提交 7c424878 编写于 作者: S SteVen Batten 提交者: GitHub

adopt useCustom for permanent connection failure

上级 2137a7f8
......@@ -843,7 +843,7 @@ class RemoteAgentConnectionStatusListener extends Disposable implements IWorkben
console.log(`Error handled: Not showing a notification for the error.`);
} else if (!this._reloadWindowShown) {
this._reloadWindowShown = true;
dialogService.show(Severity.Error, nls.localize('reconnectionPermanentFailure', "Cannot reconnect. Please reload the window."), [nls.localize('reloadWindow', "Reload Window"), nls.localize('cancel', "Cancel")], { cancelId: 1 }).then(result => {
dialogService.show(Severity.Error, nls.localize('reconnectionPermanentFailure', "Cannot reconnect. Please reload the window."), [nls.localize('reloadWindow', "Reload Window"), nls.localize('cancel', "Cancel")], { cancelId: 1, useCustom: true }).then(result => {
// Reload the window
if (result.choice === 0) {
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