var breadcrumbs = (function() { var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom; /** * This component actually renders the menu. * * @type {YAHOO.widget.Menu} */ var menu; /** * Used for fetching the content of the menu asynchronously from the server */ var xhr; /** * When mouse hovers over the anchor that has context menu, we capture its region here. * This is used to to avoid showing menu when the mouse slides over to other elements after a delay. * * @type {YAHOO.util.Region} */ var hitTest; /** * Current mouse cursor position in the page coordinate. * * @type {YAHOO.util.Point} */ var mouse; /** * Timer ID for lazy menu display. */ var menuDelay; function makeMenuHtml(icon,displayName) { return (icon!=null ? " " : "")+displayName; } Event.observe(window,"load",function(){ menu = new YAHOO.widget.Menu("breadcrumb-menu", {position:"dynamic", hidedelay:1000}); }); Event.observe(document,"mousemove",function (ev){ mouse = new YAHOO.util.Point(ev.pageX,ev.pageY); }); function cancelMenu() { if (menuDelay) { window.clearTimeout(menuDelay); menuDelay = null; } } function combinePath(a,b) { var qs; var i = a.indexOf('?'); if (i>=0) { qs=a.substring(i); a=a.substring(0,i); } else qs=""; i=a.indexOf('#'); if (i>=0) a=a.substring(0,i); if (a.endsWith('/')) return a+b+qs; return a+'/'+b+qs; } /** * @param {HTMLElement} e * anchor tag * @param {Number} delay * Number of milliseconds to wait before the menu is displayed. * The mouse needs to be on the same anchor tag after this delay. */ function handleHover(e,delay) { function showMenu(items) { cancelMenu(); hitTest = Dom.getRegion(e); menuDelay = window.setTimeout(function() { if (hitTest.contains(mouse)) { menu.hide(); var pos = [e, "tl", "bl"]; if ($(e).hasClassName("tl-tr")) pos = [e,"tl","tr"] menu.cfg.setProperty("context", pos); menu.clearContent(); menu.addItems(items); menu.render("breadcrumb-menu-target");; } menuDelay = null; },delay); } if (xhr) xhr.options.onComplete = function () { }; // ignore the currently pending call if (e.items) {// use what's already loaded showMenu(e.items()); } else {// fetch menu on demand xhr = new Ajax.Request(combinePath(e.getAttribute("href"),"contextMenu"), { onComplete:function (x) { var a = x.responseText.evalJSON().items; function fillMenuItem(e) { e.text = makeMenuHtml(e.icon, e.displayName); if (e.subMenu!=null) e.subMenu = {id:"submenu"+(iota++), itemdata:e.subMenu.items.each(fillMenuItem)}; } a.each(fillMenuItem); e.items = function() { return a }; showMenu(a); } }); } return false; } Behaviour.specify("#breadcrumbs LI", 'breadcrumbs', 0, function (e) { // when the mouse hovers over LI, activate the menu e = $(e); if (e.hasClassName("no-context-menu")) return; e.observe("mouseover", function () { handleHover(e.firstChild,0) }); }); Behaviour.specify("A.model-link", 'breadcrumbs', 0, function (a) { // ditto for model-link, but give it a larger delay to avoid unintended menus to be displayed $(a).observe("mouseover", function () { handleHover(a,500); }); }); /** * @namespace breadcrumbs * @class ContextMenu * @constructor */ var ContextMenu = function () { this.items = []; }; ContextMenu.prototype = { /** * Creates a menu item. * * @return {breadcrumbs.MenuItem} */ "add" : function (url,icon,displayName) { this.items.push({ url:url, text:makeMenuHtml(icon,displayName) }); return this; } }; return { /** * Activates the context menu for the specified breadcrumb element. * * @param {String|HTMLElement} li * The LI tag to which you associate the menu (or its ID) * @param {Function|breadcrumbs.ContextMenu} menu * Pass in the configured menu object. If a function is given, this function * is called each time a menu needs to be displayed. This is convenient for dynamically * populating the content. */ "attachMenu" : function (li,menu) { $(li).firstChild.items = (typeof menu=="function") ? menu : function() { return menu.items }; }, "ContextMenu" : ContextMenu }; })();