提交 1c5d5359 编写于 作者: A Alex Dima

Avoid deopts caused by writing outside of typed array bounds

上级 f2bf8026
......@@ -288,106 +288,41 @@ export class Minimap extends ViewPart {
const WIDTH = this._options.canvasInnerWidth;
const HEIGHT = this._options.canvasInnerHeight;
const ctx = (<HTMLCanvasElement>this._canvas.domNode).getContext('2d'); // TODO@minimap
const minimapLineHeight = (renderMinimap === RenderMinimap.Large ? Constants.x2_CHAR_HEIGHT : Constants.x1_CHAR_HEIGHT);
const charWidth = (renderMinimap === RenderMinimap.Large ? Constants.x2_CHAR_WIDTH : Constants.x1_CHAR_WIDTH);
// Prepare image data (fill with background color)
let imageData = ctx.createImageData(WIDTH, HEIGHT);
// let pixelRatio = browser.getPixelRatio();
// console.log(`pixelRatio: ${pixelRatio}, devicePixelRatio: ${devicePixelRatio}`);//here: ' + pixelRatio);
// const WIDTH = pixelRatio * this._minimapWidth;
// const HEIGHT = pixelRatio * this._minimapHeight;
// this.domNode.width = WIDTH;
// this.domNode.height = HEIGHT;
// this.domNode.style.background = '#000';
// let lineCount = Math.floor(HEIGHT / 4);
// let data = this._context.model.getMinimapLineRenderingData(2);
// const lineLen = (this._viewportColumn - 1);
// let linePixelData = new Uint8ClampedArray(
// 8 * 4 * lineLen
// );
// let start = performance.now();
// console.profile();
// let ctx2 = this.domNode.getContext('2d');
// ctx2.fillStyle='#ffffff';
// ctx2.fillRect(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
// let imageData = ctx2.createImageData(lineLen * 2, 4 * lineCount);
// let colorTracker = MinimapTokensColorTracker.getInstance();
let colors = this._tokensColorTracker.getColorMaps();
let background = colors.getColor(ColorId.DefaultBackground);
// // getBackgroundColor();
// let backgroundR = background.r;
// let backgroundG = background.g;
// let backgroundB = background.b;
// // set up the background
// let offset = 0;
// for (let i = 0; i < HEIGHT; i++) {
// for (let j = 0; j < WIDTH; j++) {
// imageData.data[offset] = backgroundR;
// imageData.data[offset + 1] = backgroundG;
// imageData.data[offset + 2] = backgroundB;
// imageData.data[offset + 3] = 255;
// offset += 4;
// }
// }
const charHeight = (renderMinimap === RenderMinimap.Large ? Constants.x2_CHAR_HEIGHT : Constants.x1_CHAR_HEIGHT);
const lineCount = Math.floor(HEIGHT / charHeight);
const lineCount = Math.floor(HEIGHT / minimapLineHeight);
// let lineCount = Math.floor((renderMinimap === RenderMinimap.Large ? (HEIGHT / Constants.x2_CHAR_HEIGHT))
let data: MinimapLineRenderingData[] = [];
for (let lineIndex = 0; lineIndex < lineCount; lineIndex++) {
data[lineIndex] = this._context.model.getMinimapLineRenderingData(lineIndex + 1);
let start2 = performance.now();
let start = performance.now();
let dy = 0;
for (let lineIndex = 0; lineIndex < lineCount; lineIndex++) {
let dy = lineIndex * Constants.x2_CHAR_HEIGHT;
Minimap._x2RenderLine(imageData, background, colors, dy, data[lineIndex]);
Minimap._renderLine(imageData, background, renderMinimap, charWidth, colors, dy, data[lineIndex]);
dy += minimapLineHeight;
let end2 = performance.now();
console.log(`INNER LOOP TOOK ${end2 - start2} ms.`);
let end = performance.now();
console.log(`INNER LOOP TOOK ${end - start} ms.`);
// console.log(imageData.data);
// ctx2.strokeStyle = '#000';
// for (i = 0; i <)
// ctx2.fillRect(0, 0, this._minimapWidth, this._minimapHeight);
ctx.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0);
// console.profileEnd();
// let end = performance.now();
// console.log('TOOK ' + (end - start) + 'ms.');
// let data = this._context.model.getViewLineRenderingData(null, 1);
// console.log(data);
// let dest =
// StyleMutator.setWidth(this.domNode, this._editorWidth);
// let keys = Object.keys(this._widgets);
// for (let i = 0, len = keys.length; i < len; i++) {
// let widgetId = keys[i];
// this._renderWidget(this._widgets[widgetId]);
// }
private static _x2RenderLine(target: ImageData, backgroundColor: ParsedColor, colors: MinimapColors, dy: number, lineData: MinimapLineRenderingData) {
private static _renderLine(target: ImageData, backgroundColor: ParsedColor, renderMinimap: RenderMinimap, charWidth: number, colors: MinimapColors, dy: number, lineData: MinimapLineRenderingData) {
const content = lineData.content;
const tokens = lineData.tokens;
const tabSize = lineData.tabSize;
const maxDx = target.width - Constants.x2_CHAR_WIDTH;
const maxDx = target.width - charWidth;
let dx = 0;
let charIndex = 0;
......@@ -404,19 +339,26 @@ export class Minimap extends ViewPart {
// hit edge of minimap
// if (charIndex >= content.length) {
// console.log('SERIOUSLY');
// }
const charCode = content.charCodeAt(charIndex);
if (charCode === CharCode.Tab) {
let insertSpacesCount = tabSize - (charIndex + tabsCharDelta) % tabSize;
tabsCharDelta += insertSpacesCount - 1;
// No need to render anything since tab is invisible
dx += insertSpacesCount * Constants.x2_CHAR_WIDTH;
dx += insertSpacesCount * charWidth;
} else if (charCode === CharCode.Space) {
// No need to render anything since space is invisible
dx += Constants.x2_CHAR_WIDTH;
dx += charWidth;
} else {
if (renderMinimap === RenderMinimap.Large) {
charRenderer2.x2RenderChar(target, dx, dy, charCode, tokenColor, backgroundColor);
dx += Constants.x2_CHAR_WIDTH;
} else {
charRenderer2.x1RenderChar(target, dx, dy, charCode, tokenColor, backgroundColor);
dx += charWidth;
......@@ -202,6 +202,10 @@ export class MinimapCharRenderer2 {
public x2RenderChar(target: ImageData, dx: number, dy: number, chCode: number, color: ParsedColor, backgroundColor: ParsedColor): void {
if (dx + Constants.x2_CHAR_WIDTH > target.width || dy + Constants.x2_CHAR_HEIGHT > target.height) {
console.warn('bad render request outside image data');
const x2CharData = this.x2charData;
const chIndex = MinimapCharRenderer2._getChIndex(chCode);
......@@ -274,26 +278,41 @@ export class MinimapCharRenderer2 {
public x1RenderChar(target: ImageData, dx: number, dy: number, chCode: number): void {
public x1RenderChar(target: ImageData, dx: number, dy: number, chCode: number, color: ParsedColor, backgroundColor: ParsedColor): void {
if (dx + Constants.x1_CHAR_WIDTH > target.width || dy + Constants.x1_CHAR_HEIGHT > target.height) {
console.warn('bad render request outside image data');
const x1CharData = this.x1charData;
const chIndex = MinimapCharRenderer2._getChIndex(chCode);
const sourceOffset = chIndex * Constants.x1_CHAR_HEIGHT * Constants.x1_CHAR_WIDTH;
const c1 = x1CharData[sourceOffset];
const c2 = x1CharData[sourceOffset + 1];
const outWidth = target.width * Constants.RGBA_CHANNELS_CNT;
let resultOffset = dy * outWidth + dx * Constants.RGBA_CHANNELS_CNT;
const backgroundR = backgroundColor.r;
const backgroundG = backgroundColor.g;
const backgroundB = backgroundColor.b;
const deltaR = color.r - backgroundR;
const deltaG = color.g - backgroundG;
const deltaB = color.b - backgroundB;
const dest = target.data;
dest[resultOffset + 0] = c1;
dest[resultOffset + 1] = c1;
dest[resultOffset + 2] = c1;
dest[resultOffset + 3] = 255;
resultOffset += outWidth;
dest[resultOffset + 0] = c2;
dest[resultOffset + 1] = c2;
dest[resultOffset + 2] = c2;
dest[resultOffset + 3] = 255;
const sourceOffset = chIndex * Constants.x1_CHAR_HEIGHT * Constants.x1_CHAR_WIDTH;
let destOffset = dy * outWidth + dx * Constants.RGBA_CHANNELS_CNT;
const c = x1CharData[sourceOffset] / 255;
dest[destOffset + 0] = backgroundR + deltaR * c;
dest[destOffset + 1] = backgroundG + deltaG * c;
dest[destOffset + 2] = backgroundB + deltaB * c;
destOffset += outWidth;
const c = x1CharData[sourceOffset + 1] / 255;
dest[destOffset + 0] = backgroundR + deltaR * c;
dest[destOffset + 1] = backgroundG + deltaG * c;
dest[destOffset + 2] = backgroundB + deltaB * c;
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