybinding to an empty array', async () => {
writeToKeybindingsFile(); await writeToKeybindingsFile();
const expected: IUserFriendlyKeybinding[] = [{ key: 'alt+c', command: 'a' }, { key: 'escape', command: '-a' }]; const expected: IUserFriendlyKeybinding[] = [{ key: 'alt+c', command: 'a' }, { key: 'escape', command: '-a' }];
return testObject.editKeybinding(aResolvedKeybindingItem({ firstPart: { keyCode: KeyCode.Escape }, command: 'a' }), 'alt+c', undefined) await testObject.editKeybinding(aResolvedKeybindingItem({ firstPart: { keyCode: KeyCode.Escape }, command: 'a' }), 'alt+c', undefined);
.then(() => assert.deepEqual(getUserKeybindings(), expected)); return assert.deepEqual(await getUserKeybindings(), expected);
}); });
test('edit a default keybinding in an existing array', () => { test('edit a default keybinding in an existing array', async () => {
writeToKeybindingsFile({ command: 'b', key: 'shift+c' }); await writeToKeybindingsFile({ command: 'b', key: 'shift+c' });
const expected: IUserFriendlyKeybinding[] = [{ key: 'shift+c', command: 'b' }, { key: 'alt+c', command: 'a' }, { key: 'escape', command: '-a' }]; const expected: IUserFriendlyKeybinding[] = [{ key: 'shift+c', command: 'b' }, { key: 'alt+c', command: 'a' }, { key: 'escape', command: '-a' }];
return testObject.editKeybinding(aResolvedKeybindingItem({ firstPart: { keyCode: KeyCode.Escape }, command: 'a' }), 'alt+c', undefined) await testObject.editKeybinding(aResolvedKeybindingItem({ firstPart: { keyCode: KeyCode.Escape }, command: 'a' }), 'alt+c', undefined);
.then(() => assert.deepEqual(getUserKeybindings(), expected)); return assert.deepEqual(await getUserKeybindings(), expected);
}); });
test('add another keybinding', () => { test('add another keybinding', async () => {
const expected: IUserFriendlyKeybinding[] = [{ key: 'alt+c', command: 'a' }]; const expected: IUserFriendlyKeybinding[] = [{ key: 'alt+c', command: 'a' }];
return testObject.addKeybinding(aResolvedKeybindingItem({ firstPart: { keyCode: KeyCode.Escape }, command: 'a' }), 'alt+c', undefined) await testObject.addKeybinding(aResolvedKeybindingItem({ firstPart: { keyCode: KeyCode.Escape }, command: 'a' }), 'alt+c', undefined);
.then(() => assert.deepEqual(getUserKeybindings(), expected)); return assert.deepEqual(await getUserKeybindings(), expected);
}); });
test('add a new default keybinding', () => { test('add a new default keybinding', async () => {
const expected: IUserFriendlyKeybinding[] = [{ key: 'alt+c', command: 'a' }]; const expected: IUserFriendlyKeybinding[] = [{ key: 'alt+c', command: 'a' }];
return testObject.addKeybinding(aResolvedKeybindingItem({ command: 'a' }), 'alt+c', undefined) await testObject.addKeybinding(aResolvedKeybindingItem({ command: 'a' }), 'alt+c', undefined);
.then(() => assert.deepEqual(getUserKeybindings(), expected)); return assert.deepEqual(await getUserKeybindings(), expected);
}); });
test('add a new default keybinding using edit', () => { test('add a new default keybinding using edit', async () => {
const expected: IUserFriendlyKeybinding[] = [{ key: 'alt+c', command: 'a' }]; const expected: IUserFriendlyKeybinding[] = [{ key: 'alt+c', command: 'a' }];
return testObject.editKeybinding(aResolvedKeybindingItem({ command: 'a' }), 'alt+c', undefined) await testObject.editKeybinding(aResolvedKeybindingItem({ command: 'a' }), 'alt+c', undefined);
.then(() => assert.deepEqual(getUserKeybindings(), expected)); assert.deepEqual(await getUserKeybindings(), expected);
}); });
test('edit an user keybinding', () => { test('edit an user keybinding', async () => {
writeToKeybindingsFile({ key: 'escape', command: 'b' }); await writeToKeybindingsFile({ key: 'escape', command: 'b' });
const expected: IUserFriendlyKeybinding[] = [{ key: 'alt+c', command: 'b' }]; const expected: IUserFriendlyKeybinding[] = [{ key: 'alt+c', command: 'b' }];
return testObject.editKeybinding(aResolvedKeybindingItem({ firstPart: { keyCode: KeyCode.Escape }, command: 'b', isDefault: false }), 'alt+c', undefined) await testObject.editKeybinding(aResolvedKeybindingItem({ firstPart: { keyCode: KeyCode.Escape }, command: 'b', isDefault: false }), 'alt+c', undefined);
.then(() => assert.deepEqual(getUserKeybindings(), expected)); assert.deepEqual(await getUserKeybindings(), expected);
}); });
test('edit an user keybinding with more than one element', () => { test('edit an user keybinding with more than one element', async () => {
writeToKeybindingsFile({ key: 'escape', command: 'b' }, { key: 'alt+shift+g', command: 'c' }); await writeToKeybindingsFile({ key: 'escape', command: 'b' }, { key: 'alt+shift+g', command: 'c' });
const expected: IUserFriendlyKeybinding[] = [{ key: 'alt+c', command: 'b' }, { key: 'alt+shift+g', command: 'c' }]; const expected: IUserFriendlyKeybinding[] = [{ key: 'alt+c', command: 'b' }, { key: 'alt+shift+g', command: 'c' }];
return testObject.editKeybinding(aResolvedKeybindingItem({ firstPart: { keyCode: KeyCode.Escape }, command: 'b', isDefault: false }), 'alt+c', undefined) await testObject.editKeybinding(aResolvedKeybindingItem({ firstPart: { keyCode: KeyCode.Escape }, command: 'b', isDefault: false }), 'alt+c', undefined);
.then(() => assert.deepEqual(getUserKeybindings(), expected)); assert.deepEqual(await getUserKeybindings(), expected);
}); });
test('remove a default keybinding', () => { test('remove a default keybinding', async () => {
const expected: IUserFriendlyKeybinding[] = [{ key: 'alt+c', command: '-a' }]; const expected: IUserFriendlyKeybinding[] = [{ key: 'alt+c', command: '-a' }];
return testObject.removeKeybinding(aResolvedKeybindingItem({ command: 'a', firstPart: { keyCode: KeyCode.KEY_C, modifiers: { altKey: true } } })) await testObject.removeKeybinding(aResolvedKeybindingItem({ command: 'a', firstPart: { keyCode: KeyCode.KEY_C, modifiers: { altKey: true } } }));
.then(() => assert.deepEqual(getUserKeybindings(), expected)); assert.deepEqual(await getUserKeybindings(), expected);
}); });
test('remove a default keybinding should not ad duplicate entries', async () => { test('remove a default keybinding should not ad duplicate entries', async () => {
...@@ -239,76 +235,76 @@ suite('KeybindingsEditing', () => { ...@@ -239,76 +235,76 @@ suite('KeybindingsEditing', () => {
await testObject.removeKeybinding(aResolvedKeybindingItem({ command: 'a', firstPart: { keyCode: KeyCode.KEY_C, modifiers: { altKey: true } } })); await testObject.removeKeybinding(aResolvedKeybindingItem({ command: 'a', firstPart: { keyCode: KeyCode.KEY_C, modifiers: { altKey: true } } }));
await testObject.removeKeybinding(aResolvedKeybindingItem({ command: 'a', firstPart: { keyCode: KeyCode.KEY_C, modifiers: { altKey: true } } })); await testObject.removeKeybinding(aResolvedKeybindingItem({ command: 'a', firstPart: { keyCode: KeyCode.KEY_C, modifiers: { altKey: true } } }));
await testObject.removeKeybinding(aResolvedKeybindingItem({ command: 'a', firstPart: { keyCode: KeyCode.KEY_C, modifiers: { altKey: true } } })); await testObject.removeKeybinding(aResolvedKeybindingItem({ command: 'a', firstPart: { keyCode: KeyCode.KEY_C, modifiers: { altKey: true } } }));
assert.deepEqual(getUserKeybindings(), expected); assert.deepEqual(await getUserKeybindings(), expected);
}); });
test('remove a user keybinding', () => { test('remove a user keybinding', async () => {
writeToKeybindingsFile({ key: 'alt+c', command: 'b' }); await writeToKeybindingsFile({ key: 'alt+c', command: 'b' });
return testObject.removeKeybinding(aResolvedKeybindingItem({ command: 'b', firstPart: { keyCode: KeyCode.KEY_C, modifiers: { altKey: true } }, isDefault: false })) await testObject.removeKeybinding(aResolvedKeybindingItem({ command: 'b', firstPart: { keyCode: KeyCode.KEY_C, modifiers: { altKey: true } }, isDefault: false }));
.then(() => assert.deepEqual(getUserKeybindings(), [])); assert.deepEqual(await getUserKeybindings(), []);
}); });
test('reset an edited keybinding', () => { test('reset an edited keybinding', async () => {
writeToKeybindingsFile({ key: 'alt+c', command: 'b' }); await writeToKeybindingsFile({ key: 'alt+c', command: 'b' });
return testObject.resetKeybinding(aResolvedKeybindingItem({ command: 'b', firstPart: { keyCode: KeyCode.KEY_C, modifiers: { altKey: true } }, isDefault: false })) await testObject.resetKeybinding(aResolvedKeybindingItem({ command: 'b', firstPart: { keyCode: KeyCode.KEY_C, modifiers: { altKey: true } }, isDefault: false }));
.then(() => assert.deepEqual(getUserKeybindings(), [])); assert.deepEqual(await getUserKeybindings(), []);
}); });
test('reset a removed keybinding', () => { test('reset a removed keybinding', async () => {
writeToKeybindingsFile({ key: 'alt+c', command: '-b' }); await writeToKeybindingsFile({ key: 'alt+c', command: '-b' });
return testObject.resetKeybinding(aResolvedKeybindingItem({ command: 'b', isDefault: false })) await testObject.resetKeybinding(aResolvedKeybindingItem({ command: 'b', isDefault: false }));
.then(() => assert.deepEqual(getUserKeybindings(), [])); assert.deepEqual(await getUserKeybindings(), []);
}); });
test('reset multiple removed keybindings', () => { test('reset multiple removed keybindings', async () => {
writeToKeybindingsFile({ key: 'alt+c', command: '-b' }); await writeToKeybindingsFile({ key: 'alt+c', command: '-b' });
writeToKeybindingsFile({ key: 'alt+shift+c', command: '-b' }); await writeToKeybindingsFile({ key: 'alt+shift+c', command: '-b' });
writeToKeybindingsFile({ key: 'escape', command: '-b' }); await writeToKeybindingsFile({ key: 'escape', command: '-b' });
return testObject.resetKeybinding(aResolvedKeybindingItem({ command: 'b', isDefault: false })) await testObject.resetKeybinding(aResolvedKeybindingItem({ command: 'b', isDefault: false }));
.then(() => assert.deepEqual(getUserKeybindings(), [])); assert.deepEqual(await getUserKeybindings(), []);
}); });
test('add a new keybinding to unassigned keybinding', () => { test('add a new keybinding to unassigned keybinding', async () => {
writeToKeybindingsFile({ key: 'alt+c', command: '-a' }); await writeToKeybindingsFile({ key: 'alt+c', command: '-a' });
const expected: IUserFriendlyKeybinding[] = [{ key: 'alt+c', command: '-a' }, { key: 'shift+alt+c', command: 'a' }]; const expected: IUserFriendlyKeybinding[] = [{ key: 'alt+c', command: '-a' }, { key: 'shift+alt+c', command: 'a' }];
return testObject.editKeybinding(aResolvedKeybindingItem({ command: 'a', isDefault: false }), 'shift+alt+c', undefined) await testObject.editKeybinding(aResolvedKeybindingItem({ command: 'a', isDefault: false }), 'shift+alt+c', undefined);
.then(() => assert.deepEqual(getUserKeybindings(), expected)); assert.deepEqual(await getUserKeybindings(), expected);
}); });
test('add when expression', () => { test('add when expression', async () => {
writeToKeybindingsFile({ key: 'alt+c', command: '-a' }); await writeToKeybindingsFile({ key: 'alt+c', command: '-a' });
const expected: IUserFriendlyKeybinding[] = [{ key: 'alt+c', command: '-a' }, { key: 'shift+alt+c', command: 'a', when: 'editorTextFocus' }]; const expected: IUserFriendlyKeybinding[] = [{ key: 'alt+c', command: '-a' }, { key: 'shift+alt+c', command: 'a', when: 'editorTextFocus' }];
return testObject.editKeybinding(aResolvedKeybindingItem({ command: 'a', isDefault: false }), 'shift+alt+c', 'editorTextFocus') await testObject.editKeybinding(aResolvedKeybindingItem({ command: 'a', isDefault: false }), 'shift+alt+c', 'editorTextFocus');
.then(() => assert.deepEqual(getUserKeybindings(), expected)); assert.deepEqual(await getUserKeybindings(), expected);
}); });
test('update command and when expression', () => { test('update command and when expression', async () => {
writeToKeybindingsFile({ key: 'alt+c', command: '-a', when: 'editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly' }); await writeToKeybindingsFile({ key: 'alt+c', command: '-a', when: 'editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly' });
const expected: IUserFriendlyKeybinding[] = [{ key: 'alt+c', command: '-a', when: 'editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly' }, { key: 'shift+alt+c', command: 'a', when: 'editorTextFocus' }]; const expected: IUserFriendlyKeybinding[] = [{ key: 'alt+c', command: '-a', when: 'editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly' }, { key: 'shift+alt+c', command: 'a', when: 'editorTextFocus' }];
return testObject.editKeybinding(aResolvedKeybindingItem({ command: 'a', isDefault: false }), 'shift+alt+c', 'editorTextFocus') await testObject.editKeybinding(aResolvedKeybindingItem({ command: 'a', isDefault: false }), 'shift+alt+c', 'editorTextFocus');
.then(() => assert.deepEqual(getUserKeybindings(), expected)); assert.deepEqual(await getUserKeybindings(), expected);
}); });
test('update when expression', () => { test('update when expression', async () => {
writeToKeybindingsFile({ key: 'alt+c', command: '-a', when: 'editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly' }, { key: 'shift+alt+c', command: 'a', when: 'editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly' }); await writeToKeybindingsFile({ key: 'alt+c', command: '-a', when: 'editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly' }, { key: 'shift+alt+c', command: 'a', when: 'editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly' });
const expected: IUserFriendlyKeybinding[] = [{ key: 'alt+c', command: '-a', when: 'editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly' }, { key: 'shift+alt+c', command: 'a', when: 'editorTextFocus' }]; const expected: IUserFriendlyKeybinding[] = [{ key: 'alt+c', command: '-a', when: 'editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly' }, { key: 'shift+alt+c', command: 'a', when: 'editorTextFocus' }];
return testObject.editKeybinding(aResolvedKeybindingItem({ command: 'a', isDefault: false, when: 'editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly' }), 'shift+alt+c', 'editorTextFocus') await testObject.editKeybinding(aResolvedKeybindingItem({ command: 'a', isDefault: false, when: 'editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly' }), 'shift+alt+c', 'editorTextFocus');
.then(() => assert.deepEqual(getUserKeybindings(), expected)); assert.deepEqual(await getUserKeybindings(), expected);
}); });
test('remove when expression', () => { test('remove when expression', async () => {
writeToKeybindingsFile({ key: 'alt+c', command: '-a', when: 'editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly' }); await writeToKeybindingsFile({ key: 'alt+c', command: '-a', when: 'editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly' });
const expected: IUserFriendlyKeybinding[] = [{ key: 'alt+c', command: '-a', when: 'editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly' }, { key: 'shift+alt+c', command: 'a' }]; const expected: IUserFriendlyKeybinding[] = [{ key: 'alt+c', command: '-a', when: 'editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly' }, { key: 'shift+alt+c', command: 'a' }];
return testObject.editKeybinding(aResolvedKeybindingItem({ command: 'a', isDefault: false }), 'shift+alt+c', undefined) await testObject.editKeybinding(aResolvedKeybindingItem({ command: 'a', isDefault: false }), 'shift+alt+c', undefined);
.then(() => assert.deepEqual(getUserKeybindings(), expected)); assert.deepEqual(await getUserKeybindings(), expected);
}); });
function writeToKeybindingsFile(...keybindings: IUserFriendlyKeybinding[]) { async function writeToKeybindingsFile(...keybindings: IUserFriendlyKeybinding[]): Promise<void> {
fs.writeFileSync(keybindingsFile, JSON.stringify(keybindings || [])); await fileService.writeFile(environmentService.keybindingsResource, VSBuffer.fromString(JSON.stringify(keybindings || [])));
} }
function getUserKeybindings(): IUserFriendlyKeybinding[] { async function getUserKeybindings(): Promise<IUserFriendlyKeybinding[]> {
return json.parse(fs.readFileSync(keybindingsFile).toString('utf8')); return json.parse((await fileService.readFile(environmentService.keybindingsResource)).value.toString());
} }
function aResolvedKeybindingItem({ command, when, isDefault, firstPart, chordPart }: { command?: string, when?: string, isDefault?: boolean, firstPart?: { keyCode: KeyCode, modifiers?: Modifiers }, chordPart?: { keyCode: KeyCode, modifiers?: Modifiers } }): ResolvedKeybindingItem { function aResolvedKeybindingItem({ command, when, isDefault, firstPart, chordPart }: { command?: string, when?: string, isDefault?: boolean, firstPart?: { keyCode: KeyCode, modifiers?: Modifiers }, chordPart?: { keyCode: KeyCode, modifiers?: Modifiers } }): ResolvedKeybindingItem {
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