提交 5a25a566 编写于 作者: J Jackson Kearl

workbench.action.debug.start => workbench.action.debug.selectandstart

上级 a3febc56
......@@ -53,9 +53,9 @@ export const content: GettingStartedContent = [
description: localize('gettingStarted.runProject.description', "Build, run & debug your application in your codespace instead of locally."),
button: {
title: localize('gettingStarted.runProject.button', "Run Project"),
command: 'workbench.action.debug.start'
command: 'workbench.action.debug.selectandstart'
doneOn: { commandExecuted: 'workbench.action.debug.start' },
doneOn: { commandExecuted: 'workbench.action.debug.selectandstart' },
media: { type: 'image', altText: 'Node.js project running debug mode and paused.', path: 'runProject.jpg' },
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