vscode-dts-event-naming.js 4.0 KB
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"use strict";
 *  Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
 *  Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
var _a;
const experimental_utils_1 = require("@typescript-eslint/experimental-utils");
module.exports = new (_a = class ApiEventNaming {
        constructor() {
            this.meta = {
                docs: {
                    url: 'https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/wiki/Extension-API-guidelines#event-naming'
                messages: {
                    naming: 'Event names must follow this patten: `on[Did|Will]<Verb><Subject>`',
                    verb: 'Unknown verb \'{{verb}}\' - is this really a verb? Iff so, then add this verb to the configuration',
                    subject: 'Unknown subject \'{{subject}}\' - This subject has not been used before but it should refer to something in the API',
                    unknown: 'UNKNOWN event declaration, lint-rule needs tweaking'
        create(context) {
            const config = context.options[0];
            const allowed = new Set(config.allowed);
            const verbs = new Set(config.verbs);
            return {
                ['TSTypeAnnotation TSTypeReference Identifier[name="Event"]']: (node) => {
                    var _a, _b;
                    const def = (_b = (_a = node.parent) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.parent) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.parent;
                    let ident;
                    if ((def === null || def === void 0 ? void 0 : def.type) === experimental_utils_1.AST_NODE_TYPES.Identifier) {
                        ident = def;
                    else if (((def === null || def === void 0 ? void 0 : def.type) === experimental_utils_1.AST_NODE_TYPES.TSPropertySignature || (def === null || def === void 0 ? void 0 : def.type) === experimental_utils_1.AST_NODE_TYPES.ClassProperty) && def.key.type === experimental_utils_1.AST_NODE_TYPES.Identifier) {
                        ident = def.key;
                    if (!ident) {
                        // event on unknown structure...
                        return context.report({
                            message: 'unknown'
                    if (allowed.has(ident.name)) {
                        // configured exception
                    const match = ApiEventNaming._nameRegExp.exec(ident.name);
                    if (!match) {
                            node: ident,
                            messageId: 'naming'
                    // check that <verb> is spelled out (configured) as verb
                    if (!verbs.has(match[2].toLowerCase())) {
                            node: ident,
                            messageId: 'verb',
                            data: { verb: match[2] }
                    // check that a subject (if present) has occurred
                    if (match[3]) {
                        const regex = new RegExp(match[3], 'ig');
                        const parts = context.getSourceCode().getText().split(regex);
                        if (parts.length < 3) {
                                node: ident,
                                messageId: 'subject',
                                data: { subject: match[3] }
    _a._nameRegExp = /on(Did|Will)([A-Z][a-z]+)([A-Z][a-z]+)?/,